Science and Education a New Dimension

Online version ISSN 2308-1996

Printed version ISSN 2308-5258

Science and Education a New Dimension

Iss. 61. 2015.

M. Yevtukh, E. Luzik System modeling criteria of the optimization process of professional training of future psychologists at higher educational institutions

Abstract. The article is devoted  to the problem  of  the  optimization  process  of  training  future  psychologists at higher  educational institutions by means of system modelling criteria of the educational process: didactic invariant elements of learning activities. The article is  devoted to  the  problem  of  the  optimization  process  of  training  future  psychologists  at  higher educational  institutions  by means of applying formulated criteria of system modelling of the educational process, that is didactic invariant elements of learning activities. The solution of this problem is due to a change of higher professional education system paradigm in Ukraine, which, being defined  as  a transition  from  a  process approach  for  specialists’  professional  training  organization  to  a resultative (effective)  one, promoted  the  formation  of  a  new  vision  of  educational  results,  considered  as  the  basis  of  this  training.  Hence,  the  conditions associated with the optimization of the elements of the psychologists’ didactic training at higher educational institutions and quality criteria of this training are considered as dominant. 

Keywords: system modelling, competence approach, didactic invariants, optimization of professional training 

M. Yevtukh, E. Luzik, System modeling criteria of the optimization process of professional training   of future psychologists at higher educational institutions 

O. V. Datsko Regional Context of Implementation the Institutional Evaluation Programme of European University Association

Abstract. This article grounds the importance of studying the experience of European University Association (EUA) in the process of ensuring the quality of higher education. Natural connection between the modernization of higher education and internal quality culture evaluation of higher education institutions is explained. The peculiarities of implementation the Institutional evaluation pro- gramme (IEP) of European University Association on the basis of comparative characteristics of the results of quality evaluation of the University El Bosque (Colombia) and Ternopil national economic University (Ukraine) in the context of such aspects as govern- ance and management, teaching, research, internationalization, funding and quality culture are described. 

Keywords:  Institutional  Evaluation  Programme,  European  University  Association,  strategic  management,  internal  quality  culture, internationalisation, quality assurance 

O. V. Datsko Regional Context of Implementation the Institutional Evaluation Programme  of European University Association 

O. Yu. Galchenko Experimental verification of the effectiveness of training methods for future tourism managers of professionally oriented English-language writing in colleges

Keywords: experimental research, professionally oriented writing, college

O. Yu. Galchenko Experimental verification of the effectiveness of training methods for future tourism managers of professionally oriented English-language writing in colleges

I.A. Harnyk The Genesis of the content of early education in the UK (the historical aspect)

Abstract. The article is devoted to the investigation of forming the system of early education in the UK in historical aspect. It discusses the  historical background  of  the  emergence,  implementation,  and  reformation  of  the  British  curriculum  in  early  childhood education. The research examines the changes in the content and approaches to training and education of children in early years. It analyzes the main areas of study and guidance curriculum in the UK. The work highlights the contents of each of the main areas of study, final government approved programmes for early childhood development.  

Keywords: early education, curriculum, areas of study, United Kingdom 

I.A. Harnyk The Genesis of the content of early education in the UK (the historical aspect)

O.E. Gordiychuk The interdisciplinary approach as an essential condition of the inclusive activities

Abstract. The article is devoted to the modern educational philosophy – inclusion. The author of the publication and justified by the essence of the need to implement an interdisciplinary approach as an essential condition of the inclusive activities. Analyzed various approaches and interdisciplinary problems highlighted the author’s vision directions of realization of the interdisciplinary approach in an inclusive activity. 

Keywords: action, activity, educational activities, an inclusive activity, interdisciplinary, interdisciplinary approach 

O.E. Gordiychuk The interdisciplinary approach as an essential condition of the inclusive activities 

D.V. Efimov, S.I. Tatarinov Primary school teachers’ of Yekaterinoslavskaya Guberniya unknown pages during their professional training at the begin- ning of the twentieth century

Abstract.  For the  first  authors  of  the  article reveal the  way  and  methods  how  teachers  organized  summer  courses  in  Yekaterinoslavskaya Guberniya. Role of the famous educationalists such as V.P. Vakhterov, S.I. Shokhor-Trotsky as well as the role of Zemstvo in organizing courses are presented in the article. Two-year courses were created in order to prepare teachers of German Mennonite schools by Zemstvo Yekaterinoslav in 1894. These courses included classes of painting, drawing and modeling for workers crafts. 

Keywords: courses, Zemstvo council, teacher, financing, lectures 

D.V. Efimov, S.I. Tatarinov Primary school teachers’ of Yekaterinoslavskaya Guberniya unknown pages during their professional training at the begin- ning of the twentieth century 

I.V. Zhitaryuk, R.S. Kolisnyk, N.M. Shevchuk Methodical features of realization of intersubject connections on the lessons of mathematics in modern general educational establishment

Abstract. Questions that touch realization of intersubject connections on the lessons of mathematics in modern general educational establishments are in-process investigated. In particular attention is accented on that intersubject connections assist forming of the applied abilities and skills, to more strong capture by students by educational material, to forming of proof motivation to the study of mathematics in modern general educational establishments taking into account their level and profile differentiation and on applica- tion of mathematics for the decision of concrete practical tasks. 

Keywords: mathematics, intersubject copulas, motivation, skills, level and profile differentiation, ability 

I.V. Zhitaryuk, R.S. Kolisnyk, N.M. Shevchuk Methodical features of realization of intersubject connections on the lessons of mathematics in modern general educational establishment 

O.M. Kovalenko Individualization in the process of foreign language learning in the universities of Great Britain (theoretical aspects)

Abstract. The present article deals with the concept of pedagogy of individualized foreign language teaching in the universities of Great Britain and organizational means of the relevant teaching process, summarizes modern views of scientists concerning individualization concept, determines features of individualized ways of foreign language teaching, specifies development highlights of individualized teaching theory. 

Keywords: Individualization, foreign languages, universities of Great Britain, autonomy, education 

O.M. Kovalenko Individualization in the process of foreign language learning in the universities of Great Britain (theoretical aspects) 

I.V. Moldovan Application of multimedia presentation for development skills to encode (decode) of the geometry content in students of 8-9 grades

Abstract. Methodical recommendations for the organization of one of the symbolic activity types such as encoding (decoding) at the lessons of geometry are suggested in the article. The types of exercises which assist the formation of the encoding (decoding) skills are emphasized. In the article proved that exercises is necessary to give for students using multimedia presentations. The multimedia maintenance for such topics as “Solving right triangles”, “The areas of polygons”, “Vector coordinates” is created and elaborated; the fragments of these topics are demonstrated. 

Keywords: symbolic activity, sign-symbolic means, encoding (decoding), multimedia presentation, teaching of geometry 

I.V. Moldovan Application of multimedia presentation for development skills to encode (decode) of the geometry content in students of 8-9 grades 

T.O. Pakhomova Analysis of fictional texts in the system of professional foreign-language competence development of students-philologists on the advanced level

Abstract. The article is devoted to the problem of using fictional texts in the process of teaching foreign language to masters. The approaches to possible lingvodidactic ways of solving the problem are observed. The relation between the level of professional linguistic competence and the procedural organization of the study of fictional texts is revealed. Major characteristics of professional linguistic competence of philologists as an integrative ability are defined.  

Keywords: professional competence, integrativity, philological education of masters, linguistic education 

T.O. Pakhomova Analysis of fictional texts in the system of professional foreign-language competence development of students-philologists on the advanced level 

N.L. Sydorchuk Formation of reflexive culture of future engineers in the theory and practice of pedagogy

Abstract. The purpose of research is substantiating theoretical foundations of reflexive culture of future engineers in the theory and practice of pedagogy. Traditional teaching methods were used. Results and conclusions show that the relationship of reflexive components promotes reflexive culture of future specialists of building profile. The effectiveness of student’s professional culture largely depends on the formation of his reflexive culture.

Keywords: reflexive culture; reflexion; a civil engineer; professional training 

N.L. Sydorchuk Formation of reflexive culture of future engineers in the theory and practice of pedagogy

N. V. Shulga Initial processing of statistical data and estimation of distribution parameters tools OpenOffice Calc

Abstract. Methodological features of the application package OpenOffice applications in learning stochastics students of economic faculties  of  universities  are  revealed  in the  article.  The  ability  to  use  embedded  functions  of  Calc  application  examined:  primary processing  of  statistics  (determination  of  sample  size,  its  largest  and  smallest  values,  frequency  variant,  calculation  of  numerical characteristics of the sample), statistical and interval estimation of distribution parameters, and construction of the polygon and the histogram distribution. 

Keywords:  Stochastics  teaching,  computer  technology  in  education,  application  program  package  OpenOffice,  statistical  data analysis, statistical theory estimates, training economists 

N. V. Shulga Initial processing of statistical data and estimation of distribution parameters tools OpenOffice Calc 

Yu. O. Gonchar The specifics of emotional reactions of children with psychophysical disabilities and their correction

Annotation. The difficulties of emotional regulation is a common factor of emotional and behavioral problems of children with psychophysical disabilities. The approach to its study and implementation should be presented as an integrated model, built on the basis of an adequate system of psychocorrectional programs. In this study we identificated the predominant emotional range of children with  autism  spectrum  disorders, retardations  of  mental  development,  cerebral palsy,  as  well  as  of  children  without  any  pathol ogy before- and after taking the course of dolphin assisted therapy. 

Keywords: emotional range, psychophysical disabilities, emotional reactions, children, correction, emotional regulation 

Yu. O. Gonchar The specifics of emotional reactions of children with psychophysical  disabilities and their correction 

M. Ruzhytska Relationship between time perspective and sense of coherence in subjects of doing

Abstract. The paper describes the study of relationship between Time Perspective (TP) and Sense of Coherence (SOC) in individuals as subjects of doing. Features of representation of Balanced Time Perspective (BTP) in individuals with different major activities were delineated. Bilateral connections-relations between time perspectives and of Sense of Coherence components were found.  

Keywords: Time Perspective, Balanced Time Perspective, Sense of Coherence, subject of doing 

M. Ruzhytska Relationship between time perspective and sense  of coherence in subjects of doing 

E. Y. Aliyevа The formation and development of the students ability to self-life choices

Abstract: The problem of the ability of students to independent life choices and ways of its successful formation: examines the social and psychological factors of formation of independent behavior of young people, study the structural components of the capacity for independent life choices. Analyzes the results of ascertaining and forming experiments on this issue, the substance of proposed System optimization ability of students to independent life choices and have its effectiveness. 

Keywords: the ability of students to independent life choices, structural components ability to self-life choices, social and psychological factors of formation of independent behavior, optimize system capacity of students for independent life choices 

E. Y. Aliyevа The formation and development of the students ability to self-life choices 

I.V. Brynza Readiness for changes, as psychological resource of personality in reaching the well-being

Abstract: In this article presented results of an empirical research, which directed on researching phenomenon of the readiness for changes and the reaching psychological well – being. This work is based on resource approach, which explains the specifics of personal  readiness  for  change  among  people  with  different  expressions  of  psychological  well-being.  Identified  statistical  regularities point to psychological features in the manifestation of the studied properties, namely a sense of psychological well-being or ill-being of respondents is reflected in the resources (components), presenting the personal readiness to change. 

Keywords: personality, readiness, personal readiness to change, resources, psychological well-being  

I.V. Brynza Readiness for changes, as psychological resource of personality in reaching the well-being 

M.V. Kovaleva Types of temporal orientations of the individual

Abstract. A classification of personal temporal orientation types is proposed: transpective, perspective, and retrospective. The mechanism of formation of temporal decentration is shown, depending on the individual predisposition of a personality to one or another temporal orientation. The psychological portraits of an average subject with a designated class of temporal orientation were built.  

Keywords: time, temporal orientation, decentration, personality types, psychological present 

M.V. Kovaleva Types of temporal orientations of the individual 

S.A. Kolot Emotional work and psychological readiness of staff

Abstract. The article considers the features of the psychological readiness of personnel to perform emotional work from the standpoint of emotional management of the organizations. It is shown that the basis of emotional management is the ability  of the management and staff of the organization to manage emotions – their own and other people. Emotional management helps to optimize well-being, interper- sonal communication and the performance of each individual employee and the team as a whole, strengthens the motivational component of psychological readiness and engenders commitment to organizational principles to achieve specific organizational goals. Generaliza- tion of requirements to emotional management has allowed to distinguish such areas for the development of psychological readiness of personnel  to  perform  emotional  labor,  as  development  of  emotional  intelligence  and  implementation  of  a  transformational  leadership style. Emotional intelligence and transformational leadership, being integral components of emotional management, can have a significant impact on the formation of psychological readiness work and its functioning. 

Keywords: emotional work, emotional management, psychological readiness, emotional intelligence, transformational leadership 

S.A. Kolot Emotional work and psychological readiness of staff 

O.I. Kononenko Psychological predictors of perfectionist settings of personality

Abstract. The article focused on the determination of psychological predictors as individual personal characteristics of a particular person and his actions, which will specify semantically and fill perfectionism as a global personality construct. Based on the analysis of scientific publications  the  main  predictors  of  psychological  makeovers  include:  features  of  self-attitude  or  meaning  of  I;  varying  degrees  of  self- actualization combined with the level of anxiety, dignity; life aspirations, features of self-determination, features of self-identity; ideals of personality; achievement motivation; overstated the level of claims; oversituated (nonadaptative) activity. 

Keywords: personality predictor, perfectionism, perfectionist settings 

O.I. Kononenko Psychological predictors of perfectionist settings of personality

N.V. Kryvtsova The manifestations of the properties of the individual researcher in crisis

Abstract. The paper analyzes the results of empirical research aimed at studying the psychological characteristics of the individual types of research with different susceptibility to feelings of psychological crisis. The study used postnonclassical approach, explaining the specifics in the manifestation of personality traits research type with different susceptibility to crisis. Revealed psychological patterns in the manifestation of the need for self-actualization and innovative potential of the individual respondents with different sensitivity to the crisis. 

Keywords: psychological crisis, research the type of person, the need for self-actualization, the innovative potential of the individual

N.V. Kryvtsova The manifestations of the properties of the individual researcher in crisis 

N. Nezhdanova Analysis of motivation as a component of professionally important qualities of a future specialist

Abstract. The article analyzes the motivational aspect as a component of professionally important qualities of a future specialist. As a result of the research that was conducted on the basis of theoretical understanding of a number of scientific works, the author provides a definition of “professionally important qualities of a future specialist”, defines the structure of professionally important qualities of a future specialist, and on the basis of empirical research shows that motivation is a major aspect of the system of professionally important qualities and of the formation of professionalization of future specialists. 

Keywords: professionally important qualities, a future specialist, the structure of professionally important qualities of  a future specialist, motivation

N. Nezhdanova Analysis of motivation as a component of professionally important qualities of a future specialist 

S.A. Prahova The study of frustration of primary school students by the method of longitudinal analysis

Abstract. The article presents the results of longtudinal research of the frustration phenomenon among primary school students. It is showed the dynamic of changes of types and directions of reactions of primary school students in frustration situation for three years. It is confirmed the idea of the relative stability of reactions to frustration within the specified age category. It is reported the change in the dynamics of the responses of students for M-reactions (in direction) and ED-reactions – in the type closer to the third year of longitude. 

Keywords: the phenomenon of frustration, frustration theory, determinants, frustration situation, frustration reaction, longitudinal study 

S.A. Prahova The study of frustration of primary school students by the method of longitudinal analysis