Science and Education a New Dimension

Online version ISSN 2308-1996

Printed version ISSN 2308-5258

Science and Education a New Dimension

Iss. 148. 2017.

H. M. Shulha Principles of spatial planning of mountain recreational territories in the Ukrainian Carpathians 

Abstract. The regularities of the functional and territorial development of recreation in the Ukrainian Carpathians are considered: balance, competitiveness of the industry, stimulation of territorial communities to the development process, ensuring accessibility of recreational resources, etc. The basic principles of spatial formation of recreational territories in mountainous regions, such as “ecological and urban-planning balance”, “differentiation of recreational flows” and local principles are proposed: “creation of innovative objects”, “spatial-basin development”, “formation of nuclear-axial structures “and” cascade of placing of construction objects “. 

Keywords:  “ecological  and  urban  planning  balance”,  “differentiation  of  recreational  flows”,  “creation  of  innovative  objects”, “spatial-basin  approach  to  territorial  development”,  “formation  of  nuclear-axial  structure”,  “cascade  of  accommodation  of construction objects” . 

H. M. Shulha Principles of spatial planning of mountain recreational territories in the Ukrainian Carpathians 

T. F. Panchenko, S. S. Storozhuk Characteristics of existing economic areas of odessa, which lost their main functions  

Abstract. In the research the problem of existence of depressive economic territories in coastal cities is designated. A scientific analysis of industrial coastal zones of the city of Odessa was carried out, on the basis of which depressive economic territories were discovered that lost their basic functions, their characteristics were made, the causes and prerequisites for their appearance were considered. 

Keywords: coastal cities, coastal zone, depressive economic areas, reorganization, renovation, typology, recreational areas. 

T. F. Panchenko, S. S. Storozhuk Characteristics of existing economic areas of odessa, which lost their main functions 

A. V. Pidgornyy, T. I. Duda, O. K. Nahorna Problem analysis and systematic approach in teaching discipline "Chemistry" for the integral scientific and professional training of engineers  

Abstract.  The  paper  analyzes  the  problems  of  low  efficiency  of  students’  educational  work  over  the  discipline  “Chemistry”  and considers the principles of modernizing educational activities and the task of engineering education reforming. The relationship of fundamentalism  of  graduates  education  with  requirements  of  high-tech  labor  market  is  shown.  The  role  of  interdisciplinary connections in the training of highly skilled specialists for new branches of science and technology, which is formed on the basis of a combination of achievements in natural sciences: chemistry, physics, mathematics, biology, is considered. 

Keywords: chemistry, engineering skills, professional competencies.

A. V. Pidgornyy, T. I. Duda, O. K. Nahorna Problem analysis and systematic approach in teaching discipline “Chemistry” for the integral scientific and professional training of engineers 

O. R. Ivanets Fauna, ecological and morphological characteristics of family Sididae, Baird, 1850 (Crustacea: Cladocera: Ctenopoda) of Ukrainian Roztocze  

Abstract.  On  the  basis  of  analysis  of  modern  literature  and  own  data  taxonomy,  ecological  and  morphological  characteristics  of famyli Sididae of Ukrainian Roztocze are presented. 314 tests in 2008–2017 in Ukrainian Roztocze natural region were conducted. The research was conducted on living and fixed materials. In general 283 individuals of genus  Sida and 157 individuals of genus Diaphanosoma had been examined. In reservoirs of the Ukrainian Roztozce Sida crystallina crystallina was identified. In the area of Ukrainian  Roztocze  were  indicated  three  varieties  of  Diaphanosoma  brachyurum:  D.  b.  leuchtenbergianum  Fisher,  1854;  D.  b. megalops Lilljeborg, 1900; D. b. frontosa Lilljeborg, 1900. 

Keywords: zooplankton, Cladocera, Sididae, Ukrainian Roztocze. 

O. R. Ivanets Fauna, ecological and morphological characteristics of family Sididae, Baird, 1850 (Crustacea: Cladocera: Ctenopoda) of Ukrainian Roztocze 

S. A. Kuryanova, S. N. Urasov Assessment of water quality for the household and drinking and fishing industries and its improvement on the example of the lower Danube  

Abstract. The article presents a critical analysis of water quality assessment by different methods on the example of the r.Danube. It is shown that the drawbacks of the existing methods do not allow to adequately characterized the state of the water objects as sources of domestic and drinking purposes. An example of the calculation was given. Suggested ways of overcoming these drawbacks. 

Keywords: evaluation of the quality, domestic, drinking purpose, the quality indicator unit indicators. 

S. A. Kuryanova, S. N. Urasov Assessment of water quality for the household and drinking and fishing industries and its improvement on the example of the lower Danube 

Y. Shevchenko The current tendencies of tax regulations of tncs’ investment activity

Abstract. The research is devoted to the main problems concerning current situation in tax regulation of TNCs. Current conditions of the operation of TNCs are disclosed in the paper, taking into account the tax burden that exists in each host country. It shows the main tax rates in some countries that are related to sustainable development in the context of each component. The main analysis of tax regulation and the consequences for the investment of TNCs is provided. The article provides a list of conditions relating to tax regulation in host countries and their impact on the investment behavior of TNCs. The paper provides advice that should be used to build an investment strategy for TNCs. The conclusions regarding further tax regulation of investment activity of TNCs with determination of tax rates and reduction of tax evasion are determined. 

Keywords: investments, investment behaviour, international investment, tax, tax evasion, TNCs. 

Y. Shevchenko The current tendencies of tax regulations of tncs’ investment activity  

V. P. Ivanitsky, V. S. Kovtunenko, R. O. Meshko, M. M. Ryaboschuk, M. V. Stoika Mass-spectra of Evaporation of Glasses in As-S System

Abstract. The mass-spectra of six different compositions of As-S glasses under thermal evaporation from Knudsen cell within the temperature range of 400 – 520 K have been studied.  The complicated complex nature of vapour flows of these glasses which contain about three tens of different AsmSn atomic complexes (m = 0 – 4 , n = 0 – 8 ) has been revealed. By increasing the flow density of an ionizing electron beam of the mass-spectrometer the coincidence of the total mass-spectrometric composition of the vapour phase with the chemical composition of glasses before  evaporation has been ensured. The presence of three types of concentration dependences  for different AsmSn clusters versus the chemical composition of initial glasses: growing, decreasing, dome-shaped ones has been established. The influence of technological conditions of synthesis for As-S glasses on their mass-spectra has been revealed. 

Keywords: mass-spectrometry, arsenic-sulfur clusters, evaporation of chalcogenides. 

V. P. Ivanitsky, V. S. Kovtunenko, R. O. Meshko, M. M. Ryaboschuk, M. V. Stoika  Mass-spectra of Evaporation of Glasses in As-S System 

T. F. Zhuraev Covariant functors of finite degree and of A(N)R(M) space  

In this paper we describe covariant functors F: M→M having finite powers that preserve A (N) R (M) -spaces. 

Keywords: functor, finite degree, absolute retracts, absolute neighforhoods retracts, metrizable spaces dimension, stratifiable spaces, action,  G -spaces. MSC: 54B15, 54B30, 54B35, 54C05, 54C15, 54C60, 54D30. 

T. F. Zhuraev Covariant functors of finite degree and of A(N)R(M) space 

O. I. Osinchuk, I. V. Pikh, V. M. Senkivskyy Model of quality assurance thematic planning of book publications  

Abstract. A semantic network of thematic planning factors was constructed and functional communication between them was described by means of predicate language. The hierarchical scheme of multilevel influences for the “type of publication” factor is given. Priority levels of the action of factors on thematic planning by the ranking method are established. The mathematical dependences are presented, on the basis of which the ranks of the separated factors are calculated. The results of the research are reflected in the form of a multi-level model of the weight values of the priority influence of factors on the quality of thematic planning of book editions. 

Keywords: thematic planning, Factors, model, semantic network, the language of predicates, hierarchy, ranking method, matrix, priority level. 

O. I. Osinchuk, I. V. Pikh, V. M. Senkivskyy Model of quality assurance thematic planning of book publications 

V. A. Temnikov Modeling of the aviation security management process at the airport 

Abstract. Aviation security level of the airport depends substantially on the state of “Aviation Security Service – subjects who commit acts of unlawful interference with the airports’ systems” and the functional state of security officers. Therefore the improvement of airport security can be achieved only with the systemic application of organizational measures and measures aimed at reducing the human factor impact on the effectiveness  of the aviation security service.  The article presents models of processes of proactive and adaptive  management of the levels of the state of the system and security officers, which are the basis for modeling of the aviation security management process at the airport. 

Keywords: aviation security, airport, aviation security service, functional state, psychophysiological resource. 

V. A. Temnikov Modeling of the aviation security management process at the airport 

V. I. Abramov Mathematical model of the technological process of the plastic pressing of the polymer insulator fitting 

Abstract.  The article deals with development of a mathematical model of the technological process of elastoplastic crimping of a metal fitting of a polymer insulator onto a fiberglass rod. Analytic formulas are proposed for determining the level of crimping pressure, taking into account various plastic state criteria for the appearance and models of the mechanical behavior of the fitting materials. 

Keywords: polymer insulator, pressing of the fitting, production technologyt, elastoplastic crimping. 

V. I. Abramov Mathematical model of the technological process of the plastic pressing of the polymer insulator fitting 

I. V. Zamrii Lebesgue structure and properties of the inversor of digits of Qs -representation for fractional part of real number 

Abstract. We construct a  s-1 parametric family of continuous purely singular functions Qs -representation of real number that is generalization of classic  s -adic representation. We generalize well-known results and study structural, fractal, self-affine and integral properties.  

Keywords: Qs -representation of real numbers, inversor of Qs -representation digits of real number, self-affine set, monotone 

I. V. Zamrii Lebesgue structure and properties of the inversor of digits of Qs -representation for fractional part of real number 

O. U. Huzak, O. B. Maltseva, L. P. Rusin, Y. V. Dutkevich-Ivanskaya The effect of the massage on the psycho-emotional state of patients with osteochondrosis of the cervical spine  

Abstract. The article is devoted to the study of the effect of the massage on the psycho-emotional state of patients with osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. It has been established that massage combined with psycho-emotional correction of patients significantly improves the psycho-emotional parameters and quality of life of patients. 

Keywords: osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, psycho-emotional disorders, massage. 

O. U. Huzak, O. B. Maltseva, L. P. Rusin, Y. V. Dutkevich-Ivanskaya The effect of the massage on the psycho-emotional state of patients with osteochondrosis of the cervical spine

D. O. Kalynychenko Medical and social aspects of reproductive potential of youth  

Abstract. The article is dedicated to theoretical justification for methodology of research and assessment of reproductive potential of youth.  It  is  proposed  to  use  the  characteristics  of  socio-economic  conditions  of  vital  activity,  indices  of  physical  and  sexual development,  personal  qualities  with  the  assessment  of  gender  identification,  reproductive  attitudes,  features  of  reproductive behavior,  knowledge  regarding  reproductive  health,  the  presence  of  chronic  extragenital  pathology  and  the  degree  of  its compensation, the presence of gynecological pathology in the anamnesis and at the time of the examination. 

Keywords: reproductive health, reproductive potential, reproductive attitudes, extragenital pathology, reproductive behavior. 

D. O. Kalynychenko Medical and social aspects of reproductive potential of youth 

O. V. Тimchik, O. V. Polkovenko Influence of physical exercises of a different directedness to a constitution of the students  

Abstract.  The  parameters  of  physical  development  on  stretch  of  academic  year  at  the  students  were  investigated  which  attended under the different programs of physical education. The outcomes of researches have shown that the existing state program on physical education for higher educational establishments is not effective in improving physical development of students. Complex use of untraditional  means:  an  aerobic,  relaxation  etc.  influences  normalization  of  weight  of  a  skew  field,  reduces  fatty  adjourment, strengthens muscles, i.e. promotes improving of a constitution. 

Keywords: students, physical development, physical education, constitution, exercises. 

O. V. Тimchik, O. V. Polkovenko Influence of physical exercises of a different directedness to a constitution of the students 

O. V. Barabash, N. B. Dakhno, H. V. Shevchenko Modified gradient method in a decision support system for control unmanned aerial vehicles 

Abstract. We consider dynamic models of decision support systems for controlling unmanned aircraft set of equations with small nonlinearity and the  K – positive determined  K – symmetric operators. To these models, gradient method is applied. Methodology is developed for practical convenience of gradient methods. Application of gradient methods to dynamic models in decision support systems for controlling unmanned aircraft consists of algorithms and corresponding unit circuits. Present method makes it possible to optimally implement of gradient methods in the automation control drones. 

Keywords: dynamic models, decision support system, flight mission, unmanned aerial vehicles, gradient method. 

O. V. Barabash, N. B. Dakhno, H. V. Shevchenko Modified gradient method in a decision support system for control unmanned aerial vehicles 

E. P. Chapchay, A. I. Burmaka Determination of the structure of the emergency discrepancy manoeuvre 

Abstract. The strategy of ship manoeuvring is considered to prevent a collision with the situation in the situation of excessive convergence. It is shown that the article of the strategy of passing depends on the current relative position and purpose, as well as their movement parameters. The passing manoeuvre can contain from two to five stages. Terms of realization of each stage and final analytical parameters of its parameters are received. 

Keywords: safety of navigation, prevention of collision of ships, strategy of emergency discrepancy, excessive convergence of ships. 

E. P. Chapchay, A. I. Burmaka Determination of the structure of the emergency discrepancy manoeuvre 

I. A. Burmaka The choice of strategy for the passing of a group of vessels by methods of external management 

Abstract. It is shown that the main method of external control of the process of ship’s passing are the areas of dangerous courses of approaching ships, with the help of which the manoeuvre of passing of a pair of vessels is selected. The method of choosing safe courses of discrepancy in the situation of the dangerous approach of four ships is shown. A numerical example and results of simulation modelling are given. 

Keywords: safety of navigation, passing of ships in dangerous proximity, external management of the passing process, areas of dangerous courses, safe passing of a group of vessels. 

I. A. Burmaka The choice of strategy for the passing of a group of vessels by methods of external management 

G. E. Kalinichenko Accounting for inertia of the vessel in the formation of the area of dangerous courses 

Abstract. The analysis of the influence of the inertial characteristics of the ship’s swing ability on the distance of the shortest approach of vessels during the manoeuvring of the difference of vessels by the course change is made. The situation is considered when the operating vessel performs a turn on the course of evasion, and the target retains the unchanged parameters of the movement. A model of rotational motion of a vessel with a constant angular velocity of rotation is used. The influence of inertia of the  vessel on the size of the area of dangerous courses is shown and recommendations are proposed for ensuring safe passing of vessels in such situations. A numerical example confirming the correctness of the obtained results is given. 

Keywords: safety of navigation, process of passing, area of dangerous courses, model of ship’s rotational motion, reduction of approach distance. 

G. E. Kalinichenko Accounting for inertia of the vessel in the formation of the area of dangerous courses 

Yu. V. Kazak Dependence of the error of the lateral deviation of the vessel from the trajectory error of the turn of the vessel 

Abstract. Factors leading to the appearance of vectorial errors in the turning of the vessel are identified, which are the error in the shifting of the rudder pen and the error in the time of the start of the turn maneuver. Formulas for estimating the values of the vector error of the turning of the vessel are obtained with the appearance of an error in the shift of the rudder pen and the error in the time of the start of the turn maneuver. The procedure for obtaining the error density of the ship’s lateral deviation from the program trajectory is considered depending on the two-dimensional density of the positional vector error. 

Keywords: safety of navigation, vectorial error of turn, error of rudder shift, error of the moment of the beginning of the turn manoeuvre. 

Yu. V. Kazak Dependence of the error of the lateral deviation of the vessel from the trajectory error of the turn of the vessel

N. Nestoruk, P. Chykunov Experimental studies as tools for solving practical problems of electromechanical nature 

Abstract. The essence of experimental studies is clarified, notions of “experimental research” and “engineering experimentation” are identified, targets, content and technological components of the training of future mining engineers in the context of a tedious problem in accordance with the personality-oriented educational paradigm. Based on the analysis of the future specialist’s activities, in accordance with the competence complex, has been developed a technology for the training of mining engineers and electromechanics for conducting experimental studies, and it is possible to improve the professional training of the future specialist. 

Keywords: experimental research, engineering experimentation, competent oriented basis, technical disciplines, electromechanical engineers. 

N. Nestoruk, P. Chykunov Experimental studies as tools for solving practical  problems of electromechanical nature 

T. Yu. Omelchenko The relationship between the forms of the true and relative passing trajectories 

Abstract. The bases of the relationship between the forms of the true and relative discrepancy trajectories are considered, and it is shown that in the general case there are four forms of the relative trajectory corresponding to the two forms of the true passing trajectory. It is indicated that the form of the relative trajectory of discrepancy determines the type of analytical expressions for calculating the parameters of the discrepancy strategy. For one of the forms of the relative passing trajectory, the moments of the turn of the vessel are determined to implement a safe collision avoidance manoeuvre. An example is given using a computer program. 

Keywords: safety of navigation, passing of ships, forms of true and relative passing trajectories. 

T. Yu. Omelchenko The relationship between the forms of the true and relative passing trajectories 

О. Р. Оstapenko Areas of high energy efficiency of energy supply systems with cogeneration heat pump installations of small power and peak electric boilers 

Abstract. The approach, aimed at determination of the areas and modes of high energy efficiency of energy supply systems (ESS) with cogeneration heat pump installations (CHPI) of small power and peak electric boilers (EB), on conditions of optimal operation modes of CHPI, taking into consideration complex impact of variable operation modes, sources of drive energy for steam compressor heat pump installations (HPI) of small power, with the account of energy losses in the process of generation, supply and conversion of electric energy, is suggested. 

Keywords: area of high energy efficient operation, energy supply system, cogeneration heat pump installation of small power, steam compressor heat pump installation of small power, peak electric boiler. 

О. Р. Оstapenko Areas of high energy efficiency of energy supply systems with cogeneration  heat pump installations of small power and peak electric boilers 

E. N. Pyatakov Features of calculating the parameters of evasion manoeuvre for locally independent control of the process of ship's passing  

Abstract. The true trajectory of the ship’s passing is considered with the aim of dangerously approaching and its shape depending on the side of the evasion. It is shown that in the general case there are two forms of the true passing trajectory corresponding to four forms of the relative passing trajectory, with numerical examples of the parameters of the approach situation for each of the forms of the relative trajectory. Analytic expressions are obtained, with the help of which it is possible to calculate the time of turn of the vessel for the implementation of the evasion manoeuvre, depending on the indicators of the form of the relative trajectory. 

Keywords: safety of navigation, the process of ship’s passing, forms of true and relative evasion trajectories, analytical expressions for calculating the parameters of the evasion strategy. 

E. N. Pyatakov Features of calculating the parameters of evasion manoeuvre for locally independent control of the process of ship’s passing 

V. V. Severin Estimation of the probability of safe harnessing of a ship by a constrained route  

Abstract. The method of quantitative assessment of the safety of navigation while navigating a vessel in cramped waters is considered, in which the probability of safe navigation of a vessel by a specified route is chosen as a safety index of navigation. The method takes into account the accuracy of control of the ship’s position during wiring, which is characterized by a random error of lateral deviation from the program path of motion. Examples of an estimation of probability of safe wiring of a vessel by the considered method by means of the computer program are given. 

Keywords: safety of navigation, probability of safe wiring, model of safety assessment of navigation. 

V. V. Severin Estimation of the probability of safe harnessing of a ship by a constrained route

Ye. L. Volkov The maneuver of the ship's passing by decreasing of the vessel’s speed by active braking  

Abstract. For situations of dangerous rapprochement of the vessel with the target, in case of necessity, with maneuver of passing by a decreasing of the vessel’s speed, a method of selecting the maneuver parameters by active braking with the help of an area  of unacceptable parameters of the ship’s motion is suggested in the paper. Analytic expressions for determining the optimal rate of the speed for the safety passing are obtained, and the implementation of the proposed method is given in a computer program. The  correctness of the proposed method is confirmed by simulation modeling. 

Keywords: safety of navigation, prevention of collision of vessels,  area of  unacceptable parameters of ship movement, vessel’s passing maneuver by decreasing of the speed by active braking. 

Ye. L. Volkov The maneuver of the ship’s passing by decreasing of the vessel’s speed by active braking