Science and Education a New Dimension

Online version ISSN 2308-1996

Printed version ISSN 2308-5258

Science and Education a New Dimension

Iss. 179. 2018.

N. S. Papakina, V. G. Kushnerenko N. M. Korbych The dynamics of wool productivity of sheep 

Abstract. The indicators of wool productivity and genetic potential of the female part of the sheep population of the Tauride type Askanian fine-grained breed of the tribal enterprise “Askaniiske” for the period of 5 years are estimated. It is determined that the value of wool knitting is 5.5 kg, the length of wool is not less than 8.5 cm, the output of pure fiber is more than 47.0%, and other characteristics correspond to breed standards and vary by no more than 5 percent. 

Keywords: sheeps, breeding animals, Tavria type, cut out the wool, length of wool, the output of pure wool. 

N. S. Papakina, V. G. Kushnerenko N. M. Korbych The dynamics of wool productivity of sheep

О. I. Ulyanich, L. V. Soroka, L. I. Voevoda Salad chicory witluff of Ukraine 

Abstract. In paper presents the results of studying the adaptability of varieties of salad chicory witluff Caesar, Voevoda, Konus and Leonardo. The influence of growing conditions on phenological and biometric indices, yield and quality of fresh greens has been proved. It has been established that the biological characteristics of the varieties influence the timing of the passage of the phenological phases, the growth and development of the plants of the salad of chicory witluf. Depending on the variety, the plants developed almost simultaneously, but there were certain differences in the onset of the main phenological phases and the difference was two to four days. The increase in the leaf mass has been active since the beginning of June and reached high rates in late September – early October before harvesting of root crops. The number of leaves on the plants of salad chicory witloof changed during the period of vegetation and 30 days after shoots was almost the same in all varieties of 3-4 pcs./rst, and at the end of the vegetation reached 18-25 pcs./rst. It was established that the total area of leaves of salad chicory witloof before harvest would be more in the Voyevoda variety – 22,1 thousand m2/ha and significantly exceeded the control. A little less this indicator was for the varieties Konus and Leonardo 15,9-17,2 thousand m2/ha respectively. The end of the formation of root crops was observed in the II-III decades of October. In the control of Caesar, the phase advocated earlier – on October 15, and later on the Conus variety on October 24th. The technical maturi- ty of the varieties of Voevoda and Leonardo came a little earlier (172-177 days, respectively), due to somewhat better growth and development of plants in general. The technical maturity of plants in the Conus variety was observed later on – for 181 days. It wasproved that in the conditions of the Right-bank Forest-steppe of Ukraine in chernozem  podzolennymi  on  the  yield  of  root  crops among the studied varieties was the best grade Voyevoda and Leonardo, the high productivity of coconuts after the distillation was a variety of salad chicory witluff Voevoda. The  conducted  researches  have  shown  that  in  the  conditions of the Right-bank  Forest- steppe Ukraine on podzolized black soil, suitable for cultivating investigated varieties of chicory salad are suitable. According to the yield of varieties of salad of chicory witloof from high-yielding to less productive one can be placed in the following order: Voevoda, Leonardo, Konus, Caesar. According to the results of the research, we recommend to grow chicory witloof of varieties Leonardo and Voevoda with a yield of 15,0-15,8 t / ha, which will allow additionally to obtain 1,3 t / ha with high qualitative indicators. 

Keywords: chicory salad, vitluf, adaptability, variety, yield, quality. 

О. I. Ulyanich, L. V. Soroka, L. I. Voevoda Salad chicory witluff of Ukraine 

N. V. Vorobova, O. V. Kukhniuk, R. I. Prudky Nanotechnology in Ukraine vegetable growing 

Abstract. The article states that the level of soil contamination with radionuclides don’t exceed the critical standards and is actually 20-100 less in comparison with 90 years of the XX century. It has been proven that contamination with radionuclides depends on the structure and physical characteristics of the soil, as well as its acidity, the depth of sampling, and the like. It is proposed to continue systematic monitoring and control over the level of radioactive contamination of soil, vegetables and potatoes in order to reduce the content of radionuclides. The data of biometric parameters of celery and spinach plants under the influence of hydrogel in the form of gel, tablets and granules are given. In particular, the granules and gel had a greater influence on the plant heights and the diameter of the cuttings in Monarch, Anita and Pascal varieties, whereas a significant increase in leaf area occurred under the action of tablets and granules. It was found that the use of the gel significantly increased the mass of the aboveground part of the plants. High commercial yield was obtained with the use of gel: celery of the Anita variety  – 43.5 t/ha, which in addition to the control yields 10.8 t/ha, Pascal – 39.8 t/ha (+7.1 t / ha), spinach of the Monarch variety – 36.8 t/ha (+4.1 t/ha). The indices of the chemical composition of commercial greens of spinach and celery varieties are determined depending on the use of various forms of hydrogel. It was estab- lished that different forms of hydrogel had different effects on the change in the biochemical composition of commercial greens of varieties. 

Keywords: soil, celery, spinach, hydrogel, yield, quality. 

N. V. Vorobova, O. V. Kukhniuk, R. I. Prudky Nanotechnology in Ukraine vegetable growing

S. S. Gomon, M. V. Polishchuk Method of Determination of Solid and Glued Wood Elastic-Plastic Characteristics on Specimens of Structural Dimensions under Compression

 Abstract. An analysis of existing methods for determining the elastic modulus of wood is carried out. The method and results of fullscale experimental and theoretical researches of specimens in the form of prisms made of solid and glued wood under longitudinal compression are described. A new method for determining the elastic-plastic characteristics of solid and glued wood under longitudinal  compression  is  developed. The obtained data have  been  analyzed  and  generalized  research  results  for  determining  the  elastic modulus. 

Keywords: solid wood, glued wood, deformability, elastic modulus. 

S. S. Gomon, M. V. Polishchuk Method  of Determination  of Solid and Glued  Wood Elastic-Plastic Characteristics on Specimens of Structural Dimensions under Compression

V. O. Yathenko A new approach to the methodology of urban agglomeration planning in Ukraine

Abstract.  In  materials  of  research  the  modern  state  of  town-planning  activity  is  analyzed  in  Ukraine,  namely  features  of  the  regional planning on the example of three largest cities and them suburbs. The row of negative tendencies is educed in cooperation’s of city and suburban zone, that must be decided on the further stages of planning, taking into account the changes of control system – decentralization and forming of territorial communities, that will cooperate with a city on system positions.  

Keywords:  agglomeration,  big  city,  settlement  system,  urban  development,  suburban  area,  general  plan,  migration,  transboundary region. 

V. O. Yathenko A new approach to the methodology of urban agglomeration planning in Ukraine

V. V. Mizin, V. P. Lyashenko, S. M. Lukashov Influence of caffeine nutritional load on the content of dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate in serum of rats of different age and sex

Abstract. The effect of alimentary caffeine load on the level of dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEA-S) in the blood serum of rats of different sexes of five age groups was studied. It was found that under the influence of caffeine, the level of the hormone  significantly decreased in males of juvenile age, females of young, mature and prescient age. Influence of caffeine load in males of young and females of juvenile age did not cause significant changes. But in the old age, the level of DHEA-S under physiological conditions was the lowest among all age groups, and under the influence of caffeine, its level increased significantly. In males of senile age, the value of the hormone level increased by 2,75 times with respect to the control group of this age. 

Keywords: caffeine, dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate, age groups, males, females. 

V. V. Mizin, V. P. Lyashenko, S. M. Lukashov Influence of caffeine nutritional load on the content of dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate in serum of rats of different age and sex 

V. V. Mukvych, V. P. Liashenko, S. M. Lukashov Age-related changes in bioelectric activity of the ergotropic zone of hypothalamus in female rats

Abstract. The registration and analysis of the dynamics of the absolute power of the Electric Hypothalamus Test (EGtG) waves and the spectral capacities (%) of the EGtG frequency components normalized to the total power of the bioelectric activity of the ergotropic zone of hypothalamus of female rats of different age groups was made. Female rats of juvenile age were characterized by an almost equal distribu-tion  between  high-frequency  and  low-frequency oscillations. The predominance of high-frequency oscillations among the whole  EGtG spectral composition in young and mature female rats was established, which was accompanied by desynchronization mechanisms. Slowwave synchronization processes influenced the indices of bioelectric activity of the ergotropic zone of hypothalamus in presenile female rats. 

Keywords: posterior hypothalamus area, EGtG, age, female rats. 

V. V. Mukvych, V. P. Liashenko, S. M. Lukashov Age-related changes in bioelectric activity of the ergotropic zone of hypothalamus in female rats 

T. Honcharenko, V. Mihaylenko Comparative method adopted by triangulating models of surfaces for solving the planning tasks on construction site

Abstract. The publication describes a method of comparing surfaces given by triangulation models, which is proposed to be used for solving tasks of planning the for construction territory. The proposed approach uses digital elevation model constructed within the specified limits on the basis of the triangulation method. The creation of a combined triangulation grid of both surfaces allows interpolation of the functions of determining the height markings based on the localizationof triangulations in one another. Comparison of functions on separate faces of combined triangulation allows us to determine the difference between surfaces. The method is proposed to be used to compare two digital elevation models − “As project” and “Аs built”, for determination of two surfaces intersection and for calculation of the earthworks volumes on the construction site. 

Keywords: surface triangulation model, digital elevation model, TIN surface, combined triangulation grid (СTG), method of calculation of volumes of earthworks, construction site. 

T. Honcharenko, V. Mihaylenko Comparative method adopted by triangulating models of surfaces for solving the planning tasks on construction site 

Y. M. Dido, O. А. Dulo Modern approaches to the motor function restoration of patients after the stroke by the physical therapy and ergotherapy (literature review)

Abstract.The review article shows the modern approaches to the organization of rehabilitation of patients after stroke. Relevance of the research is caused by the searching of the objective measure of functional limitations after the stroke. It will allow to find effective means of physical therapy during the  different  stages  of  the  rehabilitation process  in  order  to  solve  the problems  of  patient’s mental and physical activity, his social and labor adaptation. 

Keywords: physicaltherapy, erghotherapy, stroke. 

Y. M. Dido, O. А. Dulo Modern  approaches  to the  motor  function  restoration  of patients  after the stroke by  the  physical therapy and ergotherapy (literature review) 

O. А. Dulo Study the level of physical health of females which live in lowland Transcarpathian areas by the metabolic level of aerobic and anaerobic providing of energy according to the body components consist

Abstract. The work is devoted to the study of the level of females’ physical health in the age of 16-20 years which are living in the lowland areas of Transcarpathia. It’s proved that the level of anaerobic productivity, which shows the physical health, depends on body components consist. The girls with normal body weight, but with high relative consist of fat, normal relative consist of muscles and normal level of visceral fat have the highest level of aerobic productivity by the relative value of maximum oxygen consumption. Cause of this, level of physical health exceeds the “safe health level” by G.L. Apanasenko and matches to the “excellent” by Y.P. Pyarnata. 

Keywords: physical health, aerobic productivity, anaerobic productivity. 

O. А. Dulo Study the level of physical health of females which live in lowland Transcarpathian areas by the metabolic level of aerobic and anaerobic providing of energy according to the body components consist 

L. M. Dushik, N. V. Cherkova, A. O. Dushik Optimisation of splenectomy at treating of patients with haematological diseases

Summary. Splenectomy (SE) in hematologic patients is accompanied by an increased risk due to the presence of a hemostasis violation in most cases. All this determines the search for more favorable methods of surgical intervention in patients with diseases of the blood system. The purpose of the study is to improve the results of surgical treatment of patients with blood system diseases by planning the method of splenectomy. The work was performed on the basis of a comprehensive clinical-laboratory and instrumental examination of 102 patients with various diseases of the blood system that needed surgical treatment. In addition to laboratory diagnosis, special attention was given to the anamnesis: duration of the disease, hormonal therapy; instrumental research methods:  ultrasound of the abdominal cavity and CT, as well as nosologies. A harmonic scalpel was used to mobilize the spleen. The EndoGIA-30 stapler  (AutoSuture)  was  used  to  treat  the  vascular  pedicle.  Analysis  of  the  results  of  SE  in  patients  with  hematological  profile showed that the choice of surgical access depends on many factors which can be set before operation by dint of ultrasound and CT. There were no conversion cases, which could be explained by the possibility of objective preoperative planning, as a result of which in cases of laparoscopic adverse events, a decision was made to perform open type of SE. The absence of complications and fatal cases at SE in hematologic patients shows the efficacy of the use of harmonic scalpel and EndoGIA-30 (AutoSuture) staplers to mobilize the spleen. The use of ultrasound and CT plays an important role in planning the method of spleenectomy, which avoids cases of conversion. Simultaneous use of harmonic scalpel and Autosuture staplers for performing SE helps to avoid complications. 

Keywords: hematological pathology, Autosuture stapler, spleenectomy, harmonic scalpel.   

L. M. Dushik, N. V. Cherkova, A. O. Dushik Optimisation of splenectomy at treating of patients with haematological diseases

V. S. Lizohub, N. P. Сhernenko, A. A. Palabiyik, S. V. Bezkopulna Mental working capacity of children 8-9 years old on the submission of irritants with different modulation and speed in the go / nogo / go mode

Abstract. The  research of  mental  working  capacity  of  children  8-9  years  old  is  presented  in  conditions  processing information in the Go/Nogo/Go mode with a gradual increase and decrease of speed of stimuli presentation with different modalities. It is established the mental working capacity of children 8-9 years old on geometric figures is higher than verbal signals. It was proved indexes of mental working capacity, efficiency coefficient, level of mobilization of functional reserves to verbal stimuli in children 8-9 years old were higher than geometric figures during mental work on processing information in reverse regime. The method of determining the mental working capacity and its index, the efficiency coefficient, level of mobilization of functional reserves during the processing of information of various modalities in the reverse test can be informative and it can help evaluate different aspects of mental working capacity and systemic mobilization of functional reserve of the brain. 

Keywords: mental working capacity, children 8-9 years old, processing of information, irritants of different modalities, Go / Nogo / Go mode, functional reserves, reverse speed. 

V. S. Lizohub, N. P. Сhernenko, A. A. Palabiyik, S. V. Bezkopulna Mental working capacity of children 8-9 years old on the submission of irritants with different modulation and speed in the go / nogo / go mode

Z. R. Malanchuk, V. Ya. Korniyenko, О. Yu. Vasylchuk, V. V. Zaiets Problems processing and extraction of rare earth metals from technogenic deposits of phosphogypsum

Abstract.  The  article  contains  materials  research  to  address  the  problem  of  environmental  management  for  the  use  of  man-made waste phosphogypsum. The complex processing of phosphogypsum with the associated extraction of rare earth metals is offered. The feasibility  study  is  presented,  which  is  aimed  at  obtaining  a  basic  scheme  shop  for  the  production  of  phosphogypsum  radiationprotective  bricks.  Brick  is  made  from  raw  materials  after  the  extraction  of  rare  earth  metals.  The  article  describes  the  necessary equipment and basic technical parameters for ensuring the technological process. It has been established that this production will be cost-effective and significantly reduce the negative impact on the environment. 

Keywords: phosphogypsum dumps, rare earth metals, radiation-protective brick, utilization of waste, phosphoric acid. 

Z. R. Malanchuk, V. Ya. Korniyenko, О. Yu. Vasylchuk, V. V. Zaiets Problems processing and extraction of rare earth metals from technogenic deposits of phosphogypsum

A. Yu. Melnikov Biomonitoring of lead and cadmium in surface water bу using plankton organisms

Abstract. In the study Pb and Cd accumulation in Cladocera of Chydoridae family were investigated in vitro. Nonlinear relationship between metals content in water and accumulation in Cladocera were obtained. Linear ranges were highlighted (for Pb 5 – 25 µg/l, Cd 0,1 – 1,0 µg/l) and regression models were build. Also in study active biomonitoring procedure was developed. The Danube water contamination by Pb and Cd near Vylkove city was investigated by active biomonitoring. Sufficient agreement in results of real concentration in water of Pb and Cd and calculated from active biomonitoring result (for Cd 0.08 µg/l (real), 0.1 µg/l (biomonitoring), Pb 6 µg/l (real), 9 µg/l (biomonitoring)) were obtained. 

Keywords: Lead, cadmium, Cladocera, biomonitoring, the Danube. 

A. Yu. Melnikov Biomonitoring of lead and cadmium in surface water bу using plankton organisms

D. V. Onopreichuk, V. O. Stefanov, V. V. Pashchenko, H. O. Radionov Investigation of the influence of electrostatic treatment of working fluid on the efficiency factor of bulky hydraulic machines

Abstract.  The  influence  of  electrostatic  treatment  of  the  working  fluid  on  the  volumetric  efficiency  of  the  axial-piston  pump  during  its operation was investigated. According to the results of the research mathematical models of the change in the volumetric efficiency of the pump without the influence of the electrostatic treatment of the working  fluid and the influence of the electrostatic field on the working liquid, depending on the time worked, which make it possible to assert a significant decrease in the intensity of the fall of the volume of the pump’s efficiency to its limit value The increase in the life of the pump. 

Keywords: axial-piston pump, working fluid, electrostatic field, coefficient of performance. 

D. V. Onopreichuk, V. O. Stefanov, V. V. Pashchenko, H. O. Radionov Investigation of the influence of electrostatic treatment of working fluid on the efficiency factor of bulky hydraulic machines

S. Pyshniev, Chang-Li Yu, I. Danilchenko Method of Underwater Vehicles stabilization when it forward movement

Abstract. Discusses the various modes of motion of an аutonomous underwater vehicle: horizontal, vertical, under the action of propulsion Analyses the behavior of the vehicle in an aqueous environment and methods of its stabilization. Since the vehicle can be designed as well- streamlined body for movement with large relative velocities and may be slow-moving platform carrying equipment for yourself that is open to water, the approaches to this task are different. Often working vehicles are required increased maneuverability and propulsion recedes into the background. Hence are formed the approaches to the choice of power and propulsion and steering complex. With regard to calculations of statics and dynamics, there are  features that differentiate the underwater vehicle  from conventional  floating objects. In  most cases, to achieve high stability fails. It is necessary to provide or excessive volume inside the pressure hull, not used for equipment or additional buoyancy of a lightweight  material, placed outside the hull of the vehicle. The possibility of  lowering the  center of gravity by  movement of equipment is also limited. In this regard, there is the problem with the opposition to the action of external forces in static and in dynamics, although for underwater vehicle the concept of tipping is becoming more content. The technique of a choice the metacentric height and area of the stabilizing of the vehicle, the possibility of regulation of stability and its standartisation. The analysis of experimental data of variants of design realization of models and natural objects indicates that: The greatest influence on the choice of the area of the stabilizers is having the speed of operation of the apparatus, and to a lesser extent, the external form and the ratio of the main dimensions of L/H or L/D. To estimate the stability of the initial design stage, one can use the dependencies (2) (8), which with an accuracy of 7-10% allow to determine the required value of the metacentric height or the area of the stabilizer in the early design stages. With the increase in the size of the device expands the possibility of variations in the position of the centers of gravity and magnitude. For AUV with a well-streamlined body shape, the area of stabilizing devices depends mainly on the speed and weakly on the relative body udineniya asymmetrically bringing kx to 2%. 

Keywords: stability, underwater vehicle, motion stabilization, metacentric height, regulation of stability. 

S. Pyshniev, Chang-Li Yu, I. Danilchenko Method of Underwater Vehicles stabilization when it forward movement 

N. Surianinov, S. Neutov, M. Sydorchuk Forced vibrations of joined fibrous concrete beams at their approximation by system with two DOF

Abstract. There are considered forced vibrations of the systems of two fibrous concrete beams of rectangular cross-section. Beams are joined to each other and to fixed support by four reinforcing rods, simulating connection of girth rails of foundation beams. With the aim of result verification that were achieved in experimental way there was given the analytical solution of the problem using the method of decomposition by eigenmodes of vibrations. Herewith the system under consideration is approximating as a system with two degrees of freedom. It is noted that calculationsб based on proposed approach, had shown good coincidence with experimental data. 

Keywords: forced vibrations, frequency, differential equation, fibrous concrete, fiber, eigenmode. 

N. Surianinov, S. Neutov, M. Sydorchuk Forced vibrations of joined fibrous concrete beams at  their approximation by system with two DOF  

T. M. Karchevska, T. M. Suprovych Epizootological aspects of rabies of animals in Khmelnytskyi region

Abstract. There exists a permanently disturbing epizootic situation regarding animal rabies in Khmelnitskyi region. The dynamics of the disease for 2013-2017 has been analyzed and the significance of different species of animals in the preservation and distribution of the rabies agent in the territory of Khmelnitskyi region has been studied. It has been established that the main carrier and source of the rabies is red fox, which accounts for 41.3% of the total number of rabies сases in animals. It has been established that the population of red foxes in the region is growing over the years and in 2017 its number for 1 thousand hectares of hunting grounds exceeded the norm twofold. 

Keywords: rabies, epizootic situation, species structure, red fox, population density 

T. M. Karchevska, T. M. Suprovych Epizootological aspects of rabies of animals in Khmelnytskyi region