Science and Education a New Dimension

Online version ISSN 2308-1996

Printed version ISSN 2308-5258

Science and Education a New Dimension

Iss. 110. 2016.

G. M. Shulga, M. O. Kuzin Simulation of distribution recreational flows

Abstract:  The  authors  developed  mathematical  methods  to  determine  the  optimal  flow  recreational  values  at  maximum  quality preservation of natural and recreational potential of the territory and provide favorable conditions for leisure recreational facilities in Ukrainian Carpathians. 

Keywords: natural and recreational area of Ukrainian Carpathians, the stability of natural systems, optimal recreational value stream, mathematical methods, and computer graphics modeling, the average maximum effect of rest. 

G. M. Shulga, M. O. Kuzin Simulation of distribution recreational flows 

M. M. Blascakova, L. Bicakova, J. Mydlar, R. Istok, J. Bernasovska, M. Nagy, J. Poracova, L. Blascakova, V. Sedlak Causal depiction of mortality of men and women in the Prešov region in the years 2008–2012 due to respiratory diseases

Abstract. The occurrence of diseases of the respiratory tract is influenced by many factors that can be divided into influenceable and uncontrollable ones. Among the influenceable factors of respiratory diseases belong nutrition and way of catering, minerals, alcohol, seasonal  influences,  smoking,  geographic  influences,  physical  activity  and  uncontrollable  factors  include  sex,  pregnancy,  genetic predisposition, ethnicity and so on. In our work we analyzed information about the cause of death of  men and women in the years 2008–2012 in various districts of the Prešov region. We found that among the districts with the highest rates of mortality from these diseases belongs Prešov district as well as Poprad district. Next ones were the districts of Vranov nad Topľou, Kežmarok, Bardejov and Sabinov. In regard to gender, the overall death rate of men in the period 2008–2012 was significantly higher than the mortality of women. 

Keywords: diseases of respiratory tract, individual, mortality, eastern Slovakia, factors 

M.  M.  Blascakova,  L.  Bicakova,  J.  Mydlar,  R.  Istok,  J.  Bernasovska,  M.  Nagy,  J.  Poracova,  L.  Blascakova,  V.  Sedlak Causal depiction of mortality of men and women in the Prešov region in the years 2008–2012 due to respiratory diseases

N. B. Godz The ecological futurology and the opportunities of its transcription nowadays

Abstract: The article is dedicated to the future phenomenon analysis questions and to the problems of its theoretical and practical sides of investigation. There is assumed the analysis of the linguistic character of the future understanding and description that is its interpretation. The author views the clear understanding of the ecology functions and tasks as the condition allowing the scientists and the practitioners in their modeling activity to see more correctly the models of the future as with its crises so with the optimal ways of its overcoming. Neither the concept of “sustainable development” nor its translations don’t bear the positively motivating verbal sense. The previous Ukrainian translation namely “Staliy rosvitok” and the current variant as “Stiykiy rosvitok” don’t moti- vate for the searching and the development of the new worldview concerning the nature and the human. 

Keywords: World, world, sustainable development, ecology, ecological futurology, futurology. 

N. B. Godz The ecological futurology and the opportunities of its transcription nowadays 

T. Hrebeniuk, V. Prokopenko, V. Kolochynska The prospects of restructuring the energy sector of Ukraine within the Paris agreement

Abstract: One of the important problems of mankind today is an increase of the global temperature of the Earth that is related  with the  growth  of  greenhouse  gases  emissions.  In  this  article  analysis  of  Ukraine’s  obligations  to  reduce greenhouse gas emissions  in accordance with the terms of Paris agreement is made and considered prospects that may increase the part of alternative energy sources  and  energy  efficiency  by  the  example  of  Ukraine.  A  number  of  possible  actions  are  proposed,  which  lead  to  reduce greenhouse  gases.  The  analysis  and  forecast  as  to  the  sector  receipt  of  emissions  are  made  and  the  change  of  responsibility  after greenhouse gas emissions reduction to 2050 years.  

Keywords: energy efficiency, Paris climate agreement, greenhouse gases, alternative energy sources.  

T. Hrebeniuk, V. Prokopenko, V. Kolochynska The prospects of restructuring the energy sector of Ukraine within the Paris agreement 

O. Ya. Tverda, Yu. A. Molodets, K. K. Tkachuk, N. A. Shevchuk Determining pH level of soil surrounding areas to dumps of rocks

An experiment to determine the pH value of the soil on land used for growing vegetables and located in the surrounding area to the blade, using the method of envelope. An outcome of an experiment in which the  average pH value of land – 7.3, corresponding to slightly alkaline soil reaction. Determined that in this part implanted vegetables such as potatoes, corn, carrots and beans. It is shown that this does not satisfy the pH value of soil pH data for efficient cultivation of vegetables, as recommended for reducing the pH of soil application of substances such as organic fertilizers, aluminum sulfate, sulfur Sublimated urea. 

Keywords: blade, alkaline soils, vegetables, samples of soil pH.  

O. Ya. Tverda, Yu. A. Molodets, K. K. Tkachuk, N. A. Shevchuk Determining pH level of soil surrounding areas to dumps of rocks 

Yu. R. Hachak, V. A. Nagovska, O. Ya. Bilyk, N. B. Slyvka, I. V. Yatsenko, V. Ya. Binkewych The Development of Cheese Mass Technology with Creopowder "Pumpkin»

Abstract. Nutritional status of population is one of the most important factors that determines health and genefond preservation of a nation. Healthful products of special purposes play an important role in providing balanced nutrition. The use of herbal supplements in this regard provides an endless source of resources. The application of cryopowders, as phytonutrients into «dairy product», their successful combination lead to great perspectives in both social and bio-technological terms. It was also developed the untrimmed recipes of sweet and salty cheese masses with creopowder “Pumpkin” according to therapeutic and preventive purposes. It was studied the recipe features of sweet and salty cheese masses, their impact on the organoleptic, physico-chemical and biological characteristics. The proposed domestic product expands a range of dairy products with the therapeutic and preventive purposes. Patents were granted. 

Keywords: Cheese mass, creopowder, organoleptics, recipe, therapeutic and preventive products, biological value.  

Yu. R. Hachak, V. A. Nagovska, O. Ya. Bilyk, N. B. Slyvka, I. V. Yatsenko, V. Ya. Binkewych The Development of Cheese Mass Technology with Creopowder “Pumpkin» 

O. V. Fedusenko, A. V. Yerukaiev The use of production rules to implement the genetic algorithm

Abstract. This article describes a method to simplify the implementation of genetic algorithms. The simplification is that instead of complicated mathematical formulas, which are quite hard to be perceived, the proposed production rules (IF condition, THEN result). And,  accordingly,  their  disclosure  is  used  trees  AND-OR-NOT  with  some  modification  and  in  schematic  form  indicated,  as  they come from the original data to the result. 

Keywords: production rules, logical inference.  

O. V. Fedusenko, A. V. Yerukaiev The use of production rules to implement the genetic algorithm

O. Vasilyeva Features of development of telemedicine centers in the regions of Russia

Abstract. Informatization of medicine increasingly gets its spread as in the world, and in many regions of our country. One of the main directions in the development of the public health program of the Russian Federation is a large-scale use of telemedicine, development of telemedicine centers. This article presents the history of the development of telemedicine in Russia, given the characteristics of the regional telemedicine centers (according to federal districts). This study demonstrates the need for the development of telemedicine, especially in regions with low population density. The article highlights the main problems associated with the operation of telemedical centers in Russia and presents the main perspectives of the development of this innovative field of medicine. 

Keywords: telemedicine, public health, telemedical centers, the availability of medical care. 

O. Vasilyeva Features of development of telemedicine centers in the regions of Russia 

J. Mydlar Selected theoretical and methodological aspects of cultural tourism

Abstract.  Culture  and  natural  heritage  create  the  preconditions  for  the  development  of  cultural  tourism.  For  multicontextual relationship of tourism and culture, the definition of cultural tourism is quite a complex process.  In professional practice, various forms of cultural tourism do not occur in a separate form, but it often leads to their interconnection and overlap. In this thesis we deal with the characteristics of typology of cultural tourism, we describe products and motivation associated with travel, we analyze the definition of a cultural tourist from different points based on the definition of the cited authors. 

Keywords: tourism, cultural heritage, visit rate, motivation  

J. Mydlar Selected theoretical and methodological aspects of cultural tourism 

I. Ya. Tyshyk, Yu. K. Gruzdieva, М. V. Marchuk Signals processing of guard system in the wavelet domain

Abstract. This article is aimed at design and development of the new optimal approaches to  analyze and process the reflected signals of guard systems to provide for detection of object’s motion at a high level of reliability and noise robustness. The process wideband signals of guard systems transformation directly in the wavelet domain has been investigated for various basis functions, decomposition depths, and noise levels, which resulted in the definition of recommendations and principles for selection of the most efficient methods for processing of such signals. 

Keywords: wideband signals, guard systems, basis wavelet function, wavelet domain, decomposition depths.  

I. Ya. Tyshyk, Yu. K. Gruzdieva, М. V. Marchuk Signals processing of guard system in the wavelet domain 

E. Zdravkova Effective use of neural networks simulators for image recognition and handwriting

Abstract. This article is devoted to study the possibility of constructing neural networks using simulators for neuronal networks – NeuroPh and Joone, to recognize images and handwriting. The simulator NeuroPh has specialized interface for building this type of neural networks in a standardized and relatively lightweight process. In the simulator Joone the process is not specific as in NeuroPh. The difference is in the type of created input files (images, audio – files, text) for the simulator. The article shows and discusses the results obtained study models of neural networks implemented by simulators. Analysis is under their effectiveness, their ability to recognize and classification of objects of the same type. 

Keywords: simulator, artificial neural network (ANN), image, handwriting, Backpropagation  -algorithm with back propagation error 

E. Zdravkova Effective use of neural networks simulators for image recognition and handwriting 

I. V. Yurchenko, V. K. Yasynskyy Stability theorems for random structure systems with finite aftereffect

Abstract.  It  is  solved  the  problem  of  the  behavior  of  dynamic  systems  with  Markov  perturbations  (parameters),  which  have properties  of  asymptotic  stability  in  probability  in  general,  and  for  linear  systems  – property  of  exponential  stability  in  the  mean square.  It  is  established  the  existence  of  the  Lyapunov-Krasovskii  functionals  for  random  structure  systems  with  probabilistic stability. 

Keywords: random structure systems, aftereffect, stability, Lyapunov-Krasovskii functionals.  

I. V. Yurchenko, V. K. Yasynskyy Stability theorems for random structure systems with finite aftereffect 

O. А. Dulo, K. P. Melega, L. O. Lyachovets Comparative characteristic of anaerobic productivity of boys with different somatotypes, which are living in mountain and lowland areas of Transcarpathia

Abstract. The work is devoted to study the level of physical health of boys of the age of 17-21 which are living in the mountainous and  lowland  areas  of  Transcarpathia.  Level  of  anaerobic  productivity  of  boys  is  addicted  to their somatotypes.  Determinating  the power of alactate 10-WAT and lactate 30-WAT anaerobic processes by the relative value showed us probably low level of the results of mountain boys with ectomorphic somatotype and lowland boys with endomezomorphic somatotype, also showed high level results of boys with mezomorphic somatotype from any living area. High avarage results of MCEWabs had persons with ectomorphic and mezoectomorphic  somatotypes.  Low  results  of  MCEWrel  had  boys  with  endomezomorphic  somatotype  from  any  living  area.  The presence of fat in lowland and mountain living boys (under hypoxic) is like ballast because they need more oxygen for oxidation this fat which cause less results of work for 1 min to boys with endomezomorphic somatotype.  

Keywords: anaerobic productivity, physical health, somatotype  

O. А. Dulo, K. P. Melega, L. O. Lyachovets Comparative characteristic of anaerobic productivity of boys with different somatotypes, which are living in mountain and lowland areas of Transcarpathia

V. I. Klochko, O. V. Klochko, A. A Kolomiets An integrative approach to the process of fundamental training in mathematics with the use of means of information and communication technologies for higher education degree

Abstract: The paper considers the issue of content formation of fundamental mathematical students training with the use of information and communicational technologies (ICT). There had been specified the essence of the concepts of mathematical training, fundamental mathematical preparation, integrative approach; there had been researched the issue of applying an integrative approach to the process of students training in mathematics using ICT, there had been generalized the achievements of scientists in this field. There had been demonstrated the use of the mathematical apparatuses to solving the applied problems using MS Excel. 

Keywords:  integrated  approach,  integration,  fundamentalization,  mathematical  training,  information  and  communication technologies. 

V. I. Klochko, O. V. Klochko, A. A Kolomiets An  integrative  approach  to  the  process  of  fundamental  training  in  mathematics with  the  use  of  means  of  information  and communication technologies for higher education degree 

О. Р. Оstapenko Spheres of high energy efficiency of energy supply systems with cogeneration heat pump installations of large power and peak fuel-fired boilers

Abstract: The approach, aimed at determination of the spheres of high energy efficiency of energy supply systems (ESS) with cogeneration heat pump installations (CHPI) of large power and peak fuel-fired boilers (FB), on conditions of optimal operation modes of CHPI, taking into consideration complex impact of variable operation modes, sources of drive energy for steam compressor heat pump installations (HPI) of large power, with the account of energy losses in the process of generation, supply and conversion of electric energy, is suggested. 

Keywords: sphere of high energy efficient operation, energy supply system, cogeneration heat pump installation, peak fuel-fired boiler. 

О. Р. Оstapenko Spheres of high energy efficiency of energy supply systems with cogeneration heat pump installations of large power and peak fuel-fired boilers 

L. P. Polovenko Improving financial literacy level of financial mathematics tools

Abstract. In the article the problem of improving financial literacy is researched; the importance of financial mathematics in financial education is substantiated; the formation technique and technology of the financial competence of future economists is examined by financial mathematics and financial means of MS Excel functions; financial management capacity as an important component of financial competence is allocated. 

Keywords: financial literacy, financial competence, financial mathematics, financial functions, methodology of formation, financial management. 

L. P. Polovenko Improving financial literacy level of financial mathematics tools 

I. S. Smaga, R. I. Bespalko, I. I. Kazimir, R. M. Romanko Dynamics of the parameters of efficiency and normative monetary evaluation of Ukrainian arable lands

Abstract: Dynamics of productivity and efficiency of arable land in Ukraine by the results of the production of grains and legumes (without maize) in agricultural enterprises for the period 1996-2014 are shown. Determined rental income (total and differential), created in growing grain and leguminous crops for the studied period using real indicators of productivity and production costs for the current  method of normative monetary  value of agricultural land. The methodology  compliance possibilities are examined for assessment of arable land through land rent theory in current economic conditions management. 

Keywords: arable lands, monetary evaluation of lands, differential rental income, productivity of lands, land use efficiency, crop capacity, profitability, economic return. 

I. S. Smaga, R. I. Bespalko, I. I. Kazimir, R. M. Romanko Dynamics of the parameters of efficiency and normative monetary evaluation of Ukrainian arable lands

P. Tadeyev, O. Kravchuk The splitting of properties of geometric images associated with affine vector field

Abstract. The authors have been constructed the splitting of the basic geometric images vector field (points, straights, hyperplanes and hyperguadrics) in transition from n-dimensional affine space to the space of affine connection. All invectigations have been fulfilled in the moving coordinate system of zero order. 

Keywords: vector field, splitting of geometric image, affine space, hyperplane, hyperguadric.  

P. Tadeyev, O. Kravchuk The splitting of properties of geometric images associated with affine vector field