Science and Education a New Dimension

Online version ISSN 2308-1996

Printed version ISSN 2308-5258

Science and Education a New Dimension

Iss. 44. 2015.

Andreichuk N.I. Problematizing the Notion of Cross-cultural Semiosis

Abstract. The article provides an insight into the semiotics of culture in general and the notion of cultural semiosis in particular. The concept of culture text is viewed as the core of the cultural semiotics. The author claims that transforming information into text is the communication-oriented  sense  generation  process  which  results  in  the  emergence  of  semiotic  space.  It  is  postulated  that  the  cultural mechanism of transforming information into text is but another definition of semiosis. The article also provides argumentation to support the belief that cross-cultural semiosis is based on cultural schemata in the context of differences of lingual communities’ basic experienc- es. The study of differences in expectations based on these cultural schemata is viewed as a part of cross-cultural pragmatics. 

Keywords: semiotics of culture, culture text, cultural semiosis, semiotic space, cultural schemata, cross-cultural semiosis, crosscultural pragmatics 

Andreichuk N.I. Problematizing the Notion of Cross-cultural Semiosis 

Bulkina A. Dialogic Love Discourse in Fictional Communication: Marriage Proposals in the Novels of Thomas Hardy

Abstract. This article deals with the issue of the fictional love discourse. It gives a brief overview if the principal approaches to the study of the nature of love discourse. The article gives a detailed analysis of speech genre “marriage proposal” in the works of Thomas Hardy. It describes the given speech genre as both ritual and argumentative and separates two formalization of the speech genre “marriage pro- posal”: rigid and free. 

Bulkina A. Dialogic Love Discourse in Fictional Communication: Marriage Proposals in the Novels of Thomas Hardy 

Gach N. The evolution of the concept DEMOCRACY in American poetry

Abstract.  The  article  examines  the  cognitive  and  pragmatic  potential  of  nominative  linguistic  units  within  poetic  discourse.  It  is proved that word-combinations represent the elements of cultural-historical continuum of a linguistic community on a text level. The research is carried out within the analysis of the American poems (XIX  – XXI cent.). The method of cognitive discourse analysis helps to interpret the knowledge behind the meaning of linguistic units. The diachronic scope of the study is a basis for the compara- tive analysis of the representation of the concept DEMOCRACY in the American poetic works of different epochs. 

Keywords: cognitive discourse analysis, concept, cultural continuum, nominative linguistic units, poetic discourse. 

Gach N. The evolution of the concept DEMOCRACY in American poetry 

Gayovych G. The text as an element of communication system: the status issue

Abstract. The article discusses different approaches to the definition of the text as an important element of the communication system both in general and – in particular – in verbal communications. First of all, this study focuses on the status of the text. It is noted that, considering this question, the researchers distinguish types of written and oral text. However, many scientists believe that the text can function only in written form. Upon analyzing the different approaches, the author emphasizes that within a considered problem, it is necessary to distinguish between broad and narrow meaning of the text. As a result, she makes s conclusion that the determination of the text status depends on the task to be resolved, and further researches in this area are to have promising developments. 

Keywords: communication, verbal communication, text, status of a text, text linguistic  

Gayovych G. The text as an element of communication system: the status issue 

Ostapchuk I.I. Communicative and manipulative function of metaphor in English mass media discourse

Abstract. The article discusses the metaphor and its use in English media sphere. The analysis of three main functions of the trope is outlined: nominative, cognitive and pragmatic. Pragmatic function of the metaphor is expressed within communicative and manipulative aspect as the media is a powerful pillar to influence the readers. Strategic maneuvering with the help of the metaphor involves the formation of desired conclusions of the audience by creating contextual situations of prevention, prohibition, request, seeking for confidence and trust, compassion, disapproval, agreement, promise, recommendation and others. 

Keywords: massive communication, metaphor, naming, framing, strategic maneuvering, contextual situation

Ostapchuk I.I. Communicative and manipulative function of metaphor in English mass media discourse

Sivkov I.V. Realization of notion ‘heart’ in Arabic

Abstract. This article continues the examination of lexical realization of notion ‘heart’ in Arabic through the prism of etymological, semantic and derivational study of Arabic somatic term fu’ād ‘heart’. The etymological relation between this lexical unit and its Semitic cognates is defined on the basis of examination of CS etymological dictionaries. Its semantic field is thoroughly studied and connections between its direct and figurative values are established. The comparative study of semantic field of fu’ād and its synonym qalb was carried out and derivational valence of somatic term fu’ād ‘heart’ and common semantics of its denominative derivatives are examined on the basis of materials of classical and modern Arabic explanatory dictionaries. A stock of somatic idioms with fu’ād as its core component is structurally and semantically studied. 

Keywords: somatic, lexeme (lexical unit), lemma, idiom (phraseological unit), semantics, value, etymology, derivation 

Sivkov I.V. Realization of notion ‘heart’ in Arabic 

Vanivska O.I. Noncategorial Means of the Finite Aspectual Meaning Expression (based on the BNC)

Abstract. The article deals with the noncategorial or lexical means of the finite aspectual meaning expression, i.e. varieties of postpositives and phrasal verbs. The variation of the phrasal verbs in different genres of written and spoken speech is observed. Also the frequency of the usage of these lexical means by different categories of speakers (children, teenagers, adults) is analyzed. The changes in the usage of complex tense forms are discovered. The topicality of our investigation concerns the necessity to study actual usage of various means of aspectual meanings expressions, including phrasal verbs in authentic language, their variability in different genres and registers, frequency and ergonomic aspects.  

Keywords: aspectual meaning, finite, genre, lexical (noncategorial) means, phrasal verbs, postpositives

Vanivska O.I. Noncategorial Means of the Finite Aspectual Meaning Expression (based on the BNC) 

Voskres A.A. Manner category in Old English language and texts

Abstract. The article deals with the system of manner adverbials in Old English language and their usage in Old English texts. Manner adverbials in language reflect the objective category of manner, characterizing this or that action. It makes up a generalized functional  semantic  field  which  includes  manner  adverbials  of  different  structure  and  senantics.  Old  English  texts  demonstrate  that  in Early Old English manner adverbials were not very numerous, which is proved by the quantatitive analysis of these texts. The article presents the system of structural classes and semantic groups of manner adverbials during two subperiods of the development of Old English language. The results of the analysis of different texts have shown that manner category during the Old English period developed from adverbials of simple structure in Early Old English to more complicated structure in Late Old English. In the whole manner adverbials as to their structure can be treated as simplexes (primary adverbs), derivatives, phrasal and clausal constructions. As to their meaning, manner adverbials gradually widen their semantics at the expense of the appearance of new semantic groups: axiological  adverbs,  reinterpreted  phrases,  comparative  clauses  etc.  In  addition  to  that,  the  number  of  manner  adverbials  rapidly grows in Late Old English in comparison with Early Old English, which is proved by the research of quantitative and qualititative data of manner adverbials in texts of different subperiods and genres.  

Keywords: manner adverbials, objective category of manner, simplexes, derivatives, phrasal, clausal constructions; axiological adverbs, reinterpreted phrases, comparative clauses 

Voskres A.A. Manner category in Old English language and texts 

Gladka V.A. Evolution of term idiom and its derivates in phraseology

Abstract. Exploring the evolution of the term idiom and its derivates in the different European languages (English, French, German, Russian, Ukrainian), and also the differences in their meaning, which, in fact, predetermine disputes among scientists about terminology denotation of phraseological units.  

Keywords: idiom, idiomatism, phraseological unit, terminology 

Gladka V.A. Evolution of term idiom and its derivates in phraseology 

Glovatska O.L. The Adjectives with the Negative Meaning of Old Ukraining (late XVI – early XVII centuries)

Abstract. The adjectives with negative meaning in old Ukrainian are analyzed in this article. It is determined on the bases of lexicalsemantic characteristics of axiological words which determine different functional peculiarities. 

Keywords: determined adjectives, lexical semantics, negative meaning 

Glovatska O.L. The Adjectives with the Negative Meaning of Old Ukraining (late XVI – early XVII centuries) 

Doobenko E.Yu. Interpretation of the dichotomy «masculine::feminine» in Anglo-Saxon cultural tradition

Abstract. The article deals with the problem which is presently widely discussed in scholarly literature: the content of the concepts “masculinity” and “femininity” in a concrete linguocultural medium. The issue is viewed in the light of the doctrine of Englishness that allows to reveal the ideal type of popular consciousness in Anglo-Saxon cultural tradition. 

Keywords: masculinity, femininity, Englishness, ideal type of popular consciousness

Doobenko E.Yu. Interpretation of the dichotomy «masculine::feminine» in Anglo-Saxon cultural tradition 

Izotova N.P. Linguistics of psychonarration in J.M. Coetzee’s novels: aspects of study

Abstract. The article focuses on semantics and functioning of psychonarration in the novels written by the famous South-Africa writer J. M. Coetzee.  Psychonarration  is  viewed  from  two  perspectives:  as  a  certain  narrative  technique  aimed  at  portraying  the  character’s inner world as well as his/her psychological and emotional state thus conveying the author’s perception of the objective reality, and as a verbal representation of events and situations revealing the character’s inner life. 

Keywords: postcolonial novel, idiogenre, idiostyle, psychologism, psychonarration 

Izotova N.P. Linguistics of psychonarration in J.M. Coetzee’s novels: aspects of study

Kazak S.P. Nonverbal emotional reactions in the aspect of communicative styles

Abstract. This article is dedicated to the investigation of communicative styles of characters on the material of modern English fictional discourse in termes of nonverbal emotional reactions. The main characteristics of emotions through body behaviour of characters are highlighted, the influence of extralingual factors during assertive, aggressive and submissive styles determination is emphasized.  

Keywords: somaticon (combination of nonverbal signs), emotional reactions, emotional triads, communicative styles of characters  

Kazak S.P. Nonverbal emotional reactions in the aspect of communicative styles

Kalyta A.A. The criterion evaluating a pausal jump of emotional-and-pragmatic potential of adjacent speech segments

Abstract. In the article the speech pauses generation, actualization and decoding are analyzed from the standpoint of energetic theory being developed by the author. On these grounds the author substantiates the classification of speech pauses psychoenergetic features as well as deduces the formula defining the specific pausal jump of emotional-and-pragmatic potential of the adjacent speech segments. 

Keywords: speech pause, psychoenergetic features, classification, pausal jump, speech segment, emotional-and-pragmatic potential, formula 

Kalyta A.A. The criterion evaluating a pausal jump of emotional-and-pragmatic potential of adjacent speech segments 

Kuz’menko O.Yu. Peculiarities of communicative situation of interview and its components

Abstract. The article is dedicated to the consideration of the peculiarities of the communicative situation of interview, its compo- nents and factors that influence the effectiveness of the development of communicative interaction between the communicants. Special attention is devoted to the role of communication channels in order to come in contact with the addresser and the addressee as the partners of communication. 

Keywords : communicative situation, interview, addresser, addressee, interaction, communication channel  

Kuz’menko O.Yu. Peculiarities of communicative situation of interview and its components 

Kushch Е.О. Ideological Peculiarities of Prejudiced Discourse of American, British and Russian Politicians

Abstract. The article is devoted to the investigation of the ideological peculiarities of the prejudiced discourse of American, British and Russian politicians. The structural and semantic organization of the prejudiced discourse is determined by the macrostructure of ideological polarization, that is verbalized with the help of recurrent prop

Keywords: polarization, macrostructure, proposition, structural and semantic organization, prejudiced discourse 

Kushch Е.О.  Ideological Peculiarities of Prejudiced Discourse of American, British and Russian Politicians 

Marina O.S. Semiopoetic Specificity of Paradoxicality in Communicative Space of Contemporary Anglophone Poetry

Abstract. The article focuses on revealing semiopoetic specificity  of paradoxicality in communicative space of contemporary Anglophone poetry. It is realized by means of outlining the character of codes interaction in forming paradoxical poetic forms. It is determined that peculiarities of codes interaction are predetermined by the  character of their  combinability, i.e.  combination of heterogeneous or homogeneous codes. It is figured out that when different codes are united paradoxicality is manifested in its greatest extent. In case of homogeneous combinability poetic images possess solely the elements of paradoxicality.  

Keywords: semiopoetics, combinability of codes, heterogeneous combinability, homogeneous combinability, graduality of paradoxicality 

Marina O.S. Semiopoetic Specificity of Paradoxicality in Communicative Space of Contemporary Anglophone Poetry 

Marchenko V.V. Peculiarities of the communicative and cognitive approach towards the study of speech-and-music works

Abstract. The article explains the appropriateness of the choice of communicative and cognitive approach as a theoretical and methodological foundation for the study of the intonation functioning in speech-and-music works. The author dwells on the importance of studying the verbal and phonetic concepts interaction and the way they convey the meaning of these works in cognitive processes of speech-and-music communication. 

Keywords: communicative and cognitive approach, speech-and-music work, intonation, concept, phonoconcept 

Marchenko V.V. Peculiarities of the communicative and cognitive approach towards the study of speech-and-music works

Rusakova O.V. Typology of taxis predicates (on material of modern Ukrainian)

Abstract. In the article taxis are considered as a temporal value of actions order. It is set that determining in forming of taxis values is semantiс-syntactic co-operation of taxis predicates, to which predicates on denotation of physical action, motion, broadcasting, sounding, perception, state and process are set off. The features of combination of predicates of different semantics are found out in forming of straight lined taxis of succession.  

Keywords: taxis, taxis predicate, verb, semantiс-syntactic co-operation, succession  

Rusakova O.V. Typology of taxis predicates (on material of modern Ukrainian) 

Sieriakova I.I. Communication Management of Conflict Discourse

Abstract. The article offers a comprehensive analysis of key models of conflict discourse and of main types of communication management relevant to them. The role of nonverbal means of communication is highlighted in terms of discourse strategies and effective management of interaction. 

Keywords: communication management, conflict discourse, nonverbal means of communication, conflict discourse models 

Sieriakova I.I. Communication Management of Conflict Discourse 

Soletskyy O.M. Emblematic Forms of Taras Shevchenko’s “Kobzar”

Abstract. The functionality of emblematic forms of Taras Shevchenko’s “Kobzar” have been studied in the article. The forms have been  reviewed  in  two  perspectives:  as  the  majorant  of  the  writer’s  synthetic  figurative-verbal  creative  self-expression  and  as  the structuralist code of texts’ reception. It is a kind of “text memory” that unities the most expressive and significant symbol representatives in a single notional unit. Thus, the emblematic form has been treated as a particular type of verbal and graphic structured unity forming the matrix of textual concordance between the author and the reader.  

Keywords: emblematic form, structure, reception, symbol, archetypal image 

Soletskyy O.M. Emblematic Forms of Taras Shevchenko’s “Kobzar” 

Tkalych I.V. Ironic strategies of modernism of the 1920s: a literary context

Abstract. This article analyzes the specific of the literary irony in the Ukrainian literature of the 1920s. The author believes that this period in Europe was marked by crisis of world view; a human has lost the meaning of life; the history has lost the only sense. In addition, the new time  brought a revolution to Ukraine, planting alien ideology through bloodshed and cruelty that led to the serious mental  changes  of  Ukrainian  people.  I. Tkalych  finds  frustration  on  social  perspectives  as  the  cause  of  the  tragic  consciousness. However, the researcher does not consider a person of the 1920s as a weak victim because her philosophy is permeated by vitaism and desire to fight.  І. Tkalych drew attention to the fact that the two aspects actual picture of the world has generated the polarity of irony in the literary space. Next to the tragic irony of the person locked himself in and doomed to live in the totalitarian society the vitaistic irony inspired by faith in life is positioned. 

Keywords: irony, disasters, depression, dehumanization, mentality, tragedy, vitaism 

Tkalych I.V. Ironic strategies of modernism of the 1920s: a literary context  

Yarmolenko N.N. Child's spooky tales is in ukrainian folklore: transforming traditions

Abstract. The article describes genesis and transformation of ‘nastrashky’ (term by the author), these spooky tales are one of the least researched genres in modern children’s folklore. The research offers an insight of genetic similarity of this genre with miscellaneous traditional forms used by adults and elder children to scare a child away. Children were taught by scaring to beware of some unknown things. Adults told scare stories for didactic purposes, they gave children an ability to anticipate danger. Children’s fear performed the function of self-preservation and self-regulation. The author accents on interrelation and mutual influence of two cultures (adults and children). Children studied the system of forbiddances of adults through legends, stories and tales. Ukrainian folk- lore stories which were documented in XX century showed us tendencies of children’s introducing into the picture of the world of adults, their connection with outlook of adults. They interpreted the traditional myths, represented traditional meaning and  realized them in different systems of codes. Spooky tales reconstructed the system of archaic concepts, which were in the basis of the mytho- logical consciousness. As far as transmission of information derived from the older to the younger, so an adult intervention was not necessary on transitional stages. Younger children learned the accepted norms of cultural behavior of the nation due to the elder children. Paradigmatic analysis of the concept of “fear” gave the right to assert in the folk tradition that children’s spooky stories were formed on the basis of inherited archetypal  characters, the traditional worldview and particular life experiences (whish  was heard from adults or saw in real life). Traditional mythological and folklore structures lied in a basis of ‘nastrashky’. An imaginary crea- tures and representatives of underworld acted according their malice in such tales. The author defines kinship children’s spooky stories with folk epic and argues that the pragmatic aim of this genre was to teach children to be in control of their emotions. 

Yarmolenko N.N. Child’s spooky tales is in ukrainian folklore: transforming traditions