Science and Education a New Dimension

Online version ISSN 2308-1996

Printed version ISSN 2308-5258

Science and Education a New Dimension

Iss. 251. 2021.

I. Boyko The semantics of the suffix morpheme -eur- in the modern French language 

Abstract. The Article is about  the semantics of the suffix morpheme in the modern French language. Based on paradigmatic and synthagmatic relations, the author uses differents methods of the research and analysis of the linguistic phenomenon. The author tries to describe the semantics structure of the suffix morpheme -eur- of the French language. Differents methods of word formation and nature of change on the morphemic boundary are determined in nouns, verbs and adjectives. The author identified invariant values and characterized the value of sem of the suffix -eur. 

Keywords: suffix morpheme, semantics, morphemic boundary, intraword sem, extraword sem, word-forming type.  

I. Boyko The semantics of the suffix morpheme -eur- in the modern French language 

A. Derii Lexical and semantic paradigm of verbs for the designation of movement in space in the works of Panteleimon Kulish 

Abstract. The lexical and semantic paradigm of verbs to denote movement in space are characterized in the article. The lexical and semantic  paradigm  of verbs  to denote  movement  in  space  in  the language  of  Panteleimon  Kulish is  analysed.  It  is noted  that  the group of verbs includes tokens to denote movement in air, land and water, but in the proposed publication, research focuses on verbs that reflect the movement of land, because they have the widest frequency of use. The system of vocabulary of the Ukrainian lan- guage is substantiated on the example of verb synonymy, the specifics of land movement are explained, represented through such semantic  categories  as  “direction  of  movement”,  “way  of  movement”,  “dependence/independence  of  movement”,  which  have  a number  of  components-criteria  situations  of  displacement,  become  the  main  features  in  the  structure  of  the  lexical  and  semantic group of the studied verbs. The process of integration of synonyms into lexical and semantic groups is clarified, the mechanism of modelling of spatial-directing verb semantics is described by means of component analysis. The basis of common text potential of verb synonyms used in the works of Panteleimon Kulish is interpreted. Analysis of the lexical and semantic paradigm of verbs  to denote movement in space, which function in the language of Panteleimon Kulish, showed that the studied units reproduce a variety of  shades  of  land  movement,  represented  through  such  semantic  categories  as  “direction  of  movement”,  “dependence  of  move- ment/independence of the movement”. It is stated that the units reflect certain aspects of real situations of movement and appear in the meaning of dominant features in the structure of the lexical and semantic group of the described verbs. Synonyms in a special way mark the language of works of art. The appearance of such lexical units is due to deep semantic processes that are objectified at the text-forming level. Panteleimon Kulish’s artistic discourse is dominated by common semantic and stylistic synonyms. 

Keywords: lexical-semantic paradigm, verb, movement, displacement, seme, language creation.   

A. Derii Lexical and semantic paradigm of verbs for the designation of movement in space in the works of Panteleimon Kulish 

A. R. Dudok Borrowed prefixal formatives in verbs of modern english 

Abstract. The article is devoted to the study of borrowed prefixal formatives as a process of replenishment verbs in modern English. It  is  revealed  that  in  the  semantic  structure  of  the  analyzed  prefixal  formatives  the  generalized  abstracted  stable  component (invariant)  is  immanently  present,  which  actualizes  the  generalized  feature  in  the  prefixal  verb  and  enables  the  generation  of numerous senses. It is proved that under the influence of interlingual contacts borrowed prefixal formatives as potential derivatives play a key role in replenishing the verbal vocabulary of modern English. With the involvement of authoritative  English  explanatory dictionaries,  the  definitions  of  prefixal  verbs  in  the  plane  of  their  structural-semantic  and  functional  angles  are  analyzed.  It  is concluded that the interlingual correlation of derivational and semantic features of prefixal formative is due to the use of genetically identical prefixes as productive components in the processes of formation and replenishment of prefixal verbs in modern English. 

Keywords: prefixal formatives, interlingual contacts, generalized semantic feature of the prefix, invariant, meanings and senses of the prefix, derivational features. 

A. R. Dudok Borrowed prefixal formatives  in verbs of modern english

Ch. R. Dudok Interlingual influences on the formation of the modern english terminosystem “mobile communication” 

Abstract. The article describes the role of foreign language borrowings in the replenishment and adaptation of modern English mobile terminology.  The  structural-semantic  and  functional  features  are  analyzed,  the  generalized  invariant  value  in  the  paradigm  of  the language system and numerous variable senses in the syntagmatics of the speech system are clarified. The role of language contacts, interlingual  influences  and  assimilation  of  Romance  –  Germanic  borrowings  into  modern  English mobile  terminology  is  highlighted. Ways of penetration the mobile communication borrowed terms into the English language, mainly on the basis of the Norman language superstratum, are found out. It is concluded that the dynamics of borrowings is that they are in motion, change their meaning, become widespread in various fields, enter into lexical and semantic correlations with borrowed autochtonous terms. 

Keywords: mobile terminology, foreign language borrowings, language contacts, invariant meaning and senses, semantic evolution of the term, autochtonous term. 

Ch. R. Dudok Interlingual influences on the formation of the modern english terminosystem “mobile communication”

M. M. Gnatjuk Modern discourse scientific methodology by Oswald Burghardt 

Abstract.  The  article  researches  influence  textology  school  by  Volodymyr  Peretz  and  founded  him  philology  seminar  on  the scientific  practice  of  his  participant  –  poet-neoclassic,  translator,  specialist  in  literature  Oswald  Burghardt,  who  developed  and deeped doctrine by Teacher, offered the new interesting method of approach to study literary phenomenon ХІХ – beg. ХХ century. Modern discurs scientific methodology by  Oswald Burghardt cite as an example the investigation scientist by Lesja Ukraіnka and Heinrich Heine. 

Keywords: scientific methodology, seminar, textology, form and content, text, repression. 

M. M. Gnatjuk Modern discourse scientific methodology by Oswald Burghardt 

D. Karachova, T. Ahibalova Specific features of neologisms’ translation in the field of modern medical prosthetics 

Abstract. This article is devoted to the study of the features of translation of neologisms in the field of modern medical prosthetics. Translation of  neologisms  is  a  complex  area  of  translation activity  and  since  the  emergence  of  new  lexical  units  it  requires  deep analysis and search for variations of its adequate translation. It should be mentioned that, as the study showed, the main feature of the translation of neologisms in this area is the use of a descriptive method, which gives a deeper and clearer understanding of the newly formed term. 

Keywords: neologism, translation, lexical unit, prosthetics, medicine.  

D. Karachova, T. Ahibalova Specific features of neologisms’ translation in the field of modern medical prosthetics 

L. Kopanytsia The structural meaning and pragmatics of «another’s word» in the poem-song of handwritten singers XVIII art 

Abstract. The  article  in  the  context  of  intertextual  ethnocultural  relations  investigates  the  phenomenon  of  subtext  of  poems-songs  of manuscript collections ⅩⅧ art. as one of the main categories of a work of art. It was found that the strategy of creating «new» lyrics and the contextual meaning of the word in the work of art as a multicultural paradigm are mainly implemented by the authors in the field of folk song with an emphasis on cultural communication focused on different tastes, education and public interests. 

Keywords: poem-song, folk song, intertextual connections, subtext, cultural communication. 

L. Kopanytsia The structural meaning and pragmatics of «another’s word» in the poem-song of handwritten singers XVIII art

O. V. Marchun Poetry of cultivation: intentions and functions 

Abstract. The article is devoted to one of the genre varieties of children’s folklore – the poetry of cultivation, namely toys, pacifiers, consolations and sayings. Both children and adults are well aware of these groups of texts, which in life are considered fun, but without them the child will never master the native language, will not be able to express any thoughts, feelings and experiences. The article reveals the functions and communicative intentions of nurturing poetry, which is not just a source of entertainment, but forms the necessary feelings for adult life in young children and is clearly related to the interests, requests and needs of the child. 

Keywords: children’s folklore, poetry of cultivation, entertainment, pacifier, consolation, byword. 

O. V. Marchun Poetry of cultivation: intentions and functions

O. Matviyas, N. Bazyliak, O. O. Cherkhava, V. Budzyn, Y. Pjyryk Frequency of abbreviations in media-texts designed for mass readers 

Abstract. The researh deals with the frequency of acronims and abbreviations using in scientific papers and popular texts on medical issues in mass media. The article analizes some scientific texts published in journals and texts taken from e-resources from 2010 to 2021. The topic of the texts is COVID  which has become one of the most important point for discussion among medical officers, scientists and people all over the world. Based on the obtained results there are some conclusions on the tendencies of abbreviations using in informative texts designed for mass readers.  

Keywords: medical term system, acronyms and abbreviations, mass reader, scientific and popular literature, complex terms  

O. Matviyas, N. Bazyliak, O. O. Cherkhava, V. Budzyn, Y. Pjyryk Frequency of abbreviations in media-texts designed for mass readers

Y. I. Novosad Does gender matter? 

Abstract. This paper is an attempt to raise some relevant topics in the field of gender linguistics, to dwell on some of them and to comprehend the role of gender identity in the process of fiction translation. At the present stage of development of linguistics, it is impossible not to notice the anthropological nature of its research paradigm. Language is no longer viewed objectively as something that simply exists, but as a human world with certain inherent values. The gender approach is the next step in anthropocentric language research. Such studies highlight the features of individuals’ speech behavior, allowing considering human factor in translation more accurately. 

Keywords: gender identity, adaptation, fiction translation, woman-, manhandling. 

Y. I. Novosad Does gender matter? 

B. O. Pliushch The Plexus of Translation and Mythology 

Abstract. The article scrutinizes the rendering of the myths and their elements, such as mythologemes and mythological characters, in translation. The intricacies of interpreting and translating the mythological other encoded in a literary text are showcased by contrastive  translation  analyses  of  works  by  two  prominent  Ukrainian  authors  (Lesya  Ukrainka  and  Taras  Prokhasko),  representing different  epochs  (the  classic  and  the  modern  Ukrainian  literature,  respectively),  and  their  corresponding  (re-)  translations  into  the German and English languages. 

Keywords: translation, myth, mythologeme, retranslation, domestication, adaptive translation.  

B. O. Pliushch The Plexus of Translation and Mythology 

T. V. Pylypchuk, O. A. Liashchenko Non-verbal means of creating the comic effect in the English stand-up comedy 

Abstract. The article is devoted to stand-up as a genre of comic discourse. It considers the notion “stand-up”. The issue of the comic situation that takes place in comedy shows is covered. Nonverbal means of creating the comic effect are characterized. The types of relations between verbal and nonverbal means of communication in the English stand-up comedy are also analyzed.  

Keywords: stand-up, joke, comic effect, nonverbal means. 

T. V. Pylypchuk, O. A. Liashchenko Non-verbal means of creating the comic effect in the English stand-up comedy 

O. V. Sakharova Language personality of the artist as a character of modern Ukrainian drama (plays by V.Gerasumchyk)

Abstract. The article offers analyses of language personality of drama  characters   – famous cultural figures of the world. On the basis of plays of modern Ukrainian playwright V. Gerasumchyk were analysed ways of modelling of personages of L. van Beetho- ven,  N.  Paganini,  G.Byron,  E.  Hemingway.  The  author  of  the  article  researches  priority  speech  genres,  concepts,  communicative models, language means of reproduction of the characters of outstanding people. 

Keywords:  modern Ukrainian drama, language personalities of the characters, speech genres, concepts, communicative models. 

O. V. Sakharova Language personality of the artist as a character of modern Ukrainian drama (plays by V.Gerasumchyk)

O. V. Shestakova Classification peculiarities of Korean two-syllable hanja-based linguistic terminology 

Abstract. The article reviews one of the topical issues of Korean linguistics, connected to classification of two-syllable lexeme of Chinese origin based on their word-formation type. The main challenges occur due to  the fact that all hanja-based syllables show a distinct root characteristics, while some of them also have characteristics of prefixes and suffixes. Analysis of data and theoretical material allows us to conclude that it is reasonable to classify two-syllable words of Chinese origin into separate group of compound words.   

Keywords: hanja-based morpheme, two-syllable hanja-based lexeme, derivatives, compound words. 

O. V. Shestakova Classification peculiarities of Korean two-syllable hanja-based linguistic terminology

A. A. Shulga Means of category of aspectuality іn the finnish language 

Abstract. The article considers grammatical and lexico-semantic means of expressing aspectuality in the Finnish language. The relation- ship between the concepts of “aspectuality” and “aspect”, which are not identical in Finnish functional grammar, has been clarified. The category of aspectuality in the Finnish language is to be established as a complex and multi-component structure both in terms of the meanings it actualises and in terms of the means of expression of these meanings. The main grammatical means of expressing the category of aspectuality is the case of an object that differentiates its basic meaning as boundary / non-boundlessness. Two types of aspectual situations actualised in the sentence level are identified: events and states. There are 5 aspectual classes of verbs in semantics: tripods (semantically convey states), electives (semantically denote inactive actions), terminatives (semantically express dynamic events), events (semantically express exact events) and actives (semantically objectify active actions). 

Keywords: aspectuality, aspect, aspectual situations, aspectual types, aspectual classes.   

A. A. Shulga Means of category of aspectuality іn the finnish language

O. Skliarenko Artistic text and its translation

Abstract. The given article reveals the problem of artistic texts translation. Peculiarities of the process have been highlighted and analyzed. It was stated that each translation is a creative process and must be marked by the translator’s individuality, but the main task of the translator is still to transmit the characteristic features of the original in translation, and to create an artistic and emotional impression adequate to the original, the translator must find the best language means: choose synonyms, appropriate artistic images. 

Keywords: translation, artistic text, translation peculiarities, author, author’s style.  

O. Skliarenko Artistic text and its translation 

Yu. S. Skrynnik Super-verbal components as discourse-forming medium for social roles 

Abstract. This paper examines the discourse-forming features of super-verbal communicative components proving that they are of high importance in the interaction process. The material for the research includes film scripts and fiction. This study shows that stereotypical commu- nication can be shown in a form of the scenario with the help of which speakers implement their social roles taking their stance and choosing the right verbal, non- and super-verbal components. The latter are often more expressive and helpful, therefore, the knowledge and appropriate use of a speaker’s non-verbal passport and super-verbals have their own place in communication leading to the successful interaction. The developed communicative approach to the analysis of super-verbals contributes to the development of the discourse analysis, sociolingustics and psycholinguistics. The article concludes by drawing potential perspectives of considering the intercultural factor and developing non- stereotypical communicative scenario. 

Keywords: discourse, non-verbal passport, scenario, social role, stance, super-verbals. 

Yu. S. Skrynnik Super-verbal components as discourse-forming medium for social roles 

I. Volosianko, I. Varvaruk Comparative psychological analysis of short stories of I. Franko («The jay’s wing») and S. Zweig («Letter from an unknown woman») in the context of E. Fromm’s philosophical concept 

Abstract. The article analyzes particular creative works of world-famous writers I. Franko («The Jay’s Wing») and S. Zweig («Letter from an Unknown Woman») at the level of narrative and compositional, psychological and visual systems. The psychological typology of female images of these works is studied through the prism of E. Fromm’s analytical concept of understanding the anthropology of love; the determinants of such modi as «possess», «be», «have» are clarified and their role in understanding female behavior and thinking is determined. 

Keywords: love, psychological type, manipulation, image, modi of «being», «possession». 

I. Volosianko, I. Varvaruk Comparative psychological analysis of short stories of I. Franko («The jay’s wing») and S. Zweig («Letter from an unknown woman») in the context of E. Fromm’s philosophical concept

O. Yarmak Pragmatics of the category of opposition in the Ukrainian advertising discourse of the XXI century 

Abstract. The article is devoted to pragmatic advertising Ukrainian discourse of the 21st century. The author finds that one of the most effective approach for creating pragmatic meanings in advertising discourse is the category of opposition, which realized in the form of concept-opposition. The paper illustrates the using of methods which verbalize of such concepts-oppositions as: authorial conceptual antonymy, transformation of literary phraseology into constant expressions of advertising discourse, syntactic opposition, metatext with the meaning of opposition (advertising campaign).  

Keywords: pragmatics, advertising discourse, category of opposition, concept-opposition, antonymy. 

O. Yarmak Pragmatics of the category of opposition in the Ukrainian advertising discourse of the XXI century