Science and Education a New Dimension

Online version ISSN 2308-1996

Printed version ISSN 2308-5258

Science and Education a New Dimension

Iss. 172. 2018.

I. P. Diordiieva, Ia. S. Riabovol, L. O. Riabovol, S. Kotsiuba Ecological plasticity and stability of new spelt wheat samples on yield capacity

Abstract. It the article it is shown the results of determination of ecological plasticity and stability on yield capasity of new samples of spelt wheat, which was created by remote hybridization with soft wheat. As a result of the research, two samples that combine high ecological plastisity and stability have been identified: the sample 1695 (bi=0,87, SІ²=0) and sample 1786 (bі=0,44, Sі²=0,01). These samples can be used on an extensive background, where they provide the maximum yield at minimum cost. 

Keywords: spelt wheat, yield, plasticity, stability. 

I. P. Diordiieva, Ia. S. Riabovol, L. O. Riabovol, S. Kotsiuba Ecological plasticity and stability of new spelt wheat samples on yield capacity  

О. Gera Application of the smart farming technologies in Ukraine 

Abstract. The prospects for introduction of the latest satellite and geoinformation technologies, as well as equipment, into Ukrainian agriculture  are  considered.  The  essence  of  methods  of  the  precision  agriculture  is  described.  The  economic  effect  of  innovations applying is shown. The recommendations for using the operating modes of equipment are given depending on the planned work in the field. 

Keywords: smart farming, precision agriculture, GNSS-technologies, innovations in agricultural production.   

О. Gera Application of the smart farming technologies in Ukraine

O. O. Halahan, O. V. Kovtoniuk, N. P. Korogoda Geomorphological preconditions of the formation of military landscapes (on the example of the Bratkivsky ridge (Pryvodo- dilny Gorgany))

Abstract. The article deals with the geomorphological  precondition of the construction of defense lines at mountainous territories and the formation of military landscapes on the example of the Bratkivsky ridge of the Pryvododilny  Gorgany of the Vododilno- Verhovynsky  Carpathians.  In  the  paper  authors  have  analyzed  how  morphological  and  morphometric  features  of  relief  and  other natural factors impacted to construction of defense lines and military operations in this region during the Second World War. The article analyzes of the present state of military landscapes within the Bratkivsky ridge and possibilities of their rational use, in particular as tourist object. 

Keywords: Military landscape, Bratkivsky ridge, military-tourism. 

O. O. Halahan, O. V. Kovtoniuk, N. P. Korogoda Geomorphological preconditions of the formation of military landscapes (on the example of the Bratkivsky ridge (Pryvodo- dilny Gorgany)) 

T. G. Kupach, S. O. Demyanenko, J. A. Olishevska Recreational territories: comfort adjustment tool life in the cities

Abstract. The article considers the possibilities of improving the quality of the urban environment by increasing the share of green plantations  of  various  categories  and  preserving  the  percentage  of  unique  natural  landscapes  of  the  city  due  to  the  development  of  eco- oriented recreational nature management. The article presents the results of analysis of providing the city’s residents with comfortable living and rest conditions. In a study carried out constructive analysis of some of the residential areas of Kiev, for the presence of natural resources, for availability of recreational areas for residents, for sustainable forms of recreational use of the green zone residents. 

Keywords:  greenery, green  zone, recreational  territories, functional quality  of recreational landscapes, functional organization of recreational landscapes. 

T. G. Kupach, S. O. Demyanenko, J. A. Olishevska Recreational territories: comfort adjustment tool life in the cities 

Y. D. Shuisky, G. V. Vykhovanets, A. B. Murkalov, D. O. Pankratenkova Composition of ancient alluvial depositions within the Black Sea submarine slope nearest of Dnestr mouth

Abstract. The article presents the results of a study of the composition of the ancient alluvial sediments on the underwater slope of the Black sea on the coast of the Dniester. Based on the analysis of the geological structure of the study area and selected samples on the underwater slope of the beach and examined the composition of sedimentary rocks and sediments. The samples were processed in the laboratory to obtain the granulometric and material composition, method of sieve analysis. 

Keywords: Black Sea, coastal zone, submarine slope, beach, storm, sediments, content. 

Y. D. Shuisky, G. V. Vykhovanets, A. B. Murkalov, D. O. Pankratenkova Composition of ancient alluvial depositions within the Black Sea submarine slope nearest of Dnestr mouth

K. S. Gaiduk, O. G. Shevchenko Deadlock Prevention in OS for Programmable Systems on a Chip

Abstract. The paper presents an approach to preventing deadlocks in embedded operating systems based on combining event-driven and service-oriented architectures, asynchronous I/O and other techniques which used to develop the author’s operating system. In order to reduce the overhead of CPU time due to the need for dynamic memory allocation, as well as to reduce the dispersion of allocation time for memory blocks, the operating system is using a programmable logic resource. 

Keywords: deadlock prevention, automata-based programming, embedded operating systems, programmable system on a chip, Predicate OS. 

K. S. Gaiduk, O. G. Shevchenko Deadlock Prevention in OS for Programmable Systems on a Chip 

O. V. Kryvoruchko, M. A. Kostiuk Modern trends in the educational process informatization 

Abstract. The article analyzes the problem of informatization of education in Ukraine. The role of the educational  system  in  the modern information space, the basic principles of informatization of education, including new means of acquiring knowledge; Innovation of technical resources for obtaining information; the formation of a new content of education and new forms of education, including remote education, e-learning and mobile learning. 

Keywords: education, informatization, information technologies, remote education, mobile education, e-learning. 

O. V. Kryvoruchko, M. A. Kostiuk Modern trends in the educational process informatization

K. V. Zarembovskyi LMS additional structure for working with skiver students

Abstract. The article considers the advantages and disadvantages of modern mobile learning systems and highlights the problem of such software systems incongruity with the requirements and peculiarities of the educational process in Ukrainian universities. Exceptional  attention  was  devoted  to  the  lack  of  full-fledged  feedback  between  the  teacher  and  the  student  in  contemporary  mobile learning  systems.  As  a  solution  to  this  issue,  the  additional  structure  for  mobile  learning  systems  is  proposed  –  the  self-authored software system, which was cold “Methodist”. This software system is closely integrated with mobile learning program systems and communication tools such as e-mail and digital telephony. Appointment of this system – to automate work with students who “can not get a handle” accordingly with the pace of the curriculum. The article contains requirements for the “Methodist” software system. In addition, the functional of the software system  “Methodist” was described and the main roles of users was considered. The  re- quirements for the infrastructure components, which are necessary for the implementation of the «Methodist» software system, was formed. Based on these requirements implementations of the mobile learning software system, e-mail service and digital telephony service were selected among the products offered on the market. The prototype model of the Methodist system was implemented in Python with aid of FCGI technology and was pilot applied during the discrete mathematics course. 

Keywords: mobile learning program system, additional structure for mobile learning program system. 

K. V. Zarembovskyi LMS additional structure for working with skiver students 

N. I. Hresko Morphological characteristics of the parts of the hemomicrocirculatory bed under prolonged exposure of the opioid in the experiment

Abstract. Our study deals  with chronic effect of the opioid on the  angioarchitecture of the colon wall.  These investigations were carried out on 24 mature white male rats. The animals were injected every day by opioid for 6 weeks and the dose was increased weekly. 9 white rats to which 0.9% sodium chloride was injected served as the control group. The results of the experimental study indicate that the chronic effect of the opioid causes significant dystrophic changes in the structural components of the hemomycocir- culatory bed of the colon wall. 

Keywords: hemomycocirculatory bed, colon, opioid, injection,experiment. 

N. I. Hresko Morphological characteristics of the parts of the hemomicrocirculatory bed under  prolonged exposure of the opioid in the experiment 

S. P. Yarova, I. I. Zabolotna, S. A. Dubyna, Yu. Yu. Yarov Comparative X-ray analysis of chemical composition of dentin in teeth with a wedge-shaped defect at different depth of the enamel microcracks

Abstract. The purpose of the work– to research the chemical composition of dentin in teeth affected by a wedge-shaped defect de- pending on the depth of the enamel microcracks. Materials and methods: subject of research – 10 teeth of the both jaws extracted as clinically indicated, longitudinal sections of teeth of patients from 25 to 54 years old. JSM-6490 LV focused beam electronic micro- scope (scanning) with system of energy-dispersive x-ray microanalysis INCA Penta FETх3 was used. A great number of magnesium was present: in the incisal zone (cusps) of teeth with microcracks of type I, at the equator, on the gingival surface of a wedge-shaped defect of teeth with microcracks of type II, in the area of the crown surface, the joint of non-carious pathology and at the distance from it in teeth with microcracks of type III. The amount of calcium was high in: incisal region (cusp) and the equator of teeth with microcracks of type II, on the crown surface of a wedge-shaped defect of teeth with type I microcracks, in the gum area, the joint of non-carious pathology and 150 microns away from it in teeth with microcracks of type III.  There was established the relation between the chemical composition of dentin with a wedge-shaped defect and the depth of microcracks in the enamel of the vestibular surface.  Significant  differences  in  the  content of  magnesium  and  calcium  in  the dentin  depending  on  the  depth  of  microcracks  (p <0.05) were found out.  

Keywords: microcracks, wedge-shaped defect, dentine, chemical composition. 

S. P. Yarova, I. I. Zabolotna, S. A. Dubyna, Yu. Yu. Yarov Comparative X-ray analysis of chemical composition of dentin in teeth with a wedge-shaped defect at different depth of the enamel microcracks

S. P. Yarova, K. V. Novikova, O. Y. Chernyshova, O. M. Novikova, O. A. Kobtseva Monitoring of the structure and distribution of periodontal disease in children of the Donetsk region according the applay

Abstract. The aim of the research was to study the structure of periodontal pathology in children in Donetsk region who applied for periodontal care in three age groups (3-6 years, 7-12 years, 15-18 years). Clinically 207 children were examined. The presence of periodontitis was found in all age groups in 34 of 207 subjects (16.4%). It was found that the main cause of treatment of children (83.6%, 173/207) of all age groups is the presence of gingivitis – 95.2%, 93.1%, 56.9%, respectively. 

Keywords: monitoring, gingivitis, periodontal disease.

S. P. Yarova, K. V. Novikova, O. Y. Chernyshova, O. M. Novikova, O. A. Kobtseva  Monitoring of the structure and distribution of periodontal disease in children of the Donetsk region according the applay 

S. A. Lupenko, A. S. Sverstiuk, N. B. Stadnyk, A. M. Zozulia Mathematical modeling and methods for processing heart signals based on cyclic random processes and vectors

Abstract. The paper considers the unified approach to the modeling  and  processing  of  heart  signals  of  electrical,  magnetic  and acoustic (mechanical) nature based on the model of the theory of cyclic random functions, namely, using cyclic random process and vector of cyclic rhythmically related random processes. The structures of statistical estimations of probabilistic characteristics of the investigated heart signals, as well as the results of their spectral analysis, are presented. The informative signs in computer systems of functional  diagnostics  of  the  state  of  the  heart  based  on  the  mathematical  models  and  methods  proposed  in  their  work  are substantiated. 

Keywords: heart signals, mathematical modeling, methods of processing, cyclic random functions, informative features. 

S. A. Lupenko, A. S. Sverstiuk, N. B. Stadnyk, A. M. Zozulia Mathematical modeling and methods for processing heart signals based on cyclic random processes and vectors 

L. R. Mateshuk-Vatseba, A. M. Bekesevych Nerve fibers and glial cells of the cerebellar cortex in norm and under the long term influence of opioid in the experiment

Abstract. The investigations of the cerebellum and cerebellar cortex, in particular, in norm and under the long-term opioid influence have practical meaning, both in the medical and social aspects. The ultrastructure of nerve fibers and glial cells of cerebellar cortex was studied in norm and under the influence of 6-week aсtion of nalbuphine. Amoung the groups of granule cells there are irregular shape islands, the endings of mossy fibers. In the case of contact between the endings of the mossy fibers and the dendrites of the granule cells, the  postsynaptic  membrane is  much denser.  In the dynamics of the 6-week  administration of nalbuphine pathological changes of the nerve fibers and glial cells of the cerebellar cortex increase. Periaxonal edema, flocculation and homogenization of the myelin sheath of nerve fibers, development of deep dystrophic changes of astrocytes and oligodendrocytes are observed. 

Keywords: cerebellum, glial cells, nerve fibers, nalbuphine, ultrastructure. 

L. R. Mateshuk-Vatseba, A. M. Bekesevych Nerve fibers and glial cells of the cerebellar cortex in norm and under the long term influence of opioid in the experiment 

Ye. V. Mytsenko Diagnosis means of movement function of 5-11 years old children with autism spectrum disorders 

Abstract. The article dwells on the use of a specially selected set of physical exercises as an auxiliary means for diagnosing body fluency on the CARIC Eric Schopler scale by children aged 5-11 with autism spectrum disorders. The application results are presented  as  an  independent  diagnostics  instrument  of  motor  function  in  connection  with  the  child’s  age  and  degree  of  autism  spectrum disorders. A detailed description of exercises from a given set is given and prospects of further researches are outlined. 

Keywords: autism, diagnosis, motor function, disorders. 

Ye. V. Mytsenko Diagnosis means of movement function of 5-11 years old children with autism spectrum disorders 

O. Skyba, Yu. Dyachenko, L. Pshenychna, A. Vertel Justification of the system of measures for the preservation of children's health in conditions of out-of-school educational establishments of a sports profile 

Abstract. A comprehensive hygienic assessment of the conditions and organization of the training process in out-of-school educational establishments of the sports profile was conducted. The advantage of the average level of sanitary-and-hygienic well-being (58.55 ± 8.71%) among the out-of-school educational institutions of the sports complex of Sumy city was determined. The measures of optimization of the conditions and organization of the training process in out-of-school educational establishments of the sports profile, aimed at preserving the health of children, were developed and substantiated. 

Keywords: out-of-school educational establishments of a sports profile, sanitary prosperity of the institution, conditions of training, preserva- tion of health. 

O. Skyba, Yu. Dyachenko, L. Pshenychna, A. Vertel Justification of the system of measures for the preservation of children’s health in conditions of out-of-school educational establishments of a sports profile