Science and Education a New Dimension

Online version ISSN 2308-1996

Printed version ISSN 2308-5258

Science and Education a New Dimension

Iss. _______________

Feshchenko O. V. Institutional unison dialogue strategies in American investigation discourse

Abstract.  The article  focuses  on  the  speech strategies  which  correspond to  the  institutional  activity  aim  in  the  communication  of American  investigators.  In  particular,  the  study  concentrates  on  dialogue  unison  strategies  that  manifest  the  accordance  of communicants` verbal actions. As the findings show, these strategies include standard, represented by acts/moves proper to a variety of discourses and non-standard, embodied in acts/moves proper to American investigation discourse. The latter embrace chains of moves  produced  by  different  communicants,  thus  revealing  such  specific  features  as  group  communication  and  the  intention  to realize the main institutional aim of investigation. 

Keywords: American investigation discourse, institutional speech strategies, dialogue unison strategies, standard/non-standard strategies. 

Feshchenko O. V. Institutional unison dialogue strategies in American investigation discourse  

Frolova I., Yushkevych V. Thematic Models of Business Communication in Cognitive-discoursive Aspect

Abstract. The article presents a study of thematic models which structure the content of business discourse in English. These models include the static ones (hierarchical and linear-hierarchical), representing discourse subject declarative knowledge and the dynamic ones (probabilistic), embodying his/her procedural knowledge. As the findings show, hierarchical models comprise the potential of content  elements,  linear-hierarchical  models  demonstrate  their  possible  combinations  set,  while  probabilistic  models  reveal  the interdependence between communicative situational factors and content elements/their combinations realizations. 

Keywords:  business  discourse  in  English  content,  thematic  models,  hierarchical/linear-hierarchical/probabilistic  models, declarative/procedural knowledge, communicative situational factors. 

Frolova I., Yushkevych V. Thematic Models of Business Communication in Cognitive-discoursive Aspect 

Gagarin M. School educational system as the object of designing

Abstarct. The article revealed the importance and urgency of school educational system designing; the different views of scientists on  the  potential  and  features  of  usage  the  school  educational  system  designing  in  general  and  at  the  current  stage  of  education development. The aim of the article is to reveal the peculiarities of school educational system creation as an object of design. The essence of such notions as «system», «system approach», «educational system», «educational system designing» have been revealed; the  common  features  of  the  educational system  and  other  social systems  have  been  distinguished;  its  functions,  which  ensure the effectiveness of educational influence and stages of educational system designing have been characterized.  

Keywords: system, school educational system, educational system designing, features of the educational system as the object of designing, stages of the educational system designing. 

Gagarin M. School educational system as the object of designing  

E. A. Galitska Social factor verbalization in the perfume and cosmetic naming

Abstract.  The  article  deals  with the  problem  of  perfume  and  cosmetic  naming  in  English.  Special attention  is  given to  the social factor reflection in the nominative units involving verbalization with the help of semantic indicators functioning as representatives of social stratification. The semantic indicators are grouped around two poles: biosocial and socio-segmentational ones. The first pole is formed with semantic indicators of age and gender segregation. These indicators are closely connected with the biological properties of human society. The second pole is created involving semantic indicators of vocational guidance and social status. These indicators are  associated  with  the  social  stratification,  class  distinctions  and  differentiation.  Having  formed  a  bipolar  model  these  semantic indicators create the subsystem of social reflection within the naming structures of perfume and cosmetic goods. Semantic indicators are  located  in  different  constituents  of  naming  unit  complexes.  They  form  architectonics  of  social  aspect  representation  involving only linguistic methods. 

Keywords: bipolar model, perfume and cosmetic naming, semantic component, semantic indicators, social stratification, symbol.  

E. A. Galitska Social factor verbalization in the perfume and cosmetic naming 

Gnezdilova Ya.V. Metacommunication in manipulative aspect: background

Abstract. The article deals with theoretical statements compiling as to the interpretations of the notion of metacommunication in the context  of  speakers’  metacommunicative  awareness  and  vectors  of  metacommunicative  content.  Special  attention  is  paid  at  the prerequisites of manipulative nature of metacommunication, on the bases of which the relevancy of distinguishing the manipulative metacommunication is proved. The “innate” predisposition of metacommunication to manipulation, the existence of such forms of mental practice as creative and therapeutic metacommunication and the achievements in the sphere of metatechnologies are referred to above-mentioned prerequisites.  

Keywords: metacommunication, vectors of metacommunicative content, manipulation, metatechnologies. 

Gnezdilova Ya.V. Metacommunication in manipulative aspect: background  

Grachova I. E. Class of Quantifiers in English: Diachronic Aspect

Abstract. The article is dedicated to the category  of quantity, its formation and development and to the quantative words. Special interest is paid to morphological and syntactical characteristics of quantifiers half, both, none, either in Old English and is dealt with their main distributive characteristics. 

Keywords: quantifiers, quantities, protoquantifiers, reinterpretation.

Grachova I. E. Class of Quantifiers in English: Diachronic Aspect 

Hyder E. Emotional competence of H. Hesse as an idiostyslistical aspect and the ways of its reflection in Ukrainian and Russian translations

Abstract. The article is devoted to the study of such idiostylistical peculiarity of German writer H. Hesse as emotional breadth, in the light of translatologikal modern studies. The author of the article applies to the issues of the problems of literary translation. The factors  of  the  text-forming  author’s  concepts  that  require  expressive  and  impressive  equivalence  are  extremely  important  for translation practice. The writers’ emotive competence is particularly important and difficult to translate into other languages. 

Keywords: idiostyle, emothema, emotive competence, translational transformations. 

Hyder E. Emotional  competence  of  H.  Hesse  as  an  idiostyslistical  aspect  and  the  ways  of  its  reflection  in  Ukrainian  and  Russian translations 

Ye. V. Hera Realization of aesthetic conception in wandering students’ Latin poetry through phonic characteristics

Abstract.  The  article  is  dedicated  to  study  of  implementation  of  aesthetic  conception  of  goliard  poetry  in  the  light  of  phonic characteristics. All structural elements of rhythmomelodics have been considered not only as makers of positive aesthetic phenomena that manifest emotional aspect of poetry but also as rhythmic ones that integrate poetical units together. Types of rhyme, alliteration and instrumentation ant their function are analyzed within the mentioned linguistic framework. 

Keywords: aesthetic conception, wandering students’ Latin poetry, rhythm, rhyme, alliterations, instrumentation.  

Ye. V. Hera Realization of aesthetic conception in wandering students’ Latin poetry through phonic characteristics 

Gulieva D. O. Communicative strategy of contempt (based on the English cinema discourse)

Abstract. The article represents the results of analysis of communicative strategy of contempt as it is realised in the English cinema discourse.  It is suggested that the  communicative intention  of  contempt lies in  a  negative,  disapproving  evaluation  of  the referent (mostly  a  person).  This  feeling-attitude  borders  on  disrespect,  contempt,  disgust,  and  can  turn  into  malice,  anger,  rage,  and  even hatred. Contempt is evoked by a discrepancy between the ethics of the object of evaluation and the ethical standards of the subject and, as a result, the subject’s awareness of their moral superiority over the object. 

Keywords: communicative strategy, communicative intention, communicative act, evaluation, feeling-attitude, contempt. 

Gulieva D. O.  Communicative strategy of contempt (based on the English cinema discourse) 

Ivasyuta О. В. Symbolic field in the novel “Pavilion of Women” by Pearl Buck

Abstract. The article deals with the functioning of symbols in the novel “Pavilion of Women” by Pearl Buck. The linguocognitive analysis is performed by way of constructing the nominative field of symbols. The nucleus of the symbolic field in the novel under investigation  contains  two  opposed  concepts  OUTER–INNER.  Symbols  verbalizing  the  concepts  are  of  the  following  types: ethnocultural  and  author’s  individual  ones.  Within  the  field  symbols  appear  to  be  interconnected  semantically  and  by  means  of associative ties. Symbolic structure of the novel effectively conveys the inherent Chinese cultural component.  

Keywords: symbol, field modelling, symbolic field, cultural symbol, Chinese, concept. 

Ivasyuta О. В. Symbolic field in the novel “Pavilion of Women” by Pearl Buck  

Kaminska M. Lexico-grammatical characteristics of implicit negative evaluation

Abstract. The article under consideration deals with the phenomenon of implicit negative evaluation and lexical and grammatical tools  that  mark  its  expression  in  the  course  of  communication.  Analyzed  examples  show  the  role  of  the  definite  articles, demonstrative  pronouns  and  transposed  use  of  grammatical  categories  of  plurals  and  time  which  imply  anger,  contempt,  anger, dissatisfaction etc. 

Keywords: evaluation, implicit negative evaluation, definite article, demonstrative pronoun, hyperbolic plurals. 

Kaminska M. Lexico-grammatical characteristics of implicit negative evaluation 

T. P. Kozlovska Functions of modal verbs on the ground their classifications

Abstract.  This  investigation  is  connected  with  the  English  modal  verbs  and  takes  into  consideration  the  relation  between  their functions and classifications. Being involved into different grammatical and semantical structures modal verbs demonstrate variety of functions  which  may  be  explained  on  the  basis  of  the  verb  classifications.  Verb  classifications  not  only  show  their  recognative features but also reveal multifunctional nature of that verb subclass. Differentiation of central, marginal and periphery level modals explains the existence of different types of modality.  

Keywords: central modal, marginal modal, modal verb, semi-auxiliory.  

T. P. Kozlovska Functions of modal verbs on the ground their classifications  

N. K. Kravchenko, T. A. Pasternak Politeness strategies via speech acts and conversational implicatures

Abstract.  The  way  to  be  polite  is  directly  connected  with  assignment  of  one’s  face  and  in  a  broader  sense  with  identity’s construction. Politeness strategies and Speech acts are both the tools and results of our socialization and the study of their multifacet correlation will undoubtedly contribute to the issues of maintenance the face and identity. The scope of interface between the speech acts  and  politeness  is  far  from  being  finally  established.  This  paper  examines  the  politeness  strategies’  from  viewpoint  of illocutionary acts’ criteria, triggers and felicity conditions. There are three points to be discussed in this paper. First, to find out the correlation between politeness strategies and speech acts’ mostly appropriate for their manifestations. Second, to reveal the directness / indirectness correlations with forms of face threat, face saving and face-redress. Third, to prove that the face-redressing strategies rely on primary illocutionary meaning of indirect acts worked out by the rules of the conversational implicature. 

Keywords: speech acts, politeness strategies, directness / indirectness, conversational implicatures.  

N. K. Kravchenko, T. A. Pasternak Politeness strategies via speech acts and conversational implicatures 

Kravchenko O. V. Tactics of cognitive dissonance neutralization in characters' communication of modern French detective novels

Abstract.  Cognitive  dissonance  is  discrepancy  between  cognitions  in  the  human  knowledge  system,  which  is  psychologically discomfortable,  thus  it  provokes  a  drive  to  rid  it.  The  paper  analyses  the  communicative  tactics  of  neutralization  of  cognitive dissonance in characters’ communication such as explanation, summarizing, concretization and generalization. The research is based on the texts of modern French detective novels.  

Keywords: cognitive dissonance, characters’ communication, communicative tactics, modern French detective novel. 

Kravchenko O. V. Tactics of cognitive dissonance neutralization in characters’ communication of modern French detective novels 

Kryvoruchko S. Strategy of perlocutionary mitigation as the means of optimizing speech influence

Abstract.  The  present  article  studies  linguistic  and  pragmatic  features  of  perlocutionary  mitigation  –  one  of  the  strategies  of optimizing  speech  influence.  The  mechanism  and  aims  of  perlocutionary  mitigation  strategy,  communicative  situations, tactics  as well as means of its realization in German dialogue discourse are described. The ‘disarming’ tactic of mitigation realized in discourse by means of metacommunicative utterances serves as an illustration.   

Keywords: mitigation, perlocutionary optimization, speech influence, strategy, tactic. 

Kryvoruchko S. Strategy of perlocutionary mitigation as the means of optimizing speech influence 

Kulbida D. P. Peculiarities of modern mass media and Spanish specialized travel magazines

Abstract.  This  article  attempts  to  examine  the  peculiarities  of  the  modern  mass  media  discourse  and  specialized  magazines,  to explore the dichotomy quality vs. popular papers. Tourism discourse, presented by Spanish periodicals, is analyzed and its objective is defined. The columns of Spanish travel magazines are investigated. We study the gender peculiarities of advertisements in modern Spanish magazines. 

Keywords: mass media discourse, English borrowings, tourism discourse, travel magazines. 

Kulbida D. P. Peculiarities of modern mass media and Spanish specialized travel magazines

Kuranda V.V. Frame structure of the concept “action”

Abstract. The article of examines the frame structure of this concept, which form the derivatives lexical and structural word-building nests with the top of animals. There are two main types of analysis: conceptual and cognitive. Conceptual analysis as a phenomenon of modern linguistics, is one of those areas of research that focused on the human, on his cognitive and linguistic features. Cognitive analysis based on the fact that the formation of derivative foundation involves the use of prior human experience involving already existing in language structural models, so similar conceptual structure embodied in the same linguistic forms. 

Keywords: language represention of world, concept, lexical word-building nest, frame, frame design. 

Kuranda V.V. Frame structure of the concept “action”