Science and Education a New Dimension

Online version ISSN 2308-1996

Printed version ISSN 2308-5258

Science and Education a New Dimension

Iss. 78. 2016.

N.T. Akulshyna The phenomenon of polysemy in military terminology (Persian, Ukrainian and English)

Abstract.  The  article  deals  with  lexical-semantic  way  of  word  formation  in  military  terminology  (on  the  examples  of  Persian, Ukrainian and English). The article focuses on the phenomenon of polysemy in terminologization (Persian, Ukrainian and English) confirming the close relationship between terminology and general language lexical- semantic system. 

Keywords: lexical-semantic way of word formation, polysemy, military terminology 

N.T. Akulshyna The phenomenon of polysemy in military terminology (Persian, Ukrainian and English) 

N.I. Astrachan Art Philosophy of Art in the Novel by O. Wilde "The Picture of Dorian Gray"

Abstract. The article analyzes the philosophy of art, designed by O. Wilde in his novel “the picture of Dorian gray”. The problem of interaction of the aesthetic and the real fact is considered in connection with the peculiarities of the artistic structure of the novel, in particular, the principles of the organization of the image system of allocating the three hypostases of the author’s “I” – intellectual- reflection, a vital-existential and aesthetic. Proposed the novel concept art is compared with the philosophical triad of “truth, goodness and beauty”, which was updated during the epoch of the decadence of the V. S. Soloviev and Z. Freud’s concept of the person. 

Keywords: aestheticism, romantic tradition, the subjective novel, the author, the recipient 

N.I. Astrachan Art Philosophy of Art in the Novel by O. Wilde “The Picture of Dorian Gray”

V. I. Babych Lexical and Semantic Analysis of Linguo-Stylistic Means of Expression of Lyrical I in Idiodiscourses of R. Frost and C. Sand- burg

Annotation. Based on the held lexical and semantic analysis of the linguo-stylistic means of expression of the lyrical I in the idiodiscourses of R. Frost and C. Sandburg, the author arrives at the conclusion that such means are represented by personal and possessive pronouns of the first, second and third person singular and plural, reflexive, demonstrative, indefinite and negative pronouns, linguistic and contextual synonyms and antonyms, archaic and dialectal words, jargonisms, author’s occasional words and prosaisms, metaphoric and metonymic epithets, comparisons, usual and conceptual metaphors, metonyms, synecdoches, allegories, lexical repetitions, etc. 

Keywords: lyrical I, lexical and semantic analysis, linguo-stylistic means of expression, idiodiscourses of R. Frost and C. Sandburg 

V. I. Babych Lexical and Semantic Analysis of Linguo-Stylistic Means of Expression of Lyrical I in Idiodiscourses of R. Frost and C. Sand- burg

T. Borisova The functions of stylistic means of the coherence category’s implementation in the "Sandy World" description (on the material of Stephen King’s story "Beachworld")

Abstract. The article is devoted to the issue of the cohesion as the text category in modern linguistics and stylistic means of its imple- mentation on the material of the story by Stephen King “Beachworld”. The different types of linguistic units that are used to create explicit connectivity in the literary text are identified, their functions in fiction are analyzed in the course of our investigation. Particular attention is paid to the anadiplosis, anaphora, epiphora and other types of repetition and personalization as well, that dominate in the text that serves as our study material. 

Keywords: category of coherence, cohesion, personification, repetition, implicity, explicity 

T. Borisova The functions of stylistic means of the coherence category’s implementation in the “Sandy World” description (on the material of Stephen King’s story “Beachworld”) 

O.V. Boron Correspondences between the stories by Ivan Panaev and by Taras Shevchenko

Abstract. The paper deals with a possible reminiscence of the story by I. Panayev The Onager in Shevchenko’s story The Artist. The noticeable analogies are traced in the interpretation of the figure of the main character in the novel Sissy Boy by Panayev and The Unfor- tunate Man by Shevchenko. Some correspondences are stated between Lions in the province by Russian writer and the novel by Ukraini- an artist The Musician. 

Keywords: allusion, reminiscence, analogies, the main character 

O.V. Boron Correspondences between the stories by Ivan Panaev and by Taras Shevchenko

L.R. Boykarova Poetic Drama as Subject of Translation

Abstract. Poetic drama as subject of translation is analyzed in the article. It is identified the main categorical features of poetic drama, contained its form and content which based on a critical analysis of the scientific heritage of the problem of  genre varieties of poetic texts. The poetic drama is  verse form, therefore it is necessary to pay attention to the unity of ideas, images, words, sounds, rhythm, intonation, composition in translation. Lines of poetry poetic drama on the linguistic level focus considerable attention of readers, visible close relationship of sound organization of content. 

Keywords: poetic drama, translation, genre, verse form, form and content 

L.R. Boykarova Poetic Drama as Subject of Translation 

J. Chalaia Associative train in rendering of culturally marked signs

Abstract. Translation is considered through its correlation with such notions of cognitive linguistics as concept, cultural concept and artistic world picture. The main concepts of an historical era which determine specific features of conduct in the society and characteristic features of its material culture are presented in literary texts by culturally marked signs. To transfer the associative train of culturally marked signs the translator has to resort to specific techniques which help express its referential meaning alongside all other components. 

Keywords: fiction translation, culturally marked sign, associative train, socio-semiotic approach 

J. Chalaia Associative train in rendering of culturally marked signs 

A. Chernova Concept sphere of modern French public advertising

Abstract.  The  article  studies  the  concept  sphere  of  contemporary  French  social  advertising.  Particular  attention  was  paid  to  the definition  of  the  notions  of  “concept”  and  “concept  sphere”  and  to  the  description  of  their  general  characteristics.  The  public advertising  was divided into six subgroups and the concept sphere of  each subgroup was defined. Moreover, the lexical-semantic realization of individual concepts was demonstrated. 

Keywords: concept, concept sphere, linguistic conceptology, advertising discourse, public advertising.  

A. Chernova Concept sphere of modern French public advertising

L. Dynikova I. Gasprinsky’s “Terjiman”: genre prospect

Abstract.  The article is devoted to the study of journalism of the first Crimean  Tatar periodical the “Terjiman”,  which became a powerful factor in overcoming cultural nihilism among Muslims. The content and genre structure of the “Terjiman” newspaper is analyzed the variety of manifestations of journalism is explored, features of materials submission in the publication. Study of features of informational, analytical, and artistic and journalistic genres of the “Terjiman” allowed us to present its compositional model and find out genre-stylistic features of materials and, therefore, follow the path of the origin and development of the Crimean Tatar journalism. 

Keywords: Crimean Tatar publicism, genre, culture, architectonic, national journalism. 

L. Dynikova I. Gasprinsky’s “Terjiman”: genre prospect 

I.V. Iablonska-Iusyk The phenomenon of lexical compression with a postverbal component in the language of the french mass media

Abstract. This article deals with current issues of modern lexicology, i.e. term formation based on linguistic compression that is found in the texts of the French periodicals. Qualitative characteristics of this linguistic phenomenon have been analyzed in the practical part of this research work. We have studied the origin of lexical compression and analyzed separate cases of using clipped words that have been derived from verb stems The methods of compression have been studied on the lexical level including the analysis of apocopes, telescopic formations, abbreviations and their structural types. We have outlined the components of the synonymic chain of clipped words and word-combinations and their interaction in practical use. The means of expressing synonymic abbreviations have been characterized in this article too. Possible variants of the parallel use of semantically identical shortened forms have been described here. We have also defined the homonymy of clipped words with their tendency to polysemy in the French language.  

Keywords: lexical compression, abbreviation, synonymy, hyper-hyponymy, mass media discourse 

I.V. Iablonska-Iusyk The phenomenon of lexical compression with a postverbal component in the language of the french mass media 

N.P. Izotova Metanarrative Game in J.M. Coetzee’s Fiction: A Linguostylistic Perspective

Abstract. The paper reveals a linguostylistic potential of a metanarrative game in J.M. Coetzee’s fiction in the light of ludostylistics. The results of the study show than in the texts under consideration metanarrative is represented by the narrator’s comments about the nature of the story – its structure, the choice of words,  the ways of selection and telling the events. Metanarrative game performs basically a sense-making function in J.M. Coetzee’s novels. Special emphasis is put on clarifying the specificity of a ludic approach to the analysis of a literary text. 

Keywords: ludostylistics, metanarrative, metafiction, metanarrative game.  

N.P. Izotova Metanarrative Game in J.M. Coetzee’s Fiction: A Linguostylistic Perspective 

K. Mizin, O. Petrov Concept metaphor "STINGINESS IS A SICK PERSON" in British, German, Ukrainian and Russian linguocultures: contrastive-linguoculturological analysis

Abstract. The article deals with establishing cognitive features of one of the basic metaphors representing the concept STINGINESS in British, German, Ukrainian and Russian language societies – “GREEDINESS IS A SICK PERSON” – on the basis of its phraseological objectivation. While analysing this concept metaphor the authors discover that it is the most relevant quantitatively and the most ramified  qualificatively,  and  its  cognitive  features  are  created  in  the  contrasted  language  societies  mainly  on  the  common  perceptive- figurative and motivational basis. 

Keywords: stinginess, concept, phraseology, cognitive metaphor, linguoculture 

K. Mizin, O. Petrov Concept metaphor “STINGINESS IS A SICK PERSON” in British, German, Ukrainian and Russian linguocultures:  contrastive-linguoculturological analysis 

O.A. Nikolaenko Pragmatics of the functioning of the common lexis and terminological units in texts of oratorical discourse of Republican Rome

Abstract. In the article the lexical structure of the speech of speakers ancient Republican Rome (for example political, judicial, burial, and laudatory speeches, selected vocabulary in common usage, specialized terminological units (Latin and Greek origin)from different spheres of life in Roman society) is analyzed. Author shows the most relevant areas and defines the speaking goals with the usage of specific lexical units. 

Keywords: oratorical discourse, lexical composition of the language, common lexis, terminological lexicon, pragmatical goals 

O.A. Nikolaenko Pragmatics of the functioning of the common lexis and terminological units in texts of oratorical discourse of Republican Rome

I.M. Osovska The key concepts of the modern German parental discourse

Abstract. The given article in terms of the modern German parental cooperative discourse presents the key concepts that create a frame of the discourse, outlining the scope of harmonious stability of the modern german parents and children. 

Keywords: discourse, parental discourse, autochthon, conceptsystem, cognitive space 

I.M. Osovska The key concepts of the modern German parental discourse  

O.I. Pjetsukh Categories of discreteness and integrity in the British parliamentary debates

Abstract. This article concentrates on the categories that form peculiarities of the British parliamentary debates as a type of the political discourse. Parliamentary debates are analyzed as the certain speech genre that has its differentiating features. For this research the tran- scripts of the parliamentary debates in the UK in the post-Thatcherism period are chosen, particularly the transcripts of the debates in the House of Commons during the Conservative and the Labour lead.  

Keywords: parliamentary debates, political discourse, speech genre, thematics 

O.I. Pjetsukh Categories of discreteness and integrity in the British parliamentary debates 

T.V. Podsikera The names of alcoholic drinks in Old English and Old Ukrainian: comparative analysis 

Abstract. The article gives a detailed analysis of the names of alcoholic drinks in Old English and Old Ukrainian from the point of view of etymology, outlines principles and ways of nomination of alcoholic drinks. The article focuses on the comparative study of lexicosemantic group of names of alcoholic drinks in Old English and Old Ukrainian. Analysis revealed that lexico-semantic group “Alcoholic drinks” presented in Old English and Old Ukrainian languages, in different ways, due to different extralinguistic factors. These features were determined by environmental conditions, climate and different lifestyles of the peoples. 

Keywords: Old English, nomination, ways of nomination, names of alcoholic drinks, cognate, etymology 

T.V. Podsikera The names of alcoholic drinks in Old English and Old Ukrainian: comparative analysis 

T. Schibrik Emotional aspects of German identity

Abstract. The article deals with the emotional aspects of the German identity. The typical emotions of the German society on the national and individual level are being revealed in the article, the connection between emotions, culture and social surroundings is being defined. 

Keywords: emotion, German identity, social surroundings, culture, the prevailing norms 

T. Schibrik Emotional aspects of German identity

I. Sieriakova Nonverbal Semiotics of Discursive Practices

Abstract. In this article we tend to overview an integrated approach to the study of nonverbal semiotics of English discursive practices. It is highlighted in the insights of semiology, cognitive linguistics, nonverbal communication and pragmatics. For this purpose, we pro- vide a semiotic description of nonverbal behavior of people in genesis, cognition and communication elucidation.  

Keywords: nonverbal semiotics, discursive practices, nonverbal universals 

I. Sieriakova Nonverbal Semiotics of Discursive Practices 

A. O. Tsapiv The folk image of the fairy in Irish poetry

Abstract. The research focuses on revealing peculiarities, functions on symbolic meaning of folk images in Irish poetry. The investigation conveys the evolution of the image of the fairy: from a scaring banshee into a magic fairy. It is claimed that folk images in Irish poetry are closely connected with pagan believes, superstitions of peasantry and the desire of authors to reconnect to Irish past, ethnic specifics and mentality.  

Keywords: folk image, the fairy, Irish poetry, mythology.  

A. O. Tsapiv The folk image of the fairy in Irish poetry  

A. V. Zhukovska Functions of Touch Nominations in Modern English Fiction

Abstract. The article studies the functions of touch nominations in the modern English fiction. The analysis of functional application of the nominative units under consideration allowed the author to distinguish their six main functions in the process of communication: cognitive, deictic, regulatory, emotive, illocutionary and adaptive.  

Keywords: touch nominations, functions, communicative process, character’s touch behaviour 

A. V. Zhukovska Functions of Touch Nominations in Modern English Fiction