Science and Education a New Dimension

Online version ISSN 2308-1996

Printed version ISSN 2308-5258

Science and Education a New Dimension

Iss. 171. 2018.

V. O. Yathenko Strategy of balanced development of suburban territories of large cities of Ukraine

Abstract. The article is the result of an analytical study of the relationship between the city and the suburban area. An attempt to identify the main factors that can be incorporated into the future strategy of balanced development and avoid a number of disadvantages when forming group forms of resettlement in the zone of influence of large cities. The processes of decentralization of the management system are the socio-economic potential of creating a system of common intranets for development, not destruction.  

Keywords: suburban territory, city, strategy, group form of resettlement, migration, urbanization, decentralization. 

V.  O. Yathenko Strategy of balanced development of suburban territories of large cities of Ukraine 

N. B. Hrytsai Aboriginal and introduced species of wood plants of parks and parks of the city of Rivne

Abstract. The article analyzes the species composition of woody plants of parks, squares and streets of the city of Rivne. It has been established that most species are introduced from different regions of the world, in particular from North America, Japan and China, Southern  Europe.  Among  the  gymnosperms,  the  genus  Pinaceae  is  the  most  numerous  species  in  the  species,  and  Rosaceae  are among the angiosperms. It is recommended to expand the range of introducts by cultivating in Equator such species of Ginkgo biloba L., Phellodendron amurense Rupr., Liriodendron tulipifera L., Microbiota decussata Kom. 

Keywords: dendroflora, introduced species, aborigines, parks and squares, green plantations, Rivne. 

N. B. Hrytsai Aboriginal and introduced species of wood plants of parks and parks of the city of Rivne

O. V. Korolyova Fungi of the class Dothideomycetes of nature reserves and nature parks of the steppe zone of Ukraine

Abstract. The article contains data on the species diversity of Dothideomycetes of 12 objects of the nature reserve fund in the territory of the steppe zone of Ukraine. A species diversity of Dothideomycetes has been found in steppe reserves and natural parks, which includes 166 species belonging to 49 genera 21 families 6 orders of subclasses Pleosporomycetidae and Dothideomycetidae. A taxonomic structure of the species composition was established, a comparison of the species complexes of the Dothideomycetes of the investigated reserves and natural parks was carried out using the Stugran-Radulesku Index. 

Keywords: Dothіdeomycetes, species diversity, taxonomic structure, objects of the nature reserve fund, steppe zone.

O. V. Korolyova Fungi of the class Dothideomycetes of nature reserves and nature parks of the steppe zone of Ukraine 

V. Ya Kozhukhar, V. V Brem, , I. V. Dmitrenko, L. V. Ivanchenko Algorithm of experimental study of hydrogen permeability for flux melts

Abstract. The considered sequence of experimental study of hydrogen permeability for flux melts allows to develop new compositions of fluoride-oxide fluxes with different correlation of components. Reduction in compositions of experience fluxes of calcium fluoride is espe- cially important on two reasons. First: deficit and high cost at highly tonnage productions. Second, that in the process of making and remelt of metals pyrohydrolysis happens at a contact with a moist according to the scheme: (CaF2)s + (H2O)l = (CaO)s + 2(HF)g↑, that changes flux composition and contaminates an environment. 

Keywords: hydrogen permeability, electro-slag remelt, flux, methodology, hydrogen content of metal. 

V. Ya Kozhukhar, V. V Brem, , I. V. Dmitrenko, L. V. Ivanchenko Algorithm of experimental study of hydrogen permeability for flux melts 

N. S. Ashchepkova, S. A. Ashchepkov, S. S. Kapera Dynamics of transport robot model during the turns

Abstract. In the article the research of the transport robot dynamics at the turns is done. A model with a four-wheeled chassis arrangement is considered: all-wheel drive and front-wheel drive. At the stage of dynamic modeling, the forces and moments that operate on a separate wheel are considered. A mathematical model of controlled traffic of a transport robot is made. The mathematical modeling of the controlled traffic of a robot with turns is made. At the simulation modeling stage, the transport robot models created on the basis of Lego Midstorms NXT are considered. 

Keywords: model, transport robot, chassis, dynamics, traffic mode  

N. S. Ashchepkova, S. A. Ashchepkov, S. S. Kapera Dynamics of transport robot model during the turns

V. M. Koshova, A. A. Kobennitska Selection of caramel malt for the production of dark and dark beer

Abstract.  Barley  brewing  malt,  hops,  water  and  yeast  are  the  main  raw  material  in  brewing,  according  to  the  classical  technology. The Ukrainian beer market is quite wide, which is why it is relevant to create new recipes and beers. Caramel malt enhances the typical caramel aroma of beer, it gives the beer a dark color, as well as increases its freshness, and in taste, pleasant honey notes are felt. In this article, an optimal amount of caramel malt has been selected for the production of dark and dark beers. 

Keywords: caramel malt, wort, hopping, fermentation, ready beer. 

V. M. Koshova, A. A. Kobennitska Selection of caramel malt for the production of dark and dark beer 

A. P. Kyrychok Money bill technology of tactile recognition engravings for visually impaired

Abstract. From  ancient times  man devised systems to give value to things and exchange them, barter  was used, and then money arose. Currently, around the world and since 1940, the money has been represented by minted coins and bills issued by each of the Central Banks of the respective countries. The first coins that are known, were coined in Lydia, current Turkey in the seventh century BC, The pioneer in using bills, was the Mongol emperor, Kublai Khan in the eleventh century, for him, was the certificate of property of a quantity of gold coins in Europe, in the beginning, banknotes were certified on the existence of a gold deposit in a bank. The tendency of human beings to exchange things with each other to cover needs seems to be part of the human condition and has been a basic activity in all cultures since the beginning of time known. As the trade spread, people began to travel much more, traveling longer distances, and this fact forced them to travel comfortably and with the least possible weight. The bills represent an easy article to move and to promote the acquisition of products during the journey. But, during those crucial moments of growing commercial exchange for subsistence, nobody publicly explained or figured out how the visually impaired would do to recognize existing money bills.  The  inalienable  need  of  the  visually  impaired  forced  the  implementation  of  adequate  ways  to  identify  and  differentiate  the banknotes by touching the surface of those bills to allow them to obtain the necessary profit of its face value without being victims of unfair merchants. 

Keywords: banknote design, visualy impered people, producting, money bill, money.  

A. P. Kyrychok Money bill technology of tactile recognition engravings for visually impaired 

S. Maltsev Cognitive assessment system the pivot point position of the vessel with the help of efficient algorithms 

Abstract. The article presents an analysis of the semantics of the terms used and the concepts of the vessel maneuvering control system. The general scientific category of the system that was used plays the role of methodological principles of studying and describing the subject of research. Introduction as the basis of the system theory of an isolated element – “control object” – gives the semantic content of the concepts of “direct”, “reverse” and “local” communication lines for information transfer. It is believed that the historical aspect of the creation of the cognitive system determines the dynamics of methods for assessing the position of the ship’s pivot point (PP). It is noted that initially a content model was developed to determine the position of the PP based on the use of a comparative method of vessel control. Then, a formalized model was created to calculate the position of the PP for one force and established the basic laws of the displacement of the PP relative to the location of the point of application of the driving force and the center of gravity. Later, models were created for determining the resulting lateral forces acting on the hull, and for them the position of the abscissa PP. To automatically determine the abscissa of the PP, a model was developed that uses the value of the tangential velocities of the ship’s limbs. This method does not require the development of new navigation devices and involves the introduction of local links between existing elements of the system. The last two methods are protected by Ukrainian patents and priority publications. The experimental verification of the proposed formalized models confirmed their correctness. Analysis of the calculation results shows that for a large number of internal and external forces acting on the vessel, there are some deviations in the results of the calculation from the experimental values, which  can be explained by the interaction between forces of different origins. To clarify the nature of this interaction, further experimental studies are required. 

Keywords: semantic content; cognitive system; tangential velocity of limbs; local communications; experimental verification. 

S. Maltsev Cognitive assessment system the pivot point position of the vessel with the help of efficient algorithms

V. N. Melnyk, N. V. Mulyar Automatic segmentation of half-tone images by the method of CDVA 

Abstract. The article deals with the issues of segmentation on semi-tinted (black and white) images. It is proposed to use the method of central discrete Voronoi diagrams (axes). The problems of program realization of the method of the central discrete Voronoi axes are considered in detail. From the comparative estimation of the histogram distribution, the conclusion on the effectiveness of the method is made on the equivalent diagrams of the  microstructures of these  elements.  The  conclusion is drawn about the  possibility  of using the  method of CDVA-method in digital processing of aerospace images. 

Keywords: image segmentation, threshold method, CDVA-method, weight functions, digital image processing, histogram distribution. 

V. N. Melnyk, N. V. Mulyar Automatic segmentation of half-tone images by the method of CDVA

N. D. Orlova Mathematical description of the process of milling and agglomeration based on probability model of the process

Abstract. A probabilistic approach to the study of milling and agglomeration processes in vibrating mills is considered. A qualitative analysis of the process was carried out from the standpoint of inhomogeneous Markov processes that are continuous in time and discrete in space. Investigation of the process associated with the function of the probability density of destruction. With an increase in the degree of dispersion of the particles of the material being crushed, the fraction of the energy consumed by the plastic deformation increases, as a result, point contacts pass into contacts over the surface and the strength of the aggregates increases. At its core, the aggregation process reduces the efficiency of vibratory mills when grinding material, but allows the process of vibration cladding. It is assumed that the processing of materials is not accompanied by a chemical reaction and the physical and mechanical properties of the materials are not taken into account. Basically, this method is associated with the evaluation of experimental data and the search for optimal parameters for processing materials.  

Keywords: vibratory grinding, agglomeration, optimal parameters. 

N. D. Orlova Mathematical description of the process of milling and agglomeration based on probability model of the process 

О. Р. Оstapenko Application of the method of complex assessment of energy-ecological-economic efficiency of energy supply systems with cogeneration heat pump installations and peak sources of heat

Abstract. The application of the method of complex assessment of energy-ecological-economic efficiency of energy supply systems (ESS) with cogeneration heat pump installations (CHPI) and peak sources of heat (PSH) has been performed, this method has in- depth approach to the assessment of energy transformations in ESS elements and enables to provide the substantiated determination of high energy efficient, ecologically safe and economically substantiated operation modes of ESS with CHPI and PSH.  

Keywords: methodical fundamentals, energy-ecological-economic efficiency, energy supply system, cogeneration heat pump in- stallation, peak source of heat. 

О. Р. Оstapenko Application of the method of complex assessment of energy-ecological-economic efficiency of energy supply systems with cogeneration heat pump installations and peak sources of heat  

A. S. Pamirsky, I. V. Zabarna, S. B. Prosyanуi Effect of non-ionizing radiation on the intensity of mass growth and quality of meat products in chickens

Abstract. The article presents data on the determination of the intensity of mass growth of carcasses and internal organs of the chicken cross Tetra-X, the content of crude protein and the amino acid composition in the hydrolyzates of the chicken breast muscle fibers under the influence of an alternating pulsed electromagnetic field of ultralow frequency. A significant increase in the mass of the chicken caraway from the influence of non-ionizing radiation was observed in the scheme of 30 minutes a day for 6 months, feeding which was carried out with an elevated or low- ered protein content of 10–15 % in the diet. The increase in the content of crude protein, the increase in the content of irreplaceable and substitute amino acids and protein-quality index in the chest chest muscles under the influence of the alternating pulsed electromagnetic field of the ultra- short frequency, regardless of the level of protein in the diet, has been established. 

Keywords: variable pulsed electromagnetic fields of ultralow frequency, weight of chicken carcasses, weight of internal organs of chickens, hydrolyzate of chicken breast chest proteins, crude protein, amino acid composition. 

A. S. Pamirsky, I. V. Zabarna, S. B. Prosyanуi Effect of non-ionizing radiation on the intensity of mass growth and quality of meat products in chickens 

O. O. Sliusarchuk The calculation time for obtaining the image of ultrahigh distinction with the help of radar stations with synthesized aperture

Abstract. The article proposes the order of the implementation of additional algorithms for calculating the time of obtaining a radar image of ultrahigh distinction, which can be obtained using radar stations with a synthesized aperture. Also in the article calculations of the time of obtaining a radar image of ultrahigh distinction, which can be obtained using radar stations with synthesized aperture for areas of 30×30 km, 3×3 km, and 1×1 km with a resolution of 0.3 m, 0.5 m and 1 m in accordance. 

Keywords: radar, ultrahigh distinction, additional algorithms, synthesized aperture. 

O. O. Sliusarchuk The calculation time for obtaining the image of ultrahigh distinction with the help of radar stations with synthesized aperture

L. V. Trykoz, S. N. Kamchatnaya, O. M. Pustovoitova Shrinkage deformations of acrylic composite material for repair of concrete structures 

Abstract. In the article the deformation properties of the composition material which contains a polymer and a filler are considered. As a polymer binder the polymethylmethacrylate is used. The fillers are quartz sand and portlandcement. The experimental results of investigation the shrinkage deformations of acrylic polymer-mortar are represented. It is established that the material with the quartz sand filler has the least value of the shrinkage deformations. 

Keywords: shrinkage deformations, polymer-mortar, polymethylmethacrylate, filler, quartz sand, portlandcement.

L. V. Trykoz, S. N. Kamchatnaya, O. M. Pustovoitova Shrinkage deformations of acrylic composite material for repair of concrete structures