Science and Education a New Dimension

Online version ISSN 2308-1996

Printed version ISSN 2308-5258

Science and Education a New Dimension

Iss. 41. 2015.

Komisar O.S., Boyko M.F. Heavy metals in gametophytes of moss Вryum caespiticium Hedw. in parks and on Lenina Avenue in Mykolayiv city (Ukraine)

Abstract. On the territory of four parks in Mykolayiv (Ukraine) researches were conducted and analyzed for content of heavy metals in  gametophytes  of  moss  Вryum  caespiticium  Hedw.  Also  rate  of  accumulation of  heavy  metals  was  analyzed  on  the  territory  of parks in Mykolayiv. The least polluted in comparison with conditionally clean zone is the territory of park “Peremogy”, and the most polluted is forest-park “Dubky”. 

Keywords: heavy metals, bryophytes, gametophytes, Вryum caespiticium, Mykolayiv, Ukraine 

Komisar O.S., Boyko M.F. Heavy metals in gametophytes of moss Вryum caespiticium Hedw.  in parks and on Lenina Avenue in Mykolayiv city (Ukraine) 

Boiko M.F., Khodosovtsev O.Ye., Gavrylenko L.M., Melnyk R.P., Klymenko V.M., Shaposhnikova A.О. Phytodiversity and Lichenodiversity in the Conditions of Agricultural Landscapes In Southern Ukraine

Abstract. The article presents the results of investigations of vascular plants, mosses and lichens diversity on the agricultural landscapes  of  southern  Ukraine.  Flora  species  of  bryophytes  agrolandscapes  include  anthotserotophytes,  marshantyophytes  and  bryophytes. Bryophytes are dominant and include species of the family Pottiaceae (50,0 % of all the species composition) and Bryaceae (22,5 %). The vegetation is represented by the classes Stellarietea mediae, Polygono arenastri–Poëtea annua, Agropyretea repentis, Chenopodietea, including Red rare species  – Anacamptis picta (Loisel.) R.M. Bateman,  Lepidium pumilum Boiss. et Balansa and others. There are 944 species of weeds on agricultural landscapes in the south of Ukraine that grow spontaneously. The most common among them are 130–150 species, 500 species are adventive. The methods of rare diversity conservation and measures to fight weed infestation were proposed. 

Keywords: phytodiversity, lichenodiversity, agricultural landscapes, southern Ukraine  

Boiko M.F., Khodosovtsev O.Ye., Gavrylenko L.M., Melnyk R.P., Klymenko V.M., Shaposhnikova A.О. Phytodiversity and Lichenodiversity in the Conditions of Agricultural Landscapes In Southern Ukraine 

Dulo O.А., Furman Yu.M. Study the level of physical health of girls, which are living in mountain area of Transcarpathia by the metabolic level of an- aerobic energy ensuring

Abstract. The work is devoted to study the level of physical health of girls of the age of 16-20 which are living in the mountainous area of Transcarpathia. Level of physical health was assessed by indicators of aerobic productivity. Namely we determined power of alactate 10-WAT and lactate 30-WAT of anaerobic energy ensuring processes by maximal count of completed work for 10 sec and 30 sec, capacitance of lactate anaerobic processes by indicators of maximal count of external work for 1 min (MCEW), using the method of veloergometry. Using the Heath-Carter method we determined girls’ somatotype and allocated them into five groups: with ectomorphic somatotype, endomorphic somatotype, endomezomorfic somatotype, mezoektomorfic somatotype and balanced somato- type. The greatest number of girls identified with balanced somatotype (41,2 %). The least number of girls identified with endomor- phic somatotype (5,9%). We established that the level of anaerobic productivity which shows the physical health of girls which are living in mountain areas is addicted to somatotype. When we determined the anaerobic productivity of girls’ organism by the relative value 10-WAT and 30- WAT showed us probably low level of this value at girls with ectomorphic somatotype as compared with other girls with other soma- totypes. Average values of 10-WAT, 30-WAT and MCEW at girls with endomezomorfic somatotype values exceed the values of girls with mezoektomorfic somatotype by 33,2% (p<0,05) and girls with ectomorphic somatotype by 44% (p<0,05). High average values of MCEWrel. have girls  with endomezomorfic somatotype  – 26,5±1,3 kgm min-1 kg-1. The lowest values  of MCEWabs have girls  which are living in  mountain areas  with  mezoektomorfic somatotype  and ectomorphic somatotype and probably don’t differ among them (p>0,05). The lowest values of MCEWrel we can observe at girls which are living in mountain areas with balanced somatotype (p<0,05). Average values of 10-WATrel and 30-WATrel at girls which are living in mountain areas with endomorphic, en- domezomorfic and balanced somatotypes probably don’t differ among them (p>0,05). 

Keywords: anaerobic productivity, physical health, somatotype  

Dulo O.А., Furman Yu.M. Study the level of physical health of girls, which are living in mountain area of Transcarpathia by the metabolic level of anaerobic energy ensuring

Lizogub V.S., Makarenko M.V., Yukhimenko L.I., Khomenko S.M., Koval J.V., Kozhemyako T.V. The age dynamic of sensomotor function of people with heart deprivation

Abstract. Sensorimotor functions: simple and complex visual-motor responses, select one and two of the three differentiation stimuli for  children,  adolescents  and  young  people  with  auditory  deprivation  was  studied.  The  general  laws  for  the  deaf  and  those  with normal  hearing  age  dynamics  of  different  complexity  sensorimotor  functions  indicate  genetically  determined  program  of development. In deaf children, adolescents and young latent periods of simple and complex visual-motor responses were significantly higher  than  in  the  group  with  normal  hearing  and  gradually  decreased  and  were  full  development  in  18-19  years.  Features  age dynamics  of  simple  and  complex  visual-  motor  reactions  in  relatively  deaf  children,  adolescents  and  young  people  with  normal hearing was found. More intense changes in sensorimotor functions to the complex reactions of Deaf children was registered. 

Keywords: оntogenesis, sensomotor function, heart dysfunction. 

Lizogub V.S., Makarenko M.V., Yukhimenko L.I., Khomenko S.M., Koval J.V., Kozhemyako T.V. The age dynamic of sensomotor function of people with heart deprivation

Makarchuk M.Y., Glazyrin I.D., Smolyar S.I. The article is titled female pupils features of biological naturation defined in terms of sexual developmend

Abstract.  The  article deals  wish the  features of biological  maturation of  modern female  youth according to the secondary sexual characteristic. The author comments on the female processes of puberty which in most cases starts at the age of 11 and only 12-26% of girls reach sexual maturity at the age of 8-10. Further the author states that until the age of 15 according to most secondary sexual characteristic girls reach level of 95,00-98,48% of sexual maturity with the exception of menarce – 58,17%. At the end of the article the author draws the conclusion that 100% of girls reach sexual maturity at the age of 15-16 with especially processes of menstrual cycle formation. At the end of the article the author concludes by saying that this indicator can be informative for differentiation of physical activity for girls at the age of 11 till 16 years old. 

Keywords: biological maturation, sexual maturity, female pupils, secondary sexual characteristics  

Makarchuk M.Y., Glazyrin I.D., Smolyar S.I. The article is titled female pupils features of biological naturation defined in terms of sexual developmend 

Rudyshyn S.D. The evolution of ecosystems in the context of modern naturalistic world view

Abstract. There is no single, generally accepted and scientifically backed model for the evolution of ecosystems. Each of the existing models bears temporary character. The formation of various forms of ecosystems and their evolution are caused by three main factors, which are: 1) the living matter which evolves; 2) abiotic – self-organizing components – of ecosystems; 3) free energy of the ecosystems. The hierarchical structure of Earth’s ecosystems is: Biosphere, biomes, landscape ecosystems, biogeocoenoses. The basic taxonomic unit of this hierarchy is the biogeocoenosis (biocenosis + biotope). In the ecosystem the features of the different compo- nents exist in mutual connection and balance. If one of the chain components is lost, it changes the function and structure of all the others. 

Keywords: scientific world model; geochronology and evolution of the Earth; organization, functioning and evolution of ecosystems 

Rudyshyn S.D. The evolution of ecosystems in the context of modern naturalistic world view

Tymofijchuk I.R., Anochina S.V., Kuznijstova O.V., Boshtan S.V., Semenenko S.B., Slobodijan X.V. Changes of hormonal activity and biochemical reorganizations of a cortex of adrenal glands on a background of development of an experimental diabetes at rats of different age groups

Abstract. The work is dedicated to researching of features of a condition peroxidation – antioxidant systems in the adrenal gland of rats  and the  level  of  hydrocortisone  in plasma  of  blood of  different  age  groups.  Are  established age  and  the  region  features  have proved, that with the age the products of lipid peroxidation are increased and the antioxidant enzymes protection are decreased at simultaneous at animals of the senior age group and the level of hydrocortisone at animals of the senior age group tended to increase. The diabetes strengthens processes of lipid peroxidation at simultaneous decrease in activity of antioxidant enzymes protection. Increase of a level of peroxidation processes and increase in a level of hydrocortisone at rats of the senior age group specify the possi- ble reasons of the degeneration of cells with years. 

Keywords: the products of lipid peroxidation, the antioxidant enzymes protection, hydrocortisone  

Tymofijchuk I.R., Anochina S.V., Kuznijstova O.V., Boshtan S.V., Semenenko S.B., Slobodijan X.V.  Changes of hormonal activity and biochemical reorganizations of a cortex of adrenal glands on a background of development of an experimental diabetes at rats of different age groups 

Chernenko-Kuragina N.P Individual reactions of cerebral hemodynamics and heart rate during mental activity with low rate of information presentation

Abstract. Analysis of parameters of heart rate variability (HRV), wave structure of heart rate (WSHR) and cerebral hemodynamics (CH) during differentiation and information processing at low rate of its presentation In groups of subjects with high, medium and low functional mobility of nervous processes (FLNP). Found three types of individual reactions, which were depending on FLNP. Hyperreactive type of reaction was determined for most people with low FLNP. This type  of vegetative support control of mental activity was characterized by marked activation of WSHR and minor activation of CH. The second type of reactions, hyporeactive, was characterized by minor changes of CH and the absence of compensatory changes HRV and was detected in most people with high FLNP. Third – ” normoreactive” type of reaction was characterized by optimal and coordinated reaction of CH and HRV and was detected in 31% of subjects with low, 53% – medium and 34% – high FLNP. This study allows to predict individual hemodynamic reaction of the brain and the regulation of heart rhythm in the information load with taking into account individual-typological properties of the higher parts of the Central nervous system. 

Keywords: mental activity, information processing, functional mobility of nervous processes, heart rate variability, cerebral hemodynamics 

Chernenko-Kuragina N.P Individual reactions of cerebral hemodynamics and heart rate during mental activity with low rate of information presentation

Malyarenko O., Samoilenko V. Regional ecological networks: developed geoinformation modeling approaches

Abstract. The conceptual bases for geoinformation modeling of regional ecological networks were developed with substantiation of new  algorithm by  which  such networks are  consistently  modeled  from a set of  (quasi)geosystems  of actual natural-anthropogenic and/or (quasi)natural bio-landscape territorial structure with new artificial environmental elements addition. The modeling result has to be network ecological cores and corridors with their buffer zones, which are divided into prior and perspective for creation and must support an optimally formed frame of region’s bio-landscape diversity. 

Keywords:  bio-landscape  territorial  structure,  (quasi)geosystem,  regional  ecological  network,  ecological  core  and  corridor, geoinformation modeling 

Malyarenko O., Samoilenko V. Regional ecological networks: developed geoinformation modeling approaches 

Maksymovych I., Slivinska L., Winiarczyk S., Buczek K., Staniec M. Hematological and serum biochemical reference values in healthy working horses Hutsul breed

Abstract. The purpose of this study was to investigate and establish the differences in blood parameters in horses Hutsul breed in the Transcarpathian region. In accordance with established haematological and serum biochemical values, they can be used to assess the metabolic state of the animal, monitoring treatment of animals.  It was found that the performance of PCV, MCV, MCH, MCHC Hutsul breed horses were within physiological fluctuations were similar with the literature data. The highest values were total bilirubin, glucose, AST and potassium. Investigated hematological and biochemical blood parameters in horses Hutsul breed that will use data from a study of healthy and sick animals.

Keywords: horse Hutsul breed, morphology, biochemistry, blood parameters 

Maksymovych I., Slivinska L., Winiarczyk S., Buczek K., Staniec M. Hematological and serum biochemical reference values in healthy working horses Hutsul breed 

Hudyma T.M., Slivinska L.G. Therapeutic efficacy of Hepatiale®Forte in treatment of the dogs with hepatodystrophy

Abstract. The article shows the results of treating the dogs suffering from hepatodystrophy and proven therapeutic efficacy of the hepatoprotector Hepatiale®Forte. In dogs suffering from hepatodystrophy there was found increased serum activity of alanine ami- notransferase  (ALT),  aspartate  aminotransferase  (AST),  glutamate  dehydrogenase  (GLDH),  alkaline  phosphatase  (ALP),  gamag- lutamiltransferase (GGT), an increase in total bilirubin level, concentration of bile acids, hypo- and hypercholesterolemia. Use of the hepatoprotector in a complex treatment scheme for dogs with hepatodystrophy gradually restores functional status of hepatocytes due to combination of L-ornithine and soybean phospholipids. 

Keywords: dogs, hepatodystrophy, enzymes, bilirubin, cholesterol, bile acids, treatment 

Hudyma T.M., Slivinska L.G. Therapeutic efficacy of Hepatiale®Forte in treatment of the dogs with hepatodystrophy 

Lukashchuk B.O., Slivinska L.G. Prophylactic effectiveness of phytobiotic feed additive for non-contagious diseases

Abstract. The article presents the results of prophylactic effectiveness feed additive XTRACT™ 6930 for non-contagious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in the composition of the basic diet of suckling pigs on modern pig farm.It was established that the use XTRACT™  6930  has  positive  effect  on  biochemical  blood  parameters  of  piglets,  decreases  their  morbidity  and  mortality  before weaning and increases growth parameters. 

Keywords: pigs, prophylactic, phytobiotic feed additive, diseases, gastrointestinal tract  

Lukashchuk B.O., Slivinska L.G. Prophylactic effectiveness of phytobiotic feed additive for non-contagious diseases  

Brem V.V., Kozhukhar V.Ya, Ivanchenko L.V., Dmitrenko I.V., Buga S.P. Sampling of liquid flux for gas analysis of the hydrogen content

Abstract. The development of technological parameters of melting, which would allow  to get the metal with the lowest hydrogen content is an actual task . The problem of reducing the content of hydrogen in the slag phase in the process of electroslag remelting of steel and other metals still remains unresolved through lack of development of methods of gas analysis in this area. In addition it was found that the greatest difficulties in the analysis of the hydrogen are associated with the issues of sampling  of liquid flux during melting and storage of samples before analysis.  With accumulated experience in sampling of liquid fluxes in laboratory and industrial meltings was developed hardening mechan- ical sampler, which provides a high standard of criteria of such samples. Test ofthis sampler showed the high efficiency of its work. So castelvania flux samples have full inertia and resistance to moisture of the air, and do not require special caution when storing them before the analysis. It was shown that the hardening mechanical sampler is technologically operational and universal device, which in practice of gas analysis is suitable not only for sampling from molten fluxes and slags but for sampling of liguid metal. 

Keywords: hydrogen, electroslag remelting, flux, hydration, sampling 

Brem V.V., Kozhukhar V.Ya, Ivanchenko L.V., Dmitrenko I.V., Buga S.P.  Sampling of liquid flux for gas analysis of the hydrogen content 

M.Yu. Skulsky On the wave structure in the spatial organization of the Solar planetary system

Abstract.  Taking  into  consideration the  current  knowledge  about  planetary  structure  of  the  Solar system  it  was  noticed  that  both planets groups could be formed by one physical process similar to the phenomenon of standing waves with length  λsw=λ/2 (here: λ=cP0, c is the speed of light and P= 160 min is a certain period). The principle of the ordering for outer planets and dwarf planets is represented in the wave form as  or α = ( 2n+1)λ/4 (where a is a semi-major axis and n is a whole number) arranged these planets at distances from the Sun proportional to a quarter and a half of the wavelength (Jupiter – λ/4, Saturn – λ/2, Uranium – 2λ/2, Neptune – 3λ/2, Pluto – 4λ/2, Eris – 7λ/2). This algorithm also satisfies the conditions of the location of the most major transneptunian objects including comet families. The principle of the orbit ordering for inner planets is expressed as 2πα = mλ’sw with the step λ’sw = (1-12) λsw and m=3, 6, 12 for orbit lengths from Mercury to Mars that is commensurable with the length of standing wawe λsw=λ/2 and  its harmonics. The spatial organization of the Solar planetary system is described by two related kine- matic algorithms of the single wave mechanism.These results are quite accurate and can be considered as empirical. It is important that the wave principles of structuring of the planets do not support the idea of the formation of the Solar planetary system in the form of power law including the law of Titius-Bode. Also it was revealed an explicit resonance of proper oscillations of the Sun and planets. Their global periods are virtually multiples of kP0/2, where k=1, 2, 3. This result is showing signs of a quantization of the gravitational interaction of these objects and is associated with the length of the standing wave  λsw = λ/2 as with the ordering factor in the Solar planetary system. In whole, these interconnected findings should be considered as essential on the background of the current knowledge about the laws of structuring the planets in the Solar and exoplanet systems.  

Keywords: Solar system, exoplanets, principles of the ordering for planets, standing waves 

M.Yu. Skulsky On the wave structure in the spatial organization of the Solar planetary system 

Borkach E.I., Ivanitsky V.P., Kovtunenko V.S. Ryaboschuk M.M. Glasses and amorphous films as two kinds of non-crystalline state of substance

Abstract. It is shown that the glasses are a kind of the amorphous state produced due to the reverse phase transition ‘liquid–solid’ under the external conditions providing the suppression of the crystallization processes. The structure of the glass is determined by the structure of the initial melt and the character of the processes of its evolution during vitrification. The amorphous films are the type of the amorphous state produced as a result of irreversible processes of condensation of the vapor and plasma flows onto the substrates under the surface conditions that exclude crystallization processes. The atomic and molecular composition, the energy condition of the particles of the vapor and plasma flows and the character of their condensation onto the substrate surface appear to be decisive for the amorphous film structure. Production of glasses and amorphous films from different aggregate states of the substance stipulates substantial differences of their structure and all specific features and properties.  

Keywords: amorphous materials, glasses, amorphous films 

Borkach E.I., Ivanitsky V.P., Kovtunenko V.S. Ryaboschuk M.M. Glasses and amorphous films as two kinds of non-crystalline state of substance 

Petretskyi S., Mitsa V., Holomb R., Kondrat O., Popovich N., Borkach E, Marton A., Veresh M., Csik A. Synchrotron photoelectron spectra, composition and local atomic coordination in Ge2S3 films at introduction of arsenic

Abstract. Layerwise investigation of composition of As20(Ge2S3)80 film were performed by SIMS method using etching of the sample by Cs+ ions and the depth distribution of the constituent elements of film were established. The percentage of the constituent elements of As5(Ge2S3)95 film and the local atomic coordination were investigated by SRPES and XPS methods which collect a signal from the depths of ~10 and ~30 Å, respectively. The analysis of the composition and the local atomic coordination of fresh deposited amorphous and atoms Asx(Ge2S3)100-x film are given. The changes in a short range atomic order and stoichiometry of films at laser irradiation and thermal annealing were also discussed. 

Keywords: SIMS, SRPES, XPS, Ge2S3, local atomic coordination 

Petretskyi S., Mitsa V., Holomb R., Kondrat O., Popovich N., Borkach E, Marton A., Veresh M., Csik A. Synchrotron photoelectron spectra, composition and local atomic coordination in Ge2S3 films at introduction of arsenic  

Sagitov Yu. Hybrid convolution integral transformation: the main theorem corollaries from it, some applications

Abstract. The study focuses on hybrid integral transform, convolution, as a result of the consistent application of the sine of the Fourier transform and the one-sided Laplace transform; and there is a formal derivation of the formula convolution; it is the assertion of the theorem for a certain class of functions; provides application convolution in the form of calculated and certain improper integrals of piecewise constant functions. 

Keywords: improper integral; norm; hybrid integral transformation; the transformation of the convolution; uniformly convergent integral 

Sagitov Yu. Hybrid convolution integral transformation: the main theorem corollaries from it, some applications

Sadowska E.J. The late baroque wooden church of Michael the Archangel in Szalowa(Poland) – the church from wooden model

Abstract. The church in question was built in the land of Gorlice in the times of the Counter-Rreformation in a village previously owned by heretics. It was founded in 1756 by Krzysztof Jordan. It was inspired by monumental twin-towered masonry churches. It was also built based on a mobile, wooden model, which could have been built by Franciszek Placidi, which, unbelievably, was pre- served and is on display at the National Museum in Cracow in the bishop Erasmus Ciołek Palace near Kanonicza Street. It was regis- tered as a historical monument in 1931 and chosen to be put on the UNESCO World Heritage Site List in 2000. 

Keywords: Wooden twin-towered church, late baroque, baroque wooden church model, UNESCO World Heritage Site 

Sadowska E.J. The late baroque wooden church of Michael the Archangel in Szalowa(Poland) –  the church from wooden model 

Shulha H. Methods of modeling planning organization of territorial systems of recreation in the Ukrainian Carpathians

Abstract. The article characterizes the main trends in the development of ski-resorts and recreational areas in modern conditions in the territory of the Ukrainian Carpathians. The author points to the need for an integrated approach in the design, construction and maintenance of recreational facilities. Offers his vision of trends and ways to implement the conceptual projects of leisure facilities in the  mountains  on  the  basis  of  practical  involvement  in  the  design  of  ski-resorts  and  recreational  facilities  on  the  territory  of  the Ukrainian Carpathians. 

Keywords: functional and planning structure, ski-resorts and recreational areas, landscape and spatial structure, stability of recreational system, the system “Nature-Human-Society”, methods of modeling 

Shulha H. Methods of modeling planning organization of territorial systems of recreation in the Ukrainian Carpathians 

Dyachok V., Huhlych S. The mathematical modeling of biological processes complicated mass transfer

Abstract. The results of the process of absorption carbon dioxide from unicellular microalgae are studied and explored. The characteristics all stages of the process are provided such as culture conditions, the presence of cellular and extracellular environment. The mathematical model of the absorption of carbon dioxide from unicellular microalgae constructed. The solution of kinetics simulation of the process of absorption of carbon dioxide predicted, equipment and conditions for this process are selected. 

Keywords: photosynthesis, microalgae, mathematical model, the mass transfer coefficient, biomass, intercellular environment dif- fusion 

Dyachok V., Huhlych S.  The mathematical modeling of biological processes complicated mass transfer 

Zavialov V., Misyura T., Bodrov V., Zaporozhets Y., Popova N., Dekanskyi V. Regularities of pulsating flow in conditions of countercurrently phase separation during vibroextraction from raw materials

Abstract. Results of the research of pulsating jets laws propagation generated by elements of continuous vibroextractors vibromixing devices  are  formulated.  The  mechanism  of  counter-phase  separation  in  a  solid  phase  vibroextraction  is  described.  The  obtained analytical dependence of the pulsating jets range and performance of the apparatus on constructive and operational parameters of its work can be used for design and optimizing of continuous action vibroextractor. 

Keywords: vibroextraction, hydrodynamics, pulsing jets, phase separation, mathematical model  

Zavialov V., Misyura T., Bodrov V., Zaporozhets Y., Popova N., Dekanskyi V.  Regularities of pulsating flow in conditions of countercurrently phase separation during vibroextraction from raw materials

Kovalskiy B.M., Zanko N.V., Shovgenyuk M.V. The method of determination the color characteristics of inks for spectral reflectance curves

Abstract. The methods of calculating color coordinates of spectral reflectance curves of colored samples. Verified the accuracy of the  results.  The  results  were  compared  with  experimental  data  and the  values  recommended  standard  ISO  12647-2.  Non-linearity characteristics of triad inks and contact base vectors inks in RGB-space method was determinated. 

Keywords: colorimetric characteristics of process inks, standard ISO, spectral values, index of non-linearity of printing process  

Kovalskiy B.M., Zanko N.V., Shovgenyuk M.V.  The method of determination the color characteristics of inks for spectral reflectance curves

Nebylytcia Yu.M. The integration of the rapid diagnostics of EDM wire cutting into technological equipment

Abstract. The article deals with the problem of the integration of the rapid diagnostics subsystem into the technological equipment of the EDM wire-cutting machines. The features of methods of quality estimation of electro-erosive excision without the stopping of processing which are based on the analysis of the energy of impulses of technological current selected in an interelectrode interval are reflected here. The approaches to assessing the performance of the main systems of EDM wire-cutting machines are described. The analysis of the hardware and software needed to implement the approaches set out in the submitted article is presented. 

Keywords: EDM wire cutting, rapid diagnosis, process control systems, CNC systems 

Nebylytcia Yu.M. The integration of the rapid diagnostics of EDM wire cutting into technological equipment