Science and Education a New Dimension

Online version ISSN 2308-1996

Printed version ISSN 2308-5258

Science and Education a New Dimension

Iss. 217. 2020.

T. B. Bober Vocabulary of women's accessories in the Mid-Upper Dnieper dialects 

Abstract. The article deals with the structural organization, motivational and functional peculiarities of vocabulary for the designation  of  women’s  accessories  in  the  Mid-Upper  Dnieper  dialects.  The  status  of  repertoire  preservation  and  the  dynamic  processes within the designated vocabulary thematic group are clarified. To achieve the goal set, the following methods of scientific investiga- tion are applied: expedition, description, comparative analysis (to compare the names of clothes, footwear and accessories at different time slices). There is only partial information about some names of accessories or their semantics is modified. Some part of domain names has already been archaism. The obtained data complete the information on the vocabulary of the Mid-Upper Dnieper dialect. The task of future studies is to add to the repertoire of dialectal units, to structure the material and to study the principles of the nomination in detail.  

Keywords:  thematic  group,  lexical-semantic  group,  microgroup,  differential  character,  Mid-Upper  Dnieper  dialect,  dialect, names of head and hair accessories, neck, ears and hands. 

T. B. Bober Vocabulary of women’s accessories in the Mid-Upper Dnieper dialects 

O. Bulbachinska Methodology of an artistic work poetics of cinema analysis 

Abstract. The article makes sense of the concept of “poetics of cinema” helping to monitor writer’s artistic thinking cinematographism. It outlines cinema and literature synthesis development status nowadays. The article proves the necessity of texts practical examining using a clear analysis methodology according to the point of view of cinematographism. It formulates poetics of cinema analysis methodology of writers’ prose works. It also offers artistic works analysis algorithm with key images and shots separating, cinematographic means searching, film frames dividing, recourse, set-ups and rhythm examining, and images cinematographic montage techniques as decoding means for the whole work esthetic component. 

Keywords: poetics of cinema, methodology, an algorithm, an image, means, a frame, a shot, recourse, a set-up, rhythm.  

O. Bulbachinska Methodology of an artistic work poetics of cinema analysis 

N. Filippova Modality: teaching grammar through discourse 

Abstract. The current and urgent need in Academic English to re-format the process of teaching grammar within the framework of forming communicative competence at the discourse level is emphasized. Authentic texts illustrate a variety of discourses based on the  modality  forms  and  structures.  The  author  tries  to  attract  the attention to the fact that  the sentence-based view of grammar is outdated and inconsistent with the notion of communicative competence  including  linguistic  (grammatical)  competence  and  discourse competence (CEFR). 

Keywords: modality, discourse, Academic English, communicative competence. 

N. Filippova Modality: teaching grammar through discourse 

A. R. Gareginyan Text-conception and intertext as lingustic problems 

The  article  deals  with  the  problem  of  linguistic  text-perception  and  subtext.  The  text  is  the  product  of  speech  activity.  Textperception implies the hidden content of the text or the subtext. 

Keywords: Text- perception, subtext, implication, presupposition, background knowledge, referent subtext, communicantive subtext, being meant, meaning, anticipation. 

A. R. Gareginyan Text-conception and intertext as lingustic problems

M. Kh. Humennyi, V. Yu. Humenna Existential forms of copyright (A. Barbus, E. Remark, O. Gonchar) 

The article is devoted to the study of the identity of existential forms of copyright consciousness in the anti-war novels of A. Barbus, E. Remarque and O. Gonchar. Differences in plot organization, character grouping, reflection of internal character status, functionality of leitmotifs, etc. are characterized. Particular attention is paid to the categories of traditions and innovations in the anti-war novels of  these  authors:  associative  thinking,  metaphorical  text,  keywords,  plot-compositional  bias.  In  studying  the  structure  of  anti-war novels, portrait-landscape painting, dominant motives and specifics of artistic details were traced. 

Keywords: author’s consciousness, metaphoricality, plot, text, moral problems, humanism, concept, war.  

M. Kh. Humennyi, V. Yu. Humenna Existential forms of copyright (A. Barbus, E. Remark, O. Gonchar) 

L. Kopanytsya Aesthetic communication function and «material» meaning of the word in folk text 

Abstract The studio offers an interpretation of the aesthetic communication function of the erotic subtext of the folklore work as the inner meaning of the word, the cultural code in its metaphorical transformations, a certain kind of “language” of human communication, which generally contributes to the formation of song poetics. Criteria and methodological principles of studying the symbolism of lyric songs are formulated

Keywords: lyric song, erotic subtext, symbol, poetic language, communication. 

L. Kopanytsya Aesthetic communication function and «material» meaning of the word in folk text 

Yu. V. Kovalenko Types of reference in expressions of condemnation 

Abstract. The article identifies and analyzes types of reference of the object of condemnation in the media texts. Based on the social- psychological criteria of deviance, the types of reference of the subject of condemnation are identified and analyzed. Based on the examples of texts from modern Ukrainian online publications it was investigated language units that represented explicit and implicit reference. Syntax tools that can be used in expressions of condemnation are also discussed. 

Keywords: types of reference, condemnation, media text, explicit reference, implicit reference. 

Yu. V. Kovalenko Types of reference in expressions of condemnation

E. V. Kovkina Term creation from the common vocabulary as a method of modern Ukrainian terminology formation (on the material of forensic expertise vocabulary) 

The article is devoted to one of the actual issues of modern Ukrainian terminology. Based on the involvement of representative language material the specificity of the scientific and conceptual categorization of phenomena is clarified, the initial base which is the semantics of a common word. The several directions terminology of the semantics of the common word are discovered. The semantic changes experienced by the original concept are identified and described. The vocabulary groups are identified by scientific generalization of everyday word semantics, which are productive for the creation of forensic terminology.  

Keywords: term, terminology, forensic examination, semantics, concepts, semantic component, linguistic meaning. 

E. V. Kovkina Term creation from  the common vocabulary as a method of modern Ukrainian terminology formation (on the material of forensic expertise vocabulary) 

O. L. Kozachyshyna, N. V. Fedorchuk Gender roles construction in the British press of the XXI century 

Adstract.  The  article  deals  with  the  study  of  two-component  nominal  word  combinations  containing  gender  markers  “woman”, “female”, “lady”, “girl”, “male”, “man”, “boy” in the British newspapers of 2017-2018. The analysis of the chosen samples made it possible to trace some tendencies of gender role construction in modern British press. The analysis is based on the quantitative representation of the gender marked units together with peculiarities of their usage in the context.  

Keywords: gender roles, gender marker, two-component nominal word combinations, British press.  

O. L. Kozachyshyna, N. V. Fedorchuk Gender roles construction in the British press of the XXI century 

S. V. Mangos Functional specificity of the word formation of the word SEA as a representative of the concept of WATER in Taras Shevchenko's poetry 

Abstract. The article deals with the artistic semantics of the word formation of the word sea in T. Shevchenko’s poetry. His functions have been characterized as a factor in the construction of the author’s poetic picture of the world and the directions of poetic individualization have been elucidated; the motive-forming function is considered and directions of derivation of artistic symbolization in the context of the leading themes of Shevchenko’s poetry are revealed. The semiotic features of the word formation of the sea in the artistic world of the artist are described, which are closely related to the folk totems and biblical representations of Ukrainians. 

Keywords: T. Shevchenko, poetry, poetic language, concept, sea, word-formation, semantics, linguo-creativity. 

S. V. Mangos Functional  specificity  of  the  word  formation  of  the  word  SEA  as  a  representative  of  the  concept  of  WATER  in  Taras Shevchenko’s poetry

M. M. Moshnoriz The interpretation of the knight's sarmatian myth in the S. Cherkasenko's novel «The Adventures of a Young Knight» 

Abstract. In the article are investigated the features of knightly sarmatian myth in S. Cherkasenko’s novel. The mythologists of Zaporizhzhya Sich and the khutir whose loci the soul of a knight-warrior aspires to are characterized. Zaporozhye Sich is the equivalent of the mythology of Paradise – a place of absolute happiness, a sacred center, and the khutir is a mythology of «earthly paradise», the embodiment of paradise on earth, a world of harmony, peace and prosperity. Describes the mythology of the steppe, built on an archetypal basis with certain authorial contributions. 

Keywords: heroic myth, mythopoetics, sarmatian myth, mythologem, novel. 

M. M. Moshnoriz The interpretation of the knight’s sarmatian myth in the S. Cherkasenko’s novel «The Adventures of a Young Knight» 

N. Nechai The reproduction of culturally marked lexical units in dramatic texts 

Abstract. This paper focuses on presenting the linguocultural specificity of dramatic texts that is caused by peculiarities of traditions and customs of a certain nation. The present research is aimed at determining the ways of adequate reproduction of national and cultural identity of the drama. This article deals with the problem of transferring culturally marked lexical units in dramatic texts. The researcher singles out several aspects that must be taken into account by the translators who deal with dramatic texts. The findings of the current research contribute to the development of Translation Studies and can be further applied in the investigation of  the reproduction of linguocultural features of the drama. 

Keywords: drama, translation, culturally marked lexis, target audience.   

N. Nechai The reproduction of culturally marked lexical units in dramatic texts 

K. O. Neglyad Non-verbal markers of affect realization in English literary fictional discourse 

Abstract. The article reports on non-verbal markers of affect in English literary fictional discourse. Affect has been defined as a turbulent short-run intensive emotional response. Although affect is expressed by emotionally coloured nouns and adjectives, interjections, expressive syntactic structures, and graphic means, these verbal means are necessarily accompanied by the non-verbal ones. The author of the literary fictional discourse informs the reader about the personage’s utmost anxiety by the description of his/her facial gestures, movements and psychophysical symptoms. The personage’s anxiety also becomes explicit by the author’s description of the personage’s voice transformations, changes in breathing, failure or weakness of their limbs, increased sweating, intense heart beating, shivering. The author of the literary fictional discourse informs the reader about the personage’s utmost anxiety by the description of his/her movements that are meaningless or inadequate in the described situation. 

Keywords: emotion, affect, gesture, face expression, voice transformation. 

K. O. Neglyad Non-verbal markers of affect realization in English literary fictional discourse 

M. V. Pigur Determinologization of vocabulary in artistic text (based on works by Lina Kostenko) 

Annotation. Views of Ukrainian scientists on the process of determination and semantic-stylistic transformations of the term lecture in the the Lina Kostenkos’ artistic texts are analyzed in the article. The essence «determination» іs specified, moreover, is keeping an eye out that this is, first and foremost, an extralinguistic process, which is caused by substantive, syntagmatic and semantic-stylistic factors. Attention is drawn to the fact that in the Lina Kostenkos’ artistic texts the terminological vocabulary is used not only in the hyphen, but also in the direct meaning, but in the relevant contexts and with the imposition of the necessary sem into the initial unit.  

Keywords: determination, artistic text, artistic means, transformation, context.  

M. V. Pigur Determinologization of vocabulary in artistic text (based on works by Lina Kostenko) 

I. V. Tryshchenko Role of Context in Motivation of Address Forms as Secondary Nominations 

The paper is devoted to the study of functioning of address forms as secondary nominations in literary text. The given forms of address are discussed within the framework of such stylistic device as antonomasia. The paper deals with the distinguishing between different types of motivation of such forms of address. The features that form the basis for these secondary nominations are also characterised. The speaker, the addressee and even the third person may become nominators of the secondary nominations used as address forms. Moreover, explication techniques of motives for the choice of the feature for figurative usage of address forms are analysed.  

Keywords: context, forms of address, secondary nomination, motivation, explicitness of motivation.  

I. V. Tryshchenko Role of Context in Motivation of Address Forms as Secondary Nominations