Science and Education a New Dimension

Online version ISSN 2308-1996

Printed version ISSN 2308-5258

Science and Education a New Dimension

Iss. 143. 2017.

I. O. Alyeksyeyeva Defining snowflake in British post-Brexit and US post-election public discourse

Abstract. The paper addresses the meaning that the snowflake lexeme has acquired in public discourse in the post-Brexit UK and the postelection USA. The research of online publications and audience’s comments reveals that snowflake, metaphorical by origin, is used to denote a representative of Generation Y and, consequently, verbalizes an intergenerational divide. This semantic nucleus is coupled with the meaning ‘a psychological type that combines such traits as hypersensitivity, intolerance and sense of entitlement’, which invests the lexeme with negative connotations. When used in an argument, the connotative meaning may supplant the denotation, turning snowflake into a pejorative label.  

Keywords: lexeme, semantics, denotation, connotation, metaphor, snowflake generation.  

I. O. Alyeksyeyeva Defining snowflake in British post-Brexit and US post-election public discourse  

K. О. Bortun Functional and semantic peculiarities of particles in imperative statements

Abstract. In the article the questions of functioning of the particles in the imperative statements. The following conclusions: the tot al of imperative semantics can be modified by different particles. The basic functions of the particles in the imperative statement, such as: 1) Express the probability, doubt, assumption; 2) indicate what is said is completely untrue; 3) Express an order, request, counsel and encouragement; 4) distinguish individual words in the sentence to which they refer; 5) increase the order, please, counsel and encouragement. Determined that each share provides the imperative for more meaning of tone and emotionally expressive colouring. 

Keywords: functional unit, the imperative, the situation of communication, categorical class of words. 

K. О. Bortun Functional and semantic peculiarities of particles in imperative statements 

L. Davydiuk Narrative discourse of oral non-fairy short stories

Abstract. This article presents the ways of communicative organization of the national experience. The epic position of the narrator is defined as a basis for determining the type of the narrative form. Noteworthy, the artistic and historical development may involve the  transformation  of  the  narrative  structures,  which  is  summarized  in  the  proposed  table.  The  narrative  structure  of memorat e, chronicate and fabulate – the main forms of realization of oral non-fairy short stories – is distinguished. 

Keywords:  folklore narrative, narrative discourse, form of narration, memorate, chronicate, fabulate. 

L. Davydiuk Narrative discourse of oral non-fairy short stories

E. Finik A poetic image of the elements of fire and water in Australian poetry

Abstract. The article focuses on defining cognitive and linguistic  nature of verbal poetic image. It suggests the analysis of archetypes as  preconceptual  plane  of  the  images  of  natural  elements  of  fire  and  water  and  reveals  cognitive  and lingual mechanisms of their creation in Australian poetic texts. Within the framework of cognitive paradigm of cognitive linguistics and cognitive poetics verbal poetic image  obtained in this paper the status of linguo-cognitive construal. 

Keywords:  poetic image, concept, archetype, natural elements. 

E. Finik A poetic image of the elements of fire and water in Australian poetry

I. V. Halimovskaya The role of tourism in the transformation of international and intercultural relations between Ukraine and Western European countries in the conditions of eurointegration

Abstract. The article reveals the importance of tourism as a factor of eurointegration of Ukraine. It is substantiated that an important component  of  tourism,  besides  economic,  is  intercultural  communication,  which  provides  direct communication of participants in tourism activities. A significant potential of our state in establishing communication with European countries is revealed through the intensification and growth of tourist flows. The cultural factor is definitely one of the priorities in the European integration processes of  Ukraine.  Mastering  the  European  cultural  heritage  along  with  the  popularization  of  Ukrainian  culture  is an effective means of eurointegration of our country. Considering the desire of Ukrainian society to join the European Union, the outlined tendencies will only be intensified. It is established that the introduction of European norms and standards in tourism will contribute to the formation of a European cultural identity. Therefore, these problems should obtain a special place in Ukraine’s foreign  policy. 

Keywords:  tourism, eurointegration, the European Union, culture, communication, international  and intercultural  relations. 

I. V. Halimovskaya The role of tourism in the transformation of international and intercultural relations between Ukraine and Western European countries in the conditions of eurointegration

Y. V. Kapranov Reconstruction and Diachronic Interpretation as Methodological Operations of Reproduction and Argumentation of Proto- Language Constructs in Linguistic Macro Comparative Studies

Abstract.  The  article  represents the views of scholars on two methodological operations of reproduction of the original constructs and  their  greater  argumentation  –  reconstruction  and  diachronic  interpretation  in  modern  linguistic  macrocomparative  studies. An attempt has been made to explain the essence of the two methods: if the reconstruction is the process of modeling a certain archetype (proto-form) / etymon at the level of a separate group of languages, the language family, language macrofamily, but diachronic interpretation is a scientifically-proof (explanatory) comparative-diachronic  operation, its purpose is to penetrate the chronologically more distant stages of the standard state. 

Keywords:  methodological  operations, reconstruction, diachronic interpretation,  linguistic  macrocomparative studies. 

Y. V. Kapranov Reconstruction and Diachronic Interpretation as Methodological Operations of Reproduction and Argumentation of Proto- Language Constructs in Linguistic Macro Comparative Studies

D. M. Kaysina Humorous mode in ideation speech

Abstract. The article deals with humour in an ideation speech, which is strategically oriented at implementing some idea into social practice by exerting influence on the recipients. Special attention is paid to the means by which an ideator puts the recipients in a humorous mode, i. e. special emotional atmosphere and humorous assessment of reality by the communicants in the frame of the ideation discourse. 

Keywords: anecdote, humorous effect, humorous tone, ideation. 

D. M. Kaysina Humorous mode in ideation speech

L. V. Klymenko The Discourse About The Alterity In The French Social And Humanitarian Paradigm: Historical Aspect

Abstract. The article is devoted to the phenomenon of otherness genesis, its diachronic analysis and historical background in the French scientific social and humanitarian paradigm. Represented in the French language by the token altérité, the phenomenon of otherness has been considered as one of the French culture’s key-concepts, the ethnical reality, a special type of the national self-identification. It creates a special cognitive space within the national picture of the world.  

Keywords: otherness, altérité, picture of the world, Other’s category, ethnospecifical feature. 

L. V. Klymenko The Discourse About The Alterity In The French Social And Humanitarian Paradigm: Historical Aspect 

Kh. S. Lesko Diminutive and Augmentative Suffixal Derivatives in S panish mass media discourse

Abstract. The article suggests a complex pragmatic and cognitive approach to the analysis of suffixal derivatives of diminutivity and augmentativity aiming at distinguishing their evaluative and emotive functionality in modern Spanish mass media discourse. With the help of content analysis the quantity of diminutives / augmentatives was specified as well as the types of emotional valuations and connection with the themes of periodical materials were classified. A sp ecial attention was paid to syncretic nature of evaluative meaning of the suffixes which were analyzed as well as emotional capability of their expression was revealed. Semantic stylistic peculiarities of proper names and phraseological  units  with  common  and  occasional  use  of  diminutives / augmentatives  were  substantiated.  Lexicalized  diminutive / augmentative lexicalization were depicted and derivational modeling of diminutive derivatives were studied. The gender peculiarities of the diminution / augmentation suffixes as means of transferring of authentic masculinity and feminity in media discourse were inquired.  

Keywords: mass media discourse, diminutive, augmentative, sуncretic nature, connotation, subjective valuation, pragmatic, expression.

Kh. S. Lesko Diminutive and Augmentative Suffixal Derivatives in S panish mass media discourse

Yu. Nevska Epistolary Discourse as a Reflection of Linguistic Personality

Abstract.  In  the  article  the  status  of  the epistolary text is determined in the light of the theory of discourse. Some approaches to epistolary style existing in modern linguistics, certain peculiarities of the epistolary discourse as well as the reflection of the author’s linguistic  personality  in  the  epistles  have  been  considered.  The functions of the epistolary discourse and the concept of linguistic personality have been specified. The terms speaker, linguistic personality, speech personality have been differentiated. 

Keywords:  еpistolary discourse, epistolary style, epistle, linguistic  personality. 

Yu. Nevska Epistolary Discourse as a Reflection of Linguistic Personality

Yu. I. Poznikhirenko Motivation base of Ukrainian ergonims

Abstract. The article analyzes the motivational process of creation and functioning of ergons, including the motivation of their nomination from the point of view of the nominator, the motivation of the names of food establishments from the point of view of the consumer and the motivation of the units studied as a consequence of the first two processes. Preliminary working criteria for identifying the motivation for food establishment names have been developed. 

Keywords: names of food establishments; motivation of names; nomination; nominator; criteria for motivation. 

Yu. I. Poznikhirenko Motivation base of Ukrainian ergonims

G. V. Tashchenko Cognitive Equivalence As a Criterion of the Precedent Name Translation

Abstract. the article focuses on the relevance of cognitive equivalence for the translation of precedent names. The paper also considers the influence of the source and target culture specifics on the degree of cognitive equivalence the translator is able to establish depending on the disparity in the worldview of the author and the target reader. The translator’s decisions aimed at achieving the highest level of cognitive equivalence are illustrated, and the incongruence, which may arise even when resorting to the same translation method in different contexts of the precedent name use, is presented.  

Keywords: cognitive equivalence, mental image, precedent name, source culture, target culture. 

G. V. Tashchenko Cognitive Equivalence As a Criterion of the Precedent Name Translation 

N. M. Velychko Regional Peculiarities of German Address Forms

Abstract. The article deals with regional peculiarities of pronominal and noun address forms of modern German and their special features, namely with the use of Se in Berlin; the pronouns Sie/Er addressed to persons of lower social position, as well asaddress forms used in Munich and Hamburg, like Sie, which is widely used with personal names of interlocutors. Peculiarities of address in spoken German of the Rhine region, such as a “universal” role of ihr as the only plural form, are described. Besides, a typical for Bern address form Dihr (= ihr in standard German) is shown. A great attention is paid to address forms in Switzerland, especially to the usage of Fräulein. Relicts of Ihr used as a formal address to one person in German speaking cantons of Switzerland are pointed out. Special forms of address, used by Berlin, Hamburg, Munich and Rhine region citizens, which reflect local traditions and have historical background, are emphasized. As for the so called national variants we have found out such features as historically determined usage of Offiziers-Du in Austrian army, universal du in Bern as well as Ihr used as a polite form of address to one person, widely spread in the German speaking cantons (first of all in dialects), which may be explained also as a result of influence of the neighboring French speaking culture. Austrian and Swiss address forms possesstheirtypical features related to historical events, social and economic changes. Official forms in both languages are mainlyregulated. It is mentioned and proved that Swiss people pay less attention to academic and other titles, especially in spoken language, which is one of the signsof social life democratization.At the same timeAustrian people tend to use titles and keep a distance in communication.  

Keywords: forms of address expressed by pronouns, noun address forms, regional peculiarities.  

N. M. Velychko Regional Peculiarities of German Address Forms 

I. O. Velyka, O. V. Tupakhina Phenomenon “Internet Discourse” in modern scientific paradigm

Abstract. The typology of discourse that exists in modern scientific paradigm is considered in the article. The analysis of different approaches to interpretation of phenomenon “Internet discourse” is conducted. The interpretation of concept “Internet discourse” is derived based on the analysis conducted in the article. Internet discourse is described from the point of view of typology analyzed in the article.  

Keywords:  discourse, discourse typology, Internet discourse, Global network, virtual discourse.  

I. O. Velyka, O. V. Tupakhina Phenomenon “Internet Discourse” in modern scientific paradigm