Science and Education a New Dimension

Online version ISSN 2308-1996

Printed version ISSN 2308-5258

Science and Education a New Dimension

Iss. 235. 2020.

I. Boyko The linguistic nature of the phenomenon of suppletivism in the concept of V. Konetskaya 

Abstract. The article examines the linguistic nature of the phenomenon of suppletivism in the concept of V. Konetskaya, objectifies the use  of  syncretic  methods  in  the  analysis  of  suppletivism,  which  allows  us  to  study  the  essence  and  functions  of  suppletivism,  its difference  from  heteronymy  and  heteroclysis,  criteria  for  distinguishing  suppletive  formations,  the  reasons  for  the  formation  of suppletivism and the ways of its transformations. The idea of V. Konetskaya that the research of suppletivism as a kind of linguistic anomaly is based on the study of not only the phenomenon itself, which is represented in the system, but also the suppletive formations, the functional features of which are manifested in the structure, are justified. 

Keywords: suppletivism, V. Konetskaya, synchrony, diachrony comparative analysis, linguistic anomaly. 

I. Boyko The linguistic nature of the phenomenon of suppletivism in the concept of V. Konetskaya

V. F. Chemes Dynamics of students' ideas about the personified reference image of the Ukrainian language 

Abstract. Two series (2000 and 2017-2019) of the answers of philology students of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv to one of the questions of the sociolinguistic questionnaire were analyzed in the dynamic aspect, namely: Please, name the names of 3-5 well-known people whose language, in your opinion, is a standard (sample) of correctness and beauty of the Ukrainian language. The frequency peak of names (2017-2019) shows a significant increase in the names of contemporaries, a radical increase in art, a significant increase in the media, a significant decrease in the names of writers and men. Sociolinguistic interpretation of relevant data is proposed. 

Keywords: sociolinguistics, longitudinal survey, dynamic aspect, Ukrainian language, personalized image of the reference language, socio-cultural factors. 

V. F. Chemes Dynamics of students’ ideas about the personified reference image of the Ukrainian language

N. Ya. Hrad Methodology of a phonetic experimental research of English video presentations prosody 

Abstract. The article focuses on the methodology of the phonetic experimental research of the prosodic means used for the pragmatic influence realization in English video presentations. The paper describes the succession of the experiment stages, the tasks  for the auditors-informants and auditors-phoneticians, as well as the prosodic parameters investigated within the auditory and acoustic analysis. Linguistic interpretation and generalization of the results of experimental phonetic research proves that the acoustic analysis data obtained with the help of digital tools of speech analysis correlate closely with the results of the auditory analysis. 

Keywords: auditory analysis, acoustic analysis, intonation, prosodic means, English video presentation, video-verbal text.  

N. Ya. Hrad Methodology of a phonetic experimental research of English video presentations prosody 

O. I. Kobchinska Disease as a Form of ‘Eastern Delusion’: A Dimension of Corporal Suffering in Mathias Énard’s Compass 

Abstract. The article attempts to represent a corporal disease in the lights of philosophic and cultural studies as related to Mathias Énard’s novel Compass, 2015. The study is held from the perspective of three principal methodological aspects, namely cultural and historical interpretation, comparative parallels to E. Said’s orientalism, and phenomenology of disease as well as corporal suffering in their somatic dimension. With the help of the applied methodology it has been concluded that, in his Compass, M. Énard represents disease and suffering as an existential realization of self-renunciation in behalf of meeting East as an undiscovered Other.  

Keywords: delusion, existentialism, orientalism, oriental studies, melancholy, somatic being, corporality.  

O. I. Kobchinska Disease as a Form of ‘Eastern Delusion’: A Dimension of Corporal Suffering in Mathias Énard’s Compass 

T. A. Anokhina, S. A. Shvachko, I. K. Kobyakova Negation Actualization in the English Discourse 

Abstract. The subject matter of the paper is of a long history and a wide geography. Its stable novelty and total interests of researchers identify topicality of the article  The methodological background is  verified  by the nature of subject referents. The material of investigation  is  subtracted  from  the  English  and  Russian  dictionaries.  The  experiment  is  run  by  the  complex  analyses.  Nothing1:: Nothing2 are considered metametasigns of negative category with different etymological development.  

Keywords: English discourse, lingo-cognitive principle, negation, Nothing1,, Nothing2, types. 

T. A. Anokhina, S. A. Shvachko, I. K. Kobyakova Negation Actualization in the English Discourse 

T. O. Kozlova Protosemiotics: Medieval Theories of Sign 

Abstract. The article discusses the Medieval keystone theories of sign, particularly the issues of motivated relations between signans and signatum. Special attention is given to the etymology and semantics of the key terms employed by the theologists and philosophers. Such approach enabled a more detailed interpretation of the concepts, definitions, and doctrines belonging to that period of history. Even though Medieval interpretations of sign, as many ancient ones, lacked theoretical generalisations, and hence can be referred to as protosemiotics, they established the framework for modern lingvosemiotic research.  

Keywords: philosophy of language, protosemiotics, Medieval doctrina signorum, motivation of naming, types of signs. 

T. O. Kozlova Protosemiotics: Medieval Theories of Sign 

O. G. Mykhailova Linguo-cognitive dimensions of Latin medical terminology: on the intersection of metaphor and metonymy 

Article is dedicated to the evolution of antique theory of the metaphor of Aristotle and Quintilian that was developed in the theory of conceptual integration or blending by G. Fauconnier and M. Turner. The idea of joint approach to the study of metaphor and metonymy revealed creative character of these basic cognitive processes, the interaction of which was laid down into the foundation of hybrid phenomenon of metaphtonymy. The instances of interaction of metaphor and metonymy have been determined on the examples of Latin anatomic terminology.  

Keywords: metaphor, metonymy, mental space, anatomic terminology, Latin. 

O. G. Mykhailova Linguo-cognitive dimensions of Latin medical terminology: on the intersection of metaphor and metonymy 

L. Nemlii Aviation English Training for Aviation Personnel in Ukraine 

Abstracts. The article aims at investigating how the implementation of the International Civil Aviation Organization’s (ICAO) language proficiency requirements is provided at high school and post-graduation institutions. As pilots and air traffic controllers have to communicate in English doing their professional activities, they are trained English language as Aviation English while getting the education and after graduation. Pilots and air traffic controllers are demanded to have level 4 Operational to provide radio communication and the air traffic operation safety. That is why language proficiency skills are trained and tested regularly to satisfy the ICAO recommendations. 

Keywords: Aviation English, pilot, Air Traffic Control Operator, ICAO language proficiency, post-graduate education, ICAO language requirements, Standard Phraseology. 

L. Nemlii Aviation English Training for Aviation Personnel in Ukraine 

L. D. Shvelidze Tweet as a speech genre of Ukrainian and American political discourse: a linguopragmatic aspect 

Abstract. The article is devoted to a comparative study of Ukrainian and American political discourses represented on the social network  Twitter.  Attention  is  focused  on  the  linguopragmatic  aspect  of  the  communicative  interaction  of  speaking  politicians,  in particular, the communicative space as a political tweet is defined and the genre peculiarity of tweet in political communication is traced. Polyfunctionality, syncretism and polygenre as general characteristics of political tweeting are singled out. The peculiarities of political tweeting in Ukrainian and American political Twitter are clarified, which is due to the choice of speakers of communication strategies and intentions aimed at recipients and political opponents. The peculiarities of political tweeting at the language level are traced and the results obtained by tweets of well-known politicians are illustrated. 

Keywords: political discourse, political tweeting, tweet, communicative interaction, speech genre. 

L. D. Shvelidze Tweet as a speech genre of Ukrainian and American political discourse: a linguopragmatic aspect

I. O. Subota The motif of nostalgia for the pre-oil past in the short stories from the Arabian Gulf 

Abstract. The article is devoted to the problems represented in the Arabian Gulf short story in the second half of the 20th century, when civilizational changes took place in these countries. One of the common themes of the Arabian Gulf short story at this time is nostalgia for the past. Writers depict beliefs and traditions of the pre-oil era, nostalgia for the warm relations between people. The most common symbol of the past in the Gulf short stories is the sea, which was the breadwinner of the inhabitants of the Gulf region in the pre-oil era. 

Keywords: Arabian Gulf literature, short story, motif of nostalgia, image of the sea. 

I. O. Subota The motif of nostalgia for the pre-oil past in the short stories from the Arabian Gulf 

O. Teterina I. Kachurovsky's comparative model: between genetic-contactology and typology 

Abstract. The article comprehends the concept of I. Kachurovsky as a comparativist in the context of the progress of Ukrainian emigration and world comparative literature. The functionality of the contact-genetic and typological approaches applied by scientists (with an emphasis on their interconnectedness) in the study of national literatures is proved. The author’s attention to the intermediate aspect, expansion of the contextual field of research is emphasized. The importance of I. Kachurovsky’s views, first of all on the problems of typology and genetic-contactology, is substantiated, not only in ensuring the continuous development of Ukrainian comparative literature, but also in view of the establishment of Ukrainian literature as an organic component of world spiritual and cultural space.


Keywords: national literature, contact-genetic connections, typological ascents, reception, interliterary context.

O. Teterina I. Kachurovsky’s comparative model: between genetic-contactology and typology

T. V. Tsyliuryk "Concealing" and "revealing" as multimodal strategies in the British and German public service advertising (PSA) 

Abstract. The article reviews the multimodal realization of the “concealing” and “revealing” strategies in the PSA discourse of Great Britain and Germany; the topics and the objects/subjects to be disguised or manifested; as well as the taboo-avoiding or taboo-foregrounding tactics in the PSA of both countries. While a taboo (body images and sexuality) is to be hidden through different advertising tactics, some examples of PSA use an intentional reference to a taboo. Apart from taboo topics, concepts, and violation of social norms, the British and German PSA reveals social and cultural stereotypes, which lead to discrimination in societies.  

Keywords: public service advertising (PSA) discourse, “concealing” strategy, “revealing” strategy, taboo-avoiding tactics, taboo-foregrounding tactics, shockvertising.  

T. V. Tsyliuryk “Concealing” and “revealing” as multimodal strategies in the British and German public service advertising (PSA) 

Y. Ukrayinska Linguistic techniques of creating humour of magic in T. Pratchett’s novels 

Annotation. This paper addresses a set of linguistic techniques used to create the effect of humour of magic, the latter embracing magical characters, situations, and dialogues in Terry Pratchett’s novels. The research focuses on those manifestation of humour that are grounded in ambiguity and incongruity related to semantic, situational, and conversational levels of literary texts under study. The paper aims to reveal various ways of transforming conventional magical elements into recognizable humorous ones. The analysis proves that linguistic techniques employed in the narrative (magical situations), descriptions (magical characters), and dialogues are mostly associated with the protagonists’ usage of magic. The humour of magic in dialogues tends to be explicit, being caused by the character’s unexpected reactions, whereas the humour generated by magical characters and/ or situations is mostly implicit, requiring for its comprehension the readers’ cultural and social background knowledge. 

Keywords: humour, magical character, magical situation, magical dialogue, humourous effect, incongruity, ambiguity.  

Y. Ukrayinska Linguistic techniques of creating humour of magic in T. Pratchett’s novels 

O. Veklych Methods of reproduction of Grazia Deledda’s gastronomic realias in Ukrainian translations 

Abstract. The article is devoted to the study of the peculiarities of Ukrainian translation of the gastronomic realia of the Sardinian writer  Gracia  Deledda.  The  characteristic  features,  stylistic  and  semantic  particularities  of  such  realities,  as  well  as  methods  of reproduction of them used by different translators in different historical periods are considered. The adequacy of the selected translation techniques from the point of view of preserving the coherence of the target text is analyzed.  

Keywords: Italian language, realia, generalization, transliteration, translator’s note. 

O. Veklych Methods of reproduction of Grazia Deledda’s gastronomic realias in Ukrainian translations 

O. Voshchenko The Mechanisms of Literary Practices Formation in Ukrainian Socialist Realism Discourse 

The objective of the study is to investigate national peculiarities of the Socialist Realist doctrine realization in Ukrainian literature and to find out specific mechanisms of literary practices, which were formed in Ukrainian Social Realism. The cultural-historical and comparative methodology was used. As a result, emphasis is placed on the differences in the genesis of the Socialist Realist doctrine (which was directly introducted ) and its creative strategies (which had evolutionary-adaptive-selective development within the framework of state regulation). Among the impact factors, the practice of censorship and criticism were emphasised. It`s proved, that they modeled the literary process and provided the selection of poetics. The findings of this paper are consisted in the analysis of these mechanisms on the material of Ukrainian Socialism Literature and it`s national peculiarities. The evolution of production and historical novel as distinctive plots of Ukrainian Social Realism is considered. It is  highlited, that the pruning of esthetic and stylistic Socialist Realism paradigm, it`s creative unproductivity and fading simultaneously with the collapse of the Soviet state was forced not only by totalitarian control, but also by ideological commitment of literary doctrine. As a  conclusion, it must be said said an art or literary project, which is based not on the internal art laws but on political factors impact, is doomed to be unproductive. 

Keywords: socialist realism, Ukrainian socialist realism, literary practice, censorship, production novel, historical novel. 

O. Voshchenko The Mechanisms of Literary Practices Formation in Ukrainian Socialist Realism Discourse

N. Yemets EGO Conceptual Space in Emily Dickinson's Poetry 

Abstract. The article deals with the analysis of EGO conceptual space (CS) in Emily Dickinson’s poetry. The work is founded on the theoretical basis of cognitive studies, conceptology and liguopoetics. Quantitative-qualitative analysis of ego-marked propositions in the poetic texts enables the identification of leading theme lines of E. Dickinson’s poetic legacy. Within the theme lines, the dominants of EGO CS are reconstructed. On the ground of thematic domains structure, the EGO CS with specific concept distribution is modeled. 

Keywords: conceptology, poetics, artistic concept, conceptual space, EGO conceptual space. 

N. Yemets EGO Conceptual Space in Emily Dickinson’s Poetry 

O. Zaruma, N. Kashchyshyn Communicative and Cognitive Peculiarities of the Discourse of UN and EU Agreements 

Abstract. The article is devoted to the analysis of the discourse organization as well as linguistic and stylistic realization of the cognitive potential of English interstate and inter-institutional documents of the contractual type. An attempt has been made to analyze the language of the texts of international treaties from the point of view of its syntactic peculiarities. The stylistic features of international treaties influencing the creation of the discourse peculiarities of the text have been critically analyzed. The role of the legal provision has been outlined and main patterns of functioning of reservations and qualificators have been considered. Particular attention has been paid to the differentiation  of reservations/qualificators and their considerable impact on the syntactic structure of these types of texts. The nonlinear two-member interactive cognitive structure of legal provisions which has a dominant influence on the creation of strategic potential of the texts of international instruments has been demonstrated. 

Keywords: cognitive structuring, legal provision, reservations, compound phrases, international agreements. 

O. Zaruma, N. Kashchyshyn Communicative and Cognitive Peculiarities of the Discourse of UN and EU Agreements