Science and Education a New Dimension

Online version ISSN 2308-1996

Printed version ISSN 2308-5258

Science and Education a New Dimension

Iss. 266. 2022.

K. Andriishyna Individual, institutional, and collective authorization in the journal articles of The Economist and Time 

Abstract: Media authorization, reflecting a degree of author representation, his statements or assessments while constructing reality in the media is differentiated in accordance with the number of authors involved in text creation. This paper reveals that media authorization is represented in the English news journals by three basic kinds: individual, introduced by a certain author; collective, reflected by a group cooperating authors; institutional in case there is no author indication. 

Keywords: English media discourse, media authorization, individual authorization, institutional authorization, collective authorization.  

K. Andriishyna Individual, institutional, and collective authorization in the journal articles of The Economist and Time 

N. O. Bondarieva Reception of Shevchenko's poem "The Servant-girl" in life criticism 

Abstract.  The  main  regularities  in  the  perception  of  Shevchenko’s  poem  “The  Servant-girl”  in  life  criticism  are  considered. Almost all critics noted the unusual simplicity, slender architectonics of the poem, and the content of the work, unanimously, strikes the reader as deeply as possible due to the lack of visible effects. Most critics have to some extent paid tribute to the comparison of the  poem  with  folklore,  seeing  it  as  a  kind  of  continuation.  Others,  on the other hand,  noted that “The  Servant-girl”  significantly surpasses folk art in its attention to the inner world of man. 

Keywords: review, response, literary criticism, discussion, reception. 

N. O. Bondarieva Reception of Shevchenko’s poem “The Servant-girl” in life criticism 

T. Ye. Bublyk Actualization of the stylistic figure of simile in meditative parables by Anthony de Mello 

Abstract. The article analyzes simile as one of the main means of structural and semantic organization of meditative parables that implements  the  pragmatic  component  of  the  works  in  question.  Meditative  simile  constructions  are  characterized  by  a  three- componential structure that consists of the basis of a simile, a simile conjunction like (sometimes as) and a notion on which the comparison  is  based.  Semantic  analysis  of  simile  agents  in  meditative  parables  simile  constructions  helped  us  to  point  out  anthropo- morphic,  naturemorphic,  zoomorphic  simile  constructions  and  those  where  the  simile  agent  is  expressed  by  an object,  an  abstract notion or an action. 


Keywords: meditative parable, simile, pragmatic loading, anthropomorphic simile, naturemorphic simile, zoomorphic simile.  

T. Ye. Bublyk Actualization of the stylistic figure of simile in meditative parables by Anthony de Mello 

V. O. Honhalo Corpus of American Commencement Speeches (CACS) in the Context of Cognitive Linguistics: Text Selection Criteria and Compilation Stages 

Abstract. The article examines the process and criteria for selecting authentic linguistic texts with the help of online YouTube video sharing platform, processing and compilation of texts into an electronic specialized corpus  – Corpus of American Commencement Speeches 2000-2021 (CACS). The research is conducted in the field of Cognitive Linguistics and Conceptology, namely in the study of American picture of the world, the phenomenon of commencement speeches, as well as the verbalization of American concept of SUCCESS. The CACS was created with a purpose of profound qualitative research of the structure of the concept of SUCCESS in the modern American culture on the basis of the transcribed American commencement speeches of 2000-2021.  

Keywords: cognitive linguistics, corpus linguistics, conceptology, qualitative methods, concept of SUCCESS, American picture of the world, commencement speech, graduation speech, YouTube, AntConc. 

V. O. Honhalo Corpus of American Commencement Speeches (CACS) in the Context of Cognitive Linguistics:  Text Selection Criteria and Compilation Stages 

S. V. Kabanova Shakespeare`s Tragedy ‘Romeo and Juliet’ in various translations 

Abstract. The article analyzes two translations of Shakespeare`s “Romeo and Juliet” made by I. Steshenko and Y. Andruhovych and their reproduction of image of the young love. The focus is on Shakespeare`s style and its representation in the translations. It discusses the translation strategies used by each translator.  

Keywords: translation, language, Shakespeare, style, method. 

S. V. Kabanova Shakespeare`s Tragedy ‘Romeo and Juliet’ in various translations

I. G. Lepetiuk , I. V. Sytdykova, T. V. Burmistenko Theory of utterance as a unit of speech through the works of M. Bakhtin 

Abstract. The article presents a synthesis of the concept of utterance as a unit of speech, presented in the works of M. Bakhtin. It analyzes the integral character of the utterance, the important role of the recipient, the role of the context in the production of the utterance and the actualization of its meaning, and studies of the dialogical nature of the utterance. The presented material provides tools for discourse studies and for developing of effective communication strategies. 

Keywords: utterance, speech unit, the recipient, communication context, dialogism, communication strategies. 

I. G. Lepetiuk , I. V. Sytdykova, T. V. Burmistenko Theory of utterance as a unit of speech through the works of M. Bakhtin

I. Tryshchenko Complicated Occasional Nomination in Vocative Position 

Abstract. The paper is devoted to the study of actualization of complicated occasional nomination in the vocative position. The emotive and  evaluative  vocatives  formed  are  treated  as  components  of  expressive  means  system  of  literary  text. Types  of  communicative situations  typical  for  the  actualization  of  the  above-mentioned  nomination  are  discussed  in  the  paper. The  variants  of  correlation between adherent and inherent connotations are also characterized. Besides that, text markers signalling the contradiction between the signs of adherent and inherent connotations are analysed. The usage of the discussed emotive and evaluative vocatives contributes to characterization, enlivens the narrative, and makes the world crated by the author more realistic. 

Keywords:  complicated  occasional  nomination,  emotive  and  evaluative  vocatives,  inherent  connotation,  adherent  connotation, context. 

I. Tryshchenko Complicated Occasional Nomination in Vocative Position