Science and Education a New Dimension

Online version ISSN 2308-1996

Printed version ISSN 2308-5258

Science and Education a New Dimension

Iss. 124. 2017.

A. A. Berestova Representation of precedent religious phenomena in the historical prose by Andriy Kokotyukha

Abstract. In the paper the author identifies the varieties of precedent religious phenomena taken from the historical prose by Andriy Kokotyukha. Besides, the researcher describes the features of their functioning in novels “Sprava otamana Zelenoho”, “Tchervonyy” and “Tchornyy lis”. The author concludes that the studied language units possess considerable artistic and expressive potential; they are represented as an active communication element (used as discourse markers).  

Keywords: precedent religious phenomenon, artistic and expressive potential, discourse marker.  

A. A. Berestova Representation of precedent religious phenomena in the historical prose by Andriy Kokotyukha 

M. V. Berezhna Ways to Render Character's voice (in Fiction Translation form English into Ukrainian)

Abstract. The article deals with rendering of the character’s voice as a translation problem. The examples for the research are taken from  modern  films  and  novels  as  well  as  from  their  respective  translations  into  Ukrainian.  Character’s  voice  is  a  combination  of stylistic devices peculiar to the speech of a particular character. As a way to create character’s voice, the author may also use bookish words and/or colloquialisms. The interpreters normally render the elements of the character’s speech by equivalent units. The exceptions are dialectal words and vulgarisms, as the interpreters tend to replace the former by colloquialisms and either to omit the latter at all or compensate their loss by colloquial words and creative euphemisms. The interpreters also replace the elements of accented English by accented Ukrainian, applying changes where necessary. 

Keywords: character’s voice, social variety of language, individual variety of speech, fiction translation, compensation 

M. V. Berezhna Ways to Render Character’s voice (in Fiction Translation form English into Ukrainian) 

G. A. Brusko Semantic modifications in francophone Internet communication

Abstract. The article outlines the main views on the processes of semantic narrowing and widening of meaning in the francophone Internet communication. The definition of the concept of high technology is defined. The examples of English borrowings used in francophone e-journals in the sphere of innovative technologies are provided. The tendencies of English borrowings, getting into the French thesaurus has been determined. 

Keywords: Internet-communication, the restriction of meaning, the expansion of meaning, English borrowings, innovative technologies.  

G. A. Brusko Semantic modifications in francophone Internet communication 

O. S. Cheremskа Kharkiv and Kyiv Linguistic Schools in 1920s and 1930s: two approaches to creation the literary standard in Ukrainian language in Yurii Shevelov’s point of view

Abstract.  The  article  analyzes  the  linguistic  conception  of  philologist  slavicist  Yurii  Shevelov  on  normalization  of  the  Ukrainian language in 1920s and 1930s. The views of linguists of two lines, two linguistic schools of the period given have been considered. The characteristics and distinguished features of these two schools have been defined with respect to creation of literary standard of Ukrainian language. Methodological basis of the linguistic studies of Ukrainian linguists, followers of moderate and purist approaches, have been interpreted in the scientific way. 

Keywords: linguistic conception, Kharkiv Linguistic School, Kyiv Linguistic School, literary standard of the Ukrainian language, language purism.

O. S. Cheremskа Kharkiv  and  Kyiv  Linguistic  Schools  in  1920s  and  1930s:  two  approaches  to  creation  the  literary  standard  in  Ukrainian language in Yurii Shevelov’s point of view 

O. V. Dyn T. Shevchenko’s poetry in the creative laboratory of R.Chilachava: historical and literary context

Abstract: The article deals with the aesthetics of reception of Georgian literature of Taras Shevchenko’s works on the example of Raul Chilachava’s Georgian-Ukrainian translation. Creative Laboratory of R. Chilachava combines practical, scientific, Translation, cultural work in the Ukrainian and Georgian literature. The continuity of P. Chilachava’s creative search on the path to the magic of the artistic word is studied. Special attention is given to the essay  “Triptych about Shevchenko”, features of the translation of the terminology of appellative, nonequivalent vocabulary are studied, the generality of T. Shevchenko’s creativity with Georgian themes and the Caucasian epicenter of Georgian hypersensitivity to the higher ideals of honor and dignity is grounded. 

Keywords: T. Shevchenko, R. Chilachava, history of literature. 

O. V. Dyn T. Shevchenko’s poetry in the creative laboratory of R.Chilachava: historical and literary context 

N. G. Filonenko Dynamics of monovalent predicate constructions in contemporary French fictional prose texts: lingual and synergetic aspect

Abstract. The article focuses on the results of the analysis of the positional dynamics of monovalent predicate constructions in contemporary French fictional prose texts in lingual and synergetic aspect, the regularities of the syntactic system of self-organization of the analyzed texts taking into account the structural and dynamic characteristics of these constructions. 

Keywords: self-organization of the text, linguosynergetics, syntax, attractor, the predicate. 

N. G. Filonenko Dynamics of monovalent predicate constructions in contemporary French fictional prose texts: lingual and synergetic aspect

O. A. Gapchenko Synonymy as one of mechanisms of the organization of units of an individual lexicon natural bilingual

Abstract. This article analyzes the new approaches to study the synonyms and its related phenomena. The prior attention is focused on the  cognitive  and  psycholinguistic  aspects  of  synonyms.  There  are  investigated  the  features  of  synonymous  relations  formation  and functioning inside the internal structures of human lexicon based on the associative experiments material, analyzed the facts of impact the individual bilingualism onto the specific synonymy processes over the units in the bilingual lexicon, and turned out the psychological reality of a dominant in the synonymic rows. 

Keywords: semantics, synonymy, linguistic personality, individual lexicon, psycholinguistics. 

O. A. Gapchenko Synonymy as one of mechanisms of the organization of units of an individual lexicon natural bilingual 

V. A. Gladka Metaphor and Comparison: Lingo-cognitive Aspect of their Difference

Abstract. The depth study of metaphors from different points of view of modern linguistics permits to interpret it not only as a verbal expression of speakers’ creative thinking, but also as one of the mental operations of categorization of reality. In this case, the metaphorisation becomes similar to comparison with which it is often identified. Applying the theory of cognitive modeling the author proves the difference between these two phenomena at the structural level and at the level of the deep semantics. 

Keywords: metaphor, comparison, cognitive operation, cognitive modeling, phraseological unit  

V. A. Gladka Metaphor and Comparison: Lingo-cognitive Aspect of their Difference

O. Yu. Korzh, L. V. Romanіuk Formation of listening skills in students of physical and technical specialties (based on the English news channel "EURONEWS")

Abstract.  The  article  outlines  the  range  of  scientists  who  are  studying  the  problem  of  communicative  approach  and  the  issue  of listening  within  this  approach.  The  definition  of  “listening”  is  defined.  Attention  is  focused  on  factors  that  contribute  to  the appearance of difficulties in the perception of an authentic text. It is emphasized that the news of the “Euronews” TV channel is a good material for conducting of listening in universities. The subject of TV messages of this channel is indicated. Observation of students’ work of physical and technical specialties was carried out. Depending on the subject of TV news, the results of the research on the level of perception of English information are described. It is indicated that the usage of video messages contributes to the formation of  English listening skills and foreign-language competence. 

Keywords: communicative approach, listening, foreign competence, professional competence.

O. Yu. Korzh, L. V. Romanіuk Formation  of  listening  skills  in  students  of  physical  and  technical  specialties  (based  on  the  English  news  channel “EURONEWS”) 

B. I. Malenkyi Verbal implementation of confrontative argumentative strategy in German television talk show

Abstract.  This  article  provides  an  overview  of  contextual-pragmatic  communication parameters  in  the  talk  show  genre  and highlights main features of the reasoning process in the context of German analytical TV-discussion. On this basis, two argumentative strategies types, typical for the discussion process in the talk show, are determined. Particular attention is paid to verbal means of implementation of the confrontative strategy and its corresponding tactics in speech.  

Keywords: German talk show, discussion, oral speech, argumentation, argumentation strategies, institutional communication. 

B. I. Malenkyi Verbal implementation of confrontative argumentative strategy in German television talk show

O. P. Mehel Lexical semantic organization of the inscriptions about building of Northern Black Sea

Abstract.  Optimal  syntactic  model  of  the  inscriptions  about  building  of  Northern  Black  Sea  and  modifications  of  each  part  of  a sentence have been revealed. Formal-syntactical and lexical-syntactical organization of the elements of inscriptions has been studied. Lexicon which is characteristic for the inscriptions has been defined. Also typical syntax, which differs from each part of a sentence by its specification, has been established. 

Keywords: lexical-syntactic structure, syntactic model, element of the inscription, complex, syntactic construction. 

O. P. Mehel Lexical semantic organization of the inscriptions about building of Northern Black Sea

Y. Y. Pavlenko Self-writing of the fictional subject in French novel: between a classic and a minor literature

Abstract. The article is focused on the research of the historical vector of French novel in which the fictional world is specified by the  work  of  narrator’s  writing.  The  examination  of  the  ‘writerly’  (Roland Barthes)  in  diachronic  aspect  allows  emphasizing  the tradition of fictional subject’s Self-writing in the history of French novel. The selected text corpus makes possible defining a canon of character’s Self-writing in French novel and allows describing the status of such kind of a novel in the history of French literature. 

Keywords: Self-writing, fictional subject, ‘writerly’, text, canon, tradition, French novel.   

Y. Y. Pavlenko Self-writing of the fictional subject in French novel: between a classic and a minor literature 

O. A. Poliakova Experiment with the genre of literary biography: «The Thirteenth Apostle. Mayakovsky» by D. Bykov

Abstract. In the article literary biography «The Thirteenth Apostle. Mayakovsky» is examined as a romantic tragedy-featured stylization. Principal motives are described: dying-and-rising god myth, motif of destiny, of poet and poetry, of two worlds. Intertextual elements are analyzed (baroque and romantic topos citation, autocitation, metatext). Game aesthetics, role of rhetoric principles and conditional modality is studied. 

Keywords: literary biography, stylization, parody, metatext, game aesthetics. 

O. A. Poliakova Experiment with the genre of literary biography: «The Thirteenth Apostle. Mayakovsky» by D. Bykov

O. A. Pyshnokha Ethnocultural words in the poetry of Can Ucel

Abstract. The article is devoted to the researching of ethnocultural words in the language of Turkish poetry. Over the last few years, the main focus of linguistic research has been focused on the vocabulary that reflects cultural and ethnic characteristic features of nations, their understanding of the world. There is the feature of every language that can expand the worldview of people and get them interested in the culture of their ethnos. The article is dedicated to the research on ethnocultural vocabulary of Turkish language. As an example it is given poems of famous Turkish poet, writer and translator Can Yucel. It touches upon the lexical units of material culture of the lan- guage of Turkish poetry. By studying such culturally marked vocabulary we can understand a lot of contextual information, phenomena that resemble cultural and historic specificity of the nation, thus we can hold a constructive dialogue with Turkish native speakers. Under the ethnocultural words we understand words that are specific language units, meaningful for an individual because of their informative and emotive values; well-known to a wide milieu surrounding the individual, including his predecessors and contemporaries. Relevant examples are given to prove that the ethno-cultural words are used in the modern Turkish poetry; and poetry becomes the ground for lots of the words that express the social group perception. The analysis of ethno-cultural words proves the influence of national world picture on the social one.  

Keywords: ethno-cultural words, cultural and linguistic competence, language and culture, cultural and linguistic competence, poetry, cognitive base, ethnicity, national consciousness. 

O. A. Pyshnokha Ethnocultural words in the poetry of Can Ucel 

M. Yu. Rebenko, K. M. Palamarchuk Adequate Correlation of Objective and Subjective Shifts within Literary Translation

Abstract. The research focuses on many-facet and systemic studies of the two-aspect translation deformation within literary translation. The phenomenon of the author’s idiostyle serves as a criterion for this issue. Its topicality is determined by the increasing number of scholarly  papers  focused  upon  the  notion  of  “translation  deformation”  which  implies  both  inter-  and  extralingual  transformations  in fiction. The research has ascertained that the main ground of subjective translation deformation is a single feature or a complex of them of the target text not observed in the source text. The investigation into Ukrainian and Russian translation of J.D. Salinger’s fiction made it possible to find out the distinguishing issues of objective and subjective deformations interaction. 

Keywords: translation deformation, objective translation deformation, subjective translation deformation, micro-stylistic text level, macro-stylistic text level, semantic invariant, stylistic invariant, idiostyle, literary translation. 

M. Yu. Rebenko, K. M. Palamarchuk Adequate Correlation of Objective and Subjective  Shifts within Literary Translation 

R. I. Savchuk The theory of a literary narrative through the French fictional text cognitive and semiotic interpretation

Abstract. The research paper gives a scientific approaches review towards the theory of a literary narrative and presents a critical essay of scholars’ points in the narrative text formation problem. Through the contemporary text studies is specified and amplified the  scientific  volume  of  “literary  narrative”  notion  and  such  its  main  categories  as  voice,  temporality,  space  and  modality.  The scientific  volume  of  “narrative  strategy”  term  is  also  revealed  from  the  point  of  view  of  cognitive  and  semiotic  processes  and mechanisms in the French fictional text formation.  

Keywords: narrative, linguistic narratology, narrative strategy, cognitive and semiotic interpretation.  

R. I. Savchuk The theory of a literary narrative through the French fictional text cognitive and semiotic interpretation 

I. I. Smetana Semantic and syntactic functions of interrogative sentences in poetic language of V. Svidzinskiy

Abstract. The article is devoted to the analysis of interrogative sentences in the poetic works of V. Svidzinskiy. The various classifications of rechennyevyh designs are described. The functions of interrogative sentences and their structural model are investigated. It is found  that  in  verses  V. Svidzinskiy  function  rhetorical  questions  and  proper  questions  the  past  presented  in  poetic  speech  primarily through dialogic speech, have emotional tone call to action, oversluts verbs of various semantics, which are in initial and terminal positions. 

Keywords: individual style, interrogative sentences, rhetorical questions, word image, stylistic figure. 

I. I. Smetana Semantic and syntactic functions of interrogative sentences in poetic language of V. Svidzinskiy 

V. G. Sukhenko The language picture of the world through the prism of oxymoron

Abstract. The article analyzes the traditional understanding of the nature of an oxymoron; the significance of the oxymoronic units is revealed  and  their  use  in  the  modern  Ukrainian  language  space  (late XX  –  early  XXI century)  is  characterized,  the  oxymoron  is reflected as a creative  way of  forming the novelty of verbal images. The illustrative  material selected from the difference texts is classified into the appropriate lexico-semantic groups, functional-pragmatic possibilities of the oxymoron are revealed. 

Keywords: oxymoron, contrast, lexico-semantic groups, language picture of the world, Ukrainian-speaking space. 

V. G. Sukhenko The language picture of the world through the prism of oxymoron