Science and Education a New Dimension

Online version ISSN 2308-1996

Printed version ISSN 2308-5258

Science and Education a New Dimension

Iss. 56. 2015.

O.O. Bakumenko Grammaticalization of Preverb auf- in Verbal Constructions in German Language of the XVIIth Century

Abstract. The article deals with the research of the semantic changes in verbal constructions with preverb  auf- in German language of the XVIIth century. The focus is made on the way the grammaticalization of the separable element proceeds.  An attempt is made to determine the status of auf- in a verbal construction. 

Keywords: preverb, verbal construction, grammaticalization, semantic changes 

O.O. Bakumenko Grammaticalization of Preverb auf- in Verbal Constructions in German Language of the XVIIth Century 

E.Yu. Doubenkо Grammatical gender as an underlying factor of an ethnоpoetic mapping of the world: a gestaltist approach

Abstract. In the context of modern scholarly landscape it seems quite evident that grammatical gender represents not a purely formal category but it is endowed with certain semantics which exists in a concealed, implicit form until this meaning is demanded in figurative speech. This article focuses on the gender profiles of 10 languages that are viewed as matrices for further poetic personification and, consequently, for the development of a certain literary tradition. The gender profile of the language is treated from a  gestaltist standpoint as a ratio of grammatically conditioned figures in the gestalts of language units.  

Keywords: gestalt, figure, gender profile of the language, masculine profile of the language, feminine profile of the language 

E.Yu. Doubenkо Grammatical gender as an underlying factor of an ethnоpoetic  mapping of the world: a gestaltist approach 

Ya. Kalambet Verbalization of the precedent toponym Avalon in Arthurian discourse of XV-XXI centuries

Abstract.  The  article  examines  verbalization  of  the  precedent  toponym  Avalon  within  the  anthropocentric  paradigm  considering linguocultural and cognitive approaches. Attention is given to the conceptual structure of the precedent toponym as well as to the issues related to the definition of  the place of precedent phenomena in the system of  culturally biased units that are important for language picture of the ethos world. The study reveals that the conceptual features of the precedent toponym are important for six- hundred-years existence of the Legends about King  Arthur and are relevant for the processes of secondary nomination in modern English speaking discourse. The analysis of secondary nomination processes on the basis of precedent phenomenon Avalon has allowed to research the secondary nominees in contemporary English fragments of texts of different genres. 

Keywords: Arthuriana; Arthurian discourse; precedent onym; precedent toponym; conceptual, associative and evaluative components  

Ya. Kalambet Verbalization of the precedent toponym Avalon in Arthurian discourse  of XV-XXI centuries 

L. R. Pelekh Axiological education model as a favorable environment for foreign languages learning

Abstract. This article deals with the problem of educational phenomena modelling. The axiological education process in Poland and Ukraine has been structured on the basis of comparative analysis and there has been indicated its importance in foreign languages learning. The basic meaning of axiological approach in psychological and educational problems with which the educational community has faced today has been determined. Polish experience has been analysed and recommendations for the implementation of axiological education in foreign languages study process has been also identified in the article. 

Keywords: model, axiological education, social institutions, values, languages 

L. R. Pelekh Axiological education model as a favorable environment  for foreign languages learning 

E. Petrenko Revisiting (im)politeness, face and identity construing

Abstract. This article addresses the issues of pragmatics and is aimed at both theoretical principles of politeness/impoliteness and identity construing. It is argued that (im)politeness is to be approached as a dual phenomenon to give a realistic picture of verbal interaction. In this paper we explore the notion of face as a self-image co-constituted by interlocutors, and the identity as anticipated social positioning of self toward other interlocutors as the result of such construing. Besides that this article considers the necessity of employing both first- order and second-order perspectives in researching (im)politeness.  

Keywords: face, identity construing, (im)politeness, social positioning 

E. Petrenko Revisiting (im)politeness, face and identity construing 

V. Ye. Spitsyna The peculiarities of concepts translation in philosophical discourse (based on the imagery in the Hannah Arendt works)

Abstract. The article is devoted to the problem of translation of the concepts in the feminine philosophical discourse, its compositional characteristics and the links between linguistic and extra linguistic context, linguistic strategies of the author and the interdependence between the author’s aim and the choice of translation strategies. Philosophical discourse is viewed as a phenomenon of communication, which reflects national, cultural and gender traditions and is considered as the interaction of the representatives of different linguistic identities. To achieve equivalence and adequacy the translator must skillfully apply different translation strategies, taking into account not only the impact of cultural and linguistic environment, but the aim of the source and the target texts. 

Keywords:  Translation,  philosophical  text,  text  interpretation,  implication,  modern  philosophy,  feminine  philosophy,  concept translation 

V. Ye. Spitsyna The peculiarities of concepts translation in philosophical discourse  (based on the imagery in the Hannah Arendt works) 

M.V. Stasiv Micropragmatics of language code units (based on the analysis of elucidative speech acts selected from BNC)

Abstract. The article brings out the scheme of relation of the elucidated illocutionary key predicate to the specific type of the eluci- dative speech act. The analysis has been conducted with the account of the communicative-and-pragmatic structure of the key predicate of the principal clause of the elucidative utterance. The influence of its microsense composition on the formation  of the overall sense of utterance has been described. The structure of communicative-and-intentional sense of the analyzed utterance has been stud- ied  and  a  certain  type  of  addresser’s  intention  has  been  revealed.  The  elucidative  utterance  with  a  certain  communicative-and- intentional sense has been related to the specific type of speech acts proceeding from the type of intention. 

Keywords: micropragmatics, elucidative speech act, illocutionary key predicate, communicative-and-intentional sense, communicative intention, communicative-and-pragmatic type of speech act 

M.V. Stasiv Micropragmatics of language code units  (based on the analysis of elucidative speech acts selected from BNC) 

V. Ushchyna Stancetaking on risk: a socio-cognitive approach to situated discourse analysis

Abstract. This research has intended to focus on the ways stances on risks are construed in terms of linguistic features, including some structural and formal qualities, and how these features are related to social interaction. Among the objectives of this study is the description of the ways stances on one and the same problem (namely, the risks of important political choices) are taken by discourse participants under different communicative conditions.

Keywords: stance, stancetaking, risk, risk discourse situation, socio-cognitive approach, risk frame 

V. Ushchyna Stancetaking on risk: a socio-cognitive approach to situated discourse analysis 

I.O. Andrushchenko Phonetic Research Methodology: Identification of Political Personality’s Accentuation Typ

Abstract. The article focuses on the analysis of theoretical studies carried out on the basis of methodological approach connected with the problem of identification of accentuated personalities’ types. In the article the author substantiates the integrated classification of main criteria for identifying the accentuated personalities’ types  in the process of performing the experimental phonetic research.  The author  also  presents  the  future  perspectives  of  expanding  the  classificatory  features  with  the  known  in  psychological literature matrices of the interlocutors’ behavioral characteristics. 

Keywords: auditory analysis, public political speech, types of personality’s accentuation, linguistic personality 

I.O. Andrushchenko Phonetic Research Methodology: Identification of Political Personality’s Accentuation Typ

I.V. Vykliuk Linguopragmatic peculiarities of functioning of the abbreviations in Turkish language

The article deals with linguopragmatic peculiarities of functioning of the abbreviation in Turkish language. The essence of the concept pragmalinguistics was found out and presented. Such linguopragmatic features as the desire to actively expressive use of abbreviations in written and spoken language, the use of methods of language games (double motivation, graphical hybridization, point clearance) were examined. 

Keywords: abbreviations, lexicalization, linguistic pragmatics, reduction, language game 

I.V. Vykliuk Linguopragmatic peculiarities of functioning of the abbreviations in Turkish language 

I.Ya. Hlukhovtseva Linguodidactic potential of phraseology of a literary text (Based on works that are taught at secondary school)

Abstract.  The article highlights the potential linguodidactic phrasiological units (PhU), used in fiction, particularly in folklore and copyright texts that children learn in 5th and 6th formes of the secondary school. The author underlines that represented in works of art phrasemes described as a „developmental information environment” which consists of the following components: „Scientific  and linguistic environment”, which contains a composed integrated complex of linguistic information about phraseological unit, and „encyclopaedio-educational environment” which reflects its relations with  extra-linguistic reality, culture, history, language and ethnic traditions  of  Ukrainian  people. „Developmental  information environment”  create  units that  are  carriers  of  universal and idioethnic information. 

Keywords:  phraseological  unit,  idiom,  phraseme,  phraseology,  „developmental  information  environment”,  „scientific  and  linguistic environment”, „encyclopaedio-educational environment” 

I.Ya. Hlukhovtseva Linguodidactic potential of phraseology of a literary text (Based on works that are taught at secondary school)  

K. D. Hlukhovtseva Discursitive of dialect speaker personality

Abstract. Based on the position of the text-centrelazation, text is understood as a discourse. Although the dialect text has all features of the dialect discourse. Reasons of the dialect discourse as a linguistic substance actualizes the notion of discursive identity. If we consider a dialect speaker in this aspect, the notion of discursive identity needed to determine the features of this personality, because the dialect speaker acts himself as a  speech, communicative, vocabulary, ethnic personality. Discourse as a „system  of constraints” declares a cer- tain type of speech behavior, which is peculiar set of variables: social norms, roles, results of interactivity, special grammar, vocabulary and etc. 

Keywords: text-centrelazation, text, discourse, text dialect, dialect discourse, linguistic identity, discursive personality, speech, communicative, vocabulary, ethnosemantic discursive identity 

K. D. Hlukhovtseva Discursitive of dialect speaker personality

O.I. Krupko Verbalisation of the concept EARTH/LAND/GROUND/SOIL/MOTHERLAND in Lina Kostenko’s poetic language

Abstract. The article analyses the essence of the concept EARTH which is one of the key ones in the creative work of L. Kostenko. It defines the specific features of expression and sense meaningfulness value of this concept in the poetic language and it also out- lines esthetic means of the language image.  

Keywords: concept, concept analysis, concept earth, miniconcepts of forest, field, garden, steppe 

O.I. Krupko Verbalisation of the concept EARTH/LAND/GROUND/SOIL/MOTHERLAND in Lina Kostenko’s poetic language 

Y.V. Mynenko «Сhronology» of Andrij Rymsha as example of early Ukrainian baroque

Abstract. The figure of the Belarusian and Ukrainian writer Andrii Rimsha is examined in the article. The special attention pay to poetry «Chronology», which is one of the first works. Interpretation of the months of church calendar in chronology with the events of old testament history by author is analysed in the context of combination renaissance and baroque features of poetics.  

Keywords: poetry, chronology, calendar, Ostrog literary world. Renaissance and baroque poetics 

Y.V. Mynenko «Сhronology» of Andrij Rymsha as example of early Ukrainian baroque 

Y.A. Myroshnychenko The concept of personality in an artistic chronotope of postmodernism in the novel “Number 9 Dream” written by D. Mitchell

Abstract. The modern English novel “Number 9 Dream” written by D. Mitchell is under analysis in the article. The main attention is focused on the problem of the concept of personality in an artistic chronotope of postmodernism. This concept is based on the identity of the character, which remains in the search process – between the two cities, between the past and the present, and the future is closed for him.  

Keywords: the concept of identity, the novel, postmodernism, an artistic chronotope 

Y.A. Myroshnychenko The concept of personality in an artistic chronotope of postmodernism in the novel “Number 9 Dream” written by D. Mitchell 

Ye.S. Oryshchuk Linguistic structure and structural-semantic peculiarities of free-indirect speech as a constitutive component of fiction (on the corpus of writings of Chuck Palahniuk)

Abstract. The article analyzes the linguistic structure of free-indirect speech on the morphological, syntactic and lexical levels. An attempt  is  made  to  characterize  the  structural and  semantic  features  of  text  fragments  with  free-indirect  speech  in  the  writings  of Chuck Palahniuk. 

Keywords: free-indirect speech, linguistic structure, discourse zone of the character, postmodernism 

Ye.S. Oryshchuk Linguistic structure and structural-semantic peculiarities of free-indirect speech as a constitutive component of fiction (on the corpus of writings of Chuck Palahniuk) 

L.A. Pasyk Lexical objectification of the concept PARTNERWAHL in German language

Abstract. The article deals with the etymological analyses of the concept PARTNERCHOICE in German, what is an integral part of the structure of the concept. Particular attention is focused on lexical mode of objectification of this concept in modern German language. The characteristics of the concept for the word building possibilities of its name components are produced. The analysis of synonyms components of the composite PARTNERCHOICE is made and it indicates the rapid development of the concept structure and its actual characteristics. 

Keywords: concept, etymology, conceptual / figurative / evaluation component, composite, lexical-semantic group 

L.A. Pasyk Lexical objectification of the concept PARTNERWAHL in German language 

K. Romanchuk Controversial problems of Polish names and surnames orthography in the Ukrainian periodical press

Abstract. This article examines the various practices of Polish names and surnames reproduction in the Ukrainian periodical press (the journals “The Ukrainian Week”, “Krytyka”) and indicates different linguistic points of view of how to spell Polish proper names in the media. Also we offer our own vision of the problem of Polish names and surnames spelling in the Ukrainian language. 

Keywords: anthroponym, alternative orthography, orthographic(al) standard, transcription, transliteration 

K. Romanchuk Controversial problems of Polish names and surnames orthography in the Ukrainian periodical press 

O.B. Skliarenko Peculiarities of discourse in I. Bachmann’s stories (on the material of collections «Das dreißigste Jahr» and «Simultan»)

Abstract. The article reveals the peculiarities of the characters’ discourse in the stories of the famous austrian writer Ingeborg Bachmann on the examples of her collections «Das dreißigste Jahr» and «Simultan». It was established, that these stories are characterized by  the  usage  of  cooperative,  conflict  and  manipulative  communicative  strategies.  It  was  also  established,  that  the  communicat ive tactics  in  these  stories  are  the  main  component  of  the  communicative  strategies.  These  are  comfort,  persuasion  and  intimidation communicative tactics. On the language level they can be noticed on the lexical and syntactical level. 

Keywords: stories, discourse, communicative strategies, communicative tactics, discourse behavior 

O.B. Skliarenko Peculiarities of discourse in I. Bachmann’s stories (on the material of collections «Das dreißigste Jahr» and «Simultan») 

R.P. Tkachenko Mykola Kostomarov as a literary character (on the basis of works by D. Mordovets, V. Petrov, R. Ivanychook)

Abstract. The article deals with the main character’s conception in D. Mordovets’ novel “Professor Ratmyrov” and in V. Petrov’s novel “Alina and Kostomarov”, and also about interpretation of M. Kostomarov’s personality in R. Ivanychook’s novel “The forth measuring”. Due to comparative analysis, the character’s typology in these writers’ presentation, has been found out. D. Mordovets shows Kostomarov like God’s foolish and a saint, V. Petrov – like a dethroned romanticist, R. Ivanychook – like a renegade. There is some close connection between the works of D. Mordovets and V. Petrov, mentioned earlier.  

Keywords: M. Kostomarov’s artistic biography, character’s typology, God’s foolish, romanticist, renegade 

R.P. Tkachenko Mykola Kostomarov as a literary character (on the basis of works by D. Mordovets, V. Petrov, R. Ivanychook) 

O.O. Khoroshun Lexical Representation of Concept "JIHAD" in American Mass Media Discourse

Abstract: Relations between the U.S. and the Islamic world is a key issue today. Difference in culture and traditions causes false interpretation of certain phenomena of Muslim culture, which can provoke a number of misunderstandings. This paper attempts to analyze one of these phenomena, the concept of JIHAD, in an American conceptual space. The basic interpretation of jihad is analyzed and means of lexical representation of this concept in American recent years newspapers is shown.  

Keywords: Islam, Muslims, American printed mass media, Muslim world, concept “JIHAD” 

O.O. Khoroshun Lexical Representation of Concept “JIHAD” in American Mass Media Discourse