Science and Education a New Dimension

Online version ISSN 2308-1996

Printed version ISSN 2308-5258

Science and Education a New Dimension

Iss. 99. 2016.

Khelil O. I. Relevance Conditionals Functioning in Middle English

Abstract. The article investigates the functional peculiarities of relevance conditionals in Middle English written records and defines their main structural types and position relative to the main clause. The author focuses on the main communicative functions of the aforementioned types of sentence in Middle English, namely down-toning of the requirement, request which consider the needs and desires of the hearer, getting the permission, doubting, diffidence of the information explicated in the main clause, contact making, introduction of a new idea. It is determined that relevance conditionals functioning is dependent on the genre of the Middle English written record.  

Keywords: factual and counterfactual conditionals, relevance conditionals, structural type, pragmatic marker.   

Khelil O. I. Relevance Conditionals Functioning in Middle English  

O. S. Kolomiichuk Verbalization of the Concept AMORALITY in the Modern American Talk Shows

Abstract.  The research of the peculiarities of AMORALITY concept verbalization based on the texts of modern American talk-shows is represented in the article. The lexical units, which semantics render the meaning of AMORALITY concept, have been found out. The American outlook in relation to the amoral deeds has been characterized. The forms of amoral behaviour, met in the American society and condemned by it, have been discovered in the research. 

Keywords: concept, notion, amorality, talk-show, American, society, semantics, behaviour.    

O. S. Kolomiichuk Verbalization of the Concept AMORALITY in the Modern American Talk Shows 

Kravets O., Sviridenko I. The Use of Adaptive Technology in the Foreign Language Classroom while Studying Modern Norms of Academic Writing

Abstract. In the current globalized world, knowledge of the foreign language (English) is a kind of the key to the world of science and  technology  where  a  specific  role  for  the  awareness  of  a  young  scientist  with  contemporary  standards  of  scientific  written communication is stated. The article presents the adaptive technology training in Academic writing in the foreign language classroom among senior students for those departments where a foreign language is not a specialty. The construction of adaptive educational technologies by the university teacher is justified in the course of professional pedagogical activity. The ways of its implementation in educational process are presented. 

Keywords: academic writing, adaptive technology, high school teacher.  

Kravets O., Sviridenko I. The Use of Adaptive Technology in the Foreign Language Classroom while Studying Modern Norms of Academic Writing 

Kraynyk O. Negative speech acts in German

Abstract.  The  article  deals  with pragmatic  aspects  of  negation.  Negation should  be  understood  as a  negative  speech act.  Such an action is always a reaction to the previous statement and is divided into different types, among which prohibition and rejection ought to be mentioned in the first place. The conflict of perceptions of the listener’s and speaker’s worlds is the basis for both speech acts. Negative speech acts are realized with the help of explicit and implicit means of expression. 

Keywords: Negation, speech intention, speech act, prohibition, rejection.  

Kraynyk O. Negative speech acts in German 

Kripak Y. V. Indirect tactics of speech aggression

Abstract. The article is devoted to the analysis and description of indirect tactics of speech aggression in dialogical discourse. The tactics,  where  the  contents  can  be  interpreted  only  from  context,  are  examined.  Peculiar  characteristic  features  of  indirect  speech aggression are distinguished based on Modern English video fragments and literature that will give the opportunity to recognize the hidden aspects of negative influence and prevent its escalation and display in the future.     

Keywords: speech aggression, communicative strategy, tactics, English dialogical discourse, irony. 

Kripak Y. V. Indirect tactics of speech aggression 

Leliuk О. О. Compound sentences with cause-subordinate clause as parenthetical phrases: structural and grammatical, and functional and stylistic aspects (on Ukrainian prose of the late 20th – early 21st century)

Abstract. The article deals with the determination of the main structural and grammatical, and functional and stylistic features of compound sentences with cause-subordinate clause as parenthetical phrases basing on Ukrainian prose of the late 20th – early 21st century. The author of the paper concludes that the studied syntactic units are actively used as parenthetical phrases in the texts of Ukrainian prose; they play an important role in text semantic organization and emotional evaluation of artistic narrative; they help to emphasize the most important on their notional meaning parts and structure expressions in different semantic plans. 

Keywords: compound sentence, parenthetical phrase, structural and grammatical features, organization of artistic narrative.   

Leliuk О. О.  Compound  sentences  with  cause-subordinate  clause  as  parenthetical  phrases:  structural  and  grammatical,  and  functional and stylistic aspects (on Ukrainian prose of the late 20th – early 21st century)  

Liashchenko O. A. The Poetics of Gothic Novel in “The Blind Assassin” by Margaret Atwood

Abstract.  The  article  analyzes  the  peculiarities  of  gothic  poetics  in  the  novel  “The  Blind  Assassin”  by  Margaret  Atwood.  The Canadian writer uses motifs of secrets, captivity, fear, harassment, and a breach of social taboos, the images of an isolated mysterious house, a beautiful maiden with high moral virtues, and a villain, who causes her death, as well as images of infernal creatures (a one- eyed a monster, the devil, the deceased, a ghost, an evil fairy, etc.), and the leitmotif of fire as a symbol of danger and evil. These elements  are  used to  draw  a recipient’s  attention  to  the urgent  social  problems  of  the twentieth  century  and  show  an  apocalyptic vision of the future. 

Keywords: Canadian literature, gothic novel, neogothic prose, narrative.  

Liashchenko O. A. The Poetics of Gothic Novel in “The Blind Assassin” by Margaret Atwood 

Melnychuk R. I. Methods in phonosemantic research

Annotation. The article deals with the description of methodological base that is used for research of the phonosemantic phenomena. Statistical and quantitative methods of language research are considered. Effective statistical methods are offered with the aim to find out the onomatopoeia phenomena and to determine a character of language unit motivation. Complex application of methods helps to explore specific circumstances functioning of German that by another way is not investigated and creates the possibilities for deep all-round interpretation of reasons and results in language evolution. 

Keywords: quantitative and statistical methods of language research, criterion χ2, correlation analysis, phonosemantic phenomena.  

Melnychuk R. I. Methods in phonosemantic research 

Mocherniuk N. D. Concept of art and artist in the prose of Adalbert Erdeli

Abstract.  The  literary  works  of  a  celebrated artist  Adalbert  Erdeli  (1891–1955),  one  of  the  founders  of  Transcarpathian  painting school, have been studied in the paper. His aesthetic views are the focus of our attention. The novels Dimon and IMEN were the main literary body of scrutiny. The concept of art and artist as presented by Adalbert Erdeli in his prose has been examined in relation to the Romanticism aesthetics. The art creation issues of universal scope have been pointed out in the paper as well.  

Keywords: art, artist, aesthetics, Romanticism, universalism. 

Mocherniuk N. D. Concept of art and artist in the prose of Adalbert Erdeli 

Movchan D. V. Paradigmatic markers of antonyms

Abstract. The article studies the paradigmatic characteristics of antonyms of modern German. The author singles out and analyses the formal and semantic markers of antonyms. The terms „antonymic meaning“ and „antonymic significance“ have been interpreted. The peculiarities of the relationship between antonyms and the category of negation have been revealed. 

Keywords: antonymy, paradigmatics, antonymic meaning, antonymic significance, negation. 

Movchan D. V. Paradigmatic markers of antonyms 

Y. O. Naniak Modifications in the perception of evil spirits in the Ukrainian and Anglophone translations of “Faust” by J. W. Goethe

Abstract. The paper considers difference in perception of evil spirits in Germany, Ukraine and Anglophone countries on the basis of Ukrainian and Anglophone translations of “Faust” by J. W. Goethe. Within the frames of this paper there are two main categories which  are  presented  in  J.  W.  Goethe’s  “Faust”:  witches  and  actually  spirits.  The  similarities  and  differences  in  beliefs  and stereotypical perception of this phenomena have been determined. 

Keywords: Translation Studies, linguo-cultural, Translation Studies analysis, Goethe, Faust.  

Y. O. Naniak Modifications in the perception of evil spirits in the Ukrainian and Anglophone translations of “Faust” by J. W. Goethe 

Semeniuk T. P. Verbal, non-verbal and paraverbal means in the realization of differentiation strategy in German advertising

Abstract. The article is devoted to the investigation of verbal, non-verbal and paraverbal means in the realization of differentiation strategy. The main tactics of differentiation in German consumer goods advertising are the positioning of quality, positive functional characteristics,  price  and  profit.  Pragmatic  effect  on  the  recipient  through  the  accentuation  of  goods  occurs  due  to  a  complex combination of polycode components that make advertising texts more effective, creative and expressive. 

Keywords: advertising text, strategy, tactics, verbal, non-verbal and paraverbal means.  

Semeniuk T. P. Verbal, non-verbal and paraverbal means in the realization of differentiation strategy in German advertising 

Shtepenko A. Strategies of reconsideration of modernist heritage in the metatexts of 1970-1980th

Abstract.  The  article  deals  with  the  research  of  the  artistic  reflection  of  literary  experience  and  iconic  figures  of  modernism  by Russian  writers  of  1970-1980th.  The  research  examines  general  characteristics  of  metaconceptions  and  author’s  myths.  The connection  of  the  interpretation  of  the  heritage  and  the  artistic  selfdetermination  is  revealed.  Such  strategies  as:  mythologization, feeble-mindedness, intellectual quiz, game with readers, shocking behavior and  provocation are characterized. The peculiarities of the connection of modernistic and postmodernistic concepts of writing are defined. The prospect of the discoveries and experiments of the writers of the 1970-1980th   in the field of self-reflection of literature has been proved.  

Keywords: metaprose, metadiscourse, heritage, dialog, modernism, postmodernism.    

Shtepenko A.  Strategies  of reconsideration of modernist heritage in the metatexts of 1970-1980th 

L. Ye. Sorokina The Role of Implicature and Presupposition in Men’s and Women’s Manipulative Utterances

Abstract. The article deals with a research of verbal mechanisms of manipulative utterance organization, in particular implicature and presupposition. A characteristic feature of manipulative message is deliberate formation of an implicit content. Special attention is  given  to  the  gender  aspect  of  manipulative  influence.  In  our  corpus  of  samples  implicit  manipulative  mechanisms  are  mostly applied by men in order to make threats or reproaches. 

Keywords: verbal manipulation, manipulative utterance, implicature, presupposition.  

L. Ye. Sorokina The Role of Implicature and Presupposition in Men’s and Women’s Manipulative Utterances  

Stadnik I. O. Linguistic correspondence of the notions “war” discourse vs. “military” discourse

Abstract.  The  article  suggests  a  linguistic  correlation  of  the  war  and  military  discourses’  nominations,  which  are  the  integral components of the modern communication. The necessity of such differentiation is explained by the ambiguity of interpretations of these terms that leads to  improper  identity.  In  addition, the author  attempts  to  define the  specific  features  of  the abovementioned  discourses within the frame of linguistic definition of the notion “discourse”, as well as to point out some common approaches to linguistic worldview analysis in the war reality of Ukraine from the translational perspective. 

Keywords: war discourse, military discourse, communicative event, semantic identity/opposition.  

Stadnik I. O. Linguistic correspondence of the notions “war” discourse vs. “military” discourse 

Zavalskaya L. V. Interactive speech behavior of Ukrainian politicians: basic communication strategies

Abstract. The article studies the Ukrainian political discourse in lingual pragmatic aspect. The basic problem of studying political communication in Ukrainian linguistics and generalized defining trend analysis of political discourse. The concept of communication strategy  and  proposed  a  typology  of  communication  strategies  implemented  in  the  Ukrainian  political  discourse  based  on  the isolation  and  conflict  cooperative  communicative  interaction.  Within  the  cooperative  type  of  interaction  outlined  consolidation strategy, motivation and self-presentation. Within such conflict interaction defined strategy to discredit, denial and accusation. The analysis was performed on the material speeches of politicians in TV talk show that involved the recording of spontaneous speech behavior and presentation of different types of linguistic identity. 

Keywords: political discourse, speech behavior, interactivity, language personality, communicative strategy, communicative tactics.  

Zavalskaya L. V. Interactive speech behavior of Ukrainian politicians: basic communication strategies