Science and Education a New Dimension

Online version ISSN 2308-1996

Printed version ISSN 2308-5258

Science and Education a New Dimension

Iss. 260. 2021.

Shen Binbin Describing verbalization of the category of politeness in Russian and English: a lexicographic approach

Abstract. The article deals with the lexicographic analysis of the describing verbalization of the category of politeness in the Russian and English languages. The analysis of the semantic content of the main verbalizers of the studied category, a comparison of its linguistic implementation in Russian and English is carried out. The modern concept of politeness and the etymology of this word are presented. On the example of fragments of thesauri of the studied linguistic units of the English language, the systemic relations of lexemes and the functioning of a developed system of their internal and external relations are demonstrated. 

Keywords: polite, verbalization, sign, semantics, thesaurus, etymology. 

Shen Binbin Describing verbalization of the category of politeness in Russian and English: a lexicographic approach

N. O. Bondarieva Lifetime controversy over Taras Shevchenko's theatrical review: between denial and perception 

Abstract.  The  controversy,  which  is  a  local  but  an  important  episode  in  the  lifelong  reception  of  Shevchenko’s  work,  including critical  one, over his  single theatrical  response  is  considered.  One  of  the  opponents  failed  to understand  the insight  of the  critic’s unpretentious  reasoning  about  the  acting  of  Yekaterina  Piunova  and  others.  Instead,  another  contemporary,  the  one  of  the  true connoisseurs of the theater, paid a tribute to him, acknowledging the correctness of his assessments. 

Keywords: discussion, theatrical criticism, acting, attribution, hint.   

N. O. Bondarieva Lifetime controversy over Taras Shevchenko’s theatrical review: between denial and perception

О. V. Chuyeshkova The impact of civil society on the Ukrainian language legislation 

Abstract. The article traces the peculiarities of the language policy in Ukraine in recent years. The mechanisms of how civil society structures control the observance of the language legislation are analysed. Both moderate and more radical moves of activists (dissemination of information on the activities of deputies in the field of the language legislation, protests) caused by the emergence of numerous anti-language bills are considered. The article expresses a strong belief that the Ukrainian language policy is likely to be further dependent on public opinion and the activity of non-governmental organisations. 


Keywords: public pressure, civil society, state language, language legislation. 

О. V. Chuyeshkova The impact of civil society on the Ukrainian language legislation

Y. Fedik The role of political caricatures and their specifics in modern English-language media 

Abstract. The article describes the relationship between verbal and nonverbal means, which are components of mass media caricatures.  The  correlation  of  semiotic  communication  systems  in  a  multimodal  text  is  defined  in  the  article.  It  is  established  that  a caricature is a multimodal text, which complements, expanding, and sometimes duplicating its content. Caricatures perform different functions and have a powerful effect on humans. It has been proven that the most common caricatures are political caricatures, as images of politicians are easy to guess and identify. 


Keywords: multimodality, multimodal text, political caricature, coherence. 

Y. Fedik The role of political caricatures and their specifics in modern English-language media

O. M. Furman Architectonics and semantics of components in English-language mass media small medical texts on the subject of COVID-19 

Abstract. The article is devoted to the structural components features analysis of English-language mass media medical texts of small form on COVID-19. The paper describes examples of integration of multiple semiotic resources in the studied materials. The communicative-pragmatic features of displaying infographic components in them are analyzed. A number of multimodal means of prevention semantics representation are outlined, the combination of which contributes to the effective realization of the communicative purpose of the researched texts for their successful decoding by the readers. 


Keywords: infographics, COVID-19, semiotic resources, multimodality, pictograms. 

O. M. Furman  Architectonics and semantics of components in English-language mass media small medical texts on the subject of COVID-19

Y. V. Kapranov, V. O. Gromova English Lexemes crisis, pandemic, stress, adventure, opposition and Ukrainian Lexemes криза, пандемія, стрес, пригода, протистояння as stimulus words in the formation of the terminological field “resilience” / “резилентність”: lexicographic and corpus verification 

Abstract. The article defines the concept of linguistic corpus of texts as a collection of electronic texts, which is characterized by such distinctive features as: representativeness, authenticity, selectivity, balance, machine readability (V. V. Zhukovska); two corpora are described: 1) for English – British National Corps (BNC), which is characterized by a volume of 100 million words, the use of full texts instead of samples of texts, a subcorpus of oral speech (10 million words), the presence of partial language mark-up and access via the Internet; 2) for Ukrainian – General Regionally Annotated Corpus of Ukrainian (GRAC), which is a large representative collection of texts in Ukrainian accompanied by a program that enables customization of subcorpora, searching words, grammatical forms and their combinations as well as post-processing of the query results. The query can be sorted, balanced samples can be extracted and different statistical information collected. A key aspect of any verification is a synonym series, which is defined as a set of words and phrases that are semantically equivalent and used to express the same concept and phenomenon of objective reality. Two methodological procedures were performed: 1) lexicographic verification as a procedure for finding synonymous series in lexicographic sources for English lexemes crisis, pandemic, stress, adventure, opposition, as well as for Ukrainian lexemes криза, пандемія, стрес, пригода, протистояння, which allow to reveal the essence the concept of “resilience” / “резилентність”; 2) corpus verification as a procedure for determining the frequency of English lexemes crisis, pandemic, stress, adventure, opposition, represented in the BNC, and Ukrainian lexemes криза, пандемія, стрес, пригода, протистояння, represented in GRAC. It is concluded that if for English the most frequent were opposition – 8617, crisis – 5643, then for Ukrainian –криза – 65634, пригода – 41882. 


Keywords: linguistic corpus of texts, British National Corpus, General regionally annotated corpus of Ukrainian, lexicographic verification, corpus verification. 

Y. V. Kapranov, V. O. Gromova English Lexemes crisis, pandemic, stress, adventure, opposition and Ukrainian Lexemes криза, пандемія, стрес, пригода, протистояння as stimulus words in the formation of the terminological field “resilience” / “резилентність”: lexicographic and corpus verification

A. T. Knyazyan, Luiza I. Marabyan The gender aspect of political discourse (manifestation of verbal aggression) 

Аbstract. The article is dedicated to the verbal aggression of women and men in political TV debates. Gender traits are expressed in language in the form of language stereotypes that influence the behavior of men and women. Verbal aggression can vary in degree and manner of presentation from expressions of hatred and malignity to verbal abuse. Depending on the gender, there are differences in the use of emotional vocabulary. 


Keywords: gender; aggression; verbal aggression; political discourse; televised debate; communication. 

A. T. Knyazyan, Luiza I. Marabyan The gender aspect of political discourse (manifestation of verbal aggression) 

T. M. Makarova Methodology of the cognitive and pragmatic analysis of Protestant sermon (case study of the sermon “Stormy Weather – COVID-19”) 

Abstract. The articles aims at demonstration the algorithm of the methodology of cognitive and pragmatic potential of Protestant sermon, which incorporates a set of different methods and approaches to the study of sermon as a genre of religious discourse. The suggested methodology of analysis includes the steps of theoretical generalization; text-interpretive and thematic analysis; narratological analysis; lexical, semantic and syntactic analysis; the step of determining the pragmatic potential of Protestant sermon. 


Keywords: Protestant sermon, methodology of analysis, cognitive and pragmatic potential of Protestant sermon. 

T. M. Makarova Methodology  of  the  cognitive  and  pragmatic  analysis  of  Protestant  sermon  (case  study  of  the  sermon  “Stormy  Weather  – COVID-19”) 

L. L. Makaruk Types of the English-Language Multimodal Infographic Texts on COVID-19 

Abstract. This article is focused on the analysis of infographic texts which cover COVID-19 issues. It has been identified that the text under the analysis are multimodal in nature. They consist of verbal and non-verbal means. The distinctive features of these texts have been described. Three types of texts have been distinguished: the texts which include minimum resources; the texts which can be treated as relatively balanced and the texts which are overloaded in terms of information they are based on. As a result, the last group is difficult to comprehend. The analysis has represented that there are some texts which are devoted to one of the aspects of coronavirus disease and the possibilities of its prevention and to the complex of aspects which are aimed to concentrate on as many areas as possible using  the spectrum of available resources.   


Keywords: verbal, nonverbal, multimodal, balanced, infographic.  

L. L. Makaruk Types of the English-Language Multimodal Infographic Texts on COVID-19

K. P. Shkil Metaphor as a model for displaying individual author’s style (on the material of the poetry of A. Fet) 

Abstract. The article provides a definition of the concept of “metaphor”. The research aims to consider the metaphor as a way of displaying the individual author’s style of A. Fet. Analyzed and typologized constructions using metaphors that form the individual author’s style of A. Fet. 


Keywords: trope, stylistic figure, metaphor, individual author’s style. 

K. P. Shkil Metaphor as a model for displaying individual author’s style (on the material of the poetry of A. Fet)

G. Spotar-Ayar The specifics of the formation and redistribution of the conceptual substrate in two-component verb constructions of the modern Turkish language 

Abstract. The article deals with two and poly component verbal structures in modern Turkish Language. One of the most common used way  to  express  Aspect  meanings  in  Turkic languages  are  periphrastic  and  analytic  forms  consisting of  two  verbs,  one  of them  is  the semantic vertex and other is the grammatic vertex. In this research the process of formation of a single conceptual substrate and redistribution of its components is studied, also the establishment of semantic and syntactic connections between verbs in these two-component constructions is analysed. The results of the scientific research give the possibility to say that sequence of the components being a part of integral semantic of construction it’s organization according to the principle of chain sequence plays the most important role in the process of forming the final meaning of the forms expressing aspect. 

Keywords: periphrastic form, analytical form, aspect, conceptual substrate, chain distribution principle. 

G. Spotar-Ayar The specifics of the formation and redistribution of the conceptual substrate in two-component verb constructions of the modern Turkish language

G. O. Stembkovska “Creative Viewing”: the Beat Generation on Screens in the 21st Century 

Abstract: Writers of the Beat Generation, as well as the American counterculture more generally, were to a great extent inspired by ideas of the Frankfurt School and the American New Left. Thus, they rejected mass culture and technology as repressive. However, the most prominent figures of the group have long ago become cultural idols and clichéd popular culture symbols and remain such in the 21st century. In the recent decades, as well as in the 20th century, Beat Generation figures have appeared on screens multiple times portrayed in a variety of genres, in particular adaptations of their key novels (Big Sur (2012), On the Road (2012)), as well as bio- graphic documentaries (William S. Burroughs: A Man Within (2010), Corso: The Last Beat (2012), Ferlinghetti: A Rebirth of Wonder (2013)) and road trip accounts (Words of Advice: William S. Burroughs on the Road (2007), Magic Trip (2011)). This paper, however, is an attempt at analysis of a sample of three recent films about the Beat Generation created in the hybrid modality of fictional inter- pretation of pivotal events in the individuals’ and the group’s lives: The Last Time I Committed Suicide (1997), Howl (2010), and Kill Your Darlings (2013). The analysis is aimed to highlight both the films’ ideological implications, and the authors’ style of creative expression. 

Keywords: the Beat Generation, counterculture, cinematic art, ideological implication, creative experimentation, representation. 

G. O. Stembkovska “Creative Viewing”: the Beat Generation on Screens in the 21st Century 

I. Sytnyk Lingvostatistical analysis of Chinese pedagogical discourse 

Abstract. The present paper aims to define the specifics of quantitative analysis usage in linguistics on the example of the Chinese language. The main typological features of the Chinese language are presented and analyzed. It has been pointed out that Chinese language typological features must be taken into account in lingvostatistical analysis of Chinese pedagogical discourse lexis to ensure the reliability of the obtained statistical data. It is fundamental to note that the result of lingvostatistical analysis is a frequency dictionary. 


Keywords: Chinese language, typological features, lexis, lingvostatistical analysis, frequency dictionary.    

I. Sytnyk Lingvostatistical analysis of Chinese pedagogical discourse

O. O. Zlotnik-Shaginа Local lore text as the main tool in the process of learning Ukrainian as a foreign language 

Abstract.  The  article  is devoted  to  one  of  the  components  of  language  learning,  which occupies  most of  the  learning  in  learning Ukrainian  as  a  foreign  language  –  the  text,  or  rather  teaching  methods  in  which  it  can  be  used,  because  the  primary  form  of knowledge  of  a  non-native  language  is  spoken  language.  The  material  requires  a  deeper  study  of  the  language  in  which  this knowledge is transmitted. The article reveals the functions, communicative intentions, topics and describes the general characteristics of the text in the study of Ukrainian as a foreign language, pays considerable attention to local lore texts and presents a sample of such a text with a set of tasks for it. 


Keywords: Ukrainian as a foreign language, text, country study text, reading, listening, speaking, writing.  

O. O. Zlotnik-Shaginа Local lore text as the main tool in the process of learning Ukrainian as a foreign language