Science and Education a New Dimension

Online version ISSN 2308-1996

Printed version ISSN 2308-5258

Science and Education a New Dimension

Iss. 186. 2018.

O. M. Sazonova, O. Yu. Vovk, V. B. Ikramov, D. O. Gordiychuk, I. V. Chekanova Craniometric study of the palate indicators in adult human 

Abstract. To date, the important is the existing range of individual anatomical variability of the maxilla and its structures so far been insufficiently studied. This article is devoted to differences in the size of various structures of the maxilla depending on gender and terminal types of skull. The detailed craniometric study of the maxilla at middle-aged people was conducted. It was established that the length and height of the palate takes the maximum value in people with dolichomorphic type of skull, and the minimum – with brachimorphic, while the width of the palate increases at brachimorphic and decreases at dolichomorphic type. 

Keywords: facial skull, individual anatomic variability, adult human, palate. 

O. M. Sazonova, O. Yu. Vovk, V. B. Ikramov, D. O. Gordiychuk, I. V. Chekanova Craniometric study of the palate indicators in adult human

P. V. Zakharchenko, О. M. Gavrysh, T. O. Kashchenko Trends in drywall construction - from dry plaster to intelligent building material 

Abstract. This article analyzes and assesses plasterboard from the point of view of modern consumer goods. First, the market of gypsum plasterboard in Ukraine was examined by volume, the share of export and import deliveries and the main operators. Thereafter, the consumer properties of gypsum plasterboard were recorded and ranked according to their weighting. At different stages of the lifecycle, this ranking varied significantly. Most important for the production of plasterboard are low mass and the external appearance of the goods. For the stage of application, flexibility and ease of processing are relevant and for use – functionality and strength. Such estimation according to the consumer value of the commodity makes possible statements concerning the tendencies of the further development of the dry-goods market. 

Keywords: Drywall, Plasterboard, Commodity, Consumer Properties, Consumer Value, Life Cycle. 

P. V. Zakharchenko, О. M. Gavrysh, T. O. Kashchenko Trends in drywall construction – from dry plaster to intelligent building material 

S. S. Rudenko, T. V. Morozovа Thigmomorphogenesis Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. and it's importance of indication 

Abstract. Mechanical disturbances are constantly affecting by the plants in the natural environment. It’s requires timely response- acclimatization, reproduction and even survival. The aggregate of the reactions of growth and development of plants to mechanical stimulation was called tigmomorphogenesis. Found that Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. detects tigmomorphogenesis in response to wind’s load. At the same time, for the action of a unidirectional wind, flag-shaped biomorphs are formed, and in the a multidirectional – wriggling. The revealed biomorphs are proposed to be considered as a proxy measure of the ability of anthropogenically transformed ecotopes to self-purify the atmosphere. 

Keywords:  tigmomorphogenesis,  Arabidopsis  thaliana,  biomorphs,  wind,  mechanical  stimulation,  self-cleaning  of  the  atmosphere. 

S. S. Rudenko, T. V. Morozovа Thigmomorphogenesis Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. and it’s importance of indication

A. A. Galkina, Yu. M. Dzhurtubayev, V. V. Zamorov Production of macrozoobenthos of Sasyk reservoir (Ukraine) in modern conditions 

Abstract. Sasyk – reservoir located in the Tatarbunarsky district of the Odessa region; created in the bowl associated with the sea estuary. After isolating the estuary from the sea with a dam and connecting the channel with the Danube, its macrozoobenthos acquired mainly freshwater character. The purpose of the work is to determine the production of macrozoobenthos of the reservoir in modern conditions. In 2013-2014 years, 160 qualitative and quantitative samples of macrozoobenthos were collected and processed according to the standard procedure. Found 78 species: insects – 38, crustaceans – 20, seven species of gastropod and bivalve mollusks and other species. The average number of macrozoobenthos in the reservoir was 7,29-11,40 thous./m2, the average biomass is from 20,25 to 41,57 g/m2. The production of macrozoobenthos ranged from 2229,50 MJ/ha (532,85 Mcal/ha) in the spring of 2014 year to  4914,15 MJ/ha (1174,48 Mcal/ha) in the summer of 2013. In 2014, macrozoobenthos production on the entire area of the reservoir reached 242258 GJ (57900 Gсal). Chironomids, Cardiidae and oligochaetes make the greatest contribution to the products. In general, the reservoir corresponds to the β-eutrophic – hypertrophic type. 

Keywords: Sasyk reservoir, macrozoobenthos, feed base. 

A. A. Galkina, Yu. M. Dzhurtubayev, V. V. Zamorov Production of macrozoobenthos of Sasyk reservoir (Ukraine) in modern conditions

N. Gurets Identification and risk analysis of environmental management system imple mentation projects in municipalities 

Abstract. Timely analysis and consideration of risks in project management of the implementation of an environmental management system in municipalities increases the efficiency of project implementation. The risks of such projects are identified in the article. It has been demonstrated that risk events complicate the project management process. A qualitative and quantitative analyzes of  the impact of risks on the implementation projects of the environmental management system in municipalities have been carried out. The groups of risks that have the most negative impact on the implementationof projects are defined and methods of their reduction are offered. 

Keywords: risk, risk management, environmental management system, project management, municipality. 

N. Gurets Identification and risk analysis of environmental management system imple mentation projects in municipalities 

O. Tverda, T. Hrebeniuk, K. Tkachuk, V. Prokopenko Assessment of the soil conditions in the areas of excavation dumps in rock formations 

Abstract. With the help of the method of bioindication, the ambiguous effect of granite dumps on the bioparameters of different species was increased. With the help of experimental research on the soil biototoxicity using the “Growth Test” method a strong correlation between plant bioparameters and distance to the granite dump, and hence the concentration of dust in the soil. It was investigated that the soil in the territory where the population is intensively engaged in agriculture, has mutagenic properties and causes a violation of bioindicators that affects the state of ecological safety and is a source of a threat to the health of the population and the ecosystem in general. 

Keywords: bioindicators, Growth Test, bioindication, natural environment.  

O. Tverda, T. Hrebeniuk, K. Tkachuk, V. Prokopenko Assessment of the soil conditions in the areas of excavation dumps in rock formations 

N. S. Aiubova, O. O. Kurchenko Estimation of the Hurst parameter of fractional Brownian fields by observations with errors 

Abstract. A consistent estimation of the Hurst parameter of a fractional Brownian field is obtained for observations with additive errors on a discrete set of points. Sufficient conditions for strong consistency of this estimation are listed and confidence intervals are constructed. 

Keywords: Hurst parameter, fractional Brownian motion, fractional Brownian field, consistent estimation, confidence intervals. 

N. S. Aiubova, O. O. Kurchenko Estimation of the Hurst parameter of fractional Brownian fields by observations with errors

О. М. Druzhyna, О. А. Loskutov, S. R. Maruniak The quality of life in aged and geriatric patients in the long term after cardiac surgery 

Abstract.  Introduction.  Coronary  heart  disease  is  considered  the  main  cause  of  mortality  and  morbidity  in  developed  countries.  It should be noted that the radical method of treatment is coronary artery bypass grafting. Despite the apparent benefits, CABG also has a certain level of mortality and morbidity. This can be attributed from 1% to 6% the risk of stroke, infection, bleeding, myocardial infarc- tion and even death. These complications are an important marker for the negative effects of CABG, but their isolated use to evaluate the consequences of this surgical intervention does not give an objective picture. To date, patient satisfaction is increasingly being used as a reliable indicator of the quality of CHD treatment, especially when it comes in aged and geriatric patients. Goal. Determine the effectiveness of coronary artery bypass grafting in aged and geriatric patients on the basis assessment quality of life one year after surgical intervention. Materials and methods. In our study, we used a 36-item Short Form Health Survey (SF-36) designed by J.E. Ware and C.D. Sherbourne to evaluate the quality of life of patients after CABG. The assessment of quality of life in the questionnaire was con- ducted in 120 patients in the preoperative period. Continue the study 12 months after the CABG was successful in 108 patients. In par- ticular, 9 people refused to participate and 3 died in the postoperative period. The average age of patients included in the study was 68.4 ± 2.8 years. Of the 108 patients, 67 (62.03%) of male patients and 41 (37.98%) were female. Results. There was no significant difference between quality of life depending on the gender 12 months after the CABG. 12 months after the CABG, patients noted the reliable dynamics of such parameters as physical functioning, role-based functioning, caused by physical condition, pain intensity, vital activity, social  functioning and role-playing, caused by emotional state. 24.8% of patients reported having  angina 12 months after surgery, of which 14.8% had a mild degree of pain, 5.6% had a moderate degree, and 3.7% had a severe degree of pain. The pain in the area of sernotomic wound within 12 months after ACS was noted by 61.1% of the patients, of which 25.9% had weak intensity, 16.7% had moderate intensity, 14.8% had severe intensity and 3.7% – very strong intensity. 40.7% of patients within 12 months after CABG also noticed a different sensation of pain at the site of venous anastomosis in the legs. Conclusions. Given the results of the study, aged and geriatric patients are not an obstacle to the cardiac operation. Despite the fact that this contingent is especially difficult for surgery in general and cardiosurgery in particular, due to the peculiarities of the course of the underlying disease, the duration and the presence of concomitant pathologies, cardiac surgery is often the method of choice for elderly patients. 

Keywords: quality of life, and patients, cardiac surgery. 

О. М. Druzhyna, О. А. Loskutov, S. R. Maruniak The quality of life in aged and geriatric patients in the long term after cardiac surgery

O. А. Dulo Study the level of physical health of men which live in lowland Transcarpathian areas by the metabolic level of aerobic and anaerobic providing of energy according to the body components consist 

Abstract. The work is devoted to the study of the level of men’s physical health in the age of 17-21 years which live in the lowland areas of  Transcarpathia. It’s proved that the level of anaerobic productivity, which shows the physical health, depends on body components consist.  The boys with normal body weight, but with normal relative consist of fat, very high relative consist of muscles and normal level of visceral  fat have the highest level of aerobic productivity by the relative value of maximum oxygen consumption. Cause of this, level of physical  health exceeds the “safe health level” by G.L. Apanasenko and matches to the “average” by Y.P. Pyarnata. 

Keywords: physical health, aerobic productivity, anaerobic productivity. 

O. А. Dulo Study the level of physical health of men which live in lowland Transcarpathian areas by the metabolic level of aerobic and anaerobic providing of energy according to the body components consist

V. V. Hrushko Results of the use of ademetionin and its long-term effects on lipidogram indices in athletes of high professional skills and in patients with chronic hepatitis C 

Abstract. The analysis of fractions of lipids in athletes of high professional skills during the period of maximum physical activity and  in  patients  with  chronic  hepatitis  C  showed  that  the  level  of  total  cholesterol  and  the  ratio of atherogenicity  in  both  studied groups  statistically  significantly  decreased,  and  high  density  lipoprotein  increased Ademetionin  intake  during  the  month  has  a positive effect on lipid fractions, both at athletes in the recovery period, and in patients with chronic hepatitis C. Long-term results are definitely the best in a group of athletes. 

Keywords: physical activity, lipidogram, athletes, hepatitis C. 

V. V. Hrushko Results of the use of ademetionin and its long-term effects on lipidogram indices in athletes of high professional skills and in patients with chronic hepatitis C 

V. V. Sosnovsky, V. A. Pastukhova, M. M. Filippov, V. M. Ilyin Analysis of power spectrum of heart rate variability in athletes during initial adaptation to mountain hypoxia conditions 

Abstract. In basis of classification of spectrums of power of variability of cardiac rhythm the fixed system of rec- ord of formula, that contains symbols, that characterize a spectrum structure, frequency and peak descriptions of basic spectral maximums. When analyzing сardiorytmohram the athletes in the initial period of adaptation to mountain conditions recorded at rest and during exertion, found 12 of the 16 possible types of power spectra of heart rate variability, which correspond to “stable” and “unstable” functional state of athletes. “Stable” states of the organism are characteris- tic for conditions of rest and minor functional loads. “”Unstable” are more common in stresses of regulatory systems of the organism that arise during heavy loads or during the effects of extreme environmental factors. It is shown that in the initial period of adaptation to the mountainous conditions of the athletes there are “unstable” condition characterized by high functional stress regulatory mechanisms and an increased risk of  spontaneous goes into a strain and exhaustion. The mathematical and statistical indicators describing the distribution of cardiointervals in groups with different types of spectra are given. 

Keywords: heart rhythm variability, spectral formula, functional state, hypoxia, adaptation. 

V. V. Sosnovsky, V. A. Pastukhova, M. M. Filippov, V. M. Ilyin Analysis  of  power  spectrum  of  heart  rate  variability  in athletes  during  initial  adaptation  to  mountain  hypoxia conditions

А. V. Borodulin Influence of safe area of rectangular form on determination of size is maximum - possible distance of rapprochement of vessels 

Abstract. Dependence of value maximum is shown – possible distance of rapprochement of vessels from their mutual position in the case of application of safe area  of rectangular form.  Analytical dependences allowing to expect size maximum are got  – possible distance of rapprochement of vessels depending on their foreshortening. By a computer the design of size maximum is produced – possible distance of rapprochement and the limits of its change are appraised.  

Keywords: safety of navigator, divergence of  vessels at dangerous rapprochement, form of safe area, maximum  – possible distance of rapprochement of vessels.  

А. V. Borodulin Influence of safe area of rectangular form on determination of size is maximum – possible distance of rapprochement of vessels

N. V. Borysova, K. V. Melnyk Automated system for the creation and replenishment of users’ electronic lexicographical resources 

Abstract. This article proposes a solution to improve the efficiency of automated generation of electronic lexicographical resources based on strongly-structured electronic information arrays processing. The developed automated information system for lexicographical resources creation and replenishment have been described is this article. Several supporting subsystems of developed automated system have been characterized. The effectiveness of the information system has been evaluated. 

Keywords:  Automated  systems  for  natural language  processing,  electronic  lexicographical  resources,  strongly-structured  electronic information arrays 

N. V. Borysova, K. V. Melnyk Automated system for the creation and replenishment of users’ electronic lexicographical resources 

I. A. Burmaka Application of region of impermissible values of parameters of motion of vessels for safe divergence at presence of preventing ship 

Abstract. The analytical method of determination of maneuver of divergence of vessels by the joint maneuver of change of course of one ship and speed of presence of preventing ship second in a situation in the district of maneuvering is considered. Computer realization of such method is offered, allowing the choice of safe maneuver of divergence for all three vessels.  

Keywords: safety of navigator, divergence of vessels, external process of divergence, region of dangerous courses control, safe divergence of vessels at presence of preventing ship.  

I. A. Burmaka Application of region of impermissible values of parameters of motion of vessels for safe divergence at presence of preventing ship

T. L. Kurtseitov, V. O. Dachkovskyi, Y. O. Kizyak, O. I. Uhrynovych Experimental study of stability of base wheel platforms to the influence of explosive objects 

Astract. The effect of explosive objects on basic wheel platforms is investigated in this work. For testing of basic wheel platforms for resistance to  explosive objects, the  method of  experimental research  is proposed. On the basis of experimental data obtained  during the laboratory research, a mathematical model of the impact of explosive objects on the base wheel platforms was developed, which provides an opportunity to assess the level of their security and restoration. 

Keywords: experimental research, base wheel platforms, explosive objects. 

T. L. Kurtseitov, V. O. Dachkovskyi, Y. O. Kizyak, O. I. Uhrynovych Experimental study of stability of base wheel platforms to the influence of explosive objects 

M. V. Marchuk, T. V. Goriachko, V. S. Pakosh, O. F. Lesyk Geometrically Nonlinear Transversal Vibrations of Corrugated Cylindrical Shells 

Abstract. The expressions for the geometric characteristics of the median surface of the corrugated cylindrical shell, depending on the frequency and amplitude of the corrugation, are obtained. The character of the dependence of the first natural frequency of geometrically nonlinear vibrations of corrugated elongated cylindrical panels on the corrugation frequency is investigated.  

Keywords: corrugated cylindrical shell, vibrations, natural frequencies, geometrically nonlinearity.  

M. V. Marchuk, T. V. Goriachko, V. S. Pakosh, O. F. Lesyk Geometrically Nonlinear Transversal Vibrations  of Corrugated Cylindrical Shells 

V. Onufrei, A. Marchenko Backup power of a solar power plant through mathematical modelling of processes 

Abstract. In this paper, the justification of the introduction of additional backup power systems is described, as well as the proposed use of the mathematical apparatus of Petri Networks on the example of a solar power station with an adaptive reserve. On the basis of Petri networks, a dynamic model was created in Simulink. The results obtained through the program complex are completely identical with the expectations of the algorithm and the results of the dynamic model. This concept is a basic element of the future construction of a hierarchical reserve model, which will be based on the Petri High-Level Network. 

Keywords: Petri’s network, reserve, quality, unbalance, positions, transitions. 

V. Onufrei, A. Marchenko Backup power of a solar power plant through  mathematical modelling of processes 

O. A. Petrechenko Operative method of determination of parameters of maneuver of divergence 

Abstract. The method of operative determination of maneuver of divergence of ship by the computer program is considered, which uses the regions of possible parameters of deviation of ship. Procedure of forming of the indicated regions is resulted, foreseeing the calculation of their scopes taking into account the side of deviation of ship. Procedure of choice of safe maneuver of divergence is described and the numeral examples of determination by the region of parameters of maneuver of divergence are resulted. 

Keywords: safety of navigator, maneuver of divergence, region of possible parameters of deviation.  

O. A. Petrechenko Operative method of determination of parameters of maneuver of divergence 

V. E. Pyatakov Analysis of region of the possible combined manoeuvres of divergence of ship with two targets by the change of course and his active braking 

The combined maneuver of divergence of ship with two dangerous targets is considered by the change of course for deviation from the first target and braking in order to skip the second target. For this type of maneuver the method of forming of region of acceptability his parameters is offered. The  analysis  of  the  offered  region  of acceptability  parameters  of  maneuver  is  produced  and  it  is shown that is achieved the possible maneuver of divergence on the border of region.  

Keywords: safety of navigator, process of divergence of vessels, combined maneuver of divergence, region of possible maneuvers of divergence. 

V. E. Pyatakov Analysis of region of the possible combined manoeuvres of divergence of ship with two targets by the change of course and his active braking

N. G. Surianinov, Yu. A. Otrosh, A. S. Shilyaev Experimental studies and computer modeling of reinforced concrete beams in case of fire 

Abstract. The bearing capacity of the beam at the temperature of fire was investigated. The object of the test was a reinforced concrete beam of rectangular section, used in the construction of a complex of buildings and structures with built-in and attached premises. The test procedure complied with the provisions of the national standard of Ukraine, developed for testing beams for fire resistance. The standard meets European standards. Tested two  sample  beams.  Thermocouples  installed  at  test  points  were  used  to determine the sample temperature. In all experiments, temperature changes were recorded at control points every minute. In order to assess the quality of the experiment and the reliability of the temperature distribution obtained, computer simulation of beam heating was performed in the ANSYS R17.1 software package. It was established that the fire resistance limit of the beam was at least 62 minutes. Fire resistance class – R60. Comparison of the results of experimental studies and numerical analysis in the  ANSYS program showed that for the first 10 minutes they are quite significantly different at all control points, but later this difference stabilizes and  does  not  exceed  10.0%  until  the  end  of  the  experiment.  The  obtained results confirm that the methodology of the  conducted experimental studies and computer simulation with subsequent numerical analysis can be recommended for practical use. 

Keywords: reinforced concrete beam, bearing capacity, fire, temperature, experiment, thermocouple, numerical analysis, ANSYS. 

N. G. Surianinov, Yu. A. Otrosh, A. S. Shilyaev Experimental studies and computer modeling of reinforced concrete beams in case of fire

M. Upatov, I. Bogomol Structure and properties of the directionally Mo-Si-B solidified alloy with the addition of lanthanum 

Abstract. The directionally solidified Mo-17,5%Si-8%B-0,5%LaCl3(ат.%) alloy was prepared by floating zone method. The micro-structure of the alloy consists of Mo3Si matrix with predominantly fine-grained inclusions of the Mo5SiB2  (T2) and molybdenum (Moss) phases and represents the alternation of the two- (Mo3Si-T2) and three-phase (Moss-Mo3Si-T2) eutectics with periodic large Moss.phase  activations.  The  obtained  values  of  integral  microhardness  and  fracture  toughness  are  9.25±0.5  GPa,  14.32±0.6  MPa m1/2, respectively. A solid protective oxide coating was obtained due to 10 hours air holding at 1030°C. 

Keywords: floating zone method, eutectic, oxidation, borosilicate coat. 

M. Upatov, I. Bogomol Structure and properties of the directionally Mo-Si-B  solidified alloy with the addition of lanthanum 

V. G. Verbytskyi, A. I. Bezverkhyi, D. N. Tatievskyi, V. I. Popivshchyi Analysis of a divergent stability loss of two-tier crew stationary driving modes 

Abstract. The divergent stability loss of stationary driving modes of a simplified two-tier crew model is investigated. Analytical relations that determine the conditions for the divergent stability loss while driving with a constant Akkerman angle are obtained. Analysis of the analytical results accuracy is carried out by comparing with the results obtained by the numerical-analytical method of continuation by a parameter for the full model. 

Keywords: two-tier crew, understeer, stationary mode, continuation by a parameter, turning points, divergent instability. 

V. G. Verbytskyi, A. I. Bezverkhyi, D. N. Tatievskyi, V. I. Popivshchyi Analysis of a divergent stability loss of two-tier crew stationary driving modes 

Y. А. Vlasenko Possible loading of containership 

Abstract. The  features of calculation of load of  containership taking into account substantial factors are marked. The situation of placing of party of load is considered, intended for unloading in the last port of entry. Developed and procedures of placing of containers are offered on beyts and tiers of freight apartment taking into account the requirements on landing, stability and general longitudinal durability of ship. Analytical dependences for forming of possible tensor of loading of ship by containers are resulted. By the developed computer program the example of forming  of possible tensor of loading of ship providing the minimum of reception of ballast is resulted.  

Keywords: nautical safety, load of containership, forming of possible tensor of loading.  

Y. А. Vlasenko Possible loading of containership 

I.I. Vorokhobin Closeness of distributing of vektor's position error at the surplus measuring and its use 

The closeness of vektor’s error is considered at the surplus measuring and possibility of its application for the decision of tasks of estimation of exactness of navigation of ship is shown. It is shown that by the closeness of vektor’s error is present possibility of calculation of effective coordinates of ship regardless of law of distributing of error of the navigation measuring. The system of calculation of coordinates of ship with the use of closeness of vektor’s error is resulted, similar to the maximum likelihood method. 

Keywords: navigation safety, vektor’s error, closeness of vektor’s  error, calculation of coordinates. 

I.I. Vorokhobin Closeness of distributing of vektor’s position error at the surplus measuring and its use