Science and Education a New Dimension

Online version ISSN 2308-1996

Printed version ISSN 2308-5258

Science and Education a New Dimension

Iss. 177. 2018.

A. Bilas The adaptive strategy in rendering the socio-communicative features of French colloquial lexemes in the Ukrainian translation of G. Musso’s novel “Call from an Angel” 

Abstract. The article deals with socio-communicative aspect of colloquial language as a translation problem. The adaptive strategy in  translating  French colloquial words is examined. The  procedures and  techniques  of  rendering  the  colloquial  component  of  G. Musso’s novel “Call from an Angel” in the Ukrainian translation are analysed. 

Keywords:  colloquial  language,  connotation,  translation,  functionality,  truncation,  rendering,  adaptation,  strategy,  procedure, procedure

A. Bilas The adaptive strategy in rendering the socio-communicative  features of French colloquial lexemes in the Ukrainian translation of G. Musso’s novel “Call from an Angel”  

N. Dolishnia Speaker’s intentions: the problem of classification

Abstract. The paper deals with the problem of classification of speaker’s intentions. Thorough review of the existing classifications of speaker’s intentions enables the author to establish main criteria for classifying intentions. The speaker’s intentions are systematised according to the correlation with the pragmatic types of utterances; cognitive, communicative, and sociocultural nature; categorial  status;  form  of  realisation  in  speech;  mode  of  their  fulfilment;  participant  criterion;  their  direction.  Based  on  the  research,  an attempt is made to determine the types of intentions that form the speaker’s general intention. 

Keywords: classification/typology/types of speaker’s intentions, communicative intention,  representative intention,  cognitive intention, informative intention, evident and hidden intentions, general intention. 

N. Dolishnia Speaker’s intentions: the problem of classification 

E. Finik Methodology for studying figurativeness of natural elements in modern English-language poetic discourse

Abstract.  The  article  develops  a  comprehensive  methodology  for  studying  the  imagery  of  natural  elements  in  contemporary English-speaking  poetic  discourse.  The  general  methodological  basis  is  theoretical  positions  and  methods  of  cognitive  poetics, including multimodal, cognitive semiotics, ecolinguistics and linguoculturology. The imagery of natural elements is interpreted as a semantic complex of a variety of poetic images, the main focuses of which are images of the first elements of being, namely water, earth, wind and fire. In turn, these foci, as a kind of semantic nodes, accumulate a number of images of each of the natural elements with  the  exit  into  the  plane  of  natural  disasters.  From  the  standpoint  of  multimodal  cognitive  poetics,  the  image  of  the  natural elements appears as a multi-modal construct, structured in front of conceptual, conceptual, verbal and nonverbal hypostases.   

Keywords: poetic imagery of natural elements, multimodal construct, complex methodology. 

E. Finik Methodology for studying figurativeness of natural elements in modern English-language poetic discourse

L. O. Goncharenko Realization of the competence approach in the educational process of the modern interpreter

Abstract. The rapid and  radical change in Ukrainian  society,  modernization  of  the  educational  system,  achievements  in  the  field  of theory and practice of teaching foreign languages and translation require Ukrainian higher education to refresh the content and methods of teaching. The introduction of a competence approach in education means the change of the whole pedagogical system, the transition to a new type of education and upbringing. 

Keywords: competence approach, interpreter, educational process, professional activity. 

L. O. Goncharenko Realization of the competence approach in the educational process of the modern interpreter

L. K. Hlyvinska Object of neolinguistics – multimodality: tasks and solutions

Abstract. This article  deals  with  the  problems  of  multimodal  linguistics.  In  particular  it  covers  tasks,  metalanguage,  source base, argumentation levers of the newest  research  area. The  general  theoretical  provisions  of multimodal communication elaborated by world science are comprehended. The heterogeneous essence of communication and syncretic nature of modern communication artefacts are characterized. The specificity of the relations between the elements of the intersemiotic resource is disclosed. 

Keywords: multimodal linguistics, modus of communication, communicative activity, langue, multimodal literacy. 

L. K. Hlyvinska Object of neolinguistics – multimodality: tasks and solutions

H. D. Kankash Functioning of complex sentences in the text of the diplomatic speech: pragmalinguistic aspect

Abstract. In the proposed article, the author attempts to characterize the complex sentences used in the texts of diplomatic speeches, from the point of view of pragmatic syntax. The researcher notes that in the studied texts (60’s  – 70’s of the 20th century) such a pragmatic type of complex syntactic formations is represented, all сomponents of which have a communicative-intentional content of the statement. The actualization of the communicative-intentional content of complex sentences in the speech is possible only if the communicative intention of each of its components is realized. 

Keywords:  complex  sentence,  pragmatic  type,  pragmatic  syntax,  communicative-intentional  content,  communicative  intention, statement. 

H. D. Kankash Functioning of complex sentences in the text of the diplomatic speech: pragmalinguistic aspect

O. V. Kraynyk Strategies and tactics of refusal

Abstract. The proposed article is devoted to the study of refusal as a linguo-pragmatic category. A refusal is considered as a reactive speech act of negation in response to an initiatory speech act of the interlocutor. Contradictory intentions are realized with the help of communicative  strategies. The regularities  of  implementation  of  strategies  and  tactics  of  speech  acts  of  refusal  are  established, depending on their type of statement: commissive, directive, assertive and expressive. 

Keywords: negation, speech act, illoctive purpose, refusal, strategy, tactics. 

O. V. Kraynyk Strategies and tactics of refusal

G. V. Lebedeva Rendering of the symbolic code in Ukrainian translations of “The tragedy of Macbeth”

Abstract. The article aims at the analysis of strategies for rendering of the symbolic code in Ukrainian translations of “The Tragedy of Macbeth” carried out by B. Ten and Y. Koretsky. The symbolic code is one of the essential semiotic codes  commonly found in Shakespeare’s tragedies particularly embedded in author’s metaphors. Metaphors appear to be powerful indicators of individual characteristics of every protagonist present in the tragedy as well as define their unique manner of verbal expression. Symbolic codes enable translators to render the way of speaking of each and every protagonist of the play as well as to preserve their original traits of character in the translation by sticking to a corresponding style.  

Keywords: translation, semiotics, semiotic codes, symbolic codes, metaphor.

G. V. Lebedeva Rendering of the symbolic code in Ukrainian translations of “The tragedy of Macbeth” 

K. A. Lysova Digital aspect of imagery of liminality in modern anglophone poetic discourse

Abstract.  This  article  focuses  on  outlining  the  most  important  aspects  of  the  transdisciplinary  approach  to  the  phenomenon  of liminality exploration, and also defines its place in modern poetic anglophone discourse. The research describes imagery of liminality and  its  components  on  the  material  of  modern  poetic  anglophone  discourse. Image of liminality is considered as a four-level multimodal  construal  which  incorporates  preconceptual,  conceptual,  verbal  and  non-verbal  components.  Creating  images  of liminality occurs at the crossing of two and more modi (modus) of modern poetic anglophone discourse (verbal, visual, audіo and audio-visual). Dynamic development of poetic discourse and the tendency towards constant changes in its sense and form led to the emergence of brand-new types of poetic texts. This in its turn demands elaboration of a complex methodology for liminal imagery analysis  which  explains  poetic  texts  entering  the multimodal dimension. Through  the  multimodal lens,  appearance  of  new  artistic forms inevitably leads to a number of changes in the literature functions. Currently it is quite difficult to imagine a person without a cell-phone  in  his  hands, and the expressions like: “Let  me  google  it!”  have  become  a  part  of  human  cognitive  activities. In  such conditions  development  of  conceptually  new  theoretical approaches to the fiction entities analysis (including  poetic  forms)  gains utmost importance. The article points out the causes and tendencies peculiar to modern anglophone poetic discourse development that led to the emergence of a new type of digital poetry that is code-poetry (cyber-poetry, e-poetry). There are different techniques accumulated in the formation of code-poetry imagery, such as linguistic, digital, interactive. As a result, techno-image looks like a holographic 4D unit from the point of view of its structure and “hybrid” in terms of its form. Thus, liminality is viewed as one of the dominant features of codeworks that defines the specificity of their creation by authors and the manner of their perception by readers. Codeworks do not always represent a working program that can be compiled and processed by a computer. A number of means are incorporated to combine various text forming techniques in construing imagery within code-poetry – linguistic, digital, interactive. According to the character of reader-text relations codeworks can be interactive, passive or semi-interactive. These masterpieces can be either fully created with  the  help of  any  programing  language  and  still remain understandable and  “readable” to a mediocre recipient or they can be composed with the help of computer code enriched by parts of “human” language. Thus, one of the dominant features of codeworks is their liminal nature that determines the manner of their creation and the way readers perceive them.  

Keywords: imagery of liminality, multimodal construal, digital discourse, digital linguistics, complex methodology. 

K. A. Lysova Digital aspect of imagery of liminality in modern anglophone poetic discourse

I. S. Melnychenko Approaches to definition of verbal aggression in political discourse

Abstract. The article is devoted to investigation of the phenomenon of verbal aggression and overview of the various approaches to the  interpretation  of  the  phenomenon  of  verbal  aggression.  Author  discusses  the  correlation  of  the  term  “verbal  aggression”  with related phenomena and conducts its comparison with the concept of “conflict communication”. The study of semantics of the key notion is performed for more precise understanding of the phenomenon of verbal aggression. 

Keywords: verbal aggression, conflict communication, hostility, verbal behaviour, political discourse. 

I. S. Melnychenko Approaches to definition of verbal aggression in political discourse 

T. Ye. Naberezhnieva Principles of a Textbook in Specialized Translation for Translation Students (illustrated by the textbook “Translation in the Banking Sphere”)

Abstract. The paper describes the conception of a textbook in specialized translation for translation students illustrated by the textbook “Translation in the Banking Sphere”, analyses the main principles of teaching translation of specialized texts, proposes a method of learning LSP and specialized translation based on parallel untranslated texts, explores possible ways of shaping translator competences, in particular in the banking sphere.  

Keywords: specialized translation, translator training, textbook, translator competences, LSP (banking).  

T. Ye. Naberezhnieva Principles of a Textbook in Specialized Translation for Translation Students (illustrated by the textbook “Translation in the Banking Sphere”) 

E. V. Pedchenko Epistolary dialogue between Valery Bryusov and Nina Petrovskaya as a gender ego-document

Abstract. The article is devoted to the review of the epistolary book of Valery Bryusov and Nina Petrovskaya “Correspondence” as a double ego-document with a gender representation. The author traces the development of the relations between the “kinetic characters” of this “text of life”, in which the intimate side of the novel story of Bryusov and Petrovskaya is represented. The metaphorical concept of “gender mirror” is introduced, based on the statement of Virginia Woolf on the relationship of the sexes. It is defined as this concept realized by Bryusov and Petrovskaya in correspondence. 

Keywords: gender, symbolism, life-creation, ego-document, gender mirror.

E. V. Pedchenko Epistolary dialogue between Valery Bryusov and Nina Petrovskaya as a gender ego-document 

L. Shnurovska Epistemic modality in the context of contextualism and relativism

Abstract. The article considers the category of the epistemic modality in terms of standard, practical and cloud contextualism and relativism due to the modal semantics and the possible worlds theory. An analytical analysis of the micro and macrostructure of the utterance enabled to show the algorithm for modifying the truth-false value of the modal proposition and its relevance to the speech context.  It also investigates the  variability of the epistemic  modal value  with respect to the context as well as the subject’s  practical purpose and evaluation of the statement. 

Keywords: epistemic modality, modal value, contextualism, relativism, pluralism.   

L. Shnurovska Epistemic modality in the context of contextualism and relativism 

O. V. Shvets Nominative sentences as means of feelings and emotions expression in the English, French and Ukrainian languages

Abstract. The article shows the results of a scientific research devoted to the identification of nominative sentences ability to verbalize the individual’s feelings and emotions. The paper is written as a part of anthropocentric approach to the study of the human reality conceptualization problem and the reflection of the results of world perception by native speakers belonging to different ethnic groups with the help of linguistic means. This is closely connected with the linguistic representation of an extremely important sphere of the human’s inner world – feelings and emotions. 

Keywords: nominative sentences, feelings, emotions, positive and negative feelings and emotions. 

O. V. Shvets Nominative sentences as means of feelings and emotions expression in the English, French and Ukrainian languages

O. V. Skobnikova Verbalization of the concept FAMILY in American family films

Abstract. The article is devoted to the study of means of linguistic representation of the linguistic-cultural concept FAMILY in American family motion-picture films. In order to meet the objective the Corpus of American Family Movies (CAFM) was created, which consists of 50 film scripts. The article contains analysis of the lexeme family which is defined as the name of the concept. These include analysis of frequency of the lexeme family and its synonyms, collocations and clusters, conceptual meraphors, derivational and phraseological activity of the lexeme. It is found that the film scripts included in the investigated corpus CAFM are family-oriented. 

Keywords: concept, family film, film script, corpus, corpus analysis. 

O. V. Skobnikova Verbalization of the concept FAMILY in American family films 

L. V. Soloshchuk, Yu. S. Skrynnik The Strategies of Operation with Social Roles in the Modern English Discourse

Abstract. The article focuses on the study of strategies and tactics used by a discursive personality in the process of performing different social roles. The binary nature of social roles leads to the analysis of the strategies of operating with social roles by both the addresser and addressee. Such basic social and biosocial factors as the vertical / horizontal organization of communicators’ social roles, age and gender are taken into account as they influence the development of communication and choice of tactics and strategies of communication, the success of which is based on the principles of maximizing positive and minimizing negative results. The linguopragmatic analysis of verbal and non- verbal means of communication used by a discursive personality in the process of operating with social roles has been carried out.  

Keywords: discursive personality, social role, strategy, tactic, verbal component of communication, non-verbal component of communication. 

L. V. Soloshchuk, Yu. S. Skrynnik The Strategies of Operation with Social Roles in the Modern English Discourse 

A. O. Tsapiv Mythopoetics of the Australian literary fairy tales via their narrative structure : linguistic and cultural aspects

Abstract. The article is focused on the research of the mythopoetics of the Australian literary fairy tales via revealing their linguistic and cultural specifics embodied in their narrative structure. Case study of the research are the fairy tales of Australian writer May Gibbs “The complete adventure of Snugglepot and Cuddlepie” 

Keywords: mythopoetics, literary fairy tale, linguistic and cultural secifics, narrative structure, narrative elements. 

A. O. Tsapiv Mythopoetics of the Australian literary fairy tales via their narrative structure : linguistic and cultural aspects 

V. A. Yakymovych Literary Ethnoimagology, Literary Images and Ethnoimages: Problems of Terminology

Abstract. The article deals with the modern branch of comparative literature – literary ethnomigology and associated with it concept of “ethno image”. The attention to its occurrence and formation is given. The definitions of the literary imagology and literary images and ethnoimages are given by native and foreign scientists. It is emphasized that literary ethnomigology studies the literary image of other peoples and countries, and literary ethnoimage is its subject.  

Keywords: comparative literature, imagology, literary ethnoimagology, literary ethno-image. 

V. A. Yakymovych Literary Ethnoimagology, Literary Images and Ethnoimages: Problems of Terminology 

O. Zhulavska Cognitive metaphor as the background for actualization of evaluative content of concept TERRORISM

Abstract. The problems  of  actualization  of  evaluative  content  through  various  kinds  of  metaphors  in  concepts  in  general  and  in concept  TERRORISM  are  investigated  in  this  article.  Great  attention  is  payed  to  the  cognitive  metaphors,  its  main  function  and duality of their nature is studied in detail. Application of the mapping process for the formation of cognitive metaphors is explained. Language metaphor and its components are studied on the examples of the notions, comprising concept TERRORISM. Ontological metaphors are examined, grounding on the ways of perception of events, actions, emotions, ideas and appealing to the human experience. Researches, proving that this kind of metaphors comprise the major part of TERRORISM metaphors was held.  

Keyword: Cognitive metaphor, ontological metaphors, structural metaphors, orientational metaphors, evaluative content, concept TERRORISM, metaphoric mapping, dual nature of metaphors. 

O. Zhulavska Cognitive metaphor as the background for actualization of evaluative content of concept TERRORISM