Science and Education a New Dimension

Online version ISSN 2308-1996

Printed version ISSN 2308-5258

Science and Education a New Dimension

Iss. 244. 2020.

Yu. V. Gavrilyuk Adventious ruderal plants of the Luhansk area 

Annotation. In the article the problem of aggressive behavior of adventious ruderal types of plants and their adjusted are lighted up to the terms of Left-bank Steppe of Ukraine within the limits of the Luhansk area. The degree of naturalization of foreign types of plants is different, but unfortunately, some of them, being considered a quarantine, spread on so much, that can cause allergic reactions for a man and inflict irretrievable losses in agriculture.  

Keywords: adentitious plants, ruderal plants, kinds, quarantine plants.  

Yu. V. Gavrilyuk Adventious ruderal plants of the Luhansk area

O. S. Fishchuk Micromorphology and anatomy of the flower of Tulbaghia Violacea Harv. (Amaryllidaceae) 

Abstract. The external morphology and micromorphology of the flower in Tulbaghia violacea were studied. Light microscopy was used for examination. Our approach allows us to differentiate species and genera by location and presence of different vertical zones in gynoecium and especially septal nectaries. The gynoecium of T. violacea consists of synascidiate, symplicate, hemisymplicate and asymplicate vertical zones. Common septal nectary with three nectary splits throughout the ovary is available in T. violacea gynoecium. 

Keywords: ovary, gynoecium, septal nectary, flower morphology.  

O. S. Fishchuk Micromorphology and anatomy of the flower of Tulbaghia Violacea Harv. (Amaryllidaceae) 

O. A. Kotovenko, O. Yu. Miroshnychenko One of the approaches to the aquatic ecosystems study 

Abstract. As one of the promising methods in the study of processes of change in the aquatic ecosystems state under the anthropogenic and man-made load action, the application of the probabilistic-automatic modeling method is proposed in the paper. This approach makes it possible to determine the processes mechanisms of system transition from state to state, as well as to determine the characteristics of this system in each state, taking into account uncertainties, and to analyze ecological capacity and determine the vulnerability of aquatic ecosystems in discrete moment times for a particular region. 

Keywords: aquatic ecosystem, man-caused load, ecological capacity, vulnerability coefficient, probabilistic-automatic modeling.  

O. A. Kotovenko, O. Yu. Miroshnychenko One of the approaches to the aquatic ecosystems study 

Y. Krutii, M. Surianinov, M. Soroka, G. Karnauhova Analysis of axisymmetric bending of round continuous plates on a variable elastic base by the finite element method 

Abstract. The results of the study of axisymmetric bending of round continuous plates on a variable elastic foundation are presented. The finite element method used in the LIRA-SAPR software is used as the most universal of the numerical methods. Eight options for calculating a continuous round plate (slab) under two fixing conditions and two different laws of changing the  coefficient of subgrade resistance are considered. In all cases, the results completely coincide with the known results of bending plates that do not have an elastic foundation and in the case when this foundation exists and its resistance is constant. It is noted that the discrepancy here is very slight – in the third significant digit after the decimal point for deflection at simple support and in the second for moments. With fixing, deflections and moments also differ from the corresponding values of the known solutions in the second significant digit after the decimal point. As for the elastic foundation, coefficient of subgrade resistance of which varies according to the law of a curved parabola, there are no data for comparison; need an alternative method that will allow you to perform similar calculations. To date, such a method (analytical) has already been developed by the authors of the paper. Its concept and comparison with the results of finite element analysis will be the subject of our next publication in the field of calculation of plates on a variable elastic foundation. 

Keywords: plate, elastic foundation, Winkler foundation, coefficient of subgrade resistance, finite element method, LIRA-SAPR.  

Y. Krutii, M. Surianinov, M. Soroka, G. Karnauhova Analysis of axisymmetric bending of round continuous plates on a variable elastic base by the finite element method 

D. Tsestsiv, I. Voloshyn Tourist zoning of destinations of Vinnytsia region 

Abstract. The geospatial organization of the region’s tourist resources is closely connected with its recreational and tourist potential, as well as the configuration of modern tourist flows. It should be noted that Vinnytsia region does not belong to the regions of Ukraine that have a pronounced tourist specialization, but its potential for long-term development of the tourism sector is quite high. This necessitates the development of scientifically sound approaches to optimizing the use of recreational and tourist potential of the region. Therefore, we have developed a map showing the main tourist destinations in the region and attempted tourist zoning. 

Keywords: tourist subregions, map, point estimation, tourist zoning, analysis. 

D. Tsestsiv, I. Voloshyn Tourist zoning of destinations of Vinnytsia region

Y. M. Dido, O. А. Dulo The use of CIMT-therapy (constraint-induced movement therapy) to restore motor function of the upper extremity in per- sons after a stroke complicated by neglect 

Abstract. The use of CIMT – program in physical therapy of persons after ischemic stroke complicated by neglect leads to a positive dynamics of sensorimotor recovery of the upper extremity, namely the motor and proprioceptive components. There is a decrease in spasticity  of  the  afferent  muscles  of  the  shoulder,  flexor  muscles  of  the  shoulder  and  forearm,  significant  changes  in  the  level of spasticity of the flexor muscles of the hand. 

Keywords: physical therapy, motor component, proprioceptive component, spasticity, stroke. 

Y. M. Dido, O. А. Dulo The use of CIMT-therapy (constraint-induced movement therapy) to restore motor function of the upper extremity in per- sons after a stroke complicated by neglect

O. А. Dulo, S. M. Dzhupina Recovery dynamics of the function of cardiovascular system of girls from the lowland areas of Transcarpathia with different somatotype and the body mass composition 

Abstract. The work is devoted to the establishment of features of restoration of the function of the cardiovascular system by the parameters of heart rate and blood pressure after metered physical work of girls from lowland regions of Transcarpathia, depending on the somatotype and the component composition of the body weight. They are characterized by the fact that when the intensity of 1 W  per  1  kg  of  body  mass  of  girls  from  the  lowland  regions  then  ectomorphic  somatotype  showed  us  the  highest  percentage  of persons with increased diastolic pressure, and the exercise on a bicycle ergometer with the intensity of 2 W per 1 kg of body weight caused decrease in the amounting of cases of increase in diastolic pressure.  

Keywords: physical health, somatotype, diastolic pressure, girls. 

O. А. Dulo, S. M. Dzhupina Recovery dynamics of the function of cardiovascular system of girls from the lowland areas of Transcarpathia with different somatotype and the body mass composition 

D. Lazarieva, E. Semenov, O. Sennikov, M. Surianinov, A. Railian Biomechanics of the dentition in endodonto-endosseous implantation 

Abstract. The results of numerical modeling of the “tooth – endodonto-endosseous implant – bone” system using standard collapsible implants, small diameter, and surgical instrumental kits are presented. The study of the stress-strain state of all components of the system by the finite element method in the ANSYS program has been carried out. The dentoalveolar segment was investigated with the following parameters: length of the tooth root – 14.25 mm; root resection – by 1/3; implant length – 13.0 mm; the depth of immersion in the spongy bone – 2mm; implant diameter (variable value) – 2.9; 3.0; 3.2 mm. The external load was taken equal to 200 N, and applied at an angle of 1250. The constructed model differs significantly from that given in the literature. In its construction, the “bottom-up” method of solid modeling was used. The geometry of a bone fragment and teeth is given by a set of cross-sections in the form of inhomogeneous rational B-splines with variable height dimensions and location of centers. Stresses and displacements in all elements of the system are determined. Calculations have shown that stresses in the tooth, cortical and cancellous bone are practically independent of the implant diameter, but decrease with an increase in its diameter. 

Keywords: tooth root resection, endodonto-endosseous implant, modeling, stress, displacement, ANSYS. 

D. Lazarieva, E. Semenov, O. Sennikov, M. Surianinov, A. Railian Biomechanics of the dentition in endodonto-endosseous implantation

S. A. Yermolenko, V. F. Orlovskyi, I. O. Moiseyenko, O. V. Orlovskyi The influence of salt-sensitivity on the blood pressure daily profile in patients with arterial hypertension 

Abstract. Arterial hypertension is one of the main causes of cardiovascular mortality in the world and affects almost 25% of the adult popu- lation. The aim was to determine the blood pressure daily profile depending on the type of salt-sensitivity in patients with stage II arterial hypertension. Materials and methods. 120 individuals aged 30-75 years with stage II arterial hypertension and 50 practically healthy individuals (control group) were enrolled to the study. Weinberger M. N. method was used to determine the type of salt-sensitivity. The essence of this method is to stick to a high-salt diet during 5 days with the salt consumption of 15 g per day (250 mmol sodium), with a further re- striction on salt intake to 2 g per day (up to 50 mmol sodium) for 5 days (low-salt diet). The systolic blood pressure decrease by more than 10 mm Hg after switching from a high-salt to low-salt diets. Level of the blood pressure was the diagnostic criterion for salt-sensitivity. Patients were classified as salt-resistant included patients whose systolic blood pressure did not decrease by more than 10 mm Hg during the study and individuals with a paradoxical reaction to the change in salt load and a increase in systolic blood pressure during the switching to a low- salt diet. Daily blood pressure monitoring was performed according to the standard protocol. Results. 42.5% of salt-sensitive and 47.5% of salt-resistant patients were identified. The blood pressure daily profile distribution showed that 76.5% of «non-dippers» and 15.6% of «night- peakers»  were  among  salt-sensitive,  and  73.7%  of  «dippers»  and  19.3%  of  «non-dippers»  –  among  salt-resistant  patients.  Salt-sensitive patients have nighttime blood pressure dipping more than 2 times less than control (p < 0.001). This matches to the type of «non-dippers» daily profile. This is prognostically unfavorable. Salt-sensitive patients have the 24-hour mean variability systolic and diastolic blood pres- sure values are significantly higher than in the other groups. The morning increase in blood pressure analysis revealed that values in both groups remained unchanged and corresponded to control group. Salt-sensitive patients had increased 24-hour mean rate of morning increase in systolic blood pressure, systolic blood pressure time index, and blood pressure variability values in comparison with salt-resistant patients. Conclusions. Salt-sensitive patients are characterized by a predominance of the «non-dippers» and «night-pеаkers», enlarged rate of morning increase in blood pressure, increased blood pressure variability, and the lowest degree of nighttime blood pressure dipping, which is prognos- tically unfavorable for the arterial hypertension course. Salt-resistant patients have a favorable blood pressure daily profile – «dippers» and the reference values of daily profile parameters. 

Keywords: arterial hypertension, salt-sensitivity, blood pressure daily profile.  

S. A. Yermolenko, V. F. Orlovskyi, I. O. Moiseyenko, O. V. Orlovskyi The influence of salt-sensitivity on the blood pressure daily profile in patients with arterial hypertension 

N. S. Ashchepkova Algorithm for adaptive control of autonomous mobile robot 

Annotation. The problem of synthesis of an algorithm for adaptive control of an autonomous mobile robot (AMR) with a manipulator is considered, which provides for the simultaneous study and evaluation in real time of the dynamic characteristics of AMR (identification problem) and determination of control parameters from the obtained model (synthesis problem). The peculiarities of the AMR dynamics are the nondiagonal and nonstationarity of the tensor of inertia, the displacement of the position of the center of mass, design constraints in drives, etc. The paper presents the results of a study of the controlled movement of a mobile robot with a manipulator, defines the tasks of the control system, and provides a block diagram of the adaptive control algorithm. 

Keywords: autonomous mobile robot, manipulator, adaptive control.  

N. S. Ashchepkova Algorithm for adaptive control of autonomous mobile robot

A. Fedorov Optimization of the container ship loading process 

Abstract. The scientific research is devoted to the study of the peculiarities of the process of loading and unloading of a container ship during the performance of multiport transportation. The aim of the study is to develop a mathematical model of loading a container ship, which reduces the impact of container movement and reduces the time spent on the formation of the cargo plan of the vessel. A mathematical model of container ship loading has been developed, which allows to take into account the multiport ship transport and technological limitations of the cargo plan formation due to the peculiarities of their placement on the ship. 

Keywords: cargo plan of the vessel, feeder transportation, container ship loading control, loading optimization. 

A. Fedorov Optimization of the container ship loading process

H. A. Ivanov, I. V. Blinov, E. V. Parus Architecture of Tools of Estimating the Influence of Renewable Sources on the Electricity Cost in Ukraine 

Abstract. Aspects of supporting the development of renewable energy sources (RES) producers in Ukraine are analyzed. Aspects of the Guaranteed Buyer’s work, its interaction with other participants of the electricity market are considered. It is shown that one of the methods to solve the problems related to increase in the share of RES is the need to analyze the components of the influence of supply by RES stations on the market value of electricity, and the framework of simulation modeling system architecture, as well as the main functions of calculating the cost of electricity being formed on the market are determined. 

Keywords: renewable electricity sources, guaranteed buyer, electricity market, simulation model.   

H. A. Ivanov, I. V. Blinov, E. V. Parus Architecture of Tools of Estimating the Influence of Renewable Sources on the Electricity Cost in Ukraine 

O. V. Kushnir, I. P. Gamelyak, V. F. Raikovsky, U. M. Klimov Designing of a design of road clothes for transportation of large and especially heavy loads by roads of Ukraine 

Abstract. Due to the need to transport various special, construction, agricultural and other machinery, large tanks, industrial equipment, etc., the transportation of heavy oversized cargo has been growing in recent years. The specificity of oversized and heavy transportation lies in many points, without which timely and safe delivery of goods to the destination is not possible. An important point (element) of such transportation is to take into account the strength and load-bearing capacity of bridges and road structures (road clothing) and the choice of appropriate specialized rolling stock. This article reveals the following aspects of this topic: definition of basic concepts, regulatory constraints, features of preparation and process of transportation of large and especially heavy goods, route selection, rules of transportation of goods by road, as well as documentation of cargo transportation. It should be noted that special literature on the theory related to this topic is not enough. The article presents the authors ’own experience in solving such problems at transport infrastructure facilities in Ukraine, taking into account practical material and information available on the pages of transport companies. As the requirements for transportation are constantly supplemented and changed, these sources are useful in the analysis of information related to the transportation of oversized and heavy cargo. 

Keywords: highway, transportation, large and especially heavy loads, construction of road clothes, bearing capacity. 

O. V. Kushnir, I. P. Gamelyak, V. F. Raikovsky, U. M. Klimov Designing of a design of road clothes for transportation of large and especially heavy loads by roads of Ukraine 

H. Melnychuk Features of development of Smart Grid networks in communities, modeling methods and challenges in the implementation of intelligent power supply systems 

Annotation. The article considers the problems of development of power grids with the introduction of intelligent systems of interaction between producers and consumers of electricity based on the SmartGrid approach, requirements for methods of calculating such systems, an example of using an improved method of individual components for modeling, and organizational and other challenges. 

Keywords: SmartGrid, power supply, electrical networks, energy management, settlements and territories.  

H. Melnychuk Features of development of Smart Grid networks in communities, modeling methods and challenges in the implementation of intelligent power supply systems 

S. Lupenko, O. Orobchuk, I. Kateryniuk, A. Horkunenko Mathematical modeling of therapeutic information space of Chinese image medicine for its unified representation in information systems for integrative scientific medicine 

Abstract: the article is devoted to mathematical modeling of the therapeutic space of Chinese image medicine, which is an important stage in the development of an integrated onto-oriented information-analytical environment of research, professional healing and e- learning of Chinese image medicine, which is a representative of unconventional medical areas and a promising component of integrative scientific medicine. A unified treatment model for Chinese image medicine has been developed, which is a function of topological ontology, methods ontology and exposure time ontology in Chinese image medicine.  

Keywords: mathematical modeling, therapeutic space, ontology, information system, Chinese image medicine, integrative scientific medicine.  

S. Lupenko, O. Orobchuk, I. Kateryniuk, A. Horkunenko Mathematical modeling of therapeutic information space of Chinese image medicine for its unified representation in information systems for integrative scientific medicine