Science and Education a New Dimension

Online version ISSN 2308-1996

Printed version ISSN 2308-5258

Science and Education a New Dimension

Iss. 210. 2019.

E. D. Akhmedova Strategies of English-Ukrainian translations of verbal instantiation of simile etalons in fiction 

Abstract. The present article sets out correlations between methods / transformations and strategies of the English-Ukrainian translation of simile etalons (universal, linguacultural, linguasubcultural and individual) verbalisations in fiction. It finds that the strategy of reconstruction of the simile cognitive model is mainly realised by literal translation together with partial grammatical transformations; the strategy of substitution – by grammatical transformations in interaction with lexical contextual change; the strategy of elimination – by simpli- fication of the grammatical structure of the source text and omitting the simile components; the strategy of creation – by a holistic transformation. 

Keywords: cognitive model, simile etalons, strategy, translation. 

E. D. Akhmedova Strategies of English-Ukrainian translations of verbal instantiation of simile etalons in fiction 

K. V. Angelovska National mentality and linguistic picture of the world as components of cognitive linguistics 

Abstract.  The  article  examines  the  linguistic  picture  of  the  world  in  the  context  of  modern linguistic science. Different  approaches  to defining  and  analyzing  the  linguistic  picture  of  the  world  through  the  prism  of  linguistic  and  cultural-national  features  are  considered. Emphasis is placed on the distinction between the concepts of the linguistic and conceptual picture of the world. The meanings and functions of the linguistic picture of the world have been found out. 

Keywords: linguistic picture of the world, conceptual picture of the world, communicative, cognitive, emotional, interpretation. 

K. V. Angelovska National mentality and linguistic picture of the world as components of cognitive linguistics 

F. Dovbyshchenko The theoretical basics of studying ancient historiographical biography 

Abstract. The present article is an attempt to summarize the theoretical achievements which allow to analyze narratives within the methods of narratology, reader-response criticism, Euclid’s theory of the golden ratio and Aristotle’s concept of the peripeteia. In particular, the analysis of the ancient histories, as this article argues, can be conducted not only to understand the level of their factual reliability, but also to describe their possible impact on contemporary readers or listeners. It is also stressed in the present article that the narrative structure of histories is a perspective object of study, for it may reflect that of the ancient tragedy. 

Keywords:  narrative  strategies,  narrative,  narratology,  reader-response  criticism,  peripeteia,  golden  ratio,  ancient historiographical biography. 

F. Dovbyshchenko The theoretical basics of studying ancient historiographical biography  

M. Kh. Humennyi, V. Yu. Humenna Folk-poetic dimensions of P. Kulish's stories 

Abstract. The article is devoted to the study of folk-poetic traditions in P. Kulish’s prose, the search for a new form of his stories and the original individual style. The folklore intrusions into the headlines of the stories are found out and the influence of the folk songs on them is analyzed. The peculiarities of the narrative structure of narratives, the qualifying vocabulary and its role in the thematic interpretation in line with the author’s position are analyzed. The key words of stories, which serve as generalized forms of imaginative consciousness, are investigated, their influence on the metaphorical and philosophical and moral nature of the works is revealed. The regularity of the functioning of folklore elements in the structure of the stories of the writer and their role in the ideological- thematic aspect are clarified. In addition, the ethnographic context was studied through an understanding of rituals and customs and patterns of influence of the prose genre on the nature of the development of folk traditions. 


Keywords: folk traditions, ethnographic context, rituals, customs, poetic stylistics, style principles. 

M. Kh. Humennyi, V. Yu. Humenna Folk-poetic dimensions of P. Kulish’s stories

I. A. Kamienieva Metaphoric representants of the concept «day» in F. I. Tyutchev’s poetry 

Abstract. The article is devoted to the analysis of the linguistic representation of the notion ‘day’ in the cognitive aspect. The world of  nature  and  the  world of  man in  the  poetry  of  F.I. Tyutchev  are  combined  with  the  help  of  an anthropomorphic  metaphor.  The relevance of the article is determined by the importance of studying the Tyutchev’s poetry language and the semantics of the notion ‘day’, which acquire additional meanings and interpretations. The novelty of the work is to analyze the metaphorical means that the poet uses to describe the day. The article analyzes the poetic texts in order to identify metaphors in them, which main values are cognitive structures of notion ‘day’. The semantic analysis of metaphors was based on data from lexicographic sources. As the analy- sis of poetic texts shows, in Tyutchev’s poetry the notion ‘day’ is used in all its meanings. Metaphorical representation of the notion ‘day’ in F.I. Tyutchev poetry reflects the main features of his work and is involved in creating poetic picture of the world. The article describes the main language expressions that represent the individual author’s metaphors associated with the day element. The basic linguistic metaphors, which are often found in his poetic texts, allow us to present a holistic picture of the concept «day». The concept «day» in the Tyutchev’s poetry is explicated in the metaphors: day – silence, day – nap, day – light. Based on the analysis, it has been revealed that verbal metaphors are dominant, thanks to which the poet conveys the dynamics of movement, as well as smoothness. Various metaphorical representations of the concept «day» become an important element of the linguistic picture of Tyutchev’s world. 

Keywords: metaphor, cognitive structure, the concept «day», language. 

I. A. Kamienieva Metaphoric representants of the concept «day» in F. I. Tyutchev’s poetry 

I. B. Kauza Thought in Thought as a Form of Free-indirect Speech in Margarette Drabble’s Novels 

Abstract.  The  author’s  modifications of  thought  in  thought  as  a  form  of  free-indirect  speech  in  the  novels of  British  postmodern prose writer Margarette Drabble are investigated. The author’s modifications of the thought phenomenon in thought as a form of free- indirect speech in M. Drabble’s novels serve as a vivid means of expressing the author’s intentions, and by analyzing the novels of the writer  we  can  claim  that  M.  Drabble  follows  the  traditions  of  British  postmodernism,  the  analysis  of  contextualized  thought  in thought gives us the opportunity to claim that her novels can be characterized as social and socio-psychological. 

Keywords: Thought in Thought, author-writer, authorial intentions, narration. 

I. B. Kauza Thought in Thought as a Form of Free-indirect Speech in Margarette Drabble’s Novels

L. Kopanytsya Poetic picture of the world in Ukrainian folk song. The mercenary and earning lyrics 

Abstract. Іn the context of the evolution of song traditions, the article highlights the history and originality of thematic cycles of Ukrainian social and everyday song in a variety of content and form, laws of artistic thinking, psychological and pragmatic functions of oral poetry in the reproduction of realistic specifics of life of representatives of different social groups, demonstrations of life. 

Keywords: social and everyday lyrics, thematic cycles, motive, lyrical hero, worldview, reality. 

L. Kopanytsya Poetic picture of the world in Ukrainian folk song. The mercenary and earning lyrics

I. V. Malуnyuk An Interdisciplinary Approach to the Study of Sound Imitation 

Abstract.The article is dedicated to the investigation of the main approaches to the study of phonetic symbolism. The article focuses on the overview of research in the field of phonosemantics and psycholinguistics, outlines the scientific conceptual terms and the main problems that phonosemantics and psycholinguistics deal with. 

Keywords: phonetic symbolism, sound symbolism, sound imitation, phonosemantics, psycholinguistics. 

I. V. Malуnyuk An Interdisciplinary Approach to the Study of Sound Imitation

Ye. N. Medved, A. A. Khodtseva, Ye. N. Vashyst Dynamics of Terminologization and Determinologization in Political Discourse of Globalization Epoch 

Abstract. The article touches upon the problem, that is considered to be not only political, but also cultural and linguistic, that is political discourse. Political speech as a manifestation of political discourse is a public action, an effective means to gain recognition and demonstrate leadership. The texts of political speeches have a clear structure, pragmatic value and goals. Political speeches are also characterized by a specific selection of lexical and stylistic units for the purpose of verbal influence on listeners. In general, the vocabulary of political speeches is normative and corresponds to a journalistic style, but one of their distinctive features is the use of terminological units that go beyond the lexicon of an ordinary speaker. The importance of this study is caused by the growing role of political discourse in modern global democratic society as a factor of the constant dynamic processes within language terminologization and determinologization.  

Keywords: political discourse, political speech, globalization, terminologization and determinologization, translational transformation. 

Ye. N. Medved, A. A. Khodtseva, Ye. N. Vashyst Dynamics of Terminologization and Determinologization in Political Discourse of Globalization Epoch

R. Musaieva Models of Communicative situation “Talk of Friends” 

Abstract. This article focuses on presenting the static and dynamic models of communicative situation “Talk of Friends”. Underpinned by cognitive-communicative  approach,  the  study  describes  the  situation  as  a  typical  (stereotypical)  communication  type  linked  to  a  certain mental model in communicant’s mind – a mental representation. The static model corresponds to the situational frame where the differential feature is communicant’s role – FRIEND. The dynamic model corresponds to scenario, in which pre-initial and initial stages are character- ized by perceiving the other as FRIEND and the following ones distinguish the subtypes of the situation (cooperative, non-cooperative) on the basis of the role which a participant realizes.  

Keywords: communicative situation “Talk of Friends”, mental model, static model (frame), dynamic model (scenario). 

R. Musaieva Models of Communicative situation “Talk of Friends” 

A. S. Polishchuk (Shadchina) Poetic intertext in prose encomiums of Gorgias and Isocrates 

Abstract.  The purpose of the study is to establish  a genealogical relationship between the  encomiums  of Helen written by  Gorgias  and Isocrates, and to demonstrate the ideological, and sometimes even intertextual, dependence on the poetic primary source. As a result, individual author’s features of the artistic reception of the epideictic choral lyrics in oratory discourse have been revealed. While Gorgias, developing the genre of paradoxical encomium, presented “inside out” the meaning of the myth about Helen as well as the correlation of praise (ἐγκώμιον) with reflection on possible reproach (ψόγος), then Isocrates could be called a true follower of Pindar in the development of value priorities, the main themes and techniques of the epidictic genre. In addition, this work continues the direction initiated by W. Race to identify the political “message” not only in the historical, but also in the mythological eulogies of Isocrates. Pindar’s and Isocrates’ political allusions devoted to the theme of reconciliation of domestic conflicts and a high appreciation of the strong features of tyranny and democracy, demonstrate that the encomium has always combined elements of the epideictic and deliberative eloquence. 

Keywords: intertextuality, allusions, Gorgias, Isocrates, Pindar. 

A. S. Polishchuk (Shadchina) Poetic intertext in prose encomiums of Gorgias and Isocrates

N. Stefanova Reconstruction of the diachronic core of the concept Good (based on Indo-European, Proto-Germanic and Old English pri- mary meanings) 

The  article deals  with  the  discussion  of  ontological  essence  of  such  mental  formations  as  concepts  which  have  a  deep  diachronic nature and which was laid in the period of formation of primitive pagan worldview of ancient ethnic groups, in particular the Indo- Europeans. Truth, beauty and good also belong to them. The author reveals the essence of the concept as a deep mental construct with a complex network of conceptual features formed by combining various initial semantic features of designated concepts which were formed on the basis of the displaying means of their content of the internal form of concept names. The main attention is fo- cused on the identification of the origins of each individual feature, which objectifies them primarily in the value dimension and re- flects the collective archetypes of the British about a certain concept. Effective methodological algorithm has been developed for the reconstruction  of  these  representations  which  are  retained  and  reflected  in  primary  meanings  of  the  name  of  concept  GOOD  and which constitute his diachronic core. In the article we apply the method of semantic reconstruction to restore primary meanings of lexeme good, in particular semantic transitions in different derivatives, which reach Indo-European and Proto Germanic etymons and demonstrate the connection with the semantic reflexes of other non-Germanic languages. The main primary meanings concern Indo- European roots *ghu-to, *ghut- “that which is invoked” and also Indo-European root *gheu(e)- “to call, invoke” and “divine entity summoned to a sacrifice” with their semantic transitions in Proto Germanic *guthan and then Old Saxon, Old Frisian god, Old High German  got, Gothic guϷ,  Old English gōd and their meanings “supreme being, deity; the Christian God; image of a god; godlike person”. Non Germanic forms correspond with these meanings: Old Slavonic *zъvati, Sanskrit huta- with meaning “to call, invoke” and Ukrainian zvaty, Russian zvat. On the basis of these etymological observations we made an assumption that original symbolics of reconstructed  primary  meanings  can  be  described  as  “divine  entity  summoned  to  the  sacrifice”.  We  hypothetically  conclude  that mentalising of ideas about good occurred during a long historical and evolutionary period, first in the ancient mythological and syn- cretic consciousness of the Indo-Europeans and then Germanic people and it was associated with the performance of the ritual of collective unity for the worship to deities for material welfare which brought them a sense of internal psychological satisfaction and a certain sense of fear in case of disfavor of the gods. Due to the spread of Christianity and the formation of monotheism these ideas are transformed into Old English lexeme gōd “virtuous, pious, divine” person and fixed as ethnic constant of religious and Christian consciousness of the ancient British. Since 13-th century the meaning “merciful person” has developed in semantic structure of gōd, it gives grounds to speak about the acquisition of this concept of moral and ethical characteristics. 

Keywords: concept GOOD, diachronic core, semantic reconstruction, primary meaning. 

N. Stefanova Reconstruction of the diachronic core of the concept Good (based on Indo-European, Proto-Germanic and Old English primary meanings)

A. O. Tsapiv Methodology of the poetic-narratological analysis of fairy ethnonarratives (Сase Study of Australian Literary texts for Children) 

Abstract. The articles aims at demonstration the algorithm of the methodology of poetic-narratological analysis of Australian fairy ethnonarratives for children. The notion of fairy ethnonarrative has been defined. The key elements of a fairy ethnonarrative – ethnocharacters, ethnochronotope, model of narration have been revealed. It is assumed that verbal and visual ways of narration create a multimodal fairy ethnonarrative space. The suggested methodology enables to find out narratological and ethnocultural specificity of fairy ethnonarratives for children.  

Keywords: fairy ethnonarrative, poetic-narratological analysis, method of narration, ethnocultural specificity, narration.  

A. O. Tsapiv Methodology of the poetic-narratological analysis of fairy ethnonarratives (Сase Study of Australian Literary texts for Children) 

O. M. Tuhai Object control interpretations with volitional verbs in infinitive complexes of Early Modern English 

Abstract. The study investigates object control interpretations with volitional verbs followed by infinitives of ditransitive and complex-transitive complementation in Early Modern English. The author argues that ditransitive and complex-transitive verbs of will are defined as predicates of direct and indirect speech which presupposes different transitive variations of syntactic infinitive clausal configuration. The article concentrates on case marking of overt object noun phrases of the matrix verbs in infinitive sentences with the main verbs of will. The research establishes particular diverse theta-grid paradigm of the infinitive ditransitive, complex-transitive complementation as of two or three argument arrangement. 

Keywords: object control interpretation, infinitive complementation, predicates of direct/indirect speech, Early Modern English, volitional verbs.  

O. M. Tuhai Object control interpretations with volitional verbs in infinitive complexes of Early Modern English  

M. M. Vasylchuk "Uncultured" Novella of Olga Kobylianska as a component of the Hutsul text 

Abstract. The article considers the novel of Olga Kobilyanska “Uncultured” as a component of the so-called Hutsul text of Ukrainian literature. The mechanism of reflection and transmission by the author of regional colouring, inherent in Bukovynian Hutsulshchyna, is revealed. Attention is paid to the symbolics of euphemisms used by Olga Kobyliyanska. The features of the writer’s introduction into the background of the work of folklore-mythological motifs (in particular, the Hutsul demonology) are shown. 

Keywords: novel, text, letter, mountains, region, localization. 

M. M. Vasylchuk “Uncultured” Novella of Olga Kobylianska as a component of the Hutsul text 

Yu. Zaichenko Connotation as a Linguistic Phenomenon: its Definition, Typology, Features and Structure

Abstract. The article is devoted to an overview of the general tendencies in definition and descriptions of connotation by Ukrainian and foreign scientists of the 20th and 21st centuries, taking into account the special approaches to the definition, the limits of functioning and the components of connotation of a linguistic unit. As a result, the author gives her own approach to the definition, typology and description of the properties of connotation based on its systemic duality, distinguishing connotation of language, the semantic one, as a component of lexical meaning of a word and connotation of speech, the stylistic one, which extends to linguistic units of any level and manifests itself within the function of linguistic units. 

Keywords: connotation, expressivity, emotivity, evaluation, stylistics, semiotics. 

Yu. Zaichenko Connotation as a Linguistic Phenomenon: its Definition, Typology, Features and Structure 

I. Zaitseva, T. Plokhuta Foreign languages teaching: distant heuristic technologies 

Abstract. The article highlights the possibility of improving distance learning through its combination of modern information and communication technology with heuristic technologies in teaching foreign languages in the university educational system. It contributes  to  the  successful  formation of basic  professional  competences  of distant  students.  It has  been  experimentally  proven that  the creative nature of performing and diagnosing of heuristic tasks  contributes  to  the  immersion  of  distance  students  in  search- transforming, constructive, creative activity. 

Keywords: teaching foreign languages, distance learning, heuristic technology, information and communication technology, professional competence, pedagogical diagnostics, evaluation criteria. 

I. Zaitseva, T. Plokhuta Foreign languages teaching: distant heuristic technologies