Science and Education a New Dimension

Online version ISSN 2308-1996

Printed version ISSN 2308-5258

Science and Education a New Dimension

Iss. 250. 2021.

N. V. Hryhorova The effect of streptozotocin-induced diabetes on the copper content in the cells of the immune system of rats 

Abstract. In rats with streptozotocin-induced diabetes in the thymic epithelial cells, blood lymphocytes and white pulp of the spleen, the copper content was determined by the cytochemical reaction of lumocupferon. It was found that increasing the severity of diabetes in animals was accompanied by the accumulation of intracellular metal. Injections of insulin, adrenaline, and prednisolone corrected excess copper in the studied cells of the immune system of rats with streptozotocin-induced diabetes. Such changes were more pronounced in the case of the combined action of adaptive hormones. 

Keywords: immune system, copper, streptozotocin-induced diabetes.  

N. V. Hryhorova The effect of streptozotocin-induced diabetes on the copper content in the cells of the immune system of rats

A. A. Gorepekina, M. M. Sorokina On the influence of properties of minimal non-F-groups on classes of groups 

Annotation. Only finite groups are considered. In this paper we study minimal non-F-groups, where F is a class of groups, which are a natural generalization of such classical groups as Schmidt groups and Miller-Moreno groups. A group is called a minimal non-F- group if it does not belong to F, but every its proper subgroup belongs to F. A class F is called a Fitting class if it is closed under taking normal subgroups and under taking the products of a finite number of normal F-subgroups. We established the influence of the properties of minimal non-F-groups on the structure of the definite Fitting class F.  


Keywords: finite group, minimal non-F-group, class of groups, Fitting class,   -foliated Fitting class. 

A. A. Gorepekina, M. M. Sorokina On the influence of properties of minimal non-F-groups on classes of groups 

I. Konet, K. Heseleva One variant of the collocation-iterative method of solving integro-functional equations 

Abstract. The  construction  of  exact  solutions  of  integro-functional  equations  is  possible  only  in  some  cases,  so the questions of studying approximate methods for solving these equations, convergence conditions and estimating the errors are relevant. The article considers the construction of approximate solutions of linear integro-functional equations. It is shown that, under certain conditions, such  solutions  can  be  obtained  by  applying  one  variant of the collocation-iterative method to the problem. The  algorithm of  the method and sufficient convergence conditions are indicated. 

Keywords: linear integro-functional equation, Fredholm integral equation of the second kind, collocation-iterative method, approximate solution, collocation nodes. 

I. Konet, K. Heseleva One variant of the collocation-iterative method of solving integro-functional equations 

I. D. Skutar Investigation of a system with linearly transformed arguments and nonlinear integral conditions 

Abstract. The system of differential equations with delay on the interval [0, L] with n slow and m fast variables is investigated. The delay in the system is characterized by linearly transformed arguments in slow and fast variables. Integral conditions are given for slow and fast variables. The procedure of averaging over fast variables is carried out both in the system of equations and in integral conditions. The existence of a unique solution to the problem is proved and the accuracy of the averaging method is estimated, which obviously depends on the small parameter. 

Keywords: linearly transformed argument, averaging method, small parameter, resonance, integral condition, estimation of accuracy. 

I. D. Skutar Investigation of a system with linearly transformed arguments and nonlinear integral conditions 

N. Bychkova Clinical features of nasal bleeding in the background of antithrombotic therapy 

Abstract. As a result of the research, it was found that NB on the background of ATT most often occur in the anterior parts of the nasal cavity and are predominantly diapedetic. Local predisposing factors for the occurrence of NB during ATT are atrophic rhinitis, the presence of deformation of the nasal septum, and polyposis of the middle turbinate. On the background of antiplatelet therapy (APT), NBs are less intense and tend to recur, more often they stop on their own than in patients with anticoagulation therapy (ACT).  

Keywords: nosebleeds, antithrombotic therapy, antiplatelet therapy, anticoagulation therapy. 

N. Bychkova Clinical features of nasal bleeding in the background of antithrombotic therapy 

Y. D. Khvorostov, S. A. Bychkov, V. V. Derykolenko, O. I. Tsivenko, R. N. Hrynov Tactics of surgical treatment of Mirizzi syndrome 

Abstract. The treatment of 159 patients with Mirizzi syndrome (MS) was analyzed. Specific attention was paid to preoperative diagnosis of MS. The diagnosis was formed on the basis of the classification developed by us. This allows you to plan and standardize surgical tactics, improve the results of surgical treatment and reduce the probability of complications. Proper evaluation of the ultrasound data makes it possible to diagnose the presence of MS with a high degree of probability. MS I-A and I-B types are not a precautions to the surgical treatment by the laparoscopic method. 


Keywords: Mirizzy syndrome, laparoscopic cholecystectomy, cholecysto-choledocheal fistula.  

Y. D. Khvorostov, S. A. Bychkov, V. V. Derykolenko, O. I. Tsivenko, R. N. Hrynov Tactics of surgical treatment of Mirizzi syndrome

D. Fedorov, I. Burmaka Automatic determination of parameters of optimum strategy of divergence of vessels at the diminishment of their speeds on permanent courses 

The  method of  automatic  choice  of  optimum  strategy  of divergence  of  vessels  at  the  diminishment  of  their  speeds  on permanent courses is considered. The example of dangerous situation of rapprochement of vessels and choice of optimum strategy of their divergence by the diminishment of speeds by the active braking is resulted. The imitation design of  maneuver of divergence is produced, confirmative correctness of the offered method.  


Keywords: safety of navigator, divergence of vessels at dangerous rapprochement, maneuver of divergence by the active braking, imitation design.  

D. Fedorov, I. Burmaka Automatic determination of parameters of optimum strategy of divergence of vessels at the diminishment of their speeds on permanent courses

V.V. Kireienko, O.V. Barabash, I.P. Salanda Methods and algorithms of ensuring of functional persistence of subsystem of information exchange in the system of airspace control 

Absrtact. The article is dedicated to the structure of functionally persistent subsystem of information exchange (SIE) in the system of airspace control. Taking into account the character of hierarchical structure of the subsystem of information exchange the research was  carried  out  with  the  help  of  graph  model,  namely  the  questions  of  best-connected structures were considered. Mathematical model of functionally persistent subsystem of information exchange is an unoriented graph with reliable vertices and unreliable edges. Optimal algorithm during the choice of topology of functionally persistent subsystem is offered. Given algorithm allows to get the estimation of functional persistence of system relatively expeditiously.  

Keywords: functional persistence; subsystem of information exchange; unoriented graph, topology, algorithm.  

V.V. Kireienko, O.V. Barabash, I.P. Salanda Methods and algorithms of ensuring of functional persistence of subsystem of information exchange in the system of airspace control 

A. L. Litvinov Probabilistic modeling of the training test subdivision of device production 

Abstract. The paper deals with the probabilistic modeling of training tests subdivision of device production. Increased reliability is required  from  devices  for  control  systems  of  non-stationary  objects.  This  is  provided  by  a  number  of  training  operations  with subsequent control. A network model of queuing systems is proposed to describe the process of passing devices through subdivision of  control-training  operations.  Expressions  are  obtained,  which  allow  estimating  the  load  of  each  production  section  and  find  its characteristics of functioning. 


Keywords: modeling, training operations, network, queuing system, probability. 

A. L. Litvinov Probabilistic modeling of the training test subdivision of device production 

O. V. Yanchetskyy Estimation of probability of correct determination of type of cooperation of vessels in the situation of dangerous rapprochement 

The reasons of appearance of vagueness in cooperation of vessels in the process of divergence are considered, arising up from the Colregs failings. Formalization of possible ends of estimation of initial situation of rapprochement of vessels is produced, coming subjective interpretation of the Colregs requirements from. It is shown that the system of the binary coordination Colregs is characterized partial coordination and probability of correct determination of type of cooperation of vessels at their divergence is appraised.  

Keywords: safety of navigator, divergence of vessels, binary coordination, Colregs, types of cooperation of vessels.  

O. V. Yanchetskyy Estimation of probability of correct determination of type of cooperation of vessels in the situation of dangerous rapprochement 

V. Y. Zhuikov, I. Y. Boiko, S. P. Denysiuk Model of dynamic tariffing Microgrid's electricity consumption in local energy markets 

Abstract. In order to calculate the cost of electricity, the urgent task is to create a dynamic model that will calculate the change in the cost of electricity with a dynamic change in its level. The article considers an example of a local system based on an autonomous diesel generator. The resulting model allows us to study the change in cost indicators of the economic system when the level of electricity generated by the generator is changed. The obtained equation allows to calculate the price of the base part of energy depending on the studied level of energy produced by the generator and its value at a certain point of rest. 

Keywords: Microgrid; local generating system; dynamic model; Fisher equation.  

V. Y. Zhuikov, I. Y. Boiko, S. P. Denysiuk Model of dynamic tariffing Microgrid’s electricity consumption in local energy markets