Science and Education a New Dimension

Online version ISSN 2308-1996

Printed version ISSN 2308-5258

Science and Education a New Dimension

Iss. 100. 2016.

Kukarina A. D. Research of the repetition links, cohesive elements, in a process of abbreviations translation in medical discourse

Abstract.  Abbreviations  serve  as  element  of  condensation  in  language,  they  play  an  important  role  in  making  links  texts  in translation  for  their  connectivity.  The  analytical  model  introduced  in  the  article  indicates  the  organizational  ability  of  lexical repetitions in the text; abbreviation helps in binding sentences in the text. We have determined that it is a part of the sentences with bonds. Synonyms and antonyms of abbreviations make the bases of repetition links, representing cohesion.  Nominating bonds and linking triangle, we have concluded that abbreviation is an essential unit that enters into relationships with other elements. 

Keywords: abbreviations, medical discourse, cohesion, repetition links, link triangle.  

Kukarina A. D. Research of the repetition links, cohesive elements, in a process of abbreviations translation in medical discourse 

T. Nekryach, R. Dovganchyna,Hemingway’s Hard Luck with the Cinema: Visualisation Challenges

Abstract.  The  article  presents  an  instance  of  intersemiotic  analysis  of  visualization  strategies  in  E.Hemingway’s  prose  and Hollywood  adaptations  of  his  works.  E.Hemingway’s  deep  subtext  contributes  to  the  polivisuality  of  fiction  as  opposed  to  the monovisuality of screening. The techniques of the cinematographic genre “noir”, which helped to find the stylistic “tuning fork” to E.Hemingway’s  short  story  The  Killers,  are  in  the  focus  of  discussion.  The  main  lexical  groups  of  E.Hemingway’s  language spectrum accountable for the “cinematographic effect” are pointed out, alongside with the genre elements of “noir”.  

Keywords: intersemiotic translation, visualization, screening, cinematographic technique, language spectrum, film genre “noir”.    

T. Nekryach, R. Dovganchyna, Hemingway’s Hard Luck with the Cinema: Visualisation Challenges 

Netrebina S. P. Сommunicative Principle of the study of Somaticon of Character’s Emotional Responding

Abstract.  The  article  highlights  the  results  of  the  study  of  somaticon  of  character’s  emotional  responding  according  to  a communicative  principle  in  English  fictional  discourse.  The  communicative  principle  reveals  types  of  relationship  between somaticon  of  emotional  responding  and  communicative  stimulus,  namely  objectivity  which  can  be  expressed  as  conscious  or unconscious  nonverbal  emotional  response;  relevance,  i.e.  the  adequacy  or  inadequacy  of  character’s  somaticon  of  emotional responding on a stimulus; and efficiency, which is considered as pragmatically effective or ineffective emotional nonverbal response of a character. 

Keywords: somaticon of  emotional responding,  fiction discourse, communicative principle, objectivity, relevance, effectiveness. 

Netrebina S. P. Сommunicative Principle of the study of Somaticon of Character’s Emotional Responding  

Panasenko K. O. Reproducing the symbolism of border (vertical dimension) in Ukrainian and Russian translations of the British and American poetry of the 19th and the 20th centuries

Abstract.  The  article  focuses  on  the  problems  of  reproducing  symbols  of  border  in  vertical  dimension  in  Ukrainian  and  Russian translations of the British and American poetry of the 19th and 20th centuries so that to decrease difficulties a translator may come across  while  reproducing  such  elements  of  a  literary  text.  The  process  of  the  research  has  made  it  possible  to  compare  the basic meanings of the words marking symbols of border in vertical dimension in the British and American linguocultures, on the one hand, and East Slavic linguoculture, on the other, as well as to establish the key translation means of reproducing symbols represented in British and American poetry in its Ukrainian and Russian translations. 

Keywords: translation, symbol, adequacy, boundary, vertical. 

Panasenko K. O. Reproducing  the  symbolism  of  border  (vertical  dimension)  in  Ukrainian  and  Russian  translations  of  the  British  and American poetry of the 19th and the 20th centuries 

B. O. Pliushch Exploring indirect translation: Ukrainian literature as test case

Abstract. Indirect translation is one of scarcely studied topics in translation studies due to a variety of reasons. One of them is the difficulty  of  establishing  the  full  textual  base  since  the  fact  of  a  translation  being  an  indirect  one  is  very  often  concealed  by  the publishers. That is precisely the case of some Ukrainian literary  works that were translated via the third language. The aim of the given article is to consider the implications of indirect translations of canonical Ukrainian literary works as well as to bring attention to the issue of indirect translation in general.  

Keywords: indirect translation, retranslation, intermediary text, textual base, relay translation. 

B. O. Pliushch Exploring indirect translation: Ukrainian literature as test case 

Pozharytska O. Computer literature as a new modus of the reader’s existence

Abstract.  The  article  considers  characteristic  features  of  digital  literature  and  focuses  on  the  main  linguistic  peculiarities  of  its narrative. The main objective of the investigation is to reveal the cognitive and communicative essence of digital literature and to determine its lingual status. Taking into account both printed and digital gamebooks, the author argues that they are a new way of cognitive perceiving the surrounding world and are closely related to computer games, boasting the same type of ludonarrative. A conclusion is made that, in contrast to videogames, digital literature with an optional choice for the reader is not so much an ergodic activity, but actually a new modus of the reader’s existence with only an illusion of a free choice. 

Keywords:  digital  literature,  narrative,  ludonarrative,  ergodic  activity,  modus  of  existence,  linguistic  peculiarities  of  the narrative. 

Pozharytska O. Computer literature as a new modus of the reader’s existence 

Prosyana A. V. Communicative behavior of the participants of judicial discourse, communication strategies and tactics

Abstract.  The  article  made  within  lingualpragmatic  analysis  of  judicial  discourse,  which  involved  identifying  the  roles  of communication, communication strategies and tactics of the trial participants. It outlined the main problems of legal linguistics and defined  the  judicial  discourse  as  the  object  of  her  research  and  a  variety  of  institutional  discourse  Based  on  the  concept  of communicative roles, defined position speech judge, lawyer, prosecutor, defendant and witness as key to legal discourse. Within each of the roles the implementation of communication strategies and tactics that characterize the behavior of the trial. Was investigated the  general  strategy  of  judicial  discourse  and  communication  are  characteristic  to  the  respective  roles.  Ukrainian  television  talk shows, reflecting the typical hearings of  real legal discourse as the material for analysis.  

Keywords: communicative role, communicative strategy, communicative tactics, legal discourse, speech interaction. 

Prosyana A. V. Communicative behavior of the participants of judicial discourse, communication strategies and tactics 

I. Rebrii Artlangs, Worldview and Translation

Abstract.  The  article  is  dealing  with  the  specifics  of  translating  artlangs  as  the  means  of  creating  and  expressing  a  particular worldview which combines the features of an imaginary (possible) world developed by the author with the features of the real world the author and his book belong to. The necessity of translating artlangs is determined by their status of a complex stylistic device whose omission in the target text will automatically decrease its artistic value and interpretability. By translating artlangs, translators pursue the strategy of domestication which contributes to the naturalness of the target text and fluency of its perception. 

Keywords: artlang, domestication, donor, translation, worldview.  

I. Rebrii Artlangs, Worldview and Translation 

L. V. Sapsayenko The problems of modern research Borys Grinchenko drama

Abstract: The article deals with different views of contemporary researchers of Boris Grinchenko drama; analyzes problems of his works at the nowadays development of Ukrainian literature. The author points out the main features, characteristics, variety topics, characters  of  his  dramatic  works,  defines  its  importance  for  the  development  of  Ukrainian  drama.  Mastery  of  Grinchenko  as  a dramatist  is  shown.  The  article  considers  the  controversial  and  publicist  character  of  his  works  that  makes  them  interesting documents of the era and also develops and continues the Ukrainian and world literary traditions. The author analyzes the literature at the turn of XIX – XX centuries which has been closely associated with all ups and downs of his time. It is pointed out that the originality and diversity of the world literary process due to the complexity and inconsistency of historical epoch. At the end of the XIX century there is a noticeable development of Ukrainian drama, namely the creation of Boris Grinchenko as a dramatist, a publicist, an ethnographer and a cultural figure. The  modern  scholars  of  the  dramatist  creativity  emphasize  that  each  of  his  works  like  the  author  himself  were  full  of extraordinary optimism and faith in the fact that Ukrainian literature is able to meet the requirements of the intelligentsia. It should be noted that particular importance Boris Grinchenko gave the works of historical and romantic destinations in which he  used  the  reception  of  psychological  characteristics  of  the  character,  indirect  speech,  thus  allowing  the  heroes  to  access  the reader. All of the positive characters demonstrate the best qualities: sensitivity, dedication, love, kindness, sincerity.  The  author  points  out  that  Boris  Grinchenko  as  a  dramatist  initiated  the  discussion  about  the  social,  cultural,  artistic  and aesthetic  and  other  priorities  of  the  Ukrainian  society.  The  legacy  of  Boris  Grinchenko  is  relevant  as  evidenced  by  numerous studies  in  literature,  teachers,  psychologists,  scientists  of  our  time.  His  drama  has  its  own  specifics,  but  it  is  riddled  with  the unshakable idea of the fight for the best future of Ukrainian people. The creativity of the dramatist has many fruitful ideas which have become immortal at the fund of historical and pedagogical science and Ukrainian literature, has a value for everyone.  

Keywords: drama, ideals, conflict, psychologism, problems, detailing, melodiousness, expressivity. 

L. V. Sapsayenko The problems of modern research Borys Grinchenko drama    

M. G. Shleneva The language image of the word "tree" in Vasyl Holoborodko’s poetry

Abstract. The article is devoted to the language image of the word “tree” in poetic texts of Vasyl Holoborodko. The image of the word “tree” is analyzed as an element of the poet’s language picture of the world. The interpretation of the language image of the word  “tree”  is  considered  in  various  forms:  as  element  of  the  nature,  as  the  personified  image,  as  mythological  figure,  etc.  The conclusion is drawn about the role of the language image of the word “tree” in the author’s language picture of the world. 

Keywords: language image of the word “tree”, poetry, the language picture of the world.

M. G. Shleneva The language image of the word “tree” in Vasyl Holoborodko’s poetry 

Shulhan O. V. Ukrainian oiconymy of the first half of the twentieth century as a result of the dominant states language policy

Abstract.  The article  is  devoted  to  the study  of  Ukrainian  oiconymy  of  the  pre-war period.  Attention is  focused  on  the language policy  of  the  Austro-Hungarian  and  the  Russian  Empires,  Poland  and  Czechoslovakia  and  their  influence  on  the  nomination  of settlements. The specific settlements names of  various regions of  Ukraine are analyzed  compared with the new ones, which were introduced  (renamed)  by  the  neighbouring  states.  The  article  contains  data  of  administrative  directories  of  the  first  half  of  the twentieth century. 

Keywords: oiconymy, polonization, russification, hungarization, ukrainization, czechization. 

Shulhan O. V.  Ukrainian oiconymy of the first half of the twentieth century as a result of the dominant states language policy 

Sieriakova I. I. Semiotic and Discourse Analysis of Character's Somaticon

Abstract.  The  article  highlights  some  semiotic  and  discursive  aspects  of  character’s  somaticon,  the  complex  analysis  of  which reveals the semiotic peculiarity and discourse variability of the character’s communicative style in English fiction. 

Keywords: nonverbal signs of communication, semiosis, somaticon, communicative style.  

Sieriakova I. I. Semiotic and Discourse Analysis of Character’s Somaticon   

Skliarenko O. B., Marchenko N. M. Peculiarities of semantic elements as a part of genre and stylistic dominant of german stories (on the material of I. Bachmann’s stories)

Abstract. The article reveals the semantic peculiarities of the Ingeborg Bachmann stories that are the components of the genre and stylistic dominant on the micro stylistic level. It was established, that the semantic peculiarities of the stories, which are mostly often used in the texts are similes and epithets.Similes are characterized by stylistic colouring and are expressed by the usage of the verbs with expressive semantics and epithets of intensive semantics, which stimulate the reader’s attentiveness and create real and fictional character. Epithets as a part of genre and stylistic dominant have more ornamental function. 

Keywords: story, genre and stylistic dominant, micro stylistic level, simile, epithets.  

Skliarenko O. B., Marchenko N. M. Peculiarities  of  semantic  elements  as  a  part  of  genre  and  stylistic  dominant  of  german  stories  (on  the  material  of I. Bachmann’s stories) 

Slon'ovska O.V. Mythological Ukrainian Domains in the literature of Ukrainian Diaspora during 20 th-50thyears of XX century

Abstract. The article is dedicated to the question of the national domains (Domain of Ukrainian State, Domain of Ukrainian Nation, and also national domains of Language, Family, Culture, Science and Ethnopedagogics, Armed Forces, Art). The peculiarities and contradictions  of  a  colonized  and  colonialist  nation  through  the  metaphysical  objects  of  the  transcendental  influence  on  the representatives of different nations are elaborated on the basis of V.Barka’s, I.Bagrianyi’s and U.Samchuk’s prose. 

Keywords: Domain of Ukrainian State, Domain of Ukrainian Nation, national domains of Language, Family, Culture, Science and Ethnopedagogics, Armed Forces, Art; national domains of national minorities.  

Slon’ovska O.V. Mythological Ukrainian Domains  in the literature of Ukrainian Diaspora during 20 th-50thyears of XX century 

Svyrydenko O. M., Skliarenko O. B. Peculiarities of metaphorical verbalization of the concept «DEMOKRATIE» in German political discourse

Abstract.  Today  we  can  find  a  lot  of  research  works,  which  are  devoted  to  the  problem  of  modern  German  political  discourse, among them we can specify works of  K. Pylypeko, V. Turchyn, L. Gaiduchenko, A. P. Chudinov and others. But the question of the peculiarities of the usage of concept «DEMOKRATIE» has not been revealed precisely in all of them. We have analized described material  in  the  article  and  have  come  to  conclusion,  that  concept  «DEMOKRATIE»  is  rather  often  verbalized  with  the  help  of metaphors. The studied concept is most often objectivated with the help of the metaphoric unit model «REISEN», which makes 13% of  all  studied  models.  Most  often  this  model  is  objectivated  in  the  slots  «WAY  AND  DIRECTION»  and  «ARRIVAL»,  which, according to the semantic frame of interpretation, verbalizes constant wish of German political discourse to improve inner and world political situation. Whithin the metaphoric verbalization of concept «DEMOKRATIE»  mostly nouns became metaphoric meaning, which could be followed by combination of models Noun+Verb or Noun+Noun and all this makes metaphoric models static. 

Keywords: concept, frame, slot, political discourse, metaphor, concept objectivation, verbalization. 

Svyrydenko O. M., Skliarenko O. B. Peculiarities of metaphorical verbalization of the concept «DEMOKRATIE» in German political discourse 

Sydorenko I. A. Functioning of megaconcept "catholicism" in works of Maria Vallejo-Najera

Abstract. This article provides a brief analysis of the term “concept” and its function in linguistics. A study of individual author’s worldview of Maria Vallejo-Najera is based on her works and there is presented a classification of megaconcept “catholicism” in macroconcepts  “Catholic  religion”,  “Catholic  doctrines”  and  “Catholic  catechism”.  There  are  offered  a  classification  of  these macroconcepts into concepts and examples of their verbalization and functioning. There is presented an  analysis of the concept of “Virgin Mary”, “Confession”, “Purgatory” and “prayer.” 

Keywords: concept, megaconcept, lexem, Spanish.   

Sydorenko I. A. Functioning of megaconcept “catholicism” in works of Maria Vallejo-Najera 

N. A. Syzonenko Character System Transformation in British Historiographic Metafiction

Abstract. The article explores transformation of  character system in the textual space of British historiographic metafiction at the turn of the millennium. These changes were influenced by postmodern ideas in historic writing. Protagonists are representatives of silenced groups of society. Functions and portraying of real characters are aimed at destroying the traditional knowledge and canonic stereotypes in history. In the depiction of royal characters the accents are moved from “state” body to private and individual.    

Keywords: character, protagonist, historic novel, historiographic metafiction. 

N. A. Syzonenko Character System Transformation in British Historiographic Metafiction 

M. Tomakhiv E-Lecture as a New Genre of Scholarly Discourse

Abstract.  The  article presents an elaborated classification  of  a  digital  lecture  as  a  new  genre  of  English  scientific  discourse,  and provides the analysis of earlier studies on some of its aspects. The paper sheds the light on varieties of e-lectures in particular and reports the description of their general characteristics as well as linguistic and paralinguistic features. Importance of the addressee factor in virtual scientific communication on an example of an e-lecture is well-grounded in the work. 

Keywords:  scientific  English  discourse  genre,  massive  open  online  courses,  video  lecture,  live  digitized  lecture,  e-lecture, addressee factor. 

M. Tomakhiv E-Lecture as a New Genre of Scholarly Discourse 

Zhu Jingtao Methodological Basis of Linguo-cultural Studies in Linguo-semiotic Reconstruction of Proverbs with Semantics of Forecast (on the material of Chinese and Russian Ethnic Cultures)

Abstract. The article suggests the necessity in the development of a new methodology  for the implementation of linguo-semiotic reconstruction  of  proverbs  with  semantics  of  forecast  from  the  standpoint  of  linguo-cultural  studies  which  makes  possible  to determine the relationship between the formal and ethnographic planes of these units as well as to establish the correlation of ethnic and social phenomena with a form of a language sign. The offered technique is based on the methodological setting aimed at the disclosure  of  ethnic  and  cultural  fundamentals  of  the  proverbs  with  the  semantics  of  forecast  on  two  levels:  on  the  level  of  their general content and on the level of their individual components.  

Keywords: proverbs with semantics of forecast prediction, linguo-semiotic reconstruction, methodological settings. 

Zhu Jingtao Methodological Basis of Linguo-cultural Studies in Linguo-semiotic Reconstruction of Proverbs with Semantics of Forecast (on the material of Chinese and Russian Ethnic Cultures)