Science and Education a New Dimension

Online version ISSN 2308-1996

Printed version ISSN 2308-5258

Science and Education a New Dimension

Iss. 68. 2015.

A. V. Botsman, I. M. Morenets Modals and periphrastics in English and Dutch

Abstract. The article deals with the peculiarities of modal verbs and periphrastic constructions in modern English and Dutch. The status of these verb groups was determined, and the most recognative features of them were singled out and described. The semantic aspects of these groups were observed in close comparison of English and Dutch. Distinct criteria for the classification of modals, auxiliaries and periphrastics were set out. Comparison of similarity and difference was based on the belonging of English and Dutch to the West subgroup of the Germanic languages. 

Keywords: modal verb, periphrastic construction, quasi-auxiliary status, English and Dutch 

A. V. Botsman, I. M. Morenets Modals and periphrastics in English and Dutch 

I. O. Harbar Metaphor as a Means of Verbal Suggestion in Attorneys’ Speeches (Based on American Legal Thrillers)

Abstract. The article deals  with scientific research of  metaphor as a means of verbal suggestion which attorneys  widely use in their speeches  in  order  to  influence  the  jury’s  feelings,  emotions,  thoughts  and  outlook.  The  research  proves  that  metaphor  in  attorneys’ speeches is characterized by an incredible power of suggestion and therefore is one of the most effective figures of speech that influence the jury’s conscious and subconscious mind. On the basis of American legal thrillers the author offers her own classification of suggestive metaphors that are widely used by attorneys in their speeches to exert due influence on the jury. 

Keywords: suggestive metaphor, verbal suggestion, attorneys’ speech, the jury, American legal thriller 

I. O. Harbar Metaphor as a Means of Verbal Suggestion in Attorneys’ Speeches  (Based on American Legal Thrillers) 

M. O. Kuznetsova The genesis and dynamics of secondary discourse phenomenon

Abstract. The study objective is the investigation of the process of secondary discourse production. The secondary type of discourse is defined as a complex linguistic phenomenon and a specific secondary creativity. Being a dynamic process of information, ideas, feelings, and emotions exchange, secondary discourse presupposes the subjective interpretation of modern mass culture text corpora. Thus, the research is carried out on the material of G.R.R. Martin’s bestselling epic fantasy novels A Song of Ice and Fire and its secondary textspaces, published on  

Keywords: communication, secondary discourse, precedential text, secondary text, interpretation 

M. O. Kuznetsova The genesis and dynamics of secondary discourse phenomenon 

S. P. Netrebina Nonverbal Emotional Reactions in Cultural Dimension

Abstract. This article focuses on the investigation of nonverbal emotional reactions of characters in cultural dimension on the material of modern English fictional discourse. Nonverbal expression of emotions and emotional reactions is viewed from the perspective of emotional culture and Contact / Non-Contact Cultures approach. 

Keywords:  somaticon  (combination  of  nonverbal  signs),  emotional  reactions,  emotional  culture,  emotional  rules,  Contact  and Non-Contact Cultures

S. P. Netrebina Nonverbal Emotional Reactions in Cultural Dimension 

H. V. Onyshchak Dichotomy of good and evil verbalization in modern English and Ukrainian

Abstract. The article deals with the problem of the dichotomy of good and evil verbalization in modern English and Ukrainian. The differences between cultural and language world pictures have been considered. The comparative study of lexico-semantic groups of nouns denoting good and evil as fragments of English and Ukrainian language world pictures by means of the procedure of formalized lexical semantics’ analysis has given the possibility to single out their essential qualitative and quantitative characteristics, structural semantic peculiarities, reveal their differences and similarities within the national, cultural and individually-psychological language pictures of two different nations. The lexico-semantic groups of nouns denoting good and evil in modern English and Ukrainian are of complex and multicomponential structure. Both the order and organization of the lexical stock under study are hierarchical. The latter is divided into the following groups: lexical units with the highest, middle, low degrees of polysemy and monosemantic words. The biggest part of the lexis denoting good and evil in both languages under study is characterized by the words with the low degree of polysemy. The analysis made has shown that the lexical units denoting good and evil occupy an important place within the lexical systems of the English and Ukrainian, and they are regarded as philosophical concepts of the world perception being an integral part of the humanity and human nature. Therefore, they make up the broadest and leading paradigm of valuable moral orientation, knowing no boundaries of time and space and making the formula of our thinking and world perception. 

Keywords: verbalization, dichotomy, cultural and language world pictures, the procedure of formalized lexical semantics’ analysis, qualitative and quantitative characteristics

H. V. Onyshchak Dichotomy of good and evil verbalization in modern English and Ukrainian 

O. I. Pjetsukh Metaphorical Namings of MPs in the British Parliament

Abstract.  This article deals with the studying of metaphorical representations of space used to name the MPs in the political discourse of the British parliamentary debates. It determines cognitive background and extralinguistic factors influencing the usage of metaphoric models in the British parliamentary debates. Such debates represent the events and phenomena regardless the party that gains majority in the parliament.  

Keywords: metaphor, parliamentary debates, frontbenchers, backbenchers, crossbenchers, locative 

O. I. Pjetsukh Metaphorical Namings of MPs in the British Parliament 

Y.V. Andriichenko The stereotypes of masculinity and femininity in the Spanish language area

Abstract.  The  article examines the gender research  fragment Spanish language picture of the  world in terms of  conceptualization of gender stereotyping and its dynamic transformation under the influence of sociocultural factors, draws attention to the linguistic back- ground of sexism, its development and operation of modern realities of Spanish. 

Keywords: gender, communication, stereotypes, text, masculinity, femininity 

Y.V. Andriichenko The stereotypes of masculinity and femininity in the Spanish language area 

A.V. Antonov Personage’s Communicative Style in the Aspect of Racial Identity (On the Material of Modern American Drama)

Abstract.  The  article  analyses  how  racial  identity  influences  the  personage’s  communicative  styles  in  modern  American  drama. Models of different races representatives, typical for American linguaculture have been selected for research. It had been proved that racial identity is an important component of communicative style that determines the tactical-strategical organization of the utterance. The peculiarities of Afro-Americans’ communicative style in the interaction with representatives of their own race and white Americans have been singled out. 

Keywords: communicative style, racial identity, personage’s speech, modern American drama 

A.V. Antonov Personage’s Communicative Style in the Aspect of Racial Identity (On the Material of Modern American Drama) 

N. Astrachan "The book is waiting for authors" by M. Epstein in the context of artistic and scientific discourses of the twentieth and twenty- first centuries

Abstract.  The  article  analyzes  the  text  of  M.  Epstein,  “The  Book  waiting  for  authors”,  which  appears  to  project  a  virtual  “Book  of Books” − an open spiritual / intellectual space, which is the result of a dialogical work of the individual consciousness of the author and inviting potential readers to the autor’s active development of the proposed conceptual and peripheral ideas. This text is considered as characteristic for the period of centuries and millennia that focuses on removing the boundaries between artistic and scientific discourses, which sums up the era of postmodernism and opens new perspectives Dialogic reflection vectors and patterns of cultural Genesis.  

Keywords: dialogue, philosophy, poststructuralism, postmodernism, a virtual book, artistic integrity, Socratic dialogue 

N. Astrachan “The book is waiting for authors” by M. Epstein in the context of artistic and scientific discourses of the twentieth and twenty- first centuries 

O.O. Bardakova Criterion of textuality in the medical texts

Abstract. Following article is devoted to researching structural characteristics of scientific text that is important for the text analysis in the scientific sphere. The role of verbal units with the first components and their derivatives that are represented as nouns is researched in the structure of the text (on material of the German language). The realized criterion of textuality is found as well. Such methods as oppositional technique, study of combining researched units and their context, and the method of contextual-situational analysis of the text are used for achieving the aim of the article. 

Keywords: text, verbal unit, derivative stem, word-building component, coherence, synonyms, antonyms 

O.O. Bardakova Criterion of textuality in the medical texts

O. Boinitska Victorians and Pseudo-Victorians: The Transformation of Victorian Narrative Modes in Matthew Kneale's English Passengers

Abstract. The article focuses on the analysis of some specific features of the transformation of Victorian narrative modes in ‘English Passengers’  by  Matthew  Kneale.  We  particularly  emphasise  the  ambiguous  combination  of  an  aesthetic  inspiration provided by  the literary canon with its ironic and critical subversion in the contemporary text. This article is intended as a case study of the pseudo Victorian novel in the context of the postmodern conceptualization of history in English historiographic novel of the end of the 20th – the beginning of the 21st cent. 

Keywords: pseudo-Victorian novel, English historiographic novel, Victorian narrative modes, narrating instance, narrative voices, unreliable narrator 

O. Boinitska Victorians and Pseudo-Victorians: The Transformation of Victorian Narrative Modes in Matthew Kneale’s English Passengers 

I.S. Havryliuk Structuring the poetonymosphere of a literary work by the basic poetonym oppositions (based on the tale “Krabat” by Otfried Preußler)

Abstract. The article analyses poetonym opposition as a means of organization of a literary text poetonymosphere. Key oppositions kind ‒ evil, light ‒ darkness, friend ‒ foe, divine ‒ devilish are regarded as a factor of ordering and grouping proper names in Otfried Preußler’s “Krabat”. The research is done on the basis of the languages belonging to two language groups ‒ Germanic and Slavic, which have equally influenced the formation of the tale’s proper names system. 

Keywords: poetonym opposition, poetonymosphere, structure of poetonymosphere, multicomponent opposition, sine onym nomination 

I.S. Havryliuk Structuring the poetonymosphere of a literary work by the basic poetonym oppositions (based on the tale “Krabat” by Otfried Preußler)

T.M. Halaj Structural characteristics of metaphoric terms of the English LSP of geology

Abstract. The given article deals with the structural and quantitative analysis of metaphoric terms as the main way of nomination and the active word-building factor in the English LSP of geology. It was defined that metaphoric terms of the English LSP of geology can be expressed by a root-word, compound word and word combination. Depending on the part of speech we distinguish noun, verbal, adjective and adverbial metaphoric terms. Main structural models of these terms are being studied in the article. 

Keywords: metaphor, term, geology, structure, word combination, compound words 

T.M. Halaj Structural characteristics of metaphoric terms of the English LSP of geology 

Z.O. Getman Colloquial Speech in Spanish folklore texts

Abstract. The article deals with the comparison problem of two different speeches. The first is the colloquial one fixed in the written form by the specialist in folklore; it sounds in oral colloquial speech. The second form for comparison is the codified literature language in the Spanish folklore text in the example of the Peninsular Spanish language and its Cuban national variant. As a result of comparison there  was  identified  stylistic  colouring  of  basic  language  units  and  speech  colouring  appearing  in  the  colloquial  speech.  Colloquial speech is a dominant of the speech product in folklore of oral way, in particular the colloquial text. In this case the form of speech corre- lates with the functional-stylistic differentiation of Spanish. There is a general tendency of the style collision in the Spanish folklore texts from the point of their genre national roots. 

Keywords: colloquial speech, colloquial text, functional-stylistic differentiation, folklore text, speech form, genre heterogeneity 

Z.O. Getman Colloquial Speech in Spanish folklore texts

O.V. Gosudarska Anthropocentrism as the guiding principle of recreating the world with human consciousness (based on translation of French somatic terms in Ukrainian)

Abstract. The author of the article reveals the basic principles to reproduce the information about the world with the human consciousness and its representation by means of linguistic signs. The main attention is concentrated on the close connection between languages and people which, since the second half of the twentieth century and up to date, is the starting point of most linguistic works. The study has cleared up that the somatic basis, although it is universal, isn’t manifested identically during the nomination of individual reality objects by different ethnic groups. This fact takes on special significance in the technical translation. 

Keywords: anthropocentrism, linguistic consciousness, nomination, linguistic sign, somatism, technical translation 

O.V. Gosudarska Anthropocentrism as the guiding principle of recreating the world with human consciousness (based on translation of French somatic terms in Ukrainian) 

V.O. Martyn The nominative field of subconcept ΝΟΣΟΣ in ancient Greek language

Abstract. The article investigates nominative field of subconcept ΝΟΣΟΣ in ancient Greek language. Its core, zone near the core, near and far periphery has been established; means of verbalization of microfields in zone near the core of subconcept ΝΟΣΟΣ has been explored. 

Keyword: concept, subconcept, ΝΟΣΟΣ, disease, nominative field 

V.O. Martyn The nominative field of subconcept ΝΟΣΟΣ in ancient Greek language 

A.P. Martynyuk Cognitive-communicative instruments of analyzing verbal influence

Abstract.  The  article  focuses  on  cognitive-communicative  instruments  of  analyzing  verbal  influence  in  English  advertising  discourse. It defines argumentation, emotional contagion and suggestion in terms of instrumental strategies of discourse and differentiates them on the basic of the psychic substrate, i.e. the psychic sphere the strategy is focused on. It also identifies linguistic units which typically implement argumentation, emotional contagion and suggestion.  

Keywords: communicative strategy, argumentation, emotional contagion, suggestion 

A.P. Martynyuk Cognitive-communicative instruments of analyzing verbal influence

Z. Matsyuk, M. Fenko Symbolic and Sacred Aspects of Numerically-Oriented Semantics within Phraseological Units of Western Polesia

Abstract.  This  paper  deals  with  detailed  and  multidimensional  analysis  of  Western  Polesia  phraseological  units  which  include numbers. Phraseological  units that  contain  numerical  elements  have  been  examined  in  terms  of  the  national  culture,  symbols  and traditions  of  the  region  within  which  they  have  their  roots.  In  this  article  great  attention  is  also  devoted  to  symbolic  meaning  of idiomatic expressions in which the numerals do not lose their primary meaning but also provide additional semantic characteristics which make the content of phraseological units more precise. 

Keywords: areal phraseological units, phraseological units, numerical component, symbolics, semantics 

Z. Matsyuk, M. Fenko Symbolic and Sacred Aspects of Numerically-Oriented Semantics within Phraseological Units of Western Polesia 

O. Nika Old-printed Kliryk Ostrozkyy’ "Otpis" in manuscript copies and translations of the XVII – XVIII centuries: Phonetics

Abstract. The article compares the polemical Kliryk Ostrozkyy’ “Otpis”, publicated in Ostrog in 1598, with a handwritten list of the XVII century and with translation of this text, made in the XVIII century. The basic phonetic characteristics of old-printed “Otpis” are identified. These phenomena are analyzed in the context of the language usage of determined period. The author defines and de- scribes phonetic and orthographic replacements of the manuscript of ХVІІ century. 

Keywords: Kliryk Ostrozkyy’ “Otpis”, Old-printed Publication of  1598, manuscript copy of the  ХVІІ century, language usage, phonetic characteristics 

O. Nika Old-printed Kliryk Ostrozkyy’ “Otpis” in manuscript copies and translations of the XVII – XVIII centuries: Phonetics 

O.L. Overchuk Consistency as methodological and theoretical principles of collecting and processing of folklore

Abstract. The article deals with the problem of systematic analysis of folklore as the basis for research activities. The author determines implementation of systematic approach to the theory of cultural and anthropological methodologies. Prospects of application of pluralism and competitive principles ideas in science are proved. The author characterizes the value of the systematic approach, that optimizes the process of identity and relationships of folklore phenomena. The systematic approach affects the development of the folklore science. 

Keywords: folklore, folklore text, folklore science, collective and research activity, system, consistency, systematic approach 

O.L. Overchuk Consistency as methodological and theoretical principles of collecting and processing of folklore 

A.K. Olymska Syntactic Space of T.S. Eliot Poetic Drama Sweeney Agonistes

Abstract.  This  article  addresses  syntactic  space  as  a  systemic  organization  of  various  syntactic  constructions  united  by  means  of certain syntactic relations expressed by different connectors that predetermine specifics of creating various types of narrative (compositional speech forms) and speech genres in poetic drama.  

Keywords:  syntactic space, syntactic construction, types of narrative, speech genre, poetic drama 

A.K. Olymska Syntactic Space of T.S. Eliot Poetic Drama Sweeney Agonistes 

N. Rudakova The phenomenon of the Cossacks and chivalry: interference of the conceptual fields

Abstract.  The  article  is  devoted  to  the  main  features  of  interpretation  of  the  phenomenon of  Cossacks,  its  historical  and  cultural meaning, comparative relations with the eastern and western equivalents of the characters. It was discovered that the domestic and world culture as attributive display system of objective historical reality more or less had piled characters and storylines for the repre- sentation of the Cossacks as a system of art-structural and poetic realities. 

Keywords: Cossacks, chivalry, folk prose, heroic epic 

N. Rudakova The phenomenon of the Cossacks and chivalry: interference of the conceptual fields

A.M. Trygub Characteristics of the Translation Strategy of Volodymyr Mytrofanov: Linguistic and Stylistic Aspects

Abstract. The article aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of the translation method of V. Mytrofanov based on his translations of texts of different genres. The characteristics of his translation strategy and its linguistic and stylistic dominants are defined.  

Keywords: literary translation, V. Mytrofanov, translation strategy 

A.M. Trygub Characteristics of the Translation Strategy of Volodymyr Mytrofanov: Linguistic and Stylistic Aspects 

M.M. Tsilyna The structural classification of Ukrainian ideonims

Abstract. In the article reviewed the structure of Ukrainian names related to the spiritual sphere. Based on scientific papers N. Podolska, O. Superanska, M. Torchynskyi and others formed the main types of building such propriatives: unicomponent (simple and complex), composed ideonims, ideonims-compound; ideonims-phrases. Found most productive model of onims and found that the overall structure of Ukrainian ideonim’s due, primarily, specific denotative object. 

Keywords: ideonims; artionims; biblionims; gemeronims; poetonims; hrononims 

M.M. Tsilyna The structural classification of Ukrainian ideonims 

M. Shenko Werden + Infinitiv structure as the modal semantic operator of an assumption in the German fiction text

Abstract. The article deals with the analysis of werden + Infinitiv structure functioning as the modal semantic operator of an assumption in the German fiction text. The main methods used by native and foreign linguists for the interpretation of temporal and modal meanings of the structure have been analysed. The article also investigates its functions in the subjective modality meaning and shows the quantitative indices of using it within the author’s and character’s speech in fiction text. 

Keywords: subjective modality, epistemic modality, modus function, narrator, character 

M. Shenko Werden + Infinitiv structure as the modal semantic operator of an assumption in the German fiction text