Science and Education a New Dimension

Online version ISSN 2308-1996

Printed version ISSN 2308-5258

Science and Education a New Dimension

Iss. 264. 2022.

A. O. Chebotarova Functional and communicative peculiarities of the prosodic component in the English fairy tale discourse 

Abstract. The article examines the functional and communicative peculiarities of the usage of the prosodic components and its interaction with the verbal components of communication based on the material of the English fairy tale discourse. It discusses the influence of prosodic means on the achievement of communicative intentions while implementation of cooperative / confrontational strategies and communication tactics by fairy tale communicants. It was found that the intonation spectrum and modulation of the voice, which depend on such parameters as age asymmetry and gender of speakers, are crucial for the formation and expression of commu- nicative intention of speakers.


Keywords: verbal component of communication, fairy-tale discourse, communication, cooperative/confrontational strategy, prosodic component. 

A. O. Chebotarova Functional and communicative peculiarities of the prosodic component in the English fairy tale discourse

T. V. Davydova, V. O. Bondarenko Anti-concept. Opposition. Antonym. Linguistic Overview 

Abstract. The article gives a brief overview of the three basic terms of the present-days linguistics – anti-concept – opposition – anto- nym – which have become disputative within the recent decades of scientific research. Taking into account the logical, philosophical and cultural background the authors offer the new look at the problem of their differentiation. Thus, antonyms are traditionally viewed as the same parts of speech always based on rigid logical opposition, while anti-concepts are considered to also include the logical opposition, as well as to be formed as a result of unusual, illogical, avant-garde, unconventional opposition arising in the context.  

Keywords: antinomies, opposition(s), conceptual oppositions, oppositional concepts, conceptual dichotomies, binary concepts, binary oppositions.  

T. V. Davydova, V. O. Bondarenko Anti-concept. Opposition. Antonym. Linguistic Overview 

G. V. Dyshleva Cognitive characteristics of phraseological units with anthroponymic component (the concept of "man in the world") 

Abstract. The article is devoted to the study of the cognitive characteristics of phraseological units, which form the concept of “Man in the world” as part of the lexical system of the Ukrainian language. The defining factors of phraseological units with this anthroponymic  component,  which  determines  the  specifics  of  their  functioning,  are  substantiated,  the  division  into  semantic  subgroups  is made, the most important characteristics of these phraseological units are singled out, as part of phraseology, studied the positive and negative connotations that contribute to the image of man in the world. The task of establishing systemic connections within a select- ed array of units is  important for the multifaceted study of the phraseological units of the concept of “Man in the World”. The selection of material by semantic subgroups are allowed to show the richness and diversity of this powerful phraseological layer in the Ukrainian language and to reveal the greatest representation in a particular concept of the analyzed units. 

Keywords: phraseological units with anthroponymic component, axiological characteristics, human mental properties, polysemy of phraseological units, positive and negative connotations. 

G. V. Dyshleva Cognitive characteristics of phraseological units with anthroponymic component (the concept of “man in the world”)

Varduhi A. Ghukasyan The aspect of diplomatic discourse in linguistics 

Abstract.  This article discusses the concept of diplomatic discourse research. The linguistic studies of the diplomatic discourse are aimed at the study of the language of diplomacy as a sociolinguistic phenomenon, as well as at discovering its peculiarities. Diplomacy, as a world-wide field of interstate communication, is characterized by a set of unique norms. Diplomatic discourse has individual semantic-symbolic characteristics, due to which it differs from other types of discourse. 

Keywords: discourse: diplomatic discourse; public diplomacy; communicative approach; institutional. 

Varduhi A. Ghukasyan The aspect of diplomatic discourse in linguistics

A. Hovhannisyan Numerical idioms in English and Armenian 

Abtract. The article presents a contrastive study of Armenian idiomatic expressions constituting numerals. The research mainly reports research findings from linguocultural and translation perspective. The findings suggest that English idioms with numbers are translated into mother tongue according to three main categories of equivalence: full equivalence, partial equivalence and non-equivalence. And in terms of equivalence is dominant partial equivalence. 


Keywords: contrastive study, idiomatic expression, full equivalence, partial equivalence and non- equivalence.  

A. Hovhannisyan Numerical idioms in English and Armenian 

N. V. Huryna English communicative strategy of evasion and mitigation: intonation aspect 

Abstract. The article highlights the necessity of including sociolinguistic knowledge with national and cultural specifics in the professionally-oriented training of future teachers to use English intonation in speech. The study contains the overview of linguistic and speech means of the English-language communicative strategy of evasion and mitigation in the framework of pragmalinguistics and foreign languages teaching methodology. A set of relevant intoneme-markers is analysed within the two main tactics of the strategy: evasion of responsibility and mitigation by questions, which reflect the national tendency of the British to convey conflict-free governed communication. 


Keywords: Intonation, intoneme, communicative strategy, cross-cultural communication. 

N. V. Huryna English communicative strategy of evasion and mitigation: intonation aspect

L. V. Knyshevytska Using narratives of personal experience in L2 oral language proficiency testing

 Abstract. Out of countless genres of oral narratives, narratives of personal experience are perhaps the most universal, common and convenient way of relating past events and memories. It is also the most fruitful source for the study of narrative discourse due to personal involvement of a narrator. Considering universality of story-telling, the use of a narrative of personal experience to assess oral language proficiency of L2 learners seems a very effective approach. The present study investigates discourse organization of L2 interviewees’ responses to one particular question in an English oral language proficiency test (Video Oral Communication Instru- ment or VOCI) that is consrtucted in a form of an semi-direct video conference with the English language learners. The participants of  the  study  are  twenty-five  EFL  university  students  enrolled  into  English  language  classes  in  Ukraine  that  are  divided  into  two groups according to their levels of L2 proficiency. The hypothesis of the study is that there is a positive linear correlation between a level of proficiency and a preference for either a strategy of a narration or a narrative. However, the results of the study, showed non- linear correlation in both proficiency groups (intermediate and advanced/ superior) between the language proficiency and a choice of a narrative or narration strategies. Both strategies were chosen by the candidates as the optimal strategies for their level of oral lan- guage proficiency. Apparently, it is easier to tell a sory due to its universality than to describe in L2. The lower level testees use this knowledge as a compensation strategy, the higher ones as an efficiency strategy. The study has important implications for the meth- odology of L2 teaching and testing. Thus, such a non-linear correlation between the level of proficiency of the testee and his/her pragmatic and linguistic competence in a second language to frame the answers as speech acts, might suggest second language in- structors to teach their students speech act theory and a theory of a narrative structure (Abstract, Orientation, Complicating Action, Evaluation, Coda) in L2 classes that will be helpful for the students during their language learning and testing.  


Keywords: Narrative, narration, speech act, story-telling, narratives of personal experience, discourse analysis, L2 oral testing, VOCI, oral language proficiency, oral language testing, interview, speech act theory, a theory of a narrative structure. 

 L. V. Knyshevytska Using narratives of personal experience in L2 oral language proficiency testing 

N. O. Liubarets, A. O. Drannikov Shakespeare’s The Tempest in W.H. Auden’s Modernist Discourse of Loneliness 

Abstract. The article analyses the interpretation of a Shakespearean text in the modernist discourse of loneliness. The research focuses on functioning and transformations of the loneliness discourse in the dramatic poem The Sea and the Mirror, W.H. Auden’s reception of Shakespeare’s The Tempest. The loneliness discourse is analysed within the three main conceptual paradigms as loneliness and power, loneliness and laughter, loneliness and love. The integrated methodology allows identifying, within each of the distinguished paradigms, modifications of the dominant motifs, topics and images of The Tempest in the modernist poem.  

Keywords: Shakespeare, The Tempest, Auden, The Sea and the Mirror, loneliness discourse. 

N. O. Liubarets, A. O. Drannikov Shakespeare’s The Tempest in W.H. Auden’s Modernist Discourse of Loneliness

T. H. Lukianets Linguistics of sports media discourse: metaphors that produce sense of belonging 

Abstract. The article is devoted to the study of conceptual metaphor SPORT is UNITY OF PEOPLE that contributes to creating the sense of belonging among target audience of sports analytical articles. As far as author’s position is likely to be emotional, the text of sports articles tends to be very metaphorical, containing reference to UNITY concept that in its turn evokes feeling of belonging. The latter one has been analysed as a triad of interconnected components: companionship, affiliation, and connectedness, that generate attachment on interpersonal, community and social levels accordingly. 


Keywords: conceptual metaphor, companionship, affiliation, connectedness.  

T. H. Lukianets Linguistics of sports media discourse: metaphors that produce sense of belonging  

H. H. Lukianets Credibility effect in online news: media-rhetoric perspective (based on color terms use) 

Abstract. The article deals with creating credibility effect in  online  news by means of using basic color terms when appealing to believability, expertise and reputation. First, historical changes of rhetoric aim are identified and the correlation between persuasiveness and credibility is established. Second, the topics of invention, namely definition, division, relationship, circumstance and testimony, are studied from the perspective of creating effect of credibility.  

Keywords: basic color terms, credibility effect, topics of invention, persuasiveness, appeal to believability.  

H. H. Lukianets Credibility effect in online news: media-rhetoric perspective (based on color terms use) 

B. O. Pliushch Apropos of Language Varieties and Multilingualism in Audiovisual Translation 

Abstract. The article considers some of the main factors of dealing with multilingualism and language variation in AVT. It analyses several American hit TV series and their dubbed versions in Ukrainian and Russian from the standpoint of L3 segments translation challenge / opportunity.  

Keywords: translation, audiovisual translation, multilingualism, dubbing, characterization, TV show.  

B. O. Pliushch Apropos of Language Varieties and Multilingualism in Audiovisual Translation 

N. Sargsyan Metaphor Translation in Literary Works through the Prism of Cognitive Linguistics 

Abstract. A number of theories from the fileds of linguistics, literature, text interpretation and translation have been dedicated to the study of metaphor as both a  unique linguistic expressive element and a phenomenon reflecting person’s imaginitive thinking. The complex structure and essence of metaphor has been studied not only in the domain of linguistics, but also in the fields of psychological, philosophical, cognitive and many other sciences. In the present article we have sought to define the nature and significance of metaphor in human mentality and language. We have also discussed and analyzed the peculiarities, methods and means of the realization of metaphor translation in target language. Metaphor translation supposes a complex mental activity carried out by a translator and the outcome of this activity is to transfer in the most detailed way both conceptual-cognitive specificities and reader-directed artistic impact of the original metaphor to the resultant metaphor of the target language. The present article emphasizes the importance of consideration of cognitive linguistic theories relating to the investigation of the essence and translation of metaphor. 


Keywords: metaphor, translation, cognitive linguistics, concept, conceptual system, imaginitive thinking, source language, target language, text interpretation.  

N. Sargsyan Metaphor Translation in Literary Works through the Prism of Cognitive Linguistics

N. V. Skybytska Metaphor as a means of new lexemes’ formation within the semantic field of COVID-19 

Abstract. The COVID-19 pandemic has not only changed the way and steady pace of our lives, it has also caused a rapid surge in the development  of  the  vocabulary  of  the  world’s  languages.  Thus, units of  the  primary  and, primarily, of  the  second  nomination  are actualized to fill in new lexical gaps to ensure successful communication. Simple nomination, conducted by means of word-formation, prevails in Modern English with affixation, telescopy, shortening and composition occupying the leading roles. At the same time, more and more data from various studies indicate that the most productive types of vocabulary development include metaphoric and metonymic transfers, so in this particular regard the analysis of metaphor and semantic derivatives have been of great interest to our inves- tigation. The lexical field of COVID-19 was exposed to a great amount of neologisms that are the products of the semantic progression. Semantic derivation is manifested in metaphorization of terms of other branches of knowledge and commonly used words, replenishment of a number of internationalisms with terms that regulate our social life (sanitizer, lockdown). The results of the study also indicate a  certain  determinologization of vocabulary  and  processes  of  migration  of  lexical units  between different  functional  styles  of  one language. 


Keywords: metaphor, secondary nomination, terminologization, determinologization, neologism.  

N. V. Skybytska Metaphor as a means of new lexemes’ formation within the semantic field of COVID-19 

M. P. Tsvyd, G. Y. Spotar-Ayar Conceptual components of terminological concepts for disability denotation in modern Turkish 

Abstract. The scientific research is devoted to the study of the conceptual components of terminological concepts for disability denotation in modern Turkish. The paper investigates the specifics of terms for the designation of people with disabilities, their semantic component and the connotation they function with in different discourses and are used with in different communicative situations. It analyses the process of the influence of the negative connotation of the terminological concept on the change of the terminological apparatus and the creation of a new substitute term, which has no negative meaning. Additionally, it outlines the problems of terminological disorganization and finding the equivalent in the translation of lexemes for the designation of people with disabilities. 


Keywords: term, disability, person with a disability, terminological concept, Turkish language. 

M. P. Tsvyd, G. Y. Spotar-Ayar Conceptual components of terminological concepts for disability denotation in modern Turkish