Science and Education a New Dimension

Online version ISSN 2308-1996

Printed version ISSN 2308-5258

Science and Education a New Dimension

Iss. 111. 2017.

O. M. Bieliaieva The skill of delivering lectures in higher education (historical and pedagogical aspect)

Abstract. Analysis of historical, teaching, memoirs and biographical sources, as well as the works on the history of medicine has shown that lecturership has been and remains an integral part of educator’s pedagogical skills. The author of the article analyzes the lecturing skills as a synthesis of deep scientific knowledge combined with professional orientation of individual and genuine enthusi- asm in the object of teaching, general and professional erudition, high level of general and professional culture, inner need “to ignite the students’ audience”. The work is multidisciplinary in nature and may be of interest for experts in the field of pedagogy of higher education, and teachers at higher education institutions. 

Keywords: lecture, lecture delivering skill, higher education, teaching skills, lecturer’s personality. 

O. M. Bieliaieva The skill of delivering lectures in higher education (historical and pedagogical aspect) 

N. Dyachenko Educational problems as a diagnostic tool of the students research skills

Abstract.  The  paper  proposes  a  solution  of  a  problem  relating  to  diagnostic  research  skills  of  the  students  at  the  second  level  of higher education. During the research, it was found out that the educational problems can apply as an effective tool for diagnostic research  skills.  In  the  paper  the  guidelines  for  diagnostic  research  skills  of  students  is  presented.  The  educational  scenarios  for students in accordance with certain guidelines of research skills are proposed.  

Keywords: pedagogical problem, diagnostic research skills, guidance, the second level of higher education.  

N. Dyachenko Educational problems as a diagnostic tool of the students research skills

Z. Ya. Fedorovych, M. I. Drachuk The optimization of the educational process of discipline "Biophysics and physical methods of analysis" for pharmaceutical students in higher educational institutions under modern conditions

Abstract. The educational process involves the development and implementation of effective educational technologies forming cognitive and creative activity of the individual. It has been modernized as a result of the reform of the educational system in Ukraine. The optimization of the educational process of discipline “Biophysics and physical methods of analysis” for students of pharmaceutical faculties is investigated in the article. The conducted research was focused on conditions of optimization the biophysics learning process. Tendencies on improving teaching the subject were proposed. 

Keywords: optimization; the learning process; control for knowledge.  

Z. Ya. Fedorovych, M. I. Drachuk The optimization of the educational process of discipline “Biophysics and physical methods of analysis” for pharmaceutical students in higher educational institutions under modern conditions

О. V. Filonenko The problem of development of the women's education in Elisavetgrad (second half of the XIX – the beginning of the XX century) at the historical and pedagogical studies

Abstract. The article analyzes the historiographical sources, which presents issues of female education in Elisavetgrad during  the second half of the XIX – the beginning of the XX century. The place and the role of the Elisavetgrad women’s education have been clarified  in the scientific  studies of  the  well-known educationalists in   the past and present times. Further development have been acquired the analysis and systematization of research on this issue. 

Keywords: historiography, Elisavetgrad, women education, women institutions, women’s college, women’s gymnasum, process of study. 

О. V. Filonenko The  problem of  development  of  the  women’s education  in Elisavetgrad (second  half of  the  XIX – the beginning of  the  XX century) at the historical and pedagogical studies 

L. V. Hodunko Reforming of the contents of foreign language teachers training for school education in the Czech Republic

Abstract.  The  article  analyzes  the  organizational  and  contents  aspects  of  the  reforming  of  foreign  language  teacher  training  for school  education;  the  advancement  are  defined  in  shaping  the  contents  of  training.  Study  and  generalization  of  international experience in training teachers of foreign languages in Ukraine is pointed out. The features of the contents of training of different specialists for teaching foreign languages in the Czech Republic in terms of European integration and mobility are specified.

Keywords: foreign language teacher, school education, foreign languages, the contents of training, reforming.  

L. V. Hodunko Reforming of the contents of foreign language teachers training for school education in the Czech Republic 

I. V. Holubyeva The Perspectives of Successful Development of Students’ Linguistic Giftedness in American Schools

Abstract. The article deals with the problem of development of students’ linguistic giftedness in American Schools. it is defined that a model of successful language learning consists of two components: language aptitude, or linguistic intelligence, and motivation. It is determined the main components of linguistics intelligence on the base of H. Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences, and place of motivation in language learning. The author also constructs the learning environments for verbally talented students and the main principles that influence the education process of linguistically gifted. 

Keywords: linguistic intelligence (giftedness), development, language aptitude, motivation, American students, verbal talent.   

I. V. Holubyeva The Perspectives of Successful Development of Students’ Linguistic Giftedness in American Schools 

M. M. Klimenko Pedagogical conditions of development of career competence of the future mechanical engineers

Annotation. The article substantiates the concept of “pedagogical conditions”, highlights and characterizes pedagogical conditions for  the  development  of  career  competence  of  the  future  Mechanical  Engineers  –  updates  representations  of  students  about professional success, develops motivation and formation of the valuable relation to a career; shapes communication skills; moulds the reflection of achievements; involves students in the process of forecasting and career planning. The results of the research regarding the future mechanical engineers’ attitude to their chosen profession, professional activity and career have been analysed. 

Keywords: pedagogical conditions, mechanical engineers, professional career, competence. 

M. M. Klimenko Pedagogical conditions of development of career competence of the future mechanical engineers 

Y. V. Korobova The problem of developing linguo-methodological competence of future teachers of foreign languages

Abstract. In the professional education the improving of the quality of teachers’ professional communicative training is of particular significance. The article deals with the issue of linguo-methodological competence; the current state of the scientific ideas concerning the problem of the linguo-methodological competence development is analyzed. The necessity of professional orientation of classes in practical English is proved; the possibility of using speech adaptation teaching to increase the effectiveness of the professional communicative training is grounded. 

Keywords: professional communicative training, linguo-methodological competence, future teachers of foreign languages, teacher talk, speech adaptation. 

Y. V. Korobova The problem of developing linguo-methodological competence of future teachers of foreign languages

N. M. Kuchynova The developmental features of creative component of future marketing students’ professional thinking

Abstract. The article highlights psychological structure of the creative component of marketing specialists’ professional thinking and presents psychodiagnostical toolkit of its research. The results of empirical research of development features of marketing students’ professional creative thinking has been disclosed by the author. Levels of development of creative component of 1st – 4th year marketing students’ professional thinking have been determined on the basis of a comprehensive integrated assessment. Detailed description of the levels of development of creative component of future marketing specialists’ professional thinking has been given (pre- sented). 

Keywords: professional thinking, creative component, marketing specialist, integrated assessment, levels of development of creative 

N. M. Kuchynova The developmental features of creative component of future marketing students’ professional thinking 

Lazareva T.A., Blahyi O.S. "Target concepts of future engineers-technologists of food industry in the formation of health-competence "

Abstract. The aim of the study is rationale and development the purpose of training of engineer-technologist in the food industry for the formation of health protection competence asberg. The analysis of scientific research allowed to allocate their own framework of goals in the formation of health protection competence of the future asberg of engineer-technologist of food industry. The educational goals of future specialists of food industry are presented in the context of medical-physiological, biological and technological areas. The main components of the formation of the goals of professional training of future specialists are knowledge, skills and professionally important qualities. 

Keywords: process engineer, food industry, Health-competence, goal, competencies, structure, integration, system.  

Lazareva T.A., Blahyi O.S. “Target concepts of future engineers-technologists of food industry in the formation of health-competence ” 

N.V. Malyarska, M.I. Drachuk Communication (word) in the formation of the individual doctor

Abstract: The article demonstrated the need for communication in the team, including the development of the individual physician in the modern world. Communication (word) – is a treatment, culture, tolerant, morality and self-knowledge. 

Keywords: communication; word; teacher; doctor; student; patient.  

N.V. Malyarska, M.I. Drachuk Communication (word) in the formation of the individual doctor 

T. D. Reva Ensuring cooperation in the system of the «higher pharmaceutical education - labor market» in Ukraine

Abstract: The article examines the specifics of ensuring cooperation in the system of the «higher pharmaceutical education – labor market» in Ukraine; analyses the information sources, the view of scientists, educators and practitioners of a pharmaceutical sector of the healthcare system on issues of optimization cooperation in providing pharmaceutical services to the public, improving the effi- ciency of complex measures for healthcare, vocational training of the future pharmacists in the system of higher pharmaceutical education of Ukraine.  

Keywords:  higher  pharmaceutical  education  in  Ukraine,  tendencies  in  vocational  training  of  pharmacists,  the  system  of  the «higher pharmaceutical education – labor market». 

T. D. Reva Ensuring cooperation in the system of the «higher pharmaceutical education – labor market» in Ukraine 

N. Sayko Empowerment in social rehabilitation of junior teenagers of general educational institutions

Abstract In this article the necessity of organization of social rehabilitation of junior teenagers in general educational institutions is sustained, the characteristic of negative conditions which modern junior teenagers are in, the concept “empowerment” is analyzed, the necessity of using such technologies in school rehabilitating process concerning work with junior teenagers. Levels of empower- ment such as individual, group, self-empowerment, peculiarities of realization are analyzed.  

Keywords: social rehabilitation, social functioning, empowerment individual empowerment, group empowerment , self- empowerment. 

N. Sayko Empowerment in social rehabilitation of junior teenagers of general educational institutions 

Y. G. Yevtushenko Types and structure of compulsory Physical Education practice classes in Pedagogical institutes of Ukraine (the second half of 40-ies - 80-ies of the XX century.)

Abstract. The article is devoted to historical and pedagogical analysis of compulsory PE classes types and structure applied in educational institutions of Ukraine in the second half of 40-ies – 80-ies of the XX century. Compulsory PE classes, both theoretical and practical, proved to be held with a constant number of students within the frame of the time scheduled. According to the structure compulsory PE classes were divided into three parts: introductory, essential and final. 

Keywords: Physical Education (PE), Pedagogical institutes, compulsory PE classes, types of classes, the structure of classes.  

Y. G. Yevtushenko Types and structure of compulsory Physical Education practice classes in Pedagogical institutes of Ukraine (the second half of 40-ies – 80-ies of the XX century.) 

I. V. Zhitaryuk, Zh. I. Dovghey, V. S. Luchko The prerequisites for the development of the education system of Bukovyna and Khotyn district in Soviet times

Abstract. This paper investigates the issues concerning the education system of Bukovyna and Khotyn district on the eve of their entry into the Soviet Ukraine. Accented on the fact that with the entry of Bukovyna and Khotyn district in a part of Royal Romania is connected  changes  due  to  the  reorganization of  the  training  system  in  Latin  countries.  In  addition,  stay  territory  of  Romania  was marked by the romanization of the Ukrainian population and other ethnic groups, with the result that there is not one school with the Ukrainian language of teaching. 

Keywords: Bukovina, Royal Romania, Soviet Ukraine, romanization, education system, Khotyn district.  

I. V. Zhitaryuk, Zh. I. Dovghey, V. S. Luchko The prerequisites for the development of the education system of Bukovyna and Khotyn district in Soviet times 

O. P. Nikitina, Y. V. Pidchasov Psychological features of self-determination among students of high school (at the example of future practical psychologists)

Abstract. The article is devoted to the study of the psychological features of self-determination among high school students (at the example of  future practical psychologists). Different views on the problem of self-determination, its mechanisms, types, stages of development are analyzed. Importance of youthful age in the self-determination as a period on the border of childhood and adulthood is  considered.  The  data  of  carried  out  empirical  study  of  key  trends  and  interconnections  in  the  realization  of  personal  and professional self-determination in youthful age are represented. One of the reasons for inefficient professional self-determination of the students is identified. In accordance with it, is given the way to increase effectiveness of professional self-determination in the context of work of university psychological services and professional training in general.  

Keywords:  personal  self-determination,  professional  self-determination,  self-consciousness,  attitude  to  professional  activity, student.  

O. P. Nikitina, Y. V. Pidchasov Psychological features of self-determination among students of high school (at the example of future practical psychologists) 

A. P. Shahverdova The need for achievement and its influence on the success of the adaptation of first-year students

Abstract.  The  article  presents  the  results  of  theoretical  and  empirical  studies  aimed  at  determining  the  level  of  requirements  to achieve  and  its  impact  on  the  success  of  adaptation  of  students  –  first-year  students  at  the  university.  It  sets  out  the  views  of  the individual adaptation of researchers. It provided a synthesis of the interpretation of the concept of adaptation and achievement needs. Revealed significant positive correlations between indicators of achievement and adaptation needs of students. Empirically it proved that the need for achievement may affect the success of the adaptation of students to learn. It is proved that a lack of motivation, need for achievement may contribute to maladjustment of students – first-year students to training in high school. 

Keywords: adaptation, adaptability, need for achievement, adaptation of students to learn. 

A. P. Shahverdova The need for achievement and its influence on the success of the adaptation of first-year students 

I. V. Tsymbal Principles of speed reading in effective learning of foreign scientific texts reading

Abstract.  The  article  analyzes  factors  that  influence  the  development  of  technical  specialties  students’  reading  competence.  The principles of speed reading method that can help increase the motivation, interest of students to work with the scientific text, and increase their reading performance are discussed. The author grounds the necessity to take into account the individual psychological characteristics to improve the work with foreign scientific texts. She emphasizes the importance of students’ self-organization while their professional training. 

Keywords: speed reading, motivation, memory, attention, self-organization.  

I. V. Tsymbal Principles of speed reading in effective learning of foreign scientific texts reading