Science and Education a New Dimension

Online version ISSN 2308-1996

Printed version ISSN 2308-5258

Science and Education a New Dimension

Iss. 226. 2020.

K. V. Buchina Metaphor as a trigger of implicature in discourse of German folk tales 

Basing on cognitive-pragmatic approach to research on metaphors and theory of implicatures by H. Grice, the article describes four models to express metaphor components (source concept, target concept, and a connector). The components can be explicit and implicit. The author comes to a conclusion that the discourse of German folk tales is distinguished by complex metaphoric propositions that are activated grounded on a set of cognitive operations of analogue mapping. 

Keywords: folk tale, implicature, metaphor, metaphoric proposition. 

K. V. Buchina Metaphor as a trigger of implicature in discourse of German folk tales 

V. M. Drobotun Conceptual Metaphor “BRITISH INDIA IS A HUMAN BEING” in Anglo-Indian language image of the world 

Abstract. This article is devoted to the analysis of the Conceptual Metaphor “BRITISH INDIA IS A HUMAN BEING” and its place in Anglo-Indian language image of the world and the main ways the metaphor can be expressed in both fiction and non-fiction the texts, written by authors who lived in British India. The research defines the anthropomorphic image of this conceptual metaphor and singles out its main images of a human being: a wife, a mother, a single mother, a widow and a witch. 

Keywords: language image of the world, metaphor, conceptual image of the world, anthropocentric approach. 

V. M. Drobotun Conceptual Metaphor “BRITISH INDIA IS A HUMAN BEING” in Anglo-Indian language image of the world 

A. Horshkova Cognitive and narrative approach to the analysis of the mythopoetical space of the modern Australian prose texts (on the material of Juliet Marillier’s novel “Daughter of the Forest”) 

Abstract. The object of the research is Australian prose mythopoetics in cognitive and narrative dimension. The subject is represented by the linguistic and narrative means of mythopoetics integration into the Australian prose. The material of the investigation is a literary text of Juliet Marillier’s novel “Daughter of Forest”. 

Keywords: mythology, narrative, narrator, ethno-archetypal images, modern English prose text. 

A. Horshkova Cognitive  and  narrative  approach  to  the  analysis  of  the  mythopoetical  space  of  the  modern  Australian  prose  texts  (on  the material of Juliet Marillier’s novel “Daughter of the Forest”) 

N. P. Kovtoniuk The image of T.G. Shevchenko in the discourse of the Revolution of Dignity: anticolonial and postcolonial aspects 

Abstract. The article analyzes the anti-colonial and post-colonial aspects of Taras Shevchenko’s image in the discourse of the Revolution of Dignity. The first aspect is represented by the cult of the prophet, revolutionary, and is connected with the formation of national identity of Ukrainians as a part of resistance to the empire. The second one describes numerous experiments with portraits of the artist, his creative work and opens the way to pluralism of views. Both aspects illustrate the hybrid nature of the Revolution of Dignity, which combined the post- colonial revolution with the anti-colonial resistance. 

Keywords. Taras Shevchenko, the Revolution of Dignity, colonial, anti-colonial, post-colonial. 

N. P. Kovtoniuk The image of T.G. Shevchenko in the discourse of the Revolution of Dignity: anticolonial and postcolonial aspects 

R. Y. Kritsberg Idioms in the works of G. Chaucer and W. Shakespeare as signatures of social environment 

Abstract. Idioms in G. Chaucer’s and W. Shakespeare’s works reflect the social environment of their time. People’s professional activities and pastimes, such as military, law, hawking, hunting, are among the most productive sources of set expressions. In terms of refentiality, there are two classes of the items – the former includes those of non-equivalent vocabulary, with no corresponding notions and their expressions in Modern English, and the latter compises those with different present-day counterparts for the same notions. 

Keywords: cultural background, diversions, idioms, lexical items, proverb. 

R. Y. Kritsberg Idioms in the works of G. Chaucer and W. Shakespeare as signatures of social environment 

H. H. Kuznetsova True-to-life facts and artistic visions in V. Vynnychenko and J. Szaniawski’s plays 

Abstract. The article in the comparative aspect deals with the peculiarities of application of living facts in the artistic thought of Ukrainian and Polish playwrights Volodymyr Vynnychenko and Jerzy Szaniawski. Comparisons and contrasts of true-to-life facts and artistic visions of the playwrights together with their interrelations and interdependencies are of great importance in the article. 

Keywords: living facts, memories, plays, artistic thoughts, interrelations between real and visional. 

H. H. Kuznetsova True-to-life facts and artistic visions in V. Vynnychenko and J. Szaniawski’s plays 

N. M. Marchenko, O. H. Savchuk Structure, semantic and linguo-cognitive features of Chancellor Angela Merkel’s German parliament speeches 

Abstract.  Basic  structural  and  compositional  text  elements  of  the  parliament  speech  are determined by  pragmatic  settings,  which function is to focus attention on achievements and accomplishments of Federal Chancellor and her government. They contain such obligatory components as: outlining political situation; analysis of political and economic conditions; program elements for future actions. Representative and integration functions are achieved through simultaneous use of such stylistic devices as a numerous types of syntactic repetitions, metaphors, metonymies, antitheses etc. Typical concepts of Angela Merkel’s parliament speeches are UNI- TY as a sign of giving considerable attention to solving social and economic problems and also REFUGEES. Their use exemplifies the government effectiveness in making complicated decisions. 

Keywords: speech in Bundestag, structural components of speech, concept, Chancellor, language means, refugees, unity, word- representers. 

N. M. Marchenko, O. H. Savchuk Structure, semantic and linguo-cognitive features of Chancellor Angela Merkel’s German parliament speeches 

V. I. Savchuk Intonation means for expressing U.S. presidents’ war and conflict rhetoric 

Abstract. The article presents the results of an experimental phonetic study of intonation means for expressing communicative tactics in the U.S. presidential public speeches. The speeches were classified into three types according to such extra linguistic characteristics as situation and emotional and pragmatic potential. It examines how a topic of speech effects its intonation organization. Also, the study has allowed us to reveal both the peculiarities of these prosodic parameters and their cooperative role with other language level means in meeting tactic related objectives. 

Keywords: communicative moves, EPP level, rational and emotional argumentation, prosodic means, presidential discourse, war and conflict rhetoric. 

V. I. Savchuk Intonation means for expressing U.S. presidents’ war and conflict rhetoric 

O. B. Semeniuk Genre – Style Paradigm of Winston Churchill’s Publicistic Epistolary 

Abstract. The article deals with the specificity of genre-style paradigm of Winston Churchill’s publicistic epistolary. Due to a thorough analysis of epistolary nonfiction works of the outstanding British statesman and a politician, in particular, his open letters writrten at the time of the Second World War, the major stylistic dominants  have been highlighted and genre modifications of Winston Churchill’s publicistic correspondences, broadcasts, speeches have been determined as well. Moreover, the author has characterized both rhetorical and stylistic devices inherent in various genre forms of publicistic writings which can serve a subject for further researches. 

Keywords: publicistic epistolary, style paradigm, genre modifications. 

O. B. Semeniuk Genre – Style Paradigm of Winston Churchill’s Publicistic Epistolary 

T. Sharova An attempt at an ideological and aesthetic compromise in the satirical story «Automat» by K. Gordienko 

Abstract. The article focuses on the presentation of the ideological and aesthetic compromise in K. Gordienko’s satirical work «Automat». It is emphasized that exposing the behavior, moral defects and negative character traits of the bureaucrat leader, the author uses colloquial and expressively colored words, linguistic cliches; widely used by folklore – roverbs, constant epithets, comparisons, folk-poetic metaphors. The article concludes that Kostya Gordienko’s creativity came from an era of dramatic political transformations and national liberation contests of the twentieth century. 

Keywords: ideology, satirical mode, compromise, conservatism, irony, sarcasm.  

T. Sharova An attempt at an ideological and aesthetic compromise in the satirical story «Automat» by K. Gordienko 

S. B. Shylo Means used to express incentive in agitation-political discourse 

Abstract. The functional-semantic field of incentive is one of the most important functional-semantic language fields. It is referred to as a collection of multitiered means that express the will of the subject. The basic feature of this field is the commonality of incentive as a semantic function that characterizes different language means at different levels. The agitation and political discourse is characterized by the use of means that express incentive interacting at the functional-semantic level. Those are the means that constitute the functional- semantic field of incentive. In our sample of incentive statements, the nucleus is expressed by the imperative verbs in the second person of plural and the second person in the singular. The closest periphery of the incentive field in agitation-political texts is represented by infinitive constructions, future perfect tense forms in the singular and plural, words of the category of state that have modal sense from pragmatic point of view, as well as analytical forms of the imperative mood, atypical compounds of future tense verbs with «let me» (давай), «let us» (давайте). Abstract lexems with positive or negative semantics, various political metaphors, idiomatic phrases, spoken and stylistically reduced vocabulary have a significant incentive potential. Syntactic means are the peripheral tiers represented by conditional, incomplete, interrogative, verbal and nominative simple sentences. 

Keywords: functional-semantic field of incentive, nucleus, periphery, agitation-political discourse, means used to express incentive.  

S. B. Shylo Means used to express incentive in agitation-political discourse 

A. O. Tsapiv Construing of the graphic narratives (comics) (a case study of graphic texts Fables) 

Abstract. The article focuses on revealing basic techniques of narrative construing of graphic narratives. It is assumed that special semiotic signs, both symbolic and indexical (speech bubbles, thought baloons), as well as special comic language emanata, create a unique multimodal narrative. Sequential panels, arranged in a lineal line, model a story with the help of verbal and nonverbal means. Special attention is paid to visual and cinematic methods of creating point of view of the focalizer of the narrative.  

Keywords: graphic narrative, comics, narrative construing, emanata, sequential art.  

A. O. Tsapiv Construing of the graphic narratives (comics) (a case study of graphic texts Fables) 

H. M. Udovichenko, S. A. Ostapenko, V. M. Zinchenko Polycomponent concept of “Human Qualities and States” in modern English 

Abstract. The research is devoted to the study of linguistic features of the polycomponent concept of “Human qualities and states” in modern English, which is a complex mental structure and presented on the one hand by separate lexical-semantic groups, and on the other by metaphorical schemes. The concepts can be seen as the basis for the lexical division of the vocabulary, which is a complex system of multirank subsystems. In this paper, research is conducted at the micro-level within the framework of cognitive semantics, the object of which are lexical units. This allowed to identify and describe the specific associations related to people who speak one language or another. 

Keywords: concept, polycomponent concept, quality, state, human. 

H. M. Udovichenko, S. A. Ostapenko, V. M. Zinchenko Polycomponent concept of “Human Qualities and States” in modern English 

А. M. Varynska, N. D. Orlova, N. M. Kornaodudova Latin and greek languages in terminology mathematics: functional aspect 

Abstract. The article talks about the meaning of Latin and Greek in the terminology of mathematics. Brief historical information on the use of Greek and Latin languages in scientific works is given. The features of the semantics of verbal and non-verbal signs of this terminology are considered. The questions of the lexical composition of the language of mathematics are discussed. The international phonetic  and  derivational  components  of  Latinisms  and  Greekisms  in  the  terminology  of  mathematics  are  characterized.  The presented material substantiates the need to study Latin and Greek languages for a deep understanding of both the terminology of mathematics and terminology of other sciences. 

Keywords: latin language; greek language; terminology of mathematics; verbal signs; non-verbal signs.  

А. M. Varynska, N. D. Orlova, N. M. Kornaodudova Latin and greek languages in terminology mathematics: functional aspect 

N. Yesypenko, O. Soloviova Semantic Peculiarities of Feminine Derivatives in the Old English Language 

Abstract.  The  article  deals  with  the  relationship  between  semantics  and  suffixes  in  Old  English.  It  has  been  hypothesized  that suffixes that form nouns belonging to a particular gender have certain segments of meaning that differ from those of other genders during the same period of language evolution. In order to identify such features, an analysis of feminine derivatives was conducted. The analysis of semantic segments was based on identifying twenty-one semantic segments, inherent in derivatives and their bases. Our  findings  show  that  the  main  semantic  segments  characteristic  of  feminine  suffixes  include  abstractions,  feelings  and traits  of character, names of actions and results of actions.  

Keywords: Old English, semantic motivation, gender, suffixes, non-recursive derivation, semantic groups. 

N. Yesypenko, O. Soloviova Semantic Peculiarities of Feminine Derivatives in the Old English Language