Science and Education a New Dimension

Online version ISSN 2308-1996

Printed version ISSN 2308-5258

Science and Education a New Dimension

Iss. 15. 2013.

Lizogub V.S., Makarenko N.V., Yukhimenko L.I., Khomenko S.N., Kozhemyako T.V. The role of the properties of the basic nervous processes and psycho-physiological functions in activity of the operators of cellular connections

Abstract. Functional activity (FANP) power (PNP) and balance (BNP) neural processes, evoked activity and hemodynamics of the brain,  memory  function  and  attention,  sensorimotor  and  autonomic  reactivity  in  mobile  operators  was  investigated  with  using  of computer techniques. First in the processing of auditory information was identified individual psychophysiological features ensure operators professional activity. Persons with high and medium level properties of the basic nervous processes were more capable of processing information. Operators of low level of basic nervous processes had fewer redactions, low reactivity of the nervous system, sustained attention and memory, shorter intervals between N1-P2, P2-N2, N2-P3, P3-N3 and large latent periods components N1, P2, N2, P3  evoked  cognitive  potentials  of  P300.  They  were  had  higher  power  values  of  SDNN,  LF  and  HF  heart  rate  and  low  amplitude- frequency component, high bisferious index and high values of the tone of the large vessels of the brain. 

Keywords: operators, processing auditory information, individually-typological properties, caused by brain activity reoencepha- logram, memory, attention, heart rhythm. 

Lizogub V.S., Makarenko N.V., Yukhimenko L.I., Khomenko S.N., Kozhemyako T.V. The role of the properties of the basic nervous processes and psycho-physiological functions in activity of the operators of cellular connections 

Bogdanovskaya N.V., Malikov N.V. Evaluation of Dynamics of Changes in Different Ways Arginine Metabolism Activity under Adapttion to Physical Stress

Abstract. A survey of 29 trained and untrained youths aged 18 to 20 years was carried out. It has been shown that the optimal level of adaptation of a trained body to prolonged and intense physical exercise is provided by the activation of not only the constitutive calcium-dependent nitric oxide synthesis, but also by oxidative arginase metabolism of arginine, which yields a range of important low-molecular bioregulators and antioxidants, including urea. Significant reduction in the functionality of the body of trained youths at the end of competition period and as a consequence the manifestation of disadaptation signs correlates with increased oxidative calcium independent nitric oxide synthesis and its non-oxidative synthesis due to reutilization of stable circulating NO metabolites.

Keywords: metabolism, arginine, nitric oxide, physical exercise, adaptation, youths  

Bogdanovskaya N.V., Malikov N.V. Evaluation of Dynamics of Changes in Different Ways Arginine Metabolism Activity under Adapttion to Physical Stress 

Kovalenko S.O., Kudij L.I., Lutsenko O.I. Peculiarities of male and female heart rate variability

Abstract. In 118 healthy men and women parameters of wave structure of heart rate at rest in the lying position, during tilt-test and psychoemotional load were determined. In 32 women the registration was realized three times, namely during follicular phase, ovula- tion and luteal phase of ovarian-menstrual cycle. It was observed that variability of male and female heart rate at rest in the lying po- sition is substantially different due to greater general power of R-R-interval oscillation spectrum in men. In vertical position and un- der psychoemotional load the decreasing of general spectrum power in women was greater than in men. Also the power reactivity and its distributions in heart rate low frequency range considerably differ in direction and amplitude. Observed during the repeated measurements female lower reproducibility of the parameters of heart rate wave structure can be explained by changes in female or- ganism that depend on ovarian-menstrual cycle. 

Keywords: heart rate variability, tilt-test, psychoemotional load.  

Kovalenko S.O., Kudij L.I., Lutsenko O.I. Peculiarities of male and female heart rate variability 

Sychuk A., Radchenko M., Morderer E. The increase of phytotoxic action of graminicide fenoxaprop-P-ethyl by NO donor sodium nitrpruside

Abstract. It was established, that pretreatment of oat plants by NO donor sodium nitroprusside (SN) increased their sensitivity to the herbicide  fenoxaprop-P-ethyl  (FP)  action.  Received  data  proved  the  possibility  of  increase  of  herbicide  inhibitors  of  acetyl-coA- carboxylase phytotoxic action due to the impact on NO-signalling system.  

Keywords: NO, sodium nitroprusside, programmed cell death, graminicides, induced pathogenesis  

Sychuk A., Radchenko M., Morderer E. The increase of phytotoxic action of graminicide fenoxaprop-P-ethyl by NO donor sodium nitrpruside 

Bukov Y.A., Burbanova O.N. Performance evaluation of respiratory mechanics in pulmonological degree of risk in older women

Abstract. The respiratory system undergoes regular changes in the aging process of life. There have morphological and functional changes in all parts of the respiratory system. Especially expressed considerable range of changes recorded in indices mechanics of breathing: breathing rhythm quickens, increased minute ventilation to vary the ratio between the lung and alveolar ventilation, signif- icantly increased respiratory physiological dead space and reduced the proportion of the alveolar ventilation in the structure of the minute  volume  of  respiration.  This  situation  contributes  to  their  stagnant  processes  in  the  bronchi.  The  studies  of  mechanics  of breathing and ventilatory function in elderly women revealed various levels of ventilatory capacity. In this regard, in order to identify patterns that define a certain level of ventilatory capacity, all the women were divided into three groups: surveyed with ventilatory abilities within the age norm, with moderately reduced and with sharply reduced ventilatory abilities. The study noted features of respiratory mechanics suggest a pulmonary risk in all subjects, the extent of which is most pronounced in women with low ventilatory capacity. In the parameters of pulmonary ventilation all subjects exceeded the value of the physiological norm. Important  is the role in the manifestation of which is given indicators of expiratory vital capacity, inspiratory reserve volume, expiratory reserve vol- ume and inspiratory volume. As is known, increased pulmonary ventilation, resulted in increased energy expenditure of respiratory muscles. In this context the increase in resting energy expenditure reflects the violation of the principle of economizing function and may indirectly indicate a decrease in reserves and more effort of the bronchi. Obviously, identified ventilation high reactivity at rest in elderly women is determined by morphological changes in the lungs and the respiratory structure can also be seen in a manifesta- tion of pulmonary risk. At the same time maintaining a stable pulmonary ventilation was provided in the surveyed reciprocal rela- tionship between respiratory rate and tidal volume, thus, leveling the isocapnic fluctuation pattern of breathing. Important to note in- dicators of pulmonary ventilation, which in all subjects exceeded the value of the physiological norm. Obviously, a sufficiently high level of ventilation at this age should be regarded as the manifestation of age structural and functional changes. However, breathing pattern characterizing ventilation in general is somewhat different in women with different ventilatory capacity. Women are the first group  match  the  type  of  breathing  pattern  –  bradypnea.  In  women  of  the  second  and  third  groups  breathing  pattern  is  of the normopnoea type, but with high values of depth of breathing. Also identified features of the mechanics of breathing and the fac- tors contributing to its change, lead to the development of pulmonary risk. 

Keywords: aged women, respiratory mechanics, pulmonary risk.  

Bukov Y.A., Burbanova O.N.  Performance evaluation of respiratory mechanics in pulmonological degree of risk in older women

Grabovskaya E. Correction of non-specific adaptation reactions of athletes by means of ultra-high frequency electromagnetic field (UНF EMF)

Abstract. The effect of ultra-high frequency electromagnetic field (UНF EMF) on the development of adaptive reactions of the body and the functional state of the sympathetic nervous system of athletes of different specializations. It is shown that in all three groups of subjects under the influence of UHF EMF has changed the initial level of adaptive reactions of the body, and to the course of UHF reaction reactivation was detected in 50-67 % of cases in all groups surveyed. After 10 sessions of UHF-therapy, depending on the group of subjects, the reaction reactivation fixed in no more than 17-33%, reaction training, calm and increased activation were de- tected  in  67-83%  of  subjects.  Also,  after  10  sessions  of  UHF-therapy  in  groups  of  athletes  and  students  who  are  not  involved  in sports, opposite changes were observed cytochemical indicator of catecholamines in erythrocytes. Do football players and wrestlers was a transient increase followed by a decrease cytochemical indicator of catecholamines in peripheral blood erythrocytes. Students who are not involved in sports, the level of catecholamines cytochemical index gradually decreased. The daily half-hour effects of UHF EMF on biologically active point VC17 the subjects of all three groups, has led to a decrease in sympathetic nervous system ac- tivity. The degree of severity of reactions in different groups of athletes was different. 

Keywords: ultra-high frequency electromagnetic field, non-specific adaptation reactions of the organism, catecholamines, sympa- thoadrenal system, athletes. 

Grabovskaya E. Correction of non-specific adaptation reactions of athletes by means of ultra-high frequency electromagnetic field (UНF EMF) 

Korzh A.P. Sustaining the livelihoods of populations as a basis of the carrying capacity formation of their living environment

Abstract. Human society is a certain model for the development of the corresponding scientific understanding of the general biological laws. For an explanation of the relationship in the system “organism – environment” term “survivability”, widely used in various fields of science is quite appropriate to be involved. The term “life-support”, in our opinion, should be understood as a full realization of the organism (or other biological systems) of its vital functions. The loss of a normal reproduction, which is the most demanding to the conditions of existence, is the first sign of the deterioration in the livelihoods of organisms. The quantitative expression of the relationship of the organism with the environment is the mostly realized through a comprehensive index that takes into account a lim- iting determine impact of environmental factors. Such indicator may be a carrying capacity, which provides the possibility for the ex- istence of organisms or their aggregates of full value. The existing capacity has a peculiar pressure on the relevant group of organ- isms, which may in some way limit its different manifestations of life. Anthropogenic impact on the environment leads to the trans- formation first of all the breeding habitats, which causes the break of reproductive functions of the species populations. As a result security measures the not always give the desired effect, and an increasing number of species goes into the category of endangered. Population dynamics of any kind (or groups of individuals) under specific conditions will directly depend on the livelihoods and fluc- tuate within the available capacity of the environment. Without the proper livelihoods, manifested by a particular container environ- ment, the preservation of any natural objects is not possible. Increasing the productivity of the exploited elements of the biosphere requires a corresponding increase of their livelihoods to the possibility of all life processes realization and to expanding of the medi- um capacity. Impact on the carrying capacity of the species helps to activate microevolution processes that comply with the rule of Le Chatelier  – Brown. At the same time, these processes are not only poorly controlled by  man, but mostly going counter to our wishes. Human impacts predominantly acquire the form of r-selection, helping to improve the biotic potential of the species. These processes are mostly negative for the people. 

Keywords: sustaining the livelihoods, organism, carrying capacity, interaction, well-being of species.  

Korzh A.P. Sustaining the livelihoods of populations as a basis of the carrying capacity formation of their living environment 

Savina K.D. Postural reactions of blood circulation in skin at sportswomen

Abstract. The comparative analysis of the functional being of the regulator systems of microgemodynamics is conducted in a skin at the sportswomen of specialized in the running types of track-and-field before and after vestibular irritations. 10 highly skilled athletes of specialized in at run on middle and long distances are explored. It is shown, that the vestibular irritation for certain causes the changes of processes of microgemodynamics in a skin, showing up not only in the change of size of perfusion but also spectrum of components of mechanisms of adjusting. It is got, that high-frequency respiratory and pulse vibrations at sportswomen occupied con- siderably a less stake in a general spectrum and were 9,8% and 8,3% accordingly, that specifies on an optimum influx outflow of pe- ripheral blood. Structure of vibrations of skin blood stream after the vestibular irritations at sportswomen, consists of increase of de- posit of respiratory component from 9,8% to 11,4%, that is conditioned by the change of dynamics of vein pressure at pulmonary mechanical activity, attracting action of «respiratory pump». 

Keywords: athletes, microcirculation in the skin, the LDF-metry, vestibular irritation, breathing and pulse oscillation 

Savina K.D. Postural reactions of blood circulation in skin at sportswomen 

Brem V.V., Buga S.P., Dmitrenko I.V. Influence of oxides of silicon and aluminum on the solubility of hydrogen fluoride-oxide melts

Abstract. One of the most significant factors that determine the strength of steels, is the content of dissolved hydrogen. Using any method of production of steel, it definitely depends on the permeability of the slag cover, that is, ultimately, on the composition of the gas phase over the system slag – metal. In addition you need to find a correlation between the composition of the fluoride oxide flux and composition of the gas phase. This factor determines the solubility of hydrogen in the melt. The final result should be the obtaining  of  the  equations  that  would  count  the  solubility  of  hydrogen  in  fluoride-oxide  melts  of  given  composition.  ETC.

Keywords: hydrogen, flux, melt, solubility, gas phase, composition.  

Brem V.V., Buga S.P., Dmitrenko I.V.  Influence of oxides of silicon and aluminum on the solubility of hydrogen fluoride-oxide melts 

Varyvoda Ye.A. Strengthening emergencies governance system through environmental assessment implementation (case study of Ukraine)

Abstract.  The  legislative  background  and  methodological  approaches  for  ecological  safety  provision  with  application  of  environ- mental assessment procedure in the field of governance of emergencies are studied. The directions related to the efficiency increasing of environmental assessment implementation to the mechanism of state governance in civil protection are determined. 

Keywords: environmental assessment, emergencies, ecological safety, state governance, civil protection. 

Varyvoda Ye.A. Strengthening emergencies governance system through environmental assessment implementation (case study of Ukraine) 

Kovalev A.A., Varivoda A.V. Research migration of heavy and rare metals from the dumps ash and slag thermal power stations

Abstract. Article devoted to the solution problems increase of ecological safety in the areas where ash and slag dumps of thermal power plants by studying the  migration of heavy metals from the slag heaps of volume thermal power stations in the surrounding soils. For this purpose analysis of samples were performed ash, slag and soils near the dumps Zmievskoy and Zaporizhia thermal power plants. Based on these results and estimates are established law of migration of heavy metals in the ash dump bodies adjacent soils, according to which the decrease in the concentration of heavy metals occurs inversely to the distance from the source of con- tamination and in direct proportion to their original concentration. Distribution law found concentrations of heavy metals in soils will develop modern and effective methods of environmentally safe operation of the slag heaps from thermal power plants. 

Keywords: ash and slag dump, migration, heavy and rare metals, regularity. 

Kovalev A.A., Varivoda A.V.  Research migration of heavy and rare metals from the dumps ash and slag thermal power stations 

Borkach E.I., Ivanitsky V.P., Kovtunenko V.S. Terminology and definition of the amorphous substances

Abstract: It is attempted to create a clear physical and mathematical basis of the definitions of basic and most general notions in the field of studying the structure of the amorphous materials. 

Keywords: amorphous materials, disordered systems. 

Borkach E.I., Ivanitsky V.P., Kovtunenko V.S. Terminology and definition of the amorphous substances 

Mitsa V., Golomb R., Lovas G., Veresh M., Borkach E., Kovacs T., Rigo J. Effect of fragments of low-and high-temperature crystalline phases in germanium disulfide formation of mixed middle order in the technologically modified glassy c-GeS2: difference Raman spectra and first principle calculations

Abstract. In comparison with ordinary Raman spectra in difference {IRGeS2(TiV1-IRGeS2(T2V1)} Raman spectra of technologically modified g- GeS2(Ti,Vj) there was found the splitting  of main, more intensive wide-band, centered at 340 cm-1. Frequency position of  finding  bands  in  difference  Raman  spectra  near  340  and  360  сm-1  and  position  of  main  vibrational  modes  in  ordinary  Raman spectra of low- and high-temperature crystalline phases α-, -GeS2 are in good agreement. Vibrational spectra of 4-6, 6 і 4-members rings  fragments,  which  was  cut  from  crystalline  structure  -GeS2  ,  where  calculated.  Based  on  rings  composed  with  GeS4 tetrahedrons connected by corner and edges the structural interpretation of vibrational bands of Raman spectra g-GeS2(Ti,Vj).  at 360, 370 і 433 сm-1 was done. Existing of “defects” homopolar Ge-Ge and  S-S bonds in the structure of germanium disulfide glasses was assigned with formation 5 member rings. Formation of fragments of low- and high-temperature crystalline phases α-, -GeS2 in  the structure of g-GeS2(Ti,Vj) is evidences of existents the mixing middle range order in g-GeS2. 

Keywords: Raman spectroscopy, chalcogenide glass, middle range order, glassy structure, rings  

Mitsa V., Golomb R., Lovas G., Veresh M., Borkach E., Kovacs T., Rigo J. Effect of fragments of low-and high-temperature crystalline phases in germanium disulfide formation of mixed middle order in the technologically modified glassy c-GeS2: difference Raman spectra and first principle calculations 

Ausheva N. Modeling of minimal surfaces based on isotropic curves and quasiconformal change of parameter

Abstract. The paper is proposed constructing of minimal surfaces based on spatial isotropic Bezier curves. Modeling of isotropic curves is realized in a complex space. Several methods of constructing such curves: based on analytic functions of a complex  varia- ble, based on a specified real curve in the plane and based on the deformation of a plane curve in the complex space are proposed. Conditions of isotropy of the Bezier curve of the nth order are found and the curve of the 3d order is constructed as an example. A special case of constructing a Bezier curve based on isotropic sides of the characteristic quadrilateral is examined, in this case the real curve will be on the plane in three-dimensional space. The resulting curves were used as a guide curve for constructing surfaces. To create a surface the quasiconformal change of parameter in the equation of an isotropic curve is done. By separating the real and im- aginary parts we get the equations of the surfaces. The analysis of the coefficients of the first and second quadratic forms is done. It was proved that the resulting surface are minimal surfaces. 

Keywords: isotropic curves, Bezier curves, minimal surfaces  

Ausheva N. Modeling of minimal surfaces based on isotropic curves and quasiconformal change of parameter 

Steblyanko P., Kravchuk T. The construction of three-dimensional spline basis for solving problems of mathematical modeling

Abstract.  Currently  splines  to  date  have  proven  themselves  good  enough  for  interpolating  and  solutions  to  various  problems  of mathematical modeling. This work also deals with the problem of constructing a type of spline functions, namely the construction of a three-dimensional spline basis. It provides a perspective view of a three-dimensional spline as the product of three third-order poly- nomials. The essence of the work is to find the unknown coefficients of the spline. The area of designing three-dimensional spline basis is a cube that splits into eight equivalent blocks, which in turn are divided into eight equal more pairs of equivalent parts. In the application of all conditions, including the values of the derivatives at the vertices of a cube, a system of ten equations, solving which we find the coefficients of three-dimensional spline, but depending on several parameters, which are a result of substitution in the general equation of the contract and obtain a formula of general form of three-dimensional cubic spline basis. Also in this paper we consider three separate cases, namely the case where the constant term of one of the factors in the three-dimensional spline is equal to zero, a case where two free members are zero, and when all three independent coefficients equal to zero. For each of the four cases is an example of building a specific surface formed by the base spline, and as it turned out, each individual case is the construction of the spline in different cubes of its design. 

Keyword:. Spline interpolation, three-dimensional spline basis, multi-dimensional spline functions.   

Steblyanko P., Kravchuk T.  The construction of three-dimensional spline basis for solving problems of mathematical modeling 

Gaystruk N.A., Melnik A.V., Gaystruk A.V, Stenyansky R.P. The role of art therapy in the correction of emotional and neuroendocrine adaptation in children with tension cephalgy

Abstract. In this paper the analysis of the role of art therapy techniques to correct emotional state and neuroendocrine adaptation in adolescents with cephalgy tension. Feasibility of using art therapy artistic techniques in adolescents with episodic and chronic tension headache. The use of art therapy art techniques significantly reduces reactive and personal anxiety, depression, children with chronic form stresses cephalgy proof overwhelming impact of art therapy on the activity of the sympathetic-adrenal system.

Keywords: art therapy, stress cephalgy, anxiety, depression, epinephrine, norepinephrine.  

Gaystruk N.A., Melnik A.V., Gaystruk A.V, Stenyansky R.P. The role of art therapy in the correction of emotional and neuroendocrine adaptation in children with tension cephalgy 

Gaystruk N.A., Nadezhdin M.V., Stenyansky R.P. Determining the predictive value of hyperhomocysteinemia as a risk factor for fetal distress in pregnant women with gestational and chronic pyelonephritis

Abstract: The high incidence of complications such as fetal distress indicates the uncertainty in the pathogenesis, early diagnosis, prognosis, prevention and effective treatment of this complication in pregnant women with chronic pyelonephritis. The aim of  our study was to evaluate the role of hyperhomocysteinemia in the formation of fetal distress in pregnant women with pyelonephritis. It was found that pregnant women with gestational body, and to a greater extent with chronic pyelonephritis The expressed metabolic disorders. Under these conditions, growth recorded homocysteine in serum. 

Keywords: pyelonephritis, hyperhomocysteinemia, distress, pregnant, ROC-analysis.  

Gaystruk N.A., Nadezhdin M.V., Stenyansky R.P. Determining the predictive value of hyperhomocysteinemia as a risk factor for fetal distress in pregnant women with gestational and chronic pyelonephritis 

Dulo O.А. Study the level of physical health of females of mountainous area transcarpathia by the metabolic level of aerobic productivity of providing of energy

Abstract. The work is devoted to the study of the level of physical health of females of the age of 16-20 which are living in the mountainous  area  Transcarpathia.  Level  of  physical  fitness  was  assessed  for  indicators  of  aerobic  efficiency,  namely  determined physical productivity, maximum oxygen consumption, using the method veloergometry. To assess the level of aerobic productivity and use the scale Y.P. Pyarnata. We surveyed women using the method Heath -Carter somatotype determined conditionally distribut- ed  them  into  five  groups  :  with  ectomorphic  somatotype,  endomorphic  somatotype,  somatotype  endomezomorfnym,  me- zoektomorfnym somatotipom and balanced somatotype. The greatest number of women identified with a balanced somatotype (41.2 %), with minimal endomorphic somatotype (5.9%). It is set that the level of aerobic productivity which shows the physical health on the average correspond to “excellent”. Relative performance of maximum oxygen consumption in girls mountain exceed the “safe level of health ” and constitute 41,70,46 ml ∙ min-1 ∙ kg -1. Determination of physical productivity for relative value PWC170 rel. probably  showed  a  low  rate  at  representatives  ectomorphic  somatotype  as  compared  with  the  representatives  of  other  somatotype groups.  Average  values  PWC170  rel.  at  representatives  endomezomorfnogo  somatotype  values  exceeds  representatives  me- zoektomorfnogo somatotype by 42.2% (p<0.05), and representatives of ectomorphic somatotype 2.03 times (p<0.05). High VO2 max mean values of RH. have representatives endmezomorfnogo somatotype – 45,21,93 ml • min-1 • kg -1. The lowest values of VO2 max rel. representatives observed in mountain areas and mezoektomorfnogo ectomorphic somatotype and among themselves proba- bly do not differ (p>0.05). Average values of VO2 max index rel. Female mountain with endomorphic, endomezomorfnym and bal- anced somatotypes together probably do not differ (p>0.05). 

Keywords: physical health, aerobic productivity, physical capacity, somatic type.   

Dulo O.А. Study the level of physical health of females of mountainous area transcarpathia by the metabolic level of aerobic productivity of providing of energy 

Lahutin V.L. Mathematical model of flat vertical oscillations of the trolley for transporting dangerous cargo with usage of pneumatic elements in the second stage of suspension

Abstract. We are introducing the construction of a mathematical model of plane vertical oscillations of the trolley for transporting dangerous cargo, which has a two-stage spring suspension using high quality pneumatic elements. 

Keywords: explosive cargo, two stage spring suspension, vibrations.  

Lahutin V.L. Mathematical model of flat vertical oscillations of the trolley for transporting dangerous cargo with usage of pneumatic elements in the second stage of suspension 

Shatohyn V.M., Semkiv O.M., Popova A.N. Optimum blade profile of a groundthrower as a solution of the brachistochrone for the centrifugal force of inetia

Abstract. It has been described a method for finding the brachistochrone for the centrifugal force of inertia. A time functional in the polar coordinate system has been built and the corresponding Euler equation has been recorded; its first integral has been obtained, an analytic solution for the integral has been found. It has been ascertained that its structure depends on the boundary conditions. Ex- amples of calculations of optimal trajectories have been provided; the blade of the groundthrower with brachistochrone profile has been built. 

Keywords: brachistochrone, the centrifugal force of inertia, functional, polar coordinates, the Euler equation, the optimum blade profile. 

Shatohyn V.M., Semkiv O.M., Popova A.N. Optimum blade profile of a groundthrower as a solution of the brachistochrone for the centrifugal force of inetia 

Shovgenyuk M.V., Semeniv V.V., Kovalskiy B.M. Development a theory for colors synthesis by four inks

Abstract. The autotype equation of color synthesis with four inks was established, one of the inks serves as a parameter. A computer program  was developed. A color gamut of autotype colors synthesis was built using computer program. The results of theoretical analysis were confirmed by means of experimental data Fogra 

Keywords: autotype synthesis of colors, autotype equations, color separation, computer program  

Shovgenyuk M.V., Semeniv V.V., Kovalskiy B.M. Development a theory for colors synthesis by four inks 

Shvachych G.G. Multiprocessor simulating medium in the task of stochastic modeling

Abstract. The work considers the multiprocessors technologies of modeling for Monte Carlo tasks. It is shown that only application of the modern super productive systems permitted the new way to realize the mechanism of corresponding partitioned computations. The calculating schemes that supply to provide the increase of productivity and calculations’ speed effectiveness are shown. Effectiv- ity of the proposed method is illustrated in the comparative analyses of solving the definite tasks’ class. 

Keywords: technology, modeling tasks Monte Carlo, distributed computing.  

Shvachych G.G. Multiprocessor simulating medium in the task of stochastic modeling 

Ushapivsky І.L. Experimental studies of vibrations centrifugal fire pump with defective bearings

Abstract. The work deals with an experimental study of vibrations of centrifugal fire pump PN-40UV with defect. A worn-out bear- ing assembly was selected as internal defect. The vibration accelerations signals have been analyzed by their spectral structure. It was determined that the presence of the worn bearing in the pump leads to an appearance of additional harmonics with specific frequen- cies. This harmonics arises in the most dynamically loaded regime of operation – the usage of a pump filled with a water but without its filing. These vibrational symptoms of the analyzed type of hidden defects could be used in the procedures of fire pumps technical diagnostics.  

Keywords: centrifugal fire pumps, diagnostic, technical state, vibrations   

Ushapivsky І.L.  Experimental studies of vibrations centrifugal fire pump with defective bearings  

Vinogradov S.A. The usage of high speed impulse liquid jets for putting out of gas blowout

Abstract. The experimental researches of gas flame suppression by means of high speed impulse liquid jet generated by powder im- pulse hydro-cannon have been carried out. The speed of the impulse jet depending on a charge energy ranged in the experiment from 300 to 600 m/s. By means of the laser non-contact measuring device the speed of the head jet right near the gas flame has been meas- ured, the flow has been photographed. It has been shown that round the high speed impulse liquid jet in the air the high-speed cloud of splashes with the big cross-section is being formed which effectively forces down a flame of the gas flame on distances 10 – 20 m from installation. 

Keywords: impulse liquid jet, powder impulse hydro-cannon, gas blowout.  

Vinogradov S.A. The usage of high speed impulse liquid jets for putting out of gas blowout

Bomba A.Y., Vostrikov V.P. Mathematical design of process of heating of environment "soil - air" by the linear sources of heat

Abstract. The aim of work is development of mathematical equations that describe the process of stationary heat conductivity and al- low to expect the temperature field in the cross section of environment “soil – air” at her heating by the linear pipeline sources of heat and to optimize the parameters of sources of heat. The decision of task is executed with the use of mathematical vehicle of law of heat conductivity, equations of indissolubility and methods of numeral decision of reverse nonlinear regional tasks on conformal and quasi-conformal reflections. In the derivation of mathematical equations the process of heating of piece-homogeneous environment is considered “soil-air” infinitely largenesses with the sources of heat accommodated in parallel in soil. Thus the sources of heat are in- terpreted by points. The calculation area of task is certain as a piece-homogeneous environment with the line of division on the sur- face of soil as a straight line. Soil and air environment are characterized the considerably differing permanent coefficients of heat conductivity. The sources of heat are interpreted by the points placed on identical distance in soil (on soil), and in mid air, according- ly, the flows of heat are interpreted as the symmetrically placed points. Mathematical transformations are get equations for determi- nation of values of thermal potentials and thermal streams in overhead and lower semi planes of calculation area. The equations are got for determination of height of placing of sources of heat for providing of the set temperature of air. Calculations are conducted with the use of complex of the programs of MATLAB and results are got as isothermal areas of distribution of temperatures at  the different placing of sources of heat on a depth and at heating of soil by six sources of heat, placed on her surface. Offer methodology of formulation and calculation of tasks of heat conductivity in an environment “soil-air” allows to expect the temperature condition of environment and optimize the parameters of sources of heat and calculation area, and also to take into account reverse influence of descriptions of process of heat transfer on descriptions of calculation environment. 

Keywords: mathematical design, heating, an environment is “soil-air”, linear sources of heat, calculation area, thermal stream.  

Bomba A.Y., Vostrikov V.P.  Mathematical design of process of heating of environment “soil – air” by the linear sources of heat 

Voloshin N.V. Representations, methods and algorithms during projecting the automated iridology system

Abstract. In this paper discusses the application methods for the determination of the iris, and the identification of iris signs and lacunas  in  automated  iridology  systems.  Recognition  is  realized  based  on  the  additional  boosting  of  simple  classifiers  with  uses method  of  local  binary  pattern.  The  identification  of  lacunas  conducted  by  an  introphysical  method  and  getting  the  iris  signs  by filtration images based on color spaces. 

Keywords: iridology, introphysics, LBP, AdaBoost, recognition, identification 

Voloshin N.V. Representations, methods and algorithms during projecting the automated iridology system 

Golubnyk T.S. Yuschik O.V. Pages offset value in the imposition of book block method was developed

Abstract. A method for determining the shift amount of pages set in collation tab. 

Keywords: descent pages, shift, collation notebook paper. 

Golubnyk T.S. Yuschik O.V. Pages offset value in the imposition of book block method was developed

Dominik A.M. Fire investigation cylinder columns under fire

Abstract. The stress-strain state of a cylindrical carrier concrete construction forms in fire conditions. The method of determination and the study of temperature field in the design due to the sudden change in temperature of the environment. Heat exchange between the design and the environment is by Newton’s law. Defined and studied the stress-strain state of the structure due to the temperature. Based on these studies the technique of determining the fire resistance of a cylindrical tower on the grounds of loss of bearing capaci- ty, loss of integrity and insulation ability. The research results are depicted graphically. 

Keywords: fire resistance concrete structures, temperature field, displacement.  

Dominik A.M. Fire investigation cylinder columns under fire 

Melnik K.V., Glushko V.N. Application of Bayesian networks for data processing from medical cards

Abstract. Medical information technologies are the essential tool for solving various health problems. It is reflected in a large number of publications. Nowadays medical facilities have started to use electronic documents. There are many reasons for this: a conven- ient storage of the patient information, easy and quick access to information, increasing the efficiency of the healthcare facility in medical data processing. Using statistical information from the electronic database of patients helps to identify risk factors for vari- ous diseases in the service area. Patients don’t visit medical institutions regularly, so the diagnosis is a classification task on incomplete information. Bayesian networks are the appropriate mathematical tool to solve such problems. An overview of the application of Bayesian networks for disease diagnosis is provided in the article. Analysis of practical implementations of Bayesian networks showed the feasibility of this approach for diagnosis. Therefore, Bayesian belief networks are encouraged to apply for early diagnosis in uncertain and incomplete information from patients cards. The paper proposes a network, which helps to detect violations of the cardiovascular system. The information used to construct a Bayesian network was divided into three groups: the first group is risk factors that influence the emergence and development of certain diseases, the second group is a collection of diagnoses under consid- eration, and the third group is a doctor’s supervision, a variety of symptoms and results of laboratory or instrument-computer analyses. The article shows how to use the developed Bayesian network. 

Keywords: medical information technologies, Bayesian networks, medical data processing, cardiovascular system. 

Melnik K.V., Glushko V.N. Application of Bayesian networks for data processing from medical cards 

Prydatko O.V. Efficiently value analysis of risks implementation of innovative technologies quality management of educational projects

The article presents spectacularly-cost analysis designed to assess the risks associated with the introduction of innovative technologies developed by improving the quality of educational projects of Civil Defense of Ukraine. The basis of the proposed method of risk assessment founded SWOT-analysis of performance criteria’s. 

Keywords: educational project, innovative technology, risk assessment.  

Prydatko O.V. Efficiently value analysis of risks implementation of innovative technologies quality management  of educational projects 

Romanko R.M., Petrakovska O.S. Methods and models of land monitoring affected by the exogenous geological processes

Abstract. Close relationship of land monitoring and monitoring of the geological environment is approved. The need to improve in- formation interaction between them within the implementation of the state environmental monitoring system is highlighted. The system of EGP indicators that should be considered in land monitoring is determined. The close relationship of the geological environ- ment monitoring and land monitoring systems necessitates the improvement of information exchange between them within the state environmental monitoring system at all levels. The combination of these information systems based on a GIS environment will significantly reduce the costs associated with the creation, operation and support of various types of users. This in turn will increase the effectiveness of management tasks to eliminate, minimize and prevent negative influence of geological processes and phenomena as on land resources in particular and the environment in general. 

Keywords: land monitoring, geological monitoring, indicators and factors of exogenous geological processes.  

Romanko R.M., Petrakovska O.S. Methods and models of land monitoring affected by the exogenous geological processes 

Khryschuk S.Yu., Bespal’ko R.I. Anthropogenic transformation as a criterion of optimization of land-tenures at regional level

Abstract. In the article the regional features of land-tenure of territory of the Chernivtsi area are considered at regional level. A concept “level of anthropogenic transformation ” as important criterion of optimization of land-tenures is investigational. It is expected degree  of  anthropogenic  transformation  and her  differentiation  within  the  limits  of  administrative  units of  area.  As  a  result  of  researches next conformity to law is educed such conformity to law: than greater area of type of landtenure and higher index of depth of transformation territory, that in a greater degree anthropogenic regenerate region. The most low level of anthropogenic transformation is inherent for territories of administrative district in the zone of Ukrainian Carpathians. The structure of landtenure within the limits of the investigated territory and level of anthropogenic transformation are considerably differentiated; it needs  further research from the exposure of factors of such situation and by the ground of events on optimization of land-tenure. The natural ecosystems of the investigated region closely interlace  with anthropogenic; such situation was  folded as a result ecologically groundless mastering of territory for the conduct of industrial and economic activity, that stipulated violation of betweenness by earth of forest fund, agricultural setting, housing building. 

Keywords:  land-tenure,  rational  use,  anthropogenic  transformation,  optimization  of  land-tenure,  ecologically  landscape  approach. 

Khryschuk S.Yu., Bespal’ko R.I.  Anthropogenic transformation as a criterion of optimization of land-tenures at regional level 

Chikunov P.A. Physical and formal statement of the operative management salt producing enterprise

Abstract. Delivered and formalized in the form functional purpose of the task determine the best options of the gross output of gen- eralized products for the season (strategic planning) and a month of the season (tactical planning). These purposes are subject to the problem of determining the production program processing plant mines enterprises, taking into account the perturbations arising from the current fluctuations in market conditions and the deterioration of the equipment that  enables decisions to be accompanied by a minimum costly mechanism. These functionals are different from the existing subject area and recurrent adaptation procedure that al- lows the calculation of indicators of the production program of the company for seasonal operational management. The results will enable design of DSS processing and mining enterprises two-tier structure, which helps expand the range of applications of distribut- ed control systems.  

Keywords: production and processing of miner salt, order book, production costs, decision support in management, operational management. 

Chikunov P.A. Physical and formal statement of the operative management salt producing enterprise 

Yushchyk O.V., Gavrysh B.M. Modulation Transfer Functions in Fast Direction of Recording Raster Scanning Devices Investigation

Abstract.  The  paper  deals  to  actual  questions  of  quick  scan  recording  raster  scanning  devices  research  with  the  help  of  the modulation transfer function. 

Keywords: raster scanning device, scanning, fast direction scanning, modulation transfer function.  

Yushchyk O.V., Gavrysh B.M.  Modulation Transfer Functions in Fast Direction of Recording Raster Scanning Devices Investigation 

Iushchuk I.V., Ovcharuk V.O., Vovkodav N.I., Metlov S.G. Investigation of the influence of the diameter of the saturator for the absorption of carbon dioxide in sugar production

Abstract. The main task of cleaning of the crude juice by lime and kiln gas – the maximum possible removal of various nonsugar components and receive deposit with high sedimentation and filtration performance. One radical methods to improve the filtrationsedimentation properties of deposit – before carbonation treatment. Therefore, in industrial practice, especially in foreign countries, were spread purification and where to get sludge with good sedimentation, filtration properties used predefecosaturation or previous defecation  in  combination  with predefecosaturation.  As  a  result of  macromolecular  substances  and  substance  coagulated  colloidal dispersion with simultaneous dehydration and adsorbed on the surface of the formed crystals of calcium carbonate. The Department of Computer Science (NUFT, Kyiv) work on optimization calculation process equipment intended for the absorption of carbon diox- ide with calcium hydroxide to neutralize cleansing crude juice in sugar production. For this purpose was developed a mathematical model calculation process carbonation. The first carbonation of calcium carbonate with the forming of deposit required for its isolation sedimentation and filtration properties. Resulted in a determination that the theoretical size saturator lower than those devices that are used in the sugar factories and varies from 2,5 to 2,1 meters with increasing content of carbon dioxide gas in carbonation. Saturation with carbon dioxide gas carbonation negative impact on rate of its use. With the increase of CO2 in the gas twice the efficiency of its use is reduced by 25%. 

Keywords: optimization of calculation, purifying crude juice, sugar production. 

Iushchuk I.V., Ovcharuk V.O., Vovkodav N.I., Metlov S.G. Investigation of the influence of the diameter of the saturator for the absorption of carbon dioxide in sugar production

Yarmilko A., Bahinskyi M., Prykhodko D. The choice of software platform as a means of increasing the resource efficiency and dynamic characteristics in embedded real-time control systems

Abstract. The authors discuss a problem of the influence of the used software platform on the rate of the model-oriented applications operation in embedded real-time systems. The most appropriate options, feasible variants and estimation criteria of the efficiency of this problem solutions were proposed in the article. Also the advanced tools and facilities of real-time models changing program implementation were defined. The authors have presented the developed technique and tools for quantitative evaluation of the proposed methods. The article also focuses on testing the methods of models changing in embedded real-time systems. The experimental research results of the model changing methods properties based on using Matlab engine, performed by the authors, are discussed in the article, as well as scripting languages and shared library concept developed with using two types of models: synthetic and GMDH-like. Numerical estimates obtained by the proposed model of data processing have shown high potential of Lua scripting language with LuaJIT interpreter. In the end of the paper there are the interpretation of the results in relation to the number of models that are relevant to intelligent control and the usage recommendations for the methods developed for the real-time embedded control systems were presented

Keywords: model, criterions of efficiency, embedded systems, real-time systems, model-driven engineering.   

Yarmilko A., Bahinskyi M., Prykhodko D. The choice of software platform as a means of increasing the resource efficiency and dynamic characteristics in embedded real-time control systems