Science and Education a New Dimension

Online version ISSN 2308-1996

Printed version ISSN 2308-5258

Science and Education a New Dimension

Iss. 160. 2018.

T. R. Ananko Communicative Strategies in Political Discourse of Hilary Clinton 

Abstract.  The  article  is  dedicated  to  linguistic  and  communicative  peculiarities  of  political  discourse  of  Hilary  Clinton,  a  presidential candidate in the USA. The focus is on the communicative strategies and tactics, used by the politician in her speeches during the election campaign. The attention is paid to argumentative communicative strategy, which is aimed to make a rational impact on the addressee. The conflict strategy which produces an emotional appeal is also analysed. 

Keywords: political discourse, communicative strategies, communicative tactics, argumentation, conflict.  

T. R. Ananko Communicative Strategies in Political Discourse of Hilary Clinton 

L. M. Basyuk Strategies and tactics of the Parliamentarian of the Great Britain and the US Congressman (comparative aspect)

Abstract. The article is devoted to one of the participants of the English-speaking parliamentary discourse – Parliamentarian / Congressman. The role of the Parliamentary / Congressman as the addresser in the witnesses questioning process is determined. A com- parison of the strategic and tactical arsenal of the Parliamentarian of the Great Britain and the US Congressman. Strategy and tactics of the Parliamentarian / Congressman are embodied in speech acts and are realized by language (lexical, grammatical and stylistic) and non-language means. 

Keywords: communicative strategy, communicative tactics, parliamentary discourse, addresser, speech act. 

L. M. Basyuk Strategies and tactics of the Parliamentarian of the Great Britain and the US Congressman (comparative aspect) 

O. V. Ivasiuk Divergence in the verbal block of the word family of the perception verb нюхать (sniff) 

Abstract. The article deals with the issue related to the divergent processes in the word-family with the top of polysemant. The verbal block of the word family of the perception verb нюхать ‘to sniff’ is considered, within which the derivational relations of each derivative with a certain LSV (lexico-semantic variant) are defined, which allows to establish the word-formative activity of epydygmats and reveal the cases of reflected polysemy: it is these derivatives that constitute a formally convergent part of the word-family of a lexeme. The article specifies the semantics of the  top word, its derivatives; dictionary definitions are detailed. Analysis of the language material allowed to extend the composition of the word family which is under consideration and specify its structure. 

Keywords: word family, verb, polysemant, divergence. 

O. V. Ivasiuk Divergence in the verbal block of the word family of the perception verb нюхать (sniff) 

M. H. Kabiri Self-presentation communicative situation: process and discrete aspects 

Abstract.  The study focuses on the  discursive nature of self-presentation, addressed in terms of the analysis of the corresponding communicative situation. While viewed as a process, self-presentation communicative situation presents itself as a unity of mental, social-communicative and verbal activity. When viewed discretely the situation of self-presentation is a typical  configuration  of situational components and their identifying characteristics which include extra-verbal components and the verbal one – utterance- self-presenteme.  

Keywords: self-presentation, communicative situation, process aspect, discrete aspect. 

M. H. Kabiri Self-presentation communicative situation: process and discrete aspects

I. B. Kondratiuk The explication of emotions in the communicative situation of psychological imbalance (a case study of the English cinematic discourse)

Abstract. The  article investigates the communicative aspect of psychologically imbalanced situation through the perspective of emotions. The paper explains the essence of the communicative situation of psychological imbalance, its emotional determination remaining our chief concern. The research is focused on the regulative function of emotions as well as their impact on the person`s communicative behavior. Special attention is paid to lexical markers of the classified emotions as means of their explication in the communicative situation.  

Keywords: communicative situation, psychological imbalance, emotions, regulation, lexical markers. 

I. B. Kondratiuk The explication of emotions in the communicative situation of psychological imbalance (a case study of the English cinematic discourse) 

O. I. Koropetska Cognitive map of the conflict type of the modern English parental discourse

Abstract.  The  article  deals  with  the  cognitive  map  constructing  algorithm  of  the  modern  English  parental  discourse.  The  procedure  of determination of the statistically significant concepts of discourse is described and links in the interconceptual pairs formed by them are highlighted. The cognitive map of the modern English parental discourse is presented. The results of the research are considered against the background of the basic British linguistic-cultural concepts. 

Keywords: cognitive map, parental discourse, chi-square (distribution), correlation coefficient, linguistic-cultural concept. 

O. I. Koropetska Cognitive map of the conflict type of the modern English parental discourse

T. A. Lasinska Stylistic transformations used in conveying English archaic words in Ukrainian translations  

Abstract. The article deals with the main stylistic transformations which occur in Ukrainian translations of historic novels by Walter Scott, which are studied from the vision on effectiveness of reproducing temporal meanings of English archaic words, their main stylistic functions and language meanings which carry significant functions in original texts. 

Keywords: archaisms, obsolete words, old words, historical words, archaic vocabulary, translating historical and archaic words. 

T. A. Lasinska Stylistic transformations used in conveying English archaic words in Ukrainian translations 

V. V. Litiaga Metadiscourse and metapragmatic parameters of the media communications and international politics interaction 

Abstract. The article explores the linguistic and pragmatic influence of the media on foreign policy. The attempt to analyze the text of European Parliament Resolution on EU strategic communication to counteract propaganda against it by third parties. The article analyzes  European  and  also  French  metapragmatic  strategies  in  the  fight  against  mass  media  propaganda.  It  is  considered  the semantics of information influence, outlined the negative effects of the international media policy (information war, propaganda, fact cheking, fake news). 

Keywords:  metadiscourse,  linguistic  pragmatics,  media  communication,  global  media,  propaganda,  information  policy, communicative strategy. 

V. V. Litiaga Metadiscourse and metapragmatic parameters of the media communications and international politics interaction 

K. I. Lykova Language personality as subject of literary discourse

Abstract. The article deals with the topical approaches of modern linguistic science to the study of the language personality problem, the multiplicity of its interpretation, and also its typological diversity. Special attention is given to the peculiarities of the analysis of the language personality as of a subject of literary discourse taking into account its idiosyncratic characteristics. 

Keywords: anthropocentrism, language personality, literary discourse, character. 

K. I. Lykova Language personality as subject of literary discourse

O. Myslovska, N. Prokopovych Linguo-stylistic realization of the symbol “TIME” in the novel “The Hours” by Michael Cunningham 

Abstract. The article investigates the symbolism “TIME” on the material of the novel “The Hours” written by Michael Cunningham.  The article shows the most important linguo-stylistic features which are used for the realization of the symbol “TIME” in the novel “The Hours”. The way the stylistic means under our investigation are used in the text have been illustrated by numerous examples taken from the novel.  

Keywords: time, symbolism, linguo-stylistic means, metaphor, concept. 

O. Myslovska, N. Prokopovych Linguo-stylistic realization of the symbol “TIME” in the novel  “The Hours” by Michael Cunningham 

О. P. Oskyrko Dairy Fat Nominations in the Eastern Podillya dialects of the Ukrainian language 

Abstract. The article analyses the names of diary fats in the Eastern Podillya dialects, identifies their etymology and semantics. It is noted that the archilexemes are specific. The motivational signs and differential features of lexemes are determined, lexical parallels with other dialect continuum have been made. In particular, to denote upper milk fat layer in stated dialects the lexemes  sme|tana, versh| ku,s | luyku are used which are either independent words or collocations formed by the models “noun + adjective” or “noun + participle”.  To  denote  animal  cream  products,  made  from  sour  cream,  cream  or  other  products,  archilexem  maslo  functions.  It  is identified that the defining differential features of the analytical nominations in the lexical semantic group denominating diary fat are “colour”, “quality”, “taste”, “consistency”, “place of manufacture”. 

Keywords: names of fats, eastern Podilian dialects, methods of nomination, one-word names, motivational attributes. 

О. P. Oskyrko Dairy Fat Nominations in the Eastern Podillya dialects of the Ukrainian language 

K. Petriv The semantic resonance as a way of representation of the national identity’s conceptosphere in Oksana Pakhlovska’s essays 

Abstract. The paper analyzes the phenomenon of semantic resonance as a way of influence on the recipient in Oksana Pakhlovska’s texts. It deals with the linguistic and extralinguistic factors of its realization and complex multi-sensor nature, which provokes emergence of emotional images in the addressee’s mind. In the sociopolitical discourse the influence on recipients isn’t conducted only by linguistic means, but also by non-linguistic ways. The recipient usually perceives information mentally, visually, acoustically, graphically etc.  

Keywords: recipient, concept, semantic resonance, suggestion, verbalization. 

K. Petriv The semantic resonance as a way of representation of the national  identity’s conceptosphere in Oksana Pakhlovska’s essays 

V. V. Samarina, T. L. Poliakova Linguistic representation of gender stereotypes in English advertising texts

Abstract. Within the framework of the communicative-discursive research line, the study of linguistic gender construction in the communicative interaction of individuals in various types of discourse is conducted. A great number and variability of the concepts of masculinity and femininity makes it possible to manipulate them in mass communication discourses, for example, in advertising. The research of advertising discourse reveals gender stereotypes, which are used as a tool for transferring information about the object of advertising and about social reality. The analysis of advertising shows that according to the traditional ideas about the social role of men and women, the construction of images of not only advertising personalities but of the object of advertising itself takes place in modern advertising discourse despite the attempts to neutralize the gender factor. 

Keywords: advertising discourse, gender, stereotype, representation, masculinity, femininity. 

V. V. Samarina, T. L. Poliakova Linguistic representation of gender stereotypes in English advertising texts 

N. O. Shkolna Origin and development of the German language for special purposes of industrial automation 

Abstract. The article deals with origin and development of the modern German language for special purposes of industrial automation. The periods of  its development are determined as well the special characteristics of the terms forming  within the mentioned periods. The process of term forming is described based on the analysis of the existing terms.  

Keywords: origin of language, periods of language development, prototerms, professional terms. 

N. O. Shkolna Origin and development of the German language for special purposes of industrial automation

O. V. Shpak Сommunicative Contact in Political Discourse from the Point of View of Ecological Linguistics

Abstract. Seen from the point of view of ecological linguistics, the communicative category CONTACT is a set of standards and rules of verbal and non-verbal behavior in English society; it organizes and regulates communicative process, has its communicative content and a variety of means of expression. The type of situation and the addressee are leading factors on three stages of  contact: establishing, maintaining and breaking. Space-psychological distance and friendly attitude to the interlocutor are rooted in the culture of  English  community.  The  ecological  character  of  political  discourse  based  on  the  idea  of  struggle  is  manifested  in  the  optimal combination of fatic and informational context in unison contacts of politicians. 

Keywords: communicative category contact, norm, political discourse, situation, phase, unison contact. 

O. V. Shpak Сommunicative Contact in Political Discourse from the Point of View of Ecological Linguistics

M. V. Stasiv Communicative-and-pragmatic typology of directive speech acts in contemporary English elucidative utterance structure

Abstract. The article deals with the study of directive pragmatics of the elucidative speech act in the structure of utterance of elucidative type in modern English. The analysis has been conducted with regard to the pragmemic structure of the key illocutionary predicate of the principal clause of the research object. The specificity of the directive speech act formation in the analyzed utterance has been described. The communicative-and-pragmatic types of the directively targeted elucidative utterances have been distinguished. 

Keywords: directive speech act, elucidative utterance-directive, communicative-and-pragmatic structure, key illocutionary predicate, pragmemic structure, communicative-and-pragmatic type of speech act. 

M. V. Stasiv Communicative-and-pragmatic typology of directive speech acts in contemporary English elucidative utterance structure 

M. O. Vintoniv, I. O. Aksonova Typological Expressions of Syntactic Specifiers in Modern Ukrainian Language 

Abstract. The article analyzes the typological manifestations of syntactic specifiers in the modern Ukrainian  language, examines various aspects of the  research of specification constructions, describes the structure, values  and functions expressed by syntactic specifiers, defines their differential characteristics, outlines the main approaches to classification (morphological, functional, posi- tion-syntactic, semantic-syntactic). 

Keywords: syntactic specifiers, simple complicated sentence, refinement members of the sentence, explanation, inclusion.  

M. O. Vintoniv, I. O. Aksonova Typological Expressions of Syntactic Specifiers in Modern Ukrainian Language