Science and Education a New Dimension

Online version ISSN 2308-1996

Printed version ISSN 2308-5258

Science and Education a New Dimension

Iss. 24. 2014.

Andrushenko O. Information-structural characteristics of Middle English temporal adverbs

Abstract. The article deals with the properties of temporal adverbs while marking information-structural components of XII-XV cen. English sentence. It investigates the interrelation of specific adverbs (thenne, nou, after, tōdai and tomorwe) with sentence Topic and Focus groups. Some regular patterns allow to identify the correlation between adverbial usage and sentence word order (direct and inverted), as well as, establish, which temporal adverbs have the highest information-structural response. 

Keywords: sentence information structure, Focus, Topic, Old vs. New information, temporal adverbs, word order  

Andrushenko O. Information-structural characteristics of Middle English temporal adverbs 

Kostenko A.P. The Concept of Irony in the Study of Literature

Abstract. With the lapse of time the interpretation of irony and its technique has changed and complicated greatly. Moreover, an irony – it is not only a stylistic device, but a method of mentality, state of spirit, a way of thinking  that appeared as a general tenden- cy of our time. Irony as the equal concept of the comic is singled out. It is a reflection of implicit meaning, which differs from or is contrary to overt meaning, by verbal means (verbal irony) or situations of the story (situational irony). Verbal irony includes two types: situational irony – overt type of irony realized in micro- and macro-context, and associative irony, which is realized mostly in mega-context. This understanding of irony allowed widening the scope of analysis of linguistic means from lexical level to syntactic and textual levels. An irony as hidden parody expressed by inverse text lets see what an author wants to tell indeed. Existing approach to an irony has led and philologists and linguists to necessity to divide two concepts: an irony as stylistic device and an irony as an ironical meaning created by different means of language. 

Keywords: irony, subtext, fiction, interpretation, trope  

Kostenko A.P. The Concept of Irony in the Study of Literature 

Ryzhkina A.A. Semantic groups of the concept of "family" in Chinese, English and Ukrainian languages

Abstract. Provide a definition of the word “family”. Observe the notions of initial and primary concepts. Show the importance of the key concepts of culture. Identify universal semantic groups of the concept of “family” in Chinese, English and Ukrainian languages. 

Keywords: family, concept, key concepts, semantic groups  

Ryzhkina A.A. Semantic groups of the concept of “family” in Chinese, English and Ukrainian languages 

Astrachan N.I. Analysis and synthesis in the literary process of cognition

Abstract.  The article is devoted to the correlation analysis and synthesis in the literary process of  cognition. The  features of this correlation are discussed in the context of a variety of theoretical concepts, essential in the deployment plan literary discourse of the twentieth century. Features, backed by scientific modeling method, divide analytical and synthetic transactions aimed at cognition of literary works, with the help of the concepts of “analytical model of artistic text” and “interpretative model of literary works”.  

Keywords: analysis of artistic text, interpretation of a literary work, modeling 

Astrachan N.I. Analysis and synthesis in the literary process of cognition 

Humenyuk I.L. Variation of the Emotional-and-Pragmatic Potential Level in English Prosaic Nature Descriptions

Abstract. The article outlines the regularities of the level of emotional-and-pragmatic potential criterion actualized in country and city nature descriptions in the English prose. The research is based on the data, obtained during the acoustic analysis of these nature descriptions. 

Keywords: acoustic analysis, country nature descriptions, city nature descriptions, the English prose, emotional- and-pragmatic potential criterion 

Humenyuk I.L. Variation of the Emotional-and-Pragmatic Potential Level in English Prosaic Nature Descriptions 

Deysner Y.V. Musical Terminology in Modern English Fiction

Abstract. The article dwells on the peculiarities of musical terms usage in belle letter style and specific artistic means created by this. It  also  reveals  the  methods  of  translation  such  means.  The  article  contains  information  about  theory  of  terminology,  in  particular spheres of its usage, both casual and exceptional. 

Keywords: musical terminology, translation, expressive means, spheres of usage, English fiction 

Deysner Y.V. Musical Terminology in Modern English Fiction 

Dudnikov M.O. Russian Literary Criticism in the Late 19th – Early 20th on Formation of the Historical Novel as a Genre

Abstract.  The  article  gives  a  broad  outline  of  different  stages  in  the  process  of  forming  the  historical  novel  as  a  genre  У  статті розглядаються  окремі  етапи  процесу  жанрового  формування  історичного  роману  and  their  reflection  in  literary  criticism  by V.G. Belinskiy, M.O. Dobrolyubov, O.I. Senkovskiy, O.M. Skabichevskiy, M.O. Rubakin. It also evaluates research and interpretion results regarding the perspective of evolution of the historical novel as a genre.  

Keywords: historical novel, historic events, historical views, essence of genre, literary criticism 

Dudnikov M.O.  Russian Literary Criticism in the Late 19th – Early 20th on Formation of the Historical Novel as a Genre

Zakaliuzhnyy L. "Three Acts in Four Paintings" by V. Durnenkov as an Ecphrastic Play

Abstract. The article studies genre originality of V. Durnenkov’s play “Three Acts in Four Paintings” in the context of intermediality of  the  contemporary  Russian  dramaturgy  as  in  works  of  I. Vyrypayev,  E. Grishkovets,  M. Kurochkin,  N. Kolyada,  P. Pryazhko, V.  Sigarev and M. Ugarov. There is a general trend for the “New Drama” to appeal to the visual art, music, cinema, TV and modern media. Ekphrasis is the root principle of the play being studied, which is the descriptive verbal interpretation of works of art. It serves as a keystone function for creation of the genre and plot as the story of “Three Acts in Four Paintings” is based on four paintings of a fictional  artist  from  the Wanderers  group A. Brashinskiy  –  “Verse”,  “Young Wranglers”,  “Live  Some”,  “Byways”. The  playwright uses the tripling method – first of all he describes the paintings in the preface, second of all he talks about them in stage directions before each act and finally he unfolds them into three acts of the play. The Method used by the author becomes genre-forming one, which  allows  “Three Acts  in  Four  Paintings”  to  be  viewed  upon  as  the  original  genre  modification  of  the  contemporary  Russian dramaturgy – “Ecphrastic Play”. 

Keywords: dramaturgy, drama, genre, intermediality, artistic intercommunication, ekphrasis, ecphrastic play 

Zakaliuzhnyy L. “Three Acts in Four Paintings” by V. Durnenkov as an Ecphrastic Play

Kozlova K. The problem of artist’s recognition and the forgery of his art in R. Davies’s Cornish trilogy

Abstract.  The problem of artist’s recognition and the forgery of  his art in postcolonial literatures is examined on the  example of R. Davies’s Cornish trilogy. The article discloses the reasons of its appearance in the postcolonial texts, the nature of its implementa- tion. Particularly we study the reasons for issuing the European culture and the ways of its creative  transformation. The article dis- cusses the author’s concept of the national art and the artist’s role in its formation.   

Keywords: marginality, Canadian culture, fake in art, individual style  

Kozlova K. The problem of artist’s recognition and the forgery of his art in R. Davies’s Cornish trilogy

Krylov V.S. Computer paralinguistics as a basis the acquisition of special skills in the field of information technology

Abstract.  Information  technology  (IT)  was  transformed  into  an  information  society.  Formed  a  global  infrastructure  that  provides advanced services due to communication between people and even between things physical or virtual. A wide range of researchers had the opportunity to use previously inaccessible tools and technologies for experimental and theoretical studies. IT methods for solving the problems of the organization and functioning of the global information structure – are a source of models for studying the interaction  of  prevailing  in  the  evolution of  verbal  (speech)  and nonverbal  communication  channels.  Based  on  these  technologies there are new integrated research directions. For example, computer paralinguistics offers models, which can significantly improve the system analysis and processing of natural speech and texts, to improve search engines. Inclusion in the learning process advances of computational linguistics, allows future specialist to acquire the skills to compete successfully in the labor market. 

Keywords: computer paralinguistics, information technology, the learning process

Krylov V.S. Computer paralinguistics as a basis the acquisition of special skills in the field of information technology

Ladnytska O.L. The Peculiarities of the Functioning of Vulgarisms in the Discourse of David Lodge’s Novels

Abstract.  The  article  traces  the  evolution  of  the  term  ‘vulgarism’  and  its  synonyms  proceeding  to  analyse  its  various  exponents, including those from the novels of the contemporary English writer David Lodge. The difference is made between expletives (not always swear words) and obscene words (not necessarily invective). The latter in the case of David Lodge’s novels are mostly represented by sex invective vocabulary closely followed by generally neutral in stylistic terms words which due to the occasional functions of theirs are suggested to be called embarrassisms.  

Keywords: vulgarism, expletive, obscene words, taboo, discourse, novel, function 

Ladnytska O.L. The Peculiarities of the Functioning of Vulgarisms in the Discourse of David Lodge’s Novels

Mikula O.I. Nonverbal means of representation of emotion “fear”

Abstract. The article deals with the peculiarities of nonverbal communication. Basic means of representing emotional state “fear” in the genre of short stories are given. 

Keywords: fear, emotion, nonverbal communication, emotional state, emotive situation, short stories  

Mikula O.I. Nonverbal means of representation of emotion “fear”

Palatovska O.V. Russian complex sentence in the context of changing scientific paradigms

Abstract. The article reviews the evolution of scientific ideas about the nature and essence of the complex sentence in Russian lan- guage. In this article the analysis of scientific schools and directions in the theory of complex sentence covers the period from the mid-twentieth century to present time. The paper presents theoretical foundations of such approaches to studying complex sentences, as structurally-semantic approach and functional and cognitive-discursive approach. 

Keywords: scientific paradigm, complex sentence, structural and semantic classification, functional syntax, cognitive-discursive analysis 

Palatovska O.V. Russian complex sentence in the context of changing scientific paradigms 

Rumiha I.I. The syntactic models of English prose on micro- and macrolevels

Abstract. The dynamics of syntactic models are examined in the English texts of postmodern by an ascertainment of principles and mechanisms of their functioning. The text canvas on micro- and macrolevels are also studied to find out its structure. The author’s inner variation is  under study.  

Keywords: micro- and macrolevels, postmodern, syntax, syntactic model, text  

Rumiha I.I. The syntactic models of English prose on micro- and macrolevels

Khokhlova V.A. National-cultural semantics of English and Ukrainian toponymic phraseology

The paper focuses on the role of the toponym as an exponent of the national-cultural semantics of phraseological units and its impact on the formation of nationally marked meaning of English and Ukrainian phraseological units with a toponymic component. A toponymic component within phraseological units is treated as a bearer and translator of socio-historical facts, culture, national mentality of a certain people as it accumulates the information on history, traditions and customs of a people. 

Keywords: phraseological unit, toponym, anthropocentrism, national-cultural semantics, linguoculture 

Khokhlova V.A. National-cultural semantics of English and Ukrainian toponymic phraseology 

Tsygankova Z. M. Compounding as a method of formation of complex nonce words in English chick lit novels

Abstract. The article is devoted to the analysis of complex nonce words fixed in chick lit novels. Special attention is paid to structur- al and stylistic peculiarities of the complex lexical units.

Keywords: nonce word, chick lit, compounding, derivative model, stylistic function 

Tsygankova Z. M. Compounding as a method of formation of complex nonce words in English chick lit novels