Science and Education a New Dimension

Online version ISSN 2308-1996

Printed version ISSN 2308-5258

Science and Education a New Dimension

Iss. 70. 2015.

T. Borisova Numeronym as a modern type of abbreviation in modern English

Abstract. The article is dedicated to the Information Technologies shortenings used in electronic messages and mail in Modern English. The main accent is made on morphological description of the specific type of abbreviations – numeronyms – and their translation peculiarities. The main function of a numeronym in any written text is to heighten the informativeness and capacity of a message, and, simultaneously, shorten it and “hide” its meaning from readers who don’t belong to the specific community. In the process of translation of numeronyms into other languages the decipher method proved to be the most efficient. The necessity of explanatory glossary for decoding computer texts is also underlined. 

Keywords: shortening, abbreviation, numeronym, Leet language, decipher, decoding

T. Borisova Numeronym as a modern type of abbreviation in modern English 

A. Gnatiuk, E. Koliada The Interrelation of Epistemic Distance with the Expression of Doubt in Discourse

Abstract. The article investigates the correlation between the level of epistemic distance and the degree of doubt expressed by discourse participants. The research is based on the main postulates of the mental space construction theory as well as broadens it. The article provides research results and illustrations on how the increase or decrease of epistemic distance by the interlocutor influences the degree of doubt he expresses. As the result of the research, the correlation between epistemic distance and the level of expressed doubt in discourse is determined, which unexpectedly doesn’t presuppose the growth of the doubt level synchronically with the growth of the dimension of epistemic distance. 

Keywords: epistemic distance, doubt, mental spaces, space builders, elements, conditionals 

A. Gnatiuk, E. Koliada The Interrelation of Epistemic Distance with the Expression  of Doubt in Discourse 

V. M. Khoroshylova Typical tactics of the strategy of offence in the German Internet discourse

Abstract: This article analyzes the tactics of implementing the offense strategy in the German Internet discourse within the framework of the impoliteness theory. Asynchronous interaction is considered in order to define a set of tactics in initial and responsive utterances and identify specific features in both of them.  

Keywords: impoliteness, Internet discourse, strategy of offence, tactics 

V. M. Khoroshylova Typical tactics of the strategy of offence in the German Internet discourse 

N. M. Korbozerova The comparative study of Spanish and Ukrainian vowel system

Abstract: The article deals with the analysis of Spanish and Ukrainian vowel system. The results revealed common and specific features in area of vowel systems of two languages due to the application of inter-paradigm comparative research method as a main method of comparative linguistics.  The reseach contributes to better knowledge of both languages. We used the comparative analysis to identify the features of the interaction of these languages in the process of learning Spanish by the Ukrainian students, as well as to predict the interference of language and to identify the best ways of learning the phonological system of Spanish. 

Keywords: vowel system, Spanish language, Ukrainian language, comparative typology, phoneme, articulation 

N. M. Korbozerova The comparative study of Spanish and Ukrainian vowel system

L. V. Kovalchuk Reperspectivation as a Factor of Topic Recontextualization

Abstract. The article presents the study of  perspective as a dynamic phenomenon and its function in topic recontextualization in the process  of  communication.  Understanding  context  as  a  mentally  construed  subjective  representation  of  the  relevant  properties  of  a communicative situation in episodic memory of its participants gives the opportunity to differentiate the speaker’s and the hearer’s con- text models which overlap in the process of communication. Topic as an object of the speaker’s thought can be appropriately identified by  the  hearer  under  condition  of  activating  the  relevant  context  model.  Topic  contextualization  is  marked  by  the  perspective  impact which is defined as a speaking stance or position according to which the topic is viewed and interpreted. The existence of various and often divergent perspectives of the interlocutors on the same topic produces its multiperspectivity. Special attention has been focused on the cases of perspective change or reperspectivation that results in context model modification and consequently in topic recontextualization – the process of viewing and interpreting topic in a new context model.  

Keywords: context model, topic, perspective, reperspectivation, recontextualization  

L. V. Kovalchuk Reperspectivation as a Factor of Topic Recontextualization 

O. Litvinyak Translation Quality Assessment as Viewed by Professor Yuriy O. Zhluktenko

Abstract. The problem of translation quality assessment and approaches to it was described by Yuriy O. Zhluktenko mainly in his reviews. His views on translation quality are based on a number of criteria, which change from case to case. However, the demand of preserving equivalence remains. In some cases translation quality assessment is done by contradiction, i.e. through indication to cer- tain pitfalls, their seriousness and number in translation. The researcher believes that it is necessary to promote translation criticism and determine a consistent approach to setting the criteria of translation quality assessment. 

Keywords: Yuriy O. Zhluktenko, translation quality assessment, translation norms, translation criticism 

O. Litvinyak Translation Quality Assessment as Viewed by Professor Yuriy O. Zhluktenko 

O. Ladnytska, M. Tsurkan Linguistic Aspects of Colour in Ian McEwan’s ‘Atonement’

Abstract. The article analyzing the semantic, structural and stylistic peculiarities of colour-naming words and phrases in Ian McEw- an’s celebrated novel ‘Atonement’ is an attempt to deal with the issue of colour continuum in fiction from the point of view of the author’s input and readers’ perception alike. Thus it is a contribution to the linguistic colour studies by virtue of dealing with the types and imagery of colour and colour-related words and phrases in the English literary discourse of the XXIst century in particular.  

Keywords: colour, colour-naming word/phrase, basic colour term, the [+colour] seme, ‘Atonement’

O. Ladnytska, M. Tsurkan Linguistic Aspects of Colour in Ian McEwan’s ‘Atonement’ 

O. M. Melnyk Strategies and tactics of communicant-egotist

Abstract. This article is an attempt to cast an eye on the research of strategic arsenal of communicant-egotist. The article focuses on manipulative, domineering and confrontation strategies as certain kinds of social relationships. The study of fiction discourse fragments makes it possible to reveal the communicative behaviour of egotists. It  has been  found out which strategies and tactics are mostly used by communicant-egotists.  

Keywords: communicant-egotist, communicative strategy, tactic, manipulation, domineering, conflict  

O. M. Melnyk Strategies and tactics of communicant-egotist 

O. Pukhonska Posttotalitarian Discourse of Memory in Ukrainian and Polish literature: Introduction

Abstract. The author of the article tries to compare post-dependent cultural circumstances of Poland and Ukraine both of which (although  in  different  ways)  gained  experience  of  the  totalitarianism.  Literature  takes  a  great  part  in  the  process  of  reincarnation  of memory which was lost in the result of different historical conditions. As the kind of art it also becomes the so called therapy for the societies, which have been injured as a result of genocide against the whole nations. After the researching the cultural heritage of communistic ideology in both countries there was reached a conclusion that theirs literature has different but very strong traditions of the struggle against the cultural amnesia and post-totalitarian trauma. 

Keywords: memory, cultural amnesia, post-totalitarian trauma, literature, totalitarianism, experience 

O. Pukhonska Posttotalitarian Discourse of Memory in Ukrainian and Polish literature: Introduction

O.O. Borisov Strategic, tactic and speech act peculiarities of influence in the British and Ukrainian virtual communication (on the material of the dialogues taken from chats, blogs and forums)

Abstract. The article is devoted to the influence peculiarities in the British and Ukrainian virtual dialogical communication on the mate- rial of such genres as chats, blogs and forums. The isomorphic and allomorphic features of the use of speech acts as well as of typical strategies and tactics in interlocutors’ communicative behavior are established and analyzed. 

Keywords: chat, blog, forum, dialogue, speech act, tactics, strategy, influence 

O.O. Borisov Strategic, tactic and speech act peculiarities of influence in the British and Ukrainian virtual communication (on the material of the dialogues taken from chats, blogs and forums) 

N.V. Verbytska The influence of low involvement on the blocking of referential code

Abstract. The article deals with cognitive-communicative nature of involvement and its impact on the blocking of referential code. It was established that the blocking of referential code is due to low involvement of one of the communicants and it is characterized by distancing (detachment) from the topic and by the (self)withdrawal of one of the communicants from interaction. 

Keywords: referential code blocking, involvement, high involvement, low involvement, addresser, addressee 

N.V. Verbytska The influence of low involvement on the blocking of referential code

Iu. Vorobei Internet communication and Internet communicant: interaction and mutual generation

Abstract.  The  article  сovers  the  issues  of  interaction  and  interinfluence  between  Internet  communication  and  Internet communicator.  The  main  prerequisites  of  this  process  have  been  analysed  as  well  as  the  peculiarities  of  modern  Web language defined. 

Keywords: globalization, Internet communication, Iinternet space, virtual reality, personality 

Iu. Vorobei Internet communication and Internet communicant: interaction and mutual generation 

O.O. Vialikova Cognitive-interpretative approach to the analysis of the sign nature of the creolized verse texts

Abstract. In the article the sign nature of the creolized verse texts (which embrace shape poetry, concrete poetry and zaum in the paper work) is analysed. The author dwells on the careful study of text semiotics in general, and the specific features of the creolized verse text in particular. The methods of study of visual poetry under analysis are combined in the article into the cognitive-interpretative approach, as their authors base their ideas on the analysis of perception of certain elements of the visual text and the interpretation of the whole text.  

Keywords: text semiotics, visual poetry, creolized verse text, sign nature, methods of analysis 

O.O. Vialikova Cognitive-interpretative approach to the analysis of the sign nature of the creolized verse texts 

O.L. Lapynina The lexical-semantic ways of the formation of the phraseological units with gastronomic component in the modern German language

Abstract. The article is deals with the problem of the formation of the phraseological units in German with gastronomic component in the process of primary phrase forming. The internal form of phraseological units is examined. The basic semantic mechanisms of transformation of the meaning of the phraseological units are determined: metaphor, metonymy. The symbolism of the group of gastronomis components are discovered. The influence of extralinguistic factors on the formation of the phraseological units with gastronomic component are analysed. 

Keywords: phraseological units with a gastronomic component, metaphor, metaphorization, metonymy, symbol, simile 

O.L. Lapynina  The  lexical-semantic  ways  of  the  formation  of  the  phraseological  units  with  gastronomic  component  in  the  modern  German language

M. Yu. Lastovets Periphrastic constructions in Latin poem «Descriptiuncula Kijowiae» by Theophan Prokopowicz

Abstract: In the article are considered the lexic and stylistic peculiarities of the Latin poem «Descriptiuncula Kijoviae» of XVIII century by Theophan Prokopowicz. The article proposes analysis of periphrastic constructions functioning in the latin original text. 

Keywords: latin poem, Theophan Prokopowicz, pеrіphrasіs 

M. Yu. Lastovets Periphrastic constructions in Latin poem «Descriptiuncula Kijowiae» by Theophan Prokopowicz

T.V. Lunyova The Concept SHIPWRECK in the essay "Shipwreck" by John Fowles: nonreflexive and reflexive aspects

Abstract: The article introduces a suggestion to discriminate between the nonreflexive and reflexive types of concept verbalization in texts. Nonreflexive verbalization is described as such a linguistic representation of a certain concept that involves the speaker’s / writer’s focus on the phenomenon represented by the concept but not on the concept itself. Reflexive concept verbalization is connected with a conscious attempt of a speaker / writer to think about the concept itself, i.e. about the content of the concept. The suggested discrimination between the nonreflexive and reflexive concept verbalization has been applied to the investigation of the peculiarities of the nonreflexive and reflexive actualization of the concept SHIPWRECK in the essay “Shipwreck” by John Fowles. The research has demonstrated that the nonreflexive actualization of the concept SHIPWRECK has the textual objectification of the logical, pictorial and emotive components of the abovementioned concept as its result. The reflexive actualization of the concept SHIPWRECK is done within the context of a deliberate writer’s attempt to reveal from the moral and ethical standpoint the reasons of the attraction of shipwreck sites to many people. The nonreflexive verbalization of the concept SHIPWRECK is connected with the metaphorical representation of the con- ceptual constituents of its pictorial and emotive components. The reflexive verbalization of the concept SHIPWRECK does not make use of metaphorization, while the concepts used to reflect on the abovementioned concept may be represented metaphorically. The nonreflexive verbalization functions in the essay as a source of information about the phenomenon of shipwreck. The reflexive actualization enables readers to develop conscious attitude to the shipwreck and fosters their ability to apply critical attitude and examine the feelings experienced while watching shipwrecks. 

Keywords: concept, conceptual constituent, nonreflexive verbalization, reflexive verbalization, metaphoric conceptualization 

T.V. Lunyova The Concept SHIPWRECK in the essay “Shipwreck” by John Fowles: nonreflexive and reflexive aspects 

O.S. Petryna Synonymous relations in English and Ukrainian banking terminology

Abstract. The article highlights the synonymous relations in English and Ukrainian banking terminology. The comparative analysis of synonymous groups on semantic  and structural levels is  conducted. The classifications of synonyms according to the various criteria (structure, semantic relations) are offered. The reasons and sources of synonymy are studied in the article. The results of comparative analysis gave an opportunity to figure out common and specific features of synonymous relations in English and Ukrainian banking terminology. 

Keywords: synonym, synonymy, synonymous relations, absolute synonym, relative synonym 

O.S. Petryna Synonymous relations in English and Ukrainian banking terminology

D. Polgorodnyk The Specificity of Irish Loanwords in English Spoken in Ireland

Abstract. The article analyzes celtic components borrowed into English spoken in Ireland in the context of linguocultural periodization of Anglo-Irish contacts. The specificity of the usage of Celtic borrowings in Hiberno-English during the Anglo-Irish bilingualism is ob- served through the example of fictional texts of Irish authors in a dynamic situation.  

Keywords: loanword, linguocultural interaction, accidental gap, realia, contacting languages 

D. Polgorodnyk The Specificity of Irish Loanwords in English Spoken in Ireland 

V.I. Savchuk Auditory analysis of intonation of strategic and tactical objectives actualization in English presidential addresses

Abstract. The article presents the results of an experimental phonetic study of intonation peculiarities of US presidents’ addresses which were classified into three types according to such characteristics as situation and subject. It also examines how a topic of speech effects its prosodic organization. The study has allowed us to single out a specific set of prosodic means that assist a president in fulfilling his strategic and tactical objectives. 

Keywords: presidential discourse, intonation, communicative strategy, tactics, presidential address, topic of speech 

V.I. Savchuk Auditory analysis of intonation of strategic and tactical objectives actualization in English presidential addresses 

B.Y. Sakhno Linguistic and pragmatic aspects of the interrupted sentences (on the material of Yuri Vynnychuk's prose)

Abstract. The article is devoted to the study of the nature of interruped sentences, their structural features, semantic load distribution between the parts of utterance, aspiration for implication of thoughts expression, especially in fiction discourse. Article covers communicative and pragmatic potential of interrupted constructions as speech realization of sentences-utterances that is characterized by specific expression realization. Interrupted sentences are classified depending on intention, speech tasks and reasons of unfinishing of utterance. 

Keywords: interrupted sentences, communicative and pragmatic aspects, expression, Yuri Vynnychuk 

B.Y. Sakhno Linguistic and pragmatic aspects of the interrupted sentences (on the material of Yuri Vynnychuk’s prose)

O.B. Skliarenko, N.M. Marchenko Peculiarities of reduction in primary syntax model in I. Bachmann’s stories

Abstract. The article reveals peculiarities of reduction in primary syntax model in stories of famous Austrian writer Ingeborg Bachmann, which build their genre and stylistic dominant and determine peculiarities of author’s personal style. It was established, that those peculiarities of reduction of primary syntax model of the sentences on the micro stylistic level determine specific author’s individual style that is characterized by dynamism. It was distinguished, that important components in this model are: ellipse, apposiopese and nominative sentences. 

Keywords: stories, genre and stylistic dominant, primary syntax model, ellipse, apposiopese, nominative sentences 

O.B. Skliarenko, N.M. Marchenko Peculiarities of reduction in primary syntax model in I. Bachmann’s stories 

V. Teslenko The syntactic nature of the closed idioms with two-member simple sentence structure

Abstract. The article is devoted to the investigation of the syntactic nature, structural and typological features of the closed idioms with two-member simple sentence structure. These sentences have been analyzed according to two main structural schemes Snom + Vf and Snom + CopfS which are the basis for derivative structures. The author considers the closed idioms with two-member simple sentence structure as both structurally and semantically complete syntactic constructions.

Keywords: closed structure, idiom with two-member simple sentence structure, predicate, sentence structural scheme, subject 

V. Teslenko The syntactic nature of the closed idioms with two-member simple sentence structure 

S. Y. Ustymenko Pragmatic Factors of Non-standard Communicative Situations in the English Institutional Discourse

Abstract. The article deals with the study of non-standard communicative situations in the English institutional discourse with the violation of the “question-direct answer” correlation that is the absence of the reactive utterance with a direct answer to a quesіtive speech act. The paper investigates the addressee’s communicative and pragmatic intentions while avoiding a direct answer in the institutional discourse. The article demonstrates the importance of proper non-verbal means of communication interpretation in non-standard communi- cative situations. 

Keywords: addressee, direct answer, institutional discourse, non-verbal means of communication, pragmatic factor, quesіtive 

S. Y. Ustymenko Pragmatic Factors of Non-standard Communicative Situations in the English Institutional Discourse

L. Kharchuk Antonymy phenomenon in the Ukrainian electric power engineering terminological system

Abstract. The classification of antonyms according to the various criteria is described. The actual problems of the antonymy phenomenon in the Ukrainian electric power engineering terminological system are considered in the article. The classification of antonyms ac- cording to the various criteria, such as plain of language units, parts of speech, origin of contrasting components, notional and semantic relations, is described. Antonimical pairs are defined. The organic relations between antonymy and synonymy in them are observed. It is revealed, that the antonymy as a linguistic phenomenon is one of the essential features of systemacy of the Ukrainian electric power en- gineering terminological system. 

Keywords: Ukrainian language, time, Ukrainian electric power engineering terminological system, antonyms, terms, antonyms 

L. Kharchuk Antonymy phenomenon in the Ukrainian electric power engineering terminological system

O. M. Shaposhnyk Spatial Markers of Fantasy in Translation (Case Study of Children’s Literature)

Abstract. The article highlights the peculiarities of fantasy rendering as a whole and its genre features, in particular. Under investigation is the process of transcoding of toponyms and toponyms-quaz as the invariant elements of chronotopical context.  

Keywords: translation, fantasy, children’s literature, chronotopical context, toponyms, toponyms-quaz 

O. M. Shaposhnyk Spatial Markers of Fantasy in Translation (Case Study of Children’s Literature) 

M. V. Yarmolinska Lineation of verbal combinations of words as factor of creation of idiostyle (on works of Matios, Zabuzhko, Kostenko)

Abstract. Verbal combinations of words, which are encumbered with various functions in quality selected signs of idiostyle, are considered in the article, and also verbal combinations-tropes grounded. Verbal word-combinations are outlined as a factor ofcreation of idiostyle author. Linguistic working of works of О. Zabuzhko, L. Kostenko, М. Мatios has selective nature that grounds to count the problem of complex analysis of lexicons of authoresses, in particular and creation of dictionaries of authorial language is open. 

Keyword: verb phrase, verbal predicate constructions, linguistic universals, modalities, communicative universals 

M. V. Yarmolinska Lineation of verbal combinations of words as factor of creation of idiostyle (on works of Matios, Zabuzhko, Kostenko)