Science and Education a New Dimension

Online version ISSN 2308-1996

Printed version ISSN 2308-5258

Science and Education a New Dimension

Iss. 20. 2014.

Koycheva T.I. Functions of research activity of teachers from higher pedagogical educational establishments

Abstract. The article defines the role of science in ensuring the transition to an efficient economy. It indicates the role of research activity  of  university’s  teachers  as  one  of  the  social  forms  through  which  functions  of  science  are  supported  and  implemented  in modern society and, in particular, to provide content and new technologies of education. 

Keywords: research activity, teachers of higher educational establishments, functions of research activity.  

Koycheva T.I. Functions of research activity of teachers from higher pedagogical educational establishments 

Dakher K., Kolomiets S. Some approaches and models into teaching mathematical disciplines for economists in higher education institutions

Abstract. The main problems of higher education in conditions of a modern information society are considered. In order to increase the  competitiveness  of  the  economical  profile  graduates  implementation  of  synergistic  approach  and  bilingual  model  of  teaching mathematical disciplines for future economists are proposed. Described main principles and possibilities of their realization. 

Keywords:  bilingual  model,  synergetic  approach,  communicative-activity  approach,  competitiveness,  competence,  educational process, mathematics. 

Dakher K., Kolomiets S. Some approaches and models into teaching mathematical disciplines for economists in higher education institutions 

Gryshkova R.O. Quality of Higher Education and State Educational Standards in Ukraine

Abstract. Contradictions between the existing quality of massive higher education in post Soviet Ukraine where the number of uni- versities exceeds 500, and the need of the developing Ukrainian society in highly qualified specialists form the background of this research. Quality of higher education and the level of state standards depends on many factors, which influence the sustainable de- velopment of Ukraine as an independent European state. Problems of the university system of education and the ways of their solu- tions according to the main principles of the Bologna process are under the author’s consideration in the article. 

Keywords: quality of education, state standard, European measuring, professional education.  

Gryshkova R.O. Quality of Higher Education and State Educational Standards in Ukraine

Lizák K. The Relation between Breadth and Depth of Vocabulary Knowledge and EFL Learner’s Speaking Performance

Abstarct.  The present article is  an attempt to highlight the sustained attention to the EFL learners’ vocabulary knowledge and its development, as well as its relation to the development of speaking performance. It intends to determine whether breadth and depth of vocabulary knowledge are related to EFL learners’ speaking performance, and to examine which one of these variables, that  is, depth or breadth of vocabulary knowledge, makes a more important contribution to foreign language learners’ speaking performance. It also attempts to investigate whether there is a relationship between these two vocabulary knowledge dimensions. Finally, the study tries to determine whether there are any differences between ESL and EFL learners’ development of the vocabulary knowledge.  

Keywords: vocabulary acquisition, vocabulary breadth, vocabulary depth, speaking performance.  

Lizák K. The Relation between Breadth and Depth of Vocabulary Knowledge and EFL Learner’s Speaking Performance 

Ostafiychuk O.D. SWOT Analysis in Teaching ESP

Abstract. The article deals with the SWOT analysis as a strategic tool to help higher educational establishments to adapt to modern changes. Analysis is said to be the early and very important step in the work of designing an ESP course. Key elements in organizing pre-designing work are represented. The article shows that a well-planned ESP course works out when all the needs and requirements are  met.  Current  changes  in  the  learners’  needs  and  professional  environment  are  taken  into  consideration.  Various  skills  can  be developed depending on the subject sphere. 

Keywords: SWOT analysis, ESP, communicative, professional environment, skill, subject sphere.   

Ostafiychuk O.D. SWOT Analysis in Teaching ESP 

Sheina O.O. Studying English through poetic texts

Absract. The article is devoted to the problem of the poetry usage at English classes as one of effective facilities of intensification of studying. The author asserts that the use of the English-language poetry is the effective means of achievement of such primary purposes of teaching as practical, developing and educating, examines expedience of the usage of the personality-oriented model during work with a poetic text, according to which a reader is examined as active interpreter, active partner of an author: he not only obtains information from the text of poem but also brings in his own understanding in the text. 

Keywords: poetic text, personality-oriented model, active interpreter, intensification of studying. 

Sheina O.O. Studying English through poetic texts  

Tymchuk L.I. Sociocultural mission of adult education: historical lessons of 20-30’s in XX century

Abstract. The article is on the torn role of adult education, as a complex socio-cultural phenomena, that in terms of crisis and transfor- mation not only responds to changes which are taking place in society, but became one of the key elements of the creation and reproduc- tion of cultural and ideological values of society and public opinion. Arguments as for the sociocultural mission of adult education, the author of the article finds through a retrospective analysis of adult education in Ukraine in the 20-30’s of the XXth century, that is repre- sented by a wide variety of organizational forms (schools of literacy, libraries, academic lectures, popular reading, People’s University, cinema, etc.). Based on historical facts it is established that adult education was as a primary means of raising awareness of the Ukrainian people, and it was distributing the dominant political ideas among the people. We consider that it was a great influence of the Soviet public education on national self-determination and identification of Ukrainian people. Evolutionary changes are observed in the content and form of adult education in the direction of unification and transformation in political education, in the means of citizens of the Soviet Communist community, but they were not observed within Ukrainian nation. Gradually, the adapting of adult education took a great place in the new Soviet reality that in the future has to influence the transformation of the Ukrainian people in Soviet community. 

Keywords: adult education, school education, literacy, political education. 

Tymchuk L.I. Sociocultural mission of adult education: historical lessons of 20-30’s in XX century 

Volkodav T.A. Analysis of the conditions of preparation of specialists to the following self-educational activities in the colleges of the finan- cial and economic profile

Abstract.  the  article  presents  the  quantitative  characteristics  of  the  domestic  educational  institutions,  considers  some  aspects  of training in a higher educational institution such as the college, carries out the analysis of conditions of preparation of the students of financial and economic colleges to the following self-employment and the professional self-improvement. 

Keywords: self-educational activity, professional improvement, junior specialist, Finance and Economics College. 

Volkodav T.A.  Analysis of the conditions of preparation of specialists to the following self-educational activities in the colleges of the financial and economic profile

Atamanchuk P.S., Bilyk R.M., Dmitruk S.I., Chaikovska I.A., Shevchuk A.V. Laboratory workshop as a means of creating a technological merit future teacher of physics

Abstract.  This  article  illustrated  the  mechanism  of  implementation  of  binary  target  programs  as  an  important  mechanism  for  the formation of professional competence and the projected outlook of the future teacher of physics in the process of physical laboratory practical work. 

Keywords: competence approach, competence, professional competence, laboratory practice, the target binary-program, physics.  

Atamanchuk P.S., Bilyk R.M., Dmitruk S.I., Chaikovska I.A., Shevchuk A.V.  Laboratory workshop as a means of creating a technological merit future teacher of physics

Bazarova K.V. Cultural and educational function of college in forming of young commodity specialists’ business relationships culture

Abstract. The article is devoted to forming of young commodity specialists’ business relationships culture in the academic process of college. The author analyzes the functions of college in forming of young commodity specialists’ business relationships culture and draws attention to the ways of realizing them in the academic process. 

Keywords: business relationships culture, young commodity specialists, components of business culture, cultural and educational functions of college. 

Bazarova K.V.  Cultural and educational function of college in forming of young commodity specialists’ business relationships culture 

Barabash O.D. Special features of mastering of the ways of professional activities by teachers at In-Service Teacher Training Institute

Abstract. the need for finding and proving the content and methods of teacher training at postgraduate education intensified in terms of implementation of the competence approach. One of them is associated with the process of mastering the methods of professional activity.  It  provides  the  developing  effect  of  teacher  training  that  introduces  a  system  of  developing  training  of  D. Elkonin  – V. Davydov. To predict the result of an adult education, the scientists define special psychological and pedagogical conditions. In particular, it is the use of interactive communication, the common solving in an atmosphere of mutual understanding and coopera- tion. It allows learners to acquire new skills, change or retain their values. One of the psychological and pedagogical conditions that ensures the developing effect is training at a high level of difficulty. It is identified through an appropriate level of emotional tension and motivates adults to learn. Another condition that is described in the works of psychologists and educators in recent years is the work of teaching situations. They can provide the main semantic units of the professional activity of teachers. As the most profes- sional actions are in training situations through data analysis and asking questions, it allows the learners to move from the situation to the problem. In summary, these steps can be represented as an algorithm. The analytical task is the analysis of the situation with the identification  of  problems.  The  problem  of  modeling  is  modeling  of  possible  developments  of  the  situation  in  order  to  solve  the problem. The projective problem is the formulation of the question according to the subject of their professional activity and transfer- ring the conditions into the problem. The predictive task means the search of possible ways of solving the problem (acess to a partial sequence of actions) with the allocation of criteria for assessing the professional activities. The technological  problem includes the summary of results and access to a common sequence of actions. The reflective problem is the progress of the participants of training (based on the reflection of their own experience). 

Keywords: the subject of the professional activity, the ways of professional activity, pedagogical situation, problem, the educational and professional problem. 

Barabash O.D.  Special features of mastering of the ways of professional activities by teachers at In-Service Teacher Training Institute

Bevz V.G., Silenok G.A. The students intellectual skills formation during the higher mathematics studying

Abstract. The article deals with the meaning of “intelligence”. Various approaches to the definition of “intellectual skills” are ana- lyzed. Factors that influence the development of intellectual skills are identified. The different types of intellectual skills are consid- ered. The conclusion about the necessity of intellectual skills summarizing on the thinking stages base is done in the article:

 – Perception and interpretation of data; 

– Transformation of knowledge and skills; 

– Creative skills 

Higher math classes have the significant influence on the intellectual skills formation and development. When students perform mathematical calculations, logical operations, model phenomena and processes, predict results etc. The course of higher mathematics is an essential part in the studying of various specialists – engineers, architects, farmers, technicians, economists, military and many others. The purpose and objectives of higher mathematics learning by students of different specialties are described. The possibility of students’ intellectual skills formation during higher mathematics studying. Making summaries on the base of lectures and giving their presentations on the practical periods of lessons by the student is one of the most important and effective method that helps to form students’ abilities to analyze, differentiate the main ideas, classify and make links between different objects of learning. The third group of intellectual abilities that are called the abilities to design and predict, it is better to develop when we solve practical problems. The content of such problems should be closely linked with the future student’s occupation. 

Keywords: intellectual skills, students, higher mathematics, forms of studying, practical periods of lessons, professional training.  

Bevz V.G., Silenok G.A.  The students intellectual skills formation during the higher mathematics studying 

Bodnenko T., Gritsenko O. Problems of educational measurement in higher education

Abstract. Key role in creating a  unified educational space is the quality of higher  education. Moreover, the quality of higher  education should not be confined only to the determination of the level of theoretical knowledge, but also to the level of formation of professional competence of the expert. It is the formation of professional competence enables the graduate to be adapted in the future to the future work and the ability to self-learning. 

Keywords: educational measurement, quality control, education, high school.  

Bodnenko T., Gritsenko O.  Problems of educational measurement in higher education

Gandabura O.V. Future Primary School Teachers’ Professional Self-development as a Pedagogical Problem

Abstract. The article distinguishes a notion of professional self-development as a psychological-pedagogical notion; the theoretical analysis of the definition problem of the notion of professional self-development of the future primary school teachers has been realized. The notion of professional self-development has been researched in philosophical, psychological and pedagogical contexts. The author examines the indexes and periods of professional self-development process of the future primary school teachers, the conditions of its successful organiza- tion. 

Keywords:  self-development,  personal  self-development,  professional  self-development,  a  future  primary  school  teacher,  professional self-improvement. 

Gandabura O.V. Future Primary School Teachers’ Professional Self-development as a Pedagogical Problem 

Godovanyuk T.L., Tiagai I.M. Formation of pedagogical skills of future teachers of mathematics at pedagogical University

Abstract. The article reveals the peculiarities of formation of pedagogical skills of future teachers of mathematics at pedagogical University. Highlights different approaches to the interpretation of the concept of “pedagogical skill”, and describes the structure of pedagogical skill. The aim of the article is to determine the ways of development of pedagogical skills of future teachers of mathematics during studying at pedagogical University. According to certain structural elements it is determined into several levels of mastering of pedagogical skills: ele- mentary, basic, perfect and creative. Specifies that mastering such levels of pedagogical skills as perfect and creative, takes place directly in the process of pedagogical activity of math teacher. But the formation of elementary and basic levels occurs during studying  students at pedagogical University. It is noted that the formation of the elementary level of pedagogical skills of math teachers should start with the first steps of the student’s studying at the University. Accordingly, a broad basis of knowledge, as well as some context for their effective imple- mentation into future professional activity provides students with a course of elementary mathematics. Determines the ways of forming the base level of pedagogical skills: acquisition of mathematical knowledge; acquisition of psychological and pedagogical knowledge; methodical training; pedagogical practice; studying of the advanced pedagogical experience; research  work (scientific research tasks,  course and qualification work, etc). It is noted that the method of teaching mathematics is one of the subjects that creates all the conditions for pedagogi- cal skills of teachers of mathematics. It also pointed out that the best way of formation of all elements of pedagogical skills, not only as a math teacher, but the class teacher is teaching practice. 

Keywords:  Pedagogical  skills,  future  teachers  of  mathematics,  elementary  mathematics,  methods  of  teaching  mathematics,  students, teaching practice. 

Godovanyuk T.L., Tiagai I.M.  Formation of pedagogical skills of future teachers of mathematics at pedagogical University

Klindukhova V., Lyashko О. About forming professional mathematical competence of future specialists of maritime industry

Abstract. Modern higher education of Ukraine, including mathematical, now is in a state of modernization and improvement. In the article we present the basic ideas of forming of professional mathematical competencies of future specialists of maritime and river transport. 

Keywords: mathematical preparation of students, mathematical competence, higher mathematics, maritime higher education.  

Klindukhova V., Lyashko О.  About forming professional mathematical competence of future specialists of maritime industry 

Merva L.S. Components, criteria and indicators for determining the level of readiness of the future elementary school teachers to collaborate with gifted students

Abstract.  This  article  discusses  the  main  approaches  to  the  definition  of  “competence”,  “competence”,  “ready”,  considered  the essence of the readiness of the future primary school teachers to work s gifted students, substantiated structure preparedness danomu activity. Keywords. Training, readiness, competence, competence, level of preparedness. 

Keywords: The training readiness, the competence, competence, the level of preparedness. 

Merva L.S.  Components,  criteria  and  indicators  for  determining  the  level  of  readiness  of  the  future  elementary  school  teachers  to collaborate with gifted students 

Kuzminskyy А. І., Tarasenkova N.A., Kovalenko O.A., Bogatyreva I.M., Kolomiets O.M., Serdyuk Z.O., Tretyak M.V. Organization of the work of pupils in terms of mathematical correspondence studios, "I and my math"

Abstract. The article considers the self-organization of schoolchildren in math after school in terms of mathematical correspondence studios in Cherkasy National University named after Bogdan Khmelnitsky. The characteristic of the system tasks. 

Keywords: training, self-study, distance learning math studio, mathematical development.  

Kuzminskyy А. І., Tarasenkova N.A., Kovalenko O.A., Bogatyreva I.M., Kolomiets O.M., Serdyuk Z.O., Tretyak M.V.  Organization of the work of pupils in terms of mathematical correspondence studios, “I and my math” 

Oliynyk M.I. Some aspects of the international cooperation of the higher educational institutions in the context of preschool teachers training

Abstract. The main aspects of the international cooperation of the Pedagogy and Psychology Departmant of preschool education of Chernovitskiy National University named after Yuriy Fedkovich together with educational institutions of Poland, Romania and some other coun- tries were investigated. Different models of the professional training of future educators on the basis of analysis of methodological approaches, regulatory and legal basis in the educational sphere were studied. The main principles of implementation of the international cooperation of  educational  institutions  includind  the  aim  providing  conditions  for  the  formation  of  the  academic  and  professional  mobility  of  future teachers were determined. 

Keywords: academic mobility, professional training, professional mobility, model of the professional training. 

Oliynyk M.I.  Some aspects of the international cooperation of the higher educational institutions in the context of preschool teachers training

Pelekh L.R. Axiological orientation of organized pedagogical process (Ukraine-Polish experience)

Abstract. In the article the features of axiological orientation of educational process in Ukraine and Poland have been defined. The axiological forms of work at schools and higher educational institutions of two countries have been investigated. The comparative analysis has been done. The effective factors of educational process axiologization that deserve attention and further study  and re- search have been presented. 

Keywords: axiologization, teaching process, methods of work, axiological basis of educational process subjects. 

Pelekh L.R.  Axiological orientation of organized pedagogical process (Ukraine-Polish experience)  

Pysarchuk O. Activation of teaching and learning of elementary school students under conditions of educational and developmental environment: problems and solutions

Abstract.  This  paper  explores  ways  to  activation  and  conditions  of  of  teaching  and  learning  of  elementary  school  students,  the conditions  of  security  and  features  of  educational  and  developmental  environment  bases  of  functions  of  teaching  and  learning  of elementary school students. 

Keywords: teaching and learning activity, activation, educational and developmental environment, elementary school students.  

Pysarchuk  O.  Activation  of  teaching  and  learning  of  elementary  school  students  under  conditions  of  educational  and developmental environment: problems and solutions 

Podolyanska N.O. Bilingual Education. The Role of the English and Heritage Languages in School Education System of the United States of America

Abstract. The article focuses on the examining the development and the state of bilingual education at schools of the USA at the end of the 20th – beginning of the 21st century. It also analyses the role of the English and heritage languages in US school education system.  The  article  studies  the  main  regulatory  and  legal  framework,  propositions  and  court  case  decisions  that  influenced  the development of bilingual education in the USA. An emphasis is made on analyzing the notion of bilingual studying and the main types of bilingual education programs.   

Keywords:  bilingualism,  bilingual  education,  heritage  languages,  the  second  language,  monolingual  studying,  language immersion. 

Podolyanska N.O. Bilingual Education. The Role of the English and Heritage Languages in School Education System of the United States of America

Rotar V.B. Theoretical bases of professional preparation of future specialists by a fire safety

Abstract.Author  of  proanalizirovays  problem  of  theoretical  preparation  of  future  specialists  of  fire  safety  in  the  conditions  of  higher educational establishment; attention is accented on the educational industry standards of Department of education and science of Ukraine, modern technologies of preparation of specialists which characterize the specific of drafting of the educational-professional program. 

Keywords: professional preparation, industry standard of higher education, specialist of fire safety. 

Rotar V.B. Theoretical bases of professional preparation of future specialists by a fire safety 

Chyrva A.S. Measuring internationalization of higher education

Abstract. The article presents the analysis of basic approaches to measuring higher education internationalization (HEI). Monitoring approach  is  considered  to  be  taking  the  leading  role  in  measuring  internationalization  efficiency.  This  approach  foresees  quality providence of internationalized higher education and it appears to be the formation process of international standards and evaluative comparison  of  curricula,  academic  success  according  to  the  criteria  of  internationalization  efficiency.  The  principal objects of  as- sessing have been defined (institutional program of education internationalization, curricula and academic programs, faculty competence, methodical provision of education internationalization, academic mobility, results of institutional internationalization activity). The factors of HEI efficiency have been characterized. Initial, intermediate, final assessing indicators of HEI level have been presented. The objectives realization efficiency of HEI has been determined to be dependent to a great extent from implementation of innovative approaches to assessing and monitoring of HEI results. 

Keywords: measuring higher education internationalization, approaches to measuring internationalization, assessing and monitoring, indicators, factors of efficiency. 

Chyrva A.S. Measuring internationalization of higher education 

Nikitina O.P., Lozovoy D.A. The level of affiliation as a factor of the social-psychological adaptation of Turkmen students who are studying in Ukraine

Abstract. The article is devoted to the study of the actual problem of social-psychological adaptation of  Turkmen students to the educational environment of Ukrainian higher school. Different views on the social-psychological adaptation and its preconditions are analyzed. Features of student age and factors of adaptation to the educational environment are revealed. Features of attitude to the Other, in particular the manifestation of affiliation, is defined as an important factor for the social-psychological adaptation of foreign students. Ethnopsychological features of Turkmens are considered. The data of carried out empirical study of the level of affiliation as a factor of the social-psychological adaptation of Turkmen students who are studying in Ukraine are analyzed. 

Keywords: social-psychological adaptation, interpersonal interaction, level of affiliation, education of foreign students, Turkmen student. 

Nikitina O.P., Lozovoy D.A. The level of affiliation as a factor of the social-psychological adaptation of Turkmen students who are studying in Ukraine 

Antropov A. Emotional reactions as one of factors of personality mental conditions

Abstract. The article presents the results of theoretical and empirical survey of seafarer’s personality’s mental conditions and their emotional reactions. Found that emotional reactions of surveyed seafarers are one of the factors their mental conditions. 

Keywords: mental conditions, personality, emotional reactions   

Antropov A. Emotional reactions as one of factors of personality mental conditions 

Babchuk O.G. Study quality characteristics of empathy and tolerance in people intolerance

Abstract.  The  article  predstavlenia  psychological  characteristics  of  tolerant  and  intolerantnyh  people  from  qualitative  characteristics empatiyi.Doslidzhennya  confirmed  many  details  that  tolerant  individuals  exposed  to  a  more  pronounced  level  of  empathy,  unlike intolerantnyh.  

Keywords: tolerance, intolerance, indicators of tolerance, empathy.  

Babchuk O.G. Study quality characteristics of empathy and tolerance in people intolerance 

Hrydkovets L. Influence of family (generation) determinant on person’s ability to overcome personal crises

Abstract. The article analyzes the influence of family (generation) determinant on person’s ability to overcome crises on their life’s path. It determines the directions of family (generation) influence on personal crises. On the basis of empirical data we demonstrate the  influence  of  family-social  models  on  person’s  vital  activity.  We  have  also  studied  the  influence  of  personal  positions  as  for parental family on person’s life scenarios. 

Keywords: family (generation) determinant, personal crisis, family-generation models, family and generation scenarios, person’s development. 

Hrydkovets L. Influence of family (generation) determinant on person’s ability to overcome personal crises 

Kaliuzhna L.B. The usage of biographical method in studying of Vasyl Symonenko’s creative activity

Abstract. The article is devoted to the analysis of psychosocial reality of V. Symonenko, micro-and macroenvironment in which his personality was formed,exquisite situations, creative plans and individual style of creative activity. 

Keywords: creativity, socialization, psychological defense, creative work, exquisite situation.  

Kaliuzhna L.B. The usage of biographical method in studying of Vasyl Symonenko’s creative activity 

Kandyba M.O. Psychological characteristics of emotional maturity of personality

Abstract. The article reveals the content of the concept of ” emotional maturity ” in terms of formation and socialization.  Analyse basic theoretical concepts that explain this phenomenon. A comparative analysis of the structural components of the concept of ” emotional maturity.” Theoretical analysis gives the possibility of drawing up programs for the formation of emotionally stable per- son, using  the  description of  components  and  structures.  Which in  turn  will  enable  the  training  and  formation  of  professionals  in various fields of activity. 

Keywords: emotional maturity, personality, emotional intelligence, emotional ability, emotional competence. 

Kandyba M.O. Psychological characteristics of emotional maturity of personality

Klibais T.V. The diagnostic properties of questionnaire "Adaptive capacity of attributive style for adults"

Abstract.  The  article  focuses  on  the  validation  of  questionnaire  “adaptive  capacity  of  attributive  style”,  which  allows  quickly processingquantitative data and present them graphically. The basic types of graphs of attributive style adaptive capacities are shown to represent personal parameters of attributive style adaptabilityand to simplify the process of constructing a psychological correction program. 

Keywords: adaptive capacity of attributive style, attributional style, learned helplessness, psychological defense mechanisms, self, feeling of guilt. 

Klibais T.V. The diagnostic properties of questionnaire “Adaptive capacity of attributive style for adults” 

Kostiuchenko I.A. Implementing management styles of the worker’s of the Ministry of Justice (Ukraine)

Abstract.  Data  obtained  during  execution  of  the  ascertaining  experiment  of  the  psychological  research  from  the  investigation  of  the properties, connected with different aspects of management styles and interactions of the worker’s of the Ministry of Justice (Ukraine) are represented. The results of the factor analysis of the data array of the both of the investigated articles, that established a common internal system-creating integration of the stylistic indicators in the group, which identified latent strategies of the personality functioning are illuminated. The specificity of the stylistic strategies of the investigated persons of different sexes are considered.

Keywords: management style, professional style, integrative style, gender differences of the styles, management interaction. 

Kostiuchenko I.A. Implementing management styles of the worker’s of the Ministry of Justice (Ukraine) 

Odintsova A.N. Personal manifestations of young people with different levels of development of vital roles

Abstract. Article reflects the results of an empirical study on the relationship between the level of development of the vital role and manifestations of human personality. Presented the views of J.L Moreno and P.P. Gornostay in which personal development is seen as a role development. Insufficient development of the roles can lead to role deficit. In the main part of the paper are presented the results of the study, which were attended by people from 18 to 22 years. The following empirical research methods were used: author profile “Attitude to the own role”, a technique of multivariate study of personality Cattell (Form C), test  “Meaning-life orientation”, methods of COS and coping-test Lazarus. Empirically were observed the correlation between the level of development of the vital role and personal qualities, commitment, a way of overcoming the difficulties of life, the level of communication and organizational skills. With the parametric Student’s t test were identified differences between the respondents with different levels of development of the role: high, medium and low. Determined that people with high levels of role have higher scores on indicators of communica- tion and organizational skills, performance assessment, process and control their own lives, in terms of emotional stability and moral- ity. Young men with an average level of development distinct from other dreaminess, manifested in the behavior and way of think- ing, focus on their own inner experiences. Students with low levels of role have higher scores on the index methodology of Cattell – “self-sufficiency”, and lower on the scales “afektotimiya” and “restraint”. Scientific novelty of the work lies in the fact that for the first time at the empirical level has been investigated the relationship between the level of development of the vital role and manifes- tations of human personality. The results can be used to create programs and optional training sessions. 

Keywords: the role, vital role, development of role, personality manifestation, typology of role.  

Odintsova A.N. Personal manifestations of young people with different levels of development of vital roles 

Rishko G.M. The main methodological approaches and theories stress the study of personality

Abstract. The article provides an overview of methodological principles of experimental stress resistance studies. The main areas of stress resistance study were outlined. Understanding of the relation between stress resistance and individual psychological character- istics was analyzed. Stress resistance determinants and structural components of personality were reviewed. Stress resistance as an integral characteristic of mental development and integrative feature of personality.

Keywords: stress, stress resistance, psychological determinants, personality, properties of psyche  

Rishko G.M. The main methodological approaches and theories stress the study of personality

Terletzka Y.M. The Impact of the High School Teachers´ Economic Deprivation on the Efficiency of their Professional Activity

Abstract. The impact of the high school teachers´ economic deprivation on the efficiency of their professional activity in the modern Ukrainian society is covered. It is proved that the economic deprivation as a type of psychic deprivation reflects the distorted process of  functioning  the  human  psyche,  which  appears  as  a  result  of  destructing  and  distortion of  its  certain  parameters  because  of  the failure of the subject to satisfy the economic needs necessary for his/her imaginative or real normal life activity and development. Economic requirements for the real normal life activity are those satisfaction of which guarantees the person´s normal functioning. Economic requirements for the imaginative life activity are those, which could satisfy the desirable life level of a person. The author in the following subtypes subdivides economic deprivation. They are basic, normative and relative.  Basic economic deprivation is grounded on the lack or limited possibility to meet the basic needs because of the scarcity of the necessary set of the food  products, clothes, shelter, household conveniences etc. Normative deprivation is that which lacks or limits the possibility to satisfy the needs in education,  medicine,  health,  ecology,  transport  facilities  etc.  Relative  deprivation  is  that  which  denotes  impossibility  to  satisfy material needs necessary for a person either because of his/her social status or because the person compares himself/herself with the other wealthier members of the society. As a result of empiric investigation it was elicited that the economic deprivation of the high school teachers negatively influences the efficiency of their professional activity, downgrading its level. 

Keywords: economic deprivation, basic economic deprivation, normative economic deprivation, relative economic deprivation, efficiency of high school teachers´ professional activity. 

Terletzka Y.M.  The Impact of the High School Teachers´ Economic Deprivation on the Efficiency of their Professional Activity