Science and Education a New Dimension

Online version ISSN 2308-1996

Printed version ISSN 2308-5258

Science and Education a New Dimension

Iss. 106. 2016.

Khodakovska N. G. Lexical and syntactic stylistic means German poetry of the first half of the 17 century

Abstract. This article is about the lyrics of German poets of the first half of the seventeenth century. The article considers lexical and syntactic stylistic tools that are typical for lyrics of the Baroque period. Poets in the Baroque epoch was taking a real world as the illusion and dream. A realistic description was often combined with their allegorical image. Widely used are metaphors, symbols, antithesis,  repetition  (anaphora),  oxymoron,  epithets,  list  (asyndeton,  monosyndeton,  polysyndeton),  comparison.  The  lyric  poets from  the  first  half  of  the seventeenth  century  have  introduced  human  outlook  of  the  period  of  the  Thirty  Years  War:  despair  and confusion. Therein is their pessimism. All earthly things for them are a mistake and a disturbing dream. 

Keywords: lyric poetry, baroque, lexical and syntactic stylistic tools, metaphor, antithesis, anaphora, epithet, list, oxymoron. 

Khodakovska N. G. Lexical and syntactic stylistic means German poetry of the first half of the 17 century 

Kyrylova V. The syntax of the sentence in terms of its expressive function in the original and in the translation

Abstract. In the spotlight of given article there is the problem of translation of the emotionally expressive units of the art text, in particular the use of the expressive syntax in artistic works of the Ukrainian writer Mykhailo Kotsiubynsky. In the article, the main types of syntactic figures used for emotional expressiveness of art speech are considered. Through comparative analysis of the initial and  purpose-oriented  texts,  we  have  illustrated  the  feature  of  the  translational  method  of  Emil  Kruba  and  characteristic  ways  of preservation of author’s expressiveness in French translation. 

Keywords: syntax, syntactic figures, expressiveness, artistic works, French translation. 

Kyrylova V. The syntax of the sentence in terms of its expressive function in the original and in the translation 

Kyslyak L. N. Pokuttya-Hutsul Dialectal Evidence of Pronominal Accidence in the Patois of the Village Kubayivka, Nadvirna District

Abstract.  The  dialectical  peculiarities  of  pronouns  accidence  in the  patois  of  the  village  Kubayivka,  Nadvirna  district  have  been analyzed in the paper. The Hutsul and Pokuttya dialectal features in pronominal paradigm have been detected. 

Keywords: pronoun, the vernacular of Pokuttya, Hutsul dialect, patois, grammatical form, Kubaivka, Nadvirna district. 

Kyslyak L. N. Pokuttya-Hutsul Dialectal Evidence of Pronominal Accidence in the Patois of the Village Kubayivka, Nadvirna District 

Lavrenchuk Y. Y. Orthoepy and orthothony in speaking

Annotation.  The  article  deals  with  the  sources  and  the  problem  of  viewing  the  pronunciation  norm  in  terms  of  its  two  aspects: orthoepy  and  orthothony  due  to  the  realization  of  English  vowel  and  consonant  phonemes  by  means  of  allophones  in  various phonetic positions in the process of speaking.  

Keywords: pronunciation norm, orthoepy, orthothony, phoneme, allophone. 

Lavrenchuk Y. Y. Orthoepy and orthothony in speaking   

N. Ye. Lemish Propositional Constituent for Causal Complex Dominant Cause in English, Dutch, and German: Specifics and Similarity

Abstract.  The  paper  under  discussion  deals  with  specifics  and  similarity  of  the  propositional  constituent  for  the  causal  complex dominant cause  in  English,  Dutch  and  German.  The definitions  of  cause  from  different  dictionaries  were analysed.  The  obtained results  enabled  determination  of  81  causal  sememes  followed  by  the  prototypes  identification.  It  is  argued  that  specifics  of propositional  constituent  in  the  languages  under  study  is  due  to  different  conceptual  and  language  world  pictures  of  different ethnoses, while similarity is explained by the common origin and interrelation of these languages.  

Keywords: causal complex, propositional constituent, dominant, cause.  

N. Ye. Lemish Propositional Constituent for Causal Complex Dominant Cause  in English, Dutch, and German: Specifics and Similarity 

Leonova N.V. The modality of military commands and orders of a small genre forms of information

Abstract. The  current  article  analyzes  the  specific  modality  of  word  military  commands  and  orders  as  small  genre  forms  of information (SGFI) in the contemporary Ukrainian language. We distinguish the types of syntactic modality  of the stated units as follows: narrative, exclamatory and imperative. Moreover, the place of word military commands and orders among the other groups of  SGFI  (messages  and  announcements  at  stations  and  transportation  means,  lead  paragraphs,  etc.)  is  determined.  The  author highlights the word military commands and orders among other small forms of genre information within the contemporary Ukrainian language, indicating their specific syntax modality. Furthermore, the author evidences that examined type of small genre forms of information in the contemporary Ukrainian language mostly belongs to the oral monologue speech, and proves that in some cases, certainly, fragmentary and situationally, there is modal sense in them due to the emotional coloring of the considered constructions or intonations.  The  prospects  for  further  researches  author  sees  in  the  detailed  study  on  the  theoretical  foundations  for  modality syntactic  category  expression  in  the  groups  of  SGFI  by  the  standardized  grammatical  sophisticated  tools  and  means  of  the contemporary Ukrainian language. 

Keywords: small genre forms of information, SGFI, syntactic modality, the modality of word military commands, military orders. 

Leonova N.V. The modality of military commands and orders of a small genre forms of information 

O. V. Levko Somatic means of emotion verbalization in Ancient Greek and Ukrainian linguocultures

Abstract.  The  article  explores  the  somatic  phraseological  units  and  metaphors  that  serve  to  verbalize  emotions  in  ancient  Greek linguoculture  in  comparison  with  Ukrainian  linguoculture.  In  particular, it  focuses  on  units  with  the  components  “heart”,  “liver”, “viscera”  and  “midriff”.  Units  with  the  components  “heart”  and  “liver”  are  shown  to  be  common  in  both  linguocultures,  while phraseologisms with “viscera” and “midriff” are only typical for ancient Greek linguoculture as a reflection of the archaic stage of the interpretation of human inner world. It has been revealed that units with somatic components are mostly used to describe negative emotions in both linguocultures. 

Keywords: somatic phraseologism, verbalization of emotion, linguoculture, heart, liver, midriff.  

O. V. Levko Somatic means of emotion verbalization in Ancient Greek and Ukrainian linguocultures 

T.V. Lunyova The Development of the Concept BOOK CARVING in the Modern English Discourse

Abstract. The article focuses on the analysis of the development of concept BOOK CARVING in the modern English discourse. The means of the verbalization of this concept in the Modern English are revealed, the set of the structural elements of the concept is singled out and the degree of their cognitive maturity is determined, as well as the most characteristic features of the representation of the concept BOOK CARVING in the English Internet discourse are described. 

Keywords: concept, structural element of a concept, conceptual opposition, verbalization, modern English discourse. 

T.V. Lunyova The Development of the Concept BOOK CARVING in the Modern English Discourse 

Mamosiuk E. S. Deployment of the text’s cognitive-narrative scripts of Nouveau Roman writers: methodological aspect (based on the novel by N. Sarraute "Le Planétarium")

Abstract.  The  article  is  devoted  to  research  methodology  deployment  of  cognitive-narrative  scripts  within  narrative  structure  of Nouveau Roman texts. Predetermination of selected methods and techniques of the narrative text’s type and different characteristics demonstrated by the analysis of N. Sarraute’s novel “Le Planétarium”. 

Keywords: narrative structure, cognitive-narrative script, Nouveau Roman text. 

Mamosiuk E. S. Deployment of the text’s cognitive-narrative scripts of Nouveau Roman writers: methodological aspect (based on the novel by N. Sarraute “Le Planétarium”) 

O. Marutovska Interactive Aspects of Postmodern Sensory Imagery: A Linguistics of Marketing

Abstract. The current study focuses on the issue of interactive sensory imagery widely exploited in mass literature of today, though hardly approached so far within the field of linguistics. In view of non-tenability of traditional ways of interpreting sensory imagery in contemporary fiction from esthetic or stylistic perspectives, postmodern imagery claims for new methods of analysis that require a joint effort of several disciplines. Such methods are based on the assumption that sensory perception is not triggered by monochannel anchors,  but  involves  fluctuations  coming  from  different  sensory  organs  at  a  time,  bringing  into  force  action  rather  than  mere contemplation  on  the  part  of  the  perceiver.  Fluctuating  perception  is  defined  in  this  study  as  engagement  of  multiple  sensory sensations in perceiving fluctuating objects of the literary text reality and implies readers’ involvement. Sensory images in this paper rely upon a fluctuating perception, represent multi-strata models that stratify and overlap, fuse and condense and get transpierced by omnipresent in different strata archetype(s) and symbol(s). Despite such compound structure, archetype or symbol-centered models account for recognizability of sensory image in postmodern linguistic and extralinguistic environment and envisage their interactive potency.  It  is  argued  that  interactive  sensory  images  in  their  linguistic  dimensions  address  more  elaborate  readership,  which  is demonstrated here via the analysis of four sensory images taken from bestselling books which form the series “A Song of  Ice and Fire” by George R. Martin, namely “A Clash of Kings”, “A Storm of Swords 2: Blood and Gold” and “A Dance with Dragons”.  

Keywords: symbolic reference, virtual sensory imagery, fluctuating perception, condensation, interpenetration, interactive potency.  

O. Marutovska Interactive Aspects of Postmodern Sensory Imagery: A Linguistics  of Marketing 

Melaschenko M. P. The Problem of Impressionism in the Creative Works of B. Pasternak

Abstract.  The  article  concentrates  on  the  elements  of  impressionism  in  the  creative  works  of  B. Pasternak.  The  definition  of «impressionism» is clarified; its peculiarities are studied in the literature of the end of the XIX – beginning of the XX centuries. The elements  of  impressionism are  analyzed  in  the  poetry,  epic  lyrics  (poems,  novel  in  verses),  stories and autobiographical  prose  by B. Pasternak.  The  functions  of  impressionism  in  B. Pasternak’s  creative  works  are  highlighted.  The  interaction  between impressionism and other trends (romanticism, realism, naturalism, modernism) is described. The article illustrates that impressionism has the following features such as integration (the ability to unite with the other elements of the artistic system such as literature and other kinds of art – painting and music), dynamism (the change of forms and functions in the different periods of writer’s activity), openness (the creation of open structures such as images, plots, motives, artistic time and space etc).  

Keywords: impressionism, artistic synthesis, style, genre, lyrics, story, novel in verses.  

Melaschenko M. P. The Problem of Impressionism in the Creative Works of B. Pasternak 

Mieriemova J. The titles of English, Russian and Ukrainian fairy tales as a special group of proper names

Abstract. The article highlights the titles of the authored fairy tales which are the special group of proper names. The paper presents the title classification of English, Russian and Ukrainian fairy tales due to the meaning they convey. There is a comparative analysis of such titles in the languages under consideration, the common and distinctive features of the given material are given in the article. The functions of the fairy tales` titles are stated in the article.  

Keywords: title, name, literary tale, fairy text  proper name. 

Mieriemova J. The titles of English, Russian and Ukrainian fairy tales as a special group of proper names 

Mykytyuk Y. V. Types of realization of the explicit and implicit meanings in the expression of direct and indirect compliments

The  article  discusses  different  methods  of  separation  of  direct  and  indirect  speech  acts,  briefly  describes  the  narrow  and  broad homogenous  and  modular  concept  of  speech  acts  and  Grice`s  Theory  of  Conversational  Implicatures.  The  complex  speech  act compliment  is  classified  –  by  way  of  expressing  intention  to  direct  and  indirect  and  by  the  degree  of  expression  of  semantic components – into direct performative, direct explicit, indirect explicit and indirect implicit. 

Keywords: speech act, compliment, direct speech acts, indirect speech acts, explicitness, implicitness. 

Mykytyuk Y. V. Types of realization of the explicit and implicit meanings in the expression of direct and indirect compliments 

Ochkovska A. P. Peculiarities of the Constituent Arrangement in the Middle English Subject Raising Constructions

Abstract. The article deals with the analysis of the subject raising constructions in the Middle English language form the standpoint of the generative grammar. The Middle English period is considered to be the stage of emergence and development of the subject raising constructions due to such processes as reduction of inflexion system of endings and establishment of fixed SVO word order. It has resulted in emergence of functional T-system, differentiation in the systems of cases and theta-roles and subject requirement in the sentence structure. The establishment of SVO word order results in usage Si V Inf Oi as the basic model of word  order in the sentences with the subject raising constructions. However there occurs accentuation in the medial position between raising verb and infinitive and in the initial position of the sentence to put emphasis on the given information. 

Keywords: A-movement, subject raising, theta-role, functional projection, structural case. 

Ochkovska A. P. Peculiarities of the Constituent Arrangement in the Middle English Subject Raising Constructions 

B. O. Pliushch Indirect translation and the issue of culture specific terms rendering

Abstract. Indirect translation is one of scarcely studied topics in translation studies. Translations of some Ukrainian literary works via  the  third  language  represent  evidence  of  its  prolific  as  well  as  clandestine  nature.  The  given  article  considers  a  novel (“Tyhrolovy”) by a renown Ukrainian writer Ivan Bahriany in its English and indirect German translations from the standpoint of rendering its culture specific terms. The aim of the given article is to consider the implications of indirect translation, to analyze the correlation  between  indirect  translation  and  intermediary  text  as  well  as  to  bring  attention  to  the  issue  of  indirect  translation  in general.  

Keywords: translation, indirect translation, culture specific terms, realia, intermediary text, author’s style, the place factor.   

B. O. Pliushch  Indirect translation and the issue of culture specific terms rendering   

Ponomarenko O. O. Blackmail’s and threat’s differentiation from the view of the speech acts theory

Abstract.  The  article  deals  with  the  utterances,  with  the  help  of  which  the  speech  acts  of  threat  and  blackmail  in  the  english dialogical  discourse  are  realized.  The  analysis  of  the  blackmail’s  and  threat’s  interpretation  in  the  jus  and  in  the  lexicographical sources let us to make out the facility conditions of these speech acts and prototypical scenario of its realization, that whereas gave us an opportunity to establish hyponymic relations between these notions, that are based on the submission. The speech act of blackmail is  the  subtype  of  the  speech  act  of  threat  that  is  determined  by  the  modification  of  the  preparatory  and  propositional  facility conditions – the blackmail deals with the disclosure of the certain true or false information about the addressee that can cause damage to him. The threat is the hybrid speech act, so it combines characteristics of two illocutionary types: directive (addressee’s demand to accomplish  the  certain  action)  and  commissive  (speaker’s  obligation  to  accomplish  the  certain  action  in  future  in  the  case  of demand’s failing). The speaker’s perlocutionary goal is to make the addressee to do a certain action by means of threatening him. 

Keywords: blackmail, commissive, directive, hybrid speech act, threat. 

Ponomarenko O. O. Blackmail’s and threat’s differentiation from the view of the speech acts theory

T. V. Pylypchuk Verbalization of the stereotype “immigrant as an employee” in comedy shows

Abstract.  This article examines  the  essence  of  ethnic  humour,  defines its  features  and  connection  to  ethnic  stereotypes as  well as analyses the stereotype  of  immigrants as people  employed  in  service sector  or  having  small  business  constructed  by  comedians in English-speaking  stand-up  shows.  It  also  specifies  linguistic  means  such  as  hyperbole,  tautology,  paraprosdokian,  anadiplosis, paradox and amplification that are used by comedians to get comic effect.  

Keywords: ethnic humour, binary opposition, comic effect, stereotypes, cognitive dissonance, anadiplosis, paraprosdokian.

T. V. Pylypchuk Verbalization of the stereotype “immigrant as an employee” in comedy shows 

Rogoza O. B. Role of paratextual elements of text in the organization of the epistolary novel

Abstract.  Article  is  devoted  to  detachment  of  such  paratextual  elements  in  the  French  epistolary  novel  as  titles,  dedications, epigraphs,  prefaces,  remarks  and  comments  of  the  publisher,  the  publisher’s  epilogues.  Such  system  of  paratexts  which  occupy powerful positions in the novel, is determined by means of the volume-pragmatic segmentation of text, by the example of French epistolary novels of the 18-20th century. The role of text forming elements in the organization of the epistolary novel is also studied in the article, nine main functions of the publisher apparent in the preface to the epistolary novel are defined. 

Keywords: volume-pragmatic segmentation, paratext, paratextual elements, title, epigraph, dedication, preface. 

Rogoza O. B. Role of paratextual elements of text in the organization of the epistolary novel