Science and Education a New Dimension

Online version ISSN 2308-1996

Printed version ISSN 2308-5258

Science and Education a New Dimension

Iss. 152. 2018.

T. M. Ahibalova, O. V. Alpatova Application of psychological and pedagogical resources in foreign language teaching: a communicative perspective

Abstract. The article analyzes the methods and resources of  FLT from a psychological, pedagogical and communicative points of view. The prominent approaches in foreign language teaching are targeted at communicative competence of the participants of the educational process, since it covers a number of factors important for successful mastery in language material. Memorization as a basis for learning is directly related to mental processes that allow a transition from communicative experience to skills as a higher motivational and reflective level.  Investigated psychological and pedagogical resources are outlined in terms of  their aims and re- sults, and examples of methods and means of their realization in the educational process are given. 

Keywords: language competence, language world view, psychological resource, teaching method, motivation. 

T. M. Ahibalova, O. V. Alpatova Application of psychological and pedagogical resources in foreign  language teaching: a communicative perspective 

K. V. Angelovska The plot-compositional structure of the novels as a genre-forming factor («Tess of the D’Urbervilles» by T.Hardy and «Loose» by Panas Myrnyi)  

Abstract.  The  article  is  devoted  to  the  study  of  the  peculiarity  of  the  plot-compositional  structure  of  the  novels  «Tess  of  the D’Urbervilles» by T.Hardy and «Loose» by Panas Myrnyi. The general and separate features in the plot-compositional architectonics of the analyzed novels have been analysed. The peculiarities of the grouping of the characters, the psychological motivation of the actions of each of them are traced. The essence of the landscape, interior and exterior descriptions and the dominant motive in its philosophical and moral aspects have been clarified. 

Keywords: social-psychological novel, plot-compositional, landscape, exterior, interior, narrative, peasantry. 

K. V. Angelovska The  plot-compositional  structure  of  the  novels  as  a  genre-forming  factor  («Tess  of  the  D’Urbervilles»  by  T.Hardy  and «Loose» by Panas Myrnyi)

Z. Batrynchuk Stylistic peculiarities of expressive syntax of modern epistolary discourse  

Abstract. The article deals with the stylistic peculiarities of expressive syntax in modern epistolary discourse. In order to get objective results, modern epistolary novels have been analyzed. The novels are written as a series of traditional letters and e-mails. The expressive syntax in the novels is presented with the help of ellipsis, rhetorical questions and aposiopesis in abundance. The combination of these stylistic figures helps an epistolary discourse to convey certain mood of narration, imparting only the key  events in letters. 

Keywords: epistolary discourse, expressive syntax, ellipsis, aposiopesis, rhetorical question.

Z. Batrynchuk Stylistic peculiarities of expressive syntax of modern epistolary discourse 

A. Chebotaryova On translating the term acquis communautaire  

Abstract. This article analyzes the term acquis communautaire within the purview of Translation Studies, paying special attention to each particular EU language. The material for the translational analysis emanates from IATE, where one can observe different variants of translation of this term. One of the main tasks of the analysis conducted is to expand horizons and generate an adequate variant of translation of this term in the Ukrainian language. It is of great importance when it comes to Ukraine, where the Association Agreement has finally come into force, calling for an ever-increasing demand for investigating and improving the level of bilateral communication and, therefore, the language of the EU, or, to put it linguistically, eurolect. 

Keywords: translation, acquis communautaire, term, EU, eurolect, translation transformation, Ukraine, IATE. 

A. Chebotaryova On translating the term acquis communautaire 

O. V. Gavrylova Processes of calquing in modern Ukrainian (on examples of computer lexis)  

Abstract. Article is devoted to the research of calquing processes as one of the productive ways of forming computer lexis of modern Ukrainian. In the work are considered the appearance of the linguistic term “calques”, opinions of scientists on a question of differentiation of the concepts “calques” and “borrowing” are analyzed, it is found out structural and semantic types of  calquing, the main types of the calques functioning in lexicon, their division on full and partial are allocated. In article processes of calquing on examples of terms of modern Ukrainian computer lexis are illustrated. 

Keywords: borrowings, calques, computer lexis, terms, phrases. 

O. V. Gavrylova Processes of calquing in modern Ukrainian (on examples of computer lexis) 

M. Kh. Humennyi, V. Yu. Humenna The genetic-typological essence of the antiwar novel (A. Barbus, E. Remarque, O. Gonchar)  

Abstract. The article is dedicated to the research of the genetic-typological essence of the antiwar novel by A. Barbjus, E. Remarque and O. Gonchar. The function of coincidences, repetitions, historical, chronological or cultural and everyday realities in the poetic aspect of the analyzed novels is revealed. A distinction is described between the authors in the artistic interpretation of the events of the war. Studying the structure of the analyzed novels, the portrait, landscape, interior, exterior descriptions and  the specific of the laconic leitmotifs were traced. 

Keywords: antiwar novel, fatal certainty, tragedy, repetitions, historicism, ancient catharsis, narrator. 

M. Kh. Humennyi, V. Yu. Humenna The genetic-typological essence of the antiwar novel (A. Barbus, E. Remarque, O. Gonchar) 

R. Y. Kritsberh Obsolete and Historical Americanisms in Colonial Period  

Abstract. American obsolete and historical items reflect constant cultural and language changes along with their interaction. Etymologically, many of them go back to Dutch, Indian languages, British dialectisms and archaisms. Semantically, the stock in many cases refers to such fields as the American frontier, politics, historial events, slavery, folk traditions and old customs. Obsolete and historical idioms along with slang and colloquial vocabulary are well-pronounced. The text analysis in many cases reveals much earlier references of the items, different from established by authoritative sources.  

Keywords: obsolete and historical Americanisms, semantic groups, origin, archaisms. 

R. Y. Kritsberh Obsolete and Historical Americanisms in Colonial Period 

T. V. Lopushan Idyllic space of rustic discourse in the prose of Ivan Semyonovich Nechuy-Levitsky  

Abstract. The article is devoted to the study of the peculiarities of the construction of the rustic discourse in Ivan Semenovich Nechui- Levytskyi`s heritage in the context of the development of the peasant topic and problems in Ukrainian literature of the second half of the 19th and early 20th centuries. Specific features of the formation and transformation of the author’s approach to the creation of a rustic discourse are analyzed on the basis of the writer’s artistic and journalistic texts, in which the stated problem was particularly articulated. I. S. Nechui- Levytskyi`s art texts testify to the writer’s aspiration to find the idyllic Ukrainian world, which is depicted as «golden» peasant past, in that image the main elements in terms of content and formality are the continuity of traditions, ethnographicism, folklore poetry, the ideas of utopian socialism, individualism and anarchism as a way of self-organization of Ukrainian social life.  

Keywords: Nechui-Levytskyi, discourse, rustic, peasantry, tradition, idyll, national. 

T. V. Lopushan Idyllic space of rustic discourse in the prose of Ivan Semyonovich Nechuy-Levitsky

V. S. Maltsev Strophic syllabic in Ukrainian poetry of the XVIII century  

Abstract. The article deals with the peculiarities of the functioning of one of the forms of syllabic poetry in Ukrainian poetry of the XVIII century – a strophic sillabic. Such structures were presented mainly in religious, philosophical and secular songs. A characteristic feature of religious and philosophically-religious texts is the widespread use of regular internal rhyme (mostly in the position of pre-caesura ending). In secular songs, the isosilabic principle of the corresponding parts of various stanzas is less strictly maintained.  

Keywords: syllabic verse, stanza, caesura, clause, rhyme. 

V. S. Maltsev Strophic syllabic in Ukrainian poetry of the XVIII century

L. M. Muzannar Cultural-historical space of conceptual metaphor in Arabic political discourse (based on Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas's speech at a meeting of the General Assembly of the United Nations)

Abstract. The article is devoted to the study of the implementation of the conceptual metaphor in the Arab political discourse. In addition, the article deals with several classifications of metaphor in contemporary language discourse. On the example of a political speech  by  Palestinian President Mahmoud  Abbas,  the  influence  of  cultural  and  historical  circumstances  on  the  process  of  human knowledge and perception of conceptual metaphors in the text of a political speech is analyzed. 

Keywords: conceptual metaphor, Arabic political discourse, political speech, cultural-historical context, mentality, public cible. 

L. M. Muzannar Cultural-historical  space  of  conceptual  metaphor  in  Arabic  political  discourse  (based  on  Palestinian  President  Mahmoud Abbas’s speech at a meeting of the General Assembly of the United Nations) 

N. L. Pavliuk Psychological features of Yu. Mushketk’s historical prose  

Abstract. The specificity of the using of psychological tools in Yu. Mushketk’s historical prose is analyzed in the article. As a result of the study, it was found that the writer uses a very wide range of the tools of psychological analysis. It is proved that in the author’s works  on  the  historical  theme  dominate  the  internal  monologue  as  a  mean  of  transferring  the  character’s  reflection  («Come,  bow down…»)  and  an  important  plot-compositional  element  («Hetman  treasure»),  retrospective  means  («Yasa»,  «The  Last  Hetman», «Pursuit», «Brother against brother», «Hetman treasure»), self-examination («Yasa», «Come, bow down…») and the dramatic moments with slow temporality. 

Keywords: psychologism, internal monologue, self-analysis, retrospection, psychological reactions. 

N. L. Pavliuk Psychological features of Yu. Mushketk’s historical prose

Y. V. Rosenhart Cognitive and Communicative Aspects of Deception (Based on Political Interview with Donald Trump) 

Abstract. Deception has long been a question of great interest in a wide range of fields including philosophy, biology, theory of communication, military sphere, psycholinguistics, and political linguistics. The current study sought to describe a set of possible linguistic markers of lie in a political interview. Deception in political discourse is implemented through the use of strategies that reflect communicative, cognitive, and meta- discursive discourse categories (Shevchenko, 2017). The study of the interview with D. Trump found that the politician combined three types of deception strategies – communicative, cognitive, and metacognitive – in his speech. Among the most frequent tactics were distancing from the message content, avoiding disapproval, maintaining authority, avoiding tension in interaction. The linguistic markers of the deception strategies included such means of suggestion as intensifiers, “reading thoughts” device, universal quantifiers (Bandler, Grinder, 1975), cognitive mechanism words, exclusive, negation words, repetitions.  

Keywords: deception, strategy, tactics, political discourse. 

Y. V. Rosenhart Cognitive and Communicative Aspects of Deception (Based on Political Interview with Donald Trump) 

T. H. Savchuk Cognitive map of the modern English gastronomic advertising discourse  

Abstract. The article creates a cognitive map of modern English-language gastronomic advertising discourse, which concentrates the main information for the representatives of the English-speaking ethnic community in this area of life. For this purpose, the system connections  between  the  components  of  the  conceptual  system  of  modern  English-language gastronomic advertising discourse – discourse-based concepts-autochthons are verified statistically with the help of quantitative methods in linguistics. 

Keywords: conceptual space, gastronomic discourse, cognitive map, correlation analysis, concept. 

T. H. Savchuk Cognitive map of the modern English gastronomic advertising discourse 

V. I. Savchuk Genre stratification of the U.S. presidential speeches 

Abstract. The article studies genre varieties in presidential rhetoric. It specifies the notion of presidential address and the types that correlates the most typical features of the presidency commonly found in administration rhetoric. It also describes some leading and differential characteristics of presidential addresses which represent institutional peculiarities of this sphere of political communication. 

Keywords: discourse, genre, typical features, presidential address, topic of speech 

V. I. Savchuk Genre stratification of the U.S. presidential speeches

T. M. Shevchenko Poetics of dzuihitsu in modern Ukrainian literature 

Abstract. The article is about dzuihitsu as a genre, which is very popular in modern Ukrainian literature in the beginning of the XXI century. Poetics, structure and narrative-mentative nature of dzuihitsu are analysed based on works of K. Moskalets, V. Habor, H. Pahutyak. Emphasis is made on national features of dzuihitsu in works of Ukrainian writers. 

Keywords: dzuihitsu, essay, mentative, poetics, structure.  

T. M. Shevchenko Poetics of dzuihitsu in modern Ukrainian literature 

Ch. M. Stetsyk, L. A. Dobrovolska The above Dniester dialect in the artistic language of B. Lepky

Abstract. In this article the artistic language of B. Lepky in terms of reflecting it Upper-Dniester dialect is explored. The features of dialect use in the context of contemporary literary language in western Ukraine are analyzed. The status and functional loading of dialectal elements in the structure of B. Lepky literary text is determined. It is established, that the use by the author most of Upper-Dniester dialectal units in works  is  not  as  sociated  with  stylistic  guidelines.  In  the  conditions  of  instability  and  lack  of  normalization  and  codification  of  literary language writer was focusing on language with local dialects, spontaneously, unconsciously introduced Upper-Dniester dialectal elements in literary texts without predetermined stylistic goal. 

Keywords: Upper-Dniester dialect, dialecticism, literary language, art language, language norms.  

Ch. M. Stetsyk, L. A. Dobrovolska The above Dniester dialect in the artistic language of B. Lepky

I. L. Zelena  Modification of the information structure and status of the referent SN2 as factors of the appearance of predicative relations in sentences with attributive object

Abstract. The article is dedicated to the analysis of modification of the information structure and the status of the referent in sentences containing attributive object. Given the types of interpretation of attributive sentences and, based on the results of contextual analysis, it became possible to prove that change of argumentative structure in verbal group gives a reason to treat attributive verb with elements SN2 and X as a predicative focus of the sentence and permit to consider it as the complex secondary predicate. 

Keywords: information structure of the sentence, status of the referent, category of prediction, category of attribution, argumentative fo-cus, predicative focus, factitive operator, marked structure, semantic exhaustion, complex secondary predicate. 

I. L. Zelena  Modification of the information structure and status of the referent SN2 as factors of the appearance of predicative relations in sentences with attributive object