Science and Education a New Dimension

Online version ISSN 2308-1996

Printed version ISSN 2308-5258

Science and Education a New Dimension

Iss. 204. 2019.

I. Alyeksyeyeva Liberation or predicament: controversy of OLD AGE concept (based on a newspaper opinion article and readers’ comments) 

Abstract. The study examines language means used in a newspaper publication and readers’ comments to identify the connotations of the OLD AGE concept as well as attitudes to the elderly and their social status in the UK society. Though the opinion article admits  negative  connotations  of  the  concept,  the  author  focuses  on  senior  citizens’  liberation  from  social  conventions  and  clear-cut identity that may be considered slots of the concept. In their comments, the audience acknowledges these advantages, yet emphasizes that  these  may be  seriously  affected  by  such  phenomena  (slots) as  health,  wealth,  loneliness  and  absence  of prospects.  The  study sheds light on the complexity of this age group as well as on the ideology that, according to the readers, shapes the attitude to the elderly and their social status.  

Keywords: concept, slot, idiom, (contextual) antonym, meaning, connotation.  

I. Alyeksyeyeva Liberation or predicament: controversy of OLD AGE concept  (based on a newspaper opinion article and readers’ comments) 

N. Bober Cognitive and semantic matrix of phrasal verbs complexes on the marking of human emotional states at the British National Corpus 

Abstact.  The  article  attempts to reveal  the  cognitive  and  semantic  nature of phrasal verbs  complexes  to  denote human  emotional states in the British National Corpus and the matrix relations between these entities were demonstrated. The synthesis of the characteristics of the 8 groups of human emotions, developed by psychologists B.I. Dodonov, K.Izard, P. Ekman and which form the cognitive matrix, where, among other things, the conceptual-integration function is performed by the phrasal verbs complexes of the English language used for their designation. The tendency towards low productivity is the expression of different phrasal verbs that denote different emotional states of a person, while a high frequency is demonstrated by phrasal-participle formations together with the verb to be and just basic verbs of emotions. 

Keywords: human emotional state , phrasal verbs, British national corpus, cognitive matrix. 

N. Bober Cognitive and semantic matrix of phrasal verbs complexes on the marking of human emotional states at the British National Corpus 

O. Boiko The implementation of the category of intertextuality in the artistic discourse of fantasy 

Abstract.  The  purpose  of  the  study  is  to  analyze  intertextuality  as  a  systematic  textual-discursive  category  in  Ukrainian  contemporary fantasy. The use of intertextual elements in fantasy works enables authors to create a multicultural code of text that is related to all important areas of world culture: music, painting, theater, cinema, literature – classical and contemporary. Ukrainian and Russian writers use different sources  of  intertextuality:  in  the  Ukrainian-language  fantasy,  references  to  Ukrainian  literature,  folklore  and  mythology  are  frequent;  in Russian-speaking, quotations and allusions from world literature and culture prevail. 

Keywords: intertextuality, fantasy, quotations, allusions, text-discursive category. 

O. Boiko The implementation of the category of intertextuality in the artistic discourse of fantasy

S. Grytsenko, I. Ivancyk Ivan Mazepa’s universals through the prism of Latyn and Greek borrowings 

Abstract.  Language  as  phenomenon,  which  demontrates  persistence  and  stability  of  it’s  structure,  using  rules  in  different communicative  situations,  at  the  same  time  shows  it’s  dynamiticy,  mutability  in  space  and  time coordinates. Borrowings  from classical languages, fixed in numerous Ivan Mazepa’s and other Ukrainian hetmans’ universals, are the important factor of dynamic of language. 


Keywords: dynamic, static, development, synchrony, diachrony, borrowing, language-recipient, latynism, greekism. 

S. Grytsenko, I. Ivancyk Ivan Mazepa’s universals through the prism of Latyn and Greek borrowings

I. M. Hapieieva, O. V. Koval, Z. O. Mytiai The principle of tolerance in the communicative dialogue of cultures 

Abstract. The article is devoted to the problem of interaction of languages, cultures and personalities in the conditions of world integration, because spiritual communication of people, understanding and cooperation of people begin from culture, and the dialogue of cultures  is  actualized  precisely  in  communication  of  individuals.  At  the  same  time,  the  problem  of  correlation  between  the  concepts  of “national character” and “linguistic personality” in the context of intercultural communication is currently poorly researched and, in our opinion, needs to be covered in details. The behavioral plan of the linguistic personality is analyzed and characterized. The role of national character in intercultural communication, it’s influence on different levels of development of intercultural competence of linguistic personality, as well as qualitative difference and variability from the communicative barrier to the necessary factor for understanding the interlocutor of the interlocutor are also mentioned in the article. 

Keywords: tolerance, communication, linguistic personality, dialogue of cultures, ethnos. 

I. M. Hapieieva, O. V. Koval, Z. O. Mytiai The principle of tolerance in the communicative dialogue of cultures 

T. Ye. Hutsuliak Figurative derivational potential of ethnonyms in Ukrainian language 

Abstract. In modern Ukrainian linguistics the study of figurative-derivative potential ethnonyms belongs to actual, but insufficiently studied issues. In presented article the formation of a common forming base of  zhyd (zhydy) figurative paradigm, which includes morphological (verbal,  adjective,  substantive)  and  morphological-syntactical  (adverbial)  derivates,  is  reviewed.  It  was  established  that  the  figurative- derivative potential of ethnonym of zhyd (zhydy) is developed on the background of a number of ethnocultural factors ‒ Stereotypical representations of Ukrainians about this ethnic community and the great cultural efficiency of the lexeme itself. 

Keywords: substantivized derivates, ethnonym, figurative-derivative  potential of words, figurative paradigm, stereotypical representations. 

T. Ye. Hutsuliak Figurative derivational potential of ethnonyms in Ukrainian language 

N. A. Ivasiuk To the prospects of adapting seafarers of different nationalities as non-native speakers to the unified process of learning Maritime English through Unified English Language Communication Platform 

Abstract. The research of the article is armed at substantiating common methodological aspects of on-line and off-line teaching Maritime English to seafarers all over the world. These aspects concern linguistic, neurolinguistics and psychological characteristics of the trainees – monnative speakers who may study ME through IT ME Unified Communication Platform for seafarers or in the class room with virtual or real present trainer which over lapping. The article contains working hypothesis as for linguistic modelling of ME teaching process to the students, non- native speakers. This hypothesis is based on other scientists’ researches and experimental teaching activity of the author in Shanghai University, Marine College. The intermediate results of the investigation demonstrated passible positive efficiency of the applied methodology in quantitative relation, further research will concern qualitative analysis. 

Keywords: Maritime English, non-native speakers, on-line, off-line, linguistic modelling.  

N. A. Ivasiuk To the prospects of adapting seafarers of different nationalities as non-native speakers to the unified process of learning Maritime English through Unified English Language Communication Platform 

Murad Jubaili Weaving a narrative of historical continuity in pro-LEAVE British tabloids 

Abstract. The article deals with the discourse of British pro-Brexit tabloids in the build-up to the 2016 referendum. The research carried out within the framework of Critical Discourse Analysis and Historical Discourse analysis has revealed that the pro-LEAVE newspaper campaign was retrospective by nature and exploited the British nostalgia for the glorious past that involved Britain’s global economic, political and cultural domination. By doing so, the media encouraged in the audience the idea of historical continuity and, by doing so, reconceptualized the EU and recontextualized the 2016 referendum.  

Keywords: Brexit, discourse, narrative, (re)conceptualization, (re)contextualization.  

Murad Jubaili Weaving a narrative of historical continuity in pro-LEAVE British tabloids 

H. M. Karpenko English-Speaking Environment is the Way to Effective Language Learning 

Abstract. Students’ awareness and attitude towards learning English during summer vacations in English-speaking countries have been explored in the article. The disadvantages and advantages of learning a foreign language have been highlighted. 

Keywords: English-speaking environment, opportunity, barrier, courses, advantages. 

H. M. Karpenko English-Speaking Environment is the Way to Effective Language Learning 

I. B. Kauza Verbalization of thought in thought in postmodern artistic texts 

Abstract. The article is devoted to the study of methods of verbalizing the phenomenon of thought in thought in the sphere of artistic texts. This phenomenon is a mental-verbal artistic technique with a wide variety of figurative features which are intensively used by the authors in the process of writing texts. Representative components of thought in thought, in correlation with other forms of internal speech, greatly extend the author’s ability to manipulate the individual mental and speech activity of the character freely. 

Keywords: verbalization of thought in thought, representing component, thought-speech activity of characters. 

I. B. Kauza Verbalization of thought in thought in postmodern artistic texts

I. O. Koliesnik Literary motif of pain in the framework of cognitive narratology 

Abstract. This article investigates the literary motif of pain with regards to current findings of cognitive narratology and the philosophy of mind, used to highlight the conceptual nature of this phenomenon. Recurrent identifiable patterns of the said motif are likely, as this research suggests, to reveal not only its complicated internal structure in the narrative realization, but also serve as another compelling proof of the human mind operating in a pattern-recognition mode. The article expounds the above idea by presenting a case-study of E. Hemingway’s “For Whom the Bell Tolls” in terms of the motif of pain. 

Keywords: literary motif, cognitive narratology, pattern, narrative, pattern-recognition mode, pain.  

I. O. Koliesnik Literary motif of pain in the framework of cognitive narratology 

L. Korotkova Style as the Universal Category: Interdisciplinary Approach 

Abstract. The article attempts to determine the main feature of the style phenomenon on the basis of an interdisciplinary approach. In order to establish the essence of the style, the main scientific approaches of domestic and foreign researchers to the interpretation of the complex concept of style from the standpoint of philosophy, linguistics, literary criticism and art from antiquity to the present are investigated. The uniqueness of the style as a category is also stated. 

Keywords: style, category, culture, art, image, feature. 

L. Korotkova Style as the Universal Category: Interdisciplinary Approach 

N. K. Kravchenko, H. O. Brechak Archetypal Symbolism of African American Rap: A Linguistic Aspect (based on the rap text by Tyler, the Creator “Foreword”) 

Abstract. The symbolic images of the text “Foreword” by the American rapper Tyler, the Creator serve as a powerful device of the composition semantic coherence at the subtext level. At the heart of figurative symbolism are both occasional symbols of the author- performer, and universal archetypal symbols of the road, forest, water (sea / ocean), flowers, rainbows, which are interpreted as loci of transition to the “other world”, in which semiotic framework the author solves the transcendental problem of the meaning of life and death. 


Keywords: archetypal symbolism, occasional symbolic images, African American rap text. 

N. K. Kravchenko, H. O. Brechak Archetypal Symbolism of African American Rap: A Linguistic Aspect (based on the rap text by Tyler, the Creator “Foreword”)

O. Kravtsova Realization of renarration in publicistic texts 

Abstract. The article deals with the functional and semantic features of renarration structures in publicistic texts. It focuses on modern trends in the development of publicism (in particular, on the basis of the Internet). The means of a foreign language that are used for renarration are determined. The positions of the primary sources of information, the speaker (reporter), and the receiver are characterized. The attention is drawn to the dialogical / monological character of publicistic texts. 

Keywords:  publicistic  style,  renarration  structures,  indirect  speech,  citation,  embedded  structures,  primary  source  of  information, double renarration. 

O. Kravtsova Realization of renarration in publicistic texts

A. V. Kuznyetsova Cognitive Procedures in Implicit Speech Acts 

Abstract. The study is aimed at the analysis of cognitive procedures ( as understood in contemporary discourse and cognitive linguistics) which function in belle-lettres discourse with the use of some kinds of implicit speech acts, at proving that there exist certain similarities of these procedures and their combinations, and this fact enables authors to use and foresee text effects created by them. The author also suggests the application of the given analysis method for all types of implicit speech acts. 

Keywords: implicit speech acts, cognitive procedure, belle-lettres discourse, text effect.  

A. V. Kuznyetsova Cognitive Procedures in Implicit Speech Acts 

R. V. Minyailo The name варунокъ in the Old Ukrainian language 

Abstract. The name варунокъ and its meaning in the Ukrainian language, which were certified in the registers of the first half of the 17 th century, have been analyzed in the article. Apparently, the contingence of the etymologically different names варунок (← варо- вати ‘protectʼ) and варунок (← варити ‘boilʼ) took place during the formation and development of the Ukrainian vocabulary of the feudal legislation time, as far as the two titles functioned within the framework of the thematic group «payments – taxes – duties». 


Keywords: fishing vocabulary, names of forbidden fish, old-Ukrainian language, etymon, etymological nest. 

R. V. Minyailo The name варунокъ in the Old Ukrainian language 

A. A. Plechko Stars in Middle Polissia divination 

Abstract. The article covers Polishchuks’ modern ideas about the ritual of divination by the stars, recorded during the expeditions to Middle Polissia in 2010–2012. The purpose of such divinations as well as the peculiarities of thedivining process were clarified, the lexicographic analysis of the token divination was made, its functioning in the Middle Polissia beliefs was determined, various units of the content plan of the studied cultural phenomenon – verbal, agentive, actional, attributive, etc. – were established. 

Keywords: divination, stars, Polissia beliefs, ritual, diverse units. 

A. A. Plechko Stars in Middle Polissia divination

N. M. Prokopenko, O. M. Yevtushenko, T. V. Kovalova, K. А. Hachataryan Author’s idiostyle of the newspaper "Day": main trends and characteristics of the linguistic organization of texts 

The relevance of the scientific work is determined by the continuing growth of the role of the media in communication practice and motivated by the need to study the ways and methods of stylization of the newspaper discourse in the aspect of the formation of the idiostyle. To find out the role of stylistic potential of language resources, their use and interaction in media texts in shaping idiostyle as whole editions and individual authors the stylistic parameters of idiostyle all-Ukrainian daily newspaper “Day” and the relation between idiostyle of journalist and idiostyle of edition were identified. An attempt is made to identify the main language markers of the authors of the newspaper “Day”. 

Keywords: discourse, dialogue, idiostyle, text, figure of speech. 

N. M. Prokopenko, O. M. Yevtushenko, T. V. Kovalova, K. А. Hachataryan  Author’s idiostyle of the newspaper “Day”: main trends and characteristics of the linguistic organization of texts 

A. V. Sheliakina, O. M. Torosyan The connotative aspect of the states’ secondary nominations which reflect economic development of the USA 

Abstract. The article deals with the lexical-semantic and connotative analysis of the toponymic nicknames of the states which reflect the economic development of the USA. The motivational basis for giving a certain nickname is considered. The results suggest that the analyzed secondary names of the states can be attributed to the group with absolute motivation, since the motivational basis for giving one or another name is always known. It is determined that they have not lost their positive connotations and remained official nicknames in most cases.  

Keywords: toponym, toponymic nickname, secondary nomination, connotative aspect, motivational basis, Americanism, etc.  

A. V. Sheliakina, O. M. Torosyan The connotative aspect of the states’ secondary nominations which reflect economic development of the USA 

S. A. Shvachko, A. N. Kobyakov, I. K. Kobyakova Lingo-cognitive Aspects of Nothing Problem (Lexicographical Experiment) 

Abstarct. Research theme is urgent and topical due to its eternal vitality and importanceю Subject of the article is problem of nothingness, its deviations in different languages and discourses. The material of the paper is being attracted from the English  and Russian dictionaries. The textual approach is illustrated by the discursive analysis. Actuality of the paper is objectivized by its topicality, by the stable interest of researchers and their great expectance. The working hypothesis: nothing1 has referents to negate, nothing2 is referntless. Both groups are correlated in their outer aspects; their deep aspects are diverse. Their metasigns are absolute homonyms.  

Keywords: lingo-cognitive aspects, nothingness, referents, non-being, being.  

S. A. Shvachko, A. N. Kobyakov, I. K. Kobyakova Lingo-cognitive Aspects of Nothing Problem (Lexicographical Experiment) 

O. V. Stavenko The category of chronotope in Australian literary texts for children: linguistic and cultural aspects (case study of the fairy tale Snugglepot and Cuddlepie by May Gibbs) 

Abstract. The research deals with revealing linguistic and slylistic means of realisation cultural specificity of the category of chronotope in Australian literary texts for children. It has been proved that the means expressing the category of chronotope in these texts realise ethnical specificity of Australian culture. In the article it has been revealed the ways of verbal expressing ethnic and cultural specificity of chronos and topos in the fairy tale Snugglepot and Cuddlepie written by May Gibbs.  

Keywords: text category, chronotope, ethnic and cultural specificity, literary texts for children, fairy tale. 

O. V. Stavenko The  category  of  chronotope  in  Australian  literary  texts  for  children:  linguistic  and  cultural  aspects  (case  study  of  the  fairy  tale Snugglepot and Cuddlepie by May Gibbs) 

M. M. Vasylchuk Folklore and ethnographic background of Modern Art Fiction by Gnat Khotkevych (according to the materials of the first edition of the story "The stone soul", 1911) 

Abstract.  The  article deals  with  the  features  of  the  artistic  reproduction of  Hutsulshchyna  in  the story of  Gnat  Khotkevych “The stone soul” (1911). The focus is on the interpretation of the author of the unity between the spiritual world of the highlanders and the natural environment. The role and meaning of folklore and ethnographic component in the author’s reflection of the regional colouring of the Carpathians are revealed. It is shown how the author builds up modern artistic text, based on showing the traditional realities of the region. 

Keywords: folklore, ethnography, mythology, mountains, story, colouring. 

M. M. Vasylchuk Folklore and ethnographic background of Modern Art Fiction by Gnat Khotkevych (according to the materials of the first edition of the story “The stone soul”, 1911) 

M. M. Vasylchuk The Borders of the mythological world of Yuriy Fedkovych poetry: «the Hutsul» aspect 

Abstract. The article is devoted to the consideration of the mythological aspect of the poetic creativity of Yuriy Fedkovych, which is the Ukrainian writer-romanticist. The ways of his learning and transmission in the artistic texts of folklore and mythology of the Carpathians are revealed. It is emphasized that the author not only borrows pre-Christian plots and images that have been saved until the XIXth century, but also transforms them, creates his own artistic world, which is organically linked with the mythological world of the region. The attention is also paid to the influence of the European romantic context on the art of the Ukrainian poet. 

Keywords: folklore, ethnography, mythology, poetry, poem, poem, the Carpathians. 

M. M. Vasylchuk The Borders of the mythological world of Yuriy Fedkovych poetry: «the Hutsul» aspect 

I. Vygnanska Peculiarities of Modifications of Biblical Phraseological Units in Modern French Mass-media discourse 

Abstract. This article explores the peculiarities of the use of phraseological modifications and divergences from the semantics of usual biblicalphraseological units in Modern French Mass-media discourse. In this contribution, phraseological modifications are described as one of  the  methods  of  the  intentional  normative  use  of  biblical  phraseological  units,  and  a  distinction  is  made  between  phraseological  modifications from related language phenomena. Based on cases from the contemporary French media, the models of the modification of biblical phraseological units resulting from the change of the formative (structural phraseological modifications) or a specific integration into the context (contextual phraseological modifications) are analysed, and  the occasional transformations of the semantics  and/or the structure of biblical phraseological units, as used by the author with a certain intention in a specific text, are traced. 

Keywords:  the  Bible  Phraseological  Units,  phraseological  modification,  usual  phraseological  unit,  occassional  phraseological variant. 

I. Vygnanska Peculiarities of Modifications of Biblical Phraseological Units in Modern French Mass-media discourse 

S. I. Yermolenko, T. V. Siroshtan Vocative as an expression of changes in modern Ukrainian space (based on prose works by Oksana Zabuzhko) 

Abstract. In the article the authors study vocative as an expression of social changes in contemporary Ukrainian space on the material of Oksana Zabuzhko`s prose works. The authors describe the most common forms of vocative use, analyze non-literary kinds of address, the causes leading to such forms, the impact of the Russian-speaking environment, as well as a generalization of the current situation in Ukraine in terms of vocatives. In addition, the authors investigate what kind of vocative the writer Oksana Zabuzhko most often uses in her novel The Museum of Abandoned Secrets and in the collection Your Advertising Could Be Here. 

Keywords: vocative, Vocative case, address, appelative, personification. 

S. I. Yermolenko, T. V. Siroshtan Vocative as an expression of changes in modern Ukrainian space (based on prose works by Oksana Zabuzhko) 

H. I. Yuzkiv Petrarchan Love in Sosiura’s poetry 

Abstract. This paper described the basic principles of Petrarchism as a stylistic trend in a diachronic dimension of the literary process and its defining characteristic features, which affected European love lyrics with high rates of sublimation and Platonism – Ukrainian literature especially, and Sosiura’s creative thinking in particular. The key features of Sosiura’s interpretation of the image of a woman as the reason of the lyrical hero’s feelings and the ancient modeling of the beloved woman in a well-decorated frame, but without her portrait, for example Kon- stantsiia Rudzianska, Vira Berzina, Olena Zhurlyva, Mariia Danylova are highlighted.  

Keywords: love lyrics, Petrarchism, sublimation, platonism, idealization of a woman, lyrical hero. 

H. I. Yuzkiv Petrarchan Love in Sosiura’s poetry