Science and Education a New Dimension

Online version ISSN 2308-1996

Printed version ISSN 2308-5258

Science and Education a New Dimension

Iss. 151. 2018.

O. M. Afanasieva Ontognoseology of the ritual in linguosemiotic and communicative aspects (based on the material of the English-language culture)  

Abstract. The  article  examines  the  linguosemiotic  and  communicative  features  of  the  denotation  and  expression  of  the  main ontological  categories,  gnoseological  principles,  cognitive  mechanisms  and  structures  in  ritualized  communicative  practices.  The article  outlines  the  main  parameters  of  the  ontognoseological  semantic  matrix.  The  analysis  focuses  on  the  ways  and  means  of identifying the categories of being, time, space and movement in secular rituals. The theoretical positions are illustrated on the mate- rial of the ritual of greetings in the English-language culture. 

Keywords: ritual, linguosemiotics, communication, ontognoseology, matrix, configuration, English-language culture, greetings. 

O. M. Afanasieva Ontognoseology of the ritual in linguosemiotic and communicative aspects (based on the material of the English-language culture)

Yu. P. Chalaya Non-ideational world of Victorian era in literary translation  

Abstract. Culturally marked signs, which represent material world of the Victorian era, include the styles of Victorian homes’ ornamenting (interior, furniture, pieces of art); clothes, footwear and headdresses (fabrics and knick-knackery); accessories; perfumes; means of transport etc. These signs are actualized in the concept HOME, which brings a considerable social and cultural value and can be interpreted in translation in different ways. 

Keywords: literary translation, culturally marked sign, styles of Victorian homes’ ornamenting, means of transport. 

Yu. P. Chalaya Non-ideational world of Victorian era in literary translation

Yu. Chernova The Outline of Contemporary Canadian Literature 

Abstract. The article gives the historic background of the development of post-colonial literature in Canada and enumerates contemporary Canadian writers giving the most interesting facts from their biography and the list of most powerful works. The research compiles the material for better viewing of the modern tendencies of the Canadian literature development as a tradition in the independent country. 

Keywords: Canada, Canadian literature, contemporary writers, historic background.  

Yu. Chernova The Outline of Contemporary Canadian Literature 

Ye. V. Hera The history of the development of the name vagantes 

Abstract. The article is dedicated to the review of the evolution of the establishment of the name vagantes during the Middle Ages. The names based on the root vag-, namely vagi, clerici vagi, clerici vagantes, gyrovagi, scholares vagi, vagabundi, as well as their synonyms have been analysed in the article. The content of the names with the root vag- and social status of the persons bearing such names have been presented. The author also considers the terms that are used in the modern languages for wandering student designation. Finally, general nominal territorial trends have been illustrated.  

Keywords: evolution, sociocultural type, vagant (scholares vagi), goliards (nominating tendencies). 

Ye. V. Hera The history of the development of the name vagantes 

N. S. Kudriavtseva A сognitive-semiotic model of translation  

Abstract. The article deals with interrelations among the theory of translation, semiotics and cognitive linguistics. There is an attempt to determine the place of poetic translation in the semiosphere. It is proposed that a semiotic analysis should be carried out in order to provide a complete description of poetic translation in the terms of semiotics. An illustration for the analysis is L. Carroll’s poem “Jabberwocky” and its translations into Russian, Ukrainian and German. 

Keywords: semiotic model of translation, semiotic analysis, semiosphere, inner form of the word, cognitive approach to translation. 

N. S. Kudriavtseva A сognitive-semiotic model of translation 

I. N. Lavrinenko Influence of flashback on the process of turn taking actualization in the cinematic discourse

Abstract. The article considers influence of flashback on turn-taking in the cinematic discourse. Functions of flashback have been defined as a marker of transition relevance place in turn-taking actualization as a result of the research. Flashback has also been studied as an intensifier of cinematic codes function as a turn-taking marker, and as an expression of inner speech. 

Keywords: Turn-taking, flashback, transition relevance place, turn-taking marker, cinematic discourse.

I. N. Lavrinenko Influence of flashback on the process of turn taking actualization in the cinematic discourse 

K. O. Mikhidenko Scenarios of conflict communication in virtual discourse (based on German language forums and chatrooms)  

Abstract.  The  paper  deals  with  conflict  communication  in  German  virtual  space.  Samples  of  conflict  communication on  German speaking  forums  and  chatrooms  were  analyzed,  which  enabled  the  detetrmination  of  specific  communicative  strategies  chosen  by users.  The  results  allowed  defining  three types  of  scenarios  of  conflict  interaction,  according  to  which  the  participants of  conflict situations  act  in  conflicts  on  interpersonal  level.  Such  types  of  scenarios  of  conflict  behavior  were  defined  as  “mutual  search  of truth”, “game” and “war”. 

Keywords: conflict communication, cognitive scenario, scenario of conflict interaction, conceptual field. 

K. O. Mikhidenko Scenarios of conflict communication in virtual discourse (based on German language forums and chatrooms)

N. V. Myronova Gender marking of the concept LOVE in the French-language view of the world (on the example of the novel by Amélie Nothomb «Mercury»  

Abstract.  The  article  deals  with  the  gender  marking  of  the  concept  LOVE  in  the  French-language  view  of  the  world,  which  is  a semantic-cognitive  analysis  of  his  gender  differences  on  the  material  of  the  novel  «Mercury»  by  the  Belgian  francophone  writer Amélie Nothomb.  

Keywords: gender markers, gender differences, concept, conceptual model, conceptosphere. 

N. V. Myronova Gender  marking  of  the  concept  LOVE  in  the  French-language  view  of  the  world  (on  the  example  of  the  novel  by  Amélie Nothomb «Mercury»

K. A. Ohiienko Functional Sentence Perspective: Notional Problems 

Abstract. The article studies the terminology of FSP and its components from the end of the XVIII century to the beginning of the XXI century. The actuality of the theme is determined by the lack of the complex linguohistoriographic study of the formation and development of FSP in general and its constituents in particular. The aim of the article is to describe and compare the components of FSP linguohistorio- graphically in connection with different approaches in linguistics taking into consideration the presence of various terms for the same notions in different languages in order to provide terminology suitable and universal for all languages. 

Keywords: functional sentence perspective, basis of the utterance, nucleus of the utterance, theme, rheme, topic, comment. 

K. A. Ohiienko Functional Sentence Perspective: Notional Problems 

N. V. Pavlik Typology of discursive units in the Ukrainian epistolary

Abstract. The author analyses the typology of discursive units in the Ukrainian epistolary speech. The notion of discursive unit has been determined in the aspect of discourse analysis. In the research the author specifies the genre of epistolary texts and makes the communicative-pragmatic and functional description of discursive units in the Ukrainian correspondence. The author has also defined special and common discursive units of epistolary. 

Keywords: discourse, discursive units, epistolary genre, epistolary text, letter, typology. 

N. V. Pavlik Typology of discursive units in the Ukrainian epistolary 

I. Pinich Mind work of ideology: a function-operator perspective 

Abstract. The paper suggests an explanatory algorithm of ideology mind work by means of mathematical modeling of mental configurations processes. The correlation between the universal knowledge domain, conceptual and ideological pictures of the world are presented  as  operations  of  mathematical  functions  and  their  composition.  The  functions  of  ideological  mentality  and  ideological doctrine are discerned on the basis of function properties. 

Keywords: ideology, ideologeme, conceptual picture of the world, ideological picture of the world, function.  

I. Pinich Mind work of ideology: a function-operator perspective 

O. H. Savchuk, N. M. Marchenko The concept of LOVE and its conceptualization in modern English romance novels  

Abstract. The article applies to the theory of conceptual metaphor to give a detailed analysis of how metaphor-based schemata provide the realization of the concept of LOVE in modern romance novels. The results of nominative unit semantic analysis have allowed us to distinguish such topic domains as elements of nature, natural phenomena, and natural geo-complexes which are of prima- ry importance in creating an image of deep, desperate, and long-lasting love. These images are also formed by the conceptual field “love feelings – natural phenomena”. 

Keywords: concept, metaphor, love, images of inanimate and animate nature, language means, conceptual schema. 

O. H. Savchuk, N. M. Marchenko The concept of LOVE and its conceptualization  in modern English romance novels 

T. I. Semykras Cognitive aspect of studying the terminology of clinical psychology  

Abstract. The study examines the definition of the term in the scientific literature; the relation of the term to the concept and word is analyzed; the main functions of the term are indicated; modern approaches to studying the terminology are applied. The article contains the analysis of the terms of clinical psychology. 

Keywords: term, terminology, clinical psychology, eponym, mythologizm.  

T. I. Semykras Cognitive aspect of studying the terminology of clinical psychology 

L. Shnurovska Linguomental essence and classification of priming  

Abstract. The article presents the priming as a lingual gear being implicit and modality specified by its nature. Linguistic priming depends on the linguistic features of the input stimulus and occurs predominantly on the pre-semantic level within the representative system of the language. The author has classified the types of priming. Due to its ability for promoting/obstructing perception and production of a target stimulus, priming splits into  facilitation and inhibition. In accordance with the implicit or explicit processes underlying the priming, there is under-threshold and over-threshold priming. Due to modal specificity, there is perceptive and conceptual priming. 

Keywords: priming, target stimulus, implicit memory, facilitation, inhibition. 

L. Shnurovska Linguomental essence and classification of priming 

O. B. Skliarenko, T. V. Sabolotnia Semantic peculiarities of I. Bachmann’s stories  

Abstract. The article reveals the semantic peculiarities of the Ingeborg Bachmann  stories that are the components of the  author’s individual style on the micro stylistic level. It was established, that the semantic peculiarities of the stories, which are mostly often used in the texts are similes and epithets. Similes are characterized by stylistic colouring and are expressed by the usage of the verbs with expressive semantics and epithets of intensive semantics, which stimulate the reader’s attentiveness and create real and fictional character. Epithets as a part of author’s individual style have more ornamental function. 

Keywords: semantic, story, author’s individual style, micro stylistic level, simile, epithets. 

O. B. Skliarenko, T. V. Sabolotnia Semantic peculiarities of I. Bachmann’s stories 

А. M. Veremyova Interpretation of the narratives samples by Еric-Emmanuel Schmitt based on Francoise Dolto’s psychoanalysis 

Abstract. The article is devoted to analysis of the chosen narratives by Eric-Emmanuel Schmitt from the perspective of the Francoise Dolto’s psychoanalysis. A special attention is drawn to the interpretation of the moments with high psychological tension or boundary situations endangering the children’s and teenagers’ lives or decent existence, peculiarities of behavior of main characters of the analyzed narratives, life, death, reflections about meaning of human life. It is concluded that the psychoanalytical theory by F. Dolto can be easily applied to the stories by Е.-Е. Schmitt, provided the children are considered from the point of view of their spirituality and maturity.   

Keywords: Francoise Dolto, Еric-Еmmanuel Schmitt, psychoanalysis, narratives, children. 

А. M. Veremyova Interpretation of the narratives samples by Еric-Emmanuel Schmitt based on Francoise Dolto’s psychoanalysis  

I. V. Yakubenko Models of actual division of the German complex sentence (semantic-pragmatic aspect)  

Abstract. The article focuses on studying the actual division of the models of the complex sentence in Modern German and their structure interpretation  aspect,  on  researching  the  intercommunication  between  a  structure  kind  of  model  and  illocutionary  act.  These  structures- models are a sign-appearance, it is a standard of information distributing in the sentence; it is a means of realization of the speaker’s intention. Proper model is a variant of influence on the recipient. The sentence-utterance belongs to certain arts of illocutionary acts. It is realized in different models. Structure unchangeable model of complex sentence, in the connection with another sentence of superphrase unity, can express different content. It is possible to reach it with lexical, morphological and syntactical means in connection with the context. Such kind of model polyfunctionality doesn’t stipulate a possibility of its using to realize any illocutionary act. Structure-semantic features don’t allow the universally using of model in speech to attain different communicative target.  

Keywords: actual division, means, model, semantics, pragmatics. 

I. V. Yakubenko Models of actual division of the German complex sentence (semantic-pragmatic aspect)