Science and Education a New Dimension

Online version ISSN 2308-1996

Printed version ISSN 2308-5258

Science and Education a New Dimension

Iss. 211. 2019.

N. V. Davydenko Latin socio-legal terminology in XVI-XVII centuries as a unique demonstration of unified legal system 

Abstract. This article considers the Latin socio-legal terminology in XVI-XVII centuries as a unique demonstration of unified legal system current for Ukrainian territories at that time. The legal situation that has developed in the territory of modern Ukraine in the 16th-17th  centuries  has  been  characterized  and  has  become  an  example  of  a  truly  unique  symbiosis  of  several  legal  systems  that coexisted within a single state. The role of the vocabulary of Latin as a material for forming the terminological base of all the legal systems at that time for different branches of law, its unifying role and versatility for expressing all the needs of law-making are also analyzed. 

Keywords: Latin social and legal terminology, law, document, Latin document, term, legal term, legal system. 

N. V. Davydenko Latin socio-legal terminology in XVI-XVII centuries as a unique demonstration of unified legal system

V. Dudin Linguistic Suggestion Through the Lens of Modern Arabic Political Discourse 

Abstract. With cognitive science and suggestion playing an increasingly crucial role in day-to-day life of modern society through political discourse and media it is important to grasp an understanding of the types of suggestive elements used in various environments. In this article we propose various ways of classifying said suggestive elements within the scope of modern Arabic political discourse based on the strength of their potential impact, the type of impact, the place of use. 

Keywords: Suggestion, Suggestive Elements, Political Discourse, Cognitive Linguistics.  

V. Dudin Linguistic Suggestion Through the Lens of Modern Arabic Political Discourse 

Y. Dzyadyk Tense Framework of Homogeneous Verbal Predicates in British Women’s Writing 

Abstract. In this article, contracted verb forms used in the texts of the British feminist literature are viewed. Particular attention  is devoted to the analysis of sentences which contain information about the actions that are interconnected and expressed by the Present Simple  Tense  and  the  Past  Simple  Tense.  The  described  actions  occur  simultaneously  or  follow  each  other  indicating  ‘reasonconsequence’ relations. Lexical indicators expand the sentences with contracted elements. The role of punctuation marks, especially commas, is described in the article, too. It is stated that structurally contracted verb forms are independent, though semantics of verbs brings them together to construct a sentence in general and a series of contracted verbs, in particular. Metric / chronological / relative predicates are highlighted in the paper. 

Keywords: syntax, sentence, taxis, structural and semantic features, aspect, grammaticalization, temporality. 

Y. Dzyadyk Tense Framework of Homogeneous Verbal Predicates in British Women’s Writing

Anar R. Guliyev Means of expression in the modern Persian advertising (based on slogans) 

Abstract. Slogan along with a brand name and logo are basic constants in any advertisement campaign. Slogan encapsulates the main idea of the  advertisement  message  which  motivates consumers to  buy the goods.  The  success of a  campaign largely depends on the impact of the slogan. This is why marketing people very often use various linguistic means of expression, especially tropes and rhetoric figures in order to enhance its effect. In the article the author analyzed tropes that were used to create imagery in the texts of 100 advertisement slogans in Persian in a variety of thematic groups. During the research we found that in this kind of activity the most frequently used means of expression consisted of epithet, comparison, metaphor, personification, and hyperbola. 

Keywords: Persian advertisements, slogans, means of expression, tropes. 

Anar R. Guliyev Means of expression in the modern Persian advertising (based on slogans) 

O. Hnatiuk Elements of biography in the works of V. Stefanyk and E. Caldwell 

Abstract. The article analyzes and compares biographical elements in literary works of V. Stefanyk and E. Caldwell. The attention is paid to studying short stories and peculiarities of biographical method, which reveals the connection between the authors’ personalities and their writing.  

Keywords: Biographical, peculiarity, method, impressions, grief, village.

O. Hnatiuk Elements of biography in the works of V. Stefanyk and E. Caldwell 

N. K. Kravchenk, A. I. Yudenko Communicative conventions and literary text: specifics of interplay 

Abstract. The paper examines the literary text from viewpoint of the author-reader communicative contexts. The strategies of politeness have been specified in the framework of different “face wishes” aimed either at preserving the author’s aesthetic autonomy or the reader’s positive face. The author’s autonomy may be threatening to the reader’s face and manifests itself by the author’s “indifference” toward the reader’s feelings and aesthetic, existential and other needs by exploring “questionable” topics, incomprehensible plots and techniques, too sophisticated stylistic, devices, etc. The reader’s positive face is maintained by taking into consideration the interests, feeling, values and knowledge of the author’s target audience. The level of responsivity to the reader’s wishes correlates with the author’s adherence to Cooperative Principle and the maxims of cooperation. 

Keywords: literary text, communicative context, strategies of politeness, “face wishes”, positive face, maxims of cooperation, face threatening. 

N. K. Kravchenk, A. I. Yudenko Communicative conventions and literary text: specifics of interplay 

E. V. Nikolaiesku Tendencies of the polysemy theory development (based on the French language) 

Abstract. The article highlights the development process of polysemy theory in the French language. Main approaches of domestic and foreign researchers studying the interpretation of polysemy in synchrony and diachrony have been determined. The directions and aspects of polysemy research and determination of its nature and place in the language system have been analyzed. The basic types of polysemy are considered, its features and ways of formation are researched. The semantic structure of a polysemantic word and a monosemantic word, methods of separation of distinct values of multivalued structure, types of values of polysemantic word are researched. The main differences between polysemic and monosemic units are stated. The basic terminology used by linguists to study the value of the polysemant is discovered, and enantiosemy is considered as a subcategory of polysemy. 

Keywords: polysemy, monosemy, homonymy, enantiosemy, semanteme, sememe, lexico-semantic variant, seme. 

E. V. Nikolaiesku Tendencies of the polysemy theory development (based on the French language) 

T. Pastushenko, I. Honta Color Component in Ethnophobic Terms Denoting East Asians and People of Muslim Confession (the case of non-standard American English) 

Abstract.  The  article  deals  with  ethnophobic  terms  used  in  non-standard  American  English  to  denote  East  Asians  and  people  of Muslim confession. Our research focus has been on the functions of color components in the semantics and structure of ethnophobic terms. The role of the color component in the formation of ethnicity-laden expressions is based on its semantic, pragmatic, and con- ceptual dimensions. The linguistic mechanism underlying the derivation of ethnophobic terms is revealed through the description of their structural and word-forming characteristics. In our investigation, account is taken of the extralinguistic factors in the formation of ethnicity-laden expressions, the issue of their political correctness and cautious use being of special importance. 

Keywords: ethnophobic terms, color component, non-standard language, metaphor, metonymy.   

T. Pastushenko, I. Honta Color Component in Ethnophobic Terms Denoting East Asians and People of Muslim Confession (the case of non-standard American English) 

D. V. Polhorodnyk Associative experiment in the study of the key concept IRELAND  

Abstract. The Anglo-Irish worldview was formed during the continuous linguistic and cultural interaction of autochthonous Celtic and imported  Anglo-Saxon  linguocultures.  The  prolonged  contact  influenced  the  formation of  a  new Anglo-Irish  linguoculture  with  a number of cultural keywords. It is determined that IRELAND is a key concept of the Anglophone worldview in Ireland. This concept has an extensive nomination system with two key names – Ireland and Eire. Free and directed associative experiments allow to identify important information regarding the emotional and evaluative plane of conceptualization. 

Keywords: key concept, Anglo-Irish linguoculture, free associative experiment, directed associative experiment, conceptual properties. 

D. V. Polhorodnyk Associative experiment in the study of the key concept IRELAND 

O. L. Rizhniak, V. V. Krasnoschok K. B. Karmazina The specifics of national bilingualism in a multilingual environment 

Abstract. The specifics of the national-Russian bilingualism in a multilingual environment. The article discusses the problems of teaching the linguistic cycle disciplines in medical universities, analyzes the features of national-Ukrainian bilingualism in a multilingual environment, offers some techniques for using such modern innovative teaching methods as different types of integration, information and computer technologies, rating assessment of students’ linguistic achievements.  

Keywords: bilingualism, bilingualism, diglossia, interference, integration, innovative teaching methods, computer translation. 

O. L. Rizhniak, V. V. Krasnoschok K. B. Karmazina The specifics of national bilingualism in a multilingual environment 

A. S. Shapoval Symbolism of phytonyms in Chinese and Turkish pictures of the world 

Abstract.  The  article  is  devoted  to  the  study  of  phytonyms  that  are  specific  to  Chinese  and  Turkish  pictures  of  the  world.  The analysis revealed that each phytonym has its own symbolic semantics. Drawing on studies of phytonymic symbolism, linguocultural concepts inherent in Chinese and Turkish worldviews have been identified. 

Keywords: linguistic picture of the world, phytonyms, concept, symbol. 

A. S. Shapoval Symbolism of phytonyms in Chinese and Turkish pictures of the world 

N. Slukhai, S. Slukhai, A. Flanagan Cognitive effects as a resource for analogous learning: founding principles of an associative-dissociative dictionary 

Abstract. Research of the cognitive potential of language and thought has called forth an interest in activating the resources of subconscious information processing done by the brain; using cognitive effects (cognitive bias) in an effort to impart knowledge has also been elevated in importance. Since the human thought processes and expressive speech are essentially based on analogy and intrinsically connected to cognitive effects, new principles of language learning are made feasible as associative-dissociative minimal dictionaries are created for kindred languages. This article maps out the basic premises for such a dictionary. 

Keywords: analogy thinking, associative-dissociative dictionary, cognitology, cognitive effect, foreign language learning. 

N. Slukhai, S. Slukhai, A. Flanagan Cognitive effects as a resource for analogous learning: founding principles of an associative-dissociative dictionary

K. Stepanenko Means of Transition between the Worlds (based on English and Ukrainian Fairy Tales) 

Abstract. The article gives a thorough explanation on the nature of the fairy tale, defines the notion of the fairy-tale worlds, and provides classification of the means of transition between the worlds of the English and Ukrainian fairy tales from the semiotic perspective. The means of the transition are classified as follows: mediator, magic helper, trigger. Mediators and magic helpers are also studied  from  the  semiotic  perspective  according  to  Ch.S.Pierce’s  classification  of  signs:  symbol,  index,  icon. 

Keywords: fairy tale, fairy tale world, semiotic approach, symbols, intermediaries, mediators, magic helpers, transition between the worlds.

K. Stepanenko Means of Transition between the Worlds (based on English and Ukrainian Fairy Tales) 

N. V. Vernyuk Affirmation of Psalms from Antiquity to the Present: Discourse and Their Being 

Abstract: The Psalter is a prayer book for the Church not only in her joyous occasions, but also in times of sorrow, such as during the funeral of the dead. The psalms were sung both in the homes of the dead and in the wires of the dead to the cemetery. Describing the funeral of St. Basil the Great, St. Gregory the Theologian says that his provost was chanted with the singing of psalms. St Gregory of Nyssy, recounting the death of his sister Macrina, describes her funeral: “The place where the dead body lay was filled with the sounds of psalms sung by virgins and their sobs. And when the singing of the psalms was celebrated at the dawn and the dawn of the dawn came, then many men and women gathered from all the neighboring cities, who interrupted their singing with their sobs. Singing these psalms over the body of the dead, the clergy created three choirs among themselves and accompanied the deathbed with the singing of the psalms to the temple; when they entered the temple, the singing of the psalms was replaced by a prayer, and then the psalms were sung again. ” 

Keywords: psalm, psalter, psalm, Old Testament, New Testament. 

N. V. Vernyuk Affirmation of Psalms from Antiquity to the Present: Discourse and Their Being 

K. Yakovliuk General overview on the development of linguistic innovations in terminology (based on the conceptual distinction between Semasiology and Onomasiology) 

Annotation. This article explores new words in terms of the difference between semasiology and onomasiology, that is the terminological distinction between looking at words only and looking at the sense relations that exist between words. The basic aim was to find out the most important sources and ways of shaping and introducing of new words in public life, to identify the role of new words in the language and their  functions  in  modern  English,  as  well  as  their  etymology,  history,  sound-structure,  and  some  formal  properties  of  English  word- formation rules.  

Keywords: lexical innovations, semasiology, onomasilogy, terminology standards, conceptual category; concept. 

K. Yakovliuk General overview on the development of linguistic innovations in terminology (based on the conceptual distinction between Semasiology and Onomasiology) 

T. Yefymenko Analysis of interference in the aspect of word compatibility 

Abstract.  The  article  deals  with  interference  in  the  aspect  of  word  compatibility,  causes  and  mechanism  of  its  occurrence,  its influence on communication. It is proposed to use transformations aimed at adequately conveying the content of the original, taking into  account  the  norms  of  the  language  of  translation.  The  article  analyzes  the  theoretical  principles  of  the  study  of  interference, clarifies  the  essence  of  the  concept  of  “interference”.  Classifications  of  general  linguistic  features  of  this  linguistic  phenomenon, study of its role and function are characterized. 

Keywords: interference, connectivity, bilingualism, language contact, grammatical transformation.  

T. Yefymenko Analysis of interference in the aspect of word compatibility 

O. O. Zhulavska Foreignizing and Domesticating Strategies in Ukrainian Translations of Synesthetic Metaphors (based on the fiction) 

Abstract.  The  article  aims  at  establishing  correlations  between  translation  strategies  (in  L.  Venuti’s  understanding)  and  methods  (in  P. Newmark’s interpretation) of English-Ukrainian translation of synesthetic metaphors in fiction. It claims that domesticating strategy rests on the semantic translation method (rendering the original contextual meaning with possible loss of some elements of the original), while for- eignizing strategy is grounded on the faithful translation method (rendering the original contextual meaning with possible violation of gram- matical norms). Neutral as to domesticating/foreignizing strategy correlates with the communicative translation method (rendering the author’s intentions).  

Keywords: domesticating strategy, foreignizing strategy, synesthetic metaphor, translation method. 

O. O. Zhulavska Foreignizing and Domesticating Strategies in Ukrainian Translations of Synesthetic Metaphors (based on the fiction)