Science and Education a New Dimension

Online version ISSN 2308-1996

Printed version ISSN 2308-5258

Science and Education a New Dimension

Iss. 224. 2020.

A. Fedak Functional-Spatial Features of The Architecture of The Scientocratic State on The Example of F. Bacon's Novel ‘New Atlantis’ 

Abstract. The article is devoted to the analysis of the description and importance of architecture and functional-spatial planning in the utopian country in F. Bacon’s novel ‘New Atlantis’. The research presents the interdependence between functional content  and the formation of utopia. The article summarizes the information on architecture and urban planning presented in the philosopher’s novel,  and  also  compares  the  description  of  architectural  solutions  with  the  works  of  the  utopian  philosophers  T.More  and T.Campanella. 

Keywords: ideal city, utopia, public building, science.  

A. Fedak Functional-Spatial Features of The Architecture of The Scientocratic State on The Example of F. Bacon’s Novel ‘New Atlantis’ 

S. S. Gomon, P. S. Gomon, S. S. Gomon An universal method of determining stresses in a compressed zone of rectangular wooden beams based on their deformation 

Abstract. The universal method of determining the stress-strained condition of wooden elements during the work on a pure transverse bend at any stage of work up to destruction. The basic prerequisites for the rectangular wooden elements that are most used in construction are accepted. In the article a method for constructing wood deformation diagrams using experimental beam test data was proposed. The chart of stresses  at  the  so-called  second  loading  of  the  beam  is  given.  It  is  established  that  with  known  values  of  bending  moment,  relative deformations of the compressed zone and the stretched zone, using the obtained equations it is possible to determine the values of stresses in the wooden bending rectangular element at different loading levels and construct a diagram of the stresses of the compressed and stretched zone, as well as their deformation diagram . A technique which enable to predict the wooden element will work and to establish the stage of stress-strained condition in which the element is located has been developed. 

Keywords: wood, wood beam, stress-strained condition, stress, deformation.  

S. S. Gomon, P. S. Gomon, S. S. Gomon An universal method of determining stresses in a compressed zone of rectangular wooden beams based on their deformation 

V. O. Yathenko Social and town-planning features of forming of tourist-recreational network as strategy of economic development of the in- plant systems of settlement are in Ukraine 

In the article pre-conditions of development of methodology of forming of tourist-recreational complexes are considered on the base of resource possibilities of the in-plant systems of settlement (territorial communities) in Ukraine. Paid attention to the state of industry and perspective possibilities her as basic for economic development of row of territorial communities. The row of  principles is outlined after that a process must be examined in town-planning activity. A certain example of the strategic program of development of the in-plant system is made a tourist-recreational constituent is stopped up in basis of that.  

Keywords: territorial society, in-plant system of settlement, tourist-recreational activity, town-planning activity, ecology, urbanization, natural resource. 

V. O. Yathenko Social and town-planning features of forming of tourist-recreational network as strategy of economic development of the in- plant systems of settlement are in Ukraine 

Y. I. Kolesnyk Characteristics of indicators of neurodynamic function, attention and memory in conditions of acquired myopia of mild and high degree 

Abstract. The results of the study of neurodynamic (FRNP, sensorimotor reactions of different complexity, speed of central information processing) and psychophysiological (attention and short-term memory) indicators of people with acquired myopia are presented. The specific changes in HNA as a result of functional rearrangement in the central nervous system under myopia were revealed. In general, people with mild myopia presented the best indicators of neurodynamics, attention, and memory (except numerical auditory memory). The decreased neurodynamic characteristics, lowered quality and concentration of attention, as well as reduced short-term memory (except numerical auditory and visual memory) were associated with high myopia. 

Keyworlds: acquired myopia, sensorimotor reactions, attention, short-term memory, higher nervous activity. 

Y. I. Kolesnyk Characteristics of indicators of neurodynamic function, attention and memory in conditions of acquired myopia of mild and high degree 

N. B. Svietlova, V. A. Badanina, T. A. Kazantsev, R. M. Palagecha, N. Yu. Taran The climate-forming ability of Magnoliaceae Juss. family in urban landscapes phytocenosis 

Abstract.The climate-forming ability of phytocenoses was evaluated on the basis of phenotyping of the representatives of Magnoliaceae Juss. in urban landscapes. The influence of deciduous representatives of the  Magnoliaceae Juss. family in the environment shaping by the normalized difference vegetation index, foliage projective cover and photosynthetic potential is analyzed. The evalua- tion of plants allowed us to determine the stress-resistant species for restoration of urban landscapes of the capital of Ukraine and other metropolitan areas. The most promising species of trees to reduce the urban thermal effect are M. acuminata and M. denudata. 

Keywords: plant phenotyping, urban ecosystems, climate change, Magnoliaceae Juss., urban heat island.  

N. B. Svietlova, V. A. Badanina, T. A. Kazantsev, R. M. Palagecha, N. Yu. Taran  The climate-forming ability of Magnoliaceae Juss. family in urban landscapes phytocenosis 

I. Tekdemir, V. Tsvilikhovskyi Amplitude of malondialdehyde level in tissues of rats during Escherichia coli infection in the hypobiosis state 

Abstract. The article addresses the level of malondialdehyde in the blood plasma and liver tissues of rats during E. coli infection at the initial stage of the disease, the stage of progressive symptomatology and at the stage of the total exhaustion. It was determined that the level of MDA in the tissues of animals was increased gradually with the subsequent stage of the disease. It was established that the introduction of rats with E. coli infection at any stage into a state of artificial hypobiosis had a pronounced positive effect, since the MDA level decreased significantly, which was characterized by a tendency to return to the level of control values after withdrawing the animals from the state of artificial hypobiosis. 

Keywords: hypobiosis, MDA, liver tissue, blood, stages of E. coli disease.  

I. Tekdemir, V. Tsvilikhovskyi Amplitude of malondialdehyde level in tissues of rats during Escherichia coli infection in the hypobiosis state 

S. Kiriienko, S. Panova, А. Gaponenko, M. Fedornikova Monitoring of heavy metals content in Radushne village 

Abstract. The article is devoted to environmental monitoring of heavy metals content in the Radushne village. The studies were con- ducted at the request of the public and with the aim of attracting a resolution of the CBU “Environmental Impact Assessment”  to confirm the excessive influence of the industry of the region on the environmental performance, namely the content of heavy metals. The data obtained indicate that the territory of the settlement should be included in the state system of support of the regions and needs constant environmental monitoring. 

Keywords: heavy metals, Radushne township, sanitary-chemical research. 

S. Kiriienko, S. Panova, А. Gaponenko, M. Fedornikova Monitoring of heavy metals content in Radushne village

Y. V. Skoryk, V. А. Vlasova, B. G. Knabe Comparison of programs for traffic analysis 

Abstract. The paper considered the theoretical and practical features of the following programs for monitoring traffic: Observium, Nagios, tcpdump, NetworkMiner, WireShark, Cain and Abel, Zabbix, Network Olympus, and also analyzes the characteristic features of programs for analyzing network traffic. Based on the research, it is shown which programs are most suitable for analyzing network traffic. 

Keywords: traffic analysis, monitoring, program, network traffic.  

Y. V. Skoryk, V. А. Vlasova, B. G. Knabe  Comparison of programs for traffic analysis 

O. А. Dulo, N. M. Hema-Bahyna Comparative characteristics of aerobic and anaerobic productivity of young men in lowland and mountain Transcarpathian areas according to the body components consist 

Abstract. The work is devoted to determining the characteristics of the physical health level of young people in indicators of aerobic and anaerobic energy productivity of the body, depending on the relative fat content and skeletal muscle. Young men whose component body composition contains low relative fat content and high and very high relative skeletal muscle content, normal body mass index and visceral fat, have an excellent level of aerobic and anaerobic performance of the organism corresponding to a “safe level of health” of teenagers. 

Keywords: aerobic productivity, anaerobic productivity, physical health, fat, skeletal muscles. 

O. А. Dulo, N. M. Hema-Bahyna Comparative characteristics of aerobic and anaerobic productivity of young men in lowland and mountain Transcarpathian areas according to the body components consist 

M. V. Podolyuk, Ya. T. Ivankiv, L. R. Mateshuk-Vatseba Microstructural changes of the mucous membrane of the fallopian tube during prolonged opioid exposure 

Abstract. The article presents data on structural and functional changes of the mucous membrane of the uterine tube in the dynamics of two-, four- and six-week exposure to nalbuphine. The material of the study were sexually mature rats-females of the line “Wistar” in the amount of 26 animals weighing 180-220 g, aged 3.5-4 months. Animals were injected with nalbuphine intramuscularly, daily, once a day, at the one-time interval. Histological preparations were prepared according to the conventional method. The animals were kept in a vivarium, the work was carried out following the “Rules of work using experimental animals”. Before sampling, the animals were primed with an intraperitoneal injection of thiopental (at a rate of 25 mg/kg), then an anterior abdominal wall was opened, fol- lowed by removal of the fallopian tube. During the experimental research, changes in the structure of the mucous membrane of  the fallopian tube were established. The first signs were found within 2 weeks of the experimental effect of nalbuphine: swelling of the mucous membrane of the fallopian tube, slight smoothing of the folds and local desquamation of the epithelium, moderate infiltration of lymphocytes of the mucous membrane. Vascular microcirculatory vessels of the mucous membrane are slightly expanded. After 4 weeks of the experiment, degenerative and inflammatory changes in the uterine tube wall and manifested by swelling and polymor- phocellular infiltration of the membranes of the wall of the test organ wall, an increase in the number of altered epitheliocytes, vessels are hyperemic, overflowing with aggregated erythrocytes, sometimes containing neutrophilic granulocytes and lymphocytes. After 6 weeks of administration of nalbuphine, destructive changes in the cells of the mucous membrane of the fallopian tube and the links of its hemomicrocirculatory bed accrue, manifested by desquamation of the epithelium of the mucous membrane, infiltration of the mucous membrane by lymphocytes, there is an expansion of the lumen of the vessels of the microcirculatory bed and filling the lumen of the blood plasma, there are lashes of different heights, the characteristic grouping of them into conglomerates. 

Keywords: microstructure, fallopian tube, opioid, experiment.  

M. V. Podolyuk, Ya. T. Ivankiv, L. R. Mateshuk-Vatseba Microstructural changes of the mucous membrane of the fallopian tube during prolonged opioid exposure 

O. Ripetska, V. Hrynovets, A. Buchkovska, V. Dovhanyk, V. Synytsia The role of regular dental examinations in the prevention of dental diseases 

Abstract. Ethic and Prophylactic Aspects of Regular Dental Examinations and Treatment in Young Patients. The number of gingivitis and periodontitis in young patients highly increased in recent decades. That is why, revelation and early treatment of periodontal diseases is important not only clinical but also ethical and psychological problem. Patient should feel himself not like a passive object in the treatment but take an active part in the process.. Being acquainted with the treatment plan, presumable duration of the treatment and its’ results, helps the patient to feel more comfortable and positive about the treatment procedures. 

Kaywords: dental diseases, gingivitis, periodontitis, young patients.  

O. Ripetska, V. Hrynovets, A. Buchkovska, V. Dovhanyk, V. Synytsia The role of regular dental examinations in the prevention of dental diseases 

R. Skoreіko, N. Skoreіko Influence of overweight on women's reproductive function 

Abstract. The basic mechanisms of development of pathological conditions of the reproductive system related to pre-obesity and obesity are considered: insulin resistance, polycystic ovary syndrome, menstrual disorders, infertility and others. The value of leptin, the hyperproduction of which adversely affects the ovulation of obese women, has been determined. Adipose tissue is an endocrine organ and also an important link in the metabolism of sex steroids that affect the function of the reproductive system. 

Keywords: obesity, excess body weight, insulin resistance, leptin, reproductive health. 

R. Skoreіko, N. Skoreіko Influence of overweight on women’s reproductive function

А. V. Borodulin Calculation of scopes of region of impermissible values of courses of vessels for the domain of rectangular form 

The algorithm of calculation of scopes of region of impermissible values of courses of vessels and its graphic reflection in the case of application of domain of rectangular form is resulted. The example of situation of dangerous is offered rapprochements of vessels and for her the region of impermissible values of courses for the domain of rectangular form is formed. The choice of maneuver of divergence is produced and his correctness is confirmed.  

Keywords: safety of navigation, divergence of vessels at dangerous rapprochement, form of domain, region of impermissible values of courses of vessels.  

А. V. Borodulin Calculation of scopes of region of impermissible values of courses of vessels for the domain of rectangular form 

A. Yu. Bulgakov, E. E. Tyupikov Imitation design of process of divergence of four vessels 

It is shown that for verification of correctness of method of choice of parameters of maneuver of divergence of group of vessels the computer program which for the set dangerous situation determines the maneuver of divergence of vessels by the change of their courses and produces his imitation design was developed. As an example the situation of dangerous rapprochement of four vessels is considered, for which by the regions of impermissible values of courses of vessels got parameter of optimum divergence and the results of imitation design are represented, confirmative correctness of the chosen maneuver of divergence.  

Keywords: safety of navigator, process of divergence of vessels, region of impermissible values of courses, imitation design. 

A. Yu. Bulgakov, E. E. Tyupikov Imitation design of process of divergence of four vessels 

O. І. Сhub, M. V. Novozhylova, R. S. Melezhіk Method realizing predictive model of technogenic emergency occurrences on water supply networks in metropolis 

Abstract. The paper is devoted to the constructing a method of realization of simulation model predicting parameters of man-made emergencies on metropolitan water supply networks (moments of occurrence, place of occurrence, severity level). The method implements the idea of clustering whole set of network links by the time of laying. On this basis, the original two-dimensional simulation model for determining the location of a possible emergency situation is reduced to a set of independent one-dimensional, in the general case, non-stationary distributions of the moments of an emergency. 

Keywords: man-made emergency, simulation model, Poisson distribution, metropolis, water supply networks. 

O. І. Сhub, M. V. Novozhylova, R. S. Melezhіk Method realizing predictive model of technogenic emergency occurrences on water supply networks in metropolis 

М. A. Kulakov, М. V. Korh Choice of optimum maneuver of divergence by the regions of impermissible values of parameters 

Analytical expressions for the calculation of scopes of regions of impermissible values of parameters of different types are considered. The graphic reflections of regions of the considered types are resulted, got by the developed computer programs. The general features of all types of regions are got, allowing by identical procedure to produce the choice of optimum maneuver of divergence.  

Keywords: safety of navigation, divergence of vessels, external control of process of divergence, region of dangerous parameters, safe divergence of vessels. 

М. A. Kulakov, М. V. Korh Choice of optimum maneuver of divergence by the regions of impermissible values of parameters 

O. Kutnіashenko, A. Toporov, P. Tretіakov, O. Aleksieieva, I. Kutnіashenko, O. Kostina, V. Borovlev Analysis of the efficiency of a two-shaft paddle mixer for bulk raw materials using СAE systems 

Abstract. The work is devoted to finding ways to improve the efficiency of a two-shaft paddle mixer. Mixing material is an important and integral step in almost every industrial production and the priority of technological progress in the industry is the improvement of technological processes, replacement of morally and physically outdated equipment. To analyze the efficiency of designs of existing paddle mixer presents the results of the flow of material particles study of in the working area of the apparatus, which were investigated by modeling the process in the CAE-complex. The algorithm of particle flow calculation in the EDEM software complex is presented in  the  article,  the  calculation  and  analytical  analysis  of  mixing  efficiency  of  three  types  of  mixers  is  developed.  To  improve  the efficiency of the two-shaft mixer it is proposed to change the design of the blades and their angle of installation. Studies have shown that a two-shaft mixer with blades at an angle of 45 ° has the highest mixing efficiency, which is 91.7%. 

Keywords: Paddle mixer, design, efficiency, particle, simulation, EDEM. 

O. Kutnіashenko, A. Toporov, P. Tretіakov, O. Aleksieieva, I. Kutnіashenko, O. Kostina, V. Borovlev Analysis of the efficiency of a two-shaft paddle mixer for bulk raw materials using СAE systems 

M. N. Tsymbal Planning of loading of containership in the case of conducting of cargo operations in a few ports 

The common requirements of forming of loading of containership taking into account the terms of providing of nautical safety and forces of inertia of tossing are resulted. The example of voyage of ship with the loading and unloading of parties of containers is considered. Procedure of forming of optimum loading of ship is shown, using the least of ballast. The special operations are selected forming of loading of contain- ership, to which behave determination of permanent making loading, addition of placing, inheritance, when one loading includes the another, and substitution of constituents of loading.  

Keywords: nautical safety, loading of ship, containership. 

M. N. Tsymbal Planning of loading of containership in the case of conducting of cargo operations in a few ports 

A. A. Vagushchenko, L. L.Vagushchenko Numerical method for selection of maneuvers to avoid collisions with several vessels 

A  numerical  method  is proposed  for  determining  the  optimal  by the  loss  of  sailing  time  evasive combined  Z-maneuver  using  the enumerative method. COLREG, navigation restrictions, other vessels and the dynamics of the own ship are taken into account. The procedure for obtaining diagrams that facilitate the operator’s correction of the optimal variant of maneuver presented by the computer is developed. The efficiency of the method is confirmed by finding, with its help, evasive maneuvers in various situations. 

Keywords: collision avoidance, combined Z-maneuver, enumerative method, sets of acceptable variants, search algorithm. 

A. A. Vagushchenko, L. L.Vagushchenko Numerical method for selection of maneuvers to avoid collisions with several vessels  

I. O. Zaitsev, M. V. Panchik Physical processes and their influence on the evolution of defects in the powerful generators stator core 

Abstract. The main reasons that lead to a weakening of the pressing of active iron in the stator core of powerful generators are considered. The analysis of physical processes and their influence on the development of defects. It is shown that physical processes are caused by a number of factors that can be conditionally divided into technological, operational and structural ones. It is also noted that depending on the place of origin, the factors are divided into internal and external. The systematization of possible defects in the technical condition of the generator depending on the type of influencing factor is given. It is stated that the use of the means of control of the uniform distribution of efforts of pressing the stator core allows to ensure the reliability and safety of the operation of new and existing powerful generators of CHP, HPP, NPP and NPP. 

Keywords: turbogenerator, stator, factors, cores, pressing, effort. 

I. O. Zaitsev, M. V. Panchik Physical processes and their influence on the evolution of defects in the powerful generators stator core