Science and Education a New Dimension

Online version ISSN 2308-1996

Printed version ISSN 2308-5258

Science and Education a New Dimension

Iss. 191. 2019.

Т. М. Andreyeva The specifics of the Internet language: Capslock FB-comments 

Abstract.  This  article  examines  the  use  of  capslock  reception  by  the  authors  of  comments  on  posts  on  the  official  FB  page  of President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko, defines the parameters of the concept of “Internet commentary”, notes its important role as a new method of communication in shaping public opinion, shows the etymology of the name “capslock” (capslocization), reveals the essence of this linguistic concept, identifies its types, characterizes the role of those language units undergoing capslock. 


Keywords: Internet commentary, Internet communication, genre, capslock, intertextuality, neologism. 

Т. М. Andreyeva The specifics of the Internet language: Capslock FB-comments

K. V. Angelovska The novels of Thomas Hardy in foreign and Ukrainian literary criticism 

Abstract. The article examines the problems of the historiography of the novel works of Thomas Hardy in foreign and Ukrainian literary criticism. The social-psychological and stylistic aspects of the novels of Thomas Hardy and their genre-stylistic paradigm in the evaluation of literary critics are observed. The philosophical views and aesthetic principles of the English writer of the late XIX ‒ b. XX century were also found out. 


Keywords: literary-critical works, genre-forming, poetics of romance, candidate dissertations, psychologization, plot. 

K. V. Angelovska The novels of Thomas Hardy in foreign and Ukrainian literary criticism

M. M. Baranyak Causation: Logical, Philosophical and Linguistic Aspects 

Abstract. The article deals with the history of the origins of causation from logic and philosophy and dynamics of the development of  this  concept  in  modern  linguistics  from  antiquity  to  the  present  day.  Its  relevant  characteristics  are  illuminated  and  analyzed. Causation  as  a  linguistic  category,  adopts  from  the  corresponding  philosophical  category  of  causality  qualitative  features  of geneticity, temporal asymmetry  and irreversibility of relations between causative and caused states, yet  causation  differs  from the causality by  accentuating the direct realization of causal relationships in the language, that is,  their verbalization with the help of various lingual means. 


Keywords: causation, causality, causative state, caused state. 

M. M. Baranyak Causation: Logical, Philosophical and Linguistic Aspects

L. M. Dzhyhun The Motive of the City: Artistic Time in Memoir Literature 

Abstract. The artistic time in non-fictional literature has been characterized, which functions at all levels of the system of memoir creativity of the writers of Ukrainian diaspora, it gets the form of emotion-generating function, makes it possible for the writer to modify time-spatial coordinates, to extend time bounds or narrow them, consolidate, unlock, lock, symbolize the run of time, personify,  metaphorize,  slow  down  or  accelerate  minutes,  hours,  days,  years.  Memoir  non-fiction  prose  is  attributed  by  a  pronounced subjective motive, the writer turns to his memory, and then portrays a retrospective picture of the environment on paper. Recollection of the diaspora literature reproduces the organic unity of a man with the world, the environment and gives answers to those questions that were not fully studied, undocumented. Continuous structuring of the text allows us to reveal the author’s opinion in accordance with his life cycle, experience, captured important moment, which is interesting for science, history, future generation. A clear layout of  life  also  dictates  the  chronicler-memoirist  the  harmonious  compositional  scheme.  Each  author  works  in  a  trinity  “writer–text– reader”, and, therefore, seeks to adhere to the external order, which is automatically transferred to the pages of non-fiction prose. 


Keywords: prose, diaspora, genre, author, memoirs, time and space.  

L. M. Dzhyhun The Motive of the City: Artistic Time in Memoir Literature

M. Kh. Humennyi, V. Yu. Humenna Metaphoric of antiwar novels (A. Barbus, E. Remarque, O. Gonchar) 

Abstract. The article is devoted to the study of the metaphorical nature of A. Barbus, E. Remarque and O. Gonchar’s antiwar novels. The peculiarities of the individual style of each of the authors are found out and common and different in their image-expressive means is investi- gated. The specificity of several stylistic systems – realistic-naturalistic and realistic-romantic – is outlined in the article. 


Keywords: metaphorical, artistic system, figurative-emotional, polyvariance, lexical-semantic, artistic manner. 

M. Kh. Humennyi, V. Yu. Humenna Metaphoric of antiwar novels (A. Barbus, E. Remarque, O. Gonchar)

I. G. Lepetiuk The plays and role of speech genres in the structure of French novel of XVIII-XX s. 

Abstract. The research is based on the M. Bakhtin’s theory of speech genres, according to which speech communication, including artistic communication, is realized through a variety of genres of speech. The artistic text is considered as a secondary speech genre, which arises in the conditions of cultural communication and in the process of its formation absorbs a variety of primary genres. The article presents the results of investigation of the plays and role of speech genres in the structure of French novel of XVIII-XX s. It examines the evolution of this process, different forms of the presence of a great variety of speech genres in the novel as well as their functions. 


Keywords: discourse, speech genre, artistic communication, French novel, secondary speech genre, primary genre. 

I. G. Lepetiuk The plays and role of speech genres in the structure of French novel of XVIII-XX s.

V. Orlova Hashtagging as a communication strategy 

Abstract. The article considers the notion of hastagging in the paradigm of computer-mediated communication. The author refers to general classification of communication strategies to specify communicative role of hashtagging on social networking websites, i.e. Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. It is defined that users employ I-strategy for self-portraying and attracting attention to their per- sonal profiles, You-strategy for establishing contact with the audience, and We-strategy for creating sense of community. 


Keywords: communication strategy, hashtag, Internet, social networking. 

V. Orlova Hashtagging as a communication strategy 

N. L. Pavliuk, N. V. Iaremchuk Poetic paradigm of O. Henry’s novels «The Purple Dress» and «The Gifts of the Magi» 

Abstract.  The  poetic  peculiarities  of  O. Henry’s  novels  «The  Purple  Dress»  and  «The  Gifts  of  the  Magi»  are  investigated  in  the article. It is found out that the language of the author’s novels is full of various artistic means, in combination with a specific purely American  vocabulary.  Humor  and  sensitive  irony  determine  the  analyzed  works.  The  writer  skillfully  uses  them,  focusing  on  the humanistic feelings of short stories. The analyzed artistic means of the artist’s works – irony, comparison, coloring and tautology – play an important role in the emotional intonation of O. Henry’s novels «The Purple Dress» and «The Gifts of the Magi» and form the original author’s artistic style. 

Keywords: American novel, poetics, irony, tautology, comparison, coloring. 

N. L. Pavliuk, N. V. Iaremchuk Poetic paradigm of O. Henry’s novels «The Purple Dress» and «The Gifts of the Magi»

T. L. Poliakova, V. V. Samarina Traditional and digital genres – problems and prospects of research 

Abstract. The article focuses on the theoretical issues of studying the genre system of the language. The problems of choosing a term for typical forms of literary works (genres); a term for a crop of speech acts (speech genres) as well as terms for texts in Internet- communication  (digital  genres  and  Internet-genres)  are  analyzed.  The  issues  of  the  development  of  digital  genres  classifications, based on different criteria, are considered. The most common of these criteria are  the concept of the author and the addressee, the theme and purpose of the statement, the place and time of communication, the linguistic representation of the genre, etc. One of the most convenient classifications of digital genres is the one based on the criterion of technology influence. 


Keywords: genre system, literary genres, speech genres, digital genres, classification parameters.

T. L. Poliakova, V. V. Samarina Traditional and digital genres – problems and prospects of research 

A. S. Polishchuk (Shadchina) Conceptual Gorgias’ metaphor “rhetoric as magic” and its evolution in the Classical and Hellinistic rhetorical treatises 

Abstract. This study examines a series of medico-magic metaphors used in Gorgias’ “Encomium to Helen”, in order to find out how the supposed public assessment of magic at that time could affect the interpretation of the rhetorical phenomena to which these metaphors were applied. The goal foresees the solution of a number of tasks: finding ideological and intertextual sources for the Gorgias’ medical and  magical  metaphors  in  the  previous  literary  tradition;  frame  modeling  of  the  concept  of  “magic”  and  its  metaphorical  referent “rhetoric / manipulation”; conducting a comparative analysis of the connotations of the “magical” conceptosphere at various stages of the Greek culture. 


Keywords: metaphor, magic, rhetoric, manipulation, psychosomatics, Gorgias. 

A. S. Polishchuk (Shadchina) Conceptual Gorgias’ metaphor “rhetoric as magic” and its evolution in the Classical and Hellinistic rhetorical treatises

T. V. Pylypchuk The history of stand-up’s origin and its popularity in the West 

Abstract. The article is devoted to stand-up as a genre of comic discourse. It considers the notion “stand-up” and analyzes the history of its appearance. Vaudeville and variety from which stand-up originates are characterized. The article also examines the popularity of such comedy actors as Ahmed Ahmed, Maz Jobrani, Dean Obeidalah, and Russell Peters. 


Keywords: stand up, vaudeville, variety, alternative comedy, comic discourse, joke. 

T. V. Pylypchuk The history of stand-up’s origin and its popularity in the West 

Y. Shcherbakov Mystical motives and сhronotope in xiaoshuo novel 

Abstract. The purpose of the article is to study Chinese xiaoshuo novel’s genesis and history, the place of the xiaoshuo story in the structure of China’s national literary achievement, the chronotope and the main mystic motives in Chinese early medieval short novel xiaoshuo,  including  Taoism  and  Chinese  Buddhism  influence.  The  key attention is focused on hronotope analysis and structural analysis of the plot, time, space, characters and symbols in the Buddhist short novel’s xiaoshuo. In mystical novel xiaoshuo the structure of сhronotope usualy is considered of the two big part, the “hronotope of Reality” and the “Hronotope of the Heaven”, the moment of the two part of chronotope contact is the key mystical motive realization moment in the xiaoshuo fabula. 


Keywords: xiaoshuo, Buddhism, Taoism, mystic, hronotope. 

Y. Shcherbakov Mystical motives and сhronotope in xiaoshuo novel 

O. A. Shkamarda Linguistic Marking of Interactionality of Stance in the English Blog Discourse 

Abstract. The present article approaches the notion of stance as an interactive and dynamic discursive phenomenon that is constructed in the process of communication through a sequence of contributions by stance-takers. The linguistic resources (lexical, grammatical and stylistic) which the speakers have at their disposal for articulating their stances have been examined and classified according to their social and pragmatic potential. The material of the research is based on the online written messages taken from the popular American blogs. 


Keywords: stance, stancetaking, interactionality, blog, discourse.  

O. A. Shkamarda Linguistic Marking of Interactionality of Stance in the English Blog Discourse 

O. M. Zaikovska Developing Professional Competence of ELT by Use of Canadian Postmodern Novel 

Abstract. This article deals with the developing of professional competence of ELT. The article aims to expose the role of contemporary  Canadian  fiction,  particularly  Canadian  postmodern  novel  while  teaching  English.  The  author  claims  that  mastering  national concepts as elements of cultural competence by the use of contemporary Canadian novel promotes effective foreign language learning. 


Keywords: professional competence, Canadian postmodern novel. 

O. M. Zaikovska Developing Professional Competence of ELT by Use of Canadian Postmodern Novel