Science and Education a New Dimension

Online version ISSN 2308-1996

Printed version ISSN 2308-5258

Science and Education a New Dimension

Iss. 23. 2014.

Yelesina K.O. Position of different-rank intelligentsia in the counts Bobrynskiys’ Ukrainian estates: social dimension

Abstract. The author has considered the characteristics of the social position of different-rank intelligentsia, which labor and daily life took place in the counts Bobrynskiys’ Ukrainian estates at the second part of the 19th – the beginning of the 20th centuries. The main approaches, which determined the size of employees’ wages, are highlighted, and their expediency are analyzed too. Special attention is paid to peculiarities of social insurance of intelligentsia. 

Keywords: intelligentsia, counts Bobrynskiys, social position, wage, social support.  

Yelesina K.O.  Position of different-rank intelligentsia in the counts Bobrynskiys’ Ukrainian estates: social dimension 

Ivanova V.O. Scientific and journalistic heritage of M.I. Dragomirov: polemical aspect

Abstract. The article deals with the topics and moves of the most high-profile literary discussions with the participation of outstanding military and political figure of the Russian Empire M.I. Dragomirov (1830-1905). It was found that his value judgments in its basis were due to the principle of priority of the moral factor, which forms the strategy of human behavior and shows up especially brightly during the war.  

Keywords: polemical works, M.I. Dragomirov, L.N. Tolstoy, the Holy Bible, the Jewish question  

Ivanova V.O. Scientific and journalistic heritage of M.I. Dragomirov: polemical aspect 

Ivchenko A.A. Socio-political and socio-economic aspects of the analysis of social and economic changes in the village of Ukrain 1953-1959 years in the scientific literature of the "thaw" (1953-1964)

Abstract. The article presents a historiographical analysis of the soviet scientific literature of the Khrushchev “thaw” on history of socio-economic reforms of the Ukrainian village 1953-1959 years. This problem is one of the most actual in present day historical science.  The  author  stresses,  that  researches  of  the  soviet  scientists  cover  prominent  aspects  of  the  problem  and  it’s  influence  on economic and social changes of rural life. The author makes the attempt to systemize the achievements of the soviet historiography on the given problem This is one of the first attempts to generalize historiography of this issue. At the same time, the author empha- sizes that not all the aspects of the problem have got proper attention in historiography. 

Keywords: socio-economic reforms, research, historiography, Ukrainian village, “thaw”  

Ivchenko A.A. Socio-political and socio-economic aspects of the analysis of social and economic changes in the village of Ukrain 1953-1959 years in the scientific literature of the “thaw” (1953-1964)

Kalinichenko V.V. To the question of the alternative to collective farms in a Ukrainian village in the 1920s.

Abstract. In the article the analysis of the structure, powers and responsibilities of local company. Considered the authorities of this land Institute. Disclosed the principles of the rule of law. Specify the level of Finance of the land societies, a source of their revenues. In clause (article) advantages of the public organization of crop rotation as more progressive. The author stresses that the need in continuous collectivization was not because of the land the company successfully combines personal and public interests. 

Keywords: Ukraine, agriculture, land, land society, peasants.  

Kalinichenko V.V. To the question of the alternative to collective farms in a Ukrainian village in the 1920s.

Marsinyshyn Y. D. A concept «labor» is in power conception of S.A. Podolinski

Abstract. In the article original and innovative interpretation of category is analyzed «labor» the Ukrainian scientist and thinker by Sergey by Andrey Podolinski, given to them in research «Labor of man and his attitude toward distributing of energy». S. Podolinsky own author’s interpretation makes the term explained to a person’s ability to work and called her subjects, described the basic types and forms of human activity, and researched many other aspects that make up a complete response category. Ukrainian thinker innovation was that the scientist considers the economy of human labor power, energy saving content of human activity, historical milestones and technical forms of work organization for the conservation of energy forms such activities in prehuman world. 

Keywords: labor, energy, entropy, productivity, distributing, the universe  

Marsinyshyn Y. D. A concept «labor» is in power conception of S.A. Podolinski 

Polyakov O.V. The soil mineral fertilizing as the main direction of “great chemistry” policy realization in Ukrainian agriculture in the 1950 – 1980 years

Abstract. The historical aspects of mineral fertilizers usage in Ukrainian agricultural sector during chemicalization of agriculture in the 1950 – 1980 years are considered in the article. The author pays attention to different peculiarities, scope and the main results of providing massive mineral fertilizers in the cultural farming practice in Ukraine.  

Keywords: mineral fertilizers, chemicalization, collective farms, agriculture, agrochemistry  

Polyakov  O.V.  The  soil  mineral  fertilizing  as  the  main  direction  of  “great  chemistry”  policy  realization  in  Ukrainian  agriculture in the 1950 – 1980 years

Poniedielnyk L. Art architecture in Volyn (1921–1939 years)

Abstract. The article highlights the problems concerning the definition of prospects of Volyn province in 20-30s of the twentieth century with regard to urban development trends in the global and domestic theory and practice of architecture. It is shown that in this period the region was at the lowest level of socio-economic development in the Rich PospolytaII and required streamlining in planning and improvement of the functional structure of settlements. But the real activities in this area started since 1933 – after the economic crisis in the Polish state, when architectural planning and urban development in the region was spontaneous and fragmentary.  

Keywords: style in architecture, design, modernity, classicism, constructivism  

Poniedielnyk L. Art architecture in Volyn (1921–1939 years) 

Savytska I. S. The health of citizens of Ukraine in 1964–1985

Abstract. On the basis of archival documents and published material critical thinking in the article analyzes the features of health care  in  the  years  1964–1985,  author  examined  main  areas  of  reform  in  the  healthcare  industry.  Investigated  health  legislation  to ensure people found the level of doctors and hospital beds Fund, and the quality of medical services. Highlight a number of problems related to lack of necessary equipment, improper maintenance medication and so on. 

Keywords: healthcare, medical institutions, health care providers, pharmacy network, disease, life expectancy  

Savytska I. S. The health of citizens of Ukraine in 1964–1985

Ostapets I. The problem of freedom in new european philosophy

Abstract. This paper described the features of the mechanisms of realization of freedom in the writings of thinkers of modern times. The  purpose  of  scientific  exploration  –  explore  the  features  of  the  formation  of  the  idea  of  freedom  and ontological  aspects  (like freedom in the system of social relations ). The conclusion is that freedom in the age of modern times appears as mediated by human cognitive activity and is implemented in two main aspects: the logical- epistemological and practical . 

Keywords: freedom , necessity, social contract , civil society, natural rights  

Ostapets I. The problem of freedom in new european philosophy

Yarovoy T.S. The basic form of government and parliamentarism: legal aspects of interaction

Abstract. The article examines the uniqueness of the parliament as a political institution, which plays a of interest groups at the state level, forms. At the stage of democratic reforms а change of a social structure occurs rapidly, and it often happens, that the  role of mediator  between  society  and  executive  authorities;  a  system,  where  the  nation’s  ruling  will,  based  on  a  structured  representation necessary institutional changes occur with considerable delay in time. The inertia of the Ukrainian political system is largely related to  deficiencies  in  the  functioning  of  the  parliamentary  institution.  The  modern  Ukrainian  political  practice  shows  an  inability  of government  institutions  to  manage  effectively  the  socio-economic  and political  processes.  A  distinctive  feature  of  the  post-Soviet Ukraine was the continued instability of the entire state system, which deepens by the lack of forms of authorities responsibility to overcome the modernization syndrome. Reducing of a transitional democratic transformation period in Ukraine objectively requires the formation of a working system of feedback between the social environment and political system. Here the role of national parlia- ments can not be overemphasized. The process of consolidation of a democratic society has to happen against achievement by the Ukrainian parliament of the corresponding external forms (a democratic election system and the constitutional fixing of the appropri- ate parliamentary authority, inherent parliamentarism of the western type). Filling of these forms by the democratic content should be accompanied by ordering of an effective system of political representation of real public interests, creation of effective mechanisms of control over the executive branch, increasing the degree of openness of the parliamentary process. 

Keywords: Parliament, parliamentarism, political institution, society, authorities, democracy  

 Yarovoy T.S. The basic form of government and parliamentarism: legal aspects of interaction

Aslanov S.A. Ethnopolitical Stability: the Ethnic Aspects of Phenomenon

Level of scientific investigation, understanding and usage of the term “ethnopolitical stability” in scientific and political context are studied. The closest attention is paid to analysis of ethnic properties, their qualities, which are peculiar to phenomenon of ethnopoliti- cal stability.  The role of ethnicity, its conflictive nature in particular, in ethnopolitical stability violation in polyethnic societies is studied.

Keywords: ethnopolitical stability, ethnopolitical safety, ethnopolitics, ethnic conflict, ethnicity  

Aslanov S.A. Ethnopolitical Stability: the Ethnic Aspects of Phenomenon

Bunyk V. Determinant basis of research conflicts in today's globalized world: methodological aspect

Abstract.  This  article  investigates  the  universalization  of  social  and  political  process  as  a  cause  of  conflict  and  controversy.  The problem of universalization is defined as a variable element which is reproduced in the system of society or not. It is also analised the process of neglecting by the universalization the native elements for society, which resulted in the conflict of identification that defines the boundary between universal and singular. 

Keywords: globalization, political conflict, political contradiction, the universalization of the political process, the transformation of social and political life 

Bunyk V. Determinant basis of research conflicts in today’s globalized world: methodological aspect

Burychko Z. The liberal conception of B. Constant: man – state, deterministic relationship freedom

Abstract. The paper presents a vision of the B. Constant’s liberal conception through the prism of human  – state relations. These relationships are different in different historical periods, and depend on the content of freedom. Argued that thinker made demand of time to the freedom and therefore denies the possibility of establishing the universal order. The B. Constant’s position about the need of political freedoms that contribute to moral improvement of man is exposed. 

Keywords: liberalism, freedom, human, state, representative institution, justice 

Burychko Z. The liberal conception of B. Constant: man – state, deterministic relationship freedom

Demchyshak R.B. Political and legal nature, authority and division of power in political science heritage of Volodymyr Starosolskiy

Politological  heritage  of  the  representative  of  the  Ukrainian  political  thought  of  socialism  in  the  interwar  period  of  the  twentieth century has been analyzed. The researcher’s views on the nature, structure, formation and powers of the institutions of government have been examined and his contribution into the theory of separation of powers has been elucidated. 

Keywords: separation of powers, popular sovereignty, branches of government, public institutions 

Demchyshak R.B. Political and legal nature, authority and division of power in political science heritage of Volodymyr Starosolskiy 

Kiriienko O.D. The phenomenon of political alienation of the individual in the context of globalization transformations

Abstract. The article deals with the specific phenomenon of modern political alienation that arises as a result of active processes of globalization.The  main  reasons  for  updating  this  phenomenon  –  the  erosion  of  the  sovereignty  of  the  nation  state,  uncontrolled information flow, strengthening the role of non-state actors in the international arena have been investigated. Special attention was paid to causal link between the deformations in the structure of the political identity of the individual and the degree of alienation and the role of hybrid identities in the process. The features of the manifestation of the crisis of democracy in the context of  political alienation at this stage – in the light of the problems of freedom and technologizing public policy decisions have been researched also. Two different strategies to overcome political alienation – the globalist and anti-globalization have been presented. 

Keywords : globalization, political alienation, political identity, erosion of sovereignty, the crisis of democracy  

Kiriienko O.D. The phenomenon of political alienation of the individual in the context of globalization transformations

Mayor O. Federative Systems Transformation in the Federal Republic of Germany

Annotation: In the given article are devoted and defined the stages of the reforming of the federal system of Germany. Since the formation of the Federal Republic of Germany though for positive purposes the tendencies of centralization and unification bare been gowing. Several factors influenced the necessity of reforming of the German federalism, both internal (uniting of German lands) and external(European integration). 

Keywords: federalism, federal reform, Bundesrat, political system 

Mayor O. Federative Systems Transformation in the Federal Republic of Germany 

Pogorelova A.I. Ukrainian parliamentarism in the context of modern political transformation

Abstract. It is about the revelence for the understanding of problem of effective internal polotics of democratic transformation. We consider  the  culture  of  parliamentarism  as  a  mechanism  maintaining  relationships  of  trust  and  solidarity  in  society.  It  reveal imporrance for Ukraine establishment of effective professional collaboration Parliament and the public. 

Keywords: parliamentarism, culture, public  

Pogorelova A.I. Ukrainian parliamentarism in the context of modern political transformation 

Ponomarenko L. Means of direct democracy in the formation of the innovation culture of society

Abstract. The article considers the basic means, forms and manifestations of direct democracy in the context of the development of innovation culture of the society and realization of the state innovation policy. Outlines the main problems of increase of their efficiency. 

Keywords: direct democracy, the institution of referendum, the reference of citizens, citizens’ meetings, innovative culture, innovation policy 

Ponomarenko L. Means of direct democracy in the formation of the innovation culture of society

Sorokopud M. Political identity as a determinant of voting behavior in Ukraine

Abstract. The essence of political identity and methods of its designing are defined. The basic elements are formed on the political identity forming. The ways of political identity creating are learned. The elationships which are formed between social and political identities are characterized. The types of political identity that can determine political process are also learned.  

Keyword: identity, political identity, identification, electoral behavior, determinants  

Sorokopud M. Political identity as a determinant of voting behavior in Ukraine 

Shelemba M. Evolution of a theoretical nature and the concept of "electoral area"

Annotation.  In  the  article  systematization  of  the  scientific  going  is  presented  near  interpretation  of  essence  of  concept  “electoral space”. Basic signs and types of characters of mutual relations of participants of electoral space are classified. The authorial going near  determination  of  the  investigated  concept,  worked  out  by  means  of  synthesis  of  self-reactance  and  humanitarian  directions, offers.  

Keywords: electoral space, self-reactance direction, humanitarian direction, parameters, signs, synthesis 

Shelemba M. Evolution of a theoretical nature and the concept of “electoral area”

Mantula B., Procenko A. Brand as a means of self-actualization

Abstract.  This  article  is  telling  us  about  the  common  reasons  for  the  formation  of  personal  brands.  The  author  argues  that  as  a product of a culture of individualism and one of the innovative phenomena of modern  communicative reality, the brand used as a means of self-identification and self-actualization. In a fast-changing variety of social groups and products offered by the consumer society person is getting an opportunity to orient and build its own successful life strategy.  

Keywords: brand, branding, brand community,culture of individualism, personality, self-projection, self-determination, the performing self, social communication, identity, brand image 

 Mantula B., Procenko A. Brand as a means of self-actualization 

Gurch L.A. Verbalization of subjectivism in columnistics Yuriy Makarov

Abstract.  Analyzed verbal  means of expression of subjectivism in columnistics Yuriy Makarov.  Described subjectivity at several levels of the author’s text: content, lexical and phraseological, syntactic, morphological and derivational.  

Keywords: verbalization of subjectivity, columnist, columnistics, author, text  

Gurch L.A. Verbalization of subjectivism in columnistics Yuriy Makarov 

Prasiuk O.V. Reorientation of the electoral legislation of Ukraine for a citizen-voter

Abstract.  The  article  reviews  the  main  lines  of  the  reorientation  of  the  electoral  legislation  of  Ukraine  on  voters,  such  as: optimization of the electoral system, stabilization of electoral law, simplify the interaction of voters with polling station commissions and agencies of the State Register of Voters, legal regulation of campaigning, guaranteeing equal suffrage for all voters, raising the political culture of the voters.  

Keywords: election law, election law, public opinion, voters

Prasiuk O.V. Reorientation of the electoral legislation of Ukraine for a citizen-voter 

Yashcheritsyna N.I. Local service market as an object of structural changes

Abstract. With the development of society is increasing decentralization of economic management and social development, including regional. One manifestation of this is the change in relations between local authorities and the business units of higher jurisdiction. The priorities in education should be training, retraining and advanced training of workers and specialists. 

Keywords: service market, infrastructure, development, services, education, health care  

Yashcheritsyna N.I. Local service market as an object of structural changes 

Lysenko Ye.A. Possibilities of optimization of business processes at the industrial enterprises

Abstract. In this paper, a need of optimization of business processes at the industrial enterprises is considered. The classification of business  processes  at  the  mechanical  engineering  enterprises  is  generalized.  The  model  of  a  network  of  the  main  and  supporting business processes of the enterprise Public Joint-stock Company “Zaporozhtransformator” for their further optimization purposes is presented. 

Keywords: business process, optimization, enterprise, classification, macroprocess, model 

Lysenko Ye.A. Possibilities of optimization of business processes at the industrial enterprises