Science and Education a New Dimension

Online version ISSN 2308-1996

Printed version ISSN 2308-5258

Science and Education a New Dimension

Iss. 80. 2016.

Y.O. Behma Complex translation transformations in the English-Ukrainian literary translation

Abstract.  The article deals with the translation of complex transformations in the English-Ukrainian literary translation. An attempt of  a  description  and  definition  of  complex  translation  transformation  in  modern  translation  theory  is  given.  On  the  basis  of  the examples analyzed in the article, an assumption is made that the use of complex translation transformations allows to preserve the author’s thoughts identity in translation, to increase the range of the source text adequate substitution by the translation text, and to enhance the objectivity of the translation process and the translation solution. 

Keywords: complex translation transformation, equivalency, lexical transformation, grammatical transformation.  

Y.O. Behma Complex translation transformations in the English-Ukrainian literary translation

A.M. Bocharnikova Fonetic peculiarities of Avestan Y 46

Abstract. In this article syllabic structure of Avestan hymn Y 46 has been analyzed, as well as rules of observing caesura by the author of the text. It was important to the author to determine formal usage of caesura from its usage with complete inner form. There has been also made quantitive analysis of such artistic means as anaphora, epiphora etc. The linguistic analysis of the texts phonetic structure resulted in revealing exact differences between two halves of the texts which somewhat proves the suggestion about these halves probably having different authors.  

Keywords: Avesta, Gathas, text,  linguistic analysis, caesura 

A.M. Bocharnikova Fonetic peculiarities of Avestan Y 46 

O.O. Borisov Morphological-stylistic and lexical peculiarities of British and Ukrainian TV interview: comparative aspect

Abstract.  The  article  is  devoted  to  establishing  isomorphic  and  allomorphic  morphological-stylistic  and  lexical  peculiarities  of speech in the British and Ukrainian TV interview. The activity of the use of these very units, means and devices by the participants testifies to the fact of their greater influence in comparison to other potential elements within this very segment of a dialogical text.  

Keywords: interview, dialogue, stylistic morphology, lexicon, influence. 

O.O. Borisov Morphological-stylistic and lexical peculiarities of British and Ukrainian TV interview: comparative aspect  

Y.O. Dehtiarova Reproduction ways of inner speech of the characters in the French minimalist prose of the late XX - early XXI century in narrative aspect

Summary. The article outlines the ways of inner speech reproduction of the characters in the French minimalist prose of the late XX – early XXI centuries in the narrative aspect. The narrative structure of the minimalist novels is considered. It is established that its constituents are the narrative, the narrator and focalization. The types of a narrative and narrators are determined; the levels of focali- zation in the narrative space in the French minimalist works are idenified. The research is conducted based on F. Bon, J. Echenoz, C. Gailly, C. Oster, and J.-P. Toussaint novels. 

Keywords: inner speech, minimalist prose, narrative, narrative structure, narrator, focalization.

Y.O. Dehtiarova Reproduction ways of inner speech of the characters in the French  minimalist prose of the late XX – early XXI century in narrative aspect  

O.M. Derkach Croatian Word about Ukrainian Genius: a reception of creation of Taras Shevchenko in Croatia

Abstract.  The  article  investigates  the  reception  of  creation  of  Taras  Shevenko  in  Croatian  literature  and  literary  criticism.  Main   directions  of  mastering  of  creative  work  of  the  Ukrainian  writer  are  considered.  Separate  attention  is  paid  to  the  perception  by    Croatian literary process of works of T. Shevchenko by mediation of translations of A. Shenoa, A. Kharambashich and A. Menac and to the conceptual features of going near theoretical interpertation creation of Taras Shevchenko from 19th age to the modern stage of Croatian stadies about T. Shevchenko. 

Keywords: Taras Shevchenko, reception, theoretical interpretation, poetry, translation, literature  

O.M. Derkach Croatian Word about Ukrainian Genius: a reception of creation of Taras Shevchenko in Croatia 

E. Yu. Doubenkо Linguocultural roots of comparative poetic studies: a historical perspective

Abstract. The article delineates the sources of theoretical fundamentals of such an integrated field of study as comparative poetics that has emerged on the basis of advancements in two philological domains: comparative stylistics and comparative literary studies. It aims to reveal that overall interest to the cultural specificity of analyzed poetic material  which has always been a distinguishing feature of both donor disciplines of comparative poetics. 

Keywords: comparative poetics,  comparative stylistics, comparative literature,  idiomatology.   

E. Yu. Doubenkо Linguocultural roots of comparative poetic studies: a historical perspective 

A.М. Erlikhman Implicit Presentation of Blended Images in Science-Fiction (Case Study of R. Bradbury’s Short Stories)

Abstract. The article describes the problems of the formation of blended images in science-fiction. It focuses on the peculiarities of science-fiction texts and obligatory emergence of blended images. Science-fiction text as a semiotic system, types of blended images and their nature are analyzed. Different means of implicit realization of blended images have been studied. Implicit presentation of blended images is possible when at least one of their components is implicit or carries implicit meaning. Thus, two types of implicit representation of blended images have been singled out: when one of the components is implicit carrying implicit meaning; when one of the components can be realized both implicitly and explicitly.  

Keywords: science-fiction text, blended image, implicitness, implicit meaning.  

A.М. Erlikhman Implicit Presentation of Blended Images in Science-Fiction (Case Study of R. Bradbury’s Short Stories) 

O. M. Galynska Linguo-cultural approach to intertextual phraseology (through somatic code of culture)

Abstract. The paper considers intertextuality and intertext as linguo-cultural phenomena. Intertextuality makes it possible to find out in a new light how the national spirit is manifested and a national specific is expressed in intertextual phraseological units through somatic code of culture. The main sources of linguo-cultural information of English and Ukrainian phraseological units have been reconstructed; similarities and differences in beliefs and stereotypes of the British and Ukrainian nations have been determined. 

Keywords: intertextuality, intertext, linguo-cultural, intertextual phraseological unit, somatic code of culture  

O. M. Galynska Linguo-cultural approach to intertextual phraseology  (through somatic code of culture) 

Z.A. Getman, I. N. Morenets Area Synonymy of Spanish Communicative Space

Abstract. The article deals with the phenomenon of synonymous correlation between lexical units belonging to the Iberian and Latin American varieties of the Spanish language.  The dominant lexical unit of the synonymous series  is  dependent  on the territorial variety of the  language and changes correspondingly. The historically dominant lexical unit is substituted by the area dominant one. The synonymous series are expanded by means of  borrowings from foreign languages, English in particular. 

Keywords: synonymy, synonymous series, dominant lexical unit, national variant, dialect, regional variant, localism.   

Z.A. Getman, I. N. Morenets Area Synonymy of Spanish Communicative Space 

I. Kominiarska Retrospective in the past: Ukrainian diaspora and literature in emigration

Abstract. The article is about the peculiarities of the creation of Ukrainian diaspora and the centres of the emigrant literary studies. The author characterized four waves of emigration, their chronological borders. It was analyzed four periods of Ukrainian literature in emigration. The separate attention is paid to Ukrainian literature in Canada. 

Keywords: retrospective, Ukrainian diaspora, literature in emigration, four waves of emigration, Canada.  

I. Kominiarska Retrospective in the past: Ukrainian diaspora and literature in emigration

R.Y. Kritsberh New England lexis and its signatures

Abstract: New England lexis is of insular character, having little in common with other regions. The contribution of Northern and Western British donor dialect areas is prevailing, not Eastern and Southern, as supposed. NE vocabulary is mainly the product of the 19 and 20th cc. migration and social mobility of the population. Etymologically, the main sources are compounding, combinations and phrases, along with semantic changes based on metaphor. Semantically, household items, those related to professional spheres – hunting, fishing, lumberjacking,  names of animals and plants are conspicuous; the bulk of the  material show variation  –  multiple names for the same object.

Keywords: dialect areas, distribution, etymological sources, lexis, semantic topics.  

R.Y. Kritsberh New England lexis and its signatures 

T.V. Lunyova The Concept THE ISLES OF SCILLY in John Fowles’s Essay as a Textual Construal: Cognitive and Communicative Analysis

Abstract. The article focuses on the cognitive and communicative analysis of the dynamic process of construing the concept THE ISLES OF  SCILLY in John Fowles’s Essay “Islands”. The linguo-cognitive means of the textual  construction of this concept  are discussed and communicative strategies of the author are revealed. It is suggested that the concept can be described as a constellation of mini-texts which are singled out from the original text of the essay based on their topical/ thematic peculiarities that are determined by the content of the mental units with which they correspond. 

Keywords: concept, text, construal, linguo-cognitive means, communicative strategy. 

T.V. Lunyova The Concept THE ISLES OF SCILLY in John Fowles’s Essay as a Textual Construal: Cognitive and Communicative  Analysis 

Yu. O. Matviyiv-Lozynska Methods of organizing and conducting the exam in a foreign language for professional purposes as a form of final control of student achievement in tourist sphere

Abstract. The article considers the problem of organization and conducting of the exam in a foreign language to show students’ true level of the knowledge obtained. The notion of final exam of the course was considered to be one of the most important parts of the training process to reveal the result of studying. The article shows that exam in a foreign languages has its own peculiarities. The stress  is  given  to  the  oral  form  of  conducting  the  exam.  The  advantages  and  disadvantages  of  the  exam  in  foreign  languages  are shown. The author gives the criteria concerning evaluation of the students’ knowledge.  

Keywords: method, exam, foreign language for professional purposes, final control, student, tourist sphere.   

Yu. O. Matviyiv-Lozynska Methods of organizing and conducting the exam in a foreign language for professional purposes as a form of final control of student achievement in tourist sphere 

B.V. Movchan Rendering of idioms in the English-Ukrainian prose translation of the 19th century

Abstract. The article aims to research the methods and principles of rendering idioms in the Ukrainian translations of English fiction in the 19th century. In this paper we identified such aspects as linguistic and extralinguistic factors influencing the selection of various translation  strategies  and  tactics.    We  analyzed  the  importance  of  idioms  translation  from  the  standpoint  of  precise  and  faithful   rendering of original’s idiostyle and achieving functional and stylistic equivalence.  

Keywords: translation, idioms, idiostyle, domestication strategy, 19th century prose.  

B.V. Movchan Rendering of idioms in the English-Ukrainian prose translation of the 19th century 

O.I. Nika XVII century in the Discourse of Ukrainian Linguistic Source Study

Abstract.  This  article  analyzes  the  principles  of  Linguistic  study,  publishing  of  written  monuments  and  the  development  of Ukrainian  linguistic  Source  Study,  in  particular  the  author  determines  degree  and  research  prospects  of  written  artifacts  of  the XVII cent. in Ukrainian historical Linguistics. 

Keywords: Ukrainian historical Linguistics, Linguistic Source Study, XVII cent., linguistic informativeness of  written monuments 

O.I. Nika XVII century in the Discourse of Ukrainian Linguistic Source Study

V.M. Radzion Deonomastic Noun Composites in Sports Subject Areas

Abstract. The article deals with the study of compound nouns with proper names being their component parts (deonomastic composites)  extracted  from  the  articles  in  sports  subject  area  of  modern  German  journalism.  The  structural  peculiarities  of  this  type  of nouns are analyzed, the ways of their writing and their lexical-grammatical groups are indicated. The most productive types of compound deonomastic nouns are defined. 

Keywords: deonomastic composite, proper name, anthroponym, the language of sports media, productivity, spelling.  

V.M. Radzion Deonomastic Noun Composites in Sports Subject Areas 

Ya. Redkva Slavic Regional (Ukrainian-Polish) Oikonymy from the Perspective of Typological Studies in Onomastics

Abstract. In the present study the author proposes new theoretical and methodological approaches to study of Western Ukrainian and Eastern  Polish  oikonymic  systems.  The  author  proposes  three  major  onomastic  methods:  comparative-typological,  comparative- historical, and descriptive. Specific derivational types of place names of the area in the specified time span are analysed in the paper. Important conclusions about cultural-historical, ethno-linguistic, and physical-geographical realia that had an impact on the evolution of the Ukrainian and Polish peoples, common territory of their living are drawn in the study. 

Keywords: place name, toponym, oikonym, typological onomastics, oikonymic system, Slavic onomastics, historical onomastics.  

Ya. Redkva Slavic Regional (Ukrainian-Polish) Oikonymy from the Perspective  of Typological Studies in Onomastics 

A.O. Russu Word-formative patterns with prefix ви- in the system of verbal term-formation

Abstract. Based on the dictionaries of the 19th– beginning of the 21st century, the aspect-formative and word-formative patterns of verbal terms with prefix ви- are described. This prefix has aspectual function mainly in the foreign origin terms,  whereas it is the word-formative morpheme in the native words. It is also showed that productivity of word-formative patterns of verbal terms with prefix ви- brings down unjustifiably under the influence of Soviet Union language politics and they have been substituted  by the patterns with prefix від-.  

Keywords: term, verb, word-formative pattern, aspect-formative pattern, prefix ви-. 

A.O. Russu Word-formative patterns with prefix ви- in the system of verbal term-formation 

L. Shnurovska Bilingual speech congruence: cognitive and prosodic aspects

 Abstract: In the article, we considered the intersection of language, communicative and sociocultural proficiencies as determinants of the bilingual speech congruence. We described the cognitive mechanisms of L2 processing, namely implicit and explicit memory, language ability, priming etc. We characterized the specificity of the bilingual’s prosodic competence maintaining and systematized the main manifestations of the prosodic interference by the example of the Ukrainians’ English speech. 

Keywords: prosodic interference, bilingualism, congruence, priming.  

L. Shnurovska Bilingual speech congruence: cognitive and prosodic aspects 

L. L. Makaruk A Linguistics-oriented Study of the Primary Aspects of the Processes Involved in the Perception of Graphic Images

Abstract: This article describes a study which has been carried out with a focus on the physiological and cognitive processes involved in the perception of graphic images. The point is presented that in recent decades, there has been a major rethinking of the role of the image in an overall sense, and it has come to be regarded as a key aspect in many philology-related disciplines of study. A classification  of  non-verbal  means  which  can  be  found  in  the  English-language  media,  including  the  Internet,  is presented  in  this article. A detailed physiological description of the eye has been made, and some of the peculiarities of image perception have been analyzed. In this article it has also been demonstrated that a clear distinction must be made between the perception of images and other graphic devices of a non-verbal character, and the perception of verbal features; and the concept is explored with regard to the manner in which the brain reacts differently to verbal and non-verbal input. 

Keywords: non-verbal means, verbal devices, image, eye, perception, brain.   

L. L. Makaruk A Linguistics-oriented Study of the Primary Aspects of the Processes Involved in the Perception of Graphic Images 

N.S. Strelchenko Cognitive peculiarities of echo questions' functioning: mental models

Abstract. Based on the mental model theory, the article analyzes cognitive peculiarities of echo questions’ functioning in conversational discourse. It also examines the components and types of mental models, suggesting that echo questions may be viewed as a verbal means of building context models of the communicative situation and situation models of past events. Furthermore, it shows the relationship between context models and situation models and provides the inventory of their constituents drawing on the data from contemporary English films and fiction. 

Keywords: echo question, mental model, context model, situation model, conversational discourse.  

N.S. Strelchenko Cognitive peculiarities of echo questions’ functioning: mental models 

D. O. Chystiak Comparative cognitive analysis of the symbolization in the texts of Maurice Maeterlinck and Kālidāsa

Abstract.  The  article  deals  with  the  comparative  cognitive  analysis  of  the  symbolist  structures  in  the  texts  of theatre of Maurice Maeterlinck (his drama “Pelleas and Melisande”) and of Kālidāsa’s play “Abhijñānaśākuntalam”. It is attested that textual similarities are shown not only on the level of the isotopy of imagery but also on the level of different narrative structures that generate a powerful symbolization and the suggestive potential of traditional and individual worldview of these authors.   

Keywords: symbolism, concept, image, actant model, narration.  

D. O. Chystiak Comparative cognitive analysis of the symbolization in the texts of Maurice Maeterlinck and Kālidāsa  

L.Y. Tereshchenko Discourse actualisation of the concept LIAR axiological potential

Abstract.  The  article  deals  with  estimation  of  the  concept  LIAR  axiological  potential.  The  analysis  of  discourse  actualisation  of  the  lexeme liar and the speakers’ reflections on this fact presents three aspects of the axiological characteristics of the concept LIAR: vector, force, and conventionality of the evaluation. These characteristics are labile in the modern English publicistic discourse due to their direct correlation to the subjects of reflection whose evaluation is influenced simultaneously by opposing ethical and etiquette norms.     

Keywords: concept LIAR, cognitive-discursive approach, axiological potential, vector, force, and conventionality of the evaluation.  

L.Y. Tereshchenko Discourse actualisation of the concept LIAR axiological potential 

L. Tkachenko Representation confrontation between the individual and the world in the early plays Peter Turrini

Abstract. The article deals with the works of the Austrian playwright Peter Turrini, his early plays namely. It analyzes his artistic innovation and explores the issues and compositional features of the plays written within the first period of his writing. The article also covers the transformation of human beings in their environment.  

Keywords: folk play, shocking drama, consumerist society, outsider, avant-gardist principles. 

L. Tkachenko Representation confrontation between the individual and the world in the early plays Peter Turrini

Iu. Vorobei Linguapragmatic specific of Internet communication

Abstract. The article deals with the problems of communication in the Internet space. The concept of Internet communication and its parameters  were  characterized.  Internet  language  and  Internet  text  features  were  emphasized.  Role  of  the  Internet  in  the  life  of modern society and the development of its linguistic system were outlined. 

 Keywords: linguistic syste , Internet communication, Internet space , Internet language, Internet text, addressee.  

Iu. Vorobei Linguapragmatic specific of Internet communication 

M. Vozna Pragmatic Adaptation in Translation of Ideologically-Loaded Lexicalized Concepts

Abstract: This article considers certain issues relating to pragmatic adaptation of apparent lexical and semantic equivalence in order to ameliorate the “foreign  accent” in the target text  when translating a particular group of lexicalized concepts, specifically those related to ideology and politics. The article looks at the task of a translator in tackling the issues of cultural determinism. 

Keywords: ideologeme, lexicalized concept, cultural determinism, pragmatic meaning, pragmatic adaptation, target text  

M. Vozna Pragmatic Adaptation in Translation of Ideologically-Loaded  Lexicalized Concepts