Science and Education a New Dimension

Online version ISSN 2308-1996

Printed version ISSN 2308-5258

Science and Education a New Dimension

Iss. 47. 2015.

Belyaeva A.V. Nouns denoting concept EDUCATION in English, French, Ukrainian and Russian languages: contrastive analysis

Abstract. This study focuses on the lexical representation of the concept EDUCATION in English, French, Ukrainian, and Russian languages. The theory of conceptual metaphor is used to analyze the mental structures of human cognition that underlie the concept EDUCATION in English, French, Ukrainian, and Russian languages. The study showed that the presentation of the concept EDUCATION relies on similar metaphoric models in the languages under analysis.  

Keywords: cognitive metaphor, concept, source domain, target domain, comparative analysis 

Belyaeva A.V. Nouns denoting concept EDUCATION in English, French, Ukrainian and Russian languages: contrastive analysis

Bondarchuk O.Y. The Frame-Analyses of the concept “Aussteiger”

The Article deals with the concept „Aussteiger, wich have some ways  of meaning and appearses in different part-discourses. The Frames are methodical a possibility for the discourse-linguistical analyses to represent the main knowledge about “Aussteiger” in a simple way. The research oft the Aussteiger is made on the basis of the Konerdings understanding of the Frame-Theory. The base for it is the Matrixframe GROUP/INSTITUTION. Through the intelligently asked questions the slots were opened and the fillers were filled with the predications from the text. 

Keywords: frame, koncept, discourse, slot, filler, pradikation, Aussteiger  

Bondarchuk O.Y. The Frame-Analyses of the concept “Aussteiger”

Cherkhava O. Reconstruction of theolinguistic matrix of religious popular discourse (based on the English, German and Ukrainian Languages)

Abstract. This article continues researching the role of religious type of discourse in theolinguistics is defined; the relation of religious popular discourse variety to  prophetic, missionary and sermon varieties is provided, religious popular discourse definition is qualified, its text classification is offered, kernel criteria of religious-popular discourse identification as the variety of religious discourse type are suggested; religious-popular texts according to their invariant (religious-propaganda and religious-informative character)-variant parameters are classified. 

Keywords: theolinguistics, theolinguistic matrix, religious-popular discourse variety, kernel criteria, invariant-variant parameters 

Cherkhava O. Reconstruction of theolinguistic matrix of religious popular discourse  (based on the English, German and Ukrainian Languages) 

Gach N. Proper names as the representations of individual concepts

Abstract. The article outlines the approaches to the linguistic analysis of individual concepts within the American poetic discourse in a diachronic perspective. It is stated that proper names, as opposed to empty names,  carry the background information about their holders and serve as the representations of individual concepts. Therefore, the main goal of the article implies the discourse analysis of poems that include references to the names of the American presidents. 

Keywords: discourse analysis, empty names, individual concepts, poetic discourse, proper names 

Gach N. Proper names as the representations of individual concepts 

Grytsenko M. Functional Approach to Translation of Crossover Fiction

Abstract.  The article focuses on the basic framework of functional approach to translation of crossover fiction.  This research also provides an insight into the ambivalent nature of crossover fiction by showing the possibility of harnessing its crossover potential in translation. The decision-making process is governed by the skopos (purpose) of translation with regard to the situation of transla- tion,  and  in  particular  the  projected  target  reader-in-situation.  A  new  positioning  of  the  book  in  the  target  culture  reveals  reader- oriented strategies at work in the translation project.  

Keywords: crossover fiction, crossover potential, functional approach, target readership, dual audience, skopos 

Grytsenko M. Functional Approach to Translation of Crossover Fiction 

Herasymenko L. Communicative Functions of Aviation Radiotelephony Discourse

Abstract. The article deals with the problem of defining communicative functions of Aviation radiotelephony discourse. The communicative function of an utterance corresponds to the speaker’s intention in producing a given message. The author gives the analyses of the language forms and functions. Also the classification of language functions has been presented, according to which there has been out- lined seven different functions of language: instrumental, regulatory, representational, interectional, personal, heuristic, imaginative. The functions of Aviation radiotelephony discourse have been grouped into four categories corresponding to their role in carrying out ATC and piloting tasks. These categories are: triggering actions; sharing information; managing the pilot-controller relationship; managing the dialogue. 

Keywords: communication, communicative function, aviation radiotelephony discourse, functional approach, pilot-controller dialogue  

Herasymenko L. Communicative Functions of Aviation Radiotelephony Discourse 

Khodos I.O. Ideological and Conceptual Dominants of S. Fitzgerald’s Idiodiscourse

Abstract. The article deals with the ascertainment of the dominant ideological and artistic concepts of S. Fitzgerald’s idiodiscourse by taking into account the sociocultural situation in the USA in the XX c. and the view of the history of literature. It was established that  S. Fitzgerald’s  idiodiscourse  consolidates  macroconcepts  LOST  GENERATION,  AMERICAN  DREAM,  ALIENATION, JAZZISM and subordinate to them units of descending levels of  abstraction. They are objectified not only  on the lexical but also syntactic ant text levels, contributing to the reflection of the mentality and communicative culture of American society in general and peculiarities of the writer’s mental space in particular. 

Keywords: alienation, American Dream, concept, Fitzgerald, jazzism, lost generation 

Khodos I.O. Ideological and Conceptual Dominants of S. Fitzgerald’s Idiodiscourse

Burka N. Linguistic status of the phoneme as an object of phonological studies

Abstract. In the article the author specifies a definition of the phoneme as an object of linguistic studies synthesized on the basis of the matrix analysis of existing scientific ideas and known interpretations of the concept of the phoneme. 

Keywords: phoneme, scientific concepts, substantive integrity, distinctive features, linguistic status 

Burka N. Linguistic status of the phoneme as an object of phonological studies

Drobotun V.M. Nationally biased features of the concept CLASS in the British India language picture of the world of XIX-XX.

Abstract. The article analyses the structure of the concept CLASS in the British India language picture of the  world of XIX-XX. While analyzing the cultural experience, semantics and the clash of the words meaning with personal and national experiences  were taken into consideration. Following this approach it helped us to single out etymological, associative and notional components, to identify national and cultural peculiarities of the concept CLASS and describe the representative of the new class. 

Keywords: language picture of the world, concept, conceptualization, categorization, class 

Drobotun V.M.  Nationally biased features of the concept CLASS in the British India language picture of the world of XIX-XX. 

Doobenko E.Yu. Gestalts of Love and Death in Anglo-American and Ukrainian poetic traditions: a personification aspect

Abstract. The article deals with considering two basic gestalts of Anglo-American and Urrainian  lyrical poetry that have become prototypical for the compared traditions due to fixed personification patterns of the concepts Love and Death. The discrepancies that can be observed in content characteristics of these gestalts are analyzed in the light of the relationship “figure::background” which is one of the most topical notions in cognitive poetic investigations.  

Keywords: gestalt, personification, figure, masculinity, femininity 

Doobenko E.Yu. Gestalts of Love and Death in Anglo-American and Ukrainian poetic traditions: a personification aspect 

Kyrychenko T.S. The classification of intrusive interruptions in speech interaction

Abstract. This article focuses on the intrusive interruptions in communication; it characterizes the type of a person who uses intrusive interruptions in speech; shows the main reasons for the emergence of this type of interruptions in speech and elucidates communicative  peculiarities  of  such  interruptions.  Particular  attention  is  paid  to  four  basic  types  of  intrusive  interruptions:  floor-taking, disagreement, tangentialization, topic-change. 

Keywords: interruption, intrusive interruption, disruptive interruption, cooperative interruption, domination  

Kyrychenko T.S. The classification of intrusive interruptions in speech interaction 

Kovtun A.A. Extension of Semantics of the Ukrainian Religious Lexemes beyond the Religious Sphere

Summary. The author investigates the issue of occurrence in religious lexemes of extended meanings beyond the religious sphere; their formation is seen as connected with displacement of archisememe out of religious meanings of religion-bound qualifiers. Extended meanings most actively form in the religious lexemes which have been extended before the specialization, but updated units often  contain  stylistic  or  emotionally-evaluative  specifications.  Historical  sources  retain  many  of  lost  extensions  of  the  religious meanings as well as the and the meanings which may be regarded as extended only after the lexicographic restoration of their primary meanings, since the latter have fallen in oblivion. 

Key words: semantics, seme, archisememe, differential seme, peripheral seme, semantics extension 

Kovtun A.A. Extension of Semantics of the Ukrainian Religious Lexemes beyond the Religious Sphere

Kolesnik M.P. Specificity of consonant system deviations in the north-eastern dialect of England within the period of 1960-1990 years

Abstract. The article presents the experimental study results of the specificity of the deviations in the consonantal system registered in the pronunciation of the speakers of the north-eastern dialect of England within the period of 1960-1990. The author proves the expediency of their consideration from territorial, temporal and social points of view.  

Keywords: North-eastern dialect of England, pronunciation norm, phonetic deviations, consonantal system, high, mid, low sociocultural level of a speaker 

Kolesnik M.P.  Specificity of consonant system deviations in the north-eastern dialect of England within the period of 1960-1990 years 

Kuvarova Ye. K. Epistolary polyvocative as a figure with secondary naming

Abstract. The article touches upon the peculiarity of language means of secondary naming of the addressee as a part of epistolary polyvocative. It is shown that the structure of polyvocative is determined by the composition of vocative construction and correlation between different types of addressing, as well as by the nature of repetition of address or vocative construction in the text of the letter. An indeterminate appellative, a substantivized adjective and a vocative pronominal construction function mainly as intratextual direct addresses. They are non-initial components of epistolary vocative, which fulfill secondary naming of the addressee.  

Keywords: epistolary vocative, polyvocative, secondary naming, address, addressee 

Kuvarova Ye. K. Epistolary polyvocative as a figure with secondary naming

Kucher I. Core-periphery Structure of the Semantic Field of the Intransitive Movement Verbs in the Finnish Language

Abstract. The article analyzes organization principles of the lexical-semantic variants of verbs in semantic fields. The structure of the core and periphery of the field is defined. The model of core-periphery structure of the semantic field of the intransitive movement verbs in the Finnish language is created. 

Keywords: lexical-semantic variant of verbs, semantic field, intransitive verbs of movement, core-periphery structure of the semantic field 

Kucher I. Core-periphery Structure of the Semantic Field of the Intransitive Movement Verbs in the Finnish Language

Lyseyko L.V. Codified norms of Middle Ages German language

Abstract. The proposed article examines codified norms of Middle Ages German language. There are exact, approximate, exclusive, equal, admissible and overwhelming norms examined. From the point of function of variants there are undifferentiated and differentiated rules analyzed and hierarchical relationships equivalent are characterized based on the texts of the Middle Ages. 

Keywords: language norm, chronicles, business documents, syntax, The Middle Ages

Lyseyko L.V. Codified norms of Middle Ages German language 

Liubarets N.O. Musical nature in the genres of fiction by Virginia Woolf

Abstract.  The  article  deals  with  interaction  of  word  and  music  in  the  fiction  of  English  modernist  writer  Virginia  Woolf.  On  the basis of rich epistolary by Woolf the key role of music in the process of her creativity is discovered.  The suggestive role of music is analyzed in conceptual creating of characters in the novel The Waves. The composition of story «The String Quartet» is defined as one corresponding to the music genre of quartet.  

Keywords: verbal music, word music, prose musicalization, novel-sonata, story-quartet. 

Liubarets N.O. Musical nature in the genres of fiction by Virginia Woolf

Melnichenko I.S. Metaphorical constructions as signs of verbal aggression in English language political discourse

Abstract.  The  article  deals  with  the  ways  of  realization  of  metaphorical  constructions in  terms  of  English  language  political  discourse. The analysis of metaphorical constructions as a means of verbal aggression realization is conducted. Metaphors are considered as a characteristic feature of modern political discourse. The author pays special attention to aggressive potential of metaphors in political conflicts and humiliation of political opponent. 

Keywords: political discourse, verbal aggression, metaphorical constructions, conflict communication 

Melnichenko I.S. Metaphorical constructions as signs of verbal aggression in English language political discourse

Nizhegorodtseva-Kirichenko L.A. Irony and wit: cognitive potential

Abstract. The paper deals with the concepts IRONY and WIT, which can be attached to the qualities of human mind. The con- cepts have been analyzed on the basis of the cognitive approach, which allows to investigate common and peculiar features of these concepts resulting in the comparison of these qualities of human mind. Specific operational methodology is a conceptual analysis of dictionary definitions of words irony and wit. After comparison of cognitive maps of these lexical units a grading scale of emotional potential of the concepts IRONY and WIT is formed. The comparison of cognitive maps helps in identifying the body of synonymous units that make up the thesaurus environment of the words irony and wit. Conceptual analysis is also used for the construction of the frame-based models of these concepts. The result of this study is the inclusion of selected syno- nyms in the structure of frame thesaurus dictionary of the lexical-semantic field “Intellectual activity”. 

Keywords: concept, conceptual analyses, cognitive map, frame, lexico-semantic field 

Nizhegorodtseva-Kirichenko L.A. Irony and wit: cognitive potential 

Pavlyk N.V. Phatic speech acts of communication termination in the comparative aspect

Abstract. The article deals with a particular type of speech acts, or phatic speech acts of finishing the contact, which are used by communicators during the ending of the verbal interaction, that is during communication termination. The semantics of phatic speech acts, which are used during communication termination is investigated. The study is also focused on the comparison of these units in two language: English and Ukrainian. The most utilized units in two languages are identified and characterized. 

Keywords:  phatic  speech  act  of  the  closing  stage,  termination  of  the  verbal  contact,  goodbye/proshchannya,  blessings, thanksgiving, invitation 

Pavlyk N.V. Phatic speech acts of communication termination in the comparative aspect 

Pavlyuk N.L. Axiology of liberty and duty in Yu. Mushketyk's historical prose

Abstract. The problem of implementation and operation of the universal values of liberty and duty, which are the key elements of axiological paradigm of famous Ukrainian writer Yuri Mushketyk’s historical prose is analyzed in the article. It was found that the formation of concepts analyzed in his novels is closely connected with the conscious heroes’ choice, their awareness of life meaning, moral and ethical priorities. Dominant artistic means opening mutually axiological orientations liberty and duty are simile, metaphor and symbol. 

Keywords: axiology, history, metaphor, symbol, liberty, duty  

Pavlyuk N.L. Axiology of liberty and duty in Yu. Mushketyk’s historical prose 

Perminova A.V. Instances, Causes, and Results of Misinterpretation in Poetry Translation

Abstract. The article deals with the issue of misinterpretation as an aspect of deformation in poetry translation. The reverse comparative analysis of Ukrainian and Russian translations of the works by the Beat Generation of American poets allows for the tracking of translators’  errors,  assisting  in discovering  their  cause  as  well  as  in  construing  the  path of  translators’  movements  away  from  the original in the direction of the sociocultural milieu of the recipient.  

Keywords: misinterpretation, deformation, adequacy, reverse comparative analysis, plurality, meaning, sense  

Perminova A.V. Instances, Causes, and Results of Misinterpretation in Poetry Translation

Pidgrushna O.G. The specificity of the translation of humor on the verge of the English and Ukrainian cultures

Abstract. The researches the translation of the humouristic artwork, namely the specifics of humor recreation on the verge of the English and Ukrainian culture. Main factors that influence the occurrence of unequal humorous effect in the translation are analyzed. Effects of a distorted interpretation of humor are described. 

Keywords: translation, humour, culture, artistry, tranlatability  

Pidgrushna O.G. The specificity of the translation of humor on the verge of the English and Ukrainian cultures 

Pogrebnyak E.A. Modus of Ukraine in Czech "Volhynian Chronicle" of ХХ- ХХІ century

Abstract. The article investigates the artistic reception of Ukraine in contemporary Czech literary chronicles. Attention is paid to the so-called  “Volhynian  Chronicle”,  more  detailed  are  analysed  works  of  Kshitsovoy  D.,  J. Vaculik,  J. Olic  in  context  of  poetic  and chronotop features, context of “chronicle” intellection of Ukrainians an  C ech antinom . There is a disclosure of genre originality of “Volhynian Chronicle” as well as modality character of Ukraine and Ukrainians.  

Keywords: Volhynian Chronicle, Genre, national identity, Czechs, Ukrainians, Volyn 

Pogrebnyak E.A. Modus of Ukraine in Czech “Volhynian Chronicle” of ХХ- ХХІ century

Roman L.A., Roman I.O. The Hermeneutic Model of Artistic and Aesthetic Reseption of the Old Testament Messianic- Eschatological Themes in the Works of Ivan Franko

Abstract. In the article on the example of a Franko’s poetry analyzes hermeneutic model of artistic and aesthetic reception of the Bible (Old Testament) subjects. In the article research biblical influence on the Franko’s poetry. 

Keywords: I.Franko, Christian semiosfery of Ukrainian culture, the Bible, hermeneutic model 

Roman  L.A.,  Roman  I.O.  The  Hermeneutic  Model  of  Artistic  and  Aesthetic  Reseption  of  the  Old  Testament  Messianic- Eschatological Themes in the Works of Ivan Franko 

Suvorova T. Methodology Of Image Analysis Of The American Folklore Ballads

Abstact.  The  article  demonstates  the  potencial  of  the  imagery  of  the  American  folklore  ballads.  Imagery  being  a  complex phenomenon,  it  is  required  to  draw  an  integrated  linguocognitive  methodology  to  the  analysis.  It  is  effective  while  serching  the functional properties of imagery as permits to manifest the conceptual and verbal aspects of word images as the basic units. 

Keywords: imagery, word image, linguocognitive operation, linguocognitive procedure, method, conceptual metaphor  

Suvorova T. Methodology Of Image Analysis Of The American Folklore Ballads 

Tyminska I.M. Legends on British coins of XVII–XX centuries: translation, semantics, classification

Abstract. The essay deals with the legends on the British coins of XVII–XX centuries including the classification of their components. In most cases emissions have multiple-aspect semantically informative legends. Their components can be classified as following: 1) king’s or queen’s name; 2) the indication, that a monarch rules by the grace of God; 3) ruler’s title; 4) state’s motto as well as legends indicating different aspect of monarch’s reign, country’s life etc.; 5) coin denominations; 6) initials of coin masters (engrav- ers); 7) date of emission. It has been determined the common languages used for legends were Latin, English, French. 

Keywords: British coins, legend, denomination, semantics, classification, emission 

Tyminska I.M. Legends on British coins of XVII–XX centuries: translation, semantics, classification 

Shapoval G.I. Аnthroponymic space stories Marko Cheremshyna

Abstract. The article is devoted to the investigation of the functioning of proper names in the small prose of Mark Cheremshyna. The characteristic most important stylistic features literary anthroponyms and peculiarities of the use of proper names in the writer.  Systematic literary anthroponymy in the works of the author, kharakterizovyvatsya their structure, to clarify the features of construction onomastic space and literary anthroponyms in the system of artistic text. 

Keywords: appellatyv, literary-artistic anthroponym, nomination, onym  

Shapoval G.I. Аnthroponymic space stories Marko Cheremshyna