Science and Education a New Dimension

Online version ISSN 2308-1996

Printed version ISSN 2308-5258

Science and Education a New Dimension

Iss. _______________

T. M. Ladan Cultural and Educational Art Proto-Ensemble of the Capital City: the project «Compass» – Kyiv

Abstract. The «Compass» project is described, which is intended to create the Сultural and Educational Art Ensemble of the Capital City of the highest  standard –  «proto-ensemble»  in  Kyiv.  The  main project objects, stages of its implementation are determined.  The  starting point the «Compass» project is proposed consider the National Complex «Expocenter of Ukraine». Experimental conceptual projects for its reconstruction and expansion to the south are proposed. The artistic figurative and symbolic approach to architectural and town-planning solutions of buildings and structures, spaces on the basis of appeal to the main signs of Ukrainian ethnoculture is used. 

Keywords:  the  project  «Compass»  –  cultural  and  educational  art  proto-ensemble  of  the  capital  city,  symbol,  image,  National  complex «Expocentre of Ukraine», Kyiv, signs of Ukrainian ethnoculture. 

T. M. Ladan Cultural and Educational Art Proto-Ensemble of the Capital City: the project «Compass» – Kyiv 

O. V. Pyvovarenko Receptions of spatial codification of the interior’s structure of school complexes

Abstract. The questions of organization of internal space of school complexes are considered, using the basic techniques of spatial codification of the structure of interiors of a school institution. On the basis of the integrated application of techniques a number of tasks are solved to create “educational” spaces of school complexes. 

Keywords: Reception, spatial codification, form, color, construction, study cell. 

O. V. Pyvovarenko Receptions of spatial codification of the interior’s structure of school complexes 

G. M. Shulga, T. F. Panchenko, M. O. Kuzin Optimization of balanced development of recreational areas the Carpathian region of Ukraine

The optimization process of recreation at the regional level is considered. Optimization balanced development of recreational territory of the Carpathian regions involves modeling (formalization) phenomena and processes using different ratios of the parameters and character factors triad “territory – resources – infrastructure.” 

Keywords: sustainable development, modeling, multivariate analysis, comprehensive evaluation, triad, multi-vector model, simulation model method, urban model, the quality factor recreational area, functional and spatial structure. 

G. M. Shulga, T. F. Panchenko, M. O. Kuzin Optimization of balanced development of recreational areas the Carpathian region of Ukraine 

V. V Brem, V. Ya Kozhukhar, I. V.Dmitrenko, L. V. Ivanchenko Interphase distribution of hydrogen in the processes of steels electroslag remelting

Abstract.To obtain steels with a reduced hydrogen content as a the result of the remelting, was determined a mechanism of the interphase distribution of it in the gas-flux-metal system. It was established that the limiting stage of the process’ kinetics, proceeding at the interface, is the oxidation-reduction reaction with hydrogen-containing gases and  metal phase components.  The control of the limiting stage makes it possible to obtain high-quality products as a result of remelting. 

Keywords: hydrogen distribution, electroslag remelting, flux, kinetics, mechanism, limiting stage. 

V. V Brem, V. Ya Kozhukhar, I. V.Dmitrenko, L. V. Ivanchenko Interphase distribution of hydrogen in the processes of steels electroslag remelting 

V. M. Melnik, N. V. Mulyar, V. L. Rasyun Methodological principles of fractal-texture analysis of images and surfaces according to TLS data

Abstract.  The  questions  of  theoretical  choice  of  projections  for  ecological  mapping  of  transboundary  territories  of  the  Western Polissya  region  are  considered. A  variational  projection  is  justified  in  which,  in  addition to  geographic  coordinates,  an  additional parameter,  which  is  characterized  by  latitudinal distribution, is  taken  into  account.  For  the  accented  reflection  of  the  investigated environmental factors, it is proposed to apply a pseudo azimuthal projection. For the purpose of optimal ecological mapping a pseudocylindrical projection with adapted isocols is substantiated. The article gives a theoretical substantiation of the proposed approaches. 

Keywords:  Western  Polissya,  cartographic  projection, Sanson  projection, azimuthal  projection, anamorphic  mapping,  untraditional cartographic projections. 

V. M. Melnik, N. V. Mulyar, V. L. Rasyun Methodological principles of fractal-texture analysis of images and surfaces according to TLS data

S. A. Lupenko, O. R. Orobchuk, A. V. Pavlyshyn Conceptual Fundamentals for Ontological Simulation of Chinese Image Medicine as a Promising Component of Integrative Medicine

Abstract. The urgent matter and development of conceptual foundations for ontological simulation of Chinese Image Medicine as a promising component of integrative medicine is substantiated in the article. The comprehensive concept of Chinese Image Medicine as a fundamental for ontological simulation is developed. A unified formal ontological model  and language of Chinese Image Medicine, informational environment of its presentation are established. An example of ontological fragment implementation into the Protégé environment is provided.  

Keywords: ontology, ontological simulation, onto-based informational systems, integrative medicine, Chinese Image Medicine. 

S. A. Lupenko, O. R. Orobchuk, A. V. Pavlyshyn Conceptual Fundamentals for Ontological Simulation of Chinese Image Medicine as a Promising Component of Integrative Medicine 

V. Mihaylenko, V. Temnikov, A. Temnikov Principles of constructing support systems for operational decision-making in the air traffic control tower

Abstract. The main principles of constructing a voice system for information support of decision making by administrators of airport traffic control services in the process of exercising control over the actions of air traffic controllers during the performance of their functional duties are given. The developed information system is intended for permanent authentication of air traffic controllers and monitoring of their psychophysiological state. The system operates in real time. 

Keywords: decision support system, command and control tower, air traffic controller, psychophysiological state of a person, voice. 

V. Mihaylenko, V. Temnikov, A. Temnikov Principles of constructing support systems for operational  decision-making in the air traffic control tower 

O. Yu. Savina Mathematical model of value-oriented portfolio management of high-tech enterprises projects

Abstract. The necessity of optimization of the mathematical apparatus for the formation of project portfolios of science-based enterprises based on the value-oriented approach is considered. The mathematical model of value-oriented management of project portfolios of the science-based enterprise is developed on the basis of the improved information model of project portfolio formation and the economic-mathematical model integrated into it. There have been introduced an additional indicator of innovative value in portfolio projects and a restriction on the allowable aggregate risk of project portfolios, which leads to the selection of the portfolio with the highest integral value. 

Keywords: project portfolio, portfolio management, value-oriented approach, science-based enterprises.  

O. Yu. Savina Mathematical model of value-oriented portfolio management of high-tech enterprises projects 

V. N. Shaposhnikova, O. P. Kravchenko, I. Ya. Gubenko Modern Constituents of Medical Nursers` Professional Training

Abstract. The problems of nursing education in Ukraine at the present stage are discussed in the article. The implementation of the continuous nursing education: Nursing assistant – Bachelor of Nursing – Master of Nursing plays an essential role in the improvement of Ukrainian nursing education. The necessity of using the  sequence in the training of nurses as  a  fundamental principle of functioning of the continuous system of education and upbringing of the personality is substantiated. The influence of innovative technologies in the improvement of quality of knowledge of future specialists is underlined. 

Keywords: nurses’training, nursing assistant, Bachelor of Nursing, Master of Nursing, continuous nursing education.  

V. N. Shaposhnikova, O. P. Kravchenko, I. Ya. Gubenko Modern Constituents of Medical Nursers` Professional Training 

O. V. Stegura, O. Dulo Aikido as a method of self-control and reducing the level of anxiety of pupils

Abstract. In a science article shows the feasibility of studying and using aikido techniques as a method of anxiety correction of 12-14 year old teenagers. It’s proved, that aikido classes have the high-effective influence on the emotional state of teenagers, because of the normalization of anxiety coefficient of the experimental group pupils. There’s also the reducing the level of school anxiety by the eight factors of the Philips’s questionnaire. It means, that aikido classes have a positive influence for children during the transition from primary school age to adolescence. 

Keywords: Aikido, anxiety, adolescence. 

O. V. Stegura, O. Dulo Aikido as a method of self-control and reducing the level of anxiety of pupils 

V. Lizogub, V. Suprunovych, V. Pustovalov, S. Grechukha, L. Uhimenko Special Preparedness of Football Players with Different Typological Properties of Higher Parts of Central Nervous System

Abstract. In modern football, the search of the criteria, which are characterized by sustainable biological nature and might be informative  for  the  management  and  prediction  of  individual  sport  training,  is  of  growing  interest.  We  consider  that  individual- typological properties of higher parts of the central nervous system can meet these requirements. Thus, the goal of the research was to find out what individual-typological properties of higher parts of the central nervous system are fixed genetically and to determine their correlation with the indicators of special preparedness and bioenergetics of  football players. We performed the investigation using “Diagnost-1M” and “D & K-Test” computer devices on 13 pairs of monozygotic (MZ) and 12 dizygotic (DZ) twins who did not go in for sport and 26 professional football players, and determined typological properties of the nervous system. Besides, we found physical and technical preparedness of the football players. We found the expressed hereditary conditionality for the functional mobility of the nervous processes (FMNP) (70%) and the relative predominance of genotypic factors (50%) for the strength of the nervous processes (SNP) and the equilibrium of the nervous processes (ENP). We determined the predominance of phenotypic fac- tors (30%) for the indicators of sensorimotor reactions. The indicators of bioenergetics metabolism, physical and technical preparedness, expert evaluation of game activity of the highly qualified football players depended on the genetically determined properties – the functional mobility of the nervous processes.  

Keywords: neurodynamic properties, genetics, football players, bioenergetics. 

V. Lizogub, V. Suprunovych, V. Pustovalov, S. Grechukha, L. Uhimenko  Special Preparedness of Football Players with Different Typological  Properties of Higher Parts of Central Nervous System 

F. A. Alatoom Mohammad The basic design parameters constrictions of forages

Abstract. Improving the efficiency of the process of mixing of feed for the small cattle can be achieved by applying the mixing of the working body able to qualitatively move groups of different sizes of particles from one position to another. Calculating the design parameters fodder mixing process is crucial when choosing the design parameters and it has a decisive significance is also important to  take  into  account  the  fact  that  the  quality  ration  can  be  obtained  only  from  the  ground  components,  the  dimensions  of  which correspond  to  the  zoo  technical  requirements.  The  results  of  the  theoretical  study  of  the  mixer  design  parameters  give  reason  to justify the basic design parameters of the working bodies of feed mixer. The proposed mixer, in the process, is a certain mass of shredded root vegetables. This consists of a mass of individual particles. The ternary mixture of root vegetable chips is the size of the cubes faces 10 mm, which is entirely consistent with the requirements of zoo technical. It was found that the feed particles oscillate in the variable radius with a simultaneous axial movement, which is achieved by a non-cylindrical shape of the hopper. The simplest non-cylindrical design of the hopper, from the standpoint of manufacturing in the production, is a truncated cone. Determine the total power expended on the work and power, the need to idle the rotor, thus reducing the value of the considered transport capacity. 

Keywords:  adhesion,  size,  bunker  consumption  of  materials,  cone  shape,  feed  mixture,  the  coefficient  of  friction,  livestock requirements. 

F. A. Alatoom Mohammad The basic design parameters constrictions of forages 

Ye. S. Aloshynskyi, H. O. Prymachenko Research of the current state of the logistics of railway transport in the field of passenger transportation in Eastern Europe

Abstract.  The  logistics  of  passenger  rail  transportation  was  considered  as  an  optimization  of  the  flow  of  services,  and  railway transport  as  a  manufacturer  of  transport  services  of  high  quality  while  minimizing  costs.  The  peculiarities  of  the  use  of  logistic methods in the management of passenger transport were analyzed. The significant growth rates of popularity of rail transport in the countries of Eastern Europe have been substantiated. For the purpose of international regulation of rail transport was proposed to create pools or clusters that combine the activities of railway companies operating on certain international routes. 

Keywords: logistic of passenger railroad traffic, flows of services. 

Ye. S. Aloshynskyi, H. O. Prymachenko Research of the current state of the logistics of railway transport in the field of passenger transportation in Eastern Europe

S. Gornostal, Е. Petukhova, S. Shcherbak, E. Shapovalova Study of the conditions for the effective use of fire hydrant kits in high-rise residential buildings

Abstract. The characteristics of the water supply network for supplying water to the fire extinguishing of a high-rise residential building are  investigated.  The  time  limits  for  the  free  development  of  fire  in  the  conditions  of  an  apartment  are  determined.  Its  effect  on  the amount of water necessary to eliminate the fire is established. The amount of water that can be provided by the water supply network is determined, depending on its diameter and water velocity. The area of the fire is established, which can be localized with the help of a fire hydrant kit with the specified characteristics. The obtained area values correspond to the conditions for the effective use of fire hy- drant kit in high-rise residential buildings. 

Keywords: internal water supply, fire hydrant kit, consumption of water, residential building. 

S. Gornostal, Е. Petukhova, S. Shcherbak, E. Shapovalova Study of the conditions for the effective use of fire hydrant kits in high-rise residential buildings 

V. Nikulshin Thermodynamic analysis of energy intensive systems on exergy flow graphs

Abstract. The main way of energy intensive systems efficiency improving is thermodynamic analysis and optimization. This paper describes a general approach for thermodynamic analysis of systems with arbitrary structures. Method is based on construction and analysis of a new type of topological model-exergy flow graph and illustrated on example of gas-turbine installation thermodynamic analysis.  

Keywords: thermodynamic analysis, exergy, flow graphs. 

V. Nikulshin Thermodynamic analysis of energy intensive systems on exergy flow graphs 

О. Р. Оstapenko Areas of high energy efficiency of energy supply systems with cogeneration heat pump installations of small power and peak fuel-fired boilers

Abstract: The approach, aimed at determination of the areas and modes of high energy efficient operation of energy supply systems (ESS) with cogeneration heat pump installations (CHPI) of small power and peak fuel-fired boilers (FB), on conditions of optimal operation modes of CHPI, taking into consideration complex impact of variable operation modes, sources of drive energy for steam compressor heat pump installations (HPI) of small power, with the account of energy losses in the process of generation, supply and conversion of electric energy, is suggested. 

Keywords: area of high energy efficient operation, energy supply system, cogeneration heat pump installation of small power, steam compressor heat pump installation of small power, peak fuel-fired boiler. 

О. Р. Оstapenko Areas of high energy efficiency of energy supply systems with cogeneration heat pump installations of small power and peak fuel-fired boilers  

L. A. Valevskaya, L. K. Ovsyannikova, S. S. Orlova, V. V. Yurkovskaya The use of sesame seeds in food production

Abstract. The chemical and amino acid composition of sesame seeds is presented in the article, as well as the analysis of its consumer properties. The statistical data of the countries of exporters and importers of sesame seeds are given. According to the results of the conducted studies, it is established that sesame seeds have high nutritional and biological value. Therefore, its introduction into the composition of recipes in the manufacture of various food products will enrich the finished products with the necessary macro- and micronutrients. 

Keywords: sesame seeds, consumer properties, chemical composition. 

L. A. Valevskaya, L. K. Ovsyannikova, S. S. Orlova, V. V. Yurkovskaya The use of sesame seeds in food production 

A. M. Shevchenko, R. O. Slobodian Peculiarity of the residual effect of suspension concentration of the new insecticide “Mukho-mor” on different test-samples in experiments on a laboratory culture flies of the family Calliphoridae

Abstract. The article presents the results of determining the residual effect of the suspension of a new insecticide “Mukho-mor” on glass and wooden surfaces of test-samples against laboratory flies culture of Lucilia sericata Meigen, 1826, of the family Calliphoridae. The residual effect of the suspension of the experimental preparation on flies deposited on the wooden plate at 60 minutes exposure was 6.6 % higher, compared with the action on the glass surface. At the same exposure on glass test-samples, the lethal effect of the insecticide had a lasting effect of up to 40 days. The “knockdown effect” was observed in 76.67–86.67 % of laboratory insects. The insecticide showed 100 % efficacy to the laboratory flies culture on the 60-th day of the study at an exposure of 180 minutes of each test-samples. Intense- and extenceefficacy of insecticide “Mukho-mor” was 100 %. 

Keywords: insecticides, “Mukho-Mor”, attractants, muscalur, alpha-cypermethrin, laboratory culture of flies, the family Calliphoridae flies, test-samples. 

A. M. Shevchenko, R. O. Slobodian Peculiarity of the residual effect of suspension concentration of the new insecticide “Mukho-mor” on different test-samples in experiments on a laboratory culture flies of the family Calliphoridae