Science and Education a New Dimension

Online version ISSN 2308-1996

Printed version ISSN 2308-5258

Science and Education a New Dimension

Iss. 259. 2021.

Dobrinka Boykina Perception – а cognitive component of the self-organization of mathematics learning process 

Abstract. The article considers one of the main mental processes – perception by students of educational content in mathematics, having an abstract character, through which its initial assimilation is achieved, as well as perception of the process of solving a certain type of problems.  This  is  done  from  the  point  of  view  of  the  reflexive  approach,  aimed  at  realizing  the  ideal  purpose  of  education  –  self- actualization of the subjects  – both trainees  and trainers. For this purpose, different views of perception are analyzed and illustrative examples from the teaching practice are presented. These examples aim a more in-depth and conscious knowledge to be achieved by the trainees. The paper is intended for current teachers and students who are preparing for mathematics teachers. 

Keywords: perception, education in mathematics, knowledge, problems.

Dobrinka Boykina Perception – а cognitive component of the self-organization of mathematics learning process 

O. Y. Herasymenko The use of ICT in the assessment of the quality of education in the European context 

Abstract. The present article is devoted to the identification of the peculiarities of the use of information and communication technologies (ICT)  and  their  impact  on  the  assessment  of  the  quality  of  education  in  the  European  dimension.  The  experience  of  Spain,  namely  the University of Granada, in ensuring the quality of education through the introduction of ICT is considered. An analysis of Spain’s current education  system  suggests  that  “quality  of  education”  and  “ICT”  are  closely  linked.  The  article  outlines  various  approaches  to  the interpretation of the multifaceted definition of  “quality of education”. Based on the key characteristics of this complex phenomenon, the author attempts to formulate her own working definition of “quality of education”. Based on the analysis of the legal framework of Spain in terms of quality assurance in higher education, it was found that the process of forming a new educational model according to European standards  was  very  slow  and  gradual.  The  aspect  of  access  to  education  as  a  key  component  of  the  process  of  ensuring  the  quality  of education was disclosed, referring to the Organic Law on the Quality in Education (LOCE). Great attention is focused on the impact of ICT on  the  educational  process  during  distance  learning.  Various  online  platforms,  universities,  programs  as  a  means  of  providing  quality accessible education for all social groups are considered. The need and importance of international academic mobility under the Erasmus + program as an integral factor of improving the quality of education at both global and national levels has been identified. 

Keywords: education, higher education, quality of education, information and communication technologies, access to education. 

O. Y. Herasymenko The use of ICT in the assessment of the quality of education in the European context 

T. Hodovaniuk, T. Makhometa, I. Tiahai, D.Voznosуmenko, V. Dubovyk Training of the future mathematics teachers to form their students’ health-preserving competence by means of ICT 

Abstract. The article describes the features of the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in the preparation of the future teachers of mathematics for the formation of health-preserving competence of their students. In particular, it is noticed that one of the effective means of preparing future teachers of mathematics for the health preserving awareness of their students in the learn- ing process is the use of e-manuals, namely the developed e-manual «Collection of valeologically themed mathematics problems for the students of the 5-9 grades». The use of the e-manual in the process of methodical teacher training opens new opportunities in the organization of the educational process of students, promotes the development of independent work skills, students’ creative abilities. 

Keywords: Information and computer technologies, future Mathematic teachers, electronic manual, valeological competence.  

T. Hodovaniuk, T. Makhometa, I. Tiahai, D.Voznosуmenko, V. Dubovyk Training of the future mathematics teachers to form their students’ health-preserving competence by means of ICT 

Т. М. Karchevska Practical training as the main component of the process of specialist training in the agricultural sector 

Abstract.  The  article  highlights  the  psychological  aspects of  practical  training  of  higher  education  students. The key points of this  concept are presented in the context of the maximum approximation of practical preparation for produc-tion activites, readiness to constantly improve one’s knowledge, update practical skills, and rapidly adapt to changes in both internal and external environment in  the future professional carrear. 


Keywords: practical training, professional activity, production situation, practical skills, agrarian specialists.  

Т. М. Karchevska Practical training as the main component of the process of specialist training in the agricultural sector 

T. M. Kolodko Implementation of innovative methods into the process of professional future foreign language teachers’ training 

Abstract. The study was aimed to determine the innovative education objectives of future foreign language teachers’; creative approach to solving educational challenges; communication skills of a future foreign language teacher in media society. In the course of the study, the author found out that in  contrast to traditional teaching methods that stimulate “learning for evaluation”, innovative methods activate the internal need of the student in “learning for self-development, self-organization”. The author highlighted the advantages and disadvantages of innovative methods, autocratic or democratic teachers’ style, possibilities and limitations of the use of  innovative  technologies  for  the  implementation of  educational competence  of  students,  gives  the  interpretation  of  task  requirements and stages of innovatory methodology on the ‘debate’ example as a means of stimulation creative thinking and idea generation.  Therefore,  the  results of  the  study  demonstrate  the need  for  the  implementation  in  using  innovations  in professional  foreign language teachers’ training in purposely qualified language learning and teaching.  


Keywords: implementation, innovative methods, long life teachers’ training, communication areas in training, creative thinking, high education. 

T. M. Kolodko Implementation of innovative methods into the process of professional future foreign language teachers’ training 

A. I. Levitska, T. Y. Osipova Pedagogical conditions of formation of readiness of future doctors for intercultural interaction 

The article highlights the essence of pedagogical conditions that will contribute to the formation of readiness of future doctors for intercultural interaction in professional activities. The author’s understanding of the concept of “pedagogical conditions” is given. The necessity of creating a multicultural environment in institutions of higher medical education for the formation of skills and abilities of intercultural communication of students-future doctors during their studies at a medical university is considered. The multicultural environment  of  medical  health  care  is  an  educational  process  involving  representatives  of  different  cultures,  aimed  at  forming  a multicultural personality of future doctors who differ in national, religious and cultural values, are able to understand other cultures and  be  tolerant,  able  to  position  their  country  in  intercultural  conditions.  interaction,  attracts  them  to  world  cultural  traditions, fostering in them respect for other peoples, ensuring equal dialogue with representatives of other cultures, which takes place against the background of tolerance and friendliness, in the process of training. The creation of a multicultural environment in medical health care will promote students’ awareness of cultural diversity, the formation of their values to the national characteristics of different cultures;  development  of  positive  motivation  to  interact.  The  creation  of  a  multicultural  environment  will  be  facilitated  by  the introduction  of  the  training  course  “Fundamentals  of  future  doctors’  readiness  for  intercultural  interaction”,  design  of  educational premises with posters and statements about tolerance, issue of wall hangings, radio programs that will acquaint students with cultural and national features of different countries. It is proved that a significant role in preparing future doctors for intercultural interaction in professional activities is played by the direction of the educational process to deepen theoretical knowledge and the formation of practical skills and skills of intercultural interaction through interactive teaching methods. The essence of interactive learning is that the educational process is carried out under the conditions of constant and active interaction of all participants, where all subjects are equal partners. Such training effectively contributes to the formation of value orientations, skills and abilities, creating an atmosphere of cooperation. Interactive teaching methods include: interactive lectures, analysis of specific professional situations (case studies), brainstorming, role and business games, discussions, quests, web quests, etc., the use of which in training will help to understand the importance of intercultural interaction of future doctors. the need to improve knowledge of cultural and national characteristics of different  cultures,  will  motivate  students  to  succeed  in  intercultural  interaction  in  further  professional  activities,  will  develop tolerance,  empathy,  communication  skills  and  emotional  self-regulation  skills.  It  is  established  that  an  important  place  in  the professional training of future doctors for intercultural interaction is occupied by extracurricular activities of students. Extracurricular activities are considered as specially organized and purposeful extracurricular activities and a system of cognitive and educational activities  aimed  at  deepening  and  expanding  knowledge  gained  in  the  educational  process,  development  of  creative  abilities, satisfaction of scientific interests, development of various skills of future professionals. Extracurricular work includes participation in scientific  circles,  scientific  societies,  educational  events,  festivals,  competitions,  intellectual  games,  sports  competitions  held  in extracurricular time. 

Keywords: intercultural interaction; future doctors; multicultural environment; interactive teaching methods, extracurricular activities. 

A. I. Levitska, T. Y. Osipova Pedagogical conditions of formation of readiness of future doctors for intercultural interaction 

I. V. Perehniak Experience of using the electronic simulator for administrative and jurisdictional activities as a pedagogical tool for increasing the level of legal competence of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine servicemen 

Abstract. The article reviews the influence of ICT, namely the electronic simulator for administrative and jurisdictional activities on the  formation  of  legal  competence  of  the  State  Border  Guard  Service  of  Ukraine  servicemen.  The  positive  dynamics  of  its improvement is proved. The types of simulators, which used in training, are analyzed. The construction of the constructed electronic simulator  and  the  principle  of  its  operation  are  disclosed.  The  necessity  of  implementing  of  this  pedagogical  tool  in  the  training process  during  the  course  “Legal  training”  in  the  Maritime  Guard  Training  Center  and  the  Cynological  training  center  was substantiated. 


Keywords:  legal  competence,  electronic  simulator,  servicemen,  ICT,  training  centers  of  the  State  Border  Guard  Service  of Ukraine, maritime specialists, cynological specialists. 

I. V. Perehniak Experience  of  using  the  electronic  simulator  for  administrative  and  jurisdictional  activities  as  a  pedagogical  tool  for increasing the level of legal competence of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine servicemen 

M. L. Pylypchuk The experimental model of the formation of translation students’ preparedness for innovative professional activity 

Abstract. The article presents the experimental model of the formation of translation students’ preparedness for innovative professional activity. The model covers three blocks, namely theoretical-methodological, organizational-designing and evaluation-effective. The methodological approaches, didactic principles, methods, forms of teaching as well as a pedagogical background that make up the theoretical basis of the experimental educational process are grounded. The developed model is the basis of the formation of the trans- lation students’ preparedness for innovative professional activity in high school. 


Keywords: model, translation students, innovative activity, approach, principle, teaching method. 

M. L. Pylypchuk The experimental model of the formation of translation students’ preparedness for innovative professional activity

І. Semenov Information inequality during the implementation of the educational process among students of higher education institutions during the quarantine period in 2020-2021 

Abstract. The purpose of this article is to reveal the concept of “information inequality”, to investigate the data collected through anonymous questionnaires among students of higher education institutions in Vinnytsia sity. Owing to the questionnaire, information was obtained and analyzed regarding the equal access of higher education students to modern digital technologies, which were used to ensure the educational process during the implementation of distance education during the quarantine period. 


Keywords: distance education, digital divide, online services, information inequality, distance learning.  

І. Semenov Information inequality during the implementation of the educational process among students of higher education institutions during the quarantine period in 2020-2021 

Yu Haiyu Prerequisites for the formation of the methodological culture of future teachers in the educational environment of higher pedagogical education 

Abstract. The article is devoted to the coverage of specific features of the category “methodological culture” and to determine the prerequisites for its formation in future teachers in the educational environment of higher pedagogical education. It is proved that the methodological culture of the teacher reflects the understanding of the axiological function of professional activity, provide a critical attitude to pedagogical phenomena, guidelines for the transformation of the educational process in accordance with modern innovation  processes  in  education,  reflection  on  the  prerequisites,  procedures  and  results  of  their  own  professional  trajectory  of  self- development. Based on the analysis of scientific sources, it is determined that the psychological and pedagogical prerequisites for the formation of methodological culture of future teachers can beinvolvement of future teachers in independent development of methodical  repertoire  of  the  modern  teacher  (methodical  recommendations,  drawing  up  of  working  (educational)  programs,  fragments  of lessons, plans of the analysis of educational products); enrichment of forms of methodical work and saturation of all types of method- ical work at school with innovative means (master classes, creation of project teams, organization of psychological and pedagogical councils and consultations, creative project groups, work of pedagogical workshops, organization of work of a school of a beginning teacher); expression of the corporate context of professional activity of teachers (formation of skills of realization of corporate and communicative culture, team building, creation of the code of corporate ethics, schools of observance of academic integrity). 


Keywords: methodology, methodological culture, future teachers, formation, educational environment of the institution of higher pedagogical education. 

Yu Haiyu Prerequisites  for  the  formation  of  the  methodological  culture  of  future  teachers  in  the  educational  environment  of  higher pedagogical education

I. Zhorova, Ya. Vyshnevska Professional development of modern heads of educational institutions of Ukraine in the context of globalization 

Abstract. The article analyzes the global trends in the development of education in Ukraine. It has been established that the provision of high-quality education of the population in educational institutions directly depends on the head of the institution. This trend,  in turn, puts forward expanded requirements for the level of his/her training. Authors’ vision of the professional development of the headmaster/ headmistress in the system of modern postgraduate education has been formulated. 

Keywords: globalization, globalization processes, professional development of the head of the school, head of the general secondary education institution. 

I. Zhorova, Ya. Vyshnevska Professional development of modern heads of educational institutions of Ukraine in the context of globalization

V. S. Luchko, I. V. Zhitaryuk, V. N. Luchko The education system of Soviet Bukovina on the eve of Ukraine's independence 

Abstract.  The  paper  examines  issues  related  to  the  education  system,  in  particular  mathematics,  Soviet  Bukovina  on  the  eve  of Ukraine’s independence. It is emphasized that at the end of the region’s stay in Soviet Ukraine, general compulsory education for school-age children was introduced; the illiteracy of the adult population has been eliminated; the level of quality of education and training of highly qualified  specialists  in  various branches of  the national  economy  and  science,  including  mathematics,  has  been increased. 


Keywords: independence, mathematics, Soviet Bukovyna, Ukraine, education system, quality of education.  

V. S. Luchko, I. V. Zhitaryuk, V. N. Luchko The education system of Soviet Bukovina on the eve of Ukraine’s independence

T. M. Arkhypova Gender differences in the manifestation of aggressiveness in adolescents 

Abstract. The article presents an empirical study of gender differences in the manifestation of aggressiveness in adolescents. The survey was carried out among adolescents in grades 10-11 of Podolsk school No. 9. The sample consisted of 80 people: 40 girls and 40 boys. The age of the respondents is 15-16 years old. The study was carried out using three methods: the method of self-assessment of mental states by G. Eysenck, the method of studying aggression by A. Bass-A. Gift and aggression test L. G. Pochebut. We hypothesized that there might be differences in the aggressive behavior of male and female respondents. Thus, it was found that boys more often use physical aggression, and girls more often use verbal aggression. A statistically significant inverse relationship was found between the level of physical and objective aggression in the group of boys of senior school age. As a result of the analysis of the relationship between verbal aggression and negativism in  the  male  group,  a  statistically  significant  correlation  was  found.  A  direct  proportional  relationship  was  found  between  the  level  of irritability  and  verbal  aggression  and  between  the  level  of  irritability  and  negativism  of  male  respondents.  Between  rigidity  and aggressiveness and between the level of resentment and aggression, a direct proportional statistically significant relationship was found in the group of adolescent girls. The results of the work can be used as a source. actual expansion in the study of the phenomenon of aggressive behavior. The research materials can be used to train future teachers and psychologists, as well as to write other scientific papers related to this problem. Prospects for further research in this direction are the study of the relationship between aggressive behavior  of high school students and factors of mental health.  


Keywords: adolescents, gender differences, aggression, frustration, mental health. 

T. M. Arkhypova Gender differences in the manifestation of aggressiveness in adolescents 

I. A. Humenyuk An empirical study of the development levels of the personal potential of primary school teachers 

Abstract. The article presents the results of a study of the levels of personal potential of primary school teachers. The general strategy of research of the levels of personal potential of primary school teachers is presented. The diagnostic tools for studying the levels of the studied phenomenon and its components are characterized. The analysis of the diagnostic results was carried out, in which 176 teachers participated. Based on the results of the ascertaining stage of the experiment, it was revealed mainly the average level of the personal potential of primary school teachers and its components. It has been established that the level of personal potential of primary school teachers at the present stage needs development.


Keywords:  potential,  personal  potential  of  a  primary  school  teacher,  motivational  and  cognitive  component,  emotional  and evaluative component, conative component. 

I. A. Humenyuk An empirical study of the development levels of the personal potential of primary school teachers 

Arzy Mambetova Empirical study of multicultural components of family values of Ukrainian and Crimean Tatar youth 

Abstract.  The  article  presents  the  results  of  an  empirical  study  of  multicultural  components  of  family  values  of  Ukrainian  and Crimean Tatar youth. The specifics of the relationship between the formed family values and constituent orientations in this category of representatives of selected ethnic groups are analyzed. The article describes the stages of research of multicultural components of family values of Ukrainian and Crimean Tatar youth; empirical indicators are determined; the program of research of multicultural identification  is  substantiated,  the  author’s  technique  is  developed  and  the  author’s  questionnaire  “Scales  of  multicultural identification” is presented.. 


Keywords: multicultural identification, cultural modes, ethnocultural psychological features, multicultural components of family values, Ukrainian youth, Crimean Tatar youth. 

 Arzy Mambetova Empirical study of multicultural components of family values of Ukrainian and Crimean Tatar youth 

O. A. Melnyk Тhe content of the discipline programs «Psychology» in the Imperial Kiev University Sv. Vladimir since the foundation before the beginning of the twentieth century 

Abstract. The article first presents the results of the historical and psychological reconstruction regarding the complete content of the programs of the course of psychology in the Imperial Kiev University of St. Vladimir since the foundation before the beginning of the twentieth century. The main thematic directions in the teaching of psychology are delineated, the leading categories of psychological science in the authors of the psychology course (O. M. Novitsky, S. S. Gogotsky, A. N. Gilyarov, G. I. Chelzanov, I. O. Sikorsky and V. V. Zenkovsky). The sequence of solving problematic issues in psychology is shown. Understanding the subject of psychological science O. M. Novitsky (psychology is a science studying the nature of the human soul), S. S. Gogotsky (psychology is a science that is engaged in studies of manifestations of mental life and its laws), A. N. Gilyarov ( рsychology is the doctrine of mental experiences and states), G. I. Chelpanev (psychology – this is the science of mental phenomena and the laws of mental life), I. O. Sikorsky (psychology is a science of the soul) and V. V. Zenkovsky ( рsychology is a science of spiritual or mental phenomena, in their attitude to the physiological states of the body). The tasks and methods of research of psychology are designated, given the definitions of mental processes and individual characteristics of a person. 

Keywords: the discipline program «Psychology», basic concepts in psychology, subject and objectives of psychology. 

O. A. Melnyk Тhe content of the discipline programs «Psychology» in the Imperial Kiev University Sv. Vladimir since the foundation before the beginning of the twentieth century 

T. I. Ponoarenko Online marathon as a psychotechnology for the development of communicative competence of future psychologists in the media space 

Abstract.  The  article  highlights  the  relevance  of  the  development  and  implementation  of  the  online  marathon  as  a  modern psychotechnology  to  improve  communicative  competence  of  future  psychologists  in  the  media  space.  The  meaning  of  the phenomenon, the principles of implementation and the program of the event are outlined. The article represents the results of the experiment  and  statistically  proves  the  effectiveness  of  the  online  marathon  for  the  formation  of  future  professionals’  new competencies. 


Keywords: online marathon, communicative competence, media competence, personal anxiety, future psychologists.  

T. I. Ponoarenko Online  marathon  as  a  psychotechnology  for  the  development  of  communicative  competence  of  future  psychologists  in  the media space

O. B. Sydorenko Psychological features of the experience of shame in early adulthood 

Abstract. The article is devoted to the study of the experience of shame in early adulthood. The definitions of shame are given and its features are characterized. Revealed the reasons for the shame. The psychological features of shame in early adulthood have been determined. A correlation has been established between shame and the main factors of its formation. 


Keywords: experience of shame, identity, emotion, self-awareness, early adulthood. 

O. B. Sydorenko Psychological features of the experience of shame in early adulthood

V. I. Tanasiychuk Types of orientation and its influence on the leadership position of social services specialists 

Abstract. The article presents the results of an empirical study of the type of orientation and its impact on the leadership position of social service professionals. The study of the type of orientation and its impact on the leadership position of social services specialists was carried out using a set of methods, namely: Smekala-Kucher questionnaire), methods “Social Courage”, “Scales of self-efficacy R.  Schwarzer  and  M.  Jerusalem”,  “Self-assessment  of  leadership”  and  methods  of  incomplete  sentences.  An  insufficient  level  of leadership position was stated. The results of the analysis of variance revealed the influence of the type of focus on the manifestation of the leadership position of specialists: a high level of manifestation of the leadership position is characteristic of people with the type of focus on the case. There are statistically significant differences in the manifestation of the leadership position depending on gender. 

Keywords: orientation, leadership position, social services specialists. 

V. I. Tanasiychuk Types of orientation and its influence on the leadership position of social services specialists