Science and Education a New Dimension

Online version ISSN 2308-1996

Printed version ISSN 2308-5258

Science and Education a New Dimension

Iss. 13. 2013.

Mozolevskaya A.S. Functions of factual information in French “star” interview

Abstract: This paper studies the functional particularities of factual information in the French “star” interview that is considerated as one of important semantic components of the dialogic discourse under the analysis. The difference between functional characteristics of factual information in the speech of journalist and respondent is investigated.  

Keywords: “star” interview, factual information, journalist, respondent, potential reader.   

Mozolevskaya A.S. Functions of factual information in French “star” interview

Nuzban O.V. Syntagmatic relations of tactile adjectives "soft" – "hard" in English

Abstract. The article deals with the analysis of semantic combinability of antonymous tactile adjectives “soft” – “hard” in English, called forth by the pressing need of determining their syntagmatic characteristics at the present stage of language development. The application of statictical methods enabled us to objectively measure the intensity of relations of each lexeme under study with corre- sponding subclasses of nouns. It has become apparent that the adjectives “soft” – “hard” are statistically marked by constrasting dis- tribution which accounts for assymetrical antonymous relations between the two lexemes.  

Keywords: perception adjectives, syntagmatic relations, semantic combinability, statistical analysis, correlation analysis.   

Nuzban O.V. Syntagmatic relations of tactile adjectives “soft” – “hard” in English 

Prihodko A. The actual layer of the concept "VAMPIRE" as the representation of the conceptual metaphor "DEATH"

Abstract.  The article is dedicated to the research of the actual layer of the concept “VAMPIRE” as a bright representation of the conceptual metaphor “DEATH”. The synonyms of the word death, which are represented in the novel “Dracula”, are shown in the shape of some antinomies, which underline the connection of death with the characteristic features of the traditional gothic novels. 

Keywords: concept, actual layer, conceptual features, conceptual metaphor.  

Prihodko A. The actual layer of the concept “VAMPIRE” as the representation of the conceptual metaphor “DEATH” 

Ushchyna V.A. Interactionality of Stancetaking in the Risk Discourse

Abstract. The present research focuses on the sociolinguistic exploration of stancetaking as an interactional and discursive phenom- enon. The aim of this study is to demonstrate the interactional, dynamic and malleable nature of stance. The process of stancetaking has been traced with the main analytic focus on the ways in which stances are indicated and transformed as a result of the discursive behavior of the subjects who take them. The discourse situation under analysis involves the discussion of the risks of using  mobile phones. The material for the analysis was taken from on-line commentaries in the Daily Mail. Stance is treated in this work as a dy- namic phenomenon constructed interactively in the process of communication through a sequence of contributions by stance-takers. The epistemic and affective dimensions of discourse stance have been analyzed, and their dependence upon the other communicants’ previous contributions has been demonstrated. It has been shown that stancetaking is a dynamic part of the process of identity con- struction  in  discourse.  Interactive  patterns  of  stance  construction  have  been  analyzed.  Some  of  the  linguistic  resources  (lexical, grammatical and stylistic) which speakers have at their disposal for indicating a stance have been distinguished. The relationship be- tween stance and inter-subjectivity has been traced. The act of taking a stance in the process of discourse has been shown to be a so- cial act which is fulfilled with coordination and cooperation on the part of all the participants in a communicative event. 

Keywords: stance, stancetaking, risk, interactionality, discourse interaction  

Ushchyna V.A. Interactionality of Stancetaking in the Risk Discourse  

Yurchuk O.O. A Kaleidoscope of Identities

Abstract. In the article has been explored the kaleidoscope of identities in the novel by Mikhail Bulgakov “White Guards”. In the text we can see few national identities: Russian, Little Russian, Ukrainian, which are representative of the diverse population. Native Russian and Little Russian identity are military and intellectuals who inhabit the “City”. Ukrainian identity is immanent to people, Hetmanate, and army of Petlyura. It exists outside the city of paradise, or is it part of aggressive “Otherness” which conquering the “City”. 

Keywords: identity, national identity, ambivalent identity, empire, colony.  

Yurchuk O.O. A Kaleidoscope of Identities 

Balko M.V. Word-combinations of the modern Ukrainian on a background of Construction Grammar

Abstract. The main ideas of Construction Grammar are analyzed (presence of constructions on all linguistic levels; impossibility of finding out of general sense from semantics or form of its component parts; formation of constructions by the interpenetration of their components etc). The similarity of Construction Grammar’s ideas with other linguistic theories, in particular by cognitive and dynamic directions, is underline. Expedience and actuality of studying of word-combinations are outlined with a help of this theory. Word-combinations of the modern Ukrainian are considered as a specific unit-constructions of derivate type, research of structure and  semantics  of  which  can  be  adequate  only  with  an  account  the  postulates  of  Construction  and  Dynamic  linguistics  (word- combinations must be studied it is not isolated, and in connection with other constructions – sentences, – with an account the features of interpenetration and redistribution of the semantic and structural loading of their components). It is shown, that the ideas of Construction Grammar can be applied for the analysis of structure and general semantics both usual and occasional word-combinations.

Keywords: word-combination, construction, Construction Grammar, dynamic syntax, syntactic derivate. 

Balko M.V. Word-combinations of the modern Ukrainian on a background of Construction Grammar  

Vinnikova N.M. Literary parody on Ukrainian futurists

Abstract. In this article the main stress is laid upon one of the oldest genres – parody – old whose history, specific nature, critical capabilities, creative and cognitive potential defined the role of this genre in the development of literature. In particular, in this article the literary parodies on Ukrainian futurists – Mikhail Semenko, Geo Shkurupii, Valerian Polishchuk etc. are examined.  Fetishising form of the creation, the theme of industrial landscape and urban motifs, illogical language, abuse of alliteration to transfer the indus- trial chaos of the city – all these features which are specific for the futurists’ creation became the objects of literary parodies. There are parodies which are analyzed in this article: Meletii Kichura “Platforma”, Taras Hedz’ “Monkey and cocoa”, Lion Dostoi “Even- tual obstruction”, Ostap Ochko “Seven”, O.Koprovskyi “Osinnastropoeza” and “Splinonudhuvannya”, O.Meteornyi “New Kobzar”. Outrageous, eccentric, which are inherent for the futurists’ creation, having suffered from hyperbole parodist leads to alogism and thus helps create comical-sarcastic sounding of parodies. Some of them are friendly, positive feedback on the achievement of the pen mates, while others are intended to warn poets of false steps and infusions, there are those who laugh at parodists friendly small de- fects  in  the  futurist  style,  obsession  with  certain  topics.  Also  the  parodies  which  were  created  by  the  founder  and  theoretician of Ukrainian Futurism M.Semenko on a collection of representative presymbolism M.Voronyi “In the glare of dreams” and to himself (“Avtoparodiya”) are examined. 

Keywords: literary parody, genre, paroding, Ukrainian futurists, vers libre.  

Vinnikova N.M. Literary parody on Ukrainian futurists  

Volkova S.V. Mytholoric-literary image in the novel by Scott Momaday “House made of dawn”: cognitive semiotic and nar- rative aspects

Abstract. The article focuses on revealing cognitive and semiotic parameters of mytholoric-literary image in the novel by American Indian writer Scott Momaday “House made of dawn”. Based on cognitive semiotic and narrative aspects it is given the definition of this new type of images. So, mytholoric-literary image is understood in given article as linguo-cognitive textual construct that, as the result of individual authors’ interpretation, incorporates ethnocultural codes, verbalized in the text by imaginary means peculiar to author’s idiolect and idiostyle. The paper describes narrative technique of inserting mytholoric-literary image into semiotic space of the literary text. Among such techniques there are singled out: prospection, retrospection and retroactivation. 

Keywords: cognitive and semiotic, narrative technique, semiotic space, mytholoric-literary image.

Volkova S.V. Mytholoric-literary image in the novel by Scott Momaday “House made of dawn”: cognitive semiotic and nar- rative aspects 

Volodina T. Typology of linguistic dictionaries

Abstract.  In  the  article  there  was  explored  the  problem  of  the  typological  classification  of  terminological  linguistic  dictionaries. There was offered a classification of linguistic dictionaries, defined the main classific features and characteristics of terminological dictionaries. The author analyzed the problem of defining the status of lexicography in different linguistic traditions. 

Keywords: terminological lexicography, linguistic dictionary, methodology of dictionary composing, compositional parameters, macro- and microstructure of the dictionary, systematical approach.  

Volodina T. Typology of linguistic dictionaries 

Voronina Y.V. Concept „man” in modern male prose

Abstract. The article is dedicated to the analysis of idiolectic comparative constructions identifying woman as one of methods of figurative verbal representation of the „man” concept in the Ukrainian linguistic culture. The article highlights the circle of scientists who investigate the problem of simile and gender linguistics. The aim, object and as well as the actuality of job are mentioned. This article finds out and classifies idiolectic similes of the modern Ukrainian writers such as M. Dochynets, S. Zhadan, V. Lys, V. Slapchuk, and V. Shklyar which reflect the concept „man” in their prosaic works. The gender aspect of simile build-up is described: the influence of gender stereotype on comparative construction formation. The idiolectic similes that emphasize the mismatch of man to his gender role are identified. The structure of the concept which consists of micro-concepts „External characteristics”, „Internal (in- ner)  characteristics”,  „Physical  characteristics”,  „Biological  characteristics”,  „Actions”,  „Social  characteristics”  within  the  „man” concept is determined. Micro-concepts „External characteristics”, „Internal (inner) characteristics”, „Physical characteristics are pre- sented within conceptual aspects which include author’s individual comparative constructions and which are distinguished into theme groups on the simile basis. 

Keywords: concept, micro-concept, gender stereotype, idiolectic simile, the role of gender, masculinity, femininity.  

Voronina Y.V. Concept „man” in modern male prose 

Zhykhareva E.A. The notional structure of the concept NATURE in Modern English

Abstract. This paper, alongside the general overview of approaches to the study of concepts, deals with the notional structure of the concept NATURE in Modern English by way of determining its constituents. Lexico-semantic variants that manifest some relevant components of the analyzed concept have been distinguished with regard to the respective dictionary items.

Keywords: concept, notional structure, NATURE, lexico-semantic variant.  

Zhykhareva E.A. The notional structure of the concept NATURE in Modern English 

Zhuk V.A. Stylistic potential of English perfect forms

Abstract. The aim of the article is to reveal stylistic potential of perfect forms of the English verb. Stylistic use of perfect forms has been poorly studied nowadays. The controversial nature of many questions connected with perfect forms doesn’t allow to consider them completely studied as an object of research. However for the right usage of these forms in the foreign speech, for adequate perception in the literary text, it is extremely important to define correctly grammatical meaning and stylistic functions of perfect forms. Verb  is  the  most  capacious  grammatical  category.  Cognitive  content  of  grammatical  forms  can’t  be  completely  revealed  without analysis of their expressive and affective aspect, without cognitive information grammatical forms can convey. Semantic and stylistic capacity of the verb is stipulated by organic connection and interaction between categories of time and mode which characterize the system on the whole. The logical consequence of these facts is a great possibility of functional transpositions of verb forms, their metaphoric usage with art-graphic purposes. Stylistic functions of verb forms are revealed in the context within syntactic interaction between forms and grammar categories. Perfect is closely connected with such text categories as prospection and retrospection. The author defines the following compositional and stylistic potential of perfect forms:  conveying of retrospective ideas (return to the past, reference to the previous events), expression of efficiency (stipulation of one or another time plan); expression of communica- tion, interlacement of different time plans, connection between different parts of literary work (continuity of time flow); expression of experience; expression of emotional evaluation; expression of completeness of an action or condition; function of exposition, in- troduction; introduction of subjective and emotional aspects into a statement. Having drawn a conclusion, the author states that none of above-mentioned functions has been realized in the text isolatedly. As a rule, these functions criss-cross, overlap each other, hav- ing made one complex stylistic effect. 

Keywords: verb, perfect forms, semantics, stylistics, prospection, retrospection. 

Zhuk V.A. Stylistic potential of English perfect forms 

Zagorodniuk A. Difficulties of juridical translation of English polycemantic terms into Ukrainian (at the example of the notions: “law”, “body”, “case”, “regulation”, “public”, “power”)

Abstract.  The  article  traces  the  specifics  of  juridical  texts  of  EU,  in  particular  structural  and  semantic  pacularities  of  legal terminology. Principles and ways of translation of the polycemantic terms  “law”, “body”, “case”, “regulation”, “public”, “power” from English into Ukrainian were viewed. 

Keywords: juridical terminology, translation of legal terms, creation of terms, terminological phrases.  

Zagorodniuk  A.  Difficulties  of  juridical  translation  of  English  polycemantic  terms  into  Ukrainian  (at  the  example  of  the notions: “law”, “body”, “case”, “regulation”, “public”, “power”) 

Zasiekin S.V. Socio-psycholinguistic universals in the translation of fiction: A corpus-based approach

Abstract. The present paper discusses the results of a study which applies psychololinguistic techniques over comparable corpora of translated and original texts of fiction seeking to establish whether gender translation universals hold. Therefore, the study is aimed at analyzing English prosaic texts of fiction and their Ukrainian versions produced by male and female translators. Translation universals are treated in the paper as translators’ common and mainly unconscious statistically significant operations that are linguistically manifested in their target versions. The study is supplied by the data from the electronic Corpus of Ukrainian Texts and the Ukrainian Translational Corpus. Among the main findings of the research are women’s better flexibility in the translation viewed as a metacognitive universal of their “global” thinking, i.e. a synthetic cognitive style. Next, female translators have shown higher indices of target text lexical density, explicitation and nominalization. By contrast, male translators tend to avoid nominalizations, are more accurate when reproducing certain source text units, thereby opting for a semantic  method of translation. This universal strategy  manifests their analytical cognitive style. While translating the status-asymmetrical conversations in the source text, where fictional characters perform socially marked or blurred roles, men aim at retaining negative politeness in their target language versions.  

Keywords: translation of fiction, translation universal, male translator, female translator, translational corpus.

Zasiekin S.V. Socio-psycholinguistic universals in the translation of fiction: A corpus-based approach 

Zornitskaya I.V. Paradoxalization of the ancient Greek tragedy

Abstract. As is common knowledge, paradox is a constant companion of human existence, testifying not so much to the imperfection of the surrounding reality but, first and foremost, to that of the means man uses to perceive it. In its widest meaning the term ‘artistic paradox’ may be defined as the projection of the author’s paradoxical outlook onto the plane of the piece of fiction. The perception of the surrounding reality as paradoxical leads to the paradoxicalization of the author’s artistic method and as resulting from that to the introduction of the paradox on different text levels. The paradoxicality of the surrounding world is perceived as the sharpest during transitive epochs, those marked by the reevaluation of values and the shift of outlook paradigms.  Basing on the data collected in the course of her previous researches on the subject, the author of the present article introduces the problem of a possible classification of the phenomenon of artistic paradox into variants and types as  viewed against a  vast background of ancient dramatic literature. In particular, the article highlights the problem of artistic paradox types as emerging from the main works of Sophocles, Aeschylus, and Euripides in comparison with the traditional interpretation of the plots of the corresponding ancient  Greek  myths.  Besides,  the  above  mentioned  classical  examples  of  the  ancient  Greek  tragedy  are  analyzed  on  the  meta- cultural level i.e. from the standpoint of the author’s implied polemics with the ‘dox’ (Cf. para-dox) of the corresponding historical- cultural epoch. Alongside with that, the article is aimed at pointing out the particular devices of paradoxicalization used in ancient Greek tragedies as well as the mechanisms of their realization in the extant texts of ancient playwrights.  

Keywords: tragedy, paradox, doxa, metaleptic paradox, plot paradox, paradoxalization, demythization, deheroization 

Zornitskaya I.V. Paradoxalization of the ancient Greek tragedy

Kovalchuk I.V. Peculiarities of verbal representation of the social values in the texts on packages

Abstract. The article deals with to the analyses of the axiologically-marked lexical items that function in the texts on packages of FMCG products, makes an attempt to map out and classify some of the dominant social values and describes the vocabulary of value concepts which are of current importance in English-speaking countries. The article also contains the description of axiological status of some lexical items and their combinability. 

Keywords: axiologically-marked lexical items, the system of social values, packaging, axiological items, value concept.  

Kovalchuk I.V. Peculiarities of verbal representation of the social values in the texts on packages

Marina E.S. Paradoxical Poetic Imagery in Contemporary Anglophone Poetic Discourse: Types of Emotional Resonance

Abstract. The article focuses on revealing the types of emotional resonance, evoked from reading or watching contemporary Anglophone  poetic  texts,  within  which  paradoxical  poetic  imagery  functions.  It  is  determined  that  peculiarities  of  emotional  resonance emergence are predetermined by cognitive, extralingual and lingual factors. The research is carried out from the standpoint of cognitive poetics, multimodal cognitive poetics and mobile stylistics. We view paradoxicality as a literary category realized in four dimensions: ontological, gnoseological, epistemological and semiotic. In the paper a poetic paradoxical image is defined as cognitive and semiotic entity structured by preconceptual, conceptual and verbal planes, characterized by variable and dynamic conceptual and semantic structure actualized in poetry as multimodal construal. Considering cognitive mechanisms of paradoxical poetic imagery formation among cognitive factors of emotional resonance emergence, within the framework of mobile stylistics we explain specificity of  their  creation  via  mobility  of  paradoxicality  boundaries,  i.e.  their  moveability,  changeability,  flexibility  and  adaptability.  The boundaries of paradoxicality are viewed as borders of paradoxical poetic imagery, textual worlds, conceptual borders. It is claimed that the main cognitive process of paradoxical poetic imagery formation is conceptual transgression, which results in cognitive mechanisms of conceptual blending and conceptual amalgam. It is proved that conceptual amalgam is accompanied by cognitive operations of conceptual absorption and conceptual extrusion. Proceeding from the outcome of semantic, conceptual, inferential, interpre- tative and textual analysis of the poetic texts under study, the latter are classified into texts of pleasure, texts of bliss (Barthes’ terms) and texts of suffering. The first two types evoke readers’ “purification of the soul, catharsis”. On the contrary, texts of suffering give rise to resentment, instability of the state of mind. Extent of emotional resonance is amplified while perceiving a multimodal poetic text. 

Keywords: emotional resonance, the text of pleasure, the text of bliss, the text of suffering, mobility of boundaries. 

Marina E.S. Paradoxical Poetic Imagery in Contemporary Anglophone Poetic Discourse: Types of Emotional Resonance

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Moisei L.T. Noun Gender Expression in Word-combinations with the Demonstrative Pronoun in Old English

Abstract.  The article deals  with the Old English noun gender expression in word-combinations with the demonstrative pronouns. The focus is laid upon the demonstrative pronouns case forms as gender indicators in the microcontexts under analysis. Distributional models of polycomponential word-combinations have been singled out and the demonstrative pronoun has been found to verbalize the gender of a noun regardless of its position to the noun in a word-combination: pre-, post- or distant. It has been proved that noun gender  in  such  combinations  may  be  expressed  on  lexico-semantical,  morphological,  syntactical,  lexico-morphological,  lexico- syntactical, morphological-syntactical, lexico-grammatical (lexical, morphological, syntactical) language levels. Syntactical level of gender expression has been distinguished as the dominant one.

Keywords: Old English, gender category, noun, demonstrative pronoun, word-combination, levels of expression.  

Moisei L.T. Noun Gender Expression in Word-combinations with the Demonstrative Pronoun in Old English 

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Mysyk O.A. Ethnic mythologems "fire" and "water" in the trope system of Ukrainian poet of sixties I. Kalynets: linguistic and semantic aspect

Abstract. In the article the functioning of the lexemes fire and water in I. Kalynets’ trope system is considered. Logical and semantic analysis is used. Poetic texts of collections ” Imprisoned Muza ” and “Awakened Muza” were the material to study. It was found that as an element of the composition of tropes in poetic texts of I. Kalynets language units that identify fire and water are used both in the position of the subject of comprehension and the object of comparison. In the first case, the emphasis of its features, image creation is done by assimilating to other phenomena of reality. In the second it acts as a descriptor of any subject and is interesting from the point of view of logical and linguistic identification with the symptom of another object. It was found that the use of lexemes fire and water in tropes in I. Kalynets’ poetic texts implies the realization of the two lines of meaning: background-encyclopedic and eth- nic mythological. In the latter case, the fire and water acquire the status of ethnic mythologeme, because they contain the cultural in- formation, that is realized in the poetic texts in different authorial interpretations. The author’s interpretation of the ethno symbolic meaning of the elements is traced. It is found that the pagan perception of the elements is implemented in the identity of the fire – god, also fire is used with the following meanings: the destruction, the spiritual and moral destruction, great cleaning power, the life force, the fire as a source of life, the ideal blackthorn fire as the cleansing power. In I. Kalynets’ poetic texts the cult of water that was characteristic for Slavs is actualized. The following meanings  of water are implemented: holiness, cleansing power, deity, fer- tility, symbol of spirituality and morality, eternity and flow of time, mate. The images of water and fire are polysemantic, even am- bivalent. 

Keywords: ethnic mythologeme, ethnic symbolics, linguistic and semantic analysis, fire, water, I. Kalynets.  

Mysyk O.A. Ethnic mythologems “fire” and “water” in the trope system of Ukrainian poet of sixties I. Kalynets: linguistic and semantic aspect 

Navrotska N.A. The verbs that denote the psychoemotional state of a person in the English, German, Spanish and Ukrainian languages

Abstract. The article deals with the explanations of the peculiarities of the contrastive-comparative analysis of the semantics of the verbs in the English, German, Spanish and Ukrainian languages that denote the psychoemotional state of a person. A special attention is  paid  to  the  description  and  interpretation  of  such  notions  as  emotional  states,  emotions,  fundamental  emotions,  evaluation  and emotions, expressivity. The term “the verbs that denote the psychoemotional state of a person” is explained. Moreover, the attention is paid to the semantic class which is called the essive. 

Keywords: the contrastive-comparative analysis, semantics, verb, psychoemotional, essive.  

Navrotska N.A. The verbs that denote the psychoemotional state of a person in the English, German, Spanish and Ukrainian languages 

Nikitina G.Ye. Literary fairy tales in 17th-18th centuries France: actual problems of the scientific study

Abstract. The article provides an overview of researches on history and poetics of French literary fairy tales of 17th-18th centuries in order to reveal the current state and issues of the study of this literary phenomenon. It is focused on conte de fée’s scientific representation as well as on prejudice and lacunae, which are also considered to be a direct or an indirect result of changes in general paradigm of the scientific knowledge of fairy tale as genre in 19th-20th centuries. 

Keywords: French literary fairy tale of 17th- 18th centuries (conte de fée), “Le Cabinet des fées”, folktale, Charles Perrault, femi- ninity / masculinity, “nursery tale”, psychoanalysis, structuralism. 

Nikitina G.Ye. Literary fairy tales in 17th-18th centuries France: actual problems of the scientific study

Novikova O. The main approaches to the study of the category of restriction

Abstract. The specified research initiated a number of investigations into the problems relating to the category of limitation. The views of leading philosophers and linguists on the problem of limitation and language limitation in particular are analyzed. A hypothesis regarding the category of limitation as the basic category of human thinking is suggested. There outlined the appropriateness and relevance of the study of the specified category based on this theory. Different approaches to the definition of the category  of restrictions are demonstrated. The causes of the appearance of the specified category are determined. The definition of the categories ″restrictions ″, ″language restrictions″, ″limitative constructions″ is given. 

Keywords: speech, thinking, restrictions, language restriction, ″limitation restricting ″.  

Novikova O. The main approaches to the study of the category of restriction 

Olenyuk O.V. Manipulative potential of advertising discourse

Abstract. The article deals with the nature of persuasion exerted in advertising discourse. The distinction between the following con- cepts has been drawn: psychological and linguistic persuasion, explicit and implicit persuasion, hidden persuasion and manipulation. The basic differential features of manipulation have been suggested and its employment in advertising discourse has been studied. 

Keywords: advertising discourse, hidden persuasion, manipulation, communicative strategies.  

Olenyuk O.V. Manipulative potential of advertising discourse 

Onishchenko N.A. Cognitive foundations of phraseographic eptonym representation in the German language

Abstract. The article covers the status problem of eptonyms as set expressions that simultaneously demonstrate phraseological and textual properties, and that are ambiguously represented in phraseographic practice. Unlike traditional phrasebooks, eptonym diction- aries are devoid of any key unit, since the eptonym itself acts as a definition to a given concept. Discrepancy, play, ambiguity, mosaic structure and imagery make the eptonym a complex sign which objectifies a stereotyped situation with a wide variety of variables; the latter complicate the structure of eptonym dictionaries and digests. In the range of eptonym lexicographic representation orders the dominant ones are set forth below: alphabetical order by the key word; alphabetical order by the first letter of the first word; by generalized subjects; by arbitrary constituents; by authors; by application fields; by subject combinations. In order to design theoreti- cal bases for eptonym lexicographic descriptions of the German language it is necessary to make a reference to the inventory of the cognitive discursive school in modern linguistics that allows to view eptonyms as polyappeallative units – units objectifying several multi-structural concepts with regard to interframe relations. The direct appeal is the concept name within the eptonym (concept no- tion  objectivation),  the  indirect  one  – the  aggregate  (phraseological)  meaning  of  the  whole unit  (situational  frame  and  conceptual metaphor objectivation), stable eptonym  connection with discourse  framework (speech  genre concept objectivation), with concept AUTHOR or AUTHORITY and a range of generic (variable) concepts. Since eptonym polyapeallativity influences their pragmatic functions, it is to be considered in phraseographic practice. One of the solutions to the current problem are online dictionaries built on the hypertext principle that allows simultaneous multiplicity of link references. A hypertext article model for a dictionary of German eptonyms is initiated by the example of J.W. Goethe aphorism representation “Es irrt der Mensch solang er strebt”. It emphasizes the necessity to provide examples of contexts representing the most typical speech genres / text types / functional styles for eptonyms.

Keywords: concept, eptonym, hypertext, objectivation, phraseography, polyappeallativity.  

Onishchenko N.A. Cognitive foundations of phraseographic eptonym representation in the German language  

Panova N.Y. Problem of suicide in Russian literature of the end of XIX beginning of the XX centuries

Abstract. The turn of the XIX – XX centuries is characterized for Russia as a period of global changes, which became fatal for Russian culture. In Russia the period of the end of the XIX beginning of the XX century is one of the most controversial in the history of Russian literature, as well as one of the most exciting periods in the history of Russian culture. It is known that Russian literature has always been tendentious. In the XIX century we can see as sociocentric so theocentric trend. However, the literature of the turn of the century literature is considered as anthropocentric. In the center of artistic space is a man who worries about his presence in the world as unwarranted tragedy and pain. The end of the XIX beginning of the XX century, socalled Silver Age it is a period when not only in Russia, but almost all of Europe took place a great number of suicides. At that time suicide was ideological in nature and was accompanied  by  ideas  of  A.  Schopenhauer,  Friedrich  Nietzsche.  The  theme  of  suicide  in  literature  has  become  one  of  the  favorite themes of modernists ( Andreev ). A man of the turn of the century is focusing on the negative, tragic aspects of life and sees them as not necessary tests on the way to God, not as a formative stages, but as evidences of the absurdity of existence. The world is not perceived as a holistic and organic. All mixed up: the truth and deception, reality and illusion, good and evil. The problem of suicide in Russia at the turn of the XIX – XX centuries has become a serious social problem. Suicide was considered as a consequence of the loss of the meaning of human life – the consequence of mental and spiritual crisis, difficult, complex manifestation of human existence – the problem is essentially an ontological philosophical. This problem was very actual among writers. Suicidal acts are reflected in the works of such famous Russian writers as A.Kuprin, M. Gorky, L. Andreyev, M Aldanov, M. Artsybashev, F. Sologub, A. Beliy and others.  

Keywords: Russian literatures, suicide, modernism, decadence, turn of the century, the decline.  

Panova N.Y. Problem of suicide in Russian literature of the end of XIX beginning of the XX centuries 

Pastushuk H.O. Folklore sources of the “Shakespearean Fool” in English Literature of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance

Abstract. The article analyzes samples of the English folklore drama, namely those of the Mummers’ plays and theatrical perfor- mances of the Feast of Fools aiming to find in them an embryo of the forthcoming literary image of “Shakespearean Fool” of the 16-17th centuries. Pivoting on the fundamental studies of the British theatre scholar E.K. Chambers the author presents folklore charac- ters with typical carnivalesque fool characteristics(grotesque physicality, first person singular self-introductions, play of space and time, puns, interaction with the audience, etc.) which persist in the English literary drama up till the times of W.  Shakespeare. The author also identifies those trickster figures of the folklore drama who are directly relevant to the formation of the English fool in the process of mummery development – the borderline images of the Presenter, Tom Fool, Big Head, Johnny Jack and Sweeper. It is stated that bestiary motives connected with the phallus symbol of fertility remain a central attribute of the Fool in later version of mummery plays. A tight connection between mummery plays and the city carnival is shown on the level of dramatis personae and the subversive dominant. While staying in the city carnival with its role of a “big patrimonial folk body” (according to M. Bakhtin) the fool is gradually being conceptualized also as an archetype of a “sinful man” and personification of social Folly, combining thus the comic and the didactic, often becoming a means of satire in the hands of playwrights. The urbanized version of the folklore fool – King (Bishop) pf Fools or Lord of Misrule that combines attributes of a mummery fool with the biblical concept of “wise folly”, personifies “world-upside-down” during the period of Feast of Fools celebrations. Up till the end of the 16th century the folklore ritual element rooted in the carnival tradition of the English Renaissance theatre remains the key dominant element, the core of the English fool. 

Keywords: fool, mummery, Feast of Fools, carnival, folklore drama, Elizabethan drama.  

Pastushuk H.O. Folklore sources of the “Shakespearean Fool” in English Literature of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance

Pakharenko V.I., Malygina L.M. Artistic world of the author: personal, textual and cultural contexts

Abstract. This paper investigates all possible semantic intentions of literary concept of “art world of the text” which is often used during works analyzing. The paper also describes the components of the concept which enables to reveal deeper the universality of any text, to understand the laws of its structure, identify the main idea of the works art world, which causes the subject, motifs, images and their external and emotional sensual explication, the laws of harmony or disharmony of the text world. A complete study of the art world of the text is possible with the consideration of three aspects that form the text and help us to understand it in depth of the  spiritual,  philosophical  and  aesthetic  discoveries:  1)  the  author’s  identity;  2)  the  actual  literary  text;  3)  the  cultural  context  in which the text is created and exists. The author’s identity, as well as his text, is viewed from the perspective of contemporary philo- sophical, psychological and anthropological discoveries that will allow us to penetrate deeper or rethink the ideological and semantic content of the work. The article discusses the idea that sometimes neither the reader nor the author cannot fully understand and interpret the complexity of the characters and philosophical and aesthetic senses of the text, because there is something inexplicable and unexplained since the beginning of the text creation. The art world of the text is seen as something whole, universal, with its metaphysical and psychological laws  and at the same time this space  is always open, as gains new life in the mind of the reader.  Researches of the cultural context value lead to the conclusion that the impact of culture on the artistic world of the text is direct. The text literally “grows” out of the body of culture, but in its turn gives it a new direction, changes its ideological and philosophical vec- tor. 

Keywords: artistic world, text, cultural context, author’s identity, artistic thought.  

Pakharenko V.I., Malygina L.M. Artistic world of the author: personal, textual and cultural contexts 

Pashko L.V. Structural characteristics of complicated author`s neuologisms – adjectives in the literary works of M.P. Stelmakh

Abstract. The article reveals the questions of using complicated neuologisms – adjectives by M.P. Stelmakh, formed from the base of an adjective or a noun, a noun and an adjective, new wordforms with the component  – вид(ний), подіб(ний), author`s neuolo- gisms with the first part пів-, напів-. New wordforms are grouped according to semantics and the way of wordformation. This approach gives an opportunity to point out potential, occasional and potential-occasional words, define productive and non-productive ways of wordformation. 

Keywords: neologisms, potential words, occasional words, author’s newly built words  

Pashko L.V. Structural characteristics of complicated author`s neuologisms – adjectives in the literary works  of M.P. Stelmakh 

Pechenikova L.N. Comparative phraseological units, which mean a human health

The symbolic fulfillment of comparative phraseological units, which mean a human health and which are selected out by the way of continuous selection from Ukrainian phrase- geographical origins is researched in this article. 

Keywords: phraseological unit, phraseological semantic field, phraseological semantic group, phraseological semantic subgroup, variation-synonymic series, health, human physical condition. 

Pechenikova L.N. Comparative phraseological units, which mean a human health 

Polkhovska M.V. The Semantics of Argument Environment of English Middle Verbs

Absract. The article deals with semantic peculiarities of English middle constructions, with the problem of implicit argument presence in their structure and the process of internal argument theta-role marking. The author analyses divergent approaches to the explanation of implicit agent generation at different levels of representation and proves its absence in the structure of English middle construction. It is claimed that agentive flavor of middle constructions is inherent to the verb semantics. The author investigates the internal argument theta-roles and explains the emergence of non-patient theta-roles in the grammatical subject position of the middle construction. Various means of grammatical subject explication are distinguished with focus on the grammatical subject that has an animate referent. 

Keywords: middle construction, monoargument structure, theta-role, implicit agent, agentive flavor. 

Polkhovska M.V. The Semantics of Argument Environment of English Middle Verbs 

Ponikaryova A.U. Syntactic speech arrangement as a means of attaining argumentative-suggestive potential (based on the complex sentences with two subordinate clauses in the speeches of B. Obama and D. Cameron)

Abstract. The article deals with complex syntactic constructions with two subordinate clauses. It describes three types of hypotaxis relations: semantic incorporation, structural-semantic incorporation and chain incorporation. These types of relations are explained in terms  of  cognitive  construal  operations.  Structural-semantic  incorporation  is  a  linear  type  of  hypotaxis  relations  where  preceding predication in the syntagmatic chain contains information serving as the ground for the interpretation of the subsequent predication, functioning as the figure. Structural-semantic incorporation provides suggestibility of the political discourse. Semantic incorporation and chain incorporation represent a nonlinear type of hypotaxis relations where predications are combined with the help of causative relations, and the location of the ground and figure is determined by the character of these relations but not by the location of these predications in the syntagmatic chain. Semantic incorporation and chain incorporation provide argumentative potential of the politi- cal  discourse.  The  findings  let us  claim  that  structural-semantic  incorporation prevails  in  the  speeches  of  both politicians, but  the share  of  semantic  incorporation  and  chain  incorporation  is  greater  in  D.  Cameron’s  speech.  This  fact  suggests  that  D.  Cameron demonstrates a greater tendency to influence the auditory by argumentation based on rational proofs.  

Keywords: subordinate connection, cognitive construal operations, ground and figure, argumentation, suggestibility.  

Ponikaryova  A.U.  Syntactic  speech  arrangement  as  a  means  of  attaining  argumentative-suggestive  potential  (based  on  the complex sentences with two subordinate clauses in the speeches of B. Obama and D. Cameron) 

Radchuk O.V. Association experiment as a means of revealing grammatical lacunes

Abstract. The article focuses on association experiment as a means of revealing grammatical lacunes. The author the respondents’ answers concerning grammatical forms and grammatical categories associated with the notion absence. The author makes the con- clusion  that  a psysholinguistic  experiment  may  be  used  to  specify  linguocultural  and  linguopsychological  sources  of  grammatical universals. 

Keywords: association experiment, grammatical form, grammatical category, the notion of absence.  

Radchuk O.V. Association experiment as a means of revealing grammatical lacunes

Rogovskaya A.G., Realization of Faustian Archetype in the Character of A.S. Griboyedov in the Novel "The Death of Vazir- Moukhtar" by Yuri Tynyanov

Abstract.  The article is an attempt of elicitation and enterpreting the peculiarities of the Faustian mythologeme realization in the character of A.S. Griboyedov in the novel “The Death of Vazir-Moukhtar” by Yuri Tynyanov (1928). J.W. Goethe’s tragedy “Faust” is a universal masterpiece containing the attempt of solving eternal problems of the limits of human’s cognition, the interelations between the man and the world, good and evil, life and death, crime and punishment. The tragedy has been topical for several centuries and its protagonist has become on of the most famous characters of the age of the Reformation, an eternal image (archetype) of the world culture. Faust is a contradictory ambivalent character, the symbol of human’s persistent pursuit of the cognition. Faustian story initiated the tradition of the archetype exploitation – the “Russian Faustiana” in the Russian literature of the XX century. The charac- ter  of  Russian  official  A.S.  Griboyedov  is  the  bearer  of  Faustian  archetype  in  the  novel  “The  Death  of  Vazir-Moukhtar”  by  Yuri Tynyanov; moreover, there are reasons to suppose that the real once existing person Griboyedov, the character prototype, possessed the inherent qualities of the Faustian soul (O. Spengler’s term). A.S. Griboyedov, being a younger Goethe’s contemporary, was ac- quainted with his literary works, knew tragedy “Faust” by heart and even translated “The Prologue in the Theatre” from it loosely; there are intertextual connections between his “Woe from Wit” and “Faust”. Solitude, inclination to reflection, disillusionment with his former ideals, active but utopian per se impulse aimed at milioration of people’s life create an affinity between Vazir-Moukhtar and doctor Faust. Allusions to Goethe’s tragedy can be seen in the text of Tynyanov’s novel. The character of Griboyedov is verstile, it does not come to simple copying one and only eternal faustian image; his paradox consists in the fact that he, though being a Min- ister Plenipotentiary of the Russian Empire, was the bearer of the Western mentality, of the Faustian soul, and the abrupt collision with the East brought death to him, thus freeing and saving him from his other self. 

Keywords: character, archetype, historical novel, intertext, Faustian soul. 

Rogovskaya A.G., Realization of Faustian Archetype in the Character of A.S. Griboyedov in the Novel “The Death of Vazir- Moukhtar” by Yuri Tynyanov 

Rozhkova I.G. The “doublespeak” in advertising discourse

Abstract. This article is dedicated to the” doublespeak” and cases of its operation in the advertising discourse. The definition of the concept is given, as well as briefly mentioned its kinds. The theoretical material is accompanied by examples of uses of ” double- speak ” in the advertising messages. The article was written as part of ongoing research on the manipulative nature of language in advertising and its impact on the consumer.  

Keywords: “doublespeak”, advertising discourse, euphemism, inflated language, gobbledygook (bureaucratese), jargon, “weasel words”. 

Rozhkova I.G. The “doublespeak” in advertising discourse 

Rozmaritsa S.A. Writer and his era: creativity of Philip Kapelhorodskiy

Abstract. In this article we attempt to remove the ideologically biased layers affiliated with the name and the creativity of talented Ukrainian writer of 20’s of the last century, Philip Kapelgorodskiy, systematize opinions about the issue of creative searchers of the artist, existing in Ukrainian literature, provide the local analysis of his prose, only in the aesthetic plane. 

Keywords: classics of the “second-line”, reception, providential, collision, novel-chronicle. 

Rozmaritsa S.A. Writer and his era: creativity of Philip Kapelhorodskiy

Rybakova O.V. The influence of extralingual context on verbal and non-verbal expression of disagreement (based on the English cinema discourse)

Abstract. The article presents the results of the analysis of the influence of affective, cognitive, axiological, pragmatic and perceptual context on verbal and non-verbal expression of the communicative strategy of disagreement in conflictive and non-conflictive communicative situations. The investigation is based on the material of 87 fragments from 24 scripts of the English cinema discourse which illustrate communicative acts of disagreement. A communicative strategy is vied as a communicative intention of the speaker, shaped on the basis of using collective socio-cultural experience for individual needs and wants, assessment of this intention as being adequate for gaining socially significant interaction goals in a specific situation, realization of this goal by verbal means and its comprehension by all the discourse subjects. In the case of disagreement the communicative intention consists in giving the assessment some object, quality, action or situation, which is contrary to the assessment of the communicative partner. The unit of analysis of the communicative strategy of disagreement is a communicative act of disagreement. A communicative act is treated as a meta-structure embracing a speech producing act of the addresser, an audition act of the addressee and the communicative situation in the whole. A communicative situation is understood as a combination of psychological, affective, cognitive, axiological, perceptive and pragmatic contexts under conflictive, neutral or harmonic relations between the communicants, which influence the choice and interpretation of verbal and no-verbal means of expressing disagreement. It was  found out that in conflictive situations disagreement is mostly expressed by means of the direct negation of the interlocutor’s opinion, which may be accompanied by conventional formulas expressing negative emotions such as irritation and aggressive non-verbal actions. In non-conflictive situations disagreement is expressed implicitly – by rhetorical questions. Explicit disagreement-direct negation in non-conflictive situations is prosodically represented as a request to change the point of view. 

Keywords: communication strategy, context, conflictive / non-conflictive communicative situation, verbal / non-verbal means of expressing disagreement. 

Rybakova  O.V.  The  influence  of  extralingual  context  on  verbal  and  non-verbal  expression  of  disagreement  (based  on  the English cinema discourse) 

Savenko I.L. Ukrainian writers memoirs as the specific reflection of the literary-cultural and global changes at the end of ХХ – in the beginning of the ХХI centuries

Abstract. In the article the author examines modern Ukrainian memoires a specific reflection literary-cultural and global changes at the end of ХХ – at the beginning of the ХХІ centuries. Memoir literature has an important value for realization of the realities of modern life of man. Writer memoirs can come forward a source for realization by a man cultural and global changes of the modern world and society. Demonstrating in itself an association intellectual, philosophical and emotional began, memoires gave an opportunity to trace the creative search of copy off on a background the historical events of developing of the country. Actuality of further research of the modern writer memoires consists of that she will be able to help to do a home culture and literature competition in the conditions of global changes. 

Keywords: memoir, memoir literature, writer, writer memoirs, culture, globalization.  

Savenko I.L. Ukrainian writers memoirs as the specific reflection of the literary-cultural and global changes at the end of ХХ – in the beginning of the ХХI centuries 

Stanislav O.V. To the question of the language secessionism in the French fiction at the beginning of the XX century (linguistic and cultural aspects)

Abstract. The article deals with the conditions and reasons of the appearance of the language separatism constructions in the French fiction at the beginning of the XX century in the context of those historical processes, cultural changes and the aesthetic tendencies that took place in the French society at that time. The author justifies the fact of a tight link between the social and spiritual life of France, some new aesthetic trends and currencies in the different sorts of art (painting, theatre, cinema and so on) on the one hand, and the occurrence of the syntactic separatism in the fiction on the other hand. 

Keywords: language secessionism structures, modernism, social changes, culture, spiritual sphere of life, art, classical traditions, innovating ideas.

Stanislav O.V. To the question of the language secessionism in the French fiction at the beginning of the XX century  (linguistic and cultural aspects) 

Starostenko T.N. “The Historical Basis of the Fantastic World of J.R.R. Martin in his Novel “A Game of Thrones” on “Ice and Fire” Cycle”

Abstract. The article analyses George Martin’s novel “A Game of Thrones” one of “A Song of Ice and Fire” cycle. For the first time there has been identified the historical basis of his works, and the artistic representation of the historical material in the novel has been characterized. Elements of chronotopic analysis of the writer’s artistic world and sign system have been represented. There has been proved that George Martin’s fantasy had been grounded on real historical facts and events of the ancient period of British and North American history. Martin’s fantastic world resembles British Isles and partially America not only from geographical point of view (the maps are very similar), it is spatially divided in the same way as were British Isles in their distant past. The territory of the created word has a special formation on its Northern frontier called the Wall, which is located in the same place where we can ob- serve the remains of Hadrian wall. The fantasy country is washed by Shivering Sea, the location of which fully coincides with the location of the North Sea in the real world. At the same time Martin’s world has two hostile parts – North and South which in their form resemble South and North America. Martin’s world has the name of The Seven Kingdoms that reminds us the seven Anglo- Saxon kingdoms of the old period in the history of UK – Northumbria, Mercia, Wessex, Sussex, Essex, East Anglia, Kent. And in- stead of  Tin Islands  – a Roman  name  for Britain  – the term  “Iron Islands” is used. The  world has the  main road, as  well, called King’s road that makes a reader think about the roads built in the period of Roman invasion in British Isles. The religion of the pro- tagonists and the pre-history of the so-called Children of Forest have much in common with druids and their godswoods. Moreover, the main dynasty portrayed in the novel  – the Targaryens or the Dragons have the main characteristics of the Welsh dragon. And some names of the characters are formed in the analogical inference with the real historical characters such as Aegon the Conqueror = William the Conqueror, etc. The represented dynasties have distinct likeness with the description of the representatives of Mero- vingian dynasties whose symbols were a snake (or dragon), a lion and a horse. In the novel the writer depicts similar Houses  whose sigils are dragon, lion and horse. Thus, J.R.R. Martin world is not a simple creation of the author’s imagination but has some deep historical roots, the understanding of which helps to understand the author’s choice of symbols and the hidden ideas of the novel. 

Keywords: historical realities, chronotopic analysis, symbols, philosophical approach. 

Starostenko T.N. “The Historical Basis of the Fantastic World of J.R.R. Martin in his Novel “A Game of Thrones” on “Ice and Fire” Cycle”

Sytnikova V.K. The analysis of the name of the subject of existence based on the sentences with the verbs denoting sound production

Abstract. The article is devoted to the research of the structure of an existential with the verbs denoting production of sounds and to the analysis of the subject of this type of sentence in particular. Existentials are the most capatious logical-grammatical type of sentences that comprises wide varieties and huge semantic potential. Its typical structural scheme consists of the sphere of existence, the index of existence and the subject of existence. The position of the index of existence can be filled up with an existential  as well as non-existential verb. The function of the verb denoting sound production is to affirm the fact of the existence of a thing through the sounds produced. The sphere of existence ranging from a man’s inner world to the Universe defines the meaning of a sentence. The sphere  of  existence  in  the  analyzed  sentences  is  restricted  by  a  fragment  of  the  world  mapping.  The  subject  of  existence  is  non- referential and doesn’t represent any definite thing. It can be either material or abstract. This fact states the semantic conditions of the use of a predicate. In this article an attempt has been made to classify the names of the subjects of the existentials with the verbs de- noting sound production, to define their semantic groups and to outline the groups of objects the existence of which can’t or needn’t be stated due to their semantic meaning. 

Keywords: existential, semantic structure, sphere of existence, index of existence, subject of existence, meaning of existence.  

Sytnikova  V.K. The analysis of the name  of the subject of existence based on the sentences with the verbs  denoting sound production

Taranenko L.I. Plot structure of a folk riddle and a cognitive-creative mechanism of its decoding

Abstract. The article substantiates the plot algorithmic structure of folk riddles as well as presents the original framework of a mod- el-based interpretation and scientific description of a cognitive-and-creative mechanism of riddle decoding by a recipient. According to the results of plot algorithmic analysis of English folk riddles the author formed a general formalized scheme of the structure of their texts. It was established that the minimal plot element of the text of folk riddles is “object description”, which can be further differentiated into the following structural elements of the second hierarchical level: “topic” and “comment”. The paper emphasizes that the solution as the final structural element of a riddle is generated in the recipient’s mind and is directly related to his/her speech- and-thinking activity. Considering this, the author constructed a cognitive-and-creative model, representing processes of riddle decoding by a recipient that take place in accordance with two schemes of his/her speech-and-thinking activity: a sequentially logical scheme, being progressively directed, and a reverse sequential one, having an inherent multi-pass character. 

Keywords: folk riddle, plot elements, plot algorithmic structure, model of decoding, scheme, cognitive-and-creative mechanism.  

Taranenko L.I. Plot structure of a folk riddle and a cognitive-creative mechanism of its decoding 

Tishchenko I.Y. Polyvariety of Feature Interpretation of a Personality (on the basis of Roman Andriyashik’s novel “People from Fear”)

Abstract.The parameters of polyvariant feature reception of a personality in Roman Andriyashik’s works particularly  in his novel “People  from  Fear”  are  investigated  in  the  article.  Spiritual  and  cultural  preconditions  of  the  main  characters’  turning  into  self- sufficient individuals that are considered to be the bearers of the author’s outlook postulates are found out in the works. As for the author’s existential beginning in literary heritage we mention his striving for finding out lost humanist values in a non-ideal person reflecting genuine reality of his era. In the historic space the author created his own ideological-psychological space for his characters which is far from unsociable. Due to the variety of the character the author intuitively means definite deformation of a personality under the influence of the era. In his works Roman Andryashik shows the problem of social violence at a person which was realized in different ways (wars, national oppression, social compulsion, economical dependence). The investigation of Andriyashik’s novels helps to think about endless matters of existence of a nation and its derivatives: human merit, blood relationship in its direct and indi- rect meaning, ground, history, real tragedy and future achievements. It is possible to avoid everything mentioned above by means of losing the motherhood and giving up an idea of inferiority complexes but not without consequences for greater value such as humanity which can’t be abstract. In Andryashik’s works the Ukrainians are not given safe space, they are not allowed to come out thor- oughly. At the same time the peculiarity of his works is unreal safeness, that is the idea of safe space is Utopia, it’s not possible except for on his own territory, their motherland. Perception of goals, values, thoughts, feelings of literary characters is shown as indirect, dialectical, constantly deepening, demanding definite reading skills though thoughtful perception helps to understand complicated but fair answers of the author to questions about essence of humanity. Literary texts strive for significance, have endless potential of understanding, commentary and interpretation. 

Keywords: Personality, feature interpretation, feature character, existential problems.

Tishchenko I.Y. Polyvariety of Feature Interpretation of a Personality (on the basis of Roman Andriyashik’s novel “People from Fear”) 

Tkalych I.V. The semiotic principles of the modernistic irony

Abstract. The irony is analyzed as one of the most expressive forms of semiotic nature of language. The source of semiotic processes in literature and mechanisms of the sign of irony is found. The author made a conclusion the result of evolutionary transformations of the early XXth century was the change in the aesthetic guidelines. The phenomenon of the dehumanization caused avoidance of the realistic forms, the detachment from life and engagement to the deep irony; the art is understood as only a play. It’s explained by the desire to conceal the external sense of the text and at the same time reveal the depth of his the best level. I. Tkalych considers an immanent reader is at the imagination of every writer in the creative process, which has focused artistic text and also formed by a horizon of the expectations. In addition, the paper states the based semiotic mechanism irony is redistribution, reorganization coordi- nating system  which  modifies own codes, updated reserves.  The original semiosis is in the  mind of the recipient in obtaining his sign’s ironic nature, which encourages the primary connotation. The explicit message is seen in the literal sense within metakodе and the psychological, mental lexical code of recipient’s message. The sign is incorporated of the artistic context. It’s become as a key to decrypt copyright code, so the recipient finds the implicit component of the ironic meaning in the literary text. Thus the author con- cluded about two changes in the ironic message: at the first one when the original message creates the opposite sense and the second one is in the interpretation of the reader’s mind. It is known the reader is co-author of the each text. The main persons of the communicative ironic model are also defined an addressee-writer and. The addressee-writer sends the coded message; and the addresseereader, the recipient decrypts of the implicit semantic level in the broad context. 

Keywords: irony, sign, code, sender, addressee, context.  

Tkalych I.V. The semiotic principles of the modernistic irony

Tsapiv A.O. The conceptual space of the image of the Beloved in the English and American poetry in the XIX-XX th centuries

Abstract. This research focuses on revealing cognitive properties of the image of the Beloved in the British and American poetry of the XIX-XX centuries. The image of the Beloved is treated as linguistic, cognitive construal which reflects linguistic and creative experience of the poet. The knowledge about the relationship between the beloved, their manner of behavior, knowledge of ideal beloved woman or man, their social status is verbalized in the poetic texts of the XIX-XX centuries. The conceptual space of the image of the Beloved is formed by the combination of all the concepts in terms of which the Beloved is realized in the poetic texts. It has been proved that the image of the Beloved is embodied in the nominative units of verbal poetic image. The conceptual analysis revealed that the Beloved (male) is realized in terms of HARMONY, LIGHT/WARMTH, GOD’S GIFT. The Beloved (female) is realized in terms of HARMONY, BEAUTY, UNIVERSE. It is maintained that senses are realized in metaphors, oxymora, symbols, reconstructed via conceptual and cognitive analysis of verbal poetic images.  

Keywords: image, verbal poetic image, conceptual metaphor, conceptual space.   

Tsapiv A.O. The conceptual space of the image of the Beloved in the English and American poetry  in the XIX-XX th centuries 

Shaposhnyk O.M. Personage Context of Fantasy: Translational Perspective

Abstract. The article highlights the problem of adequate rendering of fantasy personage context. In the article the onceptions of different linguistic schools (British / American and East European) concerning the peculiarities of fantasy personage system are analyzed and the main differences are detected. The author determines the convergent / divergent features of fantasy personage context in perspective of different literary traditions and specifies the impact of these distinctions upon the process and result of translation. In order to create an adequate target text (TT) a translator should take into consideration the genre-stylistic expectations of the source and target audience. Discrepancies in the genre-stylistic dominant of fantasy and characteristics of its personage context in particular stipulate certain differences in genre-stylistic expectations of TT recipients. While trans-coding a translator should recreate the text- typological features of fantasy that are invariant for the target culture. 

Keywords: fantasy, personage context, translation, genre-stylistic expectations, mythological characters.  

Shaposhnyk O.M. Personage Context of Fantasy: Translational Perspective 

Shved O. V. Infographics as means of visual communication

Abstract.  The article deals with such phenomenon as infographics which nowadays becomes key notion in visual communication sphere. The phenomenon mentioned is being analysed from the point of view of a historical perspective: by presenting a very brief overview of the development of infographics as means of visual communication. The author also introduces the scientistswho investigated different aspects of infographics as an instrument of informatisation and visualization technology. The term “infographics” itself has been defined, distinction between term “infographics” and “visualization” has been also made. Methodics of investigation is based on searching of general principles of infographics design and revealing of main rules of human visualization. Infographics main aim lies in perfection of information receiving with the help of simple images, its delivery in compact and visually attractive message. Cave graffiti of Neolithic age and pictograms are considered to be first attempts of infographics. In the course of time the concept of infographics has been enlarged thanks to graphic form information: maps, schemes, diagrams, tables, graphs and others. In diachronic we define such stages of infographic development: graphical approach to table visualization (R. Descartes, 1637), mor- tality rates graphs (C. Huygens, 1669), graph of change in barometric pressure (E. Halley, 1686); 2) workout of main types of diagrams (W. Playfair, 1786); 3) appearance of statistical diagrams (F. Nightingale, C. Minard, end of XIX century); 4)development of illustrative information graphics (H. Beck), descriptive statistics ( H. Spenser, 1952), information design (L. Sutnar, 1962), graphical representation of a large amount of information (J. Bertin’s system: position, form, orientation, colour, texture, value, size); 5) introduction of contemporary infographics (E. Tufte, J. Tukey, H. Gralla). Nowadays infographics as a new means of dynamic and compact presentation of large amount of information has become one of the most actual and powerful types of visual culture. This branch of communication has its history, is in perpetual process of development (inforgraphics-animation, interactive inforgaphics) and deserves comprehensive investigation. 

Keywords: “infographics”,”visual communication”, “illustrative statistics”, “information desig”, “verbal information”, “visual image”. 

Shved O. V. Infographics as means of visual communication

Shvets N.V. The definition of the concept of motivation in modern linguistics

Abstract: The article deals with the analysis of existing definitions of motivation from the point of view of different approaches. The difference between two terms, used in the Ukrainian language for defining this concept, is explained. The author focused on the definition of this notion from the cognitive onomasiological perspective. 

Keywords: motivation, cognitive onomasiology.  

Shvets N.V. The definition of the concept of motivation in modern linguistics 

Shepitko S.V., Smirnova M.S. Linguistic personality in religious discourse

Abstract.  The article deals with the main approaches of studying the phenomenon of linguistic personality in religious discourse. The authors analyze the peculiarities of religious discourse, consider the main approaches of studying the phenomenon of linguistic personality and its manifestations in religious discourse.  According to the authors, the linguistic personality is a kind of full-scale presentation of personality, enclosing psychic, social, ethical, religious as well as other components, refracted through its language, its discourse. The authors state that the notion of the linguistic personality fixes the connection of the language with the person’s in- dividual consciousness and outlook. The analysis of the linguistic personality in religious discourse seems to be a relevant object of study, not only within the frames of linguistics, religious philosophy, theolinguistics, but also of a wide range of contemporary hu- manities related disciplines. The authors conclude that the study and description of the linguistic personality in religious discourse require a multifaceted approach to be used, as the subject of study is particularly complex, multifaceted and is of ambiguous interpre- tation in modern linguistics. The multifaceted approach is so important because the study involves an integrated view of the material and bringing information from various fields of scientific knowledge, such as theology, religious studies, philosophy, Church history, cultural studies, psychology, cognitive science, sociolinguistics. 

Keywords: discourse, religious discourse, linguistic personality, levels of organization of the linguistic personality. 

Shepitko S.V., Smirnova M.S. Linguistic personality in religious discourse 

Shostak O. Catholic Conceptoshpere in “Love Medicine” novels by Louise Erdrich

Abstract. The article contains short description of Christian discourse in Louise Erdrich’s Love Medicine novels. The article brings for discussion such problems, as Bible symbolism and Catholic allusions in text formation process. 

Keywords: Native American tradition, Christian symbolism, Catholicism, Bible texts, discourse. 

Shostak O. Catholic Conceptoshpere in “Love Medicine” novels by Louise Erdrich 

Shchepanska Kh.A. Phraseological image as one of the profiles of the linguistic representation of the verbal image of heart in the Ukrainian poetic discourse of the XIX century

Abstract. The peculiarities of verbal representation of the phraseological (idiomatic) image of  heart in the XIX century Ukrainian poetry are analyzed in the article. Their classification according to the semantic features character is done with the explication of the conceptual background of the image formation. The direction of the metaphorical transformation of the main phraseological images is emerged. 

Keywords: phraseological image, metaphorical transformed idiom, verbal image of heart.  

Shchepanska Kh.A. Phraseological image as one of the profiles of the linguistic representation of the verbal image of heart in the Ukrainian poetic discourse of the XIX century 

Shcherbitskaya V. Work as a key unit of memories in modern men's autobiographical novels

Abstract. This article explores the objectification of gender on the thematic level in the autobiographical work of the XXI century. In the analysis of a literary text is revealed work as the dominant theme of the modern man’s novel. This theme is discussed in detail with the examples and it contains the information on which sub-themes the main theme is divided. Also the topic in women’s autobi- ographical novel is examined. It gives an opportunity to compare the implementation of the theme work in the men’s and women’s novel, and to identify the gender factor. The article investigates the objectification of gender on thematical level. 

Keywords: theme, work, autobiography, gender.  

Shcherbitskaya V. Work as a key unit of memories in modern men’s autobiographical novels 

Yushyna T. S. Semantic and Pragmatic Properties of Presuppositions of Complex Syntactic Structures

Abstract. The article deals with structural, semantic and discursive pragmatic properties of presuppositions incorporated into the semantics of the speech units represented by complex syntactic structures, defined as complex structural presuppositional indicators. Presuppositions of complex syntactic structures show a complex semantic structure that includes presuppositions of components  of these  syntactic  structures;  the  semantics  of  presuppositions  of  complex  presuppositional  indicators  coincides  with  propositions  of these indicators. The pragmatic potential of presuppositions of complex structural indicators in discourse is determined by the complex nature of these presuppositions, which enables to increase the efficiency of assertive indirect speech acts within manipulation strategies in discourse. 

Keywords: presupposition, complex structural presuppositional indicator, discourse, assertive indirect speech act. 

Yushyna T. S. Semantic and Pragmatic Properties of Presuppositions of Complex Syntactic Structures