Science and Education a New Dimension

Online version ISSN 2308-1996

Printed version ISSN 2308-5258

Science and Education a New Dimension

Iss. 17. 2014.

Kritsberh R. American English in the 18th century: from colonial to national

 Abstract. American English in the 18th century: from colonial to national. The 18th century marks a transition in the American Eng- lish development from early, colonial period to national in the 19th century. In its initial stage, American vocabulary included foreign loans – Indian, Dutch, French, British archaisms and dialectisms retained in the USA, along with very scarce proper new formations, mostly  referring  to  cultural  notions.  By  the  end of  the  colonial  period,  the lexis  was  expanded  and  included  semantic  and  lexical Americanisms of more diversified character that stood out as distinctive American markers replacing some British names. Although by the turn of the new 19th century, the American English complex signatures in grammar, phonology, lexis, and spelling due to ob- jective historical reasons were undeveloped, still the gradual quantitative changes set up preconditions for the formation of the national variety in the 19th c. 

Keywords: Americanism, archaism, colonial period, national period, origin.

Kritsberh R. American English in the 18th century: from colonial to national 

Matiyash I.M. Ethonolonguistic and Cultural Modulations of Semantic Structure of Lexeme PEACE in the Context of Evolution of the British Linguistic World Image

Abstract. The article presents the attempt to model the British linguistic world image of the 19th– 21st centuries applying ethnolingustic and linguistic-cultural surveys. The paper considers the transformation of the linguistic view of the world in the context of the analysis of the semantic structure modification of the lexeme peace using the lexicographical sources of Britain during the last four centuries. The definitions of the lexeme under study are schematically given in the chart in the original language. Using the systemic lexicographical analysis of the linguistic view of the world the attempt is made to connect national cultural features of the English language with social ethnic peculiarities of the native speakers. The semantic structure of the word is considered through the tight connection with the hierarchy of ideas in the mental world model.  

Keywords:  linguistic  culturology,  ethnolinguistic,  linguistic  world  image,  semantic  structure  of  the  world,  definition,  lexical meaning, lexeme, sememe, seme. 

Matiyash I.M. Ethonolonguistic and Cultural Modulations of Semantic Structure of Lexeme PEACE in the Context of Evolution of the British Linguistic World Image 

Vasylieva M. O. Mechanical metaphor as a grounding of verbalization of the figurative component of the concept POLITICS (cognitive-discursive approach)

Abstract. The article defines the specific character of verbalization shaped component concept POLICY metaphorically realized in modern English-language mass media discourse. The basis of the proposed is work approach to the study of figurative component concept POLICY – scientific methodology cognitive discursive paradigm that focuses on the phenomenon of discourse linguists as the active medium formation of mental objects, rather than a passive reflection of them. The author relies on field model of the con- cept, the structure of which is allocated conceptual, figurative and value components, among which special attention, due to the ab- stract nature of the concept under study, attracts shaped component. As a basis verbalization metaphorical figurative component se- lected  metaphorical  concept  POLICY  correlation  has  MECHANISM  as  mental  operation,  which  resulted  in  the  abstract  concept POLICY ( field goal ) will be transferred from the sphere of signs source MECHANISM. Found that on the basis of this cognitive metaphor shaped component concept POLICY implemented in modern English-language mass media discourse mainly using con- ventional metaphorical expression meaning political actors, their actions and attributes. Recently, however, demonstrate the discourse of the ability to expand, resulting in formation of derivatives metaphorical expressions which, functioning in discourse implement in- crement components of meaning through individual connotations producer discourse – his desire to show some signs of kvalitativye described the political situation, to express their positive or negative attitude to her approval or disapproval. Expanding metaphorical expressions occurring as a result of attracting linguo-stylistic variety of means, for example, the introduction of design metaphorical expression evaluation epithets. 

Keywords: concept, shaped component concept, cognitive metaphor, metaphorical, metaphors expansion. 

Vasylieva M. O. Mechanical metaphor as a grounding of verbalization of the figurative component of the concept POLITICS (cognitive-discursive approach)

Velyka I.O. The peculiarities of gender roles representation on the material of Russian advertising discourse of Ukraine

Abstract. The analysis of femininity and masculinity stereotypes in the modern Ukrainian society is conducted in the article. Defini- tions “gender” and “gender stereotype” are determined; the modern gender stereotypes are analyzed on the material of Russian adver- tising discourse of Ukraine. The new tendencies of gender stereotypification are shown on the material of advertising messages in women’s magazines for the last year. 

Keywords: gender, gender stereotype, femininity, masculinity, advertising discourse.

Velyka I.O. The peculiarities of gender roles representation on the material of Russian advertising discourse of Ukraine

Gladyr Y.C. “The chain” link of the “systematic” conflicts in the novel of V. Vіnnychenko “I want!”

Abstract.  The content, forms, features, functions and nature of each conflict of the highly complex system of the conflicts of the novel of Vіnnychenko “I want!” are dealt in the article, the chain “link” of the “systematic” conflicts, the specific kind of subordina- tion of additional crosscutting conflicts to the central internal conflict of the main character are demonstrated. And the author illus- trates more distant kind of the subordination to the central conflict – “subsystem” thus identifying and certain the types of conflicts. 

Keywords:the collision, the conflict, the system of the conflicts, “system” conflict, conflict, conflict of the “second” (“third”) plan.  

Gladyr Y.C. “The chain” link of the “systematic” conflicts in the novel of V. Vіnnychenko “I want!” 

Glushchuk-Oleia G.I. From the history of evolution of the category of negation in Indo-European and, especially, in Romanic languages

Abstract. The article is focused on the study of evolution of negation in Indo-European language family, especially Latin-Romanic parallels, the functioning of negative particles, words, double negation in different periods of evolution in Latin and in Romanic languages.  

Keyword: negation, Indo-European language, Romanic languages, Latin.  

Glushchuk-Oleia G.I. From the history of evolution of the category of negation in Indo-European and, especially, in Romanic languages 

Hrytsenko S. Names of spices and flavorings: genesis and functioning

Abstract. The lexical borrowings of ancient Ukrainian period, which nominate spices and flavorings are considered; sources of bor- rowings, ways and time of entering of lexems into language-recipient, their semantics and further functioning in Ukrainian language are analyzed. 

Keywords: borrwing, language-recipient, semantics, lexical-semanical group.  

Hrytsenko S. Names of spices and flavorings: genesis and functioning 

Hrytskykh L. B. Occasional character ofpolycomponent new formations in modern Ukrainian literary language

Abstract. The article deals with the analysis of polycomponent units in terms of the categories usual/occasional. The latest researches on the occasional derivation have been presented. It has been proved that in the Ukrainian language the polycomponent units are mainly characterized as occasional phenomenon: they demonstrate zero level of adaptation and reproduction, non-codification; per- forming  one-time  function,  features  of  individual  creation  and  expressiveness  are  their  specific  distinctions.  The  formation  of  the polycomponent units by composition of syntactic constructions and sentences is not typological of the modern Ukrainian language. The high level of expressiveness of the polycomponent units determines their use in journalistic and belles-lettres styles.  

Keywords: word-formation, polycomponent unit, occasionalism, usual, expressiveness.  

Hrytskykh L. B. Occasional character ofpolycomponent new formations in modern Ukrainian literary language

Indenko N.O., Shutko O.O. The play transformation of the reality in the novel ″Pilgrim″ by T. Findly

Abstract.  The article deals  with peculiarities of play transformation of reality in the novel  ″Pilgrim″ (1999) by  famous Canadian writer T. Findly. It’s stated that postmodern literature representatives use new approaches of drawing readers’ attention in the end of the 20th century. The main narrative and rather commercial strategy of T. Findly’s story is play, the structure of which swiftly chang- es under the influence of culture postmodern context. In the artistic world of the novel author defines all categories of reality with the help of play category due to historic and rather mock representation of psychoanalytical method, T.Findly modifies and at the same time over again confirms the reality. It’s shown that the writer is led not only by the necessity of creating artistic world in the “other format” but also by the desire to show the reader a way to the truth. 

Keywords: play, postmodernism, simulacrum, interpretation, novel.  

Indenko N.O., Shutko O.O. The play transformation of the reality in the novel ″Pilgrim″ by T. Findly

Karat L.V. Ways of exploration of diachronic universals in vision E.N. Zaretsky

Abstract.  Research  of  diachronic  universals  now  is  a  priority  sector  in  linguistic  typology.  An  attempt  was  made  to  search  and analyse  diachronic  universals  in  refinement  linguists  study  period.  The  article  is  devoted  to  vision  E.M.  Zaretsky  concerning  the place  and  importance  of  diachronic  universals  in  scientific  lingual  space.  Provided  by  definition  linguistic  universals  of  linguist. Demonstrated interesting results universological researches of scientist. It has been proved that E.M. Zaretsky offers its own vision of a number of linguistic universals , the theory of diachronic universals is an essential basis for the reconstruction of the former states of one language, and ancestor languages. 

Keywords: linguistic universals, diachronic universals, aktualistychnyy method. 

Karat L.V. Ways of exploration of diachronic universals in vision E.N. Zaretsky 

Kochukova N.I. The problem of inconversation of Ukrainian scientific language

Abstract. The author raises the problem of inconversation of Ukrainian scientific language in the article. Different views of scientists on this problem are explored too. The functioning of conversational elements in scientific text. It was found that  inconversation of scientific language avoids monotony and achieves more expressiveness, relaxed tone, and reveals the essence of scientific concepts availably. The point is stated that conversational elements in scientific studies are primarily an expression of linguistic individuality of scholar. 

Keywords: scientific language, inconversation, conversational elements, stylistic contrast.  

Kochukova N.I. The problem of inconversation of Ukrainian scientific language

Kovalchuk N.P. Genre paradigm of Varvara Cherednychenko`s prose

Abstract. The article deals with complex analysis of genre characteristics of Varvara Cherednychenko`s prose. It investigates genre paradigm and thematic direction in prose. As a result innovational features are presented. 

Keywords: genre, genre modifications, short-story studies, historical and biographical prose, novel studies.  

Kovalchuk N.P. Genre paradigm of Varvara Cherednychenko`s prose

Kovtun V.V. Adjectives are on denotation of young age in the East-Slobozhan dialects

Abstract. The article analyzes the semantics and functional activity reprezentantivs of the LSG of adjectives which, mediated specify on  age  of  young  man  in  dialectal  text  of    the  East-Slobozhan  language  area.  Adjectives  very  young,  little,  small,  unlittle, considerable,  grown  man,  young,  large,  does  the  healthy  unite  integral  sema  ‘comparatively  two-bit  of  years,  which  was  lived᾿. Adjective  the  young  is  a  dominant  in  adopted  LSS.  In  certain  contexts  adjectives  can  realize  and  basic  to  seven,  and  additional, updated  thanks  to  their  compatibility  and  associative  copulas.  The  volume  of  value  tints  at  an  adjective  is  young  in  a  dialectal language considerably wider, than in literary.

Keywords: adjective, seme, dialectal text, folk text, East-Slobozhan dialects, age of a person, connotation.  

Kovtun V.V. Adjectives are on denotation of young age in the East-Slobozhan dialects

Kozlova T.O. The quantity principle and iconic means of its encoding

Abstract. The quantity principle is iconically encoded in typologically different and genetically unrelated languages. The application of this principle and its encoding means vary crosslinguistically due to the structural and genetic factors. The form-meaning similari- ty of the encoding means agrees with the rule of quantitative increase, or its converse, decrease, and enables their multifunctionality, interdependence and combining. 

Keywords: iconicity, motivation, quantitative ablaut, repetition, shortening, the quantity principle.  

Kozlova T.O. The quantity principle and iconic means of its encoding 

Kulchytska O.V. Pejoratives as verbalization means of expression of the negative emotional state

Abstract. The article is aimed at clarification of the question concerning pejoratives´usage as verbalization means and transferring the negative emotional state of the addresser. The group of emosenes as one of the main in the pejoratives´definition is singled out. The role of the emotions in understanding the surroundings is emphasized. Significant role is attributed to the negative emotions as the most inherent in people’s attention. 

Keywords: pejoratives, emotional component, emosemes, pragmatics. 

Kulchytska O.V. Pejoratives as verbalization means of expression of the negative emotional state 

Lavrynenko S.T. Linguistic culturelogical aspect of legal informativity in Ukrainian epic lyrical song

Abstract. The article is focused on the study of lingual signs of cultural and legal experience, verbalized in the Uktainian folk epic lyrical songs. The investigation of folklore legal informativity grounded on linguistic culturelogical methods has been applied for the first  time.  The  main  attention  has  been  paid  to  the  analysis  of  the  linguistic  cultural  markers  that  reflect  legal  subjectivity,  legal consciousness and competence in the epic lyrical  songs of   Turkish, Tatar  and Polish cycles.  The detailed characteristics of legal scripts,  connected  with  linguistic  cultural  constants  “will”,  “honour”,  “justice”,  “dignity”  and  “fame”,  presents  the  results  of  the investigation.

Keywords: linguistic culturology, Ukrainian epic lyrical song, legal subjectivity, spelling, legal competence. 

Lavrynenko S.T. Linguistic culturelogical aspect of legal informativity in Ukrainian epic lyrical song 

Levenets O.Yu. Adverbs of Ukrainian East-Slobozhan and neibougring dialects in comparative aspect (Ukrainian-Russian Parallels)

Abstract. The article deals with the comparative analysis of the adverbial vocabulary of the Ukrainian East-Slobozhan dialects and dialects  of  the  Russian  language.  It  has  been outlined  correspondence  in  semantic  parallels  and  variation  in  meaning,  it  has  been found out differences on different structural language levels. General and specific dialect formations have been defined on the base of lexical, word-formation, semantic and accentual connections of the registered adverbs according to the thematic groups.  

Keywords: adverb, heterogeneous variants of adverbs, interference, locally used phenomenon.  

Levenets  O.Yu.  Adverbs  of  Ukrainian  East-Slobozhan  and  neibougring  dialects  in  comparative  aspect  (Ukrainian-Russian Parallels) 

Lunova O.V. Linguistic means of expression of Winston Churchill’s linguistic personality

Abstract. The present article examines phonetic and morphological, syntactic and lexical- semantic features of linguistic identity of Winston  Churchill  .  Analyzing  the  discourse  of  British Prime  Minister  the  author determines  characterized  by  features  of  syntax, morphology,  determines  the  prevailing  vocabulary  of  his  speeches,  the  verbalization  of  an  enemy  image  and  the  British  nation, stylistic figures of Churchill’s speeches.  

Keywords: discourse, linguistic personality, politician, lexical and semantic features, stylistic means, syntax.   

Lunova O.V. Linguistic means of expression of Winston Churchill’s linguistic personality  

Menshiy A. Interaction of M. Kotsjubynskiy's and M. Chernyavskiy's fiction systems

Abstract. This paper presents an attempt to comprehend various aspects of M. Kotsjubynskiy’s and M. Chernyavskiy’s fiction sys- tems. Though the splendent writers’ talents cannot be compared, there is a reason to talk about the typological bonds of their works determined by the same social and cultural space they had lived and worked in. Inimitable esthetic views were particularly important for the formation of the writers’ individual style. All the time they took care of the Ukrainian literature enrichment with modernist themes  and issues. M. Kotsjubynskiy’s and M. Chernyavskiy’s poetics is marked  with syncretism detected at the level of concept, genre and style. Their art seamlessly combined romanticism (neoromanticism), realism, impressionism, symbolism, corresponding to the leading trends of early Ukrainian modernism. Among the distinguishing features of the writers’ prose works is ‘en plein air’ – at- tention to the colors, sounds of nature and weakened story line. The leading problem of the writers’ artistic heritage is the disharmony between the spiritual and material worlds, memory and forgetting, light and darkness, good and evil. Dogmatic thinking, blind fol- lowing the tradition, the pursuit of ephemeral literary fashion were align to M. Kotsjubynskiy and M. Chernyavskiy. Although being in the context of topical for Ukrainian literature trend of deromanticizing the idyllic relationship of intellectuals and crowd, they cre- ated a series of positive images of the first ones. Disclosure of moods and state of mind of their characters is deepened through the usage of symbols which are customary for modernist aesthetics. Both authors’ interest to music and painting also influenced their in- dividual manner and artistic style, which contributed to the successful development of new writing means and the fusion of different arts – literature, music, painting, inherent to impressionistic manner. Ukrainian reality of the early XX century, which was marked with the total collapse of the ideals, had brought melancholic and fatalistic moods to the writers’ oeuvre. Therefrom is the  minor to- nality in M. Kotsjubynskiy ‘s and M. Chernyavskiy’s prose. 

Keywords: fiction system, syncretism, typological bonds.  

Menshiy A. Interaction of M. Kotsjubynskiy’s and M. Chernyavskiy’s fiction systems

Nechaieva N.O. Lexical germanisms in southeast dialects of Ukrainian language

Abstract. In this item with the help of lexicographical sources considered the lexemes which were borrowed from the German lan- guage and which were entered to the stock of dialects of ; introduced their classification by thematically groups. Followed which one of the fixed lexemes were entered to the stock of the literary language; for the analyzed germanisms established the interlingual par- allels within the -west dialect. Determined, that in different dialects also can be different the phonetic shape or the semantics of the adopted germanisms. 

Keywords: germanism, dialect, adoption, language parallels, Ukrainian language  

Nechaieva N.O. Lexical germanisms in southeast dialects of Ukrainian language

Prihodko A.I. Connotation in Linguocultural Context

Abstract. This article deals with the question connected with the linguocultural aspect of connotation. Different view points concern- ing  the  essence  of  connotation  are  analyzed.  The  role  of  connotation in  the  interpretation  of  world  picture  and  formation  of  con- ceptsphere of definite ethnos is determined.

Keywords: connotation, linguocultural, conceptsphere, world picture.  

Prihodko A.I. Connotation in Linguocultural Context 

Roman L.A. The role of the Bible as an important factor of European integration and consolidation of the Ukrainian people (based on the works of Ivan Franko)

Abstract. This paper examines the role and place of Bible in the works of Ivan Franko as an important factor of national consolida- tion and one of the ways to integrate the Ukrainian people into the European space. The scientific exploration explicated the con- structive methods of interpretation of biblical stories, themes and characters in Franko’s prose and applied principles of theological and philological hermeneutics, which has revealed the axiological potential of biblical materials in Franko’s prose. 

Keywords: Bible, European integration, Ukrainian culture, people.  

Roman L.A. The role of the Bible as an important factor of European integration and consolidation of the Ukrainian people (based on the works of Ivan Franko)

Semashko T.F. The genesis of the concept of "ethnic stereotype"

Abstract. The article highlights modern approaches to ethnic stereotypes analysis.  The notion of ethnic stereotypes which has at- tracted interest lately within Social Psychology, Linguistic and Cultural Studies, Ethnolinguistic, Intercultural communication, Cog- nitive linguistic, is considered in terms of new disciplines. This interdisciplinary approach will help understand the nature of the na- tional stereotype, and can be viewed as a promising trend in further research. 

Keywords: ethnicity, stereotype, the phenomenon of national stereotypes, ethnic stereotypes, cultural stereotypes, ethnic represen- tation. 

Semashko T.F. The genesis of the concept of “ethnic stereotype” 

Semenenko G.N. English correspondence in the 16-17th centuries: private vs public

Abstract. The article explores the essential features of the private correspondence of the 16-17th centuries. Epistolary communication is analyzed as a heterogeneous text type: variability reflects the individual style of the authors, very often it is connected to the social background of the communicants, their stylistic literacy and the relations between the author and the addressee. 

Keywords: private correspondence, epistolary genre, social and spatial distance, relation between author and addressee 

Semenenko G.N. English correspondence in the 16-17th centuries: private vs public

Syrotenko T. Linguistic aspect of business correspondence

Abstract.  Legal aspect in official documents defines features and main characteristics o f business  language and social use of the language. The language of business correspondence represents a periphery of the official style. Along with letters with a rigid structure today business letters with a flexible structure more and more go into practice of business communication, along with official letters unofficial papers are introduced (congratulatory, advertising), in which the correlation between expression and standard takes one or another direction.

Keywords: features of business language, letters with a rigid and flexible structure, variety of styles, formatting of business docu- mentation, substance of official paper. 

Syrotenko T. Linguistic aspect of business correspondence

Hyzhnyak M.M. Development peculiarities of English rotation verbs’ temporal meanings

Abstract. This article aims to investigate metaphorical meanings of English rotation verbs. English rotation verbs can be used not only in their direct meanings but in the figurative ones in order to represent different domains. It was stated that mostly abstract do- mains are represented in terms of rotation. This paper helps to reveal metaphor with source domain ROTATION and target domain MOVEMENT OF TIME, to define means of its representation in English. The focus is made on the dependence of the English rota- tion verbs’ metaphorical meanings on the flexibility of some semantic parameters of rotation. The formation of the metaphor is based on the flexibility of such parameters as SUBJECT, OBJECT and MANNER. Rotation verbs often collocate with words of other parts of speech (nouns, prepositions) in order to describe the movement of time. Reference to the linguistic expressions of the temporal metaphor helps to ascertain that English native speakers estimate the movement of time both positively and negatively.  

Keywords: English, rotation verbs, metaphor, temporal meanings. 

Hyzhnyak M.M. Development peculiarities of English rotation verbs’ temporal meanings

Chajuk T.A. The concept toy in the modern British literature for children

Abstract. The article deals with the ways of concept TOY representation in semantic area of modern British literature texts for chil- dren. Nuclear and peripheral components of concept TOY have been defined. By means of cognitive interpretation of proper cognitive attributes, the main statements of the сoncept TOY in British child’s picture of the world have been formulated. 

Keywords: concept, structure of a concept, nuclear and peripheral components of a concept cognitive interpretation, cognitive attributes of a concept, statement.

Chajuk T.A. The concept toy in the modern British literature for children 

Chernova Yu.V. Common characteristics of Margaret Atwood’s novels

Abstract. The article analyses common characteristics of the most famous novels by Margaret Atwood amidst the history of Canadian literature as a separate tradition. The attention is paid to the usage of epigraphs, the means “novel in the novel”, the image of an unhappy woman as a symbol of changes in the modern Canadian society, flower elements and negative description of food. 

Keywords: Canadian literature, Margaret Atwood, “Lady Oracle”, “The Handmaid’s Tale”, “The Blind Assassin”, “The Year of the Flood”. 

Chernova Yu.V. Common characteristics of Margaret Atwood’s novels 

Shvets O.V. The evolution of the notion “nominative sentence” in linguistics

Abstract. The article analyses the definitions of the notion “nominative sentence”, which were formulated by the representatives of the system-functional, structural-semantic, structural-functional and linguo-cognitive approaches to the study of the syntax. An attempt to produce own definition was made. 

Keywords: nominative sentence, the system-functional approach, the structural-semantic approach, the structural-functional approach, linguo-cognitive approach. 

Shvets O.V. The evolution of the notion “nominative sentence” in linguistics 

Yuzhakova O.I. The problems of formation of present-day Ukrainian scientific and technical terminology

Abstract.The articles covers some aspects concerning development of Ukrainian terminology. Firstly, at the word-building level the derivational term patterns that in author’s opinion, are to become productive ones currently, are described. Mostly the work presents authentic word-building term patterns as more preferable ones in contrast with the ones borrowed by loan translation, e. g. клинчас- тий, серпуватий, instead of loan translation terms клиновидний,  серпоподібний. For instance, first and foremost,  irrelevance of loan translation of the -учий (-ючий), -ачий (-ячий) Russian forms is emphasised inasmuch as Ukrainian equivalents of the Russian present tense active voice participles are mostly various verbal adjectives and more rarely – nouns, e. g. турбулизирующее влияние (Russian) – турбулізівний вплив (Ukrainian); турбулизирующий поток (Russian) – потік-турбулізатор (Ukrainian). Secondly, the article deals with negative effects of the scholars’ ignoring such a grammatical phenomenon as the specific contrast of a certain part of verbal nouns and their capability to nominate the result of the process (morphological level). The article puts emphasis on the fact that the non-distinction between such forms as стискання//стиснення and тиск runs counter to the rules of the Ukrainian lan- guage and causes misunderstanding and confusion, therefore it is irrelevant to use one form, e. g. тиск, to denote both completed and incompleted actions as well as use the loan translation form to denote the result of the process, e. g. штамповка, in case there is an authentic one in the native language – штампóвання. Thirdly, the article discloses some reasons for mistakes at the lexical level re- lated mostly to the lexicographer’s and/or the scholar’s attitude towards Ukrainian terminological heritage of the 1920s-30s – the “golden age” in Ukrainian terminology development. It is stressed that at present this heritage is to become the basis for further work with the term arrays. And finally, the issue of the loan terms, currently rapidly growing in number, is raised. Concerning the solution to this problem, the author considers it reasonable to thoroughly work out and assimilate loan terms as purism cannot be deemed an acceptable approach.  

Keywords: term, terminology, word-building pattern, loan translation.   

Yuzhakova O.I. The problems of formation of present-day Ukrainian scientific and technical terminology