Science and Education a New Dimension

Online version ISSN 2308-1996

Printed version ISSN 2308-5258

Science and Education a New Dimension

Iss. 183. 2018.

Ya. V. Bedrych Category of inclusiveness and evaluation: its correlation in scientific discourse

Abstract. The paper deals with the correlation of the category of inclusiveness and the category of evaluation. The category of inclusiveness denotes inclusion of parts into whole or that some whole consists of some part(s). The category of evaluation expresses speaker’s positive, negative or neutral attitude to message. The category of evaluation in the light of the category of inclusiveness denotes full inclusion or non inclusion. The main inclusive evaluative lexical units are: adverbs (completely,  totally,  fully, mainly,  generally,  often,  typically,  usually), adjectives (multi-purpose, universal, all-purpose, all-encompassing, comprehensive, inclusive, all-inclusive) and negative lexical units (no, not, without). 

Keywords: Scientific discourse, language of science, category of inclusiveness, category of evaluation, , information and communication technology.  

Ya. V. Bedrych Category of inclusiveness and evaluation: its correlation in scientific discourse 

M. M. Bryk The peculiarities of the functioning of hydronyms in the literary text (on the basis of modern English and Russian prose)

Abstract. The article deals with the peculiarities of the usage of hydronyms by modern authors. The analyzed type of proper names is viewed as the means of the artistic reflection of the world and the expression of author’s outlook. On the basis of modern novels with the similar topic we analyze the ways in which hydronyms are introduced in the text and their functions. The comparison of the results gives the opportunity to find the characteristic features of the linguistic world image belonging to the authors with different ethnic identity. 

Keywords: proper names, toponym, hydronym, anthropomorphism, metaphor. 

M. M. Bryk The peculiarities of the functioning of hydronyms in the literary text (on the basis of modern English and Russian prose)

S. O. Chernyshova Professional texts: methods and work in English classes humanitarian faculties

Abstract. The recommendations on the professional texts work with the students of non-linguistic institutions have been formulated in the article. The aim of the article is to propose effective methods of work with professional texts on the basis of the main types of work with the texts. The method of professional texts analysis has been used in the article. Three main steps in work with professional texts have been used: pre-reading, reading, after-reading. Complex of tasks, designed on the basis of the book “The Use of Philosophy” by Will Durant, has been worked out. It focuses on reading skills development in professional texts through the following issues: – to form the skills to create an image of foreign words; – to operate with the structure of foreign words meaning ; – to combine words according to their lexical and grammar structure; – to form thoughts and present them in foreign language; – to understand professional information presented by foreign speaker; 

Keywords: professional text, skill, meaning, lexical and grammatical rules, professionally oriented. 

Keywords: readiness, components, criteria, indicators, readiness levels, professional interaction. 

S. O. Chernyshova Professional texts: methods and work in English classes humanitarian faculties 

K. V. Doskach Concept of theological discourse and its functions in communication

Abstract. The article is devoted to the study of the main determinants of theological discourse and the analysis of the communicative approach, which has specific characteristics on the verbal and nonverbal levels of perception of the religious context. The article also defines theological discourse and describes its main functions. The classification of the Christian theological terminology is proposed. 

Keywords: discourse, theology, communication, cognitive function, dogmatism. 

K. V. Doskach Concept of theological discourse and its functions in communication 

O. A. Gapchenko Phraseological and paroemiological units in the individual lexicon of the bilingual personality

Abstract.  The  article  covers  the  research  of  phraseological  and paroemiological  units  status  in  the  linguistic  individual’s  lexicon. Phraseologisms and paroemias are considered both as linguistic signs and system elements of national-cultural values of the ethnocultural group. Based on associative experiments, there analyzed the factors which form phraseological semantics and determine the phraseological and paroemiological units storage and operation specifics within the structures of individual lexicon of the bilingual person.  

Keywords: cultural linguistics, phraseology, phraseological unit, paroemiological units, individual lexicon. 

O. A. Gapchenko Phraseological and paroemiological units in the individual lexicon of the bilingual personality 

M. V. Goltvenytska Functioning of complex sentences with a compliance meaning in the texts of religious style

Abstract. The paper deals with the representation of complex sentences with semantic-syntactic relations of  compliance in multigenre  works of religious style.  The author concludes that  the analyzed  works  represent  “personal” syntactical units of elementary structure (with a semantic core “person –  person”). They embody  communicative-intentional  content  of  the  constative  and  are realized  in  a  monologue  or  modeled  dialogical  speech,  mostly  in  the  reproductive,  informative  and  generative  communicative registers. 

Keywords: complex sentence with a compliance meaning, elementary structure,  communicative-intentional content, monologue speech, dialogical speech, communicative register. 

M. V. Goltvenytska Functioning of complex sentences with a compliance meaning in the texts of religious style

O. B. Ivasyuta Stylistic Functioning of the Literary Symbols (based on novels by Pearl Buck)

Abstract. This article presents a study of a symbol as a stylistic unit functioning as a constituent part of the imagery in the works of fiction, namely, in five novels by Pearl Buck. It has been found that Chinese symbols form a wide stylistic network, they convey the main idea of the novels and thus create an essential element of the novels’ design. The outcome of the stylistic and symbolic analysis of discourse reveals broad  usage of symbols in several types of  metaphors, metonymies, epithets, similes and repetitions. Cross-cultural transference of senses in the studied symbols enhances and multiplies the literary impact of the imagery. 

Keywords: symbol, metaphor, metonymy, stylistic. 

O. B. Ivasyuta Stylistic Functioning of the Literary Symbols (based on novels by Pearl Buck)

P. S. Khabotniakova Metaphorical nomination of biblical image-symbol in Frank Peretti’s mystery thriller

Abstract.  The  paper  deals  with  the  metaphorical  nomination  of  biblical  image-symbol  in  mystery  thriller  based  on  the  novels  of Frank Peretti. Means of metaphorical lexical-semantic nomination of biblical image-symbol are divided into three groups according to  the  kind  of  metaphorical  transfer:  according  to  structural  features,  according  to  the  stylistic  characteristic  and  according  to  the thematic principle. 

Keywords: biblical image-symbol, metaphor, metaphorical nomination, Frank Peretti.  

P. S. Khabotniakova Metaphorical nomination of biblical image-symbol in Frank Peretti’s mystery thriller

S. M. Lutava The method of the lexical semantic field in the modern linguistics (description of the paradigmatic structure of locuses in the modern ukrainian language)

Abstract. In this article the prospect of using of lexical semantic fields (like a method) in the modern linguistics is analysed. The principles of this method is considered, the elements of the theory of the lexical semantic field which needs to detail is defined, the improvements of the method case (description of the paradigmatic structure of locuses in the modern ukrainian literary language) is suggested. The detailed analy- sis of the principles of the theory of the lexical semantic field is done, and we form the conception of its peculiarity in the real concrete investigation. The peculiarity of organization of the lexical semantic structure of locuses in the modern ukrainian literary language is found out in using the synonymous rows, antonymous oppositions, hyponymous rows. In this way we find out the semantic elements of the lexical meanings, the semantic relations between the words, between the groups of the words in the lexical semantic field of locuses in the modern ukrainian literary language. In our investigation in the lexical semantic field of locuses we distinguish the centre, the intermediate zone, the periphery, and also macrofield (the lexical semantic field of locuses in the modern ukrainian literary language), the lexical semantic microfields, the lexical semantic groups, the lexical semantic subgroups, the lexical semantic microgroups. 

Keywords: lexical semantics, lexical semantic field, lexical semantic microfield, lexical semantic group, locus. 

S. M. Lutava The method of the lexical semantic field in the modern linguistics (description of the paradigmatic structure of locuses in the modern ukrainian language)

L. Makaruk Types of Multimodal Syntactic Constructions in Modern English Mass Media Texts

Abstract. This article deals with sentences of a new type which are referred to as multimodal. On the basis of a corpus of multimodal texts a number of syntactic constructions have been singled out, some of which are homogeneous and others of which are heterogeneous. In this paper, detailed study has been devoted to the latter group. It includes several types of constructions such as multimodal syntactic constructions based on a verbal modus; multimodal syntactic constructions based on a non-verbal modus; multimodal syntactic constructions based on a verbal modus using special effects that can transform semantics; and multimodal syntactic constructions based on several non-verbal modules (without any verbal component). These types have in turn been subdivided further. The constructions referred to above have been described and some of the subtypes have been demonstrated on the basis of the multimodal constructions which have been identified. 

Keywords: multimodal, syntactic constructions, non-verbal means, heterogeneous, and homogeneous.   

L. Makaruk Types of Multimodal Syntactic Constructions  in Modern English Mass Media Texts 

T. V. Nikitiuk Classification of conflict speech genres in modern Turkish

Abstract. In this article, describe the classification of conflict speech genres in modern Turkish language. This classification is based on  the  following  criteria:  conflict  speech  and  everyday  speech.  Classification  has  been  designed  in  terms  of  intentions  of  sender, semantic  and  pragmatic  meaning.  The  conflict  of  speech  genres  have  been  differentiated  in  two  types:  peremptory  directives  and negative intentionality of genres.  

Keywords: conflict speech genres, everyday speech peremptory directives, negative intentionality of genres. 

T. V. Nikitiuk Classification of conflict speech genres in modern Turkish 

S. S. Rosovetskyi Epilogues and afterwords in autobiographies of Russian post symbolism

Abstract. The article examines epilogues and afterwords of the prosaic autobiographies of Russian post-symbolism, and the comparative analysis is the method. All of the autobiographies are proved to have structural and functional similarity, regardless of the literary trend. Despite the volume of the text, the Russian postsymbolistic autobiography tends to a hidden epilogue and an in-text hidden afterword, which content and prophetic filling correlates with the chronological distance between the first publication and the time when the text was completed. 

Keywords: structure, autobiography, post symbolism, epilogue, afterword. 

S. S. Rosovetskyi Epilogues and afterwords in autobiographies of Russian post symbolism 

O. Syvak Importance of Grammar in ESP

Abstract. This article examines whether grammar is really vital while teaching ESP. At least two aspects have been taken into consideration: first, students’ perception of grammar, i.e., most of them associate grammar with long and boring exercises practicing English tenses, sets of rules as well as exceptions to the rules; the second one refers to communication that is seen as the application of grammatical rules in oral and written practices. The author supposes that efficient communication cannot take place without the correct usage of grammar. Grammar knowledge plays important roles in cultivating grammar competence, especially for ESP learning. Teachers should support ESP students to use effective learning strategies that transform them into autonomous learners who are able to take control and master the language.  

Keywords: ESP, grammar, learning strategies, Zhytomyr State Technological University. 

O. Syvak Importance of Grammar in ESP 

N. V. Tsyntar Lexical means that express emotions in the English prose texts of the male authors of ХІХ and ХХІ centuries

Abstract. The article is devoted to the investigation of the lexical means that express the cstegory of emotivity in in the English prose texts of the male authors of ХІХ and ХХІ centuries. Emotion is the main component of the communicative process. Realization of the emotivity in the prose text is presented by means of the linguistic means. Two categories of the lexical means have been defined: interjections and emotional evaluating lexes. The obtained data shows that there are 59 examples of interjections (51%) and 56 examples of emotional evaluating lexes. 

Keywords: lexical means, emotivity, emotions, interjections, emotional evaluating lexes. 

N. V. Tsyntar Lexical means that express emotions in the English prose texts of the male authors of ХІХ and ХХІ centuries 

O. Yankovets Word-formation and structural features of English border guard polycomponent word-combinations

Abstract. The article is devoted to the problem of English border guard polycomponent terms. The article describes polycomponent English terms as a set of terminological lexical units, which refer to terminological concepts. Percentage ratio of polycomponent terminological units in the English border guard terminology system is determined. The productive models of polycomponent terms of the border guard sphere, their morphological features and combinatorial properties are described. The proportion of four-, five-, and polycomponent terms is determined. Examples of the use of abbreviations and proper names within the field of polycomponent terms are given. 

Keywords: border guard terminology, structure, polycomponent, productive model. 

O. Yankovets Word-formation and structural features of English border guard polycomponent word-combinations