Science and Education a New Dimension

Online version ISSN 2308-1996

Printed version ISSN 2308-5258

Science and Education a New Dimension

Iss. 60. 2015.

O. L. Lytvyn Central zone of the field of antonyms in the English language

Abstract. In this article an attempt is made to define the central zone of the field of antonyms in the English language by comparing and contrasting the data obtained by the process of analyzing illustrative material used in linguistic works written in English, and information about the frequency of these units in language obtained from a frequency dictionary – «A Frequency Dictionary of Contemporary American English». The results of the semantic and functional analysis, as well as quantitative calculations enabled us to arrive at the conclusion that the central zone of the field of antonyms in the English language is formed mainly by morphologically unrelated  (absolute)  adjectives  and  verbs  which  illustrate  gradable  and  complementary  antonymy,  namely  about  60  pairs  of antonyms. 

Keywords: linguistic category, structure of the field, central zone of the field, antonymy, frequency 

O. L. Lytvyn Central zone of the field of antonyms in the English language 

N.I. Lyutyanska Presenting conflict situations in the media discourse: verbal and non-verbal strategies

Abstract: The present paper deals with the notion of conflict situation as well as its presentation in the media discourse. The study is based mainly  on the Internet media in multicultural countries, i.e. Great Britain and the United States of America. The present research is conducted in the framework of critical discourse analysis. The latter sees the text as a basic unit of communication. In our case the communication takes place between representatives of different ethnic, racial or religious groups. 

Keywords: conflict situation, interethnic interaction, media discourse, speech strategies, pragmatic effect 

N.I. Lyutyanska Presenting conflict situations in the media discourse:  verbal and non-verbal strategies 

A.A. Prihodko Concepts “LIFE” and “DEATH” in the modern novels about vampires

Abstract: The article is dedicated to the peculiarities of the concepts “LIFE” and “DEATH” in the modern conceptual and language picture of the world. According to the distinctive features of understanding of these concepts we study the place and peculiar properties in the modern novels about vampires.  

Keywords: concept, conceptual picture of the world, language picture of the world, conceptual feature 

A.A. Prihodko Concepts “LIFE” and “DEATH” in the modern novels about vampires 

L. Blyznyuk Heimweh emotional state experiencer as a constituent part of microproposition in Heimweh emotional state situation frame modelling

Abstract. The article focuses on Heimweh emotional state situation frame modelling in German. The constituent part of the situation is an experiencer of emotional state. The factors defining Heimweh  emotional state experiencer are determined. Markers indicating age, gender, profession and occupation of Heimweh emotional state experiencer are specified. The impact of emotional state ca uses on an experiencer, his/her values and preferences are described.  

Keywords: frame, modelling, propositional scheme, emotional state experiencer, emotional state situation  

L. Blyznyuk Heimweh emotional state experiencer as a constituent part of microproposition in Heimweh emotional state situation frame modelling

I.M. Borbenchuk Linguistic characteristic of Katul’s political epigrams

Abstract.  The article is devoted to political epigrams of the Roman poet of the I century BC Katul. It shows linguistic means that gave the epigrams poetry, satiric color, acuteness which made them up-to-date and interesting for the modern reader. 

Keywords: epigram, satire, sarcasm, irony, tropes and figures 

I.M. Borbenchuk Linguistic characteristic of Katul’s political epigrams 

G.G. Visko Cognitive Linguistics: a history of formation and development of the branch of linguistic study

Abstract. This article deals with the rise and development of the cognitive linguistics in the historical perspective. The opinions of  the researchers on the question of the “Cognitive Linguistics-Cognitive Science” relation as well as on the goal of the discipline, its subject, sources, main tasks and postulates are presented. 

Keywords: cognitive linguistics, cognitive science, cognition, language 

G.G. Visko Cognitive Linguistics: a history of formation and development of the branch of linguistic study

O.M. Grygoriev The role of the author’s system of tropes (in this case, simile) in forming a linguistic picture of the world, in the sociopolitical tracts of Mykola Khvylovyj

Abstract. This article examines the characteristics of the author’s use of tropes (in this case, simile) in the sociopolitical tracts of Mykola Khvylovyj. Simile, together with other tropes and stylistic features is an important element in his personal linguistic picture of the world. The writer’s pamphlets are characterized by the bold nature of their polemics and propaganda. Therefore the fore men- tioned stylistic forms are important in posing the problem, imbuing the author’s language with particular dynamism and expression. 

Keywords: tropes, simile, communicability, linguistic picture of the world 

O.M. Grygoriev The role of the author’s system of tropes (in this case, simile) in forming a linguistic picture of the world, in the sociopolitical tracts of Mykola Khvylovyj 

I.M. Derik The Typological Peculiarities of the Internet Business Messages Discourse

Abstract. The purpose of the article is to tackle the problem of outlining typological linguistic peculiarities of the Internet business messages discourse as well as to find out the specific linguistic features of the discourse under analysis in the typologically  distant English and Ukrainian languages. The subjects of this study are the Internet business messages discourse and the linguistic peculiarities of this type  of discourse in the typologically  distant languages, Ukrainian and English.  Methods  of  linguistic,  comparative and instrumental analysis, as well as descriptive method are used in this given research. Identifying the typological common linguistic peculiarities in the distant English and Ukrainian languages on the lexical, grammatical and phonetical levels is the finding of research. The comparison of the lexical, grammatical and prosodic features on the segmental and suprasegmental levels of the English and Ukrainian Internet business messages under analysis revealed some common features which have been experimentally and statistically verified as typological: 1) on the lexical level the extensive use of general and specific terms, intensifiers and means of personal contact; 2) on the grammatical levels the  employment  of  passive  constructions,  non-personal  verbal  forms,  dynamic  verbs,  numerals,  structures  of  secondary  predication, complex and compound sentences; 3) on the prosodic level the correlation of pitch, intensity and tempo parameters with the presence of the emotional and attitudinal connotations. The practical value of the research is to use the results of it to optimize the processes of mastering business English discourse and to improve the skills of translating Internet business messages from English into Ukrainian and vice versa, as well as for fundamental studies of general and comparative linguistics. 

Keywords:  typological  linguistic  peculiarities,  Internet  business  messages  discourse,  the  distant  English  and  Ukrainian  languages, the emotional and attitudinal connotations 

I.M. Derik The Typological Peculiarities of the Internet Business Messages Discourse

T.I. Dolzhykova, O.S. Antipov Lexemes patriot and anti-patriot in the metaphoric contexts in modern art publicistic

Abstract. In the article according to the metaphor theory, as an imagine tool, which is based on the figurative using of the words and made to decorate the art text, expressed the main types of metaphorization, the peculiarities of function of metaphor figurat ions. As the subject for the detail research was chosen the nature-morphed metaphor as the way of expression of semantic lexemes patriotism and anti-patriotism in modern art publicistic, paid the attention to the individual-author metaphors with the recipient zones nature, water, animals, birds etc.

Keywords: metaphor, nature-morphed metaphor, zoo-morphed code, ornithological metaphor, recipient zone 

T.I. Dolzhykova, O.S. Antipov Lexemes patriot and anti-patriot in the metaphoric contexts in modern art publicistic 

O.V. Domnich Loan process from indigenous languages into American English and typological peculiarities of loan situations

Abstract.  Process  and results  of  the  indigenous borrowings  into American  English  are  compared  with the  typological  features  of borrowing situations. Loanwords assimilation has been observed during the whole period of language contacts. 

Keywords: autochthonous loans, American English, vocabulary, etymological characteristics, language contacts 

O.V. Domnich Loan process from indigenous languages into American English and typological peculiarities of loan situations 

E.Yu. Doubenko Realization of the archetype Woman in the gestalts of the female personified image (English-Ukrainian parallels)

Abstract. The article focuses on those specific features of Anglo-American and Ukrainian poetic mappings of the world that find their manifestation in image-building differences on the level of personification. Gestalt clusters of the notions that acquire feminine gender personification are analyzed from the standpoint of their correlation with three basic symbolic aspects of the archetype Woman. 

Keywords: gestalt, gestalt-cluster, personification, figure, femininity 

E.Yu. Doubenko Realization of the archetype Woman in the gestalts of the female personified image (English-Ukrainian parallels) 

O.V. Diachuk Display of social evils exposure strategy by language means in English advertising discourse

Abstract. The article is devoted to exposing social evils strategy using linguistic means in English advertising discourse. This strategy is implemented with the help of the following discourse tactics as identifying social problem, indirect indications of deviant behavior; warning of negative consequences; prompting quantitative data; direct appeal to the recipient. 

Keywords: strategy, tactics, social evils, lexical item and deviant behaviors 

O.V. Diachuk Display of social evils exposure strategy by language means in English advertising discourse 

І.І. Zalevska Artistic interpretation of the national idea in the works by Yurij Tys-Krokhmaliuk

Abstract. The article deals with the specific features of artistic thinking of Yurij Tys-Krokhmaliuk based on his works “Symphony earth”, “Through the centuries”, “Life of another person”. In the article are analyzed national and ideological issues of creativity, is focused attention on the problems of reconstruction of the Ukrainian statehood, is examined the specificity  of artistic modeling of historical reality prose by Yurij Tys-Krokhmaliuk. 

Keywords: national idea, spirituality, people, land, freedom, culture, independence 

І.І. Zalevska Artistic interpretation of the national idea in the works by Yurij Tys-Krokhmaliuk 

S.V. Zubchenko Syntactic and stylistic means for achieving effectiveness of dialogical argumentation in the book “The History” by Herodotus (as based on the dialogue between king Croesus and his son)

Abstract. The article examines the dialogue between Croesus and his son in which the last one persuades his unwilling father to allow him to  go  hunting.  Key  elements  of argumentation and  corresponding  schemes have been elaborated  on the basis  of analysis  of  the argumentation  structure  of  the  speeches  of  each  dialogue  participant.  The  article  reveals  the  whole  range  of  syntactic  and  stylistic structures applied by both participants and outlines the complex of means which contributed to achieving effectiveness of argumentation.  

Keywords: antithesis, argumentation, argument, thesis, reference, guarantee, dialogue, syntactic and stylistic structure 

S.V. Zubchenko Syntactic and stylistic means for achieving effectiveness of dialogical argumentation in the book “The History” by Herodotus (as based on the dialogue between king Croesus and his son)

M. Zuyenko Mythopoeia of English “High” Baroque Novel

Abstract. The article deals with the analysis of mythopoeia of the novel by G. Mackenzie “Aretina, or Serious Novel” (1660). The implementation of mythical material is studied at all levels of literary work such as theme, motif, image, genre, composition, style, etc. The mythical motives such as victim and sacrifice are revealed as well as the mythical image of garden, desert, pilgrima ge. The man’s life as a calendar myth is represented in the novel. The mythical motif of divine narcissism is discussed. The attitude towards ancient mythology of baroque writer is revealed. 

Keywords: baroque, novel, mythopoeia, mythical motive, allegory 

M. Zuyenko Mythopoeia of English “High” Baroque Novel 

Yu.D. Krjukowa Town’s Text through the lenses of modern Literary Criticism. Pragues’ motives and Prague’s Text History Investigation

Abstract. The purpose of the research is to examine the literary criticism articles devoted to towns’ text investigations in the world science.  The  main  emphasis  is  laid  upon  the  works  of  Ukrainian  and  foreign  scholars,  among  them  V. Abashev,  M. Anciferov, D. Hodrova, Y. Lotman, N. Mednis, V. Toporov etc. The peculiarities of Prague text within the article is compared with other towns’ texts. In addition, our task is to make an attempt to view the genesis, evolution and the main peculiarities of Pragues’ moti ves and Prague’s text. Consistent to earlier research the study supported the hypothesis that Prague possesses sufficient semiotic potential to generate its own texts that are projected into single Prague’s Text. Further study is required to investigate more thoroughly the cul- tural interaction, when one culture with its history, mythology, literature penetrates into another by means of internal and external contacts and is reflected on the towns’ texts level. 

Keywords: town’s text, Prague’s Text, motive, semiology 

Yu.D. Krjukowa Town’s Text through the lenses of modern Literary Criticism. Pragues’ motives and Prague’s Text History  Investigation 

K.O. Mikryukova The functional-grammatical aspects of verbalization of the lexico-semantic field «city» in artistic works of Y.Andrukhovych

Abstract. The article focuses on the study of functional-grammatical aspects of verbalization of the lexico-semantic field «city» in artistic  works  of  Y. Andrukhovych.  Linguistic  researches  on  the  theory  of  lexical-semantic  field  were  detached.  Basic  lexico- semantic groups of lexico-semantic field of «city» were allocated in artistic works of Y.Andrukhovych: substantive, verbal, attribute, pronominal, adverbial. 

Keywords: lexico-semantic field, lexico-semantic group, substantive group, verbal group, attribute group, pronominal group, adverbial group

K.O. Mikryukova The functional-grammatical aspects of verbalization of the lexico-semantic field «city» in artistic works of Y.Andrukhovych 

V.O. Pereyaslov A war problem is in creation of V. Mysyk

Abstract. The article is devoted to exploring antiwar poetry as one of the main lines in the famous writer V. Mysyk’s works. On the material of lyrical works by the writer the features of his aesthetic and philosophical attitude to the war were investigated. A special and dominant role is given to the determination of the author’s attitude of this negative phenomenon and ways to avoid it in the future. The study showed that the problems of antiwar V. Mysyk’s poetry is relevant today, and the original images and ideas which are used by the author induce to move beyond one’s ego, to the universal space. Further studying of the writer’s heritage should be performed in the light of his aesthetic and philosophical ideas.

Keywords: philosophical poetry, aesthetic symbiosis poet and a sense of moral principles, antiwar lyrics, appealing to universal values and orientations, etnomental model 

V.O. Pereyaslov A war problem is in creation of V. Mysyk

A.I. Prihodko Evaluative Modality in Language

Abstract. This article is devoted to the investigation of correlation between the categories of evaluation and modality. Special attention is paid to the connection of subjective modality and evaluation.  It is stressed that these categories must be studied as the phenomena of different levels. 

Keywords: evaluation, modality, subjective, objective 

A.I. Prihodko Evaluative Modality in Language 

L. Rybachkivska The structure of word-formation nests with the tops of proper names in modern Ukrainian language

Abstract. The structure of word-formation nests with the tops of proper names in modern Ukrainian language was detailly discussed in this article; the consecutive analysis of word-formation pair, word-formation chain and word-formation paradigm was realized;  and  also  it  has  been  denoted  that  word-formation  nests  with  the  tops  of  antroponims  are  the  most  numeral  group  in Ukrainian language. 

Keywords:  word-formation  nest  (family),  word-formation  pair,  word-formation  chain,  word-formation  paradigm,  structure, proper name 

L. Rybachkivska The structure of word-formation nests with the tops of proper names in modern Ukrainian language 

O.S. Stasiuk Pagmatic Characteristics of Media Interdiscourse in the Parliamentary Texts of Germany

Abstract:  The  article  deals  with  characteristics  of  media  interdiscourse  in  the  parliamentary  texts  of  Germany  that  depend  on pragmatic intentions of communicants. It is shown that media interdiscourse is used in the parliamentary texts to verify the utterances of politicians. The specifics of using media interdiscourse by representatives of the majority and opposition is revealed.  

Keywords: interdiscoursivity, intertextuality, media discourse, parliamentary text, pragmatics 

O.S. Stasiuk Pagmatic Characteristics of Media Interdiscourse in the Parliamentary Texts of Germany